This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 22: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch22 - Have The Will But Not The Means

In three days, all of the students of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School knew that Li Cheng, Class 2-13’s school tyrant, was raising a lil’ duck! 

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The school had specifically prohibited the students from keeping pets, but school rules were virtually non-existent for Li Cheng. The principal was partial to him thus even if he raised a flock of geese, the school would even build a goose pen just for him.

The most surprised by this lil duck’s appearance was no other than its former owner, Huang Yelun.



Huang Yelun asked, “Li ge, I’m the one who bought the duck egg so why does it recognise you as its father?”

It felt as if he was the protagonist of a novel who had spared no effort to subdue a pet but as a result, the pet recognised another master. It was needless to say how upset he became. 

Li Cheng couldn’t answer for a while. Obviously he couldn’t say that he and Xiao Yiheng had seen everything since they had been hiding inside the locker and that after they came out of the locker, they happened to come upon the duck that had just broken out of its shell. Thus he could only ambiguously reply, “You have the nerve to ask me? I went to the swimming pool to take some things and your locker door wasn’t closed so I went to have a look at it and ended up having this lil’ thing following me around.”


Huang Yelun scratched his head, feeling that there were some discrepancies in Li Cheng’s words, “But……”

“No buts.” Li Cheng hurriedly diverted the topic, “I’ll transfer the money you used to buy the duck to your account. You can use it to buy lipsticks, skirts and whatnots for your girlfriend. Girls like these things.”

“Alright!” Sure enough, Huang Yelun was tricked by him. He started thinking about what gifts to buy to make his girlfriend happy after getting the duck’s ransom. He had chosen the wrong gift last time thus he couldn’t afford another mistake this time.


……Eh, that’s strange. I haven’t told anyone that I’ve got a girlfriend though? How did Li ge know?


The lil’ duck had just been born. It had not fully developed hence it must be looked after all the time. Li Cheng wrapped the duckling with a long scarf and he placed it against his chest. While Li Cheng was having class, the lil’ duck would sleep with its head drooping down. When it woke up, it would open its beak, asking Li Cheng for something to eat.

How could a first-time dad like Li Cheng know about what to feed ducks with? He asked the cafeteria aunty for some green vegetables, leaves, fish heads, fish tails and anything that he could feed the ducks. However, lil’ lemon was a picky eater. Like a daughter of an affluent family who had been pampered and spoiled since young, lil’ lemon would slowly pick and choose what to eat. 

Xiao Yiheng couldn’t stand it any longer so he asked someone to buy food specially for ducks which was a mixture of dried fruits and vegetables, dried shrimp, coarse grains and other nutritious things. Lil’ lemon immersed itself in eating and finally became fatter.

The duckling’s fur still had not gone so it couldn’t come into contact with water. However, ducks had an innate affinity for water. Li Cheng brought it to the swimming pool for his training and placed it at the sidelines. It obediently lay there, watching Li Cheng swimming in the water.

The other team members wanted to play with the duckling but lil’ lemon had an extremely bad temper and would bite anyone who touched it. It bit people so hard that it nearly pulled off someone’s swim trunks.

“Pets truly take after their owners.” One of the members sorrowfully said, “Li ge’s duck looks so beautiful but it has the exact same nasty temper. If people didn’t know better, they’d think that Li ge actually gave birth to it.” 

Fortunately, Li Cheng didn’t hear these words. If he had heard them, they would not be able to get out of the water today.

Li Cheng swam for a kilometre to warm up. His estrus was now starting so he was not in good condition. His body felt weak and his limbs felt soft. What embarrassed him the most was that when the alphas in their team went near him, his gland would become burning hot and swollen out of his control.

This was a physiological instinct of an omega, urging him to choose a partner as soon as possible.


Li Cheng looked at the alphas surrounding him. One moment he felt that their appearances were unsightly, another moment he felt that their actions were boorish and another moment he felt that their pheromones were too smelly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

At this time, he had not noticed that in fact, he already had a candidate in his mind. He often compared the other alphas with the candidate in his mind. Naturally if he were to choose which one he preferred, they couldn’t be compared to that person.


“Li ge!” Huang Yelun swam over, “The coach is asking you to go to his office.”

Li Cheng wiped the droplets of water on his face and asked, “Did the coach say anything?” 

“He didn’t,” Huang Yelun scratched his chin, “but the coach’s expression was grim so I feel like it’s not something good.”

Li Cheng: “……”

He placed his hands on the edge of the swimming pool and leapt up with the help of the buoyancy of the water. Droplets of water fell off from his body, hitting the ground and splashing all around.

The tight-fitting competition swim trunks were wrapped around his toned legs and his perky butt caused the material to form a beautiful curve. 

His wheat-coloured skin was exuding a healthy glow. He shook the droplets of water from his hair and took a bath towel from one of his lil’ bro to wrap around his body.

The other team members couldn’t help but let out a regretful sigh when the towel covered such a beautiful ‘scenery’.

Li Cheng didn’t make an effort to guess what the group of people whom he had defeated before were thinking.

He unthinkingly brought the towel close to his nose and sniffed. 

Sure enough, in addition to the familiar smell of shampoo and shower gel, there was also the serene and elegant smell of an alpine cedar.

As if he was electrocuted, Li Cheng suddenly threw the towel back to his attendant lil’ bro.

“Wash this towel for me.” Li Cheng gnashed his teeth as he ordered, “Put a lot of detergent and scrub it vigorously!”

After throwing this sentence, he speedily left with his head held high. 

However, only he knew that his gland was already scalding hot and terribly swollen.


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Not long after Li Cheng left, the swimming team welcomed an exceptionally rare ‘guest’.

Xiao Yiheng pushed open the door of the natatorium and the smell of disinfectant assailed his nostrils, causing him to knit his brows in discomfort. 

He cast his gaze to the swimming pool, trying to find a familiar figure. He looked and looked but only found five burly alphas and betas training; he didn’t see the tyrant beauty he was looking for.

He was just about to quietly leave when the lil’ duck who was supervising the others’ swimming at the shore saw him and immediately stood up and quickly ran towards him with its webbed feet that looked like a cattail leaf fan.


When it quacked, it instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the swimming pool thus everyone discovered that their school’s renowned alpha Xiao Yiheng had actually visited.

But what was he here for? 

Huang Yelun swam to the side of the pool and asked him, “Xiao… Ahem, Senior Xiao, why are you here?”

Xiao Yiheng pursed his lips, walked to the side of the pool and looked down at him.

Huang Yelun’s skin glistened under the water and Yiheng found it quite unsightly.

Xiao Yiheng got right to the point, “Where’s Li Cheng?” 

Huang Yelun’s small mind was filled with big question marks, “Uh, Li ge had been called by the coach.” He paused for a while but was unable to stop his curiosity so he asked in a whisper, “What’s your relationship with Li ge? Why are you looking for him?”

Huang Yelun was truly driven mad with curiosity! Li Cheng had been cursing Xiao Yiheng’s name while kicking the buoy balls not long ago and Xiao Yiheng actually came to look for Li Cheng today! What is their relationship?

Xiao Yiheng didn’t answer his question. Because strictly speaking, Xiao Yiheng didn’t know how to explain his relationship with Li Cheng.

They fought fiercely so they were not friends that treat one another with absolute sincerity; They hid inside a locker together so they also weren’t enemies who were always at loggerheads with each other. 

At that moment, the lil’ duck flapped its wings and landed next to Xiao Yiheng’s feet⸺Then it opened its beak and grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s shoelace.

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Feeling helpless, he bent down to pick up the naughty lil’ guy.

Huang Yelun cried out in fear, “Wait, wait! Don’t touch it, it bites⸺” 

Before he could finish his sentence, Xiao Yiheng had already placed the lil’ duck atop his palm. The ball of soft, yellow fur obediently lay on the boy’s palm. Its neck drooped downwards as it ingratiatingly rubbed its beak against Yiheng’s wrist.

Huang Yelun: ?

Other members who had been bitten: ???

Xiao Yiheng adeptly took the lil’ lemon into his arms. His face was expressionless but his actions were very gentle. 

Xiao Yiheng looked at Huang Yelun, “What were you saying?”

Huang Yelun: “Uh… It- It bites people.”


Xiao Yiheng flicked the duck’s beak with his other hand, “Naughty kid, you actually bit people?”

Lil’ lemon tilted its head and blinked its black eyes before letting out an innocent-sounding quack which was simply too adorable. 

Xiao Yiheng looked at Huang Yelun for the third time, “Lil’ lemon said that it had not bitten people.”

Huang Yelun: “……”

Fine, if it says that it doesn’t bite then it doesn’t bite.

Huang Yelun was filled with curiosity, wondering why Li ge’s duckling was so close to Xiao Yiheng. It can’t be that the duckling saw both of them when it had just broken out of its shell, right?! That’s too absurd. 

The main reason why Xiao Yiheng visited the natatorium was to give lil’ lemon’s food⸺and see Li Cheng ‘while he was at it’.

Since Li Cheng wasn’t there, he didn’t intent to stay for too long.

Xiao Yiheng played with lil’ lemon for a while and left after leaving a seawater fish that was longer than its body.

Lil’ lemon thoughtlessly pecked the fish’s head, body and tail. 

Oh… Can’t peck anymore. I still have plenty of will but not the means ya.


Inside Coach Wu’s office, there were stacks and stacks of items used for training. Group photos of the swimming team over the past few years hung on the wall. In the center was a photo of Wu Xu and Li Cheng together. Li Cheng was smaller and younger in the photo and his hair was still not blonde.

This photo was taken when he had won a prize in a professional competition for the first time. He held the trophy in one hand and made a big V sign with the other as he smiled widely. Coach Wu stood beside him with a serious face. This old fellow had always looked fierce but in fact he cared about Li Cheng, his dear protégé, more than anyone else. 

“Li Cheng!” Wu Xu slammed the table causing the cup on the table to clink noisily, “I had given you several days to find an alpha. Have you found one?!”

“Ha⸺ven’t⸺” Li Cheng picked his ears as he drawled his words.

Wu Xu angrily scolded him, “Don’t you realise how urgent the situation is? You insisted on participating in the competition but it’s you who is not putting in the effort! Your estrus is nearing yet you’re still not doing what should be done and instead is running around playing with ducks!”

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Li Cheng was dumbstruck and unable to reply, “Uh…” 

Wu Xu: “If you actually went outside and found me a duck that could talk human, I’d respect you as an awesome omega! But now, you’ve only found a duck that only knows how to quack! You’re deliberately infuriating me and my wife!”

Li Cheng immediately waved his hand and grumbled, “Old Wu, can you keep your voice down? Lil’ lemon has good hearing so it’d hear you if you shout this loud!”


Wu Xu: “……” Hah! It even has a name, so maddening.

He took a few deep breaths and told himself that he must not be angry. This was the protégé that he had chosen. Even scoundrels can’t return goods! 

Li Cheng was actually very worried but alphas were real people. It wasn’t as if they’d fall from the sky if he wanted one. If he couldn’t find an alpha to help him before the start of the competition, that meant that he would have to forego the competition.

Seeing that the time for the preliminary round was approaching, he couldn’t vent out the worries in his heart so he could only admire the duck twice as often to ease his anxiety.

Seeing that the coach was also anxious for him, Li Cheng asked: “Is this the reason you were looking for me?”

Wu Xu said angrily: “It’s not me. It’s my wife who is looking for you⸺She saw that you were wasting so many days without looking for a suitable alpha so used her connections to introduce a reliable alpha.” 

Li Cheng: “……?”

Wu Xu: “I’ve seen the alpha. His pheromone level is considered to be quite high for an alpha. His personality is quite good and could keep his mouth shut. It’s just a temporary mark. He wouldn’t gossip about your unusual gland. He’s a doctor so he’s used to seeing bodies. You don’t need to feel embarrassed. Go and see him this weekend. If he’s suitable, then don’t delay the matter any longer.”

To put it bluntly, Doctor Wang had arranged a ‘human inhibitor’ to help Li Cheng through this estrus.

However, Li Cheng felt uncomfortable. To meet up with an alpha that I have never met before and to have him take a bite of my gland if he’s suitable, doesn’t that sound like a blind date? 

He was only seventeen years old. Shotgun puppy love wasn’t enough, he even had to go for a blind date?

“Blind date? This is not a blind date.” Wu Xu ruthlessly shattered his illusion, “Do you think that temporary marking is easy for an alpha? He doesn’t only need to casually bite you. He needs to inject the pheromone into your body to help you suppress your estrus. Don’t you like to read wuxia novels? It’s like you’re having a qigong deviation and you have to ask a powerful hero to help you restore your meridians. It requires a lot of work! Therefore, you have to pay a commission fee.”

“……” It was only then that Li Cheng discovered that he needed to pay for it. He agonisingly asked, “How much?”

Wu Xu replied, “With three zeroes at the back.” 

Li Cheng looked at his fingers in shock and slowly but resonantly cursed out.

He would be bitten by an alpha he had never met yet he would have to pay a commission fee?

Wouldn’t it be better to use that amount of money to buy fish for his ducky???

Ch22 - Have The Will But Not The Means

In three days, all of the students of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School knew that Li Cheng, Class 2-13’s school tyrant, was raising a lil’ duck! 

The school had specifically prohibited the students from keeping pets, but school rules were virtually non-existent for Li Cheng. The principal was partial to him thus even if he raised a flock of geese, the school would even build a goose pen just for him.

The most surprised by this lil duck’s appearance was no other than its former owner, Huang Yelun.



Huang Yelun asked, “Li ge, I’m the one who bought the duck egg so why does it recognise you as its father?”

It felt as if he was the protagonist of a novel who had spared no effort to subdue a pet but as a result, the pet recognised another master. It was needless to say how upset he became. 

Li Cheng couldn’t answer for a while. Obviously he couldn’t say that he and Xiao Yiheng had seen everything since they had been hiding inside the locker and that after they came out of the locker, they happened to come upon the duck that had just broken out of its shell. Thus he could only ambiguously reply, “You have the nerve to ask me? I went to the swimming pool to take some things and your locker door wasn’t closed so I went to have a look at it and ended up having this lil’ thing following me around.”


Huang Yelun scratched his head, feeling that there were some discrepancies in Li Cheng’s words, “But……”

“No buts.” Li Cheng hurriedly diverted the topic, “I’ll transfer the money you used to buy the duck to your account. You can use it to buy lipsticks, skirts and whatnots for your girlfriend. Girls like these things.”

“Alright!” Sure enough, Huang Yelun was tricked by him. He started thinking about what gifts to buy to make his girlfriend happy after getting the duck’s ransom. He had chosen the wrong gift last time thus he couldn’t afford another mistake this time.


……Eh, that’s strange. I haven’t told anyone that I’ve got a girlfriend though? How did Li ge know?


The lil’ duck had just been born. It had not fully developed hence it must be looked after all the time. Li Cheng wrapped the duckling with a long scarf and he placed it against his chest. While Li Cheng was having class, the lil’ duck would sleep with its head drooping down. When it woke up, it would open its beak, asking Li Cheng for something to eat.

How could a first-time dad like Li Cheng know about what to feed ducks with? He asked the cafeteria aunty for some green vegetables, leaves, fish heads, fish tails and anything that he could feed the ducks. However, lil’ lemon was a picky eater. Like a daughter of an affluent family who had been pampered and spoiled since young, lil’ lemon would slowly pick and choose what to eat. 

Xiao Yiheng couldn’t stand it any longer so he asked someone to buy food specially for ducks which was a mixture of dried fruits and vegetables, dried shrimp, coarse grains and other nutritious things. Lil’ lemon immersed itself in eating and finally became fatter.

The duckling’s fur still had not gone so it couldn’t come into contact with water. However, ducks had an innate affinity for water. Li Cheng brought it to the swimming pool for his training and placed it at the sidelines. It obediently lay there, watching Li Cheng swimming in the water.

The other team members wanted to play with the duckling but lil’ lemon had an extremely bad temper and would bite anyone who touched it. It bit people so hard that it nearly pulled off someone’s swim trunks.

“Pets truly take after their owners.” One of the members sorrowfully said, “Li ge’s duck looks so beautiful but it has the exact same nasty temper. If people didn’t know better, they’d think that Li ge actually gave birth to it.” 

Fortunately, Li Cheng didn’t hear these words. If he had heard them, they would not be able to get out of the water today.

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Li Cheng swam for a kilometre to warm up. His estrus was now starting so he was not in good condition. His body felt weak and his limbs felt soft. What embarrassed him the most was that when the alphas in their team went near him, his gland would become burning hot and swollen out of his control.

This was a physiological instinct of an omega, urging him to choose a partner as soon as possible.


Li Cheng looked at the alphas surrounding him. One moment he felt that their appearances were unsightly, another moment he felt that their actions were boorish and another moment he felt that their pheromones were too smelly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

At this time, he had not noticed that in fact, he already had a candidate in his mind. He often compared the other alphas with the candidate in his mind. Naturally if he were to choose which one he preferred, they couldn’t be compared to that person.


“Li ge!” Huang Yelun swam over, “The coach is asking you to go to his office.”

Li Cheng wiped the droplets of water on his face and asked, “Did the coach say anything?” 

“He didn’t,” Huang Yelun scratched his chin, “but the coach’s expression was grim so I feel like it’s not something good.”

Li Cheng: “……”

He placed his hands on the edge of the swimming pool and leapt up with the help of the buoyancy of the water. Droplets of water fell off from his body, hitting the ground and splashing all around.

The tight-fitting competition swim trunks were wrapped around his toned legs and his perky butt caused the material to form a beautiful curve. 

His wheat-coloured skin was exuding a healthy glow. He shook the droplets of water from his hair and took a bath towel from one of his lil’ bro to wrap around his body.

The other team members couldn’t help but let out a regretful sigh when the towel covered such a beautiful ‘scenery’.

Li Cheng didn’t make an effort to guess what the group of people whom he had defeated before were thinking.

He unthinkingly brought the towel close to his nose and sniffed. 

Sure enough, in addition to the familiar smell of shampoo and shower gel, there was also the serene and elegant smell of an alpine cedar.

As if he was electrocuted, Li Cheng suddenly threw the towel back to his attendant lil’ bro.

“Wash this towel for me.” Li Cheng gnashed his teeth as he ordered, “Put a lot of detergent and scrub it vigorously!”

After throwing this sentence, he speedily left with his head held high. 

However, only he knew that his gland was already scalding hot and terribly swollen.


Not long after Li Cheng left, the swimming team welcomed an exceptionally rare ‘guest’.

Xiao Yiheng pushed open the door of the natatorium and the smell of disinfectant assailed his nostrils, causing him to knit his brows in discomfort. 

He cast his gaze to the swimming pool, trying to find a familiar figure. He looked and looked but only found five burly alphas and betas training; he didn’t see the tyrant beauty he was looking for.

He was just about to quietly leave when the lil’ duck who was supervising the others’ swimming at the shore saw him and immediately stood up and quickly ran towards him with its webbed feet that looked like a cattail leaf fan.


When it quacked, it instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the swimming pool thus everyone discovered that their school’s renowned alpha Xiao Yiheng had actually visited.

But what was he here for? 

Huang Yelun swam to the side of the pool and asked him, “Xiao… Ahem, Senior Xiao, why are you here?”

Xiao Yiheng pursed his lips, walked to the side of the pool and looked down at him.

Huang Yelun’s skin glistened under the water and Yiheng found it quite unsightly.

Xiao Yiheng got right to the point, “Where’s Li Cheng?” 

Huang Yelun’s small mind was filled with big question marks, “Uh, Li ge had been called by the coach.” He paused for a while but was unable to stop his curiosity so he asked in a whisper, “What’s your relationship with Li ge? Why are you looking for him?”

Huang Yelun was truly driven mad with curiosity! Li Cheng had been cursing Xiao Yiheng’s name while kicking the buoy balls not long ago and Xiao Yiheng actually came to look for Li Cheng today! What is their relationship?

Xiao Yiheng didn’t answer his question. Because strictly speaking, Xiao Yiheng didn’t know how to explain his relationship with Li Cheng.

They fought fiercely so they were not friends that treat one another with absolute sincerity; They hid inside a locker together so they also weren’t enemies who were always at loggerheads with each other. 

At that moment, the lil’ duck flapped its wings and landed next to Xiao Yiheng’s feet⸺Then it opened its beak and grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s shoelace.

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Feeling helpless, he bent down to pick up the naughty lil’ guy.

Huang Yelun cried out in fear, “Wait, wait! Don’t touch it, it bites⸺” 

Before he could finish his sentence, Xiao Yiheng had already placed the lil’ duck atop his palm. The ball of soft, yellow fur obediently lay on the boy’s palm. Its neck drooped downwards as it ingratiatingly rubbed its beak against Yiheng’s wrist.

Huang Yelun: ?

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Other members who had been bitten: ???

Xiao Yiheng adeptly took the lil’ lemon into his arms. His face was expressionless but his actions were very gentle. 

Xiao Yiheng looked at Huang Yelun, “What were you saying?”

Huang Yelun: “Uh… It- It bites people.”


Xiao Yiheng flicked the duck’s beak with his other hand, “Naughty kid, you actually bit people?”

Lil’ lemon tilted its head and blinked its black eyes before letting out an innocent-sounding quack which was simply too adorable. 

Xiao Yiheng looked at Huang Yelun for the third time, “Lil’ lemon said that it had not bitten people.”

Huang Yelun: “……”

Fine, if it says that it doesn’t bite then it doesn’t bite.

Huang Yelun was filled with curiosity, wondering why Li ge’s duckling was so close to Xiao Yiheng. It can’t be that the duckling saw both of them when it had just broken out of its shell, right?! That’s too absurd. 

The main reason why Xiao Yiheng visited the natatorium was to give lil’ lemon’s food⸺and see Li Cheng ‘while he was at it’.

Since Li Cheng wasn’t there, he didn’t intent to stay for too long.

Xiao Yiheng played with lil’ lemon for a while and left after leaving a seawater fish that was longer than its body.

Lil’ lemon thoughtlessly pecked the fish’s head, body and tail. 

Oh… Can’t peck anymore. I still have plenty of will but not the means ya.


Inside Coach Wu’s office, there were stacks and stacks of items used for training. Group photos of the swimming team over the past few years hung on the wall. In the center was a photo of Wu Xu and Li Cheng together. Li Cheng was smaller and younger in the photo and his hair was still not blonde.

This photo was taken when he had won a prize in a professional competition for the first time. He held the trophy in one hand and made a big V sign with the other as he smiled widely. Coach Wu stood beside him with a serious face. This old fellow had always looked fierce but in fact he cared about Li Cheng, his dear protégé, more than anyone else. 

“Li Cheng!” Wu Xu slammed the table causing the cup on the table to clink noisily, “I had given you several days to find an alpha. Have you found one?!”

“Ha⸺ven’t⸺” Li Cheng picked his ears as he drawled his words.

Wu Xu angrily scolded him, “Don’t you realise how urgent the situation is? You insisted on participating in the competition but it’s you who is not putting in the effort! Your estrus is nearing yet you’re still not doing what should be done and instead is running around playing with ducks!”

Li Cheng was dumbstruck and unable to reply, “Uh…” 

Wu Xu: “If you actually went outside and found me a duck that could talk human, I’d respect you as an awesome omega! But now, you’ve only found a duck that only knows how to quack! You’re deliberately infuriating me and my wife!”

Li Cheng immediately waved his hand and grumbled, “Old Wu, can you keep your voice down? Lil’ lemon has good hearing so it’d hear you if you shout this loud!”


Wu Xu: “……” Hah! It even has a name, so maddening.

He took a few deep breaths and told himself that he must not be angry. This was the protégé that he had chosen. Even scoundrels can’t return goods! 

Li Cheng was actually very worried but alphas were real people. It wasn’t as if they’d fall from the sky if he wanted one. If he couldn’t find an alpha to help him before the start of the competition, that meant that he would have to forego the competition.

Seeing that the time for the preliminary round was approaching, he couldn’t vent out the worries in his heart so he could only admire the duck twice as often to ease his anxiety.

Seeing that the coach was also anxious for him, Li Cheng asked: “Is this the reason you were looking for me?”

Wu Xu said angrily: “It’s not me. It’s my wife who is looking for you⸺She saw that you were wasting so many days without looking for a suitable alpha so used her connections to introduce a reliable alpha.” 

Li Cheng: “……?”

Wu Xu: “I’ve seen the alpha. His pheromone level is considered to be quite high for an alpha. His personality is quite good and could keep his mouth shut. It’s just a temporary mark. He wouldn’t gossip about your unusual gland. He’s a doctor so he’s used to seeing bodies. You don’t need to feel embarrassed. Go and see him this weekend. If he’s suitable, then don’t delay the matter any longer.”

To put it bluntly, Doctor Wang had arranged a ‘human inhibitor’ to help Li Cheng through this estrus.

However, Li Cheng felt uncomfortable. To meet up with an alpha that I have never met before and to have him take a bite of my gland if he’s suitable, doesn’t that sound like a blind date? 

He was only seventeen years old. Shotgun puppy love wasn’t enough, he even had to go for a blind date?

“Blind date? This is not a blind date.” Wu Xu ruthlessly shattered his illusion, “Do you think that temporary marking is easy for an alpha? He doesn’t only need to casually bite you. He needs to inject the pheromone into your body to help you suppress your estrus. Don’t you like to read wuxia novels? It’s like you’re having a qigong deviation and you have to ask a powerful hero to help you restore your meridians. It requires a lot of work! Therefore, you have to pay a commission fee.”

“……” It was only then that Li Cheng discovered that he needed to pay for it. He agonisingly asked, “How much?”

Wu Xu replied, “With three zeroes at the back.” 

Li Cheng looked at his fingers in shock and slowly but resonantly cursed out.

He would be bitten by an alpha he had never met yet he would have to pay a commission fee?

Wouldn’t it be better to use that amount of money to buy fish for his ducky???

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