This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 23: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch23 - Catching Adultery

Sometimes Li Cheng truly couldn’t understand. Why did he differentiate into an omega? 

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Because he was an omega, he suffered from discrimination in the swimming world. He had to work several times harder than alphas and betas in order to succeed.

Because he was an omega, he would go into estrus every six months. The estrus would cause him to have mood swings and he would always be irritated. It even affected his performance in the swimming race.




Because he was an omega, he actually needed to pay a four-digit sum to hire an alpha to bite him!!!

What the hell is this?? 

Li Cheng was extremely unwilling to fulfill the arrangements the coach and his wife had made. However, his gland was becoming too hot recently and he nearly lost when he was competing with the other team members. Faced with such a harsh reality, Li Cheng finally gave in.



The dorm was empty during Saturdays so Li Cheng was alone.

His roommates could go back home to reunite with their relatives on the weekends but he didn’t have a home so he could only treat the dorm as his home. However, he was fine with it. There was water, electricity and Wi-Fi in the dorms. Those were enough for him to spend the weekends on his lonesome.


The cabinet in the dorm was not big. His crumpled clothes for all seasons were piled up like a stack of pickled cabbage.

He tried to find clothes through the pickles and found a fairly clean T-shirt and jeans.

He shook the clothes and wore them.

The boy in the mirror was tall and slender. His arms that were hidden underneath his T-shirt were well-toned. Anyone who looked at him would agree that he’s beautiful. Li Cheng’s hair had grown a little recently thus a few centimetres of black hair roots could be seen, looking like a growing mushroom. He styled his hair with hair gel but the more he tried to style it, the messier it got hence he had no choice but to tie the top part with a hair tie into a ponytail. 

Thinking of the alpha whom he had never met before but wanted to help him inhibit his estrus, Li Cheng felt weird. He somewhat looked forward to it but he also somewhat felt conflicted.

As he was dressing up, lil’ Lemon obediently lay at its nest and looked at him with a tilted head. Li Cheng wanted to leave it in the dorm but was worried that it would run all over the place. Hence after thinking about it, he picked it up into his arms.

Fortunately his t-shirt had a pocket to carry it.

Lil’ lemon, who was wearing a special diaper for ducks, poked its tiny head out of his pocket to look at the scenery. 


“Lil’ lemon,” Li Cheng worriedly admired the duck, “Dad is going to take you to a ‘paid blind date’.”


The meeting place had been chosen by the alpha, which happened to be the fried chicken restaurant at the food street that Li Cheng was most familiar with. 

Hu ge, who was responsible for handing out flyers at the door, was surprised and ecstatic when he saw him, “Li ge! Were you busy recently? You had not come to eat chicken for several days!”

Really good at touching a sore spot, Li Cheng’s face darkened and he gloomily said, “It’s not that I didn’t want to come out. It was because Xiao Yiheng won’t let me.”


The secret passage he had been using to leave the school had been reported by Xiao Yiheng that bastard. The school’s security guard immediately took action by taking his ladder, placing barbed wires and installing surveillance cameras. Li Cheng didn’t have wings so he could only obediently stay in school.

But when Hu ge heard his reply, he understood it differently⸺Oh, sister-in-law is so possessive? Worried that big bro would flirt with others if he went out so he asked Li ge to stay in school and not go out? 

What a jealous alpha! Really lacking in virtue!

Hu ge ingratiatingly opened the door for Li Cheng and asked him, “Big bro, what would you like to eat today?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I’m not here to eat, I’m here to find someone.” When Li Cheng spoke, he placed his hand in his pocket and patted the duck’s soft nape.

He felt his face turning hot as he coughed dryly, “….That, is there an alpha who’s waiting for someone? He didn’t come with friends, he came by himself.” 

Hu ge: !!!

There surely is! The food street was the busiest during weekends especially for fried chicken restaurants like them. Many couples would come to date and have a drink while some students would come here with their homeworks to eat and chat. Therefore, people who came alone to eat were very eye-catching.

Ten minutes ago, an alpha came into the store alone and ordered a whole fried chicken, two drinks and a few snacks. The alpha mentioned waiting for someone. The person exuded a strong aura of an alpha with a valiant bearing and a tidy appearance. At first glance, it could be seen that the person had superior genetics. Just looking around the room brought a sense of pressure that was hard to put into words.

Although Hu ge was also an alpha, he didn’t dare to throw another glance at the person. He felt as if the smell of blood lingered on the person. 

Could it be that… that alpha was waiting for Li ge??

Hu ge’s gossip radar immediately stood up: Li ge is truly worthy of being my big bro ah. Even a person like Xiao Yiheng couldn’t keep him; The couple just had a fight yet Li Cheng was already hooking up with a new alpha⸺But should I tell sister-in-law about this matter?

In a split second, countless thoughts flashed in Hu ge’s mind but his face remained smiling from ear to ear. No one could tell that he was already imagining the 80th episode of a melodramatic show inside his head.

“Li ge, the person you’re looking for had arrived long ago.” Hu ge pointed his hand to a sofa seat by the window, “You can find the alpha in the second table over there.” 

Li Cheng looked at the direction his finger pointed at and just as he had been told, there was already a person sitting at the table.

Li Cheng could faintly sense the other party’s power just by looking at the person’s back.

That was an alpha, an alpha that was about to ;leave a mark  on his glands.

Even though it was merely a transaction, Li Cheng still couldn’t help but gulp over and over again. 

It’ll be fine, Li Cheng. Calm down. Calm down. It’s just an alpha. Haven’t you beaten a lot of alphas before with your fist? You absolutely mustn’t be suppressed by his imposing manner!

Li Cheng lightly closed his eyes and took a deep breath before walking towards the table.


Three steps away, two steps away, one step away.


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“Hello,” Li Cheng greeted him, “I’m Li Cheng and the alpha that Doctor Wang had introduced is….”

Before he could finish his sentence, the alpha turned around and a pair of beautiful eyes locked onto him.

As it turned out, the alpha wasn’t a “he” but a “she”.


“God Xiao, do you understand the last question that the teacher had explained?” Liu Ke held a book in his hand as he walked back home from school. At the same time, he was racking his brain about the question.

There were no weekends for senior students. The students of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School had to take extra classes every Saturday. However, not everyone could participate in this kind of extra class. Only students in the elite class like them were qualified to receive special treatment. In the extra class, the questions that the teacher had explained were extremely difficult and even Liu Ke felt as if his head was spinning after listening to the teacher.

Ever since they left the school, Liu Ke’s hand had been glued to the book. He calculated while walking but he still couldn’t understand how the teacher had arrived at step Z from step A.

“Which part don’t you understand?” Xiao Yiheng asked indifferently. 

“This! This one!” Liu Ke quickly showed the page to Xiao Yiheng, “I tried the formula that the teacher had mentioned but I still can’t get that number.”

Xiao Yiheng only took a brief glance before immediately coming up with the answer, “The formula is correct but you have to use its second variant.”

“Ah?” Liu Ke was unable to keep up with his reasoning so he embarrassedly asked, “That, can you explain it more detailedly?”

“No.” Xiao Yiheng refused coldly, “I don’t want to waste my time with such a simple question.” 

“……” Liu Ke was not dissuaded by him but instead, with his shamelessness, he repeatedly asked, “God Xiao, Top Student, Yiheng, the incomparably awesome and handsome alpha who unparalleled in earth and in heaven, can you bare to see your seatmate be stuck in the sea of confusion, lonely and unable to get out?”

He grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s school uniform with one hand and pointed at the fried chicken restaurant across the road with the other, “I’ll treat you to eat fried chicken and you’ll teach me this question, okay?”

Xiao Yiheng remained unmoved, “Don’t want to eat. Don’t want to teach. Let go.”

Liu Ke was particularly confident of his shamelessness. Relying on his well-fed body, he used the might of a thousand catties to drag Xiao Yiheng towards the fried chicken restaurant. 

Xiao Yiheng got fed up with him. He impatiently turned towards the fried chicken restaurant’s direction and immediately paused.

Through the floor-to-ceiling window, he saw Li Cheng awkwardly sitting on the sofa seat and bashfully (?) looking at the person opposite him.


Sitting across from him was an alpha girl with short hair, wearing over-the-top clothes and her lips were reddish purple.

Moreover, the lil’ yellow furball that she kept on petting in her arms⸺Wasn’t that lil’ lemon? 

Liu Ke still hadn’t noticed what Xiao Yiheng had seen, he was still pestering him, “Please teach me. I’ve already been stuck on how to solve this question for such a long time. I really want to understand it!”

All of a sudden, Xiao Yiheng’s bearing became as sharp as a knife.

He changed from the one being pulled to the one pulling Liu Ke to the fried chicken restaurant by his schoolbag.

Liu Ke: “??? Eh??? No, wait, you agree?” 

Xiao Yiheng coldly answered, “Go. I’ll solve the question for you.”


Li Cheng sat uneasily inside the restaurant and realised that he knew little about the alpha in front of him.

First of all, this alpha was not ‘he’ but a ‘she’. 

Secondly, this alpha was not just a ‘doctor’ but a ‘forensic doctor’.

Li Cheng remembered the coach’s introduction, saying that this alpha ‘is used to seeing bodies and wouldn’t gossip about his unusual glands’⸺It was too imprecise, he should have said that she was used to seeing corpses.

The forensic doctor had short hair and was wearing black leather clothes and knee-length boots. Her long eyeliner was drawn sharply and her whole style was the embodiment of the word ‘cool’!

She introduced herself as Tang Zhi. She looked Li Cheng up and down and withdrew her gaze from his ponytail before fussily saying, “Fine, you pass.” 

Li Cheng was puzzled, “Pass what?”

“Your looks pass.” Tang Zhi replied as she tore the chicken with her bare hands, “The one that introduced you mentioned that you’re an active athlete. I was worried last night that you were the bulky type. If the omega I met today was too ugly, I wouldn’t force myself to bite their glands.”

Li Cheng: “……”

So should I thank myself for being good-looking? 

Tang Zhi then asked, “Oh right, is the money ready? Where shall we go?”

Li Cheng blankly replied, “Ah?”


Tang Zhi looked down at her watch, “My time is very limited. I still have to identify a body tonight. Let’s get this done quickly. You pay, I’ll help you. Let’s not waste time on meaningless talk.”

“Huh…. So fast?” Li Cheng was not yet ready to expose his glands to an alpha that he didn’t know. He was merely planning to meet the person today. 

“You think that it’s too fast?” Tang Zhi put down the half-eaten chicken in her hand, picked up a tissue and wiped the oil on her fingers, “Then we can slow down. Why don’t we start with swapping diaries? We get to know each other first. After three months, we’ll hold hands. After five months, we’ll start dating. After eight months, we’ll kiss. Two years later, we’ll get married and I’ll mark you on our wedding night… What do you think of this pace?”

No matter how stupid Li Cheng was, he understood that the other party was being sarcastic.

He was embarrassed and anxious. He was a man of his word in front of his lil’ bros. But in front of this completely unfamiliar, older female alpha, his punches seemed to have only hit empty air and he simply couldn’t touch her. She was fully in control of the situation and he could only be forced to follow her pace.

“It’s fine, boy. It’s just a temporary mark. Don’t think too much about it.” She spoke in a casual tone, as if she was only talking about  green onions in a market, “I’m not interested in minors like you. This is just a transaction. Do you have any other questions?” 

“……I do have a question.” Li Cheng unconsciously reached into his pocket and petted the lil’ lemon, “⸺It’s about money.”

He wasn’t like his classmates who had parents to give them allowances every month. He relied on the prize money he had obtained from competitions to pay for his expenses. It was just that he was used to squandering money. He saved half of the prize money to buy gifts for his sister and spent the remaining half on eating, drinking and occasionally treating his lil’ bros milk tea.

Ever since he started raising lil’ Lemon, he had spent more money. He spent his savings on a duck nest, a food bowl and a toilet. There were also several duck clothes in his shopping cart that he was planning to buy for it to wear once it grew bigger.

How could he come up with a four-digit sum to give the alpha? 

Tang Zhi raised her eyebrows, “Too high? Then state a price.”

Li Orange bargained, “Why don’t you make it zero?”

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Tang Zhi sneered, “I think you look like a zero.”

Li Cheng: “……” 

The hand in Li Cheng’s pocket shook and he accidentally plucked a few of the duckling’s butt hair.

Lil’ lemon loudly yelled in grievance, “Ga!”

Tang Zhi’s ears were sharp. Her fingers tapped on the table as she smilingly asked, “What’s in your pocket?”

Li Cheng had no choice but to take lil’ Lemon out of his pocket to show her. 

The newborn little duckling was fluffy, like a soft egg yolk, and its eyes were dark. Its long beak was resting on Li Cheng’s resting, making it look pitiful.

Tang Zhi’s eyes lit up, “Is that your pet? So cute.”


Li Cheng asked her, “You also like small animals?”

“Yeah.” Tang Zhi stretched out her hand to take the lil’ Lemon, “I like small animals so much. I can’t not touch it.” 

Li Cheng: “…..Give it back!”

He looked at the fried chicken that only had bones left on the table and felt extremely worried that lil’ Lemon would be brutally killed.

However, how could a crafty alpha easily give it back? Tang Zhi petted the lil’ duck’s butt and enticed Li Cheng, “Lend the duck for me to play for a while. The matter about money can be easily resolved.”

Li Cheng: “……” Fuck, how can there be such a despicable person? 

On one hand was the four-figure sum of his hard-earned money and on the other hand was lil’ Lemon being taken away. Li Cheng, this scum father who had an irresolute will, got caught up in pondering.

……Should I sell my son for glory?

Just when he was caught in a battle between good and evil, an extremely cold voice sounded beside Li Cheng⸺

⸺“Excuse me, let’s share a table.” 

Li Cheng: “……”

He slowly turned his head to the sound of the voice.

Xiao Yiheng, who shouldn’t have been here, looked cold and unsmiling. His aura had dropped to freezing point. His gaze first fell on the stolen lil’ Lemon before finally shifting back to Li Cheng.

Liu Ke who didn’t understand the situation came carrying a plate filled with snacks. Puzzled, he asked, “God Xiao, there’s still an empty table over there, why do we have to share the table with others?” 

Xiao Yiheng’s eyes narrowed.

Liu Ke immediately changed his words, “I saw wrongly! There wasn’t any seat left! We can only share tables!”

And not far behind Xiao Yiheng, a pitiful and helpless expression could be seen on Hu ge’s face. He gestured with his hands as he mouthed to Li Cheng⸺”Big bro, I’m sorry! I really couldn’t stop sister-in-law!”

Ch23 - Catching Adultery

Sometimes Li Cheng truly couldn’t understand. Why did he differentiate into an omega? 

Because he was an omega, he suffered from discrimination in the swimming world. He had to work several times harder than alphas and betas in order to succeed.

Because he was an omega, he would go into estrus every six months. The estrus would cause him to have mood swings and he would always be irritated. It even affected his performance in the swimming race.




Because he was an omega, he actually needed to pay a four-digit sum to hire an alpha to bite him!!!

What the hell is this?? 

Li Cheng was extremely unwilling to fulfill the arrangements the coach and his wife had made. However, his gland was becoming too hot recently and he nearly lost when he was competing with the other team members. Faced with such a harsh reality, Li Cheng finally gave in.



The dorm was empty during Saturdays so Li Cheng was alone.

His roommates could go back home to reunite with their relatives on the weekends but he didn’t have a home so he could only treat the dorm as his home. However, he was fine with it. There was water, electricity and Wi-Fi in the dorms. Those were enough for him to spend the weekends on his lonesome.


The cabinet in the dorm was not big. His crumpled clothes for all seasons were piled up like a stack of pickled cabbage.

He tried to find clothes through the pickles and found a fairly clean T-shirt and jeans.

He shook the clothes and wore them.

The boy in the mirror was tall and slender. His arms that were hidden underneath his T-shirt were well-toned. Anyone who looked at him would agree that he’s beautiful. Li Cheng’s hair had grown a little recently thus a few centimetres of black hair roots could be seen, looking like a growing mushroom. He styled his hair with hair gel but the more he tried to style it, the messier it got hence he had no choice but to tie the top part with a hair tie into a ponytail. 

Thinking of the alpha whom he had never met before but wanted to help him inhibit his estrus, Li Cheng felt weird. He somewhat looked forward to it but he also somewhat felt conflicted.

As he was dressing up, lil’ Lemon obediently lay at its nest and looked at him with a tilted head. Li Cheng wanted to leave it in the dorm but was worried that it would run all over the place. Hence after thinking about it, he picked it up into his arms.

Fortunately his t-shirt had a pocket to carry it.

Lil’ lemon, who was wearing a special diaper for ducks, poked its tiny head out of his pocket to look at the scenery. 


“Lil’ lemon,” Li Cheng worriedly admired the duck, “Dad is going to take you to a ‘paid blind date’.”


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The meeting place had been chosen by the alpha, which happened to be the fried chicken restaurant at the food street that Li Cheng was most familiar with. 

Hu ge, who was responsible for handing out flyers at the door, was surprised and ecstatic when he saw him, “Li ge! Were you busy recently? You had not come to eat chicken for several days!”

Really good at touching a sore spot, Li Cheng’s face darkened and he gloomily said, “It’s not that I didn’t want to come out. It was because Xiao Yiheng won’t let me.”


The secret passage he had been using to leave the school had been reported by Xiao Yiheng that bastard. The school’s security guard immediately took action by taking his ladder, placing barbed wires and installing surveillance cameras. Li Cheng didn’t have wings so he could only obediently stay in school.

But when Hu ge heard his reply, he understood it differently⸺Oh, sister-in-law is so possessive? Worried that big bro would flirt with others if he went out so he asked Li ge to stay in school and not go out? 

What a jealous alpha! Really lacking in virtue!

Hu ge ingratiatingly opened the door for Li Cheng and asked him, “Big bro, what would you like to eat today?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I’m not here to eat, I’m here to find someone.” When Li Cheng spoke, he placed his hand in his pocket and patted the duck’s soft nape.

He felt his face turning hot as he coughed dryly, “….That, is there an alpha who’s waiting for someone? He didn’t come with friends, he came by himself.” 

Hu ge: !!!

There surely is! The food street was the busiest during weekends especially for fried chicken restaurants like them. Many couples would come to date and have a drink while some students would come here with their homeworks to eat and chat. Therefore, people who came alone to eat were very eye-catching.

Ten minutes ago, an alpha came into the store alone and ordered a whole fried chicken, two drinks and a few snacks. The alpha mentioned waiting for someone. The person exuded a strong aura of an alpha with a valiant bearing and a tidy appearance. At first glance, it could be seen that the person had superior genetics. Just looking around the room brought a sense of pressure that was hard to put into words.

Although Hu ge was also an alpha, he didn’t dare to throw another glance at the person. He felt as if the smell of blood lingered on the person. 

Could it be that… that alpha was waiting for Li ge??

Hu ge’s gossip radar immediately stood up: Li ge is truly worthy of being my big bro ah. Even a person like Xiao Yiheng couldn’t keep him; The couple just had a fight yet Li Cheng was already hooking up with a new alpha⸺But should I tell sister-in-law about this matter?

In a split second, countless thoughts flashed in Hu ge’s mind but his face remained smiling from ear to ear. No one could tell that he was already imagining the 80th episode of a melodramatic show inside his head.

“Li ge, the person you’re looking for had arrived long ago.” Hu ge pointed his hand to a sofa seat by the window, “You can find the alpha in the second table over there.” 

Li Cheng looked at the direction his finger pointed at and just as he had been told, there was already a person sitting at the table.

Li Cheng could faintly sense the other party’s power just by looking at the person’s back.

That was an alpha, an alpha that was about to ;leave a mark  on his glands.

Even though it was merely a transaction, Li Cheng still couldn’t help but gulp over and over again. 

It’ll be fine, Li Cheng. Calm down. Calm down. It’s just an alpha. Haven’t you beaten a lot of alphas before with your fist? You absolutely mustn’t be suppressed by his imposing manner!

Li Cheng lightly closed his eyes and took a deep breath before walking towards the table.


Three steps away, two steps away, one step away.


“Hello,” Li Cheng greeted him, “I’m Li Cheng and the alpha that Doctor Wang had introduced is….”

Before he could finish his sentence, the alpha turned around and a pair of beautiful eyes locked onto him.

As it turned out, the alpha wasn’t a “he” but a “she”.


“God Xiao, do you understand the last question that the teacher had explained?” Liu Ke held a book in his hand as he walked back home from school. At the same time, he was racking his brain about the question.

There were no weekends for senior students. The students of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School had to take extra classes every Saturday. However, not everyone could participate in this kind of extra class. Only students in the elite class like them were qualified to receive special treatment. In the extra class, the questions that the teacher had explained were extremely difficult and even Liu Ke felt as if his head was spinning after listening to the teacher.

Ever since they left the school, Liu Ke’s hand had been glued to the book. He calculated while walking but he still couldn’t understand how the teacher had arrived at step Z from step A.

“Which part don’t you understand?” Xiao Yiheng asked indifferently. 

“This! This one!” Liu Ke quickly showed the page to Xiao Yiheng, “I tried the formula that the teacher had mentioned but I still can’t get that number.”

Xiao Yiheng only took a brief glance before immediately coming up with the answer, “The formula is correct but you have to use its second variant.”

“Ah?” Liu Ke was unable to keep up with his reasoning so he embarrassedly asked, “That, can you explain it more detailedly?”

“No.” Xiao Yiheng refused coldly, “I don’t want to waste my time with such a simple question.” 

“……” Liu Ke was not dissuaded by him but instead, with his shamelessness, he repeatedly asked, “God Xiao, Top Student, Yiheng, the incomparably awesome and handsome alpha who unparalleled in earth and in heaven, can you bare to see your seatmate be stuck in the sea of confusion, lonely and unable to get out?”

He grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s school uniform with one hand and pointed at the fried chicken restaurant across the road with the other, “I’ll treat you to eat fried chicken and you’ll teach me this question, okay?”

Xiao Yiheng remained unmoved, “Don’t want to eat. Don’t want to teach. Let go.”

Liu Ke was particularly confident of his shamelessness. Relying on his well-fed body, he used the might of a thousand catties to drag Xiao Yiheng towards the fried chicken restaurant. 

Xiao Yiheng got fed up with him. He impatiently turned towards the fried chicken restaurant’s direction and immediately paused.

Through the floor-to-ceiling window, he saw Li Cheng awkwardly sitting on the sofa seat and bashfully (?) looking at the person opposite him.


Sitting across from him was an alpha girl with short hair, wearing over-the-top clothes and her lips were reddish purple.

Moreover, the lil’ yellow furball that she kept on petting in her arms⸺Wasn’t that lil’ lemon? 

Liu Ke still hadn’t noticed what Xiao Yiheng had seen, he was still pestering him, “Please teach me. I’ve already been stuck on how to solve this question for such a long time. I really want to understand it!”

All of a sudden, Xiao Yiheng’s bearing became as sharp as a knife.

He changed from the one being pulled to the one pulling Liu Ke to the fried chicken restaurant by his schoolbag.

Liu Ke: “??? Eh??? No, wait, you agree?” 

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Xiao Yiheng coldly answered, “Go. I’ll solve the question for you.”


Li Cheng sat uneasily inside the restaurant and realised that he knew little about the alpha in front of him.

First of all, this alpha was not ‘he’ but a ‘she’. 

Secondly, this alpha was not just a ‘doctor’ but a ‘forensic doctor’.

Li Cheng remembered the coach’s introduction, saying that this alpha ‘is used to seeing bodies and wouldn’t gossip about his unusual glands’⸺It was too imprecise, he should have said that she was used to seeing corpses.

The forensic doctor had short hair and was wearing black leather clothes and knee-length boots. Her long eyeliner was drawn sharply and her whole style was the embodiment of the word ‘cool’!

She introduced herself as Tang Zhi. She looked Li Cheng up and down and withdrew her gaze from his ponytail before fussily saying, “Fine, you pass.” 

Li Cheng was puzzled, “Pass what?”

“Your looks pass.” Tang Zhi replied as she tore the chicken with her bare hands, “The one that introduced you mentioned that you’re an active athlete. I was worried last night that you were the bulky type. If the omega I met today was too ugly, I wouldn’t force myself to bite their glands.”

Li Cheng: “……”

So should I thank myself for being good-looking? 

Tang Zhi then asked, “Oh right, is the money ready? Where shall we go?”

Li Cheng blankly replied, “Ah?”


Tang Zhi looked down at her watch, “My time is very limited. I still have to identify a body tonight. Let’s get this done quickly. You pay, I’ll help you. Let’s not waste time on meaningless talk.”

“Huh…. So fast?” Li Cheng was not yet ready to expose his glands to an alpha that he didn’t know. He was merely planning to meet the person today. 

“You think that it’s too fast?” Tang Zhi put down the half-eaten chicken in her hand, picked up a tissue and wiped the oil on her fingers, “Then we can slow down. Why don’t we start with swapping diaries? We get to know each other first. After three months, we’ll hold hands. After five months, we’ll start dating. After eight months, we’ll kiss. Two years later, we’ll get married and I’ll mark you on our wedding night… What do you think of this pace?”

No matter how stupid Li Cheng was, he understood that the other party was being sarcastic.

He was embarrassed and anxious. He was a man of his word in front of his lil’ bros. But in front of this completely unfamiliar, older female alpha, his punches seemed to have only hit empty air and he simply couldn’t touch her. She was fully in control of the situation and he could only be forced to follow her pace.

“It’s fine, boy. It’s just a temporary mark. Don’t think too much about it.” She spoke in a casual tone, as if she was only talking about  green onions in a market, “I’m not interested in minors like you. This is just a transaction. Do you have any other questions?” 

“……I do have a question.” Li Cheng unconsciously reached into his pocket and petted the lil’ lemon, “⸺It’s about money.”

He wasn’t like his classmates who had parents to give them allowances every month. He relied on the prize money he had obtained from competitions to pay for his expenses. It was just that he was used to squandering money. He saved half of the prize money to buy gifts for his sister and spent the remaining half on eating, drinking and occasionally treating his lil’ bros milk tea.

Ever since he started raising lil’ Lemon, he had spent more money. He spent his savings on a duck nest, a food bowl and a toilet. There were also several duck clothes in his shopping cart that he was planning to buy for it to wear once it grew bigger.

How could he come up with a four-digit sum to give the alpha? 

Tang Zhi raised her eyebrows, “Too high? Then state a price.”

Li Orange bargained, “Why don’t you make it zero?”

Tang Zhi sneered, “I think you look like a zero.”

Li Cheng: “……” 

The hand in Li Cheng’s pocket shook and he accidentally plucked a few of the duckling’s butt hair.

Lil’ lemon loudly yelled in grievance, “Ga!”

Tang Zhi’s ears were sharp. Her fingers tapped on the table as she smilingly asked, “What’s in your pocket?”

Li Cheng had no choice but to take lil’ Lemon out of his pocket to show her. 

The newborn little duckling was fluffy, like a soft egg yolk, and its eyes were dark. Its long beak was resting on Li Cheng’s resting, making it look pitiful.

Tang Zhi’s eyes lit up, “Is that your pet? So cute.”


Li Cheng asked her, “You also like small animals?”

“Yeah.” Tang Zhi stretched out her hand to take the lil’ Lemon, “I like small animals so much. I can’t not touch it.” 

Li Cheng: “…..Give it back!”

He looked at the fried chicken that only had bones left on the table and felt extremely worried that lil’ Lemon would be brutally killed.

However, how could a crafty alpha easily give it back? Tang Zhi petted the lil’ duck’s butt and enticed Li Cheng, “Lend the duck for me to play for a while. The matter about money can be easily resolved.”

Li Cheng: “……” Fuck, how can there be such a despicable person? 

On one hand was the four-figure sum of his hard-earned money and on the other hand was lil’ Lemon being taken away. Li Cheng, this scum father who had an irresolute will, got caught up in pondering.

……Should I sell my son for glory?

Just when he was caught in a battle between good and evil, an extremely cold voice sounded beside Li Cheng⸺

⸺“Excuse me, let’s share a table.” 

Li Cheng: “……”

He slowly turned his head to the sound of the voice.

Xiao Yiheng, who shouldn’t have been here, looked cold and unsmiling. His aura had dropped to freezing point. His gaze first fell on the stolen lil’ Lemon before finally shifting back to Li Cheng.

Liu Ke who didn’t understand the situation came carrying a plate filled with snacks. Puzzled, he asked, “God Xiao, there’s still an empty table over there, why do we have to share the table with others?” 

Xiao Yiheng’s eyes narrowed.

Liu Ke immediately changed his words, “I saw wrongly! There wasn’t any seat left! We can only share tables!”

And not far behind Xiao Yiheng, a pitiful and helpless expression could be seen on Hu ge’s face. He gestured with his hands as he mouthed to Li Cheng⸺”Big bro, I’m sorry! I really couldn’t stop sister-in-law!”

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