This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 26: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch26 - Too Ambiguous

At the breakfast table the next day, Father Xiao and Mother Xiao were surprised when they saw Xiao Yiheng’s dark circles. 

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Mother Xiao asked him, “Yiheng, you didn’t sleep last night?”

Xiao Yiheng indifferently replied, “I came across a tricky question so I solved it all night and didn’t have time to rest.”

Mother Xiao rebuked, “You’re already in third year. How could you have the energy to attend class today if you didn’t sleep?”

Contrarily, Father Xiao was extremely supportive, “My son is solving tough questions on his own accord. This is something that should be encouraged! Yiheng, what class do you have this morning? If it is not an important class, I’ll call the teacher-in-charge to give you a leave so you can have a good rest at home.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


To prevent his excuse from being self-defeating, he immediately said, “No need. Today’s class is very important so I don’t want to miss class.”

He repeatedly promised that he would not doze off in class thus Father Xiao allowed him to go to school.

The Xiao family had always been incredibly quiet when they were eating, but today, the family of three had a new topic.


“By the way, is the list of schools holding winter camps out yet?” Father Xiao seriously asked, “I heard that students from other schools had already started to sign up.”

Xiao Yiheng’s hands that were holding chopsticks halted before he lightly nodded, “It’s out but I haven’t decided which school to apply to.”

Winter camp was a great way for top local universities to attract outstanding students. Only the top students of each high school could qualify for winter camps and participate in the university’s training camp. If one performed well in the winter camp, they could be recommended for admission into the university, directly skipping the college entrance examination and rising to the pinnacle of life.

For a student with such a beautiful academic background like Xiao Yiheng, a lot of schools would offer him the olive branch of a winter camp placement. 

Hearing that his son was still hesitating, Father Xiao arrogantly interrupted him and spoke in an indisputable tone, “What else do you need to consider? I have already told you. If you study physics and mathematics, you would be stuck in laboratories all your life. With so many people involved in research, how many people do you think can be successful and make money? The vast majority of those people work as puny researchers in other people’s laboratories, relying on others to make a living. Or do you want to be like us who spent our whole life as lecturers?”

Mother Xiao agreed, “Yes, look at your cousin. Although he is just a beta, he got into a job right after graduating and got promoted quickly. He’s doing better than us now.”

Father Xiao: “I’ve discussed this with your mother. You can directly apply to China Foreign Affairs University. Make a lot of connections and get into the ministry right after finishing your graduate studies. Then work hard to rise in position. With your ability, you would definitely be able to sit in a prominent position at thirty-five years old.”

Father Xiao and Mother Xiao had planned Xiao Yiheng’s life on their own. He was not even eighteen years old yet but they had already planned his life for the next eighteen years. 

Xiao Yiheng did not seem like their own flesh and blood but rather a substitute that could fulfil the ambitions they could not fulfil.

Xiao Yiheng, from the day he was born, had been forced to stay under this net of high pressure from his parents.

He wordlessly finished his meal and returned to his room to take his bag to go to school.

“I may be back later tonight.” Before he went out, he told his parents, “The physics study group has something going on after class.” 

Before his parents could reply, he turned around and left.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.



The Xiao family’s house was not close to the school. Xiao Yiheng would leave the house early and arrive just in time for the morning self-study class.

There were not many students studying at Huacheng No.1 Senior High School. The school’s entrance was not crowded with carts selling breakfast like other schools. There was only a pancake stall at the corner of the street. The owner was selling an innovative meat floss, bacon, enoki mushroom and spicy strip Chinese crepes. If Chinese crepe fundamentalists saw it, they would be so mad that they would probably faint. 

It was just that such an unusual combination still attracted a lot of customers that wanted to taste it.

Xiao Yiheng was just about to reach the school gate when he saw a familiar figure haggling with the security guard.

“I’ll just go out to buy a crepe! I’ll be back in five minutes, no, three minutes!” Li Cheng shamelessly and glibly said, “The teacher’s permission slip? I don’t have it! Uncle, we’re so familiar with each other. Can you bear to see your cute lil’ Cheng Cheng not eat breakfast and attend morning self-study with an empty stomach?”

Li Cheng would always call himself ‘Li ge’ in front of his lil’ brothers but at this time, he brazenly acted cute which was truly nauseating. 

How could the security guard let him go so easily? He firmly held Li Cheng’s school uniform to stop him from going out. Li Cheng played a game of ‘eagle catching the chicks’ and started a ‘life-and-death match’ at the school gate.

As the boy laughed merrily and glowed radiantly, under the enchantment spell of the morning sunlight, each and every movement of his seemed to be in slow motion. His smile, his golden hair, every frame was engraved in Xiao Yiheng’s world.

At that moment, Xiao Yiheng suddenly realised why his gaze would always be fixed on Li Cheng during the few times they had met.

It was because Li Cheng had something that he did not have and longed for. 

He had a free soul.

Xiao Yiheng was a puppet who lived under the high pressure of his parents. How could someone like him not be drawn to such a radiant person?

Although Xiao Yiheng was silent, his deep gaze caught Li Cheng’s attention.

Their eyes met. 

Li Cheng’s actions became stiff and he slowly stopped.

“That…. You’re here?” Li Cheng had never greeted someone so awkwardly before. He felt that he could smile yet at the same time he felt like he could not.

He touched his face. His features were perfectly all right but he seemed to have lost the ability to control them so he could only put on a strange-looking smile.

It must look extremely stupid. 

But Li Cheng could not show a normal expression when he thought of the ‘deal’ he had made with Xiao Yiheng.

Trying to make a conversation, he said, “That…… your dark circles look rather bad. Did you not sleep well last night?”

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Xiao Yiheng let out a sound of agreement as he asked back, “How was your sleep last night?”

Li Cheng coughed dryly, “Q-quite good. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down on the bed.” 

He ran around all over the place looking for his sister yesterday. He was not only physically tired; he was also mentally exhausted. After calling Xiao Yiheng on the phone last night, he was so embarrassed that he tossed and turned for quite a while under his quilt and fell asleep somehow but… he certainly did not sleep well.

He had a fanciful dream last night. When he woke up, his glands felt so hot that he was embarrassed to touch it.

However, his answer became proof of his heartlessness for Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng thought of his efforts last night then looked at the lively appearance of the lil’ rascal, badly wishing to drag him away and teach him a good lesson. 

“You must be ready for our deal then.” Xiao Yiheng calmly asked, “You wouldn’t cop out at the last minute, would you?”

“Why would I?!” Li Cheng grunted, “It’s you who seems to have a weak body. I’m not even sure if it’s worth spending my money on you!”

“Don’t worry, I am definitely….” Xiao Yiheng curled his lips into a faint smile and, under the morning sunlight, his facial features emanated an arrogance that did not match his age, “……worth your money.”


Both Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng were absent-minded during class.

Xiao Yiheng’s absent-mindedness could be seen by his mind’s blankness. Even though his eyes were fixed on the blackboard, he did not hear a word that the teacher was saying. When the physics teacher asked him a question, Liu Ke had to covertly tell him the page of the book for him to find the answer.

Li Cheng’s absent-mindedness could be seen from the fact that he attended class! Not only did he listen in class, he even took out a paper and pen to take down notes, obediently copying everything that the teacher had written on the blackboard!

The whole class was shocked by his unusual studious behaviour. Right after class, all of his lil’ brothers surrounded him. 

Huang Yelun wanted to check if he had a fever but Li Cheng slapped his hand away.

“Big bro, why did you suddenly start studying today?!” Huang Yelun scratched his head as he asked, “Don’t you usually play with your phone or sleep? But you took down notes today. You…. Are you sick?”

“Bah, my body’s perfectly healthy, you should worry less.” Li Cheng snapped, “What’s wrong if I study hard? There’s even an emoticon ‘Let’s work hard today too ya,’ I’m setting a good example for lil’ Lemon.”

Even though that was what he claimed, the actual reason was that if he did not find something to distract himself, his mind would be occupied by Xiao Yiheng’s figure. 

Temporary marking… Temporary marking… These two words had such an ambiguous feeling to it that he could not stop thinking about what would happen after school.

An alpha and an omega, one giving and one receiving; they were like two opposite poles of a magnet, destined to be attracted to each other.


Their deal was hidden from everyone. It was a secret that only belonged to the two of them.

After school, Li Cheng offhandedly found an excuse and entrusted lil’ Lemon to Huang Yelun and he dawdled towards the school’s garden. 

It was dinner time so there were people everywhere, be it the cafeteria or the classrooms. Only the garden was peaceful.

Xiao Yiheng found an inconspicuous corner and waited for Li Cheng, attentively reading the book in his hand. Still, he immediately noticed Li Cheng’s footsteps.

Xiao Yiheng remained still. It was not until Li Cheng was in front of him that he looked up from the book and impassively said, “You’re here?”

When it came to putting on an act, this sly alpha was the number one in the world. 

Li Cheng’s eyes fluttered around as he hummed and asked, “That, where are we going?”

Temporary marking was not a trivial matter. This kind of private matter needed to be done in a quiet and undisturbable place. In fact, Li Cheng had considered bringing Xiao Yiheng to his dorm or the swimming team’s locker room but he felt that they were not safe enough.

“Follow me.” Xiao Yiheng got up, closed his book, and carried it.

Li Cheng glanced at the book cover and saw that it was some physics stuff. He could not even read the title. 

What is wrong with this guy? He can still be in the mood to read a physics book. Does he not take this temporary marking seriously?

Li Cheng was choked up with words that he could not speak out. He felt as if he was starring on a one-man comedy show by being so restless the entire day.

The two of them did not say anything along the way and the atmosphere was ice cold. People who saw them would assume that they were going to have a duel.

They avoided other people and finally arrived at their destination ⸺ To Li Cheng’s surprise, the place that Xiao Yiheng chose was the arts classroom. 

Xiao Yiheng explained, “Teacher Qiu is on maternity leave. She left me the art classroom’s key before leaving. It’s definitely safe here.”

Li Cheng did not have time to think about why Teacher Qiu Xian left the key to Xiao Yiheng. Xiao Yiheng opened the door and stepped aside in a gentleman-like fashion to let Li Cheng go ahead of him.

Li Cheng had thought that there would be an accumulation of dust in the arts classroom because of Teacher Qiu’s absence.

Unexpectedly, it was squeaky clean. Plaster casts were neatly arranged on the shelves by the wall, plastic fruits were kept inside the locked cabinet and easels were tidily placed next to each other… The place was private and peaceful. The curtains were half drawn and a soft breeze was occasionally blowing into the room through the tiny gaps in the windows. 

This was the most suitable place.

There were tables and chairs in the centre of the classroom. Beside those tables and chairs was an easel. Unlike the other easels that were empty, there was a canvas board on this easel. However, it was currently covered by cloth thus what had been painted on the canvas could not be seen.


Li Cheng had no time to pay attention to these minor details. The pleasant smell of paint permeated the air, slowly spreading under the afterglow of the setting sun.

It was clearly a place Li Cheng was familiar with, but when he thought of what was about to happen, an unfamiliar shiver ran up his spine. He trembled slightly, feeling as if his fingertips up to the tip of his tongue was numb. 

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He dared not look at Xiao Yiheng straight in the eye.

“Then… we’ll do it here?” His eyes roamed the place, lingering on the covered canvas before stopping at the plastic apples inside the cabinet, “Good, good.”

His body felt burning hot and his reason seemed to have slipped away. He was as stiff as a robot, losing control of his body as he stood between the easels.

What should I say now? Should I crack a joke to ease the awkwardness? 

What should I do now? Should I directly ask Xiao Yiheng to bite me?

Countless voices echoed in his head. Then, he subconsciously grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s clothes ⸺ The next moment, his body felt lighter as he was lifted by Xiao Yiheng by the waist.

It was not until he sat atop the desk that he realised that he had been carried by Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng was very tall. When he sat on the desk, the soles of his feet rested on the ground. Xiao Yiheng stood in front of Li Cheng. It was unknown if it was intentional or not but he separated Li Cheng’s knees and settled himself between his legs, stopping merely a few centimetres away from him. 

Their position was too ambiguous. They were like lovers that were hiding in an empty classroom and were about to taste the forbidden fruit.

“You……!” Li Cheng wanted to say something but Xiao Yiheng’s palms were still on his waist. Even though they were separated by his clothes, he could still feel the heat of his palm.

“This customer,” Xiao Yiheng spoke with a smile, his long eyelashes sweeping across Li Cheng’s heart like a fine fan, “Would you take your shirt off yourself or should I take them off for you?”

Enchanter. Really a fucking enchanter that sucks people’s souls away. 

“……” Li Cheng wanted to jump up and accuse Xiao Yiheng of shamelessly seducing him but in reality, his voice was so soft that he couldn’t even hear himself, “……It’s not my shirt that needs to be taken off. It’s my pants.”

Xiao Yiheng did not hear him clearly, or perhaps he heard him but could not believe what he had heard.

“What did you say?” Xiao Yiheng’s tone unconsciously rose.

Li Cheng took a deep breath and looked up at him. 

“I said⸺” Li Cheng summoned his courage, grasped Xiao Yiheng’s hand and tremblingly but resolutely placed it on his body, “⸺My gland… is here.”

That’s right. His gland was at the base of his thigh close to the femoral artery. During estrus, his gland would be swollen and burning hot, urgently needing to be comforted.


This was his tightly held secret.

Now, Xiao Yiheng became the first alpha in the world to know this secret. 

Not only did he know of it, he would also claim it as his.

Ch26 - Too Ambiguous

At the breakfast table the next day, Father Xiao and Mother Xiao were surprised when they saw Xiao Yiheng’s dark circles. 

Mother Xiao asked him, “Yiheng, you didn’t sleep last night?”

Xiao Yiheng indifferently replied, “I came across a tricky question so I solved it all night and didn’t have time to rest.”

Mother Xiao rebuked, “You’re already in third year. How could you have the energy to attend class today if you didn’t sleep?”

Contrarily, Father Xiao was extremely supportive, “My son is solving tough questions on his own accord. This is something that should be encouraged! Yiheng, what class do you have this morning? If it is not an important class, I’ll call the teacher-in-charge to give you a leave so you can have a good rest at home.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


To prevent his excuse from being self-defeating, he immediately said, “No need. Today’s class is very important so I don’t want to miss class.”

He repeatedly promised that he would not doze off in class thus Father Xiao allowed him to go to school.

The Xiao family had always been incredibly quiet when they were eating, but today, the family of three had a new topic.


“By the way, is the list of schools holding winter camps out yet?” Father Xiao seriously asked, “I heard that students from other schools had already started to sign up.”

Xiao Yiheng’s hands that were holding chopsticks halted before he lightly nodded, “It’s out but I haven’t decided which school to apply to.”

Winter camp was a great way for top local universities to attract outstanding students. Only the top students of each high school could qualify for winter camps and participate in the university’s training camp. If one performed well in the winter camp, they could be recommended for admission into the university, directly skipping the college entrance examination and rising to the pinnacle of life.

For a student with such a beautiful academic background like Xiao Yiheng, a lot of schools would offer him the olive branch of a winter camp placement. 

Hearing that his son was still hesitating, Father Xiao arrogantly interrupted him and spoke in an indisputable tone, “What else do you need to consider? I have already told you. If you study physics and mathematics, you would be stuck in laboratories all your life. With so many people involved in research, how many people do you think can be successful and make money? The vast majority of those people work as puny researchers in other people’s laboratories, relying on others to make a living. Or do you want to be like us who spent our whole life as lecturers?”

Mother Xiao agreed, “Yes, look at your cousin. Although he is just a beta, he got into a job right after graduating and got promoted quickly. He’s doing better than us now.”

Father Xiao: “I’ve discussed this with your mother. You can directly apply to China Foreign Affairs University. Make a lot of connections and get into the ministry right after finishing your graduate studies. Then work hard to rise in position. With your ability, you would definitely be able to sit in a prominent position at thirty-five years old.”

Father Xiao and Mother Xiao had planned Xiao Yiheng’s life on their own. He was not even eighteen years old yet but they had already planned his life for the next eighteen years. 

Xiao Yiheng did not seem like their own flesh and blood but rather a substitute that could fulfil the ambitions they could not fulfil.

Xiao Yiheng, from the day he was born, had been forced to stay under this net of high pressure from his parents.

He wordlessly finished his meal and returned to his room to take his bag to go to school.

“I may be back later tonight.” Before he went out, he told his parents, “The physics study group has something going on after class.” 

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Before his parents could reply, he turned around and left.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.



The Xiao family’s house was not close to the school. Xiao Yiheng would leave the house early and arrive just in time for the morning self-study class.

There were not many students studying at Huacheng No.1 Senior High School. The school’s entrance was not crowded with carts selling breakfast like other schools. There was only a pancake stall at the corner of the street. The owner was selling an innovative meat floss, bacon, enoki mushroom and spicy strip Chinese crepes. If Chinese crepe fundamentalists saw it, they would be so mad that they would probably faint. 

It was just that such an unusual combination still attracted a lot of customers that wanted to taste it.

Xiao Yiheng was just about to reach the school gate when he saw a familiar figure haggling with the security guard.

“I’ll just go out to buy a crepe! I’ll be back in five minutes, no, three minutes!” Li Cheng shamelessly and glibly said, “The teacher’s permission slip? I don’t have it! Uncle, we’re so familiar with each other. Can you bear to see your cute lil’ Cheng Cheng not eat breakfast and attend morning self-study with an empty stomach?”

Li Cheng would always call himself ‘Li ge’ in front of his lil’ brothers but at this time, he brazenly acted cute which was truly nauseating. 

How could the security guard let him go so easily? He firmly held Li Cheng’s school uniform to stop him from going out. Li Cheng played a game of ‘eagle catching the chicks’ and started a ‘life-and-death match’ at the school gate.

As the boy laughed merrily and glowed radiantly, under the enchantment spell of the morning sunlight, each and every movement of his seemed to be in slow motion. His smile, his golden hair, every frame was engraved in Xiao Yiheng’s world.

At that moment, Xiao Yiheng suddenly realised why his gaze would always be fixed on Li Cheng during the few times they had met.

It was because Li Cheng had something that he did not have and longed for. 

He had a free soul.

Xiao Yiheng was a puppet who lived under the high pressure of his parents. How could someone like him not be drawn to such a radiant person?

Although Xiao Yiheng was silent, his deep gaze caught Li Cheng’s attention.

Their eyes met. 

Li Cheng’s actions became stiff and he slowly stopped.

“That…. You’re here?” Li Cheng had never greeted someone so awkwardly before. He felt that he could smile yet at the same time he felt like he could not.

He touched his face. His features were perfectly all right but he seemed to have lost the ability to control them so he could only put on a strange-looking smile.

It must look extremely stupid. 

But Li Cheng could not show a normal expression when he thought of the ‘deal’ he had made with Xiao Yiheng.

Trying to make a conversation, he said, “That…… your dark circles look rather bad. Did you not sleep well last night?”


Xiao Yiheng let out a sound of agreement as he asked back, “How was your sleep last night?”

Li Cheng coughed dryly, “Q-quite good. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down on the bed.” 

He ran around all over the place looking for his sister yesterday. He was not only physically tired; he was also mentally exhausted. After calling Xiao Yiheng on the phone last night, he was so embarrassed that he tossed and turned for quite a while under his quilt and fell asleep somehow but… he certainly did not sleep well.

He had a fanciful dream last night. When he woke up, his glands felt so hot that he was embarrassed to touch it.

However, his answer became proof of his heartlessness for Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng thought of his efforts last night then looked at the lively appearance of the lil’ rascal, badly wishing to drag him away and teach him a good lesson. 

“You must be ready for our deal then.” Xiao Yiheng calmly asked, “You wouldn’t cop out at the last minute, would you?”

“Why would I?!” Li Cheng grunted, “It’s you who seems to have a weak body. I’m not even sure if it’s worth spending my money on you!”

“Don’t worry, I am definitely….” Xiao Yiheng curled his lips into a faint smile and, under the morning sunlight, his facial features emanated an arrogance that did not match his age, “……worth your money.”


Both Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng were absent-minded during class.

Xiao Yiheng’s absent-mindedness could be seen by his mind’s blankness. Even though his eyes were fixed on the blackboard, he did not hear a word that the teacher was saying. When the physics teacher asked him a question, Liu Ke had to covertly tell him the page of the book for him to find the answer.

Li Cheng’s absent-mindedness could be seen from the fact that he attended class! Not only did he listen in class, he even took out a paper and pen to take down notes, obediently copying everything that the teacher had written on the blackboard!

The whole class was shocked by his unusual studious behaviour. Right after class, all of his lil’ brothers surrounded him. 

Huang Yelun wanted to check if he had a fever but Li Cheng slapped his hand away.

“Big bro, why did you suddenly start studying today?!” Huang Yelun scratched his head as he asked, “Don’t you usually play with your phone or sleep? But you took down notes today. You…. Are you sick?”

“Bah, my body’s perfectly healthy, you should worry less.” Li Cheng snapped, “What’s wrong if I study hard? There’s even an emoticon ‘Let’s work hard today too ya,’ I’m setting a good example for lil’ Lemon.”

Even though that was what he claimed, the actual reason was that if he did not find something to distract himself, his mind would be occupied by Xiao Yiheng’s figure. 

Temporary marking… Temporary marking… These two words had such an ambiguous feeling to it that he could not stop thinking about what would happen after school.

An alpha and an omega, one giving and one receiving; they were like two opposite poles of a magnet, destined to be attracted to each other.


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Their deal was hidden from everyone. It was a secret that only belonged to the two of them.

After school, Li Cheng offhandedly found an excuse and entrusted lil’ Lemon to Huang Yelun and he dawdled towards the school’s garden. 

It was dinner time so there were people everywhere, be it the cafeteria or the classrooms. Only the garden was peaceful.

Xiao Yiheng found an inconspicuous corner and waited for Li Cheng, attentively reading the book in his hand. Still, he immediately noticed Li Cheng’s footsteps.

Xiao Yiheng remained still. It was not until Li Cheng was in front of him that he looked up from the book and impassively said, “You’re here?”

When it came to putting on an act, this sly alpha was the number one in the world. 

Li Cheng’s eyes fluttered around as he hummed and asked, “That, where are we going?”

Temporary marking was not a trivial matter. This kind of private matter needed to be done in a quiet and undisturbable place. In fact, Li Cheng had considered bringing Xiao Yiheng to his dorm or the swimming team’s locker room but he felt that they were not safe enough.

“Follow me.” Xiao Yiheng got up, closed his book, and carried it.

Li Cheng glanced at the book cover and saw that it was some physics stuff. He could not even read the title. 

What is wrong with this guy? He can still be in the mood to read a physics book. Does he not take this temporary marking seriously?

Li Cheng was choked up with words that he could not speak out. He felt as if he was starring on a one-man comedy show by being so restless the entire day.

The two of them did not say anything along the way and the atmosphere was ice cold. People who saw them would assume that they were going to have a duel.

They avoided other people and finally arrived at their destination ⸺ To Li Cheng’s surprise, the place that Xiao Yiheng chose was the arts classroom. 

Xiao Yiheng explained, “Teacher Qiu is on maternity leave. She left me the art classroom’s key before leaving. It’s definitely safe here.”

Li Cheng did not have time to think about why Teacher Qiu Xian left the key to Xiao Yiheng. Xiao Yiheng opened the door and stepped aside in a gentleman-like fashion to let Li Cheng go ahead of him.

Li Cheng had thought that there would be an accumulation of dust in the arts classroom because of Teacher Qiu’s absence.

Unexpectedly, it was squeaky clean. Plaster casts were neatly arranged on the shelves by the wall, plastic fruits were kept inside the locked cabinet and easels were tidily placed next to each other… The place was private and peaceful. The curtains were half drawn and a soft breeze was occasionally blowing into the room through the tiny gaps in the windows. 

This was the most suitable place.

There were tables and chairs in the centre of the classroom. Beside those tables and chairs was an easel. Unlike the other easels that were empty, there was a canvas board on this easel. However, it was currently covered by cloth thus what had been painted on the canvas could not be seen.


Li Cheng had no time to pay attention to these minor details. The pleasant smell of paint permeated the air, slowly spreading under the afterglow of the setting sun.

It was clearly a place Li Cheng was familiar with, but when he thought of what was about to happen, an unfamiliar shiver ran up his spine. He trembled slightly, feeling as if his fingertips up to the tip of his tongue was numb. 

He dared not look at Xiao Yiheng straight in the eye.

“Then… we’ll do it here?” His eyes roamed the place, lingering on the covered canvas before stopping at the plastic apples inside the cabinet, “Good, good.”

His body felt burning hot and his reason seemed to have slipped away. He was as stiff as a robot, losing control of his body as he stood between the easels.

What should I say now? Should I crack a joke to ease the awkwardness? 

What should I do now? Should I directly ask Xiao Yiheng to bite me?

Countless voices echoed in his head. Then, he subconsciously grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s clothes ⸺ The next moment, his body felt lighter as he was lifted by Xiao Yiheng by the waist.

It was not until he sat atop the desk that he realised that he had been carried by Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng was very tall. When he sat on the desk, the soles of his feet rested on the ground. Xiao Yiheng stood in front of Li Cheng. It was unknown if it was intentional or not but he separated Li Cheng’s knees and settled himself between his legs, stopping merely a few centimetres away from him. 

Their position was too ambiguous. They were like lovers that were hiding in an empty classroom and were about to taste the forbidden fruit.

“You……!” Li Cheng wanted to say something but Xiao Yiheng’s palms were still on his waist. Even though they were separated by his clothes, he could still feel the heat of his palm.

“This customer,” Xiao Yiheng spoke with a smile, his long eyelashes sweeping across Li Cheng’s heart like a fine fan, “Would you take your shirt off yourself or should I take them off for you?”

Enchanter. Really a fucking enchanter that sucks people’s souls away. 

“……” Li Cheng wanted to jump up and accuse Xiao Yiheng of shamelessly seducing him but in reality, his voice was so soft that he couldn’t even hear himself, “……It’s not my shirt that needs to be taken off. It’s my pants.”

Xiao Yiheng did not hear him clearly, or perhaps he heard him but could not believe what he had heard.

“What did you say?” Xiao Yiheng’s tone unconsciously rose.

Li Cheng took a deep breath and looked up at him. 

“I said⸺” Li Cheng summoned his courage, grasped Xiao Yiheng’s hand and tremblingly but resolutely placed it on his body, “⸺My gland… is here.”

That’s right. His gland was at the base of his thigh close to the femoral artery. During estrus, his gland would be swollen and burning hot, urgently needing to be comforted.


This was his tightly held secret.

Now, Xiao Yiheng became the first alpha in the world to know this secret. 

Not only did he know of it, he would also claim it as his.

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