This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 27: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch27 - Captured by Xiao Yiheng’s Lips

This was a scenario that had never appeared in Xiao Yiheng’s dream. 

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Through the rough fabric, Xiao Yiheng felt a swollen lump at the base of Li Cheng’s thigh. It emanated a scorching heat. Although his fingertips had only lightly brushed across it, it still made Li Cheng subconsciously shiver.

Although Xiao Yiheng had guessed that Li Cheng’s gland was in a rare spot, he had assumed that it would be around his collarbone, chest, or lower abdomen⸺ He had no idea that glands could also form at such an ambiguous spot.

All the studying that he had done the night before turned out to be useless.

But at the same time, he was glad. Great! Fortunately, I didn’t give Li Cheng up to someone else. If he really let another alpha to temporarily mark Li Cheng, he would’ve been driven mad with jealousy. 



The last golden light from the setting sun slipped in through the gaps in the curtain. The lights were not turned on inside the art classroom. In the dimly lit room, rays of sunlight outlined the contours of his body.

It was unclear who acted first. Li Cheng’s pants lightly fell into a rumpled pile around his ankles.

He was wearing boxers. Its hem was tightly wrapped around his thighs, causing his flesh to protrude to a slight extent, showing the elasticity and curvature of the youth.


Li Cheng was very thin, not the scrawny kind of thin but the lean kind which was honed by long-term exercise. His legs had the most beautiful muscles in the world. Xiao Yiheng could almost imagine the sight of water splashing around his legs when he dived into the swimming pool.

Unlike his tanned, wheat-coloured skin, Li Cheng’s thighs were unexpectedly fair and there were distinct tan lines above his knees which was left by his swim trunks.

The contrast between his tan and fair skin was somewhat funny and adorable.

Li Cheng clamped his legs close as he stuttered out, “What are you looking at? Quickly do your work.” 

He was the ‘customer’ who was paying money but under the fixed gaze of the ‘service personnel’, he was so shy that his face turned crimson and he wanted to find a place to hide.

Xiao Yiheng crouched down and held Li Cheng’s knees with both hands, motioning him to spread his legs wider. Li Cheng murmured out his reluctance but he still obediently spread his legs apart.

Xiao Yiheng carefully observed the place he was about to ‘serve.’

A transparent inhibitor patch was attached to the base of the boy’s left thigh, securely blocking the pheromones. Through the transparent inhibitor patch, Xiao Yiheng could clearly see the omega’s gland which was a faintly red, round spot that was about five centimetres in diameter close to the hem of his underwear. 

If he were to leave a temporary mark at that place, then Xiao Yiheng’s face would inevitably touch…

The two exchanged glances with tacit understanding before turning their gazes away at the same time.

The tip of Xiao Yiheng’s nose was merely a few centimetres away from Li Cheng’s gland, puffs of warm hair he exhaled brushed the extremely sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to rise on the boy’s legs.

“Haven’t you seen enough?” Li Cheng gave up and stopped bothering. It is going to happen either way so why bother? He had already taken his pants off. If the deal didn’t go as planned, he would just have to find someone else. “If you can’t do it, I’ll just go and find someone who can.” 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t reply. Instead, he used his actions to clearly show that he should never doubt an alpha.

He knelt on one knee. He held Li Cheng’s knee from behind on one hand and gently removed the inhibitor patch with the other.


The scent of refreshing orange instantly wafted through the air.

Xiao Yiheng’s mind was shaken upon smelling the omega’s pheromones at such a close distance. He made every effort to suppress the rioting alpha pheromones inside his body, not wanting to turn himself into a beast that was dominated by pheromones. 

But it was hard. It was extremely hard.

He had studied a lot the previous night and even read a university textbook about anatomy to study about the theory of glands; He had read countless posts online by seniors who had done marking before. The seniors gave detailed guidance, teaching those inexperienced on how to pacify their partner’s mood as well as at what angle should alphas bite down on during marking; He had also skimmed through a lot of Japanese movies, analysing how it was done over and over again…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He had done so many preparations but when Li Cheng’s gland was really laid bare in front of him, he was filled with the overwhelming urge to just follow his instinct.

He wanted to push him down. He wanted to suppress him. He wanted to possess him. He wanted to make Li Cheng cry out, to make his mouth that was always throwing out curses at others only moan for him. He even wanted to pour all of him into Li Cheng’s body. 

He completely discarded everything that he had learned. He merely wanted to please his boy.

Xiao Yiheng lowered his head, using his lips to warm the other’s skin, licking it repeatedly with the tip of his tongue until it was drenched.

He used his lips and tongue to worship his omega. His movements were soft and gentle, but Li Cheng felt like it was torture.

The boy could not bear it so he lightly kicked Xiao Yiheng’s knees. Xiao Yiheng understood his urging so he didn’t delay any longer. He opened his mouth and lightly bit on the gland that was close to the femoral artery. 

As his teeth pierced into the boy’s skin, the omega’s surging pheromones came pouring in together with blood into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth.

There was not any smell of blood, just sweetness. An intense sweetness.

Like the juiciest, sweetest and plumpest orange.

The intangible turned into a tangible fragrance, speedily charging into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth. 

Li Cheng was not sure if it was because of the pain or something else, but he let out an extremely soft and restrained scream. The voice made him feel extremely ashamed. He could not stop his body from trembling. He held his clenched fist over his mouth while his other hand tightly grabbed on to the easel beside him.

The cloth covering the easel slid slightly, revealing half of the painting on the canvas.

However, Li Cheng’s mind was too occupied to take notice.

“Fuck, Xiao Yiheng…” He uttered out what seemed like a command yet a plead at the same time, “Fucking hurry up, I… I can’t take it anymore.” 

Xiao Yiheng could not hear what Li Cheng had said. He merely followed his instinct, moving the pheromones in his body, turning it into the sharpest sword that pierced the omega’s glands.

A feeling that was difficult to describe came over Li Cheng.


The pheromones that smelled of cold, alpine cedar rushed into Li Cheng’s body, seizing his glands at a tyrannical and unquestionable speed. The orange-scented pheromones put up a stubborn resistance but their line of defense was quickly broken through so they were forced to dance with alpha’s pheromones, lingering with each other and forming a new melody.

The two pheromones’ difference was as clear as day and the two people were clearly incompatible but at that moment, they merged into one. 

⸺Li Cheng and his pheromones were captured by Xiao Yiheng’s lips.

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In the garden downstairs.

“Do you smell anything?” Xu Yinyin, class monitor of Class 3-2, halted her footsteps as she sensitively smelled the air, “I can smell an omega’s sweet pheromones.” 

“What? Where?” Her sister grabbed her arm, “You alphas are too sensitive and overly suspicious all the time.”

In the infirmary.

Doctor Wang, who was recording the swimming team’s body measurements, suddenly stopped writing and she looked towards the academic building with surprise.

Huang Yelun hurriedly asked, “Missus, what’s wrong?” 

“It’s nothing.” Doctor Wang shook her head and seemingly unintentionally asked, “Today’s the team’s physical check-up, right? Why did Li Cheng ask for a leave?”

Inside the science lab.

Yan Jing, who was absorbed in doing a chemistry experiment, put down the reagents in his hand. He opened his textbook and checked what was written in the book, reading it out loudly word for word, “When reagent A and reagent B are mixed, it will produce a pungent smell… Strange, is the smell of orange considered pungent?”


That evening, many people in Huacheng No.1 Senior High School smelled the scent of sweet, refreshing orange. It was like a pheromone bomb that exploded in the air and took everyone’s attention; However, before they could even catch it, the scent quickly disappeared.

No one knew that behind the locked door of the art classroom, the most unruly school tyrant omega and the most taciturn and aloof alpha were fulfilling a deal that only the two of them knew about.

Behind this deal were feelings that were starting to stir which the two had not yet realised.


The room was quiet.

Li Cheng softly gasped for breath, as he half-sat and half-leaned on the desk, hardly feeling the passage of time.


Before he was marked, he had tried to imagine the feeling countless times. He thought that his mind would go blank or that he would feel beaten up, as if he was run over by something.

But in fact, he… He felt comfortable. 

There was a tiny corner in the depths of his soul which he had never noticed before. It was only when it was filled up today that he discovered that he had that kind of emptiness without realising it.

⸺He was satisfied. He was pleased.

Li Cheng felt lazy all over, like a cat stretching its body under the sun. He was extremely comfortable. If someone scratched his chin at that moment, he would definitely make purring sounds.

His reason was already gone with the wind. He looked down towards Xiao Yiheng who was kneeling in front of him and put on airs as he asked in a weak voice. 

“Do you have tissues? Help wipe Laozi up.”


Xiao Yiheng followed his wish and silently cleaned up for him.

The gland’s redness and swelling had disappeared, leaving only a deep, dark red circle of teeth marks. There was still some blood left on the skin, coinciding with the bloodstain on Xiao Yiheng’s lips. 

Li Cheng lifted Xiao Yiheng’s chin and admired it for a while. The more he looked at the blood stains on the corner of Yiheng’s lips, the more satisfied he felt.

Xiao Yiheng’s lips were originally pale, but after being stained with blood, it appeared more dazzling than ever.

Li Cheng thought, The students in the campus forum called Xiao Yiheng an ice beauty, but they don’t know that this untouchable flower is currently serving him.

Xiao Yiheng was not angry when Li Cheng lifted his chin up. Instead, he indifferently asked, “Have you stared enough?” 

Li Cheng frankly replied, “I’m paying you money. Can’t I look at you as much as I want to?”

“The money you’re paying is only for the temporary marking,” Xiao Yiheng answered, “You’d have to pay more if you want to ogle me.”

“……” Li Cheng tsked.

He finally let go and let Xiao Yiheng continue. 

His gland no longer felt hot, but the bleeding tooth mark was truly painful. He thought that Xiao Yiheng would take out tissues to wipe off the blood but he unexpectedly took out a white handkerchief from his pocket.

Li Cheng thought, Who still carries around a handkerchief in this day and age?


Li Cheng also thought, But Xiao Yiheng using a handkerchief, why do I feel like it matches him the more I look at it?

Xiao Yiheng first gently wiped the remaining blood stains with a corner of his handkerchief. The boxer briefs were getting in the way so he pushed the bottom of the boxers upwards. 

He was cleaning so conscientiously that he didn’t notice that under Li Cheng’s underwear was…

Li Cheng belatedly felt a sense of embarrassment.

“Hey— That— I can do it myself.” He wanted to take the handkerchief from Xiao Yiheng but Xiao Yiheng jerked his hand away.

“I’m already done cleaning; I just need to do one more thing.” He watched Xiao Yiheng’s quick actions as he folded his handkerchief into a three-fingers-wide strip and wrapped it around Li Cheng’s thigh as a temporary gauze bandage to cover the wound. 

After that, he supported Li Cheng by the waist to help him get up. Then, he pulled up Li Cheng’s pants and tied the pants’ drawstrings.

His fingers were very agile and its joints were distinct. The two white strings moved back and forth under his hand, turning into a bow after a few seconds.

The loose pants finally covered Li Cheng’s legs once again and his jacket was straightened up. In the blink of an eye, Li Cheng turned back into the school’s unshakeable tyrant.

However, the two of them knew that at the base of his thigh, there was a mark of an alpha. 

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When he walked, the wound at his thigh would remind him of what had just happened. He involuntarily leaned on his right when he stood to prevent his pants from rubbing the wound that had yet to form a scab.

“Then… I’m leaving?” Li Cheng could not look at Xiao Yiheng in the eye, “I will give you the money tomorrow.”

Yes, that’s right. Li Cheng was paying in instalments but his downpayment… was also on credit.

“It’s fine.” Xiao Yiheng spoke calmly, “I’m not rushing you.” 

He was the most black-hearted businessman in the world. Doing a deal on credit was not what he was after. He wanted today to be delayed to tomorrow and for tomorrow to be delayed to the day after tomorrow. He wanted the interest to keep on increasing, interest upon interest, until one day, Li Cheng could only use himself to pay off his debt.

For the lil’ tyrant to turn into a lil’ slave, truly a profitable deal.


Li Cheng left first. 

To avoid the wound at the base of his thigh, his posture was awkward when he walked so he nearly knocked over the canvas beside him. The canvas was initially covered by a piece of cloth. When Xiao Yiheng was marking him, Li Cheng found it difficult to restrain his emotions but had nowhere to vent it out so he accidentally pulled off the cloth and exposed half of the unfinished painting on the canvas.

Li Cheng was not in the right state of mind to pay close attention to what the painting was about. He merely assumed that it was Teacher Qiu Xian’s work that she had left behind and didn’t pay much heed to it.


If he walked slower, looked more carefully, and paid more attention, he could have discovered something.

After he left, only one figure remained in the art classroom. 

The setting sun’s afterglow was nearly gone. Xiao Yiheng stood in the darkness for a while, thinking about something. After some time, he got up and turned on the lights. Bright light filled the classroom and illuminated the desk that still had Li Cheng’s warmth.

Xiao Yiheng pulled the desk and sat on it just like how Li Cheng did.

He quietly looked at the canvas beside him, replaying everything that had just happened frame by frame.

Hot gasps, soft moans; pheromones flowing together with blood, bite mark imprinting on the femoral artery. 

He gave Li Cheng… a temporary mark.

Temporary mark could only suppress one estrus. This was his first time to do this ‘job’ so he was still not skilled enough. But it didn’t matter. He still had a lot of chances to practice in the future.

Xiao Yiheng pulled off the cloth hanging on the canvas.

⸺In the centre of the canvas, a blonde youth smiled cheekily, his sun-kissed face filled with pride. 

It was a portrait.

Its title was 《You》.

Ch27 - Captured by Xiao Yiheng’s Lips

This was a scenario that had never appeared in Xiao Yiheng’s dream. 

Through the rough fabric, Xiao Yiheng felt a swollen lump at the base of Li Cheng’s thigh. It emanated a scorching heat. Although his fingertips had only lightly brushed across it, it still made Li Cheng subconsciously shiver.

Although Xiao Yiheng had guessed that Li Cheng’s gland was in a rare spot, he had assumed that it would be around his collarbone, chest, or lower abdomen⸺ He had no idea that glands could also form at such an ambiguous spot.

All the studying that he had done the night before turned out to be useless.

But at the same time, he was glad. Great! Fortunately, I didn’t give Li Cheng up to someone else. If he really let another alpha to temporarily mark Li Cheng, he would’ve been driven mad with jealousy. 



The last golden light from the setting sun slipped in through the gaps in the curtain. The lights were not turned on inside the art classroom. In the dimly lit room, rays of sunlight outlined the contours of his body.

It was unclear who acted first. Li Cheng’s pants lightly fell into a rumpled pile around his ankles.

He was wearing boxers. Its hem was tightly wrapped around his thighs, causing his flesh to protrude to a slight extent, showing the elasticity and curvature of the youth.


Li Cheng was very thin, not the scrawny kind of thin but the lean kind which was honed by long-term exercise. His legs had the most beautiful muscles in the world. Xiao Yiheng could almost imagine the sight of water splashing around his legs when he dived into the swimming pool.

Unlike his tanned, wheat-coloured skin, Li Cheng’s thighs were unexpectedly fair and there were distinct tan lines above his knees which was left by his swim trunks.

The contrast between his tan and fair skin was somewhat funny and adorable.

Li Cheng clamped his legs close as he stuttered out, “What are you looking at? Quickly do your work.” 

He was the ‘customer’ who was paying money but under the fixed gaze of the ‘service personnel’, he was so shy that his face turned crimson and he wanted to find a place to hide.

Xiao Yiheng crouched down and held Li Cheng’s knees with both hands, motioning him to spread his legs wider. Li Cheng murmured out his reluctance but he still obediently spread his legs apart.

Xiao Yiheng carefully observed the place he was about to ‘serve.’

A transparent inhibitor patch was attached to the base of the boy’s left thigh, securely blocking the pheromones. Through the transparent inhibitor patch, Xiao Yiheng could clearly see the omega’s gland which was a faintly red, round spot that was about five centimetres in diameter close to the hem of his underwear. 

If he were to leave a temporary mark at that place, then Xiao Yiheng’s face would inevitably touch…

The two exchanged glances with tacit understanding before turning their gazes away at the same time.

The tip of Xiao Yiheng’s nose was merely a few centimetres away from Li Cheng’s gland, puffs of warm hair he exhaled brushed the extremely sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to rise on the boy’s legs.

“Haven’t you seen enough?” Li Cheng gave up and stopped bothering. It is going to happen either way so why bother? He had already taken his pants off. If the deal didn’t go as planned, he would just have to find someone else. “If you can’t do it, I’ll just go and find someone who can.” 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t reply. Instead, he used his actions to clearly show that he should never doubt an alpha.

He knelt on one knee. He held Li Cheng’s knee from behind on one hand and gently removed the inhibitor patch with the other.


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The scent of refreshing orange instantly wafted through the air.

Xiao Yiheng’s mind was shaken upon smelling the omega’s pheromones at such a close distance. He made every effort to suppress the rioting alpha pheromones inside his body, not wanting to turn himself into a beast that was dominated by pheromones. 

But it was hard. It was extremely hard.

He had studied a lot the previous night and even read a university textbook about anatomy to study about the theory of glands; He had read countless posts online by seniors who had done marking before. The seniors gave detailed guidance, teaching those inexperienced on how to pacify their partner’s mood as well as at what angle should alphas bite down on during marking; He had also skimmed through a lot of Japanese movies, analysing how it was done over and over again…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He had done so many preparations but when Li Cheng’s gland was really laid bare in front of him, he was filled with the overwhelming urge to just follow his instinct.

He wanted to push him down. He wanted to suppress him. He wanted to possess him. He wanted to make Li Cheng cry out, to make his mouth that was always throwing out curses at others only moan for him. He even wanted to pour all of him into Li Cheng’s body. 

He completely discarded everything that he had learned. He merely wanted to please his boy.

Xiao Yiheng lowered his head, using his lips to warm the other’s skin, licking it repeatedly with the tip of his tongue until it was drenched.

He used his lips and tongue to worship his omega. His movements were soft and gentle, but Li Cheng felt like it was torture.

The boy could not bear it so he lightly kicked Xiao Yiheng’s knees. Xiao Yiheng understood his urging so he didn’t delay any longer. He opened his mouth and lightly bit on the gland that was close to the femoral artery. 

As his teeth pierced into the boy’s skin, the omega’s surging pheromones came pouring in together with blood into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth.

There was not any smell of blood, just sweetness. An intense sweetness.

Like the juiciest, sweetest and plumpest orange.

The intangible turned into a tangible fragrance, speedily charging into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth. 

Li Cheng was not sure if it was because of the pain or something else, but he let out an extremely soft and restrained scream. The voice made him feel extremely ashamed. He could not stop his body from trembling. He held his clenched fist over his mouth while his other hand tightly grabbed on to the easel beside him.

The cloth covering the easel slid slightly, revealing half of the painting on the canvas.

However, Li Cheng’s mind was too occupied to take notice.

“Fuck, Xiao Yiheng…” He uttered out what seemed like a command yet a plead at the same time, “Fucking hurry up, I… I can’t take it anymore.” 

Xiao Yiheng could not hear what Li Cheng had said. He merely followed his instinct, moving the pheromones in his body, turning it into the sharpest sword that pierced the omega’s glands.

A feeling that was difficult to describe came over Li Cheng.


The pheromones that smelled of cold, alpine cedar rushed into Li Cheng’s body, seizing his glands at a tyrannical and unquestionable speed. The orange-scented pheromones put up a stubborn resistance but their line of defense was quickly broken through so they were forced to dance with alpha’s pheromones, lingering with each other and forming a new melody.

The two pheromones’ difference was as clear as day and the two people were clearly incompatible but at that moment, they merged into one. 

⸺Li Cheng and his pheromones were captured by Xiao Yiheng’s lips.


In the garden downstairs.

“Do you smell anything?” Xu Yinyin, class monitor of Class 3-2, halted her footsteps as she sensitively smelled the air, “I can smell an omega’s sweet pheromones.” 

“What? Where?” Her sister grabbed her arm, “You alphas are too sensitive and overly suspicious all the time.”

In the infirmary.

Doctor Wang, who was recording the swimming team’s body measurements, suddenly stopped writing and she looked towards the academic building with surprise.

Huang Yelun hurriedly asked, “Missus, what’s wrong?” 

“It’s nothing.” Doctor Wang shook her head and seemingly unintentionally asked, “Today’s the team’s physical check-up, right? Why did Li Cheng ask for a leave?”

Inside the science lab.

Yan Jing, who was absorbed in doing a chemistry experiment, put down the reagents in his hand. He opened his textbook and checked what was written in the book, reading it out loudly word for word, “When reagent A and reagent B are mixed, it will produce a pungent smell… Strange, is the smell of orange considered pungent?”


That evening, many people in Huacheng No.1 Senior High School smelled the scent of sweet, refreshing orange. It was like a pheromone bomb that exploded in the air and took everyone’s attention; However, before they could even catch it, the scent quickly disappeared.

No one knew that behind the locked door of the art classroom, the most unruly school tyrant omega and the most taciturn and aloof alpha were fulfilling a deal that only the two of them knew about.

Behind this deal were feelings that were starting to stir which the two had not yet realised.


The room was quiet.

Li Cheng softly gasped for breath, as he half-sat and half-leaned on the desk, hardly feeling the passage of time.


Before he was marked, he had tried to imagine the feeling countless times. He thought that his mind would go blank or that he would feel beaten up, as if he was run over by something.

But in fact, he… He felt comfortable. 

There was a tiny corner in the depths of his soul which he had never noticed before. It was only when it was filled up today that he discovered that he had that kind of emptiness without realising it.

⸺He was satisfied. He was pleased.

Li Cheng felt lazy all over, like a cat stretching its body under the sun. He was extremely comfortable. If someone scratched his chin at that moment, he would definitely make purring sounds.

His reason was already gone with the wind. He looked down towards Xiao Yiheng who was kneeling in front of him and put on airs as he asked in a weak voice. 

“Do you have tissues? Help wipe Laozi up.”

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Xiao Yiheng followed his wish and silently cleaned up for him.

The gland’s redness and swelling had disappeared, leaving only a deep, dark red circle of teeth marks. There was still some blood left on the skin, coinciding with the bloodstain on Xiao Yiheng’s lips. 

Li Cheng lifted Xiao Yiheng’s chin and admired it for a while. The more he looked at the blood stains on the corner of Yiheng’s lips, the more satisfied he felt.

Xiao Yiheng’s lips were originally pale, but after being stained with blood, it appeared more dazzling than ever.

Li Cheng thought, The students in the campus forum called Xiao Yiheng an ice beauty, but they don’t know that this untouchable flower is currently serving him.

Xiao Yiheng was not angry when Li Cheng lifted his chin up. Instead, he indifferently asked, “Have you stared enough?” 

Li Cheng frankly replied, “I’m paying you money. Can’t I look at you as much as I want to?”

“The money you’re paying is only for the temporary marking,” Xiao Yiheng answered, “You’d have to pay more if you want to ogle me.”

“……” Li Cheng tsked.

He finally let go and let Xiao Yiheng continue. 

His gland no longer felt hot, but the bleeding tooth mark was truly painful. He thought that Xiao Yiheng would take out tissues to wipe off the blood but he unexpectedly took out a white handkerchief from his pocket.

Li Cheng thought, Who still carries around a handkerchief in this day and age?


Li Cheng also thought, But Xiao Yiheng using a handkerchief, why do I feel like it matches him the more I look at it?

Xiao Yiheng first gently wiped the remaining blood stains with a corner of his handkerchief. The boxer briefs were getting in the way so he pushed the bottom of the boxers upwards. 

He was cleaning so conscientiously that he didn’t notice that under Li Cheng’s underwear was…

Li Cheng belatedly felt a sense of embarrassment.

“Hey— That— I can do it myself.” He wanted to take the handkerchief from Xiao Yiheng but Xiao Yiheng jerked his hand away.

“I’m already done cleaning; I just need to do one more thing.” He watched Xiao Yiheng’s quick actions as he folded his handkerchief into a three-fingers-wide strip and wrapped it around Li Cheng’s thigh as a temporary gauze bandage to cover the wound. 

After that, he supported Li Cheng by the waist to help him get up. Then, he pulled up Li Cheng’s pants and tied the pants’ drawstrings.

His fingers were very agile and its joints were distinct. The two white strings moved back and forth under his hand, turning into a bow after a few seconds.

The loose pants finally covered Li Cheng’s legs once again and his jacket was straightened up. In the blink of an eye, Li Cheng turned back into the school’s unshakeable tyrant.

However, the two of them knew that at the base of his thigh, there was a mark of an alpha. 

When he walked, the wound at his thigh would remind him of what had just happened. He involuntarily leaned on his right when he stood to prevent his pants from rubbing the wound that had yet to form a scab.

“Then… I’m leaving?” Li Cheng could not look at Xiao Yiheng in the eye, “I will give you the money tomorrow.”

Yes, that’s right. Li Cheng was paying in instalments but his downpayment… was also on credit.

“It’s fine.” Xiao Yiheng spoke calmly, “I’m not rushing you.” 

He was the most black-hearted businessman in the world. Doing a deal on credit was not what he was after. He wanted today to be delayed to tomorrow and for tomorrow to be delayed to the day after tomorrow. He wanted the interest to keep on increasing, interest upon interest, until one day, Li Cheng could only use himself to pay off his debt.

For the lil’ tyrant to turn into a lil’ slave, truly a profitable deal.


Li Cheng left first. 

To avoid the wound at the base of his thigh, his posture was awkward when he walked so he nearly knocked over the canvas beside him. The canvas was initially covered by a piece of cloth. When Xiao Yiheng was marking him, Li Cheng found it difficult to restrain his emotions but had nowhere to vent it out so he accidentally pulled off the cloth and exposed half of the unfinished painting on the canvas.

Li Cheng was not in the right state of mind to pay close attention to what the painting was about. He merely assumed that it was Teacher Qiu Xian’s work that she had left behind and didn’t pay much heed to it.


If he walked slower, looked more carefully, and paid more attention, he could have discovered something.

After he left, only one figure remained in the art classroom. 

The setting sun’s afterglow was nearly gone. Xiao Yiheng stood in the darkness for a while, thinking about something. After some time, he got up and turned on the lights. Bright light filled the classroom and illuminated the desk that still had Li Cheng’s warmth.

Xiao Yiheng pulled the desk and sat on it just like how Li Cheng did.

He quietly looked at the canvas beside him, replaying everything that had just happened frame by frame.

Hot gasps, soft moans; pheromones flowing together with blood, bite mark imprinting on the femoral artery. 

He gave Li Cheng… a temporary mark.

Temporary mark could only suppress one estrus. This was his first time to do this ‘job’ so he was still not skilled enough. But it didn’t matter. He still had a lot of chances to practice in the future.

Xiao Yiheng pulled off the cloth hanging on the canvas.

⸺In the centre of the canvas, a blonde youth smiled cheekily, his sun-kissed face filled with pride. 

It was a portrait.

Its title was 《You》.

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