This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 28: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch28 - Xiao Yiheng is Sick?

It was the first time Li Cheng had slept so soundly.

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He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow and woke up when the sky was already bright. 

There was no one in the dormitory. His roommates had gotten up early to go to class and he was the only one who had slept in. He rolled around his bed, feeling as if every muscle in his body was brimming with strength. He believed that it would not be a problem for him to swim five kilometres right then!

It was too incredible. Is this the power of temporary marking?

He was even better than he was before his estrus. His body felt extremely light and his mood felt more pleasant. The irritation that was impossible to get rid of had disappeared.

He jumped off the bed but as soon as his feet touched the ground, his left thigh suddenly felt weak and he nearly couldn’t stand firmly. 

“Ss….” He gently took off his pajamas and checked his inner thigh.


The bite mark yesterday had already turned to scabs but its surroundings were still red. When walking, the friction between his inner thighs brought about a strange tingling numbness. Thus, he could only spread his legs wide apart and try to stop anything from touching his gland as much as possible.

The handkerchief that Xiao Yiheng had left him had been stained with blood. He wanted to throw it away but kept it in the end, washing it, drying it, and putting it inside his cabinet.

The only unfortunate thing was that Xiao Yiheng’s pheromones on the handkerchief had disappeared and only the clean fragrance of soap remained.


Li Cheng went to the cafeteria to have a simple breakfast before going to class.

It was Chinese class. The teacher was an old teacher who had been re-employed after retirement. He had little tolerance for people. Seeing that Li Cheng was late again, his face became stern and he punished Li Cheng to copy classical Chinese literature thirty times in class.

Li Cheng smilingly replied, “Okay.”

Classmates: !!! 

Li Cheng sat down at his seat, opened the book, and started copying the text. When his classmates saw that he was obediently copying things, the class was instantly buzzing with gossip.

“What’s the matter with Li ge? Why is his temper so good today?”

“Right. Doesn’t he always kick the door to enter the class? But he actually pushed it open with his hand today!”

“The teacher punished him to copy texts and he actually copied it! He didn’t talk back or punch anything!” 

“Exactly. I thought I was going to see Li ge wreaking havoc today but he’s really copying texts?”

“It’s so weird. He’s like a lion that suddenly turned into a kitten after being petted…. Ick!”

The same question popped up in everyone’s minds: Who on earth made Li ge so happy?

Li Cheng heard everyone’s discussion, but did not take it to heart. He felt that they were exaggerating. He indeed felt happy in body and in mind because of the marking but it was not so exaggerated that he would turn from a big lion into a small kitten. 

Forget it. I’m in a good mood today so I won’t teach them a lesson.



During lunch break, his other classmates went to the cafeteria to grab a spot. Li Cheng asked the boys to buy lunch for him as he was going to the school infirmary.

Li Cheng told them, “You already know what I like: A lot of meat, all spicy. A lot of deep fried. If there’s Sichuan chicken, poached meat, and braised prawns, take more for me.” 

Huang Yelun’s gaze fell on Li Cheng’s legs that were wide apart. He hesitated for a while before he advised, “Big bro, shouldn’t you eat lighter meals today?

“Huh? Why?”

“Don’t hide it from us.” Huang Yelun’s gaze subtly flickered across Li Cheng’s lower half, “We saw you limping into class today and your legs were consciously spread apart when you stand. This looks like…”

The other lil’ brothers were shocked. They shot Huang Yelun a warning glance, shaking their head, trying to stop him from talking rubbish. All of them had noticed that Li Cheng’s gait was unnatural but no one was stupid enough to point it out. It was only Huang Yelun, this idiot, would shoot himself in the foot. 

Hearing his words, Li Cheng was stunned. His deal with Xiao Yiheng was a well-hidden secret. He had never told anyone about the location of his gland. How could Huang Yelun find out?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Huang Yelun did not know what he was thinking as he continued speaking, “…Your digestion hasn’t been great lately and you weren’t able to do your business smoothly right?”

Ktf batfg ili’ ygbatfgr: “……???”

Huang Yelun laughed, “Li ge, you don’t have to be embarrassed. Nine out of ten people would have hemorrhoids. It’s not a serious illness. But you’d have to avoid eating certain foods before you recover. You mustn’t eat food that is too oily and too spicy. I’ll buy you green veggies and porridge instead. What do you think?” 

Ol Jtfcu: “……”

Ol Jtfcu mgjmxfv tlr olcufgr, “P vbc’a kjca ab fja ugffc nfuulfr jcv qbgglvuf. P pera kjca ab fja sbeg wfja.”

Huang Yelun: “……” He felt wronged. He was clearly looking out for his big bro but he kissed instead.

Lf aegcfv tlr ujhf ab jrx tlr ili’ ygbatfgr obg tfiq yea atfs tjv jii vlrjqqfjgfv. Ktfs rlwqis vlv cba mjgf jybea tlw. 

Sigh, he has no IQ or EQ. Huang Yelun is not only a beta, he is stupid too.


After teaching Huang Yelun a lesson, Li Cheng angrily went to the infirmary.

What kind of nonsense was that dickhead spouting? He actually said that I’m walking strangely. What’s strange? It’s just not convenient for me to move because of my wound. Xiao Yiheng, that scum alpha. It’s just a temporary marking. Did he have to bite so hard? The bite mark is so deep that it will probably take a long time for it to heal. 

Li Cheng thought, I should have bitten Xiao Yiheng back yesterday and let him know what it feels like.

Doctor Wang had already been waiting for a long time when he entered the infirmary.


Doctor Wang smilingly asked upon seeing him, “Li Cheng, did you find someone to give you a temporary mark?”

Li Cheng had not expected the coach’s missus to discover it so he blankly asked, “How did you know?” 

Doctor Wang thought, How could I not know? Your pheromone exploded yesterday and the scent of orange spread throughout the whole school. Fortunately, no one knows that Li Cheng’s pheromones smell of orange or else rumours would be flying around.

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Nevertheless, Doctor Wang was familiar with Li Cheng’s temperament so she didn’t tease him about this incident, merely saying, “Tang Zhi called me a few days ago and said that you rejected her deal. You seem to be in a really good mood today so I assumed that you’ve already found another alpha to mark you.”

Li Cheng admitted with some embarrassment, “Ahem, yeah, I found a…” He ambiguously continued, “found a friend to help me.”

Doctor Wang saw that he didn’t want to divulge the details so she didn’t press him any further. Omegas at his age were the most sensitive. Perhaps he didn’t find a friend but a boyfriend. 

Li Cheng came to the infirmary for a physical examination. He was about to participate in the competition thus he needed to undergo a detailed physical examination once again.

Doctor Wang drew a bit of blood from his fingertips and placed it on the device. After a while, the device showed the results⸺The pheromones in Li Cheng’s body had returned to a normal level and his body was in excellent condition. If he could maintain his current condition, he could definitely get dazzling results in the competition early next month.

“Not bad.” Doctor Wang looked with admiration, “It seems like your ‘friend’ is an alpha with superior genes and his pheromones are highly compatible with yours. Your estrus has been completely suppressed and there aren’t any problems.”

Li Cheng thought to himself that he had spent so much money (Although it was to be paid in instalments) so if there was a problem, he would definitely ask Xiao Yiheng to compensate him for the mental trauma. 

Sigh, the lil’ tyrant was truly unreasonable.

After that, Doctor Wang checked the recovery of Li Cheng’s glands.

Funnily enough, Li Cheng felt so shy that his face burned up when Xiao Yiheng took off Li Cheng’s pants yesterday, but he was not the least bit uncomfortable when Doctor Wang was applying medicine to his wound. ……Is it because Doctor Wang is an elder?

“Great, the swelling has completely subsided. You just have to wait for the bite marks to be healed to start your daily training.” Doctor Wang prescribed him a wound gel and told him to apply it to the wound three times a day. 

The ice-cold gel would relieve the itching caused by the formation of scabs when applied to the gland.

With the new physical examination report, Li Cheng had finally resolved the problem that had been bothering him over the past several days. He could also finally start preparing for the competition.

He was planning to compete in four events: 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 200m freestyle and medley relay. Out of the four, he had the highest chance of winning in the 100m and 200m freestyle event. Now that his pheromones had stabilised, the two medals were already in the bag.

He thanked Doctor Wang and was about to leave when Doctor Wang suddenly stopped him. 

“Wait a moment,” Doctor Wang opened her desk drawer and took out two tickets, “These tickets had been given out to the team members during their check-up yesterday but since you weren’t there, I can only give it to you today.”

Li Cheng looked down at the two beautifully-designed tickets. Its main colour was blue and the inside of a swimming pool was printed on them. They were tickets for the swimming competition next month.


For every competition, the organiser would issue tickets to the contestants so that they could bring their relatives and friends to the venue. However, Li Cheng had always received one since he had no relatives other than Youyou who would watch his competitions every time.

Li Cheng asked, “Why are you giving me two? I only need one. Give the other one to someone else.” 

Doctor Wang didn’t take back the ticket and reminded him, “One shouldn’t be enough right? Don’t you want to invite that alpha that gave you the temporary mark to watch your game?”


Li Cheng looked at the extra ticket in his hand and really could not understand why he accepted it as if he had been possessed.

I’m not even friends with Xiao Yiheng. What am I inviting him as? As the alpha that bit me? 

If he took out the tickets, that cold guy might just sneer and say, ‘I don’t have time to watch your game. It’ll just waste time that I could’ve used for studying.’

……It would be better to give this ticket to lil’ Lemon.

Li Cheng could only suppress the idea of giving the ticket for now.

His negotiation had gone well with Xiao Yiheng. For the temporary marking, the downpayment was five hundred yuan and the balance was to be paid on a monthly instalment. If it was before, five hundred yuan was nothing for Li ge. However, he had been financially tight ever since he started raising the ducky. He even had to rummage through all his winter coats for him to barely come up with five hundred yuan. 

With the exact five hundred yuan in his pocket, Li Cheng went to the third year’s building to find Xiao Yiheng and pay the downpayment.

In fact, he had planned to text Xiao Yiheng to meet him in the art classroom. However, after sending the message, he didn’t receive a reply even after a long time.

Li Cheng refused to believe it so he tried calling him but nobody answered him despite trying several times.

This Xiao Yiheng, he could not have not brought his cell phone right? 

Li Cheng went to class 3-1 and casually stopped a student and said that he was looking for Xiao Yiheng.

He was famous in school, especially with his unbridled blonde hair. Who could possibly not know him? Seeing him looking for Xiao Yiheng, everyone thought that he came seeking revenge.

At the crucial moment, Liu Ke bravely stepped forward⸺ He had personally seen Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng secretly ‘holding hands’ under the table at the fried chicken restaurant!

“Li Cheng, I mean, Li ge, Xiao Yiheng didn’t come to school today.” Liu Ke continued, “He took a sick leave. It seems like he has a fever.” 

Li Cheng: ???

No way, is Xiao Yiheng that weak? Although the coach had told me that it was extremely exhausting for an alpha to mark an omega, it would not be so bad as to cause Xiao Yiheng to get sick right? 


Li Cheng asked, “What do you mean by ‘it seems’? If he has fever, then he has fever. If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t. How could it be unclear as you’ve said?”

Liu Ke: “I know nothing about the specifics. I only overheard this when the class teacher was chatting with the other teachers. I sent him a message asking how he was doing and he replied that it’s nothing major.” 

Li Cheng: “……He replied to your message?”

Liu Ke: “He did. I’m the class monitor after all so I must know the reason a student is absent. But even if I weren’t the one to ask, if someone else in our class messaged him, he would reply. Although he looks indifferent, he’s very courteous and would definitely reply to messages.”

Li Cheng: “……”

So, I’m the only person who can’t get Xiao Yiheng’s ‘courtesy’ then?  

Li Cheng fumingly went back to the second year’s building. He himself could not figure out why he was so angry.

Coincidentally, he had just reached the building’s door when he ran across Yan Jing.

Yan Jing wore thick-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose and his bowl-cut fringe was stuck to his forehead, looking the epitome of a ‘bookworm.’

Li Cheng had met him several times and knew that he would walk home with Xiao Yiheng every night. When Xiao Yiheng was being ganged up by Hu ge, Yan Jing had run back to ask for help. It was just that Li Cheng and Yan Jing were completely unfamiliar to each other. They were in different classes so since they came to HC1, they had only exchanged less than five sentences until now. 

Although Yan Jing was an alpha, he was extremely terrified. He felt like a mouth meeting a cat when he saw Li Cheng. He lowered his head and turned around, wanting to slip away.

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Li Cheng grabbed him by the collar.

Yan Jing: “……” Do I have some weird magnet on my body? No matter where I go, I will always be caught by these hooligan bosses.

Yan Jing summoned his courage to ask, “Li ge, is there anything I can do for you?” 

Li Cheng asked, “Are you close to Xiao Yiheng?”

Yan Jing was not sure what he was implying so he cautiously answered, “It depends on what you mean by ‘close’…”

Li Cheng didn’t want to talk nonsense with him so he bluntly asked, “Do you know where he lives?”

Yan Jing: “Huh?” 

“I’m asking you! You go home with him every day. Do you know which neighbourhood, which street, which house number his family lives in?”

“I know but…”


Li Cheng immediately interrupted him, “Well, as a friend, after knowing that Xiao Yiheng had taken a sick leave and had not come to school, don’t you really want to pay him a visit?”

Yan Jing was dumbfounded, “Uh… Do I want to visit him?” 

He was not that close to Xiao Yiheng yet.

Li Cheng: “You want to. Of course you do. Not only do you want to visit him, you also want to buy some gifts to give him.”

Yan Jing looked at Li Cheng in confusion. He stared blankly for a while when the realisation hit him.

Yan Jing tentatively asked, “I want to bring him fruits or flowers?” 

Li Cheng: “Of course you’ll bring him fruits!”

Yan Jing asked again, “And I want to bring him apples or pears?”

Li Cheng: “Apples and pears are too common. You should bring him oranges instead. He has a fever so you want him to have more vitamin C.”

Yan Jing continued to ask, “I also want to bring him today’s homework and test papers?” 

Li Cheng: “Forget about the test papers and homework. You wouldn’t want to delay his recovery. You only want to let him rest.”

Yan Jing finally understood. He then asked the last question, “Then I happened to come across a warm-hearted schoolmate and wanted to bring this warm-hearted schoolmate with me?”

Li Cheng slapped his thigh in satisfaction upon hearing this⸺ He really deserves to be the top student of the elite class. Just look at his quick thinking.


Ch28 - Xiao Yiheng is Sick?

It was the first time Li Cheng had slept so soundly.

He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow and woke up when the sky was already bright. 

There was no one in the dormitory. His roommates had gotten up early to go to class and he was the only one who had slept in. He rolled around his bed, feeling as if every muscle in his body was brimming with strength. He believed that it would not be a problem for him to swim five kilometres right then!

It was too incredible. Is this the power of temporary marking?

He was even better than he was before his estrus. His body felt extremely light and his mood felt more pleasant. The irritation that was impossible to get rid of had disappeared.

He jumped off the bed but as soon as his feet touched the ground, his left thigh suddenly felt weak and he nearly couldn’t stand firmly. 

“Ss….” He gently took off his pajamas and checked his inner thigh.


The bite mark yesterday had already turned to scabs but its surroundings were still red. When walking, the friction between his inner thighs brought about a strange tingling numbness. Thus, he could only spread his legs wide apart and try to stop anything from touching his gland as much as possible.

The handkerchief that Xiao Yiheng had left him had been stained with blood. He wanted to throw it away but kept it in the end, washing it, drying it, and putting it inside his cabinet.

The only unfortunate thing was that Xiao Yiheng’s pheromones on the handkerchief had disappeared and only the clean fragrance of soap remained.


Li Cheng went to the cafeteria to have a simple breakfast before going to class.

It was Chinese class. The teacher was an old teacher who had been re-employed after retirement. He had little tolerance for people. Seeing that Li Cheng was late again, his face became stern and he punished Li Cheng to copy classical Chinese literature thirty times in class.

Li Cheng smilingly replied, “Okay.”

Classmates: !!! 

Li Cheng sat down at his seat, opened the book, and started copying the text. When his classmates saw that he was obediently copying things, the class was instantly buzzing with gossip.

“What’s the matter with Li ge? Why is his temper so good today?”

“Right. Doesn’t he always kick the door to enter the class? But he actually pushed it open with his hand today!”

“The teacher punished him to copy texts and he actually copied it! He didn’t talk back or punch anything!” 

“Exactly. I thought I was going to see Li ge wreaking havoc today but he’s really copying texts?”

“It’s so weird. He’s like a lion that suddenly turned into a kitten after being petted…. Ick!”

The same question popped up in everyone’s minds: Who on earth made Li ge so happy?

Li Cheng heard everyone’s discussion, but did not take it to heart. He felt that they were exaggerating. He indeed felt happy in body and in mind because of the marking but it was not so exaggerated that he would turn from a big lion into a small kitten. 

Forget it. I’m in a good mood today so I won’t teach them a lesson.


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During lunch break, his other classmates went to the cafeteria to grab a spot. Li Cheng asked the boys to buy lunch for him as he was going to the school infirmary.

Li Cheng told them, “You already know what I like: A lot of meat, all spicy. A lot of deep fried. If there’s Sichuan chicken, poached meat, and braised prawns, take more for me.” 

Huang Yelun’s gaze fell on Li Cheng’s legs that were wide apart. He hesitated for a while before he advised, “Big bro, shouldn’t you eat lighter meals today?

“Huh? Why?”

“Don’t hide it from us.” Huang Yelun’s gaze subtly flickered across Li Cheng’s lower half, “We saw you limping into class today and your legs were consciously spread apart when you stand. This looks like…”

The other lil’ brothers were shocked. They shot Huang Yelun a warning glance, shaking their head, trying to stop him from talking rubbish. All of them had noticed that Li Cheng’s gait was unnatural but no one was stupid enough to point it out. It was only Huang Yelun, this idiot, would shoot himself in the foot. 

Hearing his words, Li Cheng was stunned. His deal with Xiao Yiheng was a well-hidden secret. He had never told anyone about the location of his gland. How could Huang Yelun find out?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Huang Yelun did not know what he was thinking as he continued speaking, “…Your digestion hasn’t been great lately and you weren’t able to do your business smoothly right?”

Ktf batfg ili’ ygbatfgr: “……???”

Huang Yelun laughed, “Li ge, you don’t have to be embarrassed. Nine out of ten people would have hemorrhoids. It’s not a serious illness. But you’d have to avoid eating certain foods before you recover. You mustn’t eat food that is too oily and too spicy. I’ll buy you green veggies and porridge instead. What do you think?” 

Ol Jtfcu: “……”

Ol Jtfcu mgjmxfv tlr olcufgr, “P vbc’a kjca ab fja ugffc nfuulfr jcv qbgglvuf. P pera kjca ab fja sbeg wfja.”

Huang Yelun: “……” He felt wronged. He was clearly looking out for his big bro but he kissed instead.

Lf aegcfv tlr ujhf ab jrx tlr ili’ ygbatfgr obg tfiq yea atfs tjv jii vlrjqqfjgfv. Ktfs rlwqis vlv cba mjgf jybea tlw. 

Sigh, he has no IQ or EQ. Huang Yelun is not only a beta, he is stupid too.


After teaching Huang Yelun a lesson, Li Cheng angrily went to the infirmary.

What kind of nonsense was that dickhead spouting? He actually said that I’m walking strangely. What’s strange? It’s just not convenient for me to move because of my wound. Xiao Yiheng, that scum alpha. It’s just a temporary marking. Did he have to bite so hard? The bite mark is so deep that it will probably take a long time for it to heal. 

Li Cheng thought, I should have bitten Xiao Yiheng back yesterday and let him know what it feels like.

Doctor Wang had already been waiting for a long time when he entered the infirmary.


Doctor Wang smilingly asked upon seeing him, “Li Cheng, did you find someone to give you a temporary mark?”

Li Cheng had not expected the coach’s missus to discover it so he blankly asked, “How did you know?” 

Doctor Wang thought, How could I not know? Your pheromone exploded yesterday and the scent of orange spread throughout the whole school. Fortunately, no one knows that Li Cheng’s pheromones smell of orange or else rumours would be flying around.

Nevertheless, Doctor Wang was familiar with Li Cheng’s temperament so she didn’t tease him about this incident, merely saying, “Tang Zhi called me a few days ago and said that you rejected her deal. You seem to be in a really good mood today so I assumed that you’ve already found another alpha to mark you.”

Li Cheng admitted with some embarrassment, “Ahem, yeah, I found a…” He ambiguously continued, “found a friend to help me.”

Doctor Wang saw that he didn’t want to divulge the details so she didn’t press him any further. Omegas at his age were the most sensitive. Perhaps he didn’t find a friend but a boyfriend. 

Li Cheng came to the infirmary for a physical examination. He was about to participate in the competition thus he needed to undergo a detailed physical examination once again.

Doctor Wang drew a bit of blood from his fingertips and placed it on the device. After a while, the device showed the results⸺The pheromones in Li Cheng’s body had returned to a normal level and his body was in excellent condition. If he could maintain his current condition, he could definitely get dazzling results in the competition early next month.

“Not bad.” Doctor Wang looked with admiration, “It seems like your ‘friend’ is an alpha with superior genes and his pheromones are highly compatible with yours. Your estrus has been completely suppressed and there aren’t any problems.”

Li Cheng thought to himself that he had spent so much money (Although it was to be paid in instalments) so if there was a problem, he would definitely ask Xiao Yiheng to compensate him for the mental trauma. 

Sigh, the lil’ tyrant was truly unreasonable.

After that, Doctor Wang checked the recovery of Li Cheng’s glands.

Funnily enough, Li Cheng felt so shy that his face burned up when Xiao Yiheng took off Li Cheng’s pants yesterday, but he was not the least bit uncomfortable when Doctor Wang was applying medicine to his wound. ……Is it because Doctor Wang is an elder?

“Great, the swelling has completely subsided. You just have to wait for the bite marks to be healed to start your daily training.” Doctor Wang prescribed him a wound gel and told him to apply it to the wound three times a day. 

The ice-cold gel would relieve the itching caused by the formation of scabs when applied to the gland.

With the new physical examination report, Li Cheng had finally resolved the problem that had been bothering him over the past several days. He could also finally start preparing for the competition.

He was planning to compete in four events: 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 200m freestyle and medley relay. Out of the four, he had the highest chance of winning in the 100m and 200m freestyle event. Now that his pheromones had stabilised, the two medals were already in the bag.

He thanked Doctor Wang and was about to leave when Doctor Wang suddenly stopped him. 

“Wait a moment,” Doctor Wang opened her desk drawer and took out two tickets, “These tickets had been given out to the team members during their check-up yesterday but since you weren’t there, I can only give it to you today.”

Li Cheng looked down at the two beautifully-designed tickets. Its main colour was blue and the inside of a swimming pool was printed on them. They were tickets for the swimming competition next month.


For every competition, the organiser would issue tickets to the contestants so that they could bring their relatives and friends to the venue. However, Li Cheng had always received one since he had no relatives other than Youyou who would watch his competitions every time.

Li Cheng asked, “Why are you giving me two? I only need one. Give the other one to someone else.” 

Doctor Wang didn’t take back the ticket and reminded him, “One shouldn’t be enough right? Don’t you want to invite that alpha that gave you the temporary mark to watch your game?”


Li Cheng looked at the extra ticket in his hand and really could not understand why he accepted it as if he had been possessed.

I’m not even friends with Xiao Yiheng. What am I inviting him as? As the alpha that bit me? 

If he took out the tickets, that cold guy might just sneer and say, ‘I don’t have time to watch your game. It’ll just waste time that I could’ve used for studying.’

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……It would be better to give this ticket to lil’ Lemon.

Li Cheng could only suppress the idea of giving the ticket for now.

His negotiation had gone well with Xiao Yiheng. For the temporary marking, the downpayment was five hundred yuan and the balance was to be paid on a monthly instalment. If it was before, five hundred yuan was nothing for Li ge. However, he had been financially tight ever since he started raising the ducky. He even had to rummage through all his winter coats for him to barely come up with five hundred yuan. 

With the exact five hundred yuan in his pocket, Li Cheng went to the third year’s building to find Xiao Yiheng and pay the downpayment.

In fact, he had planned to text Xiao Yiheng to meet him in the art classroom. However, after sending the message, he didn’t receive a reply even after a long time.

Li Cheng refused to believe it so he tried calling him but nobody answered him despite trying several times.

This Xiao Yiheng, he could not have not brought his cell phone right? 

Li Cheng went to class 3-1 and casually stopped a student and said that he was looking for Xiao Yiheng.

He was famous in school, especially with his unbridled blonde hair. Who could possibly not know him? Seeing him looking for Xiao Yiheng, everyone thought that he came seeking revenge.

At the crucial moment, Liu Ke bravely stepped forward⸺ He had personally seen Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng secretly ‘holding hands’ under the table at the fried chicken restaurant!

“Li Cheng, I mean, Li ge, Xiao Yiheng didn’t come to school today.” Liu Ke continued, “He took a sick leave. It seems like he has a fever.” 

Li Cheng: ???

No way, is Xiao Yiheng that weak? Although the coach had told me that it was extremely exhausting for an alpha to mark an omega, it would not be so bad as to cause Xiao Yiheng to get sick right? 


Li Cheng asked, “What do you mean by ‘it seems’? If he has fever, then he has fever. If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t. How could it be unclear as you’ve said?”

Liu Ke: “I know nothing about the specifics. I only overheard this when the class teacher was chatting with the other teachers. I sent him a message asking how he was doing and he replied that it’s nothing major.” 

Li Cheng: “……He replied to your message?”

Liu Ke: “He did. I’m the class monitor after all so I must know the reason a student is absent. But even if I weren’t the one to ask, if someone else in our class messaged him, he would reply. Although he looks indifferent, he’s very courteous and would definitely reply to messages.”

Li Cheng: “……”

So, I’m the only person who can’t get Xiao Yiheng’s ‘courtesy’ then?  

Li Cheng fumingly went back to the second year’s building. He himself could not figure out why he was so angry.

Coincidentally, he had just reached the building’s door when he ran across Yan Jing.

Yan Jing wore thick-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose and his bowl-cut fringe was stuck to his forehead, looking the epitome of a ‘bookworm.’

Li Cheng had met him several times and knew that he would walk home with Xiao Yiheng every night. When Xiao Yiheng was being ganged up by Hu ge, Yan Jing had run back to ask for help. It was just that Li Cheng and Yan Jing were completely unfamiliar to each other. They were in different classes so since they came to HC1, they had only exchanged less than five sentences until now. 

Although Yan Jing was an alpha, he was extremely terrified. He felt like a mouth meeting a cat when he saw Li Cheng. He lowered his head and turned around, wanting to slip away.

Li Cheng grabbed him by the collar.

Yan Jing: “……” Do I have some weird magnet on my body? No matter where I go, I will always be caught by these hooligan bosses.

Yan Jing summoned his courage to ask, “Li ge, is there anything I can do for you?” 

Li Cheng asked, “Are you close to Xiao Yiheng?”

Yan Jing was not sure what he was implying so he cautiously answered, “It depends on what you mean by ‘close’…”

Li Cheng didn’t want to talk nonsense with him so he bluntly asked, “Do you know where he lives?”

Yan Jing: “Huh?” 

“I’m asking you! You go home with him every day. Do you know which neighbourhood, which street, which house number his family lives in?”

“I know but…”


Li Cheng immediately interrupted him, “Well, as a friend, after knowing that Xiao Yiheng had taken a sick leave and had not come to school, don’t you really want to pay him a visit?”

Yan Jing was dumbfounded, “Uh… Do I want to visit him?” 

He was not that close to Xiao Yiheng yet.

Li Cheng: “You want to. Of course you do. Not only do you want to visit him, you also want to buy some gifts to give him.”

Yan Jing looked at Li Cheng in confusion. He stared blankly for a while when the realisation hit him.

Yan Jing tentatively asked, “I want to bring him fruits or flowers?” 

Li Cheng: “Of course you’ll bring him fruits!”

Yan Jing asked again, “And I want to bring him apples or pears?”

Li Cheng: “Apples and pears are too common. You should bring him oranges instead. He has a fever so you want him to have more vitamin C.”

Yan Jing continued to ask, “I also want to bring him today’s homework and test papers?” 

Li Cheng: “Forget about the test papers and homework. You wouldn’t want to delay his recovery. You only want to let him rest.”

Yan Jing finally understood. He then asked the last question, “Then I happened to come across a warm-hearted schoolmate and wanted to bring this warm-hearted schoolmate with me?”

Li Cheng slapped his thigh in satisfaction upon hearing this⸺ He really deserves to be the top student of the elite class. Just look at his quick thinking.


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