This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 30: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch30 - Beautiful Dreams

How did Xiao Yiheng get a fever?

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This situation was indeed related to the temporary marking but the reason was exactly the opposite of what Li Cheng had imagined. 

It was not because Xiao Yiheng had been drained of his energy but instead, it was because the temporary marking caused an upsurge of the impulses that he had been suppressing deep inside.

Xiao Yiheng was at an age when young boys’ “energy” is at its peak. It was just that he was usually focused on his studies and had a strict family. As such, he had been suppressing his true self, either intentionally or unintentionally.


The intimate contact he had with Li Cheng yesterday broke the code of conduct which he had been abiding for many years.

His desire to let it all out was like an avalanche, utterly out of his control. 

Even now, the sweetness of the omega’s blood still lingered in his tongue.


He slept poorly last night; he kept on waking up from sleep and had countless beautiful dreams with Li Cheng’s figure looming within them.

He dreamt of the first time they met: Li Cheng fell from the sky and fell into his arms. This time, he did not let him go. Instead, he held him tightly within his arms, stopping him from breaking free.

He also dreamt of the time that they were fighting inside the alley. The police were inspecting the place while they were hiding behind the dirty sofa. Then, he leaned close to Li Cheng and lost himself in his tyrannical and haughty eyes.


There was also that time when Li Cheng had dirtied his clothes with the rinse water and Li Cheng had taken him to the natatorium so that he could bathe. This time, however, he dragged Li Cheng into the shower with him. Warm water poured out of the shower, soaking their bodies.

The last dream happened inside the art classroom.

What had happened was repeated inside his dream. The dimly lit room, scattered sunlight pouring through the window and the boy’s legs that shivered out of shyness.

However, unlike reality, he didn’t stop after carrying out the temporary marking. After the merging of their pheromones, he pushed Li Cheng down onto the desk. 

Their school uniforms were thrown all over the place.

Xiao Yiheng painted beautiful strokes on Li Cheng’s body, just like he would on his precious canvas.

The boy in his dream loudly cursed at first, punching and kicking him, but his curses turned into moans of pleasure.

He even visioned the boy’s appearance as he cried from pleasure, as well as the way he curled his toes adorably. 

……Unfortunately, dreams were just that, dreams.

When Xiao Yiheng woke up from the dream, he found himself running a fever.

It was just that he did not expect for the boy who lured him in his dream to appear in front of him carrying a bag of oranges.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He also did not expect that the same boy would tell him that he would take responsibility for him. 


As these thoughts crossed his mind, Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows as he looked at Li Cheng who was sitting across him and he spoke, “If you really drained me completely, it should be considered an occupational injury. How would you take responsibility for that?”


His question caused Li Cheng to choke, That’s right. How should I take responsibility?

He wondered if he had been possessed for him to speak such egotistical words. I told an alpha that I would take responsibility at the spur of the moment! 

What had been said could not be taken back. Li Cheng was too proud to retract his bold promise.

He racked his brains for a while before he spitted the words through his teeth, “……I’ll give you more money to pay for your nutrition?”

His face grimaced at the thought of spending more money, turning from a sweet orange to a sour lime.

“Nutrition fees?” Xiao Yiheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was considering Li Cheng’s proposal. 

When he spoke, his fingers ran from lil’ Lemon’s neck to its tail which caused the duckling to tremble all over for some reason. Its butt looked as if it had an electric motor inside it causing it to vibrate endlessly.

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Xiao Yiheng unhurriedly patted the duckling while Li Cheng stared at his hand in a daze. He imagined those hands stroking his back and he could not help but tremble.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t notice his momentary trembling. He said, “Li Cheng, you really owe me quite a lot of money. Don’t forget that even your down-payment still hasn’t been paid. Yet now you’re telling me that you’re paying me this nutrition fee. How long will it take you to pay this one? Five months? Ten months? Or for a lifetime?”

His words touched a sore spot. Li Cheng became flushed red as he blurted out, “I don’t have money now but it doesn’t mean that I won’t have money in the future! Haven’t I told you? I’m going to participate in the provincial competitions soon. If I win the championship, the province, the city, and the school will give me bonus prizes which would sum up to several thousands of moneys. So, I’ll definitely pay off what I owe you!” 

His tone was exactly like a poor scholar deceiving a courtesan in a Ming-Qing dynasty novel, promising things like ‘Wait for my success in the imperial examination. I will definitely take you as my wife with a procession of dowries and a luxurious palanquin.’ His words were truly deceitfully sincere and were not persuasive.

Xiao Yiheng obviously would not let him off so easily.

Because of his fever, he was slightly pale and he spoke extremely slowly, sounding indolent, “Even if you say that, it’s still an empty promise. There are many variables in sports competitions. Who can guarantee that they will win the championship? Don’t tell me after the competition ends that ‘today’s opponent is too strong’ or that ‘I’m not in a good condition today, which just means that you didn’t win the championship and thus you didn’t get any prize money.”

If Li Cheng had not kept in mind that Xiao Yiheng was sick, he would have flipped the table by now and beat up Xiao Yiheng, the bastard, until he called him father. 

Li Cheng was an immensely proud person and the attribute that he was most proud of was that he had absolute dominance in the swimming pool. To prepare for the competition, he had to train for several hours in the swimming pool every day. Xiao Yiheng could question his ability on other things but not in swimming!

Thus, Li Cheng was enraged and wanted to prove his strength.

He was so mad that he grabbed his schoolbag and took out a piece of paper from inside it, slamming it on the table.

⸺It was a ticket to Li Cheng’s competition. 

The ticket was for a VIP seating which faced the side of the swimming pool and was situated in the middle hence it had the best view in the whole venue.

“Xiao, on the second of next month, even if you are extremely sick, you have to come watch me at the provincial swimming complex!” Li Cheng pointed towards the other as he proudly said, “I want you to see with your own eyes how this Laozi will beat those weaklings and seize the championship.”


“Oh?” Xiao Yiheng’s gaze fell on the exquisite blue ticket and immediately took the ticket on impulse, “Since you invited with such sincerity, then I’ll…. definitely go.”

Li Cheng: “……” 

Huh? Wait wait.

Something seems off?

Although the coach’s wife gave him an extra ticket, he clearly did not have the intention of giving the ticket to Xiao Yiheng…

Doubts began to rise in Li Cheng’s mind—Why do I feel like I’ve fallen into a trap? 

Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret in this world. He could only helplessly watch as Xiao Yiheng took the ticket from under his hand, smoothed it, carefully set it between the pages of his notebook and hid the notebook inside his drawer.

His gaze never left the notebook until the drawer closed with a gentle click.

He touched the woollen hat on his head, thinking that it was too thick. If not, how could his head feel so hot and caused him to do something so stupid? He tried to fix the situation by saying, “I was just joking earlier. You don’t have to go if you have something going on that day!”

If his teammates knew that he gave a ticket to Xiao Yiheng, who knew what idea would they come up with! 

His unwillingness was written clearly on his face but Xiao Yiheng pretended not to see it, “Speaking of which, we have known each other for quite a while but I have yet to see you swim.”

After saying this, Xiao Yiheng burst out laughing.

Li Cheng shivered. His animal-like intuition was telling him that something was wrong, “……Why are you laughing? What’s so funny about swimming?”

“I’m not laughing because of that.” Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “You’re wearing swimming trunks when you swim, right?” 

Li Cheng nodded, “Of course! Only girls wear one-piece swimsuits.”

“That’s why I laughed.” Xiao Yiheng smiled faintly and there was a glint in his elegant, phoenix eyes, “I’ve seen your lower half yesterday. This time I’ll finally see your upper body.”

Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng: “…………” 

Li Cheng: “………………”

Li Cheng’s cheeks became flushed. He bolted from his seat and executed a shadowless kick, “Xiao Yiheng, you impudent son, as your father, I’ll carry out the will of heaven and teach you a lesson today!”

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……Outside the door, Yan Jing who was sticking to the door felt like crying, I didn’t eavesdrop on purpose but this couple not only are being steamy, they are even role-playing! Can’t they be quieter?!


Their ‘study group’ session lasted until 7:30 in the evening. Mother Xiao wanted Li Cheng and Yan Jing to stay for dinner but both made up an excuse to leave.

How could Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng sit at the same table for dinner? Xiao Yiheng was not pleasing to the eye for Li Cheng right now to the point that he wished he would be burned so badly by his fever so that he would not have to pay back the money he owed and he would not have to invite him to watch his game.

Yan Jing’s purpose was merely to ‘voluntarily’ visit a sick classmate. His mission had already been completed when he gave the oranges. As a pitiful toolman, he just wanted to go home and quickly have a rest.

Moreover, Father Xiao would be arriving home from work soon and it was said that he was more serious and indifferent than Mother Xiao, like a robot. They didn’t want to eat together with two refrigerators. 

Seeing that they wanted to leave, Xiao Yiheng did not force them to stay. He walked them to the door and bid them goodbye.

Xiao Yiheng could not be too cordial to Li Cheng in front of his mother as he was worried that his keen mother would sense something.

He even deliberately said goodbye to Yan Jing first before turning to Li Cheng. His bright eyes were smiling but his voice was cold, “Li Cheng, thank you for visiting me today. Don’t worry, I will be better tomorrow. See you tomorrow.”

Li Cheng mumbled a reply, “…Yeah, see you.” 

He inwardly thought, Stop thinking too highly of yourself. Who is worried about your fever?

The lil’ Lemon inside his backpack jumped, proving with its action that it cared.

Li Cheng felt the lil’ Lemon’s bouncing and found it hard to fathom why it was so close to Xiao Yiheng. He was the one feeding it, sleeping together with it every night, manually washing its diapers every morning but it would foolishly follow Xiao Yiheng with just a gesture of his hand.

Sigh, this thing is really living off me while only being loving towards Yiheng. 

If lil’ Lemon could hear what he was thinking, the clever duck would definitely say:

Sigh, this scoundrel is really a hypocrite.

Ch30 - Beautiful Dreams

How did Xiao Yiheng get a fever?

This situation was indeed related to the temporary marking but the reason was exactly the opposite of what Li Cheng had imagined. 

It was not because Xiao Yiheng had been drained of his energy but instead, it was because the temporary marking caused an upsurge of the impulses that he had been suppressing deep inside.

Xiao Yiheng was at an age when young boys’ “energy” is at its peak. It was just that he was usually focused on his studies and had a strict family. As such, he had been suppressing his true self, either intentionally or unintentionally.


The intimate contact he had with Li Cheng yesterday broke the code of conduct which he had been abiding for many years.

His desire to let it all out was like an avalanche, utterly out of his control. 

Even now, the sweetness of the omega’s blood still lingered in his tongue.


He slept poorly last night; he kept on waking up from sleep and had countless beautiful dreams with Li Cheng’s figure looming within them.

He dreamt of the first time they met: Li Cheng fell from the sky and fell into his arms. This time, he did not let him go. Instead, he held him tightly within his arms, stopping him from breaking free.

He also dreamt of the time that they were fighting inside the alley. The police were inspecting the place while they were hiding behind the dirty sofa. Then, he leaned close to Li Cheng and lost himself in his tyrannical and haughty eyes.


There was also that time when Li Cheng had dirtied his clothes with the rinse water and Li Cheng had taken him to the natatorium so that he could bathe. This time, however, he dragged Li Cheng into the shower with him. Warm water poured out of the shower, soaking their bodies.

The last dream happened inside the art classroom.

What had happened was repeated inside his dream. The dimly lit room, scattered sunlight pouring through the window and the boy’s legs that shivered out of shyness.

However, unlike reality, he didn’t stop after carrying out the temporary marking. After the merging of their pheromones, he pushed Li Cheng down onto the desk. 

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Their school uniforms were thrown all over the place.

Xiao Yiheng painted beautiful strokes on Li Cheng’s body, just like he would on his precious canvas.

The boy in his dream loudly cursed at first, punching and kicking him, but his curses turned into moans of pleasure.

He even visioned the boy’s appearance as he cried from pleasure, as well as the way he curled his toes adorably. 

……Unfortunately, dreams were just that, dreams.

When Xiao Yiheng woke up from the dream, he found himself running a fever.

It was just that he did not expect for the boy who lured him in his dream to appear in front of him carrying a bag of oranges.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He also did not expect that the same boy would tell him that he would take responsibility for him. 


As these thoughts crossed his mind, Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows as he looked at Li Cheng who was sitting across him and he spoke, “If you really drained me completely, it should be considered an occupational injury. How would you take responsibility for that?”


His question caused Li Cheng to choke, That’s right. How should I take responsibility?

He wondered if he had been possessed for him to speak such egotistical words. I told an alpha that I would take responsibility at the spur of the moment! 

What had been said could not be taken back. Li Cheng was too proud to retract his bold promise.

He racked his brains for a while before he spitted the words through his teeth, “……I’ll give you more money to pay for your nutrition?”

His face grimaced at the thought of spending more money, turning from a sweet orange to a sour lime.

“Nutrition fees?” Xiao Yiheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was considering Li Cheng’s proposal. 

When he spoke, his fingers ran from lil’ Lemon’s neck to its tail which caused the duckling to tremble all over for some reason. Its butt looked as if it had an electric motor inside it causing it to vibrate endlessly.

Xiao Yiheng unhurriedly patted the duckling while Li Cheng stared at his hand in a daze. He imagined those hands stroking his back and he could not help but tremble.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t notice his momentary trembling. He said, “Li Cheng, you really owe me quite a lot of money. Don’t forget that even your down-payment still hasn’t been paid. Yet now you’re telling me that you’re paying me this nutrition fee. How long will it take you to pay this one? Five months? Ten months? Or for a lifetime?”

His words touched a sore spot. Li Cheng became flushed red as he blurted out, “I don’t have money now but it doesn’t mean that I won’t have money in the future! Haven’t I told you? I’m going to participate in the provincial competitions soon. If I win the championship, the province, the city, and the school will give me bonus prizes which would sum up to several thousands of moneys. So, I’ll definitely pay off what I owe you!” 

His tone was exactly like a poor scholar deceiving a courtesan in a Ming-Qing dynasty novel, promising things like ‘Wait for my success in the imperial examination. I will definitely take you as my wife with a procession of dowries and a luxurious palanquin.’ His words were truly deceitfully sincere and were not persuasive.

Xiao Yiheng obviously would not let him off so easily.

Because of his fever, he was slightly pale and he spoke extremely slowly, sounding indolent, “Even if you say that, it’s still an empty promise. There are many variables in sports competitions. Who can guarantee that they will win the championship? Don’t tell me after the competition ends that ‘today’s opponent is too strong’ or that ‘I’m not in a good condition today, which just means that you didn’t win the championship and thus you didn’t get any prize money.”

If Li Cheng had not kept in mind that Xiao Yiheng was sick, he would have flipped the table by now and beat up Xiao Yiheng, the bastard, until he called him father. 

Li Cheng was an immensely proud person and the attribute that he was most proud of was that he had absolute dominance in the swimming pool. To prepare for the competition, he had to train for several hours in the swimming pool every day. Xiao Yiheng could question his ability on other things but not in swimming!

Thus, Li Cheng was enraged and wanted to prove his strength.

He was so mad that he grabbed his schoolbag and took out a piece of paper from inside it, slamming it on the table.

⸺It was a ticket to Li Cheng’s competition. 

The ticket was for a VIP seating which faced the side of the swimming pool and was situated in the middle hence it had the best view in the whole venue.

“Xiao, on the second of next month, even if you are extremely sick, you have to come watch me at the provincial swimming complex!” Li Cheng pointed towards the other as he proudly said, “I want you to see with your own eyes how this Laozi will beat those weaklings and seize the championship.”


“Oh?” Xiao Yiheng’s gaze fell on the exquisite blue ticket and immediately took the ticket on impulse, “Since you invited with such sincerity, then I’ll…. definitely go.”

Li Cheng: “……” 

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Huh? Wait wait.

Something seems off?

Although the coach’s wife gave him an extra ticket, he clearly did not have the intention of giving the ticket to Xiao Yiheng…

Doubts began to rise in Li Cheng’s mind—Why do I feel like I’ve fallen into a trap? 

Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret in this world. He could only helplessly watch as Xiao Yiheng took the ticket from under his hand, smoothed it, carefully set it between the pages of his notebook and hid the notebook inside his drawer.

His gaze never left the notebook until the drawer closed with a gentle click.

He touched the woollen hat on his head, thinking that it was too thick. If not, how could his head feel so hot and caused him to do something so stupid? He tried to fix the situation by saying, “I was just joking earlier. You don’t have to go if you have something going on that day!”

If his teammates knew that he gave a ticket to Xiao Yiheng, who knew what idea would they come up with! 

His unwillingness was written clearly on his face but Xiao Yiheng pretended not to see it, “Speaking of which, we have known each other for quite a while but I have yet to see you swim.”

After saying this, Xiao Yiheng burst out laughing.

Li Cheng shivered. His animal-like intuition was telling him that something was wrong, “……Why are you laughing? What’s so funny about swimming?”

“I’m not laughing because of that.” Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “You’re wearing swimming trunks when you swim, right?” 

Li Cheng nodded, “Of course! Only girls wear one-piece swimsuits.”

“That’s why I laughed.” Xiao Yiheng smiled faintly and there was a glint in his elegant, phoenix eyes, “I’ve seen your lower half yesterday. This time I’ll finally see your upper body.”

Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng: “…………” 

Li Cheng: “………………”

Li Cheng’s cheeks became flushed. He bolted from his seat and executed a shadowless kick, “Xiao Yiheng, you impudent son, as your father, I’ll carry out the will of heaven and teach you a lesson today!”


……Outside the door, Yan Jing who was sticking to the door felt like crying, I didn’t eavesdrop on purpose but this couple not only are being steamy, they are even role-playing! Can’t they be quieter?!


Their ‘study group’ session lasted until 7:30 in the evening. Mother Xiao wanted Li Cheng and Yan Jing to stay for dinner but both made up an excuse to leave.

How could Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng sit at the same table for dinner? Xiao Yiheng was not pleasing to the eye for Li Cheng right now to the point that he wished he would be burned so badly by his fever so that he would not have to pay back the money he owed and he would not have to invite him to watch his game.

Yan Jing’s purpose was merely to ‘voluntarily’ visit a sick classmate. His mission had already been completed when he gave the oranges. As a pitiful toolman, he just wanted to go home and quickly have a rest.

Moreover, Father Xiao would be arriving home from work soon and it was said that he was more serious and indifferent than Mother Xiao, like a robot. They didn’t want to eat together with two refrigerators. 

Seeing that they wanted to leave, Xiao Yiheng did not force them to stay. He walked them to the door and bid them goodbye.

Xiao Yiheng could not be too cordial to Li Cheng in front of his mother as he was worried that his keen mother would sense something.

He even deliberately said goodbye to Yan Jing first before turning to Li Cheng. His bright eyes were smiling but his voice was cold, “Li Cheng, thank you for visiting me today. Don’t worry, I will be better tomorrow. See you tomorrow.”

Li Cheng mumbled a reply, “…Yeah, see you.” 

He inwardly thought, Stop thinking too highly of yourself. Who is worried about your fever?

The lil’ Lemon inside his backpack jumped, proving with its action that it cared.

Li Cheng felt the lil’ Lemon’s bouncing and found it hard to fathom why it was so close to Xiao Yiheng. He was the one feeding it, sleeping together with it every night, manually washing its diapers every morning but it would foolishly follow Xiao Yiheng with just a gesture of his hand.

Sigh, this thing is really living off me while only being loving towards Yiheng. 

If lil’ Lemon could hear what he was thinking, the clever duck would definitely say:

Sigh, this scoundrel is really a hypocrite.

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