This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 31: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch31 - Inviting Our Gilrfriends

Xiao Yiheng’s illness came and went quickly. He only rested at home for a day before returning to school.

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He was popular in school and many juniors admired him. Countless omegas and betas cried from worry when he took a sick leave. His desk’s drawer was filled with gifts from his admirers. 

Huacheng No.1 Senior High School had strict rules so they dared not send love letters right in front of the elite class’ teacher. They could only express their feelings by giving fruits, medicines, and supplements.

Xiao Yiheng could fill up a big box with these gifts alone.

The funniest thing was that someone gave Xiao Yiheng a college entrance examination practice book. The omega who sent the book even wrote on the cover—I hope you can be admitted to your dream university. I hope I can be admitted to your university.

The gossipy Liu Ke who was sitting next to him craned his neck to look at it and said, “This omega is too infatuated and affectionate. Even if they could not have you, they still want to continue being your schoolmate. Just by looking at this pretty handwriting, I can imagine a shy and cute omega!” 

Xiao Yiheng replied flatly, without a trace of emotion, “I’m not interested in a shy and cute omega.”


Liu Ke jabbed him with his elbow and whispered, “I know, I know. You don’t like shy and cute omegas. You like someone like Li Cheng.”

Xiao Yiheng was taken aback. He looked at him from the side, “……What did you say?”

His friendship with Li Cheng got off to a bad start. Their personalities were like ice and fire so they quarrelled every time they met. Previously Xiao Yiheng could not figure out why he cared too much about such an arrogant and fierce omega. It was not until he had those countless beautiful dreams the night before that he finally came to a realisation—It turned out that he cared because he liked Li Cheng. If he did not, he would not lend his jacket to Li Cheng, raise a pet together with him nor would he leave him a temporary mark.


However, it was only yesterday that he became somehow certain of his feelings for the undisciplined omega. Liu Ke could not read minds so how could he know about it?

Liu Ke winked at him, “Stop pretending. I saw you two secretly holding hands under the table the last time we went to eat at the fried chicken restaurant. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this.”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” He recalled the scene after much pondering and found that it was just a misunderstanding, “You’re mistaken. The two of us weren’t holding hands, we were just fighting.”

“I understand. A flirty fight is still a fight.” Liu Ke only believed what he had seen with his own eyes, “But your taste is really unusual. You can actually eat an omega like Li Cheng, aren’t you afraid that your teeth would hurt?” 

Xiao Yiheng thought, How could you understand? Not only is this orange not hard to bite, it’s also soft and sweet. Once you bite through its tough outer skin, you can devour its sweet and delicious juice.

However, there was no need to tell others about this.

Liu Ke noticed that Xiao Yiheng did not want to talk more about it so he cleverly diverted the topic.

“By the way, don’t you have a good relationship with the art teacher?” Liu Ke continued, “You didn’t come to school yesterday so you probably didn’t hear this news⸺Teacher Qiu had given birth! It’s a daughter!” 

Teacher Qiu had insisted on conceiving the baby by herself. She taught the class for eight months while carrying the baby and only took maternity leave not long ago. She finally gave birth to a daughter yesterday.

Xiao Yiheng truly did not know about this.

He was extremely close to Qiu Xian. She was the only person in the school who knew that he loved painting. Their relationship was not only that of a teacher and a student, but they were also good friends.

Xiao Yiheng fell ill yesterday and he did not check his phone. He took out his phone and saw that Teacher Qiu had posted a picture of her and her daughter in her Moments. 

Pursue Unremittingly: Teacher Qiu, congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!

Pursue Unremittingly: [Red packet]


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After a while, Teacher replied.

Qiu: Thank you. This is her spouse. She is resting right now. 

Qiu: Are you lil’ Xian’s student?

Qiu: Take back your red packet. We’re grateful for your warm wishes.

Qiu: But we can’t accept red packets from students.

Pursue Unremittingly: Please accept my red packet. 

Pursue Unremittingly: Teacher Qiu is not only my teacher. She’s also my broker. She’s been helping me contact galleries and buyers for my paintings.

The conversation between the two alphas was straight to the point. There were no cute emojis, no ‘~’s. It was as serious as discussing an important matter.

Qiu: Ah, I know who you are.

Qiu: Are you lil’ Xiao? 

Qiu: I’ve heard lil’ Xian mention you a lot of times. She praised the vividness of your paintings and told me that you’re a good seedling. If you can become more adept in this field, your future achievements would be limitless.

Pursue Unremittingly: Teacher Qiu is overpraising me. The red packet is just a token of appreciation.

Qiu: We really can’t accept this red packet.

Qiu: But we’ll gladly welcome you to visit our home and see the baby. 

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Qiu: And your teacher Qiu has something important to tell you.

Pursue Unremittingly: What is it?

Qiu: It’s hard to explain it by just texting. It’ll be better to discuss it in person.

Xiao Yiheng looked at the message he received and fell into deep thought. His cooperation with Teacher Qiu had always been smooth and she could sell all the paintings he had handed to her quickly so what important matter was it that they had to discuss it in person? 

Pursue Unremittingly: Alright. I’m a bit busy lately but I will definitely visit next month.

Qiu: okay


Hopefully, it’s good news.


On the day Xiao Yiheng returned to school, Li Cheng also returned to the swimming pool.

The bite mark on his legs had recovered quickly. The scab had fallen off, leaving only some light red marks on his inner thighs. Every time he took a shower, he would see the red marks on his legs and recall what had occurred in the art classroom.

Fortunately, he always wore long swimming trunks which securely covered him from his waist to his knee. Thus, no one would know that there was an alpha mark on his inner thigh.

To prepare for the upcoming swimming competition, the school had allowed the swimming team to only attend their morning classes. Thus, the swimming team had special training from noon until evening. 

The swimming team had a total of eight members. The three third year students were not eligible to join but the remaining five veterans had signed up.

Among the five of them, Li Cheng had the highest chance of winning the championship. He had signed up for four events. In addition to his individual events, there was also the medley relay in which he was participating with his teammates.

He specialised in freestyle and he would go last. His lil’ brother Huang Yelun specialised in breaststroke and would go second.

Although Huang Yelun was unreliable outside the swimming pool, his performance was quite good. He had won the championship for two district-level competitions and third place for a provincial competition. For a beta, his performance was deserving of the efforts he had put in. 

The most difficult part of the medley race was the timing of their relay exchange. A lot of them had run into each other hundreds of times.

After several hours of intensive training, Coach Wu blew the whistle to signal the end of their training. Huang Yelun instantly collapsed from exhaustion, looking like a floating corpse as he held onto the pool rope and floated along with waves.

Li Cheng was more exhausted than him. Freestyle was the last stroke of a medley race so the pressure on him was greater than the others. If the teammates before him had made a mistake, he would need to make up for it; If they performed better than usual, he would have to maintain their advantage. He could not slacken.

The blonde boy took off his swimming cap and goggles before climbing out of the swimming pool and lying on the poolside with his limbs spread wide apart. He tried to calm his breathing as he listened to his teammates gossiping. Lil’ Lemon who was also at the poolside rushed over with its flapping wings and its duck feet stepped on his body, giving his father a full body massage. 

Although Huang Yelun was exhausted, his mouth was not. He noisily gossiped with his teammates, “I heard that in this competition, there’ll be scouts watching the game. If you can get their attention, you would not need to worry about getting into a good university!”

The ‘scouts’ he had mentioned were not referring to the ‘scouts’ of agencies. Instead, it referred to scouts who specialised in looking for and recruiting new talents for a university’s sports team.

He spoke with yearning, “I want to go to Huacheng Foreign Studies University but their school only has one spot for swimming students every year. If I can’t get into HFSU, then the Communication University or the Normal University next to it are also good.”

Hearing his words, Li Cheng turned to him and curiously asked, “Why do you want to go to HFSU? Isn’t your goal Huacheng Sports University?” 

“Hehe….” Huang Yelun laughed twice before saying, “My girlfriend wants to study in HFSU. I’m a husband who obeys my wife.”

HSU was in the south of the city while HFSU was in the north. If the two were separated, wouldn’t they have a long-distance relationship?


Li Cheng thought of the girl he had seen in the locker room that day. She had big eyes and fair skin. He could not understand why she would like Huang Yelun this fool.

When the other team members heard them chatting, they immediately surrounded them. 

“Is it true, big Huang? When did you have a girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell your bros?”

“Big Huang, I’ve heard that you’re courting a junior but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“Stop hiding her. When will you introduce her to us?”

“Ptooey, what ‘big Yellow’? Are you calling a dog?” Huang Yelun waved his hands towards his teammates who were smiling mischievously as if he was swatting a fly, “You’ll see my girlfriend soon. She’ll cheer me on during the competition.” 

All of them burst into cheers.

A smirk was plastered on Huang Yelun’s face. He and his junior lived in the school dormitory so they could not show their relationship so publicly. It was also inconvenient to date in school. They would have to hide from the principal even if they were only eating lunch together. The competition was being held outside the school so they had already made plans to have dinner and watch a movie together after the game. They could finally have a date out in the public!

“Ahem… That. A senior cleared his throat, “Speaking of which, I will also tell you something. Your sister-in-law is also coming for the competition.”

This senior had been in love with his girlfriend who had been his childhood sweetheart for many years but his girlfriend had been studying abroad so they rarely met up and spent a lot of time far from each other. Thus, he took this opportunity and sent the ticket to his girlfriend, inviting her to watch his competition. 

Everyone started teasing him.

At this moment, a third teammate spoke, “Since you’re all confessing, I also won’t hide it. He scratched his head, “A friend of mine who’s a synchronised swimmer will come. Don’t fool around at that time. I’m still courting her and she’s quite shy. There’s barely any progress between us so if you make jokes, she’ll definitely be angry.”

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Immediately after him, another teammate also spoke. “Um, actually I…..”

For athletes, there was no better place to show off other than the competition! The four team members had called their girlfriends or love interests, all eager to show off their skills to their loved ones. 

Li Cheng: “……”

Everyone turned to look at him.

Li Cheng stared back at them as he asked in confusion, “Why are you guys staring at me?”

Huang Yelun replied, “Li ge, the four of us have invited our girlfriends. Did you also…” 

Also? What ‘also’?

As soon as he heard Huang Yelun’s words, Xiao Yiheng’s figure appeared in his mind. The other team members had given their tickets to their love interests for the major competition next month but Li Cheng had given his to Xiao Yiheng.


Although the aloof alpha was usually stoic, his eyes were extremely gentle when he took the ticket from Li Cheng.

Li Cheng used a ticket in exchange for a secret and ambiguous deal. Although the bite mark on his gland had healed, it left a permanent mark on his heart. 

As he thought of this, his glands suddenly felt hot.

He panicked so much that he sternly denied although he was feeling weak deep inside, “Huang Yelun, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you think that I’m like you, not forgetting to show off in competitions like a peacock looking for a mate, fanning out your tail feathers in front of your lovers?”

“……” Huang Yelun was scolded badly and he felt so wronged, “Huh? Li ge, what are you talking about? You misunderstood me!”

“What did I misunderstand?” 

“I wanted to say that since the four of us have invited our girlfriends, why don’t you invite Youyou too? They’re all girls so they would surely have a common topic to talk about.”

Li Cheng: “……”


It turns out that they want to see their sister, not their sister-in-law. 


Ch31 - Inviting Our Gilrfriends

Xiao Yiheng’s illness came and went quickly. He only rested at home for a day before returning to school.

He was popular in school and many juniors admired him. Countless omegas and betas cried from worry when he took a sick leave. His desk’s drawer was filled with gifts from his admirers. 

Huacheng No.1 Senior High School had strict rules so they dared not send love letters right in front of the elite class’ teacher. They could only express their feelings by giving fruits, medicines, and supplements.

Xiao Yiheng could fill up a big box with these gifts alone.

The funniest thing was that someone gave Xiao Yiheng a college entrance examination practice book. The omega who sent the book even wrote on the cover—I hope you can be admitted to your dream university. I hope I can be admitted to your university.

The gossipy Liu Ke who was sitting next to him craned his neck to look at it and said, “This omega is too infatuated and affectionate. Even if they could not have you, they still want to continue being your schoolmate. Just by looking at this pretty handwriting, I can imagine a shy and cute omega!” 

Xiao Yiheng replied flatly, without a trace of emotion, “I’m not interested in a shy and cute omega.”


Liu Ke jabbed him with his elbow and whispered, “I know, I know. You don’t like shy and cute omegas. You like someone like Li Cheng.”

Xiao Yiheng was taken aback. He looked at him from the side, “……What did you say?”

His friendship with Li Cheng got off to a bad start. Their personalities were like ice and fire so they quarrelled every time they met. Previously Xiao Yiheng could not figure out why he cared too much about such an arrogant and fierce omega. It was not until he had those countless beautiful dreams the night before that he finally came to a realisation—It turned out that he cared because he liked Li Cheng. If he did not, he would not lend his jacket to Li Cheng, raise a pet together with him nor would he leave him a temporary mark.


However, it was only yesterday that he became somehow certain of his feelings for the undisciplined omega. Liu Ke could not read minds so how could he know about it?

Liu Ke winked at him, “Stop pretending. I saw you two secretly holding hands under the table the last time we went to eat at the fried chicken restaurant. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this.”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” He recalled the scene after much pondering and found that it was just a misunderstanding, “You’re mistaken. The two of us weren’t holding hands, we were just fighting.”

“I understand. A flirty fight is still a fight.” Liu Ke only believed what he had seen with his own eyes, “But your taste is really unusual. You can actually eat an omega like Li Cheng, aren’t you afraid that your teeth would hurt?” 

Xiao Yiheng thought, How could you understand? Not only is this orange not hard to bite, it’s also soft and sweet. Once you bite through its tough outer skin, you can devour its sweet and delicious juice.

However, there was no need to tell others about this.

Liu Ke noticed that Xiao Yiheng did not want to talk more about it so he cleverly diverted the topic.

“By the way, don’t you have a good relationship with the art teacher?” Liu Ke continued, “You didn’t come to school yesterday so you probably didn’t hear this news⸺Teacher Qiu had given birth! It’s a daughter!” 

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Teacher Qiu had insisted on conceiving the baby by herself. She taught the class for eight months while carrying the baby and only took maternity leave not long ago. She finally gave birth to a daughter yesterday.

Xiao Yiheng truly did not know about this.

He was extremely close to Qiu Xian. She was the only person in the school who knew that he loved painting. Their relationship was not only that of a teacher and a student, but they were also good friends.

Xiao Yiheng fell ill yesterday and he did not check his phone. He took out his phone and saw that Teacher Qiu had posted a picture of her and her daughter in her Moments. 

Pursue Unremittingly: Teacher Qiu, congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!

Pursue Unremittingly: [Red packet]


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After a while, Teacher replied.

Qiu: Thank you. This is her spouse. She is resting right now. 

Qiu: Are you lil’ Xian’s student?

Qiu: Take back your red packet. We’re grateful for your warm wishes.

Qiu: But we can’t accept red packets from students.

Pursue Unremittingly: Please accept my red packet. 

Pursue Unremittingly: Teacher Qiu is not only my teacher. She’s also my broker. She’s been helping me contact galleries and buyers for my paintings.

The conversation between the two alphas was straight to the point. There were no cute emojis, no ‘~’s. It was as serious as discussing an important matter.

Qiu: Ah, I know who you are.

Qiu: Are you lil’ Xiao? 

Qiu: I’ve heard lil’ Xian mention you a lot of times. She praised the vividness of your paintings and told me that you’re a good seedling. If you can become more adept in this field, your future achievements would be limitless.

Pursue Unremittingly: Teacher Qiu is overpraising me. The red packet is just a token of appreciation.

Qiu: We really can’t accept this red packet.

Qiu: But we’ll gladly welcome you to visit our home and see the baby. 

Qiu: And your teacher Qiu has something important to tell you.

Pursue Unremittingly: What is it?

Qiu: It’s hard to explain it by just texting. It’ll be better to discuss it in person.

Xiao Yiheng looked at the message he received and fell into deep thought. His cooperation with Teacher Qiu had always been smooth and she could sell all the paintings he had handed to her quickly so what important matter was it that they had to discuss it in person? 

Pursue Unremittingly: Alright. I’m a bit busy lately but I will definitely visit next month.

Qiu: okay


Hopefully, it’s good news.


On the day Xiao Yiheng returned to school, Li Cheng also returned to the swimming pool.

The bite mark on his legs had recovered quickly. The scab had fallen off, leaving only some light red marks on his inner thighs. Every time he took a shower, he would see the red marks on his legs and recall what had occurred in the art classroom.

Fortunately, he always wore long swimming trunks which securely covered him from his waist to his knee. Thus, no one would know that there was an alpha mark on his inner thigh.

To prepare for the upcoming swimming competition, the school had allowed the swimming team to only attend their morning classes. Thus, the swimming team had special training from noon until evening. 

The swimming team had a total of eight members. The three third year students were not eligible to join but the remaining five veterans had signed up.

Among the five of them, Li Cheng had the highest chance of winning the championship. He had signed up for four events. In addition to his individual events, there was also the medley relay in which he was participating with his teammates.

He specialised in freestyle and he would go last. His lil’ brother Huang Yelun specialised in breaststroke and would go second.

Although Huang Yelun was unreliable outside the swimming pool, his performance was quite good. He had won the championship for two district-level competitions and third place for a provincial competition. For a beta, his performance was deserving of the efforts he had put in. 

The most difficult part of the medley race was the timing of their relay exchange. A lot of them had run into each other hundreds of times.

After several hours of intensive training, Coach Wu blew the whistle to signal the end of their training. Huang Yelun instantly collapsed from exhaustion, looking like a floating corpse as he held onto the pool rope and floated along with waves.

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Li Cheng was more exhausted than him. Freestyle was the last stroke of a medley race so the pressure on him was greater than the others. If the teammates before him had made a mistake, he would need to make up for it; If they performed better than usual, he would have to maintain their advantage. He could not slacken.

The blonde boy took off his swimming cap and goggles before climbing out of the swimming pool and lying on the poolside with his limbs spread wide apart. He tried to calm his breathing as he listened to his teammates gossiping. Lil’ Lemon who was also at the poolside rushed over with its flapping wings and its duck feet stepped on his body, giving his father a full body massage. 

Although Huang Yelun was exhausted, his mouth was not. He noisily gossiped with his teammates, “I heard that in this competition, there’ll be scouts watching the game. If you can get their attention, you would not need to worry about getting into a good university!”

The ‘scouts’ he had mentioned were not referring to the ‘scouts’ of agencies. Instead, it referred to scouts who specialised in looking for and recruiting new talents for a university’s sports team.

He spoke with yearning, “I want to go to Huacheng Foreign Studies University but their school only has one spot for swimming students every year. If I can’t get into HFSU, then the Communication University or the Normal University next to it are also good.”

Hearing his words, Li Cheng turned to him and curiously asked, “Why do you want to go to HFSU? Isn’t your goal Huacheng Sports University?” 

“Hehe….” Huang Yelun laughed twice before saying, “My girlfriend wants to study in HFSU. I’m a husband who obeys my wife.”

HSU was in the south of the city while HFSU was in the north. If the two were separated, wouldn’t they have a long-distance relationship?


Li Cheng thought of the girl he had seen in the locker room that day. She had big eyes and fair skin. He could not understand why she would like Huang Yelun this fool.

When the other team members heard them chatting, they immediately surrounded them. 

“Is it true, big Huang? When did you have a girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell your bros?”

“Big Huang, I’ve heard that you’re courting a junior but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“Stop hiding her. When will you introduce her to us?”

“Ptooey, what ‘big Yellow’? Are you calling a dog?” Huang Yelun waved his hands towards his teammates who were smiling mischievously as if he was swatting a fly, “You’ll see my girlfriend soon. She’ll cheer me on during the competition.” 

All of them burst into cheers.

A smirk was plastered on Huang Yelun’s face. He and his junior lived in the school dormitory so they could not show their relationship so publicly. It was also inconvenient to date in school. They would have to hide from the principal even if they were only eating lunch together. The competition was being held outside the school so they had already made plans to have dinner and watch a movie together after the game. They could finally have a date out in the public!

“Ahem… That. A senior cleared his throat, “Speaking of which, I will also tell you something. Your sister-in-law is also coming for the competition.”

This senior had been in love with his girlfriend who had been his childhood sweetheart for many years but his girlfriend had been studying abroad so they rarely met up and spent a lot of time far from each other. Thus, he took this opportunity and sent the ticket to his girlfriend, inviting her to watch his competition. 

Everyone started teasing him.

At this moment, a third teammate spoke, “Since you’re all confessing, I also won’t hide it. He scratched his head, “A friend of mine who’s a synchronised swimmer will come. Don’t fool around at that time. I’m still courting her and she’s quite shy. There’s barely any progress between us so if you make jokes, she’ll definitely be angry.”

Immediately after him, another teammate also spoke. “Um, actually I…..”

For athletes, there was no better place to show off other than the competition! The four team members had called their girlfriends or love interests, all eager to show off their skills to their loved ones. 

Li Cheng: “……”

Everyone turned to look at him.

Li Cheng stared back at them as he asked in confusion, “Why are you guys staring at me?”

Huang Yelun replied, “Li ge, the four of us have invited our girlfriends. Did you also…” 

Also? What ‘also’?

As soon as he heard Huang Yelun’s words, Xiao Yiheng’s figure appeared in his mind. The other team members had given their tickets to their love interests for the major competition next month but Li Cheng had given his to Xiao Yiheng.


Although the aloof alpha was usually stoic, his eyes were extremely gentle when he took the ticket from Li Cheng.

Li Cheng used a ticket in exchange for a secret and ambiguous deal. Although the bite mark on his gland had healed, it left a permanent mark on his heart. 

As he thought of this, his glands suddenly felt hot.

He panicked so much that he sternly denied although he was feeling weak deep inside, “Huang Yelun, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you think that I’m like you, not forgetting to show off in competitions like a peacock looking for a mate, fanning out your tail feathers in front of your lovers?”

“……” Huang Yelun was scolded badly and he felt so wronged, “Huh? Li ge, what are you talking about? You misunderstood me!”

“What did I misunderstand?” 

“I wanted to say that since the four of us have invited our girlfriends, why don’t you invite Youyou too? They’re all girls so they would surely have a common topic to talk about.”

Li Cheng: “……”


It turns out that they want to see their sister, not their sister-in-law. 


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