This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 34: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch34 - Li Cheng is the Champion!

Ji Xun didn’t know whether he was frightened by Li Cheng’s ruthless words or frightened by the flash of alpha pheromone on his body. He fled without looking back. When he ran out of the lounge, he almost tripped over the threshold.

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Li Cheng watched him leap away at lightning speed but his own heart was playing drums.

…After all, what exactly happened? Why did his gland exude the smell of Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone?

Just then, Li Cheng wanted to use his fists to teach Ji Xun a lesson, but somehow, before he raised his fist, the alpha pheromone suddenly gushed out, pushing back the provoking scum. 

All of this happened out of instinct. Li Cheng was just thinking about it but couldn’t figure out the reason at all.


If this truant king had attended the “National Health Education Class”, he would have found the answers to all this in “Chapter Three: Marking Behavior”.

——【After the temporary marking behavior occurs, the alpha pheromone will stay within the omega body for a short time. The higher the genetic level of the alpha, the longer his (her) pheromone stays within the omega body.

Research has shown that this has three benefits: First, the alpha pheromone can soothe omegas and accompany them psychologically; second, the alpha uses this to declare sovereignty and warn other alphas to stay away from their partners; third, when danger occurs, the alpha pheromone can protect the omega and deter opponents.


When the temporary mark is converted to a lifetime mark, the alpha pheromone will stay in the omega body permanently until one party dies. 】

And now Li Cheng, who was ignorant of all this, scratched his head and decided not to care about these “minor details”.

It’s just that he owed Xiao Yiheng another favor. Anyway, if he owed more debts to him alone, he wouldn’t worry about it.


Li Cheng rested in the lounge for more than an hour, during which other swimmers came and went. Some left with arrogance after winning prizes—and some were dejected.

Sports is a competitive field. If one works diligently, then one is rewarded. The harder you ‘plow’, the more you ‘harvest’ . Some people were satisfied with only 'one harvest' and naturally did not want to exert another nine points of effort.

Huang Yelun’s luck was pretty good, this time he actually won the silver medal in the 50-meter breaststroke! This was his “zero breakthrough“. Prior to this, his best result was third-rank at the provincial level.

Li Cheng congratulated him: “Hey, DaHuang, extraordinary performance.” 

Huang Yelun proudly wagged his tail: “My girlfriend is watching from the stands. I have to show myself well in front of her.”

Li Cheng laughed and scolded, “Indeed it is the power of love, ah!”

“Li-ge, don’t laugh,” Huang Yelun said seriously, “Once you meet sister-in-law, you definitely will be better than me, this peacock who spreads his tail, with a dragon’s vitality and a tiger’s ferociousness!”

“…… ” 

If Huang Yelun communicated a lot more with the group of Little Tigers, he would find that Li-ge already had a sister-in-law by his side.

After a while, it was broadcasted on the speaker that the 100-meter men’s freestyle was about to start. Li Cheng hurriedly discarded any distracting thoughts and went to report at the inspection area.


Only this time, he obediently put on his jacket, blocking the sight of others.

Li Cheng was assigned the second track. The final track allocation was closely related to the results of the semifinals. Li Cheng ranked second among the ten athletes. Both sides were good seedlings from other schools in the province. As for Ji Xun, that guy came in fourth, and was separated by a track from Li Cheng. 

The contestants on the left and right were familiar faces. All these faces had been in all the major competitions. Li Cheng was too lazy to say hello to them. There were no friends on the field. After all, on the road to the gold medal, there was only one choice, ‘You die, I live.’

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In the stands, the “family members” of the athletes from Huacheng No. 1 High School were sitting together. When athletes were competing in other swimming styles in the stadium, Xiao Yiheng pulled Youyou to his side and took the time to get the child to do her homework.

Youyou felt very wronged and thought: What’s going on with this brother? She said that she didn’t bring homework, so he actually used his mobile phone to temporarily download the “Primary School Student’s Favorite Summer Homework” from the internet! Are you kidding me, which elementary school student likes summer homework?! 

Wljb Tltfcu ajeuta tfg wjatfwjalmr. Wljb Tltfcu tjv ibcu tfjgv atja Ol Jtfcu’r ugjvfr kfgf jwbcu atf ibkfra lc atf rmtbbi. Mbgaecjafis, Tbesbe vlv cba lctfgla tlr rtbgambwlcur. Ciatbeut rtf tjv qbeafv ktfc vblcu atf defralbcr, obgaecjafis fnfgs defralbc kjr gluta.

Ca atf nfgs rjwf alwf atja Tbesbe kjr rlcxlcu jcv oibjalcu lc atf rfj bo ​​defralbcr, atfgf kjr jc jccbecmfwfca bc atf rqfjxfg atja atf 100-wfafg olcjir kfgf jybea ab rajga. Dfobgf Tbesbe mbeiv mtffg, Wljb Tltfcu qea jkjs tfg tbwfkbgx ja atecvfgber rqffv, abbx tfg ab atf NPU rfjar, abiv tfg ab xffq tfg fsfr bqfc, kjamt Ol Jtfcu’r ujwf kfii, jcv ijrais, ab ‘kglaf jc frrjs cb ifrr atjc 400 kbgvr bc “Efwfwyfglcu jc ecobgufaajyif mbwqfalalbc”’, jcv rtbk la ab tlw obg mbggfmalbc ktfc atfs wfa cfza alwf.

Youyou: “…?” She hugged the duck, tears about to flow, face expressing doubt, “We will meet again next time?”

Xiao Yiheng said lightly: “Not just next time. We will see each other often in the future.” 

A BGM older than her sounded in Youyou’s mind: “Child, do you have a lot of question marks?” She was a little confused. Was Li Cheng her family or Xiao Yiheng’s family? How come Xiao Yiheng cared more about her brother’s game than she did?

In the stadium, with the accompaniment of an impassioned entrance tune, ten athletes stepped into the competition area again.

Xiao Yiheng’s gaze fell accurately on the boy who ranked second.

This time, Li Cheng wore a sports jacket that covered the beautiful scenery of the upper body. The spectators in the surrounding stands uttered countless disappointed sighs. They could only put their phones away resentfully. 

Li Cheng didn’t give half of his energy to the people around him. He was trying hard to regulate his breathing and prepare for the final entry into the water.

Before taking off his jacket, his gaze flicked across the VIP area of ​​the stands, intentionally or unconsciously. He thought all this was done covertly, but all his small movements were accurately captured by Xiao Yiheng.

The line of sight of the two people was already entangled. Xiao Yiheng opened his mouth and said something. Li Cheng was too far away from him to hear, but the shape of his mouth seemed to be… …”Jiayou”?

Li Cheng slowly looked away, thinking, of course he would cheer, he indeed had a pact with Xiao Yiheng – he wanted to win a gold medal for him to look at. 

The whistle sounded.


—Li Cheng kicked on the starting block with both feet, his body instantly soared and plunged into the water like a wave-piercing arrow!!

The moment Li Cheng entered the water, all the noises in the world were silenced, leaving only the sound of gurgling water flowing away from the ears of the young man. The underwater world was quiet. Li Cheng had a crazy thought and felt that what was flowing in his body was not blood, but sea water. 

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After a short dive, the waves held up the boy’s honey-colored body tyrannically but tenderly. Li Cheng stretched his arms and with alternate strokes, like a dexterous fish, swam quickly towards the finish line.

Short-distance swimming is about speed. From the moment you take off, you must do your best to sprint towards the finish line. Li Cheng pounded the water with his feet, stirring up waves. From above, he looked like a mermaid playing in the sea.

In the auditorium, Xiao Yiheng leaned forward and because of tension, his eyes closely chased the figure leaving the others far behind in the water.

Since childhood, Xiao Yiheng had not been exposed to any sports except running because of his busy schoolwork. Not to mention swimming competitions, he hadn’t even watched basketball or football games. This was the first time in his life that he sat in the stands and experienced an exciting event with his own eyes. 

The most important thing was… the person participating in the competition was the boy he liked.

The temperature in the stadium was not high, it was even a little cold, but Xiao Yiheng felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, burning his body.

Youyou was screaming in excitement for a long time. She yelled, “Gege jiayou, gege jiayou”, till her throat became hoarse.

The track was 50-meters long and one had to hit the wall and turn around halfway through. When only a short two meters away from the wall of the pool, Li Cheng swung his arms violently and at the same time, lowered his head and pressed his shoulders, his body moving down and his feet slammed towards the walls with knees bent and kicked away! 

His body was as fast as lightning, and he rushed out again in the blink of an eye.


“The second movement is very clean!”

“This turning speed is one of the fastest in the youth group.” 

“Is that Li Cheng from Huacheng No. 1 High School? Although he is an omega, you can’t underestimate him. ”

Several whispers sounded in the VIP area of ​​the stadium, Xiao Yiheng looked back calmly. He didn’t know when a few middle-aged people in casual clothes came and sat in the back row of the stands. They stared at the swimming pool intently and whispered. Exchanging opinions, hurriedly recording something with pen and paper in hand.

If Huang Yelun was there at this time, he would make a fuss and tell Xiao Yiheng-these were all famous coaches in the circle! Some of them worked in top universities, some served for the national team, and they had won countless championship trophies.

In the swimming pool, the competition had reached its most intense stage. 

The last 50-meters passed extremely fast. Li Cheng took the lead, and the athletes on lanes one, three and four followed closely behind and were neck-to-neck. However, Li Cheng’s advantage was the most obvious. He was one arm ahead of the others, and he was still accelerating!

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters…


three meters, two meters, one meter-touch the wall !!

—Li Cheng, was the champion!!! 

The buzzer announcing the championship sounded simultaneously, Li Cheng surfaced and raised his arms to celebrate his first medal!

This was his first championship in this competition, but it would definitely not be the only one.

Li Cheng raised his eyes to look at the VIP seats, his eyes bright and hot.

The young man was like a rising sun, blooming brilliantly on the water. 

“Brother Xiao, look!” In the audience, Youyou pulled the sleeves of the person beside her, “Big brother is greeting me.”

“En,” Xiao Yiheng chuckled softly, “He is.”

The morning competition came to an end. As for the awards, they would not be distributed until the end of the afternoon competition. 

Li Cheng couldn’t leave the swimming center because there was still a competition in the afternoon, and could only eat with his teammates in the canteen of the swimming center.

Fortunately, the scale of this competition was not so demanding. As long as the family members of the contestants paid money, they could also eat together in the inner cafeteria.

Xiao Yiheng held Youyou in his hand, a small lemon in his arms, and a large tangerine in his backpack. He dragged his family to the inner cafeteria to find someone.

Li Cheng watched the family appear in front of him, sluggish for a few seconds, and couldn’t help but say,
“…You really look like chaff ah.” 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t hear clearly, and asked him what he had said.

Li Cheng hurriedly changed his words: “Nothing. I asked you what you would like for lunch? I won the championship. It’s my treat!!” He said this very loudly, other players passing by gave him envious looks.

Xiao Yiheng liked his pride that didn’t care about others, like a little lion showing off his tail, which made people want to rub his head.

The inner dining hall of the Provincial Swimming Pool was very large. They found a good sunny location by the window. As soon as Xiao Yiheng put down his schoolbag, Youyou couldn’t wait to take her brother’s hand to choose dishes. 

The athlete’s meal served at noon was buffet style. More than 20 vegetable and meat dishes were served, all of them piping hot. In addition, there were all kinds of sweetened fruits and desserts. Youoyu was dazzled. She wanted to eat a bit of everything.

In the end, Youyou picked a plate of egg tarts, fried chicken, fruits, and the only vegetable was a salad mixed with sweet mayonnaise.


Xiao Yiheng looked at Youyou’s dishes, then looked at Li Cheng’s dishes with meat and vegetables in front of him, and said disapprovingly: “How can you let Youyou only eat these things at noon? It’s just sugar and oil. These are not proper meals at all.”

Li Cheng said: “She eats those nutritious things at home all the time. She finally came out to play with me, I just want to pamper her more. I won’t be in charge of everything for her.” 

“This is not being in charge of everything.” Xiao Yiheng said, “Did you not notice that she has cavities?” Although Xiao Yiheng only spent a short time with Youyou all morning, he observed that when Youyou spoke, the deepest teeth were a little black, which were obviously cavities.

“…” The careless brother Li Cheng really didn’t notice. He shrank his neck with a guilty conscience and recalled that every time he met with Youyou he would bring her milk tea, pudding, etc. He wondered if it had anything to do with those snacks?

However, in front of Xiao Yiheng, he still insisted on his own reasoning: “It’s okay for kids to eat junk food occasionally. Besides, I don’t care about her as a brother, so why are you, an outsider, in charge of her?”

“Outsider?” Yan, Xiao Yiheng smiled coldly, “Oh, when you don’t need me, you say I’m an outsider; when you need me, you take off your pants faster than anyone else–” 

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“—You shut up and eat for Laozi!! “Li Cheng’s face instantly blushed, and between the sparks flying around, he immediately inserted a piece of food into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth.

Fortunately, Youyou had been fighting with the two bones of the fried chicken wings intently without paying attention to what they were talking about.

Li Cheng’s blush was about to drip blood. What did it mean to “take off his pants faster than anyone else”? It was a clear innocent money transaction between them, but he described it as an unclear dirty transaction.

Xiao Yiheng’s teeth closed lightly and bit the food in his mouth. He chewed very slowly, and only then did Li Cheng realize that what he put into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth in a panic was actually a piece of orange. The delicate orange flesh rolled on the tip of the Alpha’s tongue, and soon disappeared in his lips and teeth. 

Li Cheng looked away in a panic.

‘This rubbish A is absolutely doing it deliberately! In public, why do you eat an orange so erotically?’

In the corner of the cafeteria, Ji Xun’s eyes were resentful and aimed onto Li Cheng who was sitting by the window. 

Opposite him, a middle-aged man with a coach’s Id was talking endlessly.

“Ji Xun, I told you a long time ago. Today’s game is very important. If you want to continue to study and go to the national team for training, then you have to win at least one gold medal! But look at your performance this morning. In the 50-meter race you set off later than others and got only a silver medal. What happened in the 100-meter race? Isn’t it your main event? You can’t even outperform an omega?!!!” The coach said a lot of things, seeing that Ji Xun didn’t listen at all, he suddenly became angry and slammed the table, “Ji Xun, are you listening to me?”

Ji Xun did not answer, but asked gloomily about an irrelevant issue.

“Coach, if an omega suddenly has the smell of alpha pheromone, what is the reason?” 

“…” The coach was puzzled, “Why are you asking this?”

“Can’t I ask?”


The coach thought about it and said: “It depends on who the omega is. If it is an ordinary omega, he is likely to have just finished marking and still carrying alpha pheromone. If the omega is an athlete, it is possible that its injection of illegal drugs, such as hormones formulated with artificial alpha pheromone.”

“Injecting hormones?” 

The coach was taken aback and suddenly reacted. He looked at Ji Xun, then looked back at Li Cheng next to the window: “Do you doubt Li Cheng…?”

“Not a doubt.” Ji Xun said, “I was in the lounge today and I did smell him. He smells of an alpha.”

The coach had a solemn expression and said suspiciously: “But it is also possible that he was just marked by someone.”

“Impossible.” Ji Xun said categorically, “Which alpha would fancy an omega like Li Cheng? Besides, even if there is no hormone injection, asking the drug inspector to cause him a little trouble will be enough to affect his game state.” 

“…” The coach hesitated for a while. It was disgusting to report another player without clear evidence. But in the end, the idea of seeing his beloved pupil win the championship got the upper hand. He still selfishly chose to stand beside Ji Xun.

After all… an omega showing up in the racing pool was really too eye-catching.

Ch34 - Li Cheng is the Champion!

Ji Xun didn’t know whether he was frightened by Li Cheng’s ruthless words or frightened by the flash of alpha pheromone on his body. He fled without looking back. When he ran out of the lounge, he almost tripped over the threshold.

Li Cheng watched him leap away at lightning speed but his own heart was playing drums.

…After all, what exactly happened? Why did his gland exude the smell of Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone?

Just then, Li Cheng wanted to use his fists to teach Ji Xun a lesson, but somehow, before he raised his fist, the alpha pheromone suddenly gushed out, pushing back the provoking scum. 

All of this happened out of instinct. Li Cheng was just thinking about it but couldn’t figure out the reason at all.


If this truant king had attended the “National Health Education Class”, he would have found the answers to all this in “Chapter Three: Marking Behavior”.

——【After the temporary marking behavior occurs, the alpha pheromone will stay within the omega body for a short time. The higher the genetic level of the alpha, the longer his (her) pheromone stays within the omega body.

Research has shown that this has three benefits: First, the alpha pheromone can soothe omegas and accompany them psychologically; second, the alpha uses this to declare sovereignty and warn other alphas to stay away from their partners; third, when danger occurs, the alpha pheromone can protect the omega and deter opponents.


When the temporary mark is converted to a lifetime mark, the alpha pheromone will stay in the omega body permanently until one party dies. 】

And now Li Cheng, who was ignorant of all this, scratched his head and decided not to care about these “minor details”.

It’s just that he owed Xiao Yiheng another favor. Anyway, if he owed more debts to him alone, he wouldn’t worry about it.


Li Cheng rested in the lounge for more than an hour, during which other swimmers came and went. Some left with arrogance after winning prizes—and some were dejected.

Sports is a competitive field. If one works diligently, then one is rewarded. The harder you ‘plow’, the more you ‘harvest’ . Some people were satisfied with only 'one harvest' and naturally did not want to exert another nine points of effort.

Huang Yelun’s luck was pretty good, this time he actually won the silver medal in the 50-meter breaststroke! This was his “zero breakthrough“. Prior to this, his best result was third-rank at the provincial level.

Li Cheng congratulated him: “Hey, DaHuang, extraordinary performance.” 

Huang Yelun proudly wagged his tail: “My girlfriend is watching from the stands. I have to show myself well in front of her.”

Li Cheng laughed and scolded, “Indeed it is the power of love, ah!”

“Li-ge, don’t laugh,” Huang Yelun said seriously, “Once you meet sister-in-law, you definitely will be better than me, this peacock who spreads his tail, with a dragon’s vitality and a tiger’s ferociousness!”

“…… ” 

If Huang Yelun communicated a lot more with the group of Little Tigers, he would find that Li-ge already had a sister-in-law by his side.

After a while, it was broadcasted on the speaker that the 100-meter men’s freestyle was about to start. Li Cheng hurriedly discarded any distracting thoughts and went to report at the inspection area.

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Only this time, he obediently put on his jacket, blocking the sight of others.

Li Cheng was assigned the second track. The final track allocation was closely related to the results of the semifinals. Li Cheng ranked second among the ten athletes. Both sides were good seedlings from other schools in the province. As for Ji Xun, that guy came in fourth, and was separated by a track from Li Cheng. 

The contestants on the left and right were familiar faces. All these faces had been in all the major competitions. Li Cheng was too lazy to say hello to them. There were no friends on the field. After all, on the road to the gold medal, there was only one choice, ‘You die, I live.’

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In the stands, the “family members” of the athletes from Huacheng No. 1 High School were sitting together. When athletes were competing in other swimming styles in the stadium, Xiao Yiheng pulled Youyou to his side and took the time to get the child to do her homework.

Youyou felt very wronged and thought: What’s going on with this brother? She said that she didn’t bring homework, so he actually used his mobile phone to temporarily download the “Primary School Student’s Favorite Summer Homework” from the internet! Are you kidding me, which elementary school student likes summer homework?! 

Wljb Tltfcu ajeuta tfg wjatfwjalmr. Wljb Tltfcu tjv ibcu tfjgv atja Ol Jtfcu’r ugjvfr kfgf jwbcu atf ibkfra lc atf rmtbbi. Mbgaecjafis, Tbesbe vlv cba lctfgla tlr rtbgambwlcur. Ciatbeut rtf tjv qbeafv ktfc vblcu atf defralbcr, obgaecjafis fnfgs defralbc kjr gluta.

Ca atf nfgs rjwf alwf atja Tbesbe kjr rlcxlcu jcv oibjalcu lc atf rfj bo ​​defralbcr, atfgf kjr jc jccbecmfwfca bc atf rqfjxfg atja atf 100-wfafg olcjir kfgf jybea ab rajga. Dfobgf Tbesbe mbeiv mtffg, Wljb Tltfcu qea jkjs tfg tbwfkbgx ja atecvfgber rqffv, abbx tfg ab atf NPU rfjar, abiv tfg ab xffq tfg fsfr bqfc, kjamt Ol Jtfcu’r ujwf kfii, jcv ijrais, ab ‘kglaf jc frrjs cb ifrr atjc 400 kbgvr bc “Efwfwyfglcu jc ecobgufaajyif mbwqfalalbc”’, jcv rtbk la ab tlw obg mbggfmalbc ktfc atfs wfa cfza alwf.

Youyou: “…?” She hugged the duck, tears about to flow, face expressing doubt, “We will meet again next time?”

Xiao Yiheng said lightly: “Not just next time. We will see each other often in the future.” 

A BGM older than her sounded in Youyou’s mind: “Child, do you have a lot of question marks?” She was a little confused. Was Li Cheng her family or Xiao Yiheng’s family? How come Xiao Yiheng cared more about her brother’s game than she did?

In the stadium, with the accompaniment of an impassioned entrance tune, ten athletes stepped into the competition area again.

Xiao Yiheng’s gaze fell accurately on the boy who ranked second.

This time, Li Cheng wore a sports jacket that covered the beautiful scenery of the upper body. The spectators in the surrounding stands uttered countless disappointed sighs. They could only put their phones away resentfully. 

Li Cheng didn’t give half of his energy to the people around him. He was trying hard to regulate his breathing and prepare for the final entry into the water.

Before taking off his jacket, his gaze flicked across the VIP area of ​​the stands, intentionally or unconsciously. He thought all this was done covertly, but all his small movements were accurately captured by Xiao Yiheng.

The line of sight of the two people was already entangled. Xiao Yiheng opened his mouth and said something. Li Cheng was too far away from him to hear, but the shape of his mouth seemed to be… …”Jiayou”?

Li Cheng slowly looked away, thinking, of course he would cheer, he indeed had a pact with Xiao Yiheng – he wanted to win a gold medal for him to look at. 

The whistle sounded.


—Li Cheng kicked on the starting block with both feet, his body instantly soared and plunged into the water like a wave-piercing arrow!!

The moment Li Cheng entered the water, all the noises in the world were silenced, leaving only the sound of gurgling water flowing away from the ears of the young man. The underwater world was quiet. Li Cheng had a crazy thought and felt that what was flowing in his body was not blood, but sea water. 

After a short dive, the waves held up the boy’s honey-colored body tyrannically but tenderly. Li Cheng stretched his arms and with alternate strokes, like a dexterous fish, swam quickly towards the finish line.

Short-distance swimming is about speed. From the moment you take off, you must do your best to sprint towards the finish line. Li Cheng pounded the water with his feet, stirring up waves. From above, he looked like a mermaid playing in the sea.

In the auditorium, Xiao Yiheng leaned forward and because of tension, his eyes closely chased the figure leaving the others far behind in the water.

Since childhood, Xiao Yiheng had not been exposed to any sports except running because of his busy schoolwork. Not to mention swimming competitions, he hadn’t even watched basketball or football games. This was the first time in his life that he sat in the stands and experienced an exciting event with his own eyes. 

The most important thing was… the person participating in the competition was the boy he liked.

The temperature in the stadium was not high, it was even a little cold, but Xiao Yiheng felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, burning his body.

Youyou was screaming in excitement for a long time. She yelled, “Gege jiayou, gege jiayou”, till her throat became hoarse.

The track was 50-meters long and one had to hit the wall and turn around halfway through. When only a short two meters away from the wall of the pool, Li Cheng swung his arms violently and at the same time, lowered his head and pressed his shoulders, his body moving down and his feet slammed towards the walls with knees bent and kicked away! 

His body was as fast as lightning, and he rushed out again in the blink of an eye.


“The second movement is very clean!”

“This turning speed is one of the fastest in the youth group.” 

“Is that Li Cheng from Huacheng No. 1 High School? Although he is an omega, you can’t underestimate him. ”

Several whispers sounded in the VIP area of ​​the stadium, Xiao Yiheng looked back calmly. He didn’t know when a few middle-aged people in casual clothes came and sat in the back row of the stands. They stared at the swimming pool intently and whispered. Exchanging opinions, hurriedly recording something with pen and paper in hand.

If Huang Yelun was there at this time, he would make a fuss and tell Xiao Yiheng-these were all famous coaches in the circle! Some of them worked in top universities, some served for the national team, and they had won countless championship trophies.

In the swimming pool, the competition had reached its most intense stage. 

The last 50-meters passed extremely fast. Li Cheng took the lead, and the athletes on lanes one, three and four followed closely behind and were neck-to-neck. However, Li Cheng’s advantage was the most obvious. He was one arm ahead of the others, and he was still accelerating!

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters…


three meters, two meters, one meter-touch the wall !!

—Li Cheng, was the champion!!! 

The buzzer announcing the championship sounded simultaneously, Li Cheng surfaced and raised his arms to celebrate his first medal!

This was his first championship in this competition, but it would definitely not be the only one.

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Li Cheng raised his eyes to look at the VIP seats, his eyes bright and hot.

The young man was like a rising sun, blooming brilliantly on the water. 

“Brother Xiao, look!” In the audience, Youyou pulled the sleeves of the person beside her, “Big brother is greeting me.”

“En,” Xiao Yiheng chuckled softly, “He is.”

The morning competition came to an end. As for the awards, they would not be distributed until the end of the afternoon competition. 

Li Cheng couldn’t leave the swimming center because there was still a competition in the afternoon, and could only eat with his teammates in the canteen of the swimming center.

Fortunately, the scale of this competition was not so demanding. As long as the family members of the contestants paid money, they could also eat together in the inner cafeteria.

Xiao Yiheng held Youyou in his hand, a small lemon in his arms, and a large tangerine in his backpack. He dragged his family to the inner cafeteria to find someone.

Li Cheng watched the family appear in front of him, sluggish for a few seconds, and couldn’t help but say,“…You really look like chaff ah.” 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t hear clearly, and asked him what he had said.

Li Cheng hurriedly changed his words: “Nothing. I asked you what you would like for lunch? I won the championship. It’s my treat!!” He said this very loudly, other players passing by gave him envious looks.

Xiao Yiheng liked his pride that didn’t care about others, like a little lion showing off his tail, which made people want to rub his head.

The inner dining hall of the Provincial Swimming Pool was very large. They found a good sunny location by the window. As soon as Xiao Yiheng put down his schoolbag, Youyou couldn’t wait to take her brother’s hand to choose dishes. 

The athlete’s meal served at noon was buffet style. More than 20 vegetable and meat dishes were served, all of them piping hot. In addition, there were all kinds of sweetened fruits and desserts. Youoyu was dazzled. She wanted to eat a bit of everything.

In the end, Youyou picked a plate of egg tarts, fried chicken, fruits, and the only vegetable was a salad mixed with sweet mayonnaise.


Xiao Yiheng looked at Youyou’s dishes, then looked at Li Cheng’s dishes with meat and vegetables in front of him, and said disapprovingly: “How can you let Youyou only eat these things at noon? It’s just sugar and oil. These are not proper meals at all.”

Li Cheng said: “She eats those nutritious things at home all the time. She finally came out to play with me, I just want to pamper her more. I won’t be in charge of everything for her.” 

“This is not being in charge of everything.” Xiao Yiheng said, “Did you not notice that she has cavities?” Although Xiao Yiheng only spent a short time with Youyou all morning, he observed that when Youyou spoke, the deepest teeth were a little black, which were obviously cavities.

“…” The careless brother Li Cheng really didn’t notice. He shrank his neck with a guilty conscience and recalled that every time he met with Youyou he would bring her milk tea, pudding, etc. He wondered if it had anything to do with those snacks?

However, in front of Xiao Yiheng, he still insisted on his own reasoning: “It’s okay for kids to eat junk food occasionally. Besides, I don’t care about her as a brother, so why are you, an outsider, in charge of her?”

“Outsider?” Yan, Xiao Yiheng smiled coldly, “Oh, when you don’t need me, you say I’m an outsider; when you need me, you take off your pants faster than anyone else–” 

“—You shut up and eat for Laozi!! “Li Cheng’s face instantly blushed, and between the sparks flying around, he immediately inserted a piece of food into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth.

Fortunately, Youyou had been fighting with the two bones of the fried chicken wings intently without paying attention to what they were talking about.

Li Cheng’s blush was about to drip blood. What did it mean to “take off his pants faster than anyone else”? It was a clear innocent money transaction between them, but he described it as an unclear dirty transaction.

Xiao Yiheng’s teeth closed lightly and bit the food in his mouth. He chewed very slowly, and only then did Li Cheng realize that what he put into Xiao Yiheng’s mouth in a panic was actually a piece of orange. The delicate orange flesh rolled on the tip of the Alpha’s tongue, and soon disappeared in his lips and teeth. 

Li Cheng looked away in a panic.

‘This rubbish A is absolutely doing it deliberately! In public, why do you eat an orange so erotically?’

In the corner of the cafeteria, Ji Xun’s eyes were resentful and aimed onto Li Cheng who was sitting by the window. 

Opposite him, a middle-aged man with a coach’s Id was talking endlessly.

“Ji Xun, I told you a long time ago. Today’s game is very important. If you want to continue to study and go to the national team for training, then you have to win at least one gold medal! But look at your performance this morning. In the 50-meter race you set off later than others and got only a silver medal. What happened in the 100-meter race? Isn’t it your main event? You can’t even outperform an omega?!!!” The coach said a lot of things, seeing that Ji Xun didn’t listen at all, he suddenly became angry and slammed the table, “Ji Xun, are you listening to me?”

Ji Xun did not answer, but asked gloomily about an irrelevant issue.

“Coach, if an omega suddenly has the smell of alpha pheromone, what is the reason?” 

“…” The coach was puzzled, “Why are you asking this?”

“Can’t I ask?”


The coach thought about it and said: “It depends on who the omega is. If it is an ordinary omega, he is likely to have just finished marking and still carrying alpha pheromone. If the omega is an athlete, it is possible that its injection of illegal drugs, such as hormones formulated with artificial alpha pheromone.”

“Injecting hormones?” 

The coach was taken aback and suddenly reacted. He looked at Ji Xun, then looked back at Li Cheng next to the window: “Do you doubt Li Cheng…?”

“Not a doubt.” Ji Xun said, “I was in the lounge today and I did smell him. He smells of an alpha.”

The coach had a solemn expression and said suspiciously: “But it is also possible that he was just marked by someone.”

“Impossible.” Ji Xun said categorically, “Which alpha would fancy an omega like Li Cheng? Besides, even if there is no hormone injection, asking the drug inspector to cause him a little trouble will be enough to affect his game state.” 

“…” The coach hesitated for a while. It was disgusting to report another player without clear evidence. But in the end, the idea of seeing his beloved pupil win the championship got the upper hand. He still selfishly chose to stand beside Ji Xun.

After all… an omega showing up in the racing pool was really too eye-catching.

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