This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 35: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch35 - I am Li Cheng’s alpha

The final for the 200-meter race was scheduled to start at two in the afternoon. Li Cheng went to the warm-up pool an hour early. After a brief warm-up of 20 minutes, he returned to the lounge energetically to wait for the next match.

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He had won a gold medal and had the most momentum at this time. The other players who had qualified for the 200-meter final came to congratulate him using cliché words which he had long been tired of hearing.

Li Cheng had long been annoyed hearing that level of rainbow fart. The words entered his left ear and exited from the right ear and left him feeling sleepy. 

What was the use of flattery? He came to participate in a competition that day and had no intention of leaving with just one gold medal.


The clock moved slowly to 1:45 and the staff reminded all the finalists to prepare for the match. Li Cheng vigorously jumped from his seat, shaking out his hands and feet, and prepared to enter the swimming pool of deep-fried fish.

He hadn’t yet walked out of the door of the lounge when unexpectedly, several staff members with IDs hurried in and stopped Li Cheng’s footsteps.

“You are Li Cheng, the athlete from Huacheng No. 1 High School, right?” asked the head of staff.


“Yes,” Li Cheng looked at them suspiciously. “What’s the matter?”

The staff member was a female beta, quite old, hair combed in a straight bun, her lips drooped to the sides and looked very solemn.

“We belong to the organizing committee’s drug investigation team,” The female beta showed her credentials and the title on the ID indicated that she was the team leader. “We received a real-name report that you are suspected of using artificial alpha hormones in violation of regulations. Now we need to ask you to do the drug test again, please cooperate with our investigation.”

When she spoke, she did not try to avoid the other contestants hearing about the topic. Instantly, the whole lounge was silent. 

Countless gazes—some astonished, some derisive— were cast on Li Cheng’s body. The boy was in the center of the storm, but he was panicked only for a moment.

“I have undergone a pre-match urine test, the result is negative,” Li Cheng stated, “Isn’t this enough to prove my innocence?”

“Urine tests can detect other stimulants but artificial alpha hormones can only be detected by blood tests,” The female beta pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “This classmate, we do not believe that you have used hormones, but we have received a report. According to procedure, you must come for the investigation. Please understand.”

Li Cheng asked again: “But the match is about to start now, can’t you wait for the re-inspection after the match?” 

“We have communicated with the organizing committee. The 200-meter race has been postponed, other groups of competitions will be conducted first. The investigation is very fast, and the results can be obtained in as little as half an hour.”

Since an omega had not appeared in the competition for many years, the pre-match test didn’t include checking for the artificial alpha hormone in the athletes. However, in this competition, Li Cheng’s performance as an omega was really eye-catching and attracted the attention of many coaches. The competition involved the World High School Games a few months later. It was of great importance, so after receiving the report, the leader of the drug investigation team immediately brought people to investigate.

Li Cheng was morally upright and was not afraid of this oblique shadow. He was innocent, no matter how many times they checked.

Before leaving, he asked the team leader: “May I ask, who reported me?” 

“…Sorry, according to the regulations, no.” The female beta replied with embarrassment.

“It’s okay, just forget it if you can’t tell.” Li Cheng didn’t get upset and smiled generously. He didn’t look like he was going for a drug test, but a visit to a shopping mall.


Did you really think Li Cheng only had well-developed limbs and a simple mind?

He had only leaked the alpha pheromone on his body in front of one person—and he could guess who it was with his toes. 

His gaze flicked across the other players watching the excitement, and finally fell accurately on Ji Xun who was standing in the last row.

But after meeting his intimidating gaze, Ji Xun swiftly looked away which made his attempt at cover-up all the more obvious.

Li Cheng raised his eyebrows and spoke mockingly.

“—Anyway, I already know which grandson framed me.” 

Li Cheng followed the staff members of the drug inspection team to the temporary office. The other team members who had heard the news were blocking the door and kept explaining to the staff.

“Ma’am, our Li-ge is really wronged!”

“His performance has been very good, the alpha in our team can’t swim like him!” 

“If you don’t believe us, you can check his previous match records, he has always been the champion!”

Seeing Li Cheng come, they swarmed around again, and looked at him pitifully, their eyes like little brothers watching a boss of the underworld enter the police station.

The little brothers were so loyal, but Li Cheng didn’t appreciate it, and kicked Huang Yelun’s ass: “It’s all right, stop barking you all. If you don’t calm down, they will give you a big hat of ‘Violent resistance to prosecution’. All your match results will be invalidated! Isn’t it just a blood draw? I’m innocent, let them just draw it!”

Huang Yelun clutched his butt and looked at him with red eyes. 

“Okay,” Li Cheng used up the stick before using the carrot. “If you are really worried for me, then perform well in the following competitions and get a few more medals!”

Li Cheng walked into the drug investigation office with his head high. The door closed, blocking all sight of the outside world.

Coach Wu Xu had been waiting there for a long time, and when he saw his student coming, he looked serious and patted him on the shoulder.

Li Cheng gave Coach Wu a “rest assured” look and calmly stretched out his hand to the nurse, beckoning her to take blood. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr mjiw fzqgfrrlbc vlvc’a rffw ab yf ojxfv. Ktf rajoo bo atf vgeu lcrqfmalbc afjw ja atf rmfcf fzmtjcufv uijcmfr klat fjmt batfg, jcv atf rmjif lc atflg tfjga kjr jigfjvs yljrfv lc Ol Jtfcu’r vlgfmalbc.

Ktf yibbv afra gfreiar mjwf bea delmxis. Ktf vbmewfca mifjgis rajafv lc yijmx jcv ktlaf atja Ol Jtfcu’r yibbv mbcajlcfv akb qtfgbwbcfr, bcf kjr tlr bkc bwfuj qtfgbwbcf, jcv atf batfg qtfgbwbcf vlv lcvffv mbwf ogbw jc jiqtj.


However, due to the limited site conditions, the instrument could not detect whether the residual alpha pheromone was a synthetic hormone or a normal marking behavior. If they wanted to continue testing, they could only send blood samples to professional institutions, but that way, too much time would be spent.

Looking at the test report, the beta team leader in charge of the inspection frowned slightly. She looked at Li Cheng: “Will you soon be in your estrus cycle?” 

Li Cheng couldn’t understand the report in English, but he knew that at the time, telling the truth was the only option: “Yes, the previous physical examination showed that my estrus period would break out in these few days. In order to safeguard the competition in this situation, the coach suggested that I find an alpha to temporarily mark me.”

“Can you contact this alpha and ask him to come now?”

“…Huh?” Li Cheng didn’t expect that an ordinary drug test would actually involve the matter of marking. “Uh, why are you asking me to contact him?”

Wu Xu had ample experience and hurriedly explained the key points to him. Only then did Li Cheng understand—if he wanted to prove his innocence as soon as possible, he must call the alpha that marked him there. The staff would compare the pheromones of the two, and make sure that they had marking behaviors! 

Li Cheng blinked twice at a very slow speed, and slowly uttered two words: “…What the fuck.”

Thinking of the teammates guarding the door, Li Cheng’s head hurt. All that time, he had not disclosed anything about him and Xiao Yiheng to anyone; if he called Xiao Yiheng over, wouldn’t it be just announcing it in public?

In the audience, Youyou opened her eyelids with her small hands, but within a few seconds, the upper and lower eyelids stuck together uncontrollably. 

Seeing that she was so sleepy, Xiao Yiheng coaxed her: “If you are sleepy, just sleep for a while.”

The child became sleepy after lunch, and had persisted until then with sheer willpower.

“No way!” Youyou shook her head hard, “My brother’s match is at two o’clock! I have to wait for my brother to win the championship before going to sleep!”

She said it so confidently. In her heart, her brother was her hero. If he didn’t win the gold medal, who else was worthy of the gold medal? 

Time slowly passed, but the 200-meter freestyle final that was originally scheduled to start at two o’clock was repeatedly postponed, and in the end it was simply changed to another competition!

Youyou didn’t understand what happened, but Xiao Yiheng keenly perceived that something was wrong.

He didn’t know where the rumors started from but a message was quickly and secretly passed between the audience—a finalist of the 200-meter race was taken away by the drug inspection team for investigation. He was said to have taken hormones, so the whole game was delayed.

Scandals always spread the fastest, and this gossip reached the ears of all the audience almost in the blink of an eye. Soon, the rumors about the athlete who used the banned drug became more and more obvious and almost directly said that he was an omega. 

After hearing the news, Xiao Yiheng looked back subconsciously and found that the middle-aged people with paper and pen sitting in the back row had disappeared. He intuitively felt that their departure should be related to the drug test.

At this moment, Xiao Yiheng’s cell phone buzzed and notified him of a message.


Small Round Orange: Xiao Yiheng, are you there?

Pursue Unremittingly: Yes, what’s wrong? 

The dialog box displayed ‘typing’ for a long, long time.

Small Round Orange: You don’t feel sick from seeing blood, right?

Pursue Unremittingly: …what?

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Small Round Orange: I have run into a bit of trouble at the moment and need your help. 

Small Round Orange: when you arrive at the examination room for athletes, someone will pick you up and he will tell you what happened.

Small Round Orange: …you can regard it as me owing you another favor.

Outside the drug inspection office, the four members of the Huacheng No. 1 Swimming Team gathered together to discuss the matter indignantly. 

“Li-ge has passed the urine test before, why did they suddenly call him over for a blood test?”

“It’s said that someone reported it. Damn it, let me know which Tiehanhan did this kind of blind thing. See if Laozi doesn’t hammer(into shape) his dog’s head!”

“My girlfriend just texted me saying that rumors are flying in the audience now, all are talking about this matter. Someone must have deliberately spread them!”

They thought about the person who made the report. 

“He must be jealous of Li-ge. He probably has 100% straight A cancer! His ability to swim doesn’t surpass an omega, so he had to pour dirty water on Li-ge!”

You say, I say, the more they talked, the angrier they became. The swimming team of Huacheng No. 1 High School was very united. When Li Cheng first joined the team, they underestimated him because Li Cheng was an omega, but Li Cheng slapped them in the face with absolute strength and made them lose. They yielded being convinced in heart and by word.

Right then, Li Cheng, whom they regarded as their big brother, was actually splashed with this kind of dirty water, which was simply despising the entire Huacheng No. 1 High School! !

Huang Yelun was even more angry and jumped up and down: “Pei! Pei! Pei! The whistleblower who hides his head and covers his tail, actually said that he smelled alpha pheromone on Brother Li? Can’t he use his brain before making up the lie? Who doesn’t know that Brother Li is not close to any A pheromone, how could he have the smell of an alpha?!!!” 

His yelling was so loud that it even covered a series of footsteps behind him.

He didn’t notice the hallway had two more people until his companion pushed him.


Xiao Yiheng, who shouldn’t have been there, looked serious, and hurriedly followed behind a staff member wearing a work ID card.

He had worn the most ordinary clothes, but when he walked from the end of the corridor, everyone present was involuntarily attracted to him. Obviously, it was a narrow and dark corridor, but he walked as if on a stage, handsome with an imposing manner. 

Huang Yelun couldn’t help thinking sourly: Damn, is it great to be handsome? …No, why is Xiao Yiheng here???

Huang Yelun looked at his teammates, but everyone’s faces were exactly like him–blank. They really didn’t understand, what was the relationship between Brother Li’s drug test and Xiao Yiheng?

While they were thinking hard, Xiao Yiheng and the staff member had stopped outside the office.

The door was knocked. 

After a few seconds, the door opened a gap.

The unsmiling female team leader appeared behind the door and looked up and down at the strange boy with a probing look.

“Are you…?”

“Hello, my name is Xiao Yiheng.” Xiao Yiheng’s attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, “—I am Li Cheng’s alpha.” 

Huang Yelun: …????

Other teammates: …????

The door opened and closed, and Xiao Yiheng’s figure disappeared in the drug inspection office.

The several teammates who were left outside the door were all dumbfounded. 

Huang Yelun: “…I heard it wrong?”

Other teammates: “…No, you didn’t.”

Huang Yelun was really going crazy.

What kind of situation was this?!! 

When did their Li-ge go behind their back and get a man????


The atmosphere in the office was not as serious as the people outside imagined. Several staff members wearing work IDs gathered together to discuss something in a low voice, writing and drawing on the documents from time to time.

As soon as Xiao Yiheng entered the door, he noticed Li Cheng sitting on the sofa. 

He walked over quickly, stopped by his side, and asked in a low voice: “Are you okay?”

Li Cheng gritted his teeth with anger, but could not lose his temper in front of the organizing committee, and could only wrap up the swearing vaguely: “If you don’t talk nonsense, I will be better.”

He just asked Xiao Yiheng to come over to assist in the investigation, but he didn’t think that this guy would actually add to the drama himself! Where did the sentence “I am Li Cheng’s alpha” come from? You, you, you, you, you…didn’t you make Li-ge lose face?

Coach Wu naturally knew Xiao Yiheng. This young man was a celebrity in the school. He was also famous for his outstanding appearance and his lonely and indifferent character. 

Coach Wu never imagined that the person for the temporary marking chosen by Li Cheng would be Xiao Yiheng!

Even if it’s a shotgun puppy love, he had trouble believing it, ok?

If it was not for the wrong occasion, Coach Wu really wanted to share this gossip with his wife as soon as possible.

Xiao Yiheng had already listened to the staff explain the ins and outs on his way there. When he heard that someone had deliberately framed Li Cheng, his calmness disappeared. How proud Li Cheng was, he knew better than anyone else, how could Li Cheng use such despicable means?! 

He directly rolled up his sleeves and exposed his arms: “Draw it.” He urged, “I did Li Cheng’s temporary marking. Just draw my blood and compare it with the pheromone in his body, alright?”

“Need not be so troublesome.” The leader of the drug inspection team said, “If you do have marking behaviors, as long as you two release the pheromone at the same time, the pheromone will naturally combine, which is enough to prove Li Cheng’s innocence.”

Li Cheng:” …… ”

What was going on, publicly announcing was not enough, so let him perform the pheromone binding in public?! 

This was too shameful! ! !

Blood testing took time, and pheromone binding was undoubtedly the fastest and most powerful proof. Everyone’s pheromone would be subtly different. The data could be falsified, but the most naked combination of A and O pheromones could not deceive.

Thinking of this, Li Cheng gritted his teeth, smashed the broken jar, and released his pheromone.

In an instant, the boy’s sweet pheromone, which was completely opposite to his appearance, floated out and spread in the small office. 

Xiao Yiheng followed closely, and the smell of alpine cedar quickly spread in the air. The moment it encountered the sweet orange fragrance, it blended into it domineeringly yet tenderly. It was obviously two completely different flavors, but they were perfectly blended and could not be separated.

Xiao Yiheng fixed his eyes on the young man in front of him and Li Cheng was so ashamed that he couldn’t wait to hide into the Mariana Trench. What (a feeling of)shame was this play! !


The combination of the two pheromones without a trace of any barriers was sufficient to prove that there was indeed a marked relationship between the two people. It showed that the alpha pheromone in Li Cheng’s body came from Xiao Yiheng, not a synthetic alpha hormone.

The truth became clear, Li Cheng hurriedly retracted the pheromone into his body, his face flushed, but he pretended—‘I am as calm as I have always been in all kinds of battles’. 

Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone wandered around for a while, but it couldn’t find the target, so it could only slowly retreat into his body.

Li Cheng looked at Xiao Yiheng calmly: “So then, thanks for your trouble. You had a hard time.”

Xiao Yiheng replied, “It’s not hard, this is after-sales service.”

“Then there is no need to calculate the money for the after-sales service, right?” 

“…” Xiao Yiheng had never seen anyone being as much of a miser as him. “No, during the warranty period, free door-to-door service.”

When the two bargained, their voices were very low. Coach Wu thought these two were talking about love, why didn’t they look at the occasion? Such a serious occasion had become the background of the young couple’s affection.

The female team leader in charge of the investigation asked the record-keeper to write down the complete process of the matter, and all the members signed to certify that Li Cheng was innocent.

After that, Coach Wu communicated with the drug inspection team. His student suffered such a big grievance and was turned around in such a big circle. Blood was drawn and the match was postponed. The drug inspection team must not say “according to procedure” and dismiss him lightly! They must give Li Cheng an official apology! ! 

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng walked out of the office together, and they met four pairs of sparkling eyes as soon as the door opened.

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Huang Yelun’s black eyes spun around, looking at Li Cheng for a while, and Xiao Yiheng for a while. It was obvious that he had a bellyful of questions, but he didn’t dare to open his mouth.

During this period of time, he had passed the truth countless times. Today, he witnessed Xiao Yiheng’s “identity exposure” and he was the most shocked one. 

Seeing him scratching his head and ears, Li Cheng was afraid that he would blurt out “sister-in-law”.

Li Cheng immediately warned him: “Don’t talk, don’t ask , don’t open your mouth.”

Huang Yelun: “…”

Li Cheng was very irritable: “If you dare to talk more, I will commit suicide.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…not necessarily.”

Li Cheng glared at the person next to him, puffed up, making people want to poke him in the cheek.


He had experienced too many things this afternoon, his mood going up and down like a roller coaster. He was now full of resentment and anger. If you put him inside the Pacific ocean, he might be able to dig through the Pacific.

He knew who had slandered him, and he also knew why the other party did it. 


Ji Xun was an alpha. He had enjoyed the gender dividend of being an alpha from the day of his differentiation. He didn’t need much effort to have a stronger physique than beta and omega. His unbeaten presence in the pool inspired his arrogance, so he became lazy, he slackened, and at that time, Li Cheng turned up, an omega who swept the major awards in the competition.

How could Ji Xun not be jealous? ?

If it was not forbidden by the rules of the competition, Li Cheng would definitely give him a lesson with his fists. 

But it didn’t matter, he had a better weapon than fists.

Was there anything else that could satisfy Li Cheng more than defeating him on the field?

“I will have a match in a while, I will go first,” Thinking of this, Li Cheng told the boys, “You guys also prepare for me. There will be a medley relay in the evening. If you don’t get a medal, just wait to go back and train.”

The medley relay was their weak point. Out of ten places in the final, they barely got the eighth. Originally, Li Cheng only wanted to accompany and swim with them, but now he didn’t think so. He wanted to make Ji Xun-that fool-see clearly, he could get as many gold medals as he wanted, and don’t even think about touching things that he couldn’t get! 

He looked at Xiao Yiheng again, bit his lower lip, hesitated for a while, and finally said, “…Thank you for today.”

Xiao Yiheng did not expect to hear the word ‘thank you’ from Li Cheng.

“Thank you for what?”

“Thank you for everything. Thank you for watching my matches, thank you for taking care of Youyou, and thank you for coming to testify when I was in trouble… In short, I took note of today’s affairs, and I, Li Cheng, owe you a favor—relying on this favor, you can walk sideways within ten miles of our school.” 

Xiao Yiheng said nothing. After all, what he wanted was not a favor, but a lover.

Li Cheng didn’t notice the light in the alpha’s eyes, he hurriedly left to prepare for the next match.

The blond boy hurried away, Xiao Yiheng stood in place, watching him go further and further away.

The four little brothers of the swimming team dared not make a sound. They stood there staring at each other. They wanted to slip away but couldn’t take a single step. 

Finally, Huang Yelun mustered up the courage and said, “Well, Xiao…er Brother Xiao? Then let’s go first…?” Could anyone tell him what to call his eldest brother’s wife and would it be serious enough to call him sister-in-law?

“Wait a minute!” Xiao Yiheng turned his head to look at them, “I want to ask you something.”


Huang Yelun said hurriedly, “Please ask.”

Xiao Yiheng’s voice was low and his tone was extremely cold, “Do you have any clues about the person who falsely accused Li Cheng?” 

It was stipulated in the competition rules, that contestants could not fight with other contestants. The offenders would be suspended from the competition and their results in the competition would be cancelled.

However, there was no mention in the rules of competition that relatives of the contestants couldn’t act on behalf of heaven, right?

Ch35 - I am Li Cheng’s alpha

The final for the 200-meter race was scheduled to start at two in the afternoon. Li Cheng went to the warm-up pool an hour early. After a brief warm-up of 20 minutes, he returned to the lounge energetically to wait for the next match.

He had won a gold medal and had the most momentum at this time. The other players who had qualified for the 200-meter final came to congratulate him using cliché words which he had long been tired of hearing.

Li Cheng had long been annoyed hearing that level of rainbow fart. The words entered his left ear and exited from the right ear and left him feeling sleepy. 

What was the use of flattery? He came to participate in a competition that day and had no intention of leaving with just one gold medal.


The clock moved slowly to 1:45 and the staff reminded all the finalists to prepare for the match. Li Cheng vigorously jumped from his seat, shaking out his hands and feet, and prepared to enter the swimming pool of deep-fried fish.

He hadn’t yet walked out of the door of the lounge when unexpectedly, several staff members with IDs hurried in and stopped Li Cheng’s footsteps.

“You are Li Cheng, the athlete from Huacheng No. 1 High School, right?” asked the head of staff.


“Yes,” Li Cheng looked at them suspiciously. “What’s the matter?”

The staff member was a female beta, quite old, hair combed in a straight bun, her lips drooped to the sides and looked very solemn.

“We belong to the organizing committee’s drug investigation team,” The female beta showed her credentials and the title on the ID indicated that she was the team leader. “We received a real-name report that you are suspected of using artificial alpha hormones in violation of regulations. Now we need to ask you to do the drug test again, please cooperate with our investigation.”

When she spoke, she did not try to avoid the other contestants hearing about the topic. Instantly, the whole lounge was silent. 

Countless gazes—some astonished, some derisive— were cast on Li Cheng’s body. The boy was in the center of the storm, but he was panicked only for a moment.

“I have undergone a pre-match urine test, the result is negative,” Li Cheng stated, “Isn’t this enough to prove my innocence?”

“Urine tests can detect other stimulants but artificial alpha hormones can only be detected by blood tests,” The female beta pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “This classmate, we do not believe that you have used hormones, but we have received a report. According to procedure, you must come for the investigation. Please understand.”

Li Cheng asked again: “But the match is about to start now, can’t you wait for the re-inspection after the match?” 

“We have communicated with the organizing committee. The 200-meter race has been postponed, other groups of competitions will be conducted first. The investigation is very fast, and the results can be obtained in as little as half an hour.”

Since an omega had not appeared in the competition for many years, the pre-match test didn’t include checking for the artificial alpha hormone in the athletes. However, in this competition, Li Cheng’s performance as an omega was really eye-catching and attracted the attention of many coaches. The competition involved the World High School Games a few months later. It was of great importance, so after receiving the report, the leader of the drug investigation team immediately brought people to investigate.

Li Cheng was morally upright and was not afraid of this oblique shadow. He was innocent, no matter how many times they checked.

Before leaving, he asked the team leader: “May I ask, who reported me?” 

“…Sorry, according to the regulations, no.” The female beta replied with embarrassment.

“It’s okay, just forget it if you can’t tell.” Li Cheng didn’t get upset and smiled generously. He didn’t look like he was going for a drug test, but a visit to a shopping mall.


Did you really think Li Cheng only had well-developed limbs and a simple mind?

He had only leaked the alpha pheromone on his body in front of one person—and he could guess who it was with his toes. 

His gaze flicked across the other players watching the excitement, and finally fell accurately on Ji Xun who was standing in the last row.

But after meeting his intimidating gaze, Ji Xun swiftly looked away which made his attempt at cover-up all the more obvious.

Li Cheng raised his eyebrows and spoke mockingly.

“—Anyway, I already know which grandson framed me.” 

Li Cheng followed the staff members of the drug inspection team to the temporary office. The other team members who had heard the news were blocking the door and kept explaining to the staff.

“Ma’am, our Li-ge is really wronged!”

“His performance has been very good, the alpha in our team can’t swim like him!” 

“If you don’t believe us, you can check his previous match records, he has always been the champion!”

Seeing Li Cheng come, they swarmed around again, and looked at him pitifully, their eyes like little brothers watching a boss of the underworld enter the police station.

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The little brothers were so loyal, but Li Cheng didn’t appreciate it, and kicked Huang Yelun’s ass: “It’s all right, stop barking you all. If you don’t calm down, they will give you a big hat of ‘Violent resistance to prosecution’. All your match results will be invalidated! Isn’t it just a blood draw? I’m innocent, let them just draw it!”

Huang Yelun clutched his butt and looked at him with red eyes. 

“Okay,” Li Cheng used up the stick before using the carrot. “If you are really worried for me, then perform well in the following competitions and get a few more medals!”

Li Cheng walked into the drug investigation office with his head high. The door closed, blocking all sight of the outside world.

Coach Wu Xu had been waiting there for a long time, and when he saw his student coming, he looked serious and patted him on the shoulder.

Li Cheng gave Coach Wu a “rest assured” look and calmly stretched out his hand to the nurse, beckoning her to take blood. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr mjiw fzqgfrrlbc vlvc’a rffw ab yf ojxfv. Ktf rajoo bo atf vgeu lcrqfmalbc afjw ja atf rmfcf fzmtjcufv uijcmfr klat fjmt batfg, jcv atf rmjif lc atflg tfjga kjr jigfjvs yljrfv lc Ol Jtfcu’r vlgfmalbc.

Ktf yibbv afra gfreiar mjwf bea delmxis. Ktf vbmewfca mifjgis rajafv lc yijmx jcv ktlaf atja Ol Jtfcu’r yibbv mbcajlcfv akb qtfgbwbcfr, bcf kjr tlr bkc bwfuj qtfgbwbcf, jcv atf batfg qtfgbwbcf vlv lcvffv mbwf ogbw jc jiqtj.


However, due to the limited site conditions, the instrument could not detect whether the residual alpha pheromone was a synthetic hormone or a normal marking behavior. If they wanted to continue testing, they could only send blood samples to professional institutions, but that way, too much time would be spent.

Looking at the test report, the beta team leader in charge of the inspection frowned slightly. She looked at Li Cheng: “Will you soon be in your estrus cycle?” 

Li Cheng couldn’t understand the report in English, but he knew that at the time, telling the truth was the only option: “Yes, the previous physical examination showed that my estrus period would break out in these few days. In order to safeguard the competition in this situation, the coach suggested that I find an alpha to temporarily mark me.”

“Can you contact this alpha and ask him to come now?”

“…Huh?” Li Cheng didn’t expect that an ordinary drug test would actually involve the matter of marking. “Uh, why are you asking me to contact him?”

Wu Xu had ample experience and hurriedly explained the key points to him. Only then did Li Cheng understand—if he wanted to prove his innocence as soon as possible, he must call the alpha that marked him there. The staff would compare the pheromones of the two, and make sure that they had marking behaviors! 

Li Cheng blinked twice at a very slow speed, and slowly uttered two words: “…What the fuck.”

Thinking of the teammates guarding the door, Li Cheng’s head hurt. All that time, he had not disclosed anything about him and Xiao Yiheng to anyone; if he called Xiao Yiheng over, wouldn’t it be just announcing it in public?

In the audience, Youyou opened her eyelids with her small hands, but within a few seconds, the upper and lower eyelids stuck together uncontrollably. 

Seeing that she was so sleepy, Xiao Yiheng coaxed her: “If you are sleepy, just sleep for a while.”

The child became sleepy after lunch, and had persisted until then with sheer willpower.

“No way!” Youyou shook her head hard, “My brother’s match is at two o’clock! I have to wait for my brother to win the championship before going to sleep!”

She said it so confidently. In her heart, her brother was her hero. If he didn’t win the gold medal, who else was worthy of the gold medal? 

Time slowly passed, but the 200-meter freestyle final that was originally scheduled to start at two o’clock was repeatedly postponed, and in the end it was simply changed to another competition!

Youyou didn’t understand what happened, but Xiao Yiheng keenly perceived that something was wrong.

He didn’t know where the rumors started from but a message was quickly and secretly passed between the audience—a finalist of the 200-meter race was taken away by the drug inspection team for investigation. He was said to have taken hormones, so the whole game was delayed.

Scandals always spread the fastest, and this gossip reached the ears of all the audience almost in the blink of an eye. Soon, the rumors about the athlete who used the banned drug became more and more obvious and almost directly said that he was an omega. 

After hearing the news, Xiao Yiheng looked back subconsciously and found that the middle-aged people with paper and pen sitting in the back row had disappeared. He intuitively felt that their departure should be related to the drug test.

At this moment, Xiao Yiheng’s cell phone buzzed and notified him of a message.


Small Round Orange: Xiao Yiheng, are you there?

Pursue Unremittingly: Yes, what’s wrong? 

The dialog box displayed ‘typing’ for a long, long time.

Small Round Orange: You don’t feel sick from seeing blood, right?

Pursue Unremittingly: …what?

Small Round Orange: I have run into a bit of trouble at the moment and need your help. 

Small Round Orange: when you arrive at the examination room for athletes, someone will pick you up and he will tell you what happened.

Small Round Orange: …you can regard it as me owing you another favor.

Outside the drug inspection office, the four members of the Huacheng No. 1 Swimming Team gathered together to discuss the matter indignantly. 

“Li-ge has passed the urine test before, why did they suddenly call him over for a blood test?”

“It’s said that someone reported it. Damn it, let me know which Tiehanhan did this kind of blind thing. See if Laozi doesn’t hammer(into shape) his dog’s head!”

“My girlfriend just texted me saying that rumors are flying in the audience now, all are talking about this matter. Someone must have deliberately spread them!”

They thought about the person who made the report. 

“He must be jealous of Li-ge. He probably has 100% straight A cancer! His ability to swim doesn’t surpass an omega, so he had to pour dirty water on Li-ge!”

You say, I say, the more they talked, the angrier they became. The swimming team of Huacheng No. 1 High School was very united. When Li Cheng first joined the team, they underestimated him because Li Cheng was an omega, but Li Cheng slapped them in the face with absolute strength and made them lose. They yielded being convinced in heart and by word.

Right then, Li Cheng, whom they regarded as their big brother, was actually splashed with this kind of dirty water, which was simply despising the entire Huacheng No. 1 High School! !

Huang Yelun was even more angry and jumped up and down: “Pei! Pei! Pei! The whistleblower who hides his head and covers his tail, actually said that he smelled alpha pheromone on Brother Li? Can’t he use his brain before making up the lie? Who doesn’t know that Brother Li is not close to any A pheromone, how could he have the smell of an alpha?!!!” 

His yelling was so loud that it even covered a series of footsteps behind him.

He didn’t notice the hallway had two more people until his companion pushed him.


Xiao Yiheng, who shouldn’t have been there, looked serious, and hurriedly followed behind a staff member wearing a work ID card.

He had worn the most ordinary clothes, but when he walked from the end of the corridor, everyone present was involuntarily attracted to him. Obviously, it was a narrow and dark corridor, but he walked as if on a stage, handsome with an imposing manner. 

Huang Yelun couldn’t help thinking sourly: Damn, is it great to be handsome? …No, why is Xiao Yiheng here???

Huang Yelun looked at his teammates, but everyone’s faces were exactly like him–blank. They really didn’t understand, what was the relationship between Brother Li’s drug test and Xiao Yiheng?

While they were thinking hard, Xiao Yiheng and the staff member had stopped outside the office.

The door was knocked. 

After a few seconds, the door opened a gap.

The unsmiling female team leader appeared behind the door and looked up and down at the strange boy with a probing look.

“Are you…?”

“Hello, my name is Xiao Yiheng.” Xiao Yiheng’s attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, “—I am Li Cheng’s alpha.” 

Huang Yelun: …????

Other teammates: …????

The door opened and closed, and Xiao Yiheng’s figure disappeared in the drug inspection office.

The several teammates who were left outside the door were all dumbfounded. 

Huang Yelun: “…I heard it wrong?”

Other teammates: “…No, you didn’t.”

Huang Yelun was really going crazy.

What kind of situation was this?!! 

When did their Li-ge go behind their back and get a man????

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The atmosphere in the office was not as serious as the people outside imagined. Several staff members wearing work IDs gathered together to discuss something in a low voice, writing and drawing on the documents from time to time.

As soon as Xiao Yiheng entered the door, he noticed Li Cheng sitting on the sofa. 

He walked over quickly, stopped by his side, and asked in a low voice: “Are you okay?”

Li Cheng gritted his teeth with anger, but could not lose his temper in front of the organizing committee, and could only wrap up the swearing vaguely: “If you don’t talk nonsense, I will be better.”

He just asked Xiao Yiheng to come over to assist in the investigation, but he didn’t think that this guy would actually add to the drama himself! Where did the sentence “I am Li Cheng’s alpha” come from? You, you, you, you, you…didn’t you make Li-ge lose face?

Coach Wu naturally knew Xiao Yiheng. This young man was a celebrity in the school. He was also famous for his outstanding appearance and his lonely and indifferent character. 

Coach Wu never imagined that the person for the temporary marking chosen by Li Cheng would be Xiao Yiheng!

Even if it’s a shotgun puppy love, he had trouble believing it, ok?

If it was not for the wrong occasion, Coach Wu really wanted to share this gossip with his wife as soon as possible.

Xiao Yiheng had already listened to the staff explain the ins and outs on his way there. When he heard that someone had deliberately framed Li Cheng, his calmness disappeared. How proud Li Cheng was, he knew better than anyone else, how could Li Cheng use such despicable means?! 

He directly rolled up his sleeves and exposed his arms: “Draw it.” He urged, “I did Li Cheng’s temporary marking. Just draw my blood and compare it with the pheromone in his body, alright?”

“Need not be so troublesome.” The leader of the drug inspection team said, “If you do have marking behaviors, as long as you two release the pheromone at the same time, the pheromone will naturally combine, which is enough to prove Li Cheng’s innocence.”

Li Cheng:” …… ”

What was going on, publicly announcing was not enough, so let him perform the pheromone binding in public?! 

This was too shameful! ! !

Blood testing took time, and pheromone binding was undoubtedly the fastest and most powerful proof. Everyone’s pheromone would be subtly different. The data could be falsified, but the most naked combination of A and O pheromones could not deceive.

Thinking of this, Li Cheng gritted his teeth, smashed the broken jar, and released his pheromone.

In an instant, the boy’s sweet pheromone, which was completely opposite to his appearance, floated out and spread in the small office. 

Xiao Yiheng followed closely, and the smell of alpine cedar quickly spread in the air. The moment it encountered the sweet orange fragrance, it blended into it domineeringly yet tenderly. It was obviously two completely different flavors, but they were perfectly blended and could not be separated.

Xiao Yiheng fixed his eyes on the young man in front of him and Li Cheng was so ashamed that he couldn’t wait to hide into the Mariana Trench. What (a feeling of)shame was this play! !


The combination of the two pheromones without a trace of any barriers was sufficient to prove that there was indeed a marked relationship between the two people. It showed that the alpha pheromone in Li Cheng’s body came from Xiao Yiheng, not a synthetic alpha hormone.

The truth became clear, Li Cheng hurriedly retracted the pheromone into his body, his face flushed, but he pretended—‘I am as calm as I have always been in all kinds of battles’. 

Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone wandered around for a while, but it couldn’t find the target, so it could only slowly retreat into his body.

Li Cheng looked at Xiao Yiheng calmly: “So then, thanks for your trouble. You had a hard time.”

Xiao Yiheng replied, “It’s not hard, this is after-sales service.”

“Then there is no need to calculate the money for the after-sales service, right?” 

“…” Xiao Yiheng had never seen anyone being as much of a miser as him. “No, during the warranty period, free door-to-door service.”

When the two bargained, their voices were very low. Coach Wu thought these two were talking about love, why didn’t they look at the occasion? Such a serious occasion had become the background of the young couple’s affection.

The female team leader in charge of the investigation asked the record-keeper to write down the complete process of the matter, and all the members signed to certify that Li Cheng was innocent.

After that, Coach Wu communicated with the drug inspection team. His student suffered such a big grievance and was turned around in such a big circle. Blood was drawn and the match was postponed. The drug inspection team must not say “according to procedure” and dismiss him lightly! They must give Li Cheng an official apology! ! 

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng walked out of the office together, and they met four pairs of sparkling eyes as soon as the door opened.

Huang Yelun’s black eyes spun around, looking at Li Cheng for a while, and Xiao Yiheng for a while. It was obvious that he had a bellyful of questions, but he didn’t dare to open his mouth.

During this period of time, he had passed the truth countless times. Today, he witnessed Xiao Yiheng’s “identity exposure” and he was the most shocked one. 

Seeing him scratching his head and ears, Li Cheng was afraid that he would blurt out “sister-in-law”.

Li Cheng immediately warned him: “Don’t talk, don’t ask , don’t open your mouth.”

Huang Yelun: “…”

Li Cheng was very irritable: “If you dare to talk more, I will commit suicide.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…not necessarily.”

Li Cheng glared at the person next to him, puffed up, making people want to poke him in the cheek.


He had experienced too many things this afternoon, his mood going up and down like a roller coaster. He was now full of resentment and anger. If you put him inside the Pacific ocean, he might be able to dig through the Pacific.

He knew who had slandered him, and he also knew why the other party did it. 


Ji Xun was an alpha. He had enjoyed the gender dividend of being an alpha from the day of his differentiation. He didn’t need much effort to have a stronger physique than beta and omega. His unbeaten presence in the pool inspired his arrogance, so he became lazy, he slackened, and at that time, Li Cheng turned up, an omega who swept the major awards in the competition.

How could Ji Xun not be jealous? ?

If it was not forbidden by the rules of the competition, Li Cheng would definitely give him a lesson with his fists. 

But it didn’t matter, he had a better weapon than fists.

Was there anything else that could satisfy Li Cheng more than defeating him on the field?

“I will have a match in a while, I will go first,” Thinking of this, Li Cheng told the boys, “You guys also prepare for me. There will be a medley relay in the evening. If you don’t get a medal, just wait to go back and train.”

The medley relay was their weak point. Out of ten places in the final, they barely got the eighth. Originally, Li Cheng only wanted to accompany and swim with them, but now he didn’t think so. He wanted to make Ji Xun-that fool-see clearly, he could get as many gold medals as he wanted, and don’t even think about touching things that he couldn’t get! 

He looked at Xiao Yiheng again, bit his lower lip, hesitated for a while, and finally said, “…Thank you for today.”

Xiao Yiheng did not expect to hear the word ‘thank you’ from Li Cheng.

“Thank you for what?”

“Thank you for everything. Thank you for watching my matches, thank you for taking care of Youyou, and thank you for coming to testify when I was in trouble… In short, I took note of today’s affairs, and I, Li Cheng, owe you a favor—relying on this favor, you can walk sideways within ten miles of our school.” 

Xiao Yiheng said nothing. After all, what he wanted was not a favor, but a lover.

Li Cheng didn’t notice the light in the alpha’s eyes, he hurriedly left to prepare for the next match.

The blond boy hurried away, Xiao Yiheng stood in place, watching him go further and further away.

The four little brothers of the swimming team dared not make a sound. They stood there staring at each other. They wanted to slip away but couldn’t take a single step. 

Finally, Huang Yelun mustered up the courage and said, “Well, Xiao…er Brother Xiao? Then let’s go first…?” Could anyone tell him what to call his eldest brother’s wife and would it be serious enough to call him sister-in-law?

“Wait a minute!” Xiao Yiheng turned his head to look at them, “I want to ask you something.”


Huang Yelun said hurriedly, “Please ask.”

Xiao Yiheng’s voice was low and his tone was extremely cold, “Do you have any clues about the person who falsely accused Li Cheng?” 

It was stipulated in the competition rules, that contestants could not fight with other contestants. The offenders would be suspended from the competition and their results in the competition would be cancelled.

However, there was no mention in the rules of competition that relatives of the contestants couldn’t act on behalf of heaven, right?

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