This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 36: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch36 - When I grow up, I will be fierce No. 1

When Xiao Yiheng hurried back to the audience, the sweet-voiced announcer was broadcasting on the speaker that the long-delayed men’s freestyle 200-meter final would be held in 20 minutes.

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Before Xiao Yiheng left, he entrusted Youyou to Huang Yelun’s girlfriend. The little girl had the duck in one hand and the cat in the other. She laid down on the seat and slept sweetly, her cheeks imprinted with sleep marks.

When she woke up, Brother Xiao was back, and her brother’s competition was about to start!

She was carefree and had no idea how many things had happened while she was asleep. 

Seeing that there was still some drool on the corner of her mouth, Xiao Yiheng reluctantly took out a wet wipe from the bag and wiped her hands and face. If Huang Yelun and Brother Hu saw this scene, they would definitely have made up stories like “The elder sister-in-law is like a mother” again.


The audience was full of tender feelings, but in the contestants’ lounge, the atmosphere was tense, and it was about to explode at any time.

Li Cheng pushed open the door of the lounge and walked in with his chest stuck out and head raised high. When the other athletes saw him return, they all closed their mouths in an instant. The crowd which had been chatting in full swing turned into saw-mouthed gourds. They were so obvious that anyone could have guessed what they had been talking about.

Li Cheng glanced around the people present, and suddenly opened his lips and laughed. He was very good-looking. Such a smile gave the feeling of a blue sky, of warm water, as if the willow had sprouted, and the animals all came out to mate.


But the opposite of his smile was the coldness in his tone.

“Why don’t you talk? You guys are chatting, it’s so lively. Let me listen to it?”

Absolute silence.

Of course, they didn’t dare speak again. In fact, many people present had inner thoughts similar to Ji Xun’s. They felt that Li Cheng was able to win so many championships as an omega that he must be unclean in private. He must have employed dishonest practices and used some kind of trick. This time Li Cheng was reported by someone and taken away by the drug inspection team in public. The secret happiness in their hearts was poked, and they immediately shared the gossip. 

Someone said “I heard Li Cheng he…”, another said, “I also heard Li Cheng he…”. They didn’t need any evidence at all. Just relying on hearsay and imagination, they gave Li Cheng a big dirty hat.

But when Li Cheng stood up to confront them, they were like shellfish digging into the sand. No one wanted to come forward.

Seeing that these people’s mouths were closed tightly, and they didn’t even dare to let out a fart, Li Cheng’s face suddenly darkened. He lifted his foot and kicked over the chair next to him.

The chair fell to the ground and slid far away on the smooth floor, the sound reverberated in the lounge. 

Accompanied by the harsh echo, the young man said coldly: “Since you don’t want to say it now, then keep your mouth shut forever. When I get off the podium, you can come back to line up to confess ok.”

So savage, so arrogant, so ostentatious.

But Li Cheng had the capital to be savage, the qualifications to be arrogant and the confidence to be ostentatious.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The chair that was kicked off by him slid far away until it reached the last row of the crowd before stopping. 

Vajcvlcu yftlcv atf mgbkv, Al Wec ibbxfv vbkc ja atf mtjlg, jr lo rfflcu tlr tfjv lc j vjhf.

…Rb, Ol Jtfcu vlvc’a vjgf ab tega tlw! Snfc lo tf xcfk tf tjv jrxfv atf mbjmt ab gfqbga la, tf vlvc’a vjgf vb jcsatlcu veglcu atf mbwqfalalbc! Lf kjr pera vfilyfgjafis jmalcu klivis. Ktfgf kjr cbatlcu ab kbggs jybea!


Ji Xun didn’t dare admit in his heart—not only was he jealous of Li Cheng, but he was also afraid of Li Cheng. His distorted jealousy made him afraid to admit Li Cheng’s achievements and the fear hidden deep in his heart made him dare not face Li Cheng’s questions.

He was a coward. 

The staff came in to urge the contestants to come out, only to see a mess.

“How did the chair fall?” the staff member asked in surprise.

Everyone glanced at Li Cheng, no one dared to answer.

Li Cheng’s tone was calm: “It’s nothing, the chair was not put in place.” 

The others hurriedly agreed: “Yes, yes, yes, the chair was not put in place.”

They all turned into echo worms. Li Orange sneered, gave a contemptuous gaze across the crowd, and headed towards the door leading to the stadium.

With one step out, the world took on a new look, and all the filth remained in the lounge.

The voices of people in the stadium were like waves. 

Li Cheng stood calmly in front of the block, ready to start. He discarded all the noise around him and focused on the swimming pool in front of him.

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Since he had been questioned and slandered, he would use his strength to prove that he was formidable.

In the audience, Youyou nervously took Xiao Yiheng’s hand and asked in a low voice, “Can my brother win?”

“Of course” Xiao Yiheng looked at the young man in the stadium and replied firmly, “He was born to stand on the podium.” 

The episode before the game did not affect Li Cheng’s state. He continued his unbeaten myth and won the championship with an overwhelming advantage over the second place.

In the race, he not only broke his own personal record but also broke the national record of the U18 group!! In other words, in the underage group of the 200-meter freestyle swimmers, Li Cheng defeated everyone and ascended to first place!! It could be expected that when he reached adulthood, he would have a vast and glorious future.

When the final result was announced on the speaker, Li Cheng raised an arm and slammed a punch into the air. The water droplets on his body followed his movements and were thrown around in the surroundings and recorded by countless viewers.

This was the second gold medal he won in this competition. Several college coaches who were still on the sidelines exchanged glances, then immediately picked up their mobile phones and hurriedly went off to call the admissions office of their school. 

The same thought reverberated in their minds-although Li Cheng was only a sophomore in high school, it didn’t matter. It was fine to go to the university for preparatory courses without going to the third year of high school! The doors of all colleges and universities were open to him unconditionally. As long as this golden ticket was willing to enroll, scholarships and subsidies were all easy to arrange!

At this time, Li Cheng didn’t know that he had become a highly sought-after person. He was in a meeting with his teammates in the lounge-he had a big goal. He wanted to win another medal for the medley relay!


“Li-ge, this really is a little worrying.” Huang Yelun’s face had wrinkled like an ugly orange, “Our semi-final results are not ideal, and a few of us have participated in individual events today. To be honest, there is a very small chance of winning.”

Do not think that it only takes tens of seconds to a few minutes to watch a single event. It didn’t sound like a lot of intensity, but only those who have really participated in this kind of competition could understand the feeling of being drained. Especially Li Cheng, he had participated in three individual events today! Moreover, two of his three individual events won gold medals. If he were any other person, he would have been tired and lying on the ground, without even having the strength to stand up. 

Li Cheng said, “If we give up before we start, why did we make it to the finals? If you talk like this, then the next time you play chicken, don’t follow Laozi to the white zone. Anyway, you can’t eat chicken every time so wouldn’t it be better to just stay in the poison ring and give your head directly to others?”

“…” Huang Yelun was scolded.

Li Cheng pondered for a while, and then said, “Since you think it is too difficult to compete with the other nine teams, let’s compete with one team. How about it?

“Which one?” 

“The one with Ji Xun!” Li Cheng gritted his teeth fiercely, “If that fool dares to slander me behind my back, then he will have to pay the price.”

If Ji Xun’s group swam to eighth place, then they would swim to seventh place. If Ji Xun’s group swam to fifth place, then they would swim to fourth place.

Huang Yelun asked carefully: “Then if their group is in group first place…”

“—Then we will swim faster than them and win the championship!” 

The other three in the group looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

They had also endured the straight A cancer for a long time. He obviously had a big age but was shameless and mixed in the minor group to win medals. They were going to take the lead that day, tear off the face of that bastard, and step on his feet mercilessly.

Men’s medley 4×100 was that day’s highlight. Each school had sent the best players in its own team. The lounge was overcrowded, like a bucket of fish waiting to be cooked.

Among those fish, Li Cheng was undoubtedly the most eye-catching one. Not only because of his omega status but also because of the championship trophies he held. 

Before the game started, Coach Wu went to the lounge and discussed the tactics with them again. He exhorted again and again that they must not fall behind and moreover they should accurately snatch the correct time.

“The most important thing is you, Li Cheng.” Coach Wu looked serious, “Act according to your ability, you have participated in three competitions today. Don’t let yourself get hurt for temporary frustration.”

A similar incident had happened in the competition before. A high-profile new star of the swimming pool was overloaded to participate in the competition. In the final sprint, he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and drowned accidentally. He almost did not survive.

Li Cheng’s mouth promised properly. Once the coach left, his temper could no longer be hidden. With his mouth pursed, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes glaring, if Xiao Yiheng were to see his childish expression, he would find that Li Cheng and Youyou were indeed siblings, even the angle of their pouting was exactly the same. 

At six o’clock in the evening, the men’s 4×100 medley final officially began. In the stands, the family members of Huacheng No. 1 High School could not hold back for a long time, and the girlfriends of the contestants all clutched their little hearts and looked at the pool expectantly.


As the only “male family member”, Xiao Yiheng mixed in with them, calmly and without any embarrassment.

Youyou could not help but stand up. She stood on tiptoes, craned her neck desperately, and looked for her brother in the crowd of contestants. 

“I see him! I see him!” Youyou pointed out her little finger, “I saw my brother, they are in the middle track!”

Xiao Yiheng heard the words and looked—sure enough, he saw Li Cheng standing behind the starting block with the other three members of Huacheng No. 1 High School. Li Cheng was the last swimmer of the final and the backbone of the team. His honey-colored body was upright and tall, and his smile was quiet, brimming with confidence.

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Li Cheng called the team members to gather together. Their four hands overlapped and crisscrossed and swayed up and down three times. Then the four boys cheered and shouted in unison: “Except me, all are weak chickens! Huacheng No. 1 High School, swimming pool's No. 1 fierce!” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

The other family members of the No. 1 High School: “…”

They didn’t know who thought of those words. Compared with the other team’s “Come on!” “Must win!” “Work hard!”, in comparison, it was too out of place.

However, it rhymed. 

Youyou did not understand, and asked blankly: “Brother Xiao, what is called No. 1 fierce ah?”

Xiao Yiheng touched her head and explained: “……It means very awesome, very dazzling, very powerful.”

“I understand!” Youyou beamed with joy, “When I grow up, I will be No. 1 fierce too!”


The staff urged them to make preparations. The four No. 1 fierce …No, the four contestants stood in the order of backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle, Li Cheng stood at the end.

Backstroke is not a jump into the water. The swimmer needs to sink into the pool first and grab the railing on the starting block with both hands to prepare.

Coincidentally, Ji Xun and his group were right next to the track of Li Cheng and his group. The enemies came face to face, their eyes blazed with hatred.

Ji Xun pointed to the first swimmer on his team and said: “The backstroker in our group is the 100-meter champion. If you remember correctly, your teammate only won third place in the individual event?” 

He pointed to Huang Yelun and said, “I remember that this beta only won a silver medal in the breaststroke? Ha ha, our team has another champion in that game.”

He wanted to continue taunting, but Li Cheng didn’t even give him a look.


“What’s so great about a champion?” Li Cheng looked at his three teammates and said in a deep voice, “Wait for this race to finish, we will also be champions.”

Ch36 - When I grow up, I will be fierce No. 1

When Xiao Yiheng hurried back to the audience, the sweet-voiced announcer was broadcasting on the speaker that the long-delayed men’s freestyle 200-meter final would be held in 20 minutes.

Before Xiao Yiheng left, he entrusted Youyou to Huang Yelun’s girlfriend. The little girl had the duck in one hand and the cat in the other. She laid down on the seat and slept sweetly, her cheeks imprinted with sleep marks.

When she woke up, Brother Xiao was back, and her brother’s competition was about to start!

She was carefree and had no idea how many things had happened while she was asleep. 

Seeing that there was still some drool on the corner of her mouth, Xiao Yiheng reluctantly took out a wet wipe from the bag and wiped her hands and face. If Huang Yelun and Brother Hu saw this scene, they would definitely have made up stories like “The elder sister-in-law is like a mother” again.


The audience was full of tender feelings, but in the contestants’ lounge, the atmosphere was tense, and it was about to explode at any time.

Li Cheng pushed open the door of the lounge and walked in with his chest stuck out and head raised high. When the other athletes saw him return, they all closed their mouths in an instant. The crowd which had been chatting in full swing turned into saw-mouthed gourds. They were so obvious that anyone could have guessed what they had been talking about.

Li Cheng glanced around the people present, and suddenly opened his lips and laughed. He was very good-looking. Such a smile gave the feeling of a blue sky, of warm water, as if the willow had sprouted, and the animals all came out to mate.


But the opposite of his smile was the coldness in his tone.

“Why don’t you talk? You guys are chatting, it’s so lively. Let me listen to it?”

Absolute silence.

Of course, they didn’t dare speak again. In fact, many people present had inner thoughts similar to Ji Xun’s. They felt that Li Cheng was able to win so many championships as an omega that he must be unclean in private. He must have employed dishonest practices and used some kind of trick. This time Li Cheng was reported by someone and taken away by the drug inspection team in public. The secret happiness in their hearts was poked, and they immediately shared the gossip. 

Someone said “I heard Li Cheng he…”, another said, “I also heard Li Cheng he…”. They didn’t need any evidence at all. Just relying on hearsay and imagination, they gave Li Cheng a big dirty hat.

But when Li Cheng stood up to confront them, they were like shellfish digging into the sand. No one wanted to come forward.

Seeing that these people’s mouths were closed tightly, and they didn’t even dare to let out a fart, Li Cheng’s face suddenly darkened. He lifted his foot and kicked over the chair next to him.

The chair fell to the ground and slid far away on the smooth floor, the sound reverberated in the lounge. 

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Accompanied by the harsh echo, the young man said coldly: “Since you don’t want to say it now, then keep your mouth shut forever. When I get off the podium, you can come back to line up to confess ok.”

So savage, so arrogant, so ostentatious.

But Li Cheng had the capital to be savage, the qualifications to be arrogant and the confidence to be ostentatious.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The chair that was kicked off by him slid far away until it reached the last row of the crowd before stopping. 

Vajcvlcu yftlcv atf mgbkv, Al Wec ibbxfv vbkc ja atf mtjlg, jr lo rfflcu tlr tfjv lc j vjhf.

…Rb, Ol Jtfcu vlvc’a vjgf ab tega tlw! Snfc lo tf xcfk tf tjv jrxfv atf mbjmt ab gfqbga la, tf vlvc’a vjgf vb jcsatlcu veglcu atf mbwqfalalbc! Lf kjr pera vfilyfgjafis jmalcu klivis. Ktfgf kjr cbatlcu ab kbggs jybea!


Ji Xun didn’t dare admit in his heart—not only was he jealous of Li Cheng, but he was also afraid of Li Cheng. His distorted jealousy made him afraid to admit Li Cheng’s achievements and the fear hidden deep in his heart made him dare not face Li Cheng’s questions.

He was a coward. 

The staff came in to urge the contestants to come out, only to see a mess.

“How did the chair fall?” the staff member asked in surprise.

Everyone glanced at Li Cheng, no one dared to answer.

Li Cheng’s tone was calm: “It’s nothing, the chair was not put in place.” 

The others hurriedly agreed: “Yes, yes, yes, the chair was not put in place.”

They all turned into echo worms. Li Orange sneered, gave a contemptuous gaze across the crowd, and headed towards the door leading to the stadium.

With one step out, the world took on a new look, and all the filth remained in the lounge.

The voices of people in the stadium were like waves. 

Li Cheng stood calmly in front of the block, ready to start. He discarded all the noise around him and focused on the swimming pool in front of him.

Since he had been questioned and slandered, he would use his strength to prove that he was formidable.

In the audience, Youyou nervously took Xiao Yiheng’s hand and asked in a low voice, “Can my brother win?”

“Of course” Xiao Yiheng looked at the young man in the stadium and replied firmly, “He was born to stand on the podium.” 

The episode before the game did not affect Li Cheng’s state. He continued his unbeaten myth and won the championship with an overwhelming advantage over the second place.

In the race, he not only broke his own personal record but also broke the national record of the U18 group!! In other words, in the underage group of the 200-meter freestyle swimmers, Li Cheng defeated everyone and ascended to first place!! It could be expected that when he reached adulthood, he would have a vast and glorious future.

When the final result was announced on the speaker, Li Cheng raised an arm and slammed a punch into the air. The water droplets on his body followed his movements and were thrown around in the surroundings and recorded by countless viewers.

This was the second gold medal he won in this competition. Several college coaches who were still on the sidelines exchanged glances, then immediately picked up their mobile phones and hurriedly went off to call the admissions office of their school. 

The same thought reverberated in their minds-although Li Cheng was only a sophomore in high school, it didn’t matter. It was fine to go to the university for preparatory courses without going to the third year of high school! The doors of all colleges and universities were open to him unconditionally. As long as this golden ticket was willing to enroll, scholarships and subsidies were all easy to arrange!

At this time, Li Cheng didn’t know that he had become a highly sought-after person. He was in a meeting with his teammates in the lounge-he had a big goal. He wanted to win another medal for the medley relay!


“Li-ge, this really is a little worrying.” Huang Yelun’s face had wrinkled like an ugly orange, “Our semi-final results are not ideal, and a few of us have participated in individual events today. To be honest, there is a very small chance of winning.”

Do not think that it only takes tens of seconds to a few minutes to watch a single event. It didn’t sound like a lot of intensity, but only those who have really participated in this kind of competition could understand the feeling of being drained. Especially Li Cheng, he had participated in three individual events today! Moreover, two of his three individual events won gold medals. If he were any other person, he would have been tired and lying on the ground, without even having the strength to stand up. 

Li Cheng said, “If we give up before we start, why did we make it to the finals? If you talk like this, then the next time you play chicken, don’t follow Laozi to the white zone. Anyway, you can’t eat chicken every time so wouldn’t it be better to just stay in the poison ring and give your head directly to others?”

“…” Huang Yelun was scolded.

Li Cheng pondered for a while, and then said, “Since you think it is too difficult to compete with the other nine teams, let’s compete with one team. How about it?

“Which one?” 

“The one with Ji Xun!” Li Cheng gritted his teeth fiercely, “If that fool dares to slander me behind my back, then he will have to pay the price.”

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If Ji Xun’s group swam to eighth place, then they would swim to seventh place. If Ji Xun’s group swam to fifth place, then they would swim to fourth place.

Huang Yelun asked carefully: “Then if their group is in group first place…”

“—Then we will swim faster than them and win the championship!” 

The other three in the group looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

They had also endured the straight A cancer for a long time. He obviously had a big age but was shameless and mixed in the minor group to win medals. They were going to take the lead that day, tear off the face of that bastard, and step on his feet mercilessly.

Men’s medley 4×100 was that day’s highlight. Each school had sent the best players in its own team. The lounge was overcrowded, like a bucket of fish waiting to be cooked.

Among those fish, Li Cheng was undoubtedly the most eye-catching one. Not only because of his omega status but also because of the championship trophies he held. 

Before the game started, Coach Wu went to the lounge and discussed the tactics with them again. He exhorted again and again that they must not fall behind and moreover they should accurately snatch the correct time.

“The most important thing is you, Li Cheng.” Coach Wu looked serious, “Act according to your ability, you have participated in three competitions today. Don’t let yourself get hurt for temporary frustration.”

A similar incident had happened in the competition before. A high-profile new star of the swimming pool was overloaded to participate in the competition. In the final sprint, he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and drowned accidentally. He almost did not survive.

Li Cheng’s mouth promised properly. Once the coach left, his temper could no longer be hidden. With his mouth pursed, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes glaring, if Xiao Yiheng were to see his childish expression, he would find that Li Cheng and Youyou were indeed siblings, even the angle of their pouting was exactly the same. 

At six o’clock in the evening, the men’s 4×100 medley final officially began. In the stands, the family members of Huacheng No. 1 High School could not hold back for a long time, and the girlfriends of the contestants all clutched their little hearts and looked at the pool expectantly.


As the only “male family member”, Xiao Yiheng mixed in with them, calmly and without any embarrassment.

Youyou could not help but stand up. She stood on tiptoes, craned her neck desperately, and looked for her brother in the crowd of contestants. 

“I see him! I see him!” Youyou pointed out her little finger, “I saw my brother, they are in the middle track!”

Xiao Yiheng heard the words and looked—sure enough, he saw Li Cheng standing behind the starting block with the other three members of Huacheng No. 1 High School. Li Cheng was the last swimmer of the final and the backbone of the team. His honey-colored body was upright and tall, and his smile was quiet, brimming with confidence.

Li Cheng called the team members to gather together. Their four hands overlapped and crisscrossed and swayed up and down three times. Then the four boys cheered and shouted in unison: “Except me, all are weak chickens! Huacheng No. 1 High School, swimming pool's No. 1 fierce!” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

The other family members of the No. 1 High School: “…”

They didn’t know who thought of those words. Compared with the other team’s “Come on!” “Must win!” “Work hard!”, in comparison, it was too out of place.

However, it rhymed. 

Youyou did not understand, and asked blankly: “Brother Xiao, what is called No. 1 fierce ah?”

Xiao Yiheng touched her head and explained: “……It means very awesome, very dazzling, very powerful.”

“I understand!” Youyou beamed with joy, “When I grow up, I will be No. 1 fierce too!”


The staff urged them to make preparations. The four No. 1 fierce …No, the four contestants stood in the order of backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle, Li Cheng stood at the end.

Backstroke is not a jump into the water. The swimmer needs to sink into the pool first and grab the railing on the starting block with both hands to prepare.

Coincidentally, Ji Xun and his group were right next to the track of Li Cheng and his group. The enemies came face to face, their eyes blazed with hatred.

Ji Xun pointed to the first swimmer on his team and said: “The backstroker in our group is the 100-meter champion. If you remember correctly, your teammate only won third place in the individual event?” 

He pointed to Huang Yelun and said, “I remember that this beta only won a silver medal in the breaststroke? Ha ha, our team has another champion in that game.”

He wanted to continue taunting, but Li Cheng didn’t even give him a look.


“What’s so great about a champion?” Li Cheng looked at his three teammates and said in a deep voice, “Wait for this race to finish, we will also be champions.”

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