This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 39: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch39 - “I want the one you kissed.”

This time the campaign seized total victory. That night, coach Wu Xu paid with his own money and invited the boys of the swimming team to a celebration dinner.

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“None of you is allowed to ask for leave. Those who have a partner will bring a partner, and the ones who don’t have a partner swindle a partner, without exception all will come!” On weekdays, Wu Xu was always very serious with a straight face. All the players respected him and were afraid of him. But that night, his face was full of smiles, and all the wrinkles were stretched out.



He looked at Li Cheng again: “And you kid, how long will you and Xiao Yiheng conceal things from us? In front of me and my wife, you don’t tell the truth. You know, when I saw Xiao Yiheng appear in the drug inspection office today, how surprised I was?”

Li Cheng was anxious: “Coach, I really don’t have that kind of relationship with Xiao Yiheng!” 

Wu Xu: “Anyway, I’m a beta. I don’t understand the things about you AO. If you say it’s not, then it’s not.”


” …… ” Li Cheng found it really hard to argue.

The celebration dinner was held at a small restaurant next to the Provincial Swimming Pool. They asked for a private room. Xiao Yiheng was late. When he walked in, the food was already on the table.

Li Cheng asked where he had been just now.


Xiao Yiheng replied frankly: “I just met a friend, so I chatted a bit more.”

Li Cheng felt a little strange, because he noticed that Xiao Yiheng’s sleeves were a bit dirty with some red and black marks, as if he had just been in a fight.

It should be him overthinking it. Xiao Yiheng’s personality was cold to death. He did not have the kind of personality that held a grudge against others easily. He had no enemies. Who could he fight with?

Xiao Yiheng saw that there was an empty seat on Li Cheng’s left hand, so he took a seat there very naturally. Li Cheng glared at him: “You should be aware. This is the position of Youyou. Why are you so thick-skinned, grabbing a seat from a kid?” 

Xiao Yiheng’s expression remained unchanged: “If you don’t have enough seats, then sit on my lap.”

Li Cheng kicked him under the table: “She is ten years old, not two or three years old. Today is the first time you two met, you will let her sit on your lap?”

“You got it wrong.” Xiao Yiheng patted his thigh calmly, “I mean, she sits in your position and you sit on my lap.”


If it wasn’t for the coach holding Li Cheng back, Li Cheng would have let Xiao Yiheng taste the flavour of being kicked by the gold medalist that day.

Actually, Youyou did not participate in the celebration dinner that night. Just before Xiao Yiheng arrived at the restaurant, Youyou’s adoptive mother came to pick her up because she had a piano lesson in the evening and had to rush to the Children's Palace.

Youyou sat in the stadium for the whole day, but couldn’t say a few words with her brother. Her voice had become hoarse due to shouting. Before parting, there were tears in Youyou’s eyes. She really couldn’t bear to leave Li Cheng. The siblings made an appointment. When they met the next time, Li Cheng would take her to the amusement park.

However, Youyou told Li Cheng before leaving that she hoped to see Brother Xiao again in the amusement park when they met the next time. 

Li Cheng really didn’t understand what kind of mí hún tāng Xiao Yiheng had provided to Youyou. Not only the coach and teammates, but even his sister had defected!

However, it was absolutely impossible for Li Cheng to ask Xiao Yiheng about this matter. This annoying alpha would again win an inch and want a mile, and say something more astonishing.


This group of young people were all playful and boisterous. Moreover, they were very happy that day. They suggested a bold proposal—they wanted to drink. 

Today’s coach was exceptionally talkative. He actually called the waiter and ordered drinks for the half-grown group of boys!

“Old Wu, too cool!” Huang Yelun geared up.

As a result, when the wine was ready, everyone realized that Coach Wu actually ordered a dozen cans of fruit wine. Peach, apple, grape, pineapple flavor…not as strong as regular beer.

Everyone: “…” 

Old Wu said slowly: “You are all underage, and you want to drink in front of the teacher? Drink some fruit wine and taste it!”

The fruit wine was put on the table, and everyone dejectedly took a can. The fruit wine was turned in front of Li Cheng, and Li Cheng went to get the can of orange flavor without thinking.

As a result, as soon as his hand stretched out, it bumped into Xiao Yiheng’s hand.

Li Cheng: “…” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Yiheng: “There is only one can left. Let’s share it?”

Li Cheng immediately took back his hand and said, “Don’t want to drink it. At first glance, there is essence mixed, you can drink it if you like it. I won’t drink it.”

Jbjmt Qe tfjgv atflg mbcnfgrjalbc jcv revvfcis lcafggeqafv: “Ol Jtfcu, vbc’a vglcx jimbtbi abvjs, vbc’a vglcx atf ogela klcf. Tbe jgf rb qtsrlmjiis fztjerafv. Crx atf kjlafg lo atfs tjnf wlix. Tbe mjc vglcx rbwf tba wlix.”


Ol Jtfcu atbeuta fnfgsbcf ja atf ajyif kjr vglcxlcu, yea tf jibcf kjr vglcxlcu wlix, kjr tf j xlv? Lf xcfk tf rtbeiv tjnf rcjamtfv atf mjc bo bgjcuf-oijnbgfv ogela klcf pera cbk. Rb wjaafg ktja, olgra tf kbeiv ajxf j ylu wbeatoei bo atf klcf.

It was a pity that the coach’s order could not be violated. Li Cheng could only reluctantly call the waiter and ask them if they had milk available.

The waiter said in embarrassment that they did not serve milk in the restaurant, and there was no convenience store nearby where they could buy milk.

Li Cheng was immediately happy: “Nevermind, I will just ask…” 

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Yiheng suddenly took out a carton of milk from his bag and put it on the dining table.

Li Cheng: “…”


He was shocked, “Where did you get the milk???”

“Your sister gave me it.” Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows and turned the carton of milk over, only to see a large line printed on the front-calcium fortified nutritious milk for primary school students. 

The three words “Primary School Student” were bold and enlarged, written in pink.

Li Cheng’s head burst into flames with anger. He never imagined that he—the all powerful commander of the Huacheng No.1 High School and wild flower of the field, would one day grab milk from primary school students! And this milk was given to him by his sister!

The whole table was startled by the carton of milk that Xiao Yiheng suddenly took out. They wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, and their faces turned red.

Huang Yelun, the incompetent little brother, had shaking shoulders from trying to hold back his laughter. So, he deliberately dropped the chopsticks on the ground and said, “Oh, the chopsticks fell off, I want to pick them up!”, then quickly got under the tablecloth of the dining table. 

Three seconds later, Huang Yelun’s frantic laughter came from under the tablecloth.

Li Cheng: “…”

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After a few more seconds, the chopsticks of all the people on the table fell to the ground with a crash, then everyone got under the table one by one, hahahahahaha laughing heartily.

Damn, the speed of this relay was better than their tacit understanding in the 4×100 medley. 

Li Cheng clenched his fists and decided to wait till he recovered. Then, he would definitely teach them a lesson that they would never forget.

Xiao Yiheng’s expression remained the same. He gave the carton of milk to the waiter and asked her to help heat it up.

Five minutes later, a cup of steaming sweet milk was brought in front of Li Cheng.

The glass was clean and clear. A thin layer of moisture had formed on the milky white glass. Li Cheng stared at the glass of milk bitterly, but he was hungry and at the sight of it, his stomach growled. 

Xiao Yiheng pushed the glass of milk in front of Li Cheng again: “Drink while it’s hot, warm your stomach before eating.”

Li Cheng reached out and took the glass. With an expression of “It’s not that I want to drink it but I will give you face and reluctantly taste it” on his face, he lowered his head to take a sip.

Hmmmmmm, one had to say, the taste of the nutritious milk specially provided for the primary school students was really good.


These young people who had just left the field had a huge appetite, and the hot dishes on the table were finished one after another. Seeing that they didn’t have enough food, Wu Xu hurriedly added two plates of boiled prawns.

After the prawns were on the table, everyone took a few, but Li Cheng didn’t move his chopsticks.


Coach Wu Xu said: “Li Cheng, why don’t you eat it?”

Li Cheng shrugged: “I am too lazy to peel the prawns.” 

Actually, he was not lazy, he was too clumsy. Every time he peeled a prawn, it looked like a corpse. The skin peeled cleanly but the meat broke into pieces.

So it was a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and he simply didn’t eat prawns, crab or any shellfish.

Upon hearing this, Huang Yelun picked a prawn, tore off its head, threw the remaining part into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it in his stomach: “Li-ge, learn from me. I am too lazy to peel the prawns and just eat them with the shell. It can also supplement calcium!”

Indeed, a bull chewing peony, wasting natural resources recklessly. 

Li Cheng was about to speak, when a hand holding chopsticks suddenly stretched out from his side, interrupting him. The hand was slender and white. The most important thing was that there were two whole prawns that had been peeled between the tips of his chopsticks!

The chopsticks loosened, the prawns fell gently into Li Cheng’s bowl.

Li Cheng : “…”

He looked at the two prawns in the bowl, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Yiheng. 

Xiao Yiheng was peeling prawns with his head down. Li Cheng wondered why his hands were so flexible. He held the chopsticks in one hand and a spoon in the other. He moved one, then the other, the tableware in his hand was gently twisted…and a whole piece of prawn was peeled out.

He was skillful and dexterous. His fingertips were clean and free from stains.

The peeled prawn skins and prawn heads were not wasted either. The little lemon lying under the table had long been eagerly waiting. It opened its small yellow mouth and kept eating. It was completely like a trash can.

Xiao Yiheng noticed out of the corner of his eyes that Li Cheng was looking at himself, but he did not stop his movements. He didn’t stop his chopsticks until he had peeled all the prawns and sent them to Li Cheng’s bowl, and looked sideways. 

“What’s the matter?” Xiao Yiheng asked, “The prawns are all peeled, what else do I do?”

Li Cheng looked at the small pile of prawns in his bowl, and then at Xiao Yiheng’s empty bowl. No matter how thick his skin was, he was still embarrassed.

“You gave me all the prawns, what will you eat?” Li Cheng had never been taken care of so carefully. Whether it was the cup of hot milk that warmed the stomach or the peeled prawns in the bowl, Li Cheng felt at a loss.

He had grown accustomed to self-reliance since childhood. As he grew older, his self-reliance had become a more powerful thing. He was used to taking care of others, and he was more used to being depended on. When he was in the orphanage, his sister relied on him; when he entered school, the younger brothers only followed after him; on the field, his teammates also regarded him as the backbone… This was the first time that someone took care of him and cared about his preferences. 

Li Cheng’s personality had always been straightforward. He really couldn’t hide his words: “Xiao Yiheng, why are you being so good to me?”

Xiao Yiheng’s eyes were dark, and he asked in a low voice, “What is the reason for an alpha wanting to take care of an omega that has been marked by him?”


It was an instinct, but not just an instinct.

Li Cheng’s heart was shaken and he looked away in panic. 

It was so strange—was there any alcohol in the milk for primary school students? Why did he feel that his face was very hot and his heartbeat was very fast?

Halfway through the celebratory dinner, Xiao Yiheng received a call from his family, urging him to go home quickly.

Today, Xiao Yiheng used the excuse of “extra class” to go out. Now that the “extra class” time was over, his mother saw that he had not come back, so she made several phone calls. 

He wanted to leave early, but the others planned to go to KTV to continue to ‘replenish’. Li Cheng stood up hurriedly: “Xiao Yiheng, I will take you to the station.”

It just so happened that Li Cheng also wanted to wake up.

He really just wanted to send Xiao Yiheng to the station, but the other team members misunderstood. They winked at him one by one. Huang Yelun went further and heckled him: “Li-ge, you and Brother Xiao are so sweet. Will you send him off at the eighteen phases? ”

Li Cheng kicked his butt: “Speak out of turn again, I will let you see the eighteen levels of hell.” 

Xiao Yiheng picked up his schoolbag and followed Li Cheng out of the restaurant.

It was late at night and it would take a long time for the bus to arrive. The two stood at the bus-stop accompanied by street lights.

Obviously, there was no one at the stop except them, but Li Cheng purposely stood a meter away from Xiao Yiheng, as if trying to separate their relationship.

Xiao Yiheng returned Little Lemon to him. During that period, Li Cheng was busy training and did not have time to take care of the little duck. As Little Lemon’s other father, Xiao Yiheng secretly took it home and kept it in his bedroom. Fortunately, Little Lemon was very good and not noisy, so it was not discovered by Xiao Yiheng’s parents. 

Li Cheng held the fat duck and touched the fluff on its body: “When can he go into the water?” He was always thinking about taking Little Lemon to swim.

Xiao Yiheng replied: “I checked it on the Internet. You need to wait for his yellow fluff to fade away. When he grows white feathers, he can be taken to swim. It’s about half a month away.”

“Half a month…” Li Cheng bowed his head and calculated. “Fortunately, he can get into the water before I go to the national team for training.”

Li Cheng won three gold medals in the provincial swimming competition. There was no one as good as him. He was 100% certain that he would be selected into the national training team. With his ability, he would definitely have a place in the official list of athletes in the World High School Competition. 

Once the notice of the training camp was issued, he would leave for the capital the next month. He didn’t know how long the closed training camp would take. The sports meet was held during the winter vacation, so when they met again, it would be the next year.

In other words, they had only one month left to get along with each other.


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Thinking of the imminent parting, the two fell silent in unison.

An indescribable and wonderful atmosphere surrounded the two. Li Cheng’s mouth was dry, he was flustered, and subconsciously broke the silence with a loud voice. 

“By the way, I haven’t paid the money I owed you before!” Li Cheng started this topic. “I won three championships this time, and the prize money is more than expected. I don’t have to pay you in installments. I can give you all the money directly.”

Li Cheng asked, “Do you want cash, or should I transfer it to you?”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yiheng gave him an unpredicted answer.

“I don’t want money.” Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “I don’t need money.” 

“How can that be! Didn’t you say before, I’ll give you money, and you will mark me!” Li Cheng was anxious. If Xiao Yiheng didn’t want money, how should he settle their relationship?

Xiao Yiheng: “But I don’t want money anymore,” he paused, and said, “I want something else.”

“Tell me, what do you want, even if it is the sun in the sky, Li-ge can pick it off for you!”

“I do not want the sun, I want…” Xiao Heng suddenly stretched his hand and pointed at Li Cheng. “…I want this, can you give it to me? ” 

Li Cheng was stunned.

What did Xiao Yiheng say? He didn’t want money, he wanted… himself?

Li Cheng’s brain was in a mess, his thoughts chaotic. “This scum A’s excessive demand shouldn’t be asking for my flesh right?” Then it was “Damn, I should have known that he is greedy for my body” and then it became “What should I do? Damn my charm!!”

Before Li Cheng could make any response, Xiao Yiheng suddenly chuckled, interrupting his rich mental activity. 

“Li Cheng, did you misunderstand?” Xiao Yiheng’s tone was teasing. “I’m talking about the gold medal on your chest.”

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng bowed his head stiffly.

Oh no. He still had three gold medals hanging around his neck. He never took them off. 

Xiao Yiheng said: “Without my original help, you would not be able to pass the estrus period; if you could not pass the estrus period, you would not be able to participate in the competition…. In this way, aren’t the gold medals half mine? I am not greedy. I only want one of them.”

His reason was so serious when compared to the lewd thoughts that had just flashed in Li Cheng’s mind. Li Cheng really wanted to find a ditch to drown himself.


Li Cheng gave a dry cough and hurriedly picked up the three gold medals on his chest: “Which one do you want?” He forced himself to calm down and stop blushing like he had a fever, “From the 100 meter? The 200 meter? Or from the relay?”

Xiao Yiheng’s gaze paused for a long time on the three gold medals, and finally, he spoke. 

The cold voice of the boy was carried by the night breeze, and it reached Li Cheng’s ears.

“—I want the one you kissed.”

Li Cheng’s mind that had just calmed down, was once again thrown into turmoil.

He finally realised Xiao Yiheng-this bastard, surely drove a roller coaster in his previous life!!!! 

Ch39 - “I want the one you kissed.”

This time the campaign seized total victory. That night, coach Wu Xu paid with his own money and invited the boys of the swimming team to a celebration dinner.

“None of you is allowed to ask for leave. Those who have a partner will bring a partner, and the ones who don’t have a partner swindle a partner, without exception all will come!” On weekdays, Wu Xu was always very serious with a straight face. All the players respected him and were afraid of him. But that night, his face was full of smiles, and all the wrinkles were stretched out.



He looked at Li Cheng again: “And you kid, how long will you and Xiao Yiheng conceal things from us? In front of me and my wife, you don’t tell the truth. You know, when I saw Xiao Yiheng appear in the drug inspection office today, how surprised I was?”

Li Cheng was anxious: “Coach, I really don’t have that kind of relationship with Xiao Yiheng!” 

Wu Xu: “Anyway, I’m a beta. I don’t understand the things about you AO. If you say it’s not, then it’s not.”


” …… ” Li Cheng found it really hard to argue.

The celebration dinner was held at a small restaurant next to the Provincial Swimming Pool. They asked for a private room. Xiao Yiheng was late. When he walked in, the food was already on the table.

Li Cheng asked where he had been just now.


Xiao Yiheng replied frankly: “I just met a friend, so I chatted a bit more.”

Li Cheng felt a little strange, because he noticed that Xiao Yiheng’s sleeves were a bit dirty with some red and black marks, as if he had just been in a fight.

It should be him overthinking it. Xiao Yiheng’s personality was cold to death. He did not have the kind of personality that held a grudge against others easily. He had no enemies. Who could he fight with?

Xiao Yiheng saw that there was an empty seat on Li Cheng’s left hand, so he took a seat there very naturally. Li Cheng glared at him: “You should be aware. This is the position of Youyou. Why are you so thick-skinned, grabbing a seat from a kid?” 

Xiao Yiheng’s expression remained unchanged: “If you don’t have enough seats, then sit on my lap.”

Li Cheng kicked him under the table: “She is ten years old, not two or three years old. Today is the first time you two met, you will let her sit on your lap?”

“You got it wrong.” Xiao Yiheng patted his thigh calmly, “I mean, she sits in your position and you sit on my lap.”


If it wasn’t for the coach holding Li Cheng back, Li Cheng would have let Xiao Yiheng taste the flavour of being kicked by the gold medalist that day.

Actually, Youyou did not participate in the celebration dinner that night. Just before Xiao Yiheng arrived at the restaurant, Youyou’s adoptive mother came to pick her up because she had a piano lesson in the evening and had to rush to the Children's Palace.

Youyou sat in the stadium for the whole day, but couldn’t say a few words with her brother. Her voice had become hoarse due to shouting. Before parting, there were tears in Youyou’s eyes. She really couldn’t bear to leave Li Cheng. The siblings made an appointment. When they met the next time, Li Cheng would take her to the amusement park.

However, Youyou told Li Cheng before leaving that she hoped to see Brother Xiao again in the amusement park when they met the next time. 

Li Cheng really didn’t understand what kind of mí hún tāng Xiao Yiheng had provided to Youyou. Not only the coach and teammates, but even his sister had defected!

However, it was absolutely impossible for Li Cheng to ask Xiao Yiheng about this matter. This annoying alpha would again win an inch and want a mile, and say something more astonishing.


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This group of young people were all playful and boisterous. Moreover, they were very happy that day. They suggested a bold proposal—they wanted to drink. 

Today’s coach was exceptionally talkative. He actually called the waiter and ordered drinks for the half-grown group of boys!

“Old Wu, too cool!” Huang Yelun geared up.

As a result, when the wine was ready, everyone realized that Coach Wu actually ordered a dozen cans of fruit wine. Peach, apple, grape, pineapple flavor…not as strong as regular beer.

Everyone: “…” 

Old Wu said slowly: “You are all underage, and you want to drink in front of the teacher? Drink some fruit wine and taste it!”

The fruit wine was put on the table, and everyone dejectedly took a can. The fruit wine was turned in front of Li Cheng, and Li Cheng went to get the can of orange flavor without thinking.

As a result, as soon as his hand stretched out, it bumped into Xiao Yiheng’s hand.

Li Cheng: “…” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Yiheng: “There is only one can left. Let’s share it?”

Li Cheng immediately took back his hand and said, “Don’t want to drink it. At first glance, there is essence mixed, you can drink it if you like it. I won’t drink it.”

Jbjmt Qe tfjgv atflg mbcnfgrjalbc jcv revvfcis lcafggeqafv: “Ol Jtfcu, vbc’a vglcx jimbtbi abvjs, vbc’a vglcx atf ogela klcf. Tbe jgf rb qtsrlmjiis fztjerafv. Crx atf kjlafg lo atfs tjnf wlix. Tbe mjc vglcx rbwf tba wlix.”


Ol Jtfcu atbeuta fnfgsbcf ja atf ajyif kjr vglcxlcu, yea tf jibcf kjr vglcxlcu wlix, kjr tf j xlv? Lf xcfk tf rtbeiv tjnf rcjamtfv atf mjc bo bgjcuf-oijnbgfv ogela klcf pera cbk. Rb wjaafg ktja, olgra tf kbeiv ajxf j ylu wbeatoei bo atf klcf.

It was a pity that the coach’s order could not be violated. Li Cheng could only reluctantly call the waiter and ask them if they had milk available.

The waiter said in embarrassment that they did not serve milk in the restaurant, and there was no convenience store nearby where they could buy milk.

Li Cheng was immediately happy: “Nevermind, I will just ask…” 

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Yiheng suddenly took out a carton of milk from his bag and put it on the dining table.

Li Cheng: “…”


He was shocked, “Where did you get the milk???”

“Your sister gave me it.” Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows and turned the carton of milk over, only to see a large line printed on the front-calcium fortified nutritious milk for primary school students. 

The three words “Primary School Student” were bold and enlarged, written in pink.

Li Cheng’s head burst into flames with anger. He never imagined that he—the all powerful commander of the Huacheng No.1 High School and wild flower of the field, would one day grab milk from primary school students! And this milk was given to him by his sister!

The whole table was startled by the carton of milk that Xiao Yiheng suddenly took out. They wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, and their faces turned red.

Huang Yelun, the incompetent little brother, had shaking shoulders from trying to hold back his laughter. So, he deliberately dropped the chopsticks on the ground and said, “Oh, the chopsticks fell off, I want to pick them up!”, then quickly got under the tablecloth of the dining table. 

Three seconds later, Huang Yelun’s frantic laughter came from under the tablecloth.

Li Cheng: “…”

After a few more seconds, the chopsticks of all the people on the table fell to the ground with a crash, then everyone got under the table one by one, hahahahahaha laughing heartily.

Damn, the speed of this relay was better than their tacit understanding in the 4×100 medley. 

Li Cheng clenched his fists and decided to wait till he recovered. Then, he would definitely teach them a lesson that they would never forget.

Xiao Yiheng’s expression remained the same. He gave the carton of milk to the waiter and asked her to help heat it up.

Five minutes later, a cup of steaming sweet milk was brought in front of Li Cheng.

The glass was clean and clear. A thin layer of moisture had formed on the milky white glass. Li Cheng stared at the glass of milk bitterly, but he was hungry and at the sight of it, his stomach growled. 

Xiao Yiheng pushed the glass of milk in front of Li Cheng again: “Drink while it’s hot, warm your stomach before eating.”

Li Cheng reached out and took the glass. With an expression of “It’s not that I want to drink it but I will give you face and reluctantly taste it” on his face, he lowered his head to take a sip.

Hmmmmmm, one had to say, the taste of the nutritious milk specially provided for the primary school students was really good.


These young people who had just left the field had a huge appetite, and the hot dishes on the table were finished one after another. Seeing that they didn’t have enough food, Wu Xu hurriedly added two plates of boiled prawns.

After the prawns were on the table, everyone took a few, but Li Cheng didn’t move his chopsticks.


Coach Wu Xu said: “Li Cheng, why don’t you eat it?”

Li Cheng shrugged: “I am too lazy to peel the prawns.” 

Actually, he was not lazy, he was too clumsy. Every time he peeled a prawn, it looked like a corpse. The skin peeled cleanly but the meat broke into pieces.

So it was a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and he simply didn’t eat prawns, crab or any shellfish.

Upon hearing this, Huang Yelun picked a prawn, tore off its head, threw the remaining part into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it in his stomach: “Li-ge, learn from me. I am too lazy to peel the prawns and just eat them with the shell. It can also supplement calcium!”

Indeed, a bull chewing peony, wasting natural resources recklessly. 

Li Cheng was about to speak, when a hand holding chopsticks suddenly stretched out from his side, interrupting him. The hand was slender and white. The most important thing was that there were two whole prawns that had been peeled between the tips of his chopsticks!

The chopsticks loosened, the prawns fell gently into Li Cheng’s bowl.

Li Cheng : “…”

He looked at the two prawns in the bowl, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Yiheng. 

Xiao Yiheng was peeling prawns with his head down. Li Cheng wondered why his hands were so flexible. He held the chopsticks in one hand and a spoon in the other. He moved one, then the other, the tableware in his hand was gently twisted…and a whole piece of prawn was peeled out.

He was skillful and dexterous. His fingertips were clean and free from stains.

The peeled prawn skins and prawn heads were not wasted either. The little lemon lying under the table had long been eagerly waiting. It opened its small yellow mouth and kept eating. It was completely like a trash can.

Xiao Yiheng noticed out of the corner of his eyes that Li Cheng was looking at himself, but he did not stop his movements. He didn’t stop his chopsticks until he had peeled all the prawns and sent them to Li Cheng’s bowl, and looked sideways. 

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“What’s the matter?” Xiao Yiheng asked, “The prawns are all peeled, what else do I do?”

Li Cheng looked at the small pile of prawns in his bowl, and then at Xiao Yiheng’s empty bowl. No matter how thick his skin was, he was still embarrassed.

“You gave me all the prawns, what will you eat?” Li Cheng had never been taken care of so carefully. Whether it was the cup of hot milk that warmed the stomach or the peeled prawns in the bowl, Li Cheng felt at a loss.

He had grown accustomed to self-reliance since childhood. As he grew older, his self-reliance had become a more powerful thing. He was used to taking care of others, and he was more used to being depended on. When he was in the orphanage, his sister relied on him; when he entered school, the younger brothers only followed after him; on the field, his teammates also regarded him as the backbone… This was the first time that someone took care of him and cared about his preferences. 

Li Cheng’s personality had always been straightforward. He really couldn’t hide his words: “Xiao Yiheng, why are you being so good to me?”

Xiao Yiheng’s eyes were dark, and he asked in a low voice, “What is the reason for an alpha wanting to take care of an omega that has been marked by him?”


It was an instinct, but not just an instinct.

Li Cheng’s heart was shaken and he looked away in panic. 

It was so strange—was there any alcohol in the milk for primary school students? Why did he feel that his face was very hot and his heartbeat was very fast?

Halfway through the celebratory dinner, Xiao Yiheng received a call from his family, urging him to go home quickly.

Today, Xiao Yiheng used the excuse of “extra class” to go out. Now that the “extra class” time was over, his mother saw that he had not come back, so she made several phone calls. 

He wanted to leave early, but the others planned to go to KTV to continue to ‘replenish’. Li Cheng stood up hurriedly: “Xiao Yiheng, I will take you to the station.”

It just so happened that Li Cheng also wanted to wake up.

He really just wanted to send Xiao Yiheng to the station, but the other team members misunderstood. They winked at him one by one. Huang Yelun went further and heckled him: “Li-ge, you and Brother Xiao are so sweet. Will you send him off at the eighteen phases? ”

Li Cheng kicked his butt: “Speak out of turn again, I will let you see the eighteen levels of hell.” 

Xiao Yiheng picked up his schoolbag and followed Li Cheng out of the restaurant.

It was late at night and it would take a long time for the bus to arrive. The two stood at the bus-stop accompanied by street lights.

Obviously, there was no one at the stop except them, but Li Cheng purposely stood a meter away from Xiao Yiheng, as if trying to separate their relationship.

Xiao Yiheng returned Little Lemon to him. During that period, Li Cheng was busy training and did not have time to take care of the little duck. As Little Lemon’s other father, Xiao Yiheng secretly took it home and kept it in his bedroom. Fortunately, Little Lemon was very good and not noisy, so it was not discovered by Xiao Yiheng’s parents. 

Li Cheng held the fat duck and touched the fluff on its body: “When can he go into the water?” He was always thinking about taking Little Lemon to swim.

Xiao Yiheng replied: “I checked it on the Internet. You need to wait for his yellow fluff to fade away. When he grows white feathers, he can be taken to swim. It’s about half a month away.”

“Half a month…” Li Cheng bowed his head and calculated. “Fortunately, he can get into the water before I go to the national team for training.”

Li Cheng won three gold medals in the provincial swimming competition. There was no one as good as him. He was 100% certain that he would be selected into the national training team. With his ability, he would definitely have a place in the official list of athletes in the World High School Competition. 

Once the notice of the training camp was issued, he would leave for the capital the next month. He didn’t know how long the closed training camp would take. The sports meet was held during the winter vacation, so when they met again, it would be the next year.

In other words, they had only one month left to get along with each other.


Thinking of the imminent parting, the two fell silent in unison.

An indescribable and wonderful atmosphere surrounded the two. Li Cheng’s mouth was dry, he was flustered, and subconsciously broke the silence with a loud voice. 

“By the way, I haven’t paid the money I owed you before!” Li Cheng started this topic. “I won three championships this time, and the prize money is more than expected. I don’t have to pay you in installments. I can give you all the money directly.”

Li Cheng asked, “Do you want cash, or should I transfer it to you?”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yiheng gave him an unpredicted answer.

“I don’t want money.” Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “I don’t need money.” 

“How can that be! Didn’t you say before, I’ll give you money, and you will mark me!” Li Cheng was anxious. If Xiao Yiheng didn’t want money, how should he settle their relationship?

Xiao Yiheng: “But I don’t want money anymore,” he paused, and said, “I want something else.”

“Tell me, what do you want, even if it is the sun in the sky, Li-ge can pick it off for you!”

“I do not want the sun, I want…” Xiao Heng suddenly stretched his hand and pointed at Li Cheng. “…I want this, can you give it to me? ” 

Li Cheng was stunned.

What did Xiao Yiheng say? He didn’t want money, he wanted… himself?

Li Cheng’s brain was in a mess, his thoughts chaotic. “This scum A’s excessive demand shouldn’t be asking for my flesh right?” Then it was “Damn, I should have known that he is greedy for my body” and then it became “What should I do? Damn my charm!!”

Before Li Cheng could make any response, Xiao Yiheng suddenly chuckled, interrupting his rich mental activity. 

“Li Cheng, did you misunderstand?” Xiao Yiheng’s tone was teasing. “I’m talking about the gold medal on your chest.”

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng bowed his head stiffly.

Oh no. He still had three gold medals hanging around his neck. He never took them off. 

Xiao Yiheng said: “Without my original help, you would not be able to pass the estrus period; if you could not pass the estrus period, you would not be able to participate in the competition…. In this way, aren’t the gold medals half mine? I am not greedy. I only want one of them.”

His reason was so serious when compared to the lewd thoughts that had just flashed in Li Cheng’s mind. Li Cheng really wanted to find a ditch to drown himself.


Li Cheng gave a dry cough and hurriedly picked up the three gold medals on his chest: “Which one do you want?” He forced himself to calm down and stop blushing like he had a fever, “From the 100 meter? The 200 meter? Or from the relay?”

Xiao Yiheng’s gaze paused for a long time on the three gold medals, and finally, he spoke. 

The cold voice of the boy was carried by the night breeze, and it reached Li Cheng’s ears.

“—I want the one you kissed.”

Li Cheng’s mind that had just calmed down, was once again thrown into turmoil.

He finally realised Xiao Yiheng-this bastard, surely drove a roller coaster in his previous life!!!! 

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