This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 40: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch40 - Offering huge money seeking to buy: swimming trunks worn by Li Cheng

In fact, Li Cheng couldn’t remember which medal he kissed during the interview. All his thoughts were focused on wanting to show off in front of the camera. Naturally, he had to act more everything- pretentious, grandiose, stimulated and exaggerated, for the cameras.

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Li Cheng didn’t remember, but Xiao Yiheng remembered it clearly for him.

The alpha’s fingers hooked and picked the medal he wanted out of the three. Li Cheng didn’t think he would move so fast and only felt that his chest was light. One medal was missing on his chest. 

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“Hey, I haven’t promised to let you have one yet!” Li Cheng didn’t know whether he was anxious or embarrassed. His face was angry and he reached out to grab the medal back, but he was exhausted that day, where could he find the energy to fight an alpha?


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Xiao Yiheng stepped back two steps and easily escaped his paws.

At this moment, the night bus slowly drove in and stopped in front of them. The door opened, Xiao Yiheng jumped onto the bus in two steps, and when he stood still, he deliberately shook the gold medal in his hand at Li Cheng.

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There was a smiling expression in the phoenix-shaped eyes of the beautiful young man: “Using a gold-plated bronze medal to pay off a debt of thousands of yuan… I, as the creditor, am suffering a loss. Don’t be so polite.”


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Li Cheng: … Who was being polite!

Xiao Yiheng’s voice fell and the bus door closed. Li Cheng watched as his figure disappeared behind the door.

Li Cheng was so angry that he cursed at the bus, but unfortunately he still couldn’t stop the bus from drifting away.

Xiao Yiheng walked straight from the front of the bus to the rear of the bus, and stopped in front of the rear window. He happened to see Li Cheng’s middle finger before he could take it back. 

Li Cheng: 凸>__

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