This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 45: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch45 - Li Cheng Observation Notes

Li Cheng would never know that he had “unilaterally” become Wei Rong’s boyfriend, and Wei Rong’s younger brother was watching him…no, surveying him in secret. He just felt that his back was cold when he was in class today, as if someone had been staring at him sneakily.

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Halfway through the class, Li Cheng couldn’t help it anymore, and suddenly turned his head back, trying to catch the person who was peeping at him—except scaring the omega girl sitting behind him, nothing was gained.



Li Cheng had always trusted his instincts, and he was sure there must be a problem.

He couldn’t resist committing a crime against the laws of the classroom, and secretly took out his mobile phone and sent messages to his younger brother. 

Small Round Orange: Dahuang, are you there?


Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Li-ge, I’m here!

Small Round Orange: I came to the junior high school to do some personal work, but I always feel that someone is peeking at me behind my back. You help me investigate.

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: … Li-ge, how can I investigate?


Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: I’m not a surveillance probe, I don’t have this ability!

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: [aggrieved].jpg

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Moreover, Li-ge you are so wise and powerful. Someone worships you in secret and doesn’t dare to approach you, so they can only follow you secretly. Isn’t this normal?

Small Round Orange: …Tsk, you are quite right to say so. 

Small Round Orange: Indeed, blame me for being too good.

Li Cheng was convinced by Huang Yelun. He was so perfect. This group of junior high school kids had never seen an omega as beautiful and capable as him. It was natural to have one or two fall in love with him secretly.

He felt proud, when suddenly a figure stopped in front of his desk, blocking the light above his head.

Li Cheng subconsciously looked up… 

… It was Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng held the teaching reference material for the lecture in his hand, and there was no expression on his face.

He calmly asked, “Student Li Cheng, during class, you are not listening carefully. What are you holding in your hand?”

Li Cheng wore a long-sleeved sweater today. He flipped his wrist and the phone quickly fell into his cuff, hidden well. He replied categorically: “It’s the remote control of the air conditioner!” 

He was more brazen than anyone else, Li Cheng would never admit defeat!

The whole class: “…”


Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “Oh? You hang the remote control of the air conditioner on a wristband?”

Li Cheng’s face was not red, his heart did not jump as he asked, “Yes. Teacher, isn’t the remote control of your air conditioner still in your trouser pocket?” 

The two of them argued for a long time. The whole class didn’t even dare to make a sound. They stared at the two seniors arguing without any swearing for a few minutes.

Wei Huohuo, who was sitting in the last row, watched carefully for a long time, then opened his notebook and wrote a line with his pen.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

《Ol Y Yyrfgnjalbc Rbafr》 z wbcat z vjs

Cgalmif 1: Ol Y jcv Wljb C tjnf j nfgs qbbg gfijalbcrtlq. Kbvjs, atfs dejggfifv vlgfmais lc mijrr. Vb Wljb C lr vfolclafis cba ygbatfg’r glnji lc ibnf. 

Ktf akb ufcfgji fvemjalbc mijrrfr lc atf olgra kffx fcvfv. Wljb Tltfcu jccbecmfv ja atf fcv bo atf mijrr atja ogbw cfza kffx, atf afjmtfg kbeiv afii atfw wbgf qgbofrrlbcji mbcafca.

The children in the class let out a ‘reluctant to part’ whine.

“Teacher Xiao…No, now the class is over, we should call you senior brother! Brother Xiao, we like to listen to your lectures, so please talk for two more sessions! Don’t leave!” 

“The teacher is much more professional than me.” Xiao Yiheng shook his head “Don’t worry, I won’t leave. I’m a teaching assistant. I will be there every class. We will meet again in the next three weeks.”

After everyone got his promise, they were relieved. Li Cheng thought, oho, Xiao Yiheng was quite popular, even these junior high school kids were fascinated by him.

After school, Li Cheng was about to leave, but saw a graceful figure appear outside the classroom.

Xu Yinyin, who was also a teaching assistant, held the textbook in her arms, waited outside the classroom, and looked at the teenager on the podium generously: “Xiao Yiheng, have you finished class? I have something to talk about with you.” 

The moment she finished speaking, the students in the class uttered a strange cry. Everyone patted the table and made a lot of noise. A mischievous alpha directly asked Xiao Yiheng: “Senior Brother, is this your girlfriend? Are you two teaching assistants together?”

Xiao Yiheng did not answer their questions. Nodding to Xu Yinyin, he followed her out of the classroom and walked to the lesson preparation office together.

Li Cheng stared at the backs of the two of them, and the phrase “Is she your girlfriend” echoed in his ears. Something sour in his heart flashed by.

What was the matter with this senior sister? Yesterday she found Xiao Yiheng, and today she still looked for Xiao Yiheng. She was like Xiao Yiheng’s waist pendant, she would stick on him whenever she saw him! 

If she was not an alpha, Li Cheng would have to wonder if they really had a relationship far beyond ordinary classmates as the junior classmates said…

… Wait!


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Even if she was an alpha, she couldn’t be taken lightly! Although AA love was very rare, weren’t Xiao Hang’s parents both alpha? If Xiao Yiheng wanted to find an alpha to accompany him for life…

There were many thoughts in Li Cheng’s mind. Before he realized it, his feet made the decision for him and drove him to the lesson preparation office. 

Li Cheng was a step late. When he arrived, Xiao Yiheng and Xu Yinyin had already entered the office, and a conversation or two floated through the ajar door.

“What can I do for you?”

“Actually, I wanted to tell you yesterday.” The girl’s voice was clear and sweet, “Xiao Yiheng, I signed up as a teaching assistant because of you.”

Li Cheng: “…” 

Li Cheng: “???”

Li Cheng: “!!!”

At once, he became aware. These days, he needed a thousand defenses against all kinds of things, even alphas!!


Xiao Yiheng closed the door of the office tightly and turned to look at Xu Yinyin behind him.

His face was cold, and the words she just said did not leave a single ripple in his heart.

There was a few seconds of silence between the two. No one spoke.

After a long while, Xu Yinyin sighed and admitted defeat: “Okay, okay, I shouldn’t hold any hope for you. If an omega was here and heard my affectionate confession, they would have already screamed and pounced in my arms!” 

“…” Xiao Yiheng said, “First of all, I am not an omega, I will not pounce into your arms. Secondly, I refused your confession last time. Could it be that you want to ruminate?”

“The word ‘ruminate’ is too ugly!” Xu Yinyin’s mouth trembled, “Forget it, I have something to say to you.”

“Well, say it.”

“Actually, what I just said is true. I did sign up as a teaching assistant for you, just to be able to talk a few more words with you in private.” Xu Yinyin hesitated for a moment, and finally, her competitive spirit as an alpha prevailed. She clasped her hands together and made an apologetic gesture, “I apologize to you first. When I went to the office of the teachers for the senior high school, I overheard a conversation between you and your class teacher.” 

Xiao Yiheng’s hand on his side tightened slightly.

Xu Yinyin: “I heard you talking about volunteering for the winter camp. Your original wish was the Department of Physics, Huaqing University, but later changed to the Department of English at the Foreign Affairs University… I would like to ask, what is your final wish? Where will you go?”


Xu Yinyin was the class monitor of grade 3-2. Her results were in the top ten every time. If she was lucky, she could get seventh or eighth place.

This kind of prestigious winter camp was what all the top students sharpened their brains to get into. Xu Yinyin’s dream since childhood was to be an expert in diplomacy and make a contribution to the country. The Foreign Affairs University was her dream institution, and the English Department was an important cornerstone for her to take the first step. 

However, the winter camp of the Foreign Affairs University only enrolled one person in their school every year. If Xiao Yiheng competed with her, her chances of winning were very small. She had been tossing and turning for this period of time, hesitating whether to change her choice for volunteering. She couldn’t hold back anymore, so she simply ran to ask Xiao Yiheng directly.

After listening to her explanation, Xiao Yiheng’s expression was a little dazed, but he quickly covered up.

“Do you like being an official and engaging in politics?”

“Diplomacy is indeed politics, but it’s definitely not just politics. It’s true that a diplomat is an ‘official’, but the point of being an official is not to climb up, not to make money, but to truly serve the country and contribute to it.” Xu Yinyin said bluntly, “Of course, I have to say that I don’t have any idea of ‘to stand out among my peers’. That’s a lie, but I do like it from the bottom of my heart.” 

Owing to this ‘like’ from the bottom of her heart, she would fight desperately.

They were in their third year of senior high school and were about to pass the 18-year-old adult line. After adulthood, every step they took must be driven by their own hearts, not by the wishes of their parents.

Xiao Yiheng lowered his eyes to hide the deep thought in his eyes.

“Rest assured,” he said solemnly, “My ultimate goal will not be the Foreign Affairs University.” 

“Really?!” Xu Yinyin almost jumped up, “You won’t make a fool of me?”

“Of course not,” Xiao Yiheng said, “From the beginning to the end, I never thought about applying to that school.”

Xu Yinyin sighed with relief: “I’ll just say, you are so good in physics, you must definitely like physics. The physics department of Huaqing University is most suitable for you!”

“You are wrong.” Xiao Yiheng unexpectedly denied, “I am good at physics, just because I have a high IQ, not because I like it.” 

He was good at physics, and his teachers and parents had tried their best to train him, but from the beginning to the end, he did not have any interest in physics. As he won more and more competition medals, the smiles on his parents’ faces became bigger and bigger, and he hid his true self deeper and deeper.

At first he signed up for the Physics Winter Camp, just filling in what he was good at.

“…I don’t understand your kind of top student.” Xu Yinyin shrugged, “Anyway, thank you. With your promise, I can finally get a good night’s sleep tonight.”


Li Cheng squatted in the corridor behind a large pot of plants, gritted his teeth and looked at the direction of the lesson preparation office.

What exactly were Xiao Yiheng and that female A chatting about? What was taking them so long?


Was that female A going to confess? Would she pounce on Xiao Yiheng like a wolf, and do this and that to him?

The more Li Cheng thought about it, the more anxious he became. He wanted to kick open the door of the office, grab Xiao Yiheng out, and ask him why he didn’t abide the A path, and radiated charm in front of other people. 

The children in the class liked him, and the A girl in the same grade also liked him… Li Cheng thought sourly, ‘I really don’t understand how Xiao Yiheng can attract bees and butterflies so much.’ He thought Xiao Yiheng was an ordinary alpha. Even if he was a free package given to him, he would still ponder whether to accept this cheap person into the house.

There was a saying, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Li Cheng didn’t know that when he was squatting there to catch Yiheng, there was another figure at the corner of the corridor, watching him sneakily.

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Wei Huohuo hid behind the fire hydrant, wrapped his red coat tightly, and transformed himself from a small gas tank into a large fire extinguisher. Then he took out a notepad from his arms and carefully wrote a sentence. 

《Li O Observation Notes》 x month x day

Article 2: Xiao A was called away by a senior sister, Li O lay in waiting outside the office, apparently intending to ambush Xiao A.

Just then, the door of the office opened.

Xiao Yiheng and Xu Yinyin walked out of the office one after another. The atmosphere between the two was peaceful, and it was hard to guess what they had talked about. 

Li Cheng shrank his body and hid himself more tightly.

But such a big person hiding behind those few leaves was really eye-catching.

Xu Yinyin pointed at him: “Li Cheng, what are you doing hiding here?”

Li Cheng jumped up: “Who is hiding? Who is hiding? I…I think this plant looks good, but it’s a bit dirty. I will wipe it!” 

With that, he used his sleeves as rags and rubbed the leaves absent-mindedly.

Xiao Yiheng saw through him immediately. He walked over and rescued the few poor leaves that were about to be torn by Li Cheng’s hands. He seemed to be coaxing an urchin who was acting willfully and making a scene in order to get attention. He said with extraordinary patience: “Well, if you wipe it down, the leaves will fall out.”

Who knew whether it was intentional or unintentional (Xiao Yiheng: Thank you for asking, it was intentional), his fingers rubbed the back of Li Cheng’s hand. Li Cheng was taken aback, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, rubbing the back of his hand against his pants nervously.

The omega had a thin red on his face, but fortunately, his skin was darker and it wasn’t easily seen. 

Xu Yinyin, who was reduced to a female spectator, stood beside them superfluously. Her eyes moved between the two, her sensitive nature as a girl made her guess something.

She asked tentatively: “Li Cheng, were you waiting for Xiao Yiheng on purpose?”


Li Cheng immediately denied: “Who said that? I said I was admiring plants!”

“…” Xu Yinyin thought: Sure enough. 

If the two of them didn’t have an affair, then the last two words of her name would be read upside down.

Around the corner, Wei Huohuo, a serious spy, picked up a pen and wrote down another sentence in his notebook.

《Li O Observation Notes》 x month x day

Article 3: Li O failed to ambush Xiao A, and Li O was captured by Xiao A on the spot. 

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Ch45 - Li Cheng Observation Notes

Li Cheng would never know that he had “unilaterally” become Wei Rong’s boyfriend, and Wei Rong’s younger brother was watching him…no, surveying him in secret. He just felt that his back was cold when he was in class today, as if someone had been staring at him sneakily.

Halfway through the class, Li Cheng couldn’t help it anymore, and suddenly turned his head back, trying to catch the person who was peeping at him—except scaring the omega girl sitting behind him, nothing was gained.



Li Cheng had always trusted his instincts, and he was sure there must be a problem.

He couldn’t resist committing a crime against the laws of the classroom, and secretly took out his mobile phone and sent messages to his younger brother. 

Small Round Orange: Dahuang, are you there?


Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Li-ge, I’m here!

Small Round Orange: I came to the junior high school to do some personal work, but I always feel that someone is peeking at me behind my back. You help me investigate.

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: … Li-ge, how can I investigate?


Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: I’m not a surveillance probe, I don’t have this ability!

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: [aggrieved].jpg

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Moreover, Li-ge you are so wise and powerful. Someone worships you in secret and doesn’t dare to approach you, so they can only follow you secretly. Isn’t this normal?

Small Round Orange: …Tsk, you are quite right to say so. 

Small Round Orange: Indeed, blame me for being too good.

Li Cheng was convinced by Huang Yelun. He was so perfect. This group of junior high school kids had never seen an omega as beautiful and capable as him. It was natural to have one or two fall in love with him secretly.

He felt proud, when suddenly a figure stopped in front of his desk, blocking the light above his head.

Li Cheng subconsciously looked up… 

… It was Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng held the teaching reference material for the lecture in his hand, and there was no expression on his face.

He calmly asked, “Student Li Cheng, during class, you are not listening carefully. What are you holding in your hand?”

Li Cheng wore a long-sleeved sweater today. He flipped his wrist and the phone quickly fell into his cuff, hidden well. He replied categorically: “It’s the remote control of the air conditioner!” 

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He was more brazen than anyone else, Li Cheng would never admit defeat!

The whole class: “…”


Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “Oh? You hang the remote control of the air conditioner on a wristband?”

Li Cheng’s face was not red, his heart did not jump as he asked, “Yes. Teacher, isn’t the remote control of your air conditioner still in your trouser pocket?” 

The two of them argued for a long time. The whole class didn’t even dare to make a sound. They stared at the two seniors arguing without any swearing for a few minutes.

Wei Huohuo, who was sitting in the last row, watched carefully for a long time, then opened his notebook and wrote a line with his pen.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

《Ol Y Yyrfgnjalbc Rbafr》 z wbcat z vjs

Cgalmif 1: Ol Y jcv Wljb C tjnf j nfgs qbbg gfijalbcrtlq. Kbvjs, atfs dejggfifv vlgfmais lc mijrr. Vb Wljb C lr vfolclafis cba ygbatfg’r glnji lc ibnf. 

Ktf akb ufcfgji fvemjalbc mijrrfr lc atf olgra kffx fcvfv. Wljb Tltfcu jccbecmfv ja atf fcv bo atf mijrr atja ogbw cfza kffx, atf afjmtfg kbeiv afii atfw wbgf qgbofrrlbcji mbcafca.

The children in the class let out a ‘reluctant to part’ whine.

“Teacher Xiao…No, now the class is over, we should call you senior brother! Brother Xiao, we like to listen to your lectures, so please talk for two more sessions! Don’t leave!” 

“The teacher is much more professional than me.” Xiao Yiheng shook his head “Don’t worry, I won’t leave. I’m a teaching assistant. I will be there every class. We will meet again in the next three weeks.”

After everyone got his promise, they were relieved. Li Cheng thought, oho, Xiao Yiheng was quite popular, even these junior high school kids were fascinated by him.

After school, Li Cheng was about to leave, but saw a graceful figure appear outside the classroom.

Xu Yinyin, who was also a teaching assistant, held the textbook in her arms, waited outside the classroom, and looked at the teenager on the podium generously: “Xiao Yiheng, have you finished class? I have something to talk about with you.” 

The moment she finished speaking, the students in the class uttered a strange cry. Everyone patted the table and made a lot of noise. A mischievous alpha directly asked Xiao Yiheng: “Senior Brother, is this your girlfriend? Are you two teaching assistants together?”

Xiao Yiheng did not answer their questions. Nodding to Xu Yinyin, he followed her out of the classroom and walked to the lesson preparation office together.

Li Cheng stared at the backs of the two of them, and the phrase “Is she your girlfriend” echoed in his ears. Something sour in his heart flashed by.

What was the matter with this senior sister? Yesterday she found Xiao Yiheng, and today she still looked for Xiao Yiheng. She was like Xiao Yiheng’s waist pendant, she would stick on him whenever she saw him! 

If she was not an alpha, Li Cheng would have to wonder if they really had a relationship far beyond ordinary classmates as the junior classmates said…

… Wait!


Even if she was an alpha, she couldn’t be taken lightly! Although AA love was very rare, weren’t Xiao Hang’s parents both alpha? If Xiao Yiheng wanted to find an alpha to accompany him for life…

There were many thoughts in Li Cheng’s mind. Before he realized it, his feet made the decision for him and drove him to the lesson preparation office. 

Li Cheng was a step late. When he arrived, Xiao Yiheng and Xu Yinyin had already entered the office, and a conversation or two floated through the ajar door.

“What can I do for you?”

“Actually, I wanted to tell you yesterday.” The girl’s voice was clear and sweet, “Xiao Yiheng, I signed up as a teaching assistant because of you.”

Li Cheng: “…” 

Li Cheng: “???”

Li Cheng: “!!!”

At once, he became aware. These days, he needed a thousand defenses against all kinds of things, even alphas!!


Xiao Yiheng closed the door of the office tightly and turned to look at Xu Yinyin behind him.

His face was cold, and the words she just said did not leave a single ripple in his heart.

There was a few seconds of silence between the two. No one spoke.

After a long while, Xu Yinyin sighed and admitted defeat: “Okay, okay, I shouldn’t hold any hope for you. If an omega was here and heard my affectionate confession, they would have already screamed and pounced in my arms!” 

“…” Xiao Yiheng said, “First of all, I am not an omega, I will not pounce into your arms. Secondly, I refused your confession last time. Could it be that you want to ruminate?”

“The word ‘ruminate’ is too ugly!” Xu Yinyin’s mouth trembled, “Forget it, I have something to say to you.”

“Well, say it.”

“Actually, what I just said is true. I did sign up as a teaching assistant for you, just to be able to talk a few more words with you in private.” Xu Yinyin hesitated for a moment, and finally, her competitive spirit as an alpha prevailed. She clasped her hands together and made an apologetic gesture, “I apologize to you first. When I went to the office of the teachers for the senior high school, I overheard a conversation between you and your class teacher.” 

Xiao Yiheng’s hand on his side tightened slightly.

Xu Yinyin: “I heard you talking about volunteering for the winter camp. Your original wish was the Department of Physics, Huaqing University, but later changed to the Department of English at the Foreign Affairs University… I would like to ask, what is your final wish? Where will you go?”


Xu Yinyin was the class monitor of grade 3-2. Her results were in the top ten every time. If she was lucky, she could get seventh or eighth place.

This kind of prestigious winter camp was what all the top students sharpened their brains to get into. Xu Yinyin’s dream since childhood was to be an expert in diplomacy and make a contribution to the country. The Foreign Affairs University was her dream institution, and the English Department was an important cornerstone for her to take the first step. 

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However, the winter camp of the Foreign Affairs University only enrolled one person in their school every year. If Xiao Yiheng competed with her, her chances of winning were very small. She had been tossing and turning for this period of time, hesitating whether to change her choice for volunteering. She couldn’t hold back anymore, so she simply ran to ask Xiao Yiheng directly.

After listening to her explanation, Xiao Yiheng’s expression was a little dazed, but he quickly covered up.

“Do you like being an official and engaging in politics?”

“Diplomacy is indeed politics, but it’s definitely not just politics. It’s true that a diplomat is an ‘official’, but the point of being an official is not to climb up, not to make money, but to truly serve the country and contribute to it.” Xu Yinyin said bluntly, “Of course, I have to say that I don’t have any idea of ‘to stand out among my peers’. That’s a lie, but I do like it from the bottom of my heart.” 

Owing to this ‘like’ from the bottom of her heart, she would fight desperately.

They were in their third year of senior high school and were about to pass the 18-year-old adult line. After adulthood, every step they took must be driven by their own hearts, not by the wishes of their parents.

Xiao Yiheng lowered his eyes to hide the deep thought in his eyes.

“Rest assured,” he said solemnly, “My ultimate goal will not be the Foreign Affairs University.” 

“Really?!” Xu Yinyin almost jumped up, “You won’t make a fool of me?”

“Of course not,” Xiao Yiheng said, “From the beginning to the end, I never thought about applying to that school.”

Xu Yinyin sighed with relief: “I’ll just say, you are so good in physics, you must definitely like physics. The physics department of Huaqing University is most suitable for you!”

“You are wrong.” Xiao Yiheng unexpectedly denied, “I am good at physics, just because I have a high IQ, not because I like it.” 

He was good at physics, and his teachers and parents had tried their best to train him, but from the beginning to the end, he did not have any interest in physics. As he won more and more competition medals, the smiles on his parents’ faces became bigger and bigger, and he hid his true self deeper and deeper.

At first he signed up for the Physics Winter Camp, just filling in what he was good at.

“…I don’t understand your kind of top student.” Xu Yinyin shrugged, “Anyway, thank you. With your promise, I can finally get a good night’s sleep tonight.”


Li Cheng squatted in the corridor behind a large pot of plants, gritted his teeth and looked at the direction of the lesson preparation office.

What exactly were Xiao Yiheng and that female A chatting about? What was taking them so long?


Was that female A going to confess? Would she pounce on Xiao Yiheng like a wolf, and do this and that to him?

The more Li Cheng thought about it, the more anxious he became. He wanted to kick open the door of the office, grab Xiao Yiheng out, and ask him why he didn’t abide the A path, and radiated charm in front of other people. 

The children in the class liked him, and the A girl in the same grade also liked him… Li Cheng thought sourly, ‘I really don’t understand how Xiao Yiheng can attract bees and butterflies so much.’ He thought Xiao Yiheng was an ordinary alpha. Even if he was a free package given to him, he would still ponder whether to accept this cheap person into the house.

There was a saying, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Li Cheng didn’t know that when he was squatting there to catch Yiheng, there was another figure at the corner of the corridor, watching him sneakily.

Wei Huohuo hid behind the fire hydrant, wrapped his red coat tightly, and transformed himself from a small gas tank into a large fire extinguisher. Then he took out a notepad from his arms and carefully wrote a sentence. 

《Li O Observation Notes》 x month x day

Article 2: Xiao A was called away by a senior sister, Li O lay in waiting outside the office, apparently intending to ambush Xiao A.

Just then, the door of the office opened.

Xiao Yiheng and Xu Yinyin walked out of the office one after another. The atmosphere between the two was peaceful, and it was hard to guess what they had talked about. 

Li Cheng shrank his body and hid himself more tightly.

But such a big person hiding behind those few leaves was really eye-catching.

Xu Yinyin pointed at him: “Li Cheng, what are you doing hiding here?”

Li Cheng jumped up: “Who is hiding? Who is hiding? I…I think this plant looks good, but it’s a bit dirty. I will wipe it!” 

With that, he used his sleeves as rags and rubbed the leaves absent-mindedly.

Xiao Yiheng saw through him immediately. He walked over and rescued the few poor leaves that were about to be torn by Li Cheng’s hands. He seemed to be coaxing an urchin who was acting willfully and making a scene in order to get attention. He said with extraordinary patience: “Well, if you wipe it down, the leaves will fall out.”

Who knew whether it was intentional or unintentional (Xiao Yiheng: Thank you for asking, it was intentional), his fingers rubbed the back of Li Cheng’s hand. Li Cheng was taken aback, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, rubbing the back of his hand against his pants nervously.

The omega had a thin red on his face, but fortunately, his skin was darker and it wasn’t easily seen. 

Xu Yinyin, who was reduced to a female spectator, stood beside them superfluously. Her eyes moved between the two, her sensitive nature as a girl made her guess something.

She asked tentatively: “Li Cheng, were you waiting for Xiao Yiheng on purpose?”


Li Cheng immediately denied: “Who said that? I said I was admiring plants!”

“…” Xu Yinyin thought: Sure enough. 

If the two of them didn’t have an affair, then the last two words of her name would be read upside down.

Around the corner, Wei Huohuo, a serious spy, picked up a pen and wrote down another sentence in his notebook.

《Li O Observation Notes》 x month x day

Article 3: Li O failed to ambush Xiao A, and Li O was captured by Xiao A on the spot. 

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

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