This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 46: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch46 - Secretly passing notes in class

Comrade Wei Huohuo, an industrious little spy, received three precious pieces of information about Li Cheng, and he immediately called his cousin to inform him. 

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Wei Rong answered the phone almost in a second.

“Hello? Huohuo, what did you find?” Wei Rong didn’t expect that his cousin had only been an undercover agent for one day, and he got the information so quickly. He asked with concern, “Is there any Alpha that is plotting against Li Cheng?”



“No, there isn’t.” Wei Huohuo told the truth. “But I found that Li Cheng has a very poor relationship with the alpha assistant in our class. He tried to ambush him, but he failed.”

“…” The eagerness in Wei Rong’s voice dissipated in an instant, and he snorted impatiently. “Li Cheng finds too many alphas objectionable. If he doesn’t fight an alpha every week, that would be surprising. This news is worthless, next.” 

“…then that’s it.”


“Nothing else?!”

“Yes.” Wei Huohuo looked through his little information sadly. “All three items are related to the alpha assistant.”

“Then these three items are not worth any money.” Wei Rong hated iron for not becoming steel, “You are doing terrible intelligence work! Child, brother is so disappointed in you. Do you think making money is such an easy thing?”


Wei Huohuo felt extremely wronged: “Wei Rong! You don’t want to default do you? Even if I didn’t collect the information you want, there is hard work without credit, right? As an older brother, you should give your hard-working brother some kind of encouragement at this time, right?”

“I’m not reneging on a debt, I’m teaching you the world is vicious,” Wei Rong said bluntly, “In short, you have made no progress. You still want me to buy you Lego, don’t even think about it.”

Wei HuoHuo angrily hung up the phone.

But when he thought about his brother’s promise of a limited edition Lego, he could only grit his teeth and make persistent efforts. 

Although he didn’t collect useful information this week, it didn’t matter. He had three weekend classes with Li Cheng. Even if he made it up, he had to make up a scandal for Li Cheng so that he could cheat the reward from his loathsome older brother.

In a blink of an eye, it was another weekend.

This time Li Cheng was no longer shy, but swaggered into the gate of the affiliated junior high school. After a week of psychological construction, he had come to accept these unpleasant facts: He had to take the “National Health Education Course” anyway, and will meet Xiao Yiheng anyway, so he might as well face it calmly. At worst, he would sleep during the class, and when he opened his eyes, the class would be over. 

Li Cheng was not late—but it was not much better than being late—he entered the class at just the right moment. He had just stepped into the classroom door, and the class bell rang the next second.

It happened that he was still sitting in the most conspicuous position next to the podium. He casually pulled the chair and sat down. He opened his light school bag, took out a textbook from it, took out a pen, and even finished preparing for the class.

Obviously Xiao Yiheng only sent the brand-new textbook to him last week, but it was unknown what Li Cheng did. It took only a week to make the textbook crumpled, looking like eighteen hands commodity.

The cover of the textbook also had a mark the size of the mouth of a bowl. It was shiny and had formed when used to cover the instant noodles in the past few days. 

Standing on the podium was an unfamiliar middle-aged female beta, wearing a women’s suit, hair in a neat bun, revealing a few wrinkles on her forehead, and carefully styled with hairspray. She looked bright and clean.

Needless to say, she must be the full-time teacher for this class.


She looked at Li Cheng with an unpleasant expression. Her eyes paused for several seconds on his hair, and said sternly, “You are not allowed to be late in my class. This time you are lucky. If you are late next time, you will not be allowed to enter the class.”

“Goooot it” Li Cheng dragged his voice, and replied casually. 

She didn’t waste time on Li Cheng, and looked at Xiao Yiheng who was standing by the door again. Before starting the class, Xiao Yiheng gave her a brief introduction to the general situation of the class, and put the written materials copied in advance on the podium.

Xiao Yiheng was clean and handsome, and he was the “top student” most liked by teachers. After seeing him, Miss. Beta’s face changed a little, and she nodded: “You are my teaching assistant, right? Thank you for your hard work. Move a chair and find a place to sit down.”

The tone and attitude were completely different. It was obvious they were being treated differently.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ol Jtfcu aegcfv tlr tfjv, wjvf j uglwjmf ja Wljb Tltfcu, jcv wbmxfv tlw jr j “ubbv raevfca.” 

Ktf “ubbv raevfca” uijcmfv ja tlw, mjgglfv atf obivlcu mtjlg ab atf rlvf, jcv rja vlgfmais yfrlvf Ol Jtfcu.

Ol Jtfcu:!!! Lf kjr rtbmxfv: “Qts jgf sbe rlaalcu tfgf?”

Wljb Tltfcu: “Efrbinlcu j vloolmeia rlaejalbc bc yftjio bo atf afjmtfg jcv ibbxlcu joafg sbe—atlr qbbg raevfca.”

Li Cheng: “…” 

So, in the presence of the other thirty pairs of eyes in the class, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng sat at the same desk. Chairs close to each other, their legs touching, it was too hot just to watch.

These two tall and long legged handsome boys appeared next to the most conspicuous podium in the class. People who didn’t know would think they had hired two door gods in their class.

But the beta teacher was very satisfied with this arrangement, thinking that with Xiao Yiheng’s help, she didn’t have to worry about the troublemaker Li Cheng.

The formal lectures began soon. 

This class was about the nesting phenomenon of omega. The so called nesting meant that omega would subconsciously collect soft and bright things to decorate their nests (rooms) like small animals during the estrus period. If an omega and an alpha had a marking behavior, the omega would also collect personal items having the partner’s pheromones. However, this kind of nesting phenomenon rarely occurred in underage omegas, and it was too far away for this group of children.

If the teacher’s teaching style was summed up in four words, it was “zhao ben xuan ke.” She could read the contents of the textbook from beginning to end not only by herself, she also asked students to read it by roll-call.

For this reason, she walked down from the podium and shuttled between the rows of seats. If a classmate met her eyes, they would definitely be picked up to read.

Obviously it was a nest of tenderness, but under her narration, it became terrible, long and dry-as-dust. Just an old hen’s brood. 

Li Cheng lay on the table, yawning, almost going to sleep.

But as soon as his eyes closed, Xiao Yiheng, who was sitting next to him, immediately woke him up.


Li Cheng still wanted to sleep, so Xiao Yiheng kept pushing.

Li Cheng was going to be tortured mad. Was he being slowly cooked by this eagle? He was almost hypnotized by the female teacher, Xiao Yiheng, this scumbag A, actually didn’t allow him to sleep! 

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He glared at him, but because he had just yawned several times in succession, his eyes still had a few drops of physiological tears. His eyes gleamed, as if he was deliberately acting coquettish to the alpha.

Xiao Yiheng was stared by those round eyes, and for a moment he almost forgot what he wanted to do.

“…Li Cheng, you can’t sleep in this class.” Xiao Yiheng regained his sanity and reminded him in a low voice, “In addition to the final exam points, there will also be class performance points for each class. The teacher has the right to deduct your performance points.”

Li Cheng was desperate. 

What could he do? He was really going to be hypnotized by this teacher’s chanting.

He could only pinch his thigh, trying to find a way to do something, so as to get rid of the spreading sleepiness.

A minute later, Li Cheng quietly pushed Xiao Yiheng and passed the textbook in his hand.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know what trick he wanted to do, but he still followed his will and opened the textbook. 

He saw a piece of square white paper that was not much bigger than the palm of the hand, sandwiched between the pages of the book. The white paper was folded with several lines horizontally and vertically, turning the whole white paper into a grid paper composed of small squares.

In the center of this strange grid paper, Li Cheng drew a black solid circle with a pencil.

Xiao Yiheng: ?

He picked up the piece of paper and turned it over to the back. What caught his eye was an empty piece. So the pattern of this piece of paper was the black circle on the front. 

Seeing that the alpha was looking at the grid paper over and over again as if he was studying some advanced problem, Li Cheng made a subconscious “ah” afterwards.

“Damn,” Li Cheng asked in a low voice, “Study God, don’t you tell me, your rocket class never plays this?”

“Play?” Xiao Yiheng paused for a few seconds. With this keyword, he looked down again at the blank paper in his hand and immediately reacted, “Is this a chessboard?”

Yes, it was indeed a simple chessboard. It had several horizontal and vertical lines. The whole paper was divided into countless small squares. In the center of the chessboard, Li Cheng had already played a “chess” step ahead of time. 

Seeing a flash of surprise in the alpha’s eyes, Li Cheng asked incredulously: “No way. Are you never absent-minded in class, and no one passes notes, plays chess, or maps?”

“What’s the gameplay of maps?”


“You don’t know this?” For the first time, Li Cheng felt the pleasure of gaining the upper hand in front of Xiao Yiheng and crushing his IQ. “Doesn’t every student have a thick Atlas? You draw up the theme, then flip the name over as you please inside the Atlas. The place name should be as unusual and niche as possible. More the nooks, the better. It is best to use a magnifying glass to see it. Use this as the subject, and then let others find it. The one who finds it first wins. The more the number of people who play this game, the more interesting it will be. Last time I asked a question, our whole class looked for the subject and they couldn’t find it!”

Xiao Yiheng gasped in amazement. 

“Your grade 2-13 class really deserves to be the class with the lowest average score in the school,” Xiao Yiheng said. “It seems that you have done everything except listening to lectures during class.”

“…” Li Cheng didn’t understand, was Xiao Yiheng complimenting him or scolding him?

In this way, the two people sitting in the front row of the classroom secretly played a game of chess under the gaze of so many eyes in the class.

They played the simplest form of Gomoku. As long as the five pieces were connected in a line, they won. 

Before playing chess, Li Cheng boasted that he was particularly good at playing Gomoku. He had played with everyone in class and was an invincible player, winning every time. He also asked Xiao Yiheng not to fear the enemy, and to make persistent efforts even if he lost.

So Xiao Yiheng corrected his attitude, raised his fighting spirit to 100% and seriously fought a round with Li Cheng.

As a result…the battle ended in one minute, and Xiao Yiheng won.

Li Cheng didn’t believe in evil, and they went another round. 

This time he didn’t hold on for a minute, and Li Cheng lost again.

Then the third, fourth, and fifth rounds.

The ever-victorious general of the swimming pool ate five duck eggs under Xiao Yiheng’s hands.

Li Cheng: “Ahhhhh, I won’t play anymore.” 

He crushed the chessboard paper into a ball, and angrily stuffed it back into the table. He put his arms around his chest and leaned on the back of his chair, with the words “Baba is upset” on his face.

The grand Li-ge was unexpectedly a sore loser.

Not only was he a sore loser, but he was also peculiar: “Xiao Yiheng, did you deliberately pretend to be a novice to cheat me? You played so well, you must play in class. Who is your chess friend? Is it that Xu Yinyin?”

Xiao Yiheng: “… …” 

He chuckled: “Why mention her suddenly? I am not in the same class with her, and we don’t know each other very well.”

Xiao Yiheng contributed his own notebook, tore off one page, folded it into a new chessboard, and kept the book back into the table.


Boss Li Cheng turned to the side, persisting in maintaining his cute act of a bigshot.

Xiao Yiheng explained in a low voice: “I really haven’t played before. Novices are always lucky.” 

Li Cheng looked at him suspiciously.

“Really.” Xiao Yiheng said, “and I have a feeling that I have passed the novice protection period.”

Still suspicious, Li Cheng took the chessboard over and drew a solid black circle in the center with a pencil.

Xiao Yiheng followed his chess piece closely and drew a hollow circle. 

Just going back and forth like this-Li Cheng won.

In the next round, Li Cheng won again.

Li Cheng won all the rounds subsequently. He was unstoppable. The entire chessboard was repeatedly filled with pencil marks and repeatedly erased, and it was about to be scratched.

Xiao Yiheng carefully controlled the situation, even deliberately creating a drawn fight in a few games, occasionally winning two games… 

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When the bell rang at the end of class, Li Cheng put down the pencil and patted Xiao Yiheng on the shoulder.

“It’s great, Xiao Yiheng.” The two of them had known each other for so long, but there were only a few moments when Li Cheng smiled in front of Xiao Yiheng. Now, Li Cheng not only smiled brightly, but even showed a naughty little tiger tooth, “I didn’t expect that you are nothing great, but your level of chess is pretty good.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…?”

Xiao Yiheng did not bat an eye. He lowered his eyes and thought: Since this little scoundrel’s mouth doesn’t know how to talk, the next time they play chess, if he lost a game once, he would remove his clothes. 

After class, Li Cheng didn’t want to wait for a second, and hurriedly left the classroom; Xiao Yiheng followed the teacher and went to the office to organize the materials for the teacher.

As soon as the two of them left, Wei Huohuo, who was sitting in the last row, rushed to the podium and squatted sneakily in front of the desk.

During class, he could see clearly that Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng had been secretly passing notes and whispering to each other. He didn’t know what they were doing. 

If he could know what they were talking about in class, could this news get him a set of Lego from his cousin?

Wei Huohuo remembered that Li Cheng threw one of the notes into his desk pocket, and didn’t take it away after class. He hurriedly reached out and fumbled into the table pocket, fumbled left and right, and really felt a piece of paper!


He immediately took it out and took a look—the paper was crumpled, square and full of crisscrossed grids.

Wei Huohuo, as the poor student among the poor students, naturally knew what it was. 

—So Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng were not passing notes in class, but playing Gomoku?

Even junior high school students didn’t play this kind of game anymore. Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng were both in senior high school, and they still played this game. Wasn’t it childish?

Wei Huohuo made a disdainful “Tut!”, crumpled the chessboard into a ball, then stretched his hands over his head, making a cool ‘shoot toward the trash can’ posture.

The ball of paper drew a parabola in the air—then it hit the female teacher who had returned to the class to get something. 

Wei Huohuo: “…”

Female teacher: “…”

Wei Huohuo trembled: “Old, old, old teacher, I can explain!!!!”

The female teacher opened the ball of paper with a dark face, and saw the crumpled paper. It was filled with markings of chess pieces. As a teacher who had taught for many years, she recognized this stuff. 

“Wei Huohuo,” the female teacher said coldly, tearing the piece of paper to pieces. “After returning home, copy ‘I can’t play Gomoku in class’ two hundred times, and then write an essay of self-reflection of no less than 500 words. Do it and give it to me before class tomorrow.”

Wei Huohuo: QAQ

Ch46 - Secretly passing notes in class

Comrade Wei Huohuo, an industrious little spy, received three precious pieces of information about Li Cheng, and he immediately called his cousin to inform him. 

Wei Rong answered the phone almost in a second.

“Hello? Huohuo, what did you find?” Wei Rong didn’t expect that his cousin had only been an undercover agent for one day, and he got the information so quickly. He asked with concern, “Is there any Alpha that is plotting against Li Cheng?”



“No, there isn’t.” Wei Huohuo told the truth. “But I found that Li Cheng has a very poor relationship with the alpha assistant in our class. He tried to ambush him, but he failed.”

“…” The eagerness in Wei Rong’s voice dissipated in an instant, and he snorted impatiently. “Li Cheng finds too many alphas objectionable. If he doesn’t fight an alpha every week, that would be surprising. This news is worthless, next.” 

“…then that’s it.”


“Nothing else?!”

“Yes.” Wei Huohuo looked through his little information sadly. “All three items are related to the alpha assistant.”

“Then these three items are not worth any money.” Wei Rong hated iron for not becoming steel, “You are doing terrible intelligence work! Child, brother is so disappointed in you. Do you think making money is such an easy thing?”


Wei Huohuo felt extremely wronged: “Wei Rong! You don’t want to default do you? Even if I didn’t collect the information you want, there is hard work without credit, right? As an older brother, you should give your hard-working brother some kind of encouragement at this time, right?”

“I’m not reneging on a debt, I’m teaching you the world is vicious,” Wei Rong said bluntly, “In short, you have made no progress. You still want me to buy you Lego, don’t even think about it.”

Wei HuoHuo angrily hung up the phone.

But when he thought about his brother’s promise of a limited edition Lego, he could only grit his teeth and make persistent efforts. 

Although he didn’t collect useful information this week, it didn’t matter. He had three weekend classes with Li Cheng. Even if he made it up, he had to make up a scandal for Li Cheng so that he could cheat the reward from his loathsome older brother.

In a blink of an eye, it was another weekend.

This time Li Cheng was no longer shy, but swaggered into the gate of the affiliated junior high school. After a week of psychological construction, he had come to accept these unpleasant facts: He had to take the “National Health Education Course” anyway, and will meet Xiao Yiheng anyway, so he might as well face it calmly. At worst, he would sleep during the class, and when he opened his eyes, the class would be over. 

Li Cheng was not late—but it was not much better than being late—he entered the class at just the right moment. He had just stepped into the classroom door, and the class bell rang the next second.

It happened that he was still sitting in the most conspicuous position next to the podium. He casually pulled the chair and sat down. He opened his light school bag, took out a textbook from it, took out a pen, and even finished preparing for the class.

Obviously Xiao Yiheng only sent the brand-new textbook to him last week, but it was unknown what Li Cheng did. It took only a week to make the textbook crumpled, looking like eighteen hands commodity.

The cover of the textbook also had a mark the size of the mouth of a bowl. It was shiny and had formed when used to cover the instant noodles in the past few days. 

Standing on the podium was an unfamiliar middle-aged female beta, wearing a women’s suit, hair in a neat bun, revealing a few wrinkles on her forehead, and carefully styled with hairspray. She looked bright and clean.

Needless to say, she must be the full-time teacher for this class.

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She looked at Li Cheng with an unpleasant expression. Her eyes paused for several seconds on his hair, and said sternly, “You are not allowed to be late in my class. This time you are lucky. If you are late next time, you will not be allowed to enter the class.”

“Goooot it” Li Cheng dragged his voice, and replied casually. 

She didn’t waste time on Li Cheng, and looked at Xiao Yiheng who was standing by the door again. Before starting the class, Xiao Yiheng gave her a brief introduction to the general situation of the class, and put the written materials copied in advance on the podium.

Xiao Yiheng was clean and handsome, and he was the “top student” most liked by teachers. After seeing him, Miss. Beta’s face changed a little, and she nodded: “You are my teaching assistant, right? Thank you for your hard work. Move a chair and find a place to sit down.”

The tone and attitude were completely different. It was obvious they were being treated differently.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ol Jtfcu aegcfv tlr tfjv, wjvf j uglwjmf ja Wljb Tltfcu, jcv wbmxfv tlw jr j “ubbv raevfca.” 

Ktf “ubbv raevfca” uijcmfv ja tlw, mjgglfv atf obivlcu mtjlg ab atf rlvf, jcv rja vlgfmais yfrlvf Ol Jtfcu.

Ol Jtfcu:!!! Lf kjr rtbmxfv: “Qts jgf sbe rlaalcu tfgf?”

Wljb Tltfcu: “Efrbinlcu j vloolmeia rlaejalbc bc yftjio bo atf afjmtfg jcv ibbxlcu joafg sbe—atlr qbbg raevfca.”

Li Cheng: “…” 

So, in the presence of the other thirty pairs of eyes in the class, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng sat at the same desk. Chairs close to each other, their legs touching, it was too hot just to watch.

These two tall and long legged handsome boys appeared next to the most conspicuous podium in the class. People who didn’t know would think they had hired two door gods in their class.

But the beta teacher was very satisfied with this arrangement, thinking that with Xiao Yiheng’s help, she didn’t have to worry about the troublemaker Li Cheng.

The formal lectures began soon. 

This class was about the nesting phenomenon of omega. The so called nesting meant that omega would subconsciously collect soft and bright things to decorate their nests (rooms) like small animals during the estrus period. If an omega and an alpha had a marking behavior, the omega would also collect personal items having the partner’s pheromones. However, this kind of nesting phenomenon rarely occurred in underage omegas, and it was too far away for this group of children.

If the teacher’s teaching style was summed up in four words, it was “zhao ben xuan ke.” She could read the contents of the textbook from beginning to end not only by herself, she also asked students to read it by roll-call.

For this reason, she walked down from the podium and shuttled between the rows of seats. If a classmate met her eyes, they would definitely be picked up to read.

Obviously it was a nest of tenderness, but under her narration, it became terrible, long and dry-as-dust. Just an old hen’s brood. 

Li Cheng lay on the table, yawning, almost going to sleep.

But as soon as his eyes closed, Xiao Yiheng, who was sitting next to him, immediately woke him up.


Li Cheng still wanted to sleep, so Xiao Yiheng kept pushing.

Li Cheng was going to be tortured mad. Was he being slowly cooked by this eagle? He was almost hypnotized by the female teacher, Xiao Yiheng, this scumbag A, actually didn’t allow him to sleep! 

He glared at him, but because he had just yawned several times in succession, his eyes still had a few drops of physiological tears. His eyes gleamed, as if he was deliberately acting coquettish to the alpha.

Xiao Yiheng was stared by those round eyes, and for a moment he almost forgot what he wanted to do.

“…Li Cheng, you can’t sleep in this class.” Xiao Yiheng regained his sanity and reminded him in a low voice, “In addition to the final exam points, there will also be class performance points for each class. The teacher has the right to deduct your performance points.”

Li Cheng was desperate. 

What could he do? He was really going to be hypnotized by this teacher’s chanting.

He could only pinch his thigh, trying to find a way to do something, so as to get rid of the spreading sleepiness.

A minute later, Li Cheng quietly pushed Xiao Yiheng and passed the textbook in his hand.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know what trick he wanted to do, but he still followed his will and opened the textbook. 

He saw a piece of square white paper that was not much bigger than the palm of the hand, sandwiched between the pages of the book. The white paper was folded with several lines horizontally and vertically, turning the whole white paper into a grid paper composed of small squares.

In the center of this strange grid paper, Li Cheng drew a black solid circle with a pencil.

Xiao Yiheng: ?

He picked up the piece of paper and turned it over to the back. What caught his eye was an empty piece. So the pattern of this piece of paper was the black circle on the front. 

Seeing that the alpha was looking at the grid paper over and over again as if he was studying some advanced problem, Li Cheng made a subconscious “ah” afterwards.

“Damn,” Li Cheng asked in a low voice, “Study God, don’t you tell me, your rocket class never plays this?”

“Play?” Xiao Yiheng paused for a few seconds. With this keyword, he looked down again at the blank paper in his hand and immediately reacted, “Is this a chessboard?”

Yes, it was indeed a simple chessboard. It had several horizontal and vertical lines. The whole paper was divided into countless small squares. In the center of the chessboard, Li Cheng had already played a “chess” step ahead of time. 

Seeing a flash of surprise in the alpha’s eyes, Li Cheng asked incredulously: “No way. Are you never absent-minded in class, and no one passes notes, plays chess, or maps?”

“What’s the gameplay of maps?”


“You don’t know this?” For the first time, Li Cheng felt the pleasure of gaining the upper hand in front of Xiao Yiheng and crushing his IQ. “Doesn’t every student have a thick Atlas? You draw up the theme, then flip the name over as you please inside the Atlas. The place name should be as unusual and niche as possible. More the nooks, the better. It is best to use a magnifying glass to see it. Use this as the subject, and then let others find it. The one who finds it first wins. The more the number of people who play this game, the more interesting it will be. Last time I asked a question, our whole class looked for the subject and they couldn’t find it!”

Xiao Yiheng gasped in amazement. 

“Your grade 2-13 class really deserves to be the class with the lowest average score in the school,” Xiao Yiheng said. “It seems that you have done everything except listening to lectures during class.”

“…” Li Cheng didn’t understand, was Xiao Yiheng complimenting him or scolding him?

In this way, the two people sitting in the front row of the classroom secretly played a game of chess under the gaze of so many eyes in the class.

They played the simplest form of Gomoku. As long as the five pieces were connected in a line, they won. 

Before playing chess, Li Cheng boasted that he was particularly good at playing Gomoku. He had played with everyone in class and was an invincible player, winning every time. He also asked Xiao Yiheng not to fear the enemy, and to make persistent efforts even if he lost.

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So Xiao Yiheng corrected his attitude, raised his fighting spirit to 100% and seriously fought a round with Li Cheng.

As a result…the battle ended in one minute, and Xiao Yiheng won.

Li Cheng didn’t believe in evil, and they went another round. 

This time he didn’t hold on for a minute, and Li Cheng lost again.

Then the third, fourth, and fifth rounds.

The ever-victorious general of the swimming pool ate five duck eggs under Xiao Yiheng’s hands.

Li Cheng: “Ahhhhh, I won’t play anymore.” 

He crushed the chessboard paper into a ball, and angrily stuffed it back into the table. He put his arms around his chest and leaned on the back of his chair, with the words “Baba is upset” on his face.

The grand Li-ge was unexpectedly a sore loser.

Not only was he a sore loser, but he was also peculiar: “Xiao Yiheng, did you deliberately pretend to be a novice to cheat me? You played so well, you must play in class. Who is your chess friend? Is it that Xu Yinyin?”

Xiao Yiheng: “… …” 

He chuckled: “Why mention her suddenly? I am not in the same class with her, and we don’t know each other very well.”

Xiao Yiheng contributed his own notebook, tore off one page, folded it into a new chessboard, and kept the book back into the table.


Boss Li Cheng turned to the side, persisting in maintaining his cute act of a bigshot.

Xiao Yiheng explained in a low voice: “I really haven’t played before. Novices are always lucky.” 

Li Cheng looked at him suspiciously.

“Really.” Xiao Yiheng said, “and I have a feeling that I have passed the novice protection period.”

Still suspicious, Li Cheng took the chessboard over and drew a solid black circle in the center with a pencil.

Xiao Yiheng followed his chess piece closely and drew a hollow circle. 

Just going back and forth like this-Li Cheng won.

In the next round, Li Cheng won again.

Li Cheng won all the rounds subsequently. He was unstoppable. The entire chessboard was repeatedly filled with pencil marks and repeatedly erased, and it was about to be scratched.

Xiao Yiheng carefully controlled the situation, even deliberately creating a drawn fight in a few games, occasionally winning two games… 

When the bell rang at the end of class, Li Cheng put down the pencil and patted Xiao Yiheng on the shoulder.

“It’s great, Xiao Yiheng.” The two of them had known each other for so long, but there were only a few moments when Li Cheng smiled in front of Xiao Yiheng. Now, Li Cheng not only smiled brightly, but even showed a naughty little tiger tooth, “I didn’t expect that you are nothing great, but your level of chess is pretty good.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…?”

Xiao Yiheng did not bat an eye. He lowered his eyes and thought: Since this little scoundrel’s mouth doesn’t know how to talk, the next time they play chess, if he lost a game once, he would remove his clothes. 

After class, Li Cheng didn’t want to wait for a second, and hurriedly left the classroom; Xiao Yiheng followed the teacher and went to the office to organize the materials for the teacher.

As soon as the two of them left, Wei Huohuo, who was sitting in the last row, rushed to the podium and squatted sneakily in front of the desk.

During class, he could see clearly that Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng had been secretly passing notes and whispering to each other. He didn’t know what they were doing. 

If he could know what they were talking about in class, could this news get him a set of Lego from his cousin?

Wei Huohuo remembered that Li Cheng threw one of the notes into his desk pocket, and didn’t take it away after class. He hurriedly reached out and fumbled into the table pocket, fumbled left and right, and really felt a piece of paper!


He immediately took it out and took a look—the paper was crumpled, square and full of crisscrossed grids.

Wei Huohuo, as the poor student among the poor students, naturally knew what it was. 

—So Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng were not passing notes in class, but playing Gomoku?

Even junior high school students didn’t play this kind of game anymore. Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng were both in senior high school, and they still played this game. Wasn’t it childish?

Wei Huohuo made a disdainful “Tut!”, crumpled the chessboard into a ball, then stretched his hands over his head, making a cool ‘shoot toward the trash can’ posture.

The ball of paper drew a parabola in the air—then it hit the female teacher who had returned to the class to get something. 

Wei Huohuo: “…”

Female teacher: “…”

Wei Huohuo trembled: “Old, old, old teacher, I can explain!!!!”

The female teacher opened the ball of paper with a dark face, and saw the crumpled paper. It was filled with markings of chess pieces. As a teacher who had taught for many years, she recognized this stuff. 

“Wei Huohuo,” the female teacher said coldly, tearing the piece of paper to pieces. “After returning home, copy ‘I can’t play Gomoku in class’ two hundred times, and then write an essay of self-reflection of no less than 500 words. Do it and give it to me before class tomorrow.”

Wei Huohuo: QAQ

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