This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 47: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch47 - Bad students teach good students to eat snacks in class

On Sunday morning, as soon as the alarm rang, Li Cheng grumbled and got up from the bed. His hair was rough and stiff, standing up everywhere, showing his nature. When he woke up, he put a hot towel on top of his head, and went to the closet to look through his clothes and put them on.

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He tiptoed, for fear of waking up the little lemon sleeping in the duck’s nest.



The duckling was molting recently. The original yellow down was being replaced with new white feathers. At first glance, it looked like a boiled, cracked duck egg, which was really unsightly. Li Cheng couldn’t say that it was beautiful in all conscience, and didn’t want to take it out to meet people. So, he simply left it in the bedroom every day. Fortunately, Little Lemon was very obedient. There was a large balcony in their dormitory. It wandered around on the balcony every day, eating duck food, drinking water, additionally some fruits, vegetables and shrimp skins; waiting for the awkward molting period to pass.

Li Cheng didn’t wake up Little Lemon, but he woke up his roommate. 

The midterm exam would be held next month. In order to prepare for the exam and cram to get a good score, several of his roommates decided not to go home for the weekend and stayed in the dormitory. At such times, Li Cheng was grateful that he was a talented sports student and didn’t have to fight for his grades.


The little fatty who was sleeping opposite him turned over on the bed in a daze, with a deep sleepiness in his voice: “Li Cheng…Why did you get up so early again?”

Li Cheng whispered back to him: “You forgot, I’m going to the junior high school for a physical health class.”

“Oh, yes…” muttered. When he spoke, his eyelids were still glued together, as if he could sleep again at any time, “You usually arrive late for serious classes, but are so active in this class…”


Li Cheng touched his nose but didn’t answer. He got dressed, picked up his school bag, and prepared to go out.

His school bag was used as a decoration all year round. It was empty with only a textbook for the physical health class and two pens, not even a pencil case.

The school bag hung on his shoulders deflated and swayed lightly. He paused when he was going out and looked at Xiao Pang’s desk.

“Xiao Pang, hey, Xiao Pang?” Li Cheng stepped back, putting his hands on Xiao Pang’s bedside railing. “I’ll take a few bags of snacks from your table and return them to you tomorrow, okay?” 

Xiao Pang was so nicknamed because he couldn’t stop his mouth. Each time there was a night of self-study, he would go to the cafeteria to pack supper. That weekend he stayed in the dormitory to review and cram, and the table was full of snacks.

Xiao Pang usually protected food fiercely. Li Cheng talked to him while he was asleep. Xiao Pang grunted but it was not certain that he had heard Li Cheng.

Li Cheng thought he had heard it.

Li Cheng pulled open the school bag, swung his arms, and unceremoniously swept half of the snacks on the table. 

Xiao Pang had bought small, delicate packets of snacks; the kind which could be held two in a hand. Pickled peppers, clear solidified jelly, appetizing spicy dried fish, mini sausages; in addition to the dried meat, crispy seaweed, spicy dried tofu and sweet plums…All snacks were especially suitable for hiding in the sleeves and secretly eating during class.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cr Ol Jtfcu qea atf rcjmxr lcab tlr yjmxqjmx, tf atbeuta: Vlcmf ubbv raevfca Wljb Tltfcu tjv cfnfg fnfc qijsfv bglujwl Xbwbxe, tf wera tjnf cfnfg fjafc rcjmxr lc mijrr!

Rb, abvjs tf wera wjxf Tltfcu tjnf j cbnfi fzqfglfcmf. Lf tjv ab mbwwla j mglwf, ygfjx atf ijk ys agslcu ab qliofg rcjmxr ecvfg atf afjmtfg’r fsfr!

Thinking of this, Li Cheng, who did not have the habit of snacking at all, collected snacks faster. 

Li Cheng walked into the classroom at a brisk pace. Just like the previous day, Xiao Yiheng’s chair was placed next to his desk, and the female beta teacher was standing on the podium in the middle. Other than that… Wei Huohuo unexpectedly had a flushed face and was standing on the podium!


Li Cheng: ?

He saw Wei Huohuo holding a piece of paper packed with words in both hands. He looked as if he wanted to plunge his head into the paper, and kept reading the contents of the paper. 

“……《Inspection》.” Wei Huohuo was extremely ashamed, the blush extending till his neck, “Yesterday, I shouldn’t have played Gomoku in class…”

When he heard about Gomoku in class, Li Cheng didn’t feel guilty at all. He didn’t have the consciousness of ‘the fox grieves for the rabbit‘ or the awareness of ‘killing the chicken to warn the monkey.’ In this world, there was no second person with a higher assurance than him.

On the contrary, Xiao Yiheng’s eyebrows jumped and he glanced at Li Cheng without a trace.

Wei Huohuo read the self-reflection essay in his hand, stumbling under the attention of the classmates, his voice almost choked in his throat. 

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Before stepping down, he cast his sad eyes on Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng. He swore that he would dig out big news from these two people. If there was no news, he would make up the news. He would never let the grievances of today be in vain!

—Many years later, whenever editor-in-chief Wei, the head of the No. 1 gossip magazine in the entertainment industry gave an interview, and was asked about the reason he went on this paparazzi road of no return, he would always grit his teeth and fall into madness.

After Wei Huohuo finished reading the self-reflection essay, the female teacher nodded in satisfaction and walked back to the center of the podium again.

She looked down at the little immature faces in the audience, and struck the blackboard hard with her pointer: “I have been a teacher for more than 20 years. I have seen all the things you secretly do in class! Playing games, reading novels, talking, and even secretly falling in love with someone!… You stand on the podium and take a look. I can see what you are doing down there.” 

Xiao Yiheng sat in the audience with a calm and serious expression. As a teaching assistant sent by grade three of senior high school, he was the most valued right hand of the teacher.

Unexpectedly, Li Cheng, who was sitting next to him, was restless. He actually committed an offence under the teacher’s eyes, poking his thigh with a hand, and pushing the textbook in front of him.

Xiao Yiheng opened the textbook and saw that there was a brand new checkerboard sandwiched between the textbook.

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

Xiao Yiheng closed the book and pushed it back.

Li Cheng pushed it, Xiao Yiheng pushed it back, Li Cheng pushed it again, Xiao Yiheng pushed it back…it repeated a few times. Li Cheng didn’t wait, thinking ‘Xiao Yiheng, what kind of a serious person are you pretending to be? Laozi condescends to play with you. Playing chess is to give you face. Yesterday, you and I played so happily. Today, you turn away your face and don’t recognize me, so you can continue to pretend to be a good student?’

When the formal lecture began, the female teacher continued the style of the previous day, pacing back and forth in the back rows of the classroom while teaching according to the book. Occasionally, she called on a few hapless children to read.

Li Cheng spread the textbook and leaned forward. With the cover of his body, he stealthily took out a lot of snacks from his school bag. Li Cheng’s original intention of bringing snacks was to share it with Xiao Yiheng, but now…heh, dad will eat it himself. Xiao zei, don’t even touch the plum candy! 

Xiao Yiheng saw that he hid the small snacks one by one in his sleeves like a hamster storing food for the winter. Then, he tore a bag every minute and stuffed it into his mouth, immersing himself in munching.

While he ate, he deliberately expressed his thoughts. First he said, “This jelly is so refreshing and elastic ah”, and then, “This spicy fish is so hot ah.” He really couldn’t stop his mouth even when he was eating.


Xiao Yiheng was really surprised by his behavior. Although sometimes, the students in the rocket class had no time to eat breakfast because they were in a hurry to go to school, they also ate in the morning during self-study. But most of them ate bread and sausages that were tasteless but convenient to fill their stomachs. No one was like Li Cheng, who was eating purely to fulfill his gluttony. Before unpacking, he deliberately shook the packets in front of his eyes.

Xiao Yiheng frowned: “It’s not a problem to play chess, but eating in class is too disrespectful to the teacher.” 

Li Cheng spoke forcefully and with justice: “I didn’t eat melon seeds in class, it is already the greatest respect for her!”

This stinky little brother really had a bellyful of stubborn temper.

Li Cheng not only ate the snacks by himself, but also grandly grabbed a handful and threw it to the little omega sitting at the table behind him.

The little omega with a neatly combed ponytail looked like a frightened little rabbit, with her eyes slightly widened, looking at the snacks that fell on her table from the sky. 

Li Cheng winked at her and whispered, “Take it. Thank you for the fairy wand you lent me last time…cough, no, that pen.”

The little omega didn’t dare to take it, and nervously peeked with her eyes at Xiao Yiheng who was sitting next to Li Cheng.

Li Cheng said in a nonchalant tone: “Just eat it. Don’t worry about him. If he dares to deduct your points, Li-ge will be responsible for getting them back.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

He was about to remind Li Cheng not to lead the child astray in the first year of junior high school. He didn’t think the little girl would quickly grab the handful of snacks in her hand, and then pass most of the snacks to her classmate at the table behind her while passing the eraser. Immediately afterwards, that classmate used the opportunity of handing over a correction marker, and gave some snacks in the back row.

In this way, a handful of snacks quickly spread through the class. Xiao Yiheng watched the spicy dried tofu and pork pass between the students. Almost in the blink of an eye, the classmates in the first column of the classroom got a share.

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

He blinked at a very slow speed. The top student from childhood to adulthood really didn’t understand how they managed to pass the snacks in front of the teacher and then secretly eat them. 

He has been a good student for more than ten years. Their class was always in a state of tension. Not to mention playing in class, there were very few people who talked even after class. Playing Gomoku and sneaking food in the classroom were things that had never happened in his well-behaved life.

It was Li Cheng who showed him another kind of campus life.

Soon, Li Cheng opened another packet of spicy dried fish. After the tin foil package was torn, the strong scent of the seasoning mixed with the smell of dried fish floated out of the package. Li Cheng was forced to inhale the cold air due to the spiciness, but he was reluctant to let go.

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He was like a greedy little wild cat. He first gently held the tail of the fish with his teeth, and then hooked the tip of his tongue, and the dried fish was swallowed deftly into his mouth. The boy’s lips were already swollen red, and there was a circle of light red marks around them. 

Xiao Yiheng was entranced as he watched him eat on the sly and spoke as if demons and gods at work: “Li Cheng, do you have any more? Give me one.”

Li Cheng raised his eyebrows: “Yo, want to get along with me?”


Xiao Yiheng didn’t speak. He just stared at the looming tip of his tongue when he spoke. The tip of his tongue was also a little swollen, no longer the usual pale pink. His words were a little vague.

Li Cheng didn’t notice Xiao Yiheng’s sight. He opened his schoolbag and asked, “What do you want to eat?” 

Xiao Yiheng said, “Just this one in your hand.”

“But I only brought a bag of dried fish…Tsk.” Li Cheng squeezed the only half a bag of snacks in his hand, somewhat unwilling, but still  said, “Forget about it, you take it ok?”

Xiao Yiheng paused for three seconds: “You mean, let me eat this bag in your hand?”

The packet was just between Li Cheng’s lips and teeth. But now, Li Cheng didn’t care if Xiao Yiheng continued to taste it. 

“Why, dislike my saliva?” Li Cheng snorted, “Do you want to eat it? Otherwise, I will eat it myself.”

With that, he was about to withdraw his hand. How could Xiao Yiheng miss the opportunity to share a bag of snacks with him? He hurriedly stretched out his hand and held it.

The fingertips of the two people touched each other, and they overlapped on a bag of dried fish.

At the same time, the beta teacher’s voice rang from the back row of the classroom– 

—“Assistant Xiao, what are you doing?”

Ch47 - Bad students teach good students to eat snacks in class

On Sunday morning, as soon as the alarm rang, Li Cheng grumbled and got up from the bed. His hair was rough and stiff, standing up everywhere, showing his nature. When he woke up, he put a hot towel on top of his head, and went to the closet to look through his clothes and put them on.

He tiptoed, for fear of waking up the little lemon sleeping in the duck’s nest.



The duckling was molting recently. The original yellow down was being replaced with new white feathers. At first glance, it looked like a boiled, cracked duck egg, which was really unsightly. Li Cheng couldn’t say that it was beautiful in all conscience, and didn’t want to take it out to meet people. So, he simply left it in the bedroom every day. Fortunately, Little Lemon was very obedient. There was a large balcony in their dormitory. It wandered around on the balcony every day, eating duck food, drinking water, additionally some fruits, vegetables and shrimp skins; waiting for the awkward molting period to pass.

Li Cheng didn’t wake up Little Lemon, but he woke up his roommate. 

The midterm exam would be held next month. In order to prepare for the exam and cram to get a good score, several of his roommates decided not to go home for the weekend and stayed in the dormitory. At such times, Li Cheng was grateful that he was a talented sports student and didn’t have to fight for his grades.


The little fatty who was sleeping opposite him turned over on the bed in a daze, with a deep sleepiness in his voice: “Li Cheng…Why did you get up so early again?”

Li Cheng whispered back to him: “You forgot, I’m going to the junior high school for a physical health class.”

“Oh, yes…” muttered. When he spoke, his eyelids were still glued together, as if he could sleep again at any time, “You usually arrive late for serious classes, but are so active in this class…”


Li Cheng touched his nose but didn’t answer. He got dressed, picked up his school bag, and prepared to go out.

His school bag was used as a decoration all year round. It was empty with only a textbook for the physical health class and two pens, not even a pencil case.

The school bag hung on his shoulders deflated and swayed lightly. He paused when he was going out and looked at Xiao Pang’s desk.

“Xiao Pang, hey, Xiao Pang?” Li Cheng stepped back, putting his hands on Xiao Pang’s bedside railing. “I’ll take a few bags of snacks from your table and return them to you tomorrow, okay?” 

Xiao Pang was so nicknamed because he couldn’t stop his mouth. Each time there was a night of self-study, he would go to the cafeteria to pack supper. That weekend he stayed in the dormitory to review and cram, and the table was full of snacks.

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Xiao Pang usually protected food fiercely. Li Cheng talked to him while he was asleep. Xiao Pang grunted but it was not certain that he had heard Li Cheng.

Li Cheng thought he had heard it.

Li Cheng pulled open the school bag, swung his arms, and unceremoniously swept half of the snacks on the table. 

Xiao Pang had bought small, delicate packets of snacks; the kind which could be held two in a hand. Pickled peppers, clear solidified jelly, appetizing spicy dried fish, mini sausages; in addition to the dried meat, crispy seaweed, spicy dried tofu and sweet plums…All snacks were especially suitable for hiding in the sleeves and secretly eating during class.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cr Ol Jtfcu qea atf rcjmxr lcab tlr yjmxqjmx, tf atbeuta: Vlcmf ubbv raevfca Wljb Tltfcu tjv cfnfg fnfc qijsfv bglujwl Xbwbxe, tf wera tjnf cfnfg fjafc rcjmxr lc mijrr!

Rb, abvjs tf wera wjxf Tltfcu tjnf j cbnfi fzqfglfcmf. Lf tjv ab mbwwla j mglwf, ygfjx atf ijk ys agslcu ab qliofg rcjmxr ecvfg atf afjmtfg’r fsfr!

Thinking of this, Li Cheng, who did not have the habit of snacking at all, collected snacks faster. 

Li Cheng walked into the classroom at a brisk pace. Just like the previous day, Xiao Yiheng’s chair was placed next to his desk, and the female beta teacher was standing on the podium in the middle. Other than that… Wei Huohuo unexpectedly had a flushed face and was standing on the podium!


Li Cheng: ?

He saw Wei Huohuo holding a piece of paper packed with words in both hands. He looked as if he wanted to plunge his head into the paper, and kept reading the contents of the paper. 

“……《Inspection》.” Wei Huohuo was extremely ashamed, the blush extending till his neck, “Yesterday, I shouldn’t have played Gomoku in class…”

When he heard about Gomoku in class, Li Cheng didn’t feel guilty at all. He didn’t have the consciousness of ‘the fox grieves for the rabbit‘ or the awareness of ‘killing the chicken to warn the monkey.’ In this world, there was no second person with a higher assurance than him.

On the contrary, Xiao Yiheng’s eyebrows jumped and he glanced at Li Cheng without a trace.

Wei Huohuo read the self-reflection essay in his hand, stumbling under the attention of the classmates, his voice almost choked in his throat. 

Before stepping down, he cast his sad eyes on Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng. He swore that he would dig out big news from these two people. If there was no news, he would make up the news. He would never let the grievances of today be in vain!

—Many years later, whenever editor-in-chief Wei, the head of the No. 1 gossip magazine in the entertainment industry gave an interview, and was asked about the reason he went on this paparazzi road of no return, he would always grit his teeth and fall into madness.

After Wei Huohuo finished reading the self-reflection essay, the female teacher nodded in satisfaction and walked back to the center of the podium again.

She looked down at the little immature faces in the audience, and struck the blackboard hard with her pointer: “I have been a teacher for more than 20 years. I have seen all the things you secretly do in class! Playing games, reading novels, talking, and even secretly falling in love with someone!… You stand on the podium and take a look. I can see what you are doing down there.” 

Xiao Yiheng sat in the audience with a calm and serious expression. As a teaching assistant sent by grade three of senior high school, he was the most valued right hand of the teacher.

Unexpectedly, Li Cheng, who was sitting next to him, was restless. He actually committed an offence under the teacher’s eyes, poking his thigh with a hand, and pushing the textbook in front of him.

Xiao Yiheng opened the textbook and saw that there was a brand new checkerboard sandwiched between the textbook.

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

Xiao Yiheng closed the book and pushed it back.

Li Cheng pushed it, Xiao Yiheng pushed it back, Li Cheng pushed it again, Xiao Yiheng pushed it back…it repeated a few times. Li Cheng didn’t wait, thinking ‘Xiao Yiheng, what kind of a serious person are you pretending to be? Laozi condescends to play with you. Playing chess is to give you face. Yesterday, you and I played so happily. Today, you turn away your face and don’t recognize me, so you can continue to pretend to be a good student?’

When the formal lecture began, the female teacher continued the style of the previous day, pacing back and forth in the back rows of the classroom while teaching according to the book. Occasionally, she called on a few hapless children to read.

Li Cheng spread the textbook and leaned forward. With the cover of his body, he stealthily took out a lot of snacks from his school bag. Li Cheng’s original intention of bringing snacks was to share it with Xiao Yiheng, but now…heh, dad will eat it himself. Xiao zei, don’t even touch the plum candy! 

Xiao Yiheng saw that he hid the small snacks one by one in his sleeves like a hamster storing food for the winter. Then, he tore a bag every minute and stuffed it into his mouth, immersing himself in munching.

While he ate, he deliberately expressed his thoughts. First he said, “This jelly is so refreshing and elastic ah”, and then, “This spicy fish is so hot ah.” He really couldn’t stop his mouth even when he was eating.


Xiao Yiheng was really surprised by his behavior. Although sometimes, the students in the rocket class had no time to eat breakfast because they were in a hurry to go to school, they also ate in the morning during self-study. But most of them ate bread and sausages that were tasteless but convenient to fill their stomachs. No one was like Li Cheng, who was eating purely to fulfill his gluttony. Before unpacking, he deliberately shook the packets in front of his eyes.

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Xiao Yiheng frowned: “It’s not a problem to play chess, but eating in class is too disrespectful to the teacher.” 

Li Cheng spoke forcefully and with justice: “I didn’t eat melon seeds in class, it is already the greatest respect for her!”

This stinky little brother really had a bellyful of stubborn temper.

Li Cheng not only ate the snacks by himself, but also grandly grabbed a handful and threw it to the little omega sitting at the table behind him.

The little omega with a neatly combed ponytail looked like a frightened little rabbit, with her eyes slightly widened, looking at the snacks that fell on her table from the sky. 

Li Cheng winked at her and whispered, “Take it. Thank you for the fairy wand you lent me last time…cough, no, that pen.”

The little omega didn’t dare to take it, and nervously peeked with her eyes at Xiao Yiheng who was sitting next to Li Cheng.

Li Cheng said in a nonchalant tone: “Just eat it. Don’t worry about him. If he dares to deduct your points, Li-ge will be responsible for getting them back.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

He was about to remind Li Cheng not to lead the child astray in the first year of junior high school. He didn’t think the little girl would quickly grab the handful of snacks in her hand, and then pass most of the snacks to her classmate at the table behind her while passing the eraser. Immediately afterwards, that classmate used the opportunity of handing over a correction marker, and gave some snacks in the back row.

In this way, a handful of snacks quickly spread through the class. Xiao Yiheng watched the spicy dried tofu and pork pass between the students. Almost in the blink of an eye, the classmates in the first column of the classroom got a share.

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

He blinked at a very slow speed. The top student from childhood to adulthood really didn’t understand how they managed to pass the snacks in front of the teacher and then secretly eat them. 

He has been a good student for more than ten years. Their class was always in a state of tension. Not to mention playing in class, there were very few people who talked even after class. Playing Gomoku and sneaking food in the classroom were things that had never happened in his well-behaved life.

It was Li Cheng who showed him another kind of campus life.

Soon, Li Cheng opened another packet of spicy dried fish. After the tin foil package was torn, the strong scent of the seasoning mixed with the smell of dried fish floated out of the package. Li Cheng was forced to inhale the cold air due to the spiciness, but he was reluctant to let go.

He was like a greedy little wild cat. He first gently held the tail of the fish with his teeth, and then hooked the tip of his tongue, and the dried fish was swallowed deftly into his mouth. The boy’s lips were already swollen red, and there was a circle of light red marks around them. 

Xiao Yiheng was entranced as he watched him eat on the sly and spoke as if demons and gods at work: “Li Cheng, do you have any more? Give me one.”

Li Cheng raised his eyebrows: “Yo, want to get along with me?”


Xiao Yiheng didn’t speak. He just stared at the looming tip of his tongue when he spoke. The tip of his tongue was also a little swollen, no longer the usual pale pink. His words were a little vague.

Li Cheng didn’t notice Xiao Yiheng’s sight. He opened his schoolbag and asked, “What do you want to eat?” 

Xiao Yiheng said, “Just this one in your hand.”

“But I only brought a bag of dried fish…Tsk.” Li Cheng squeezed the only half a bag of snacks in his hand, somewhat unwilling, but still  said, “Forget about it, you take it ok?”

Xiao Yiheng paused for three seconds: “You mean, let me eat this bag in your hand?”

The packet was just between Li Cheng’s lips and teeth. But now, Li Cheng didn’t care if Xiao Yiheng continued to taste it. 

“Why, dislike my saliva?” Li Cheng snorted, “Do you want to eat it? Otherwise, I will eat it myself.”

With that, he was about to withdraw his hand. How could Xiao Yiheng miss the opportunity to share a bag of snacks with him? He hurriedly stretched out his hand and held it.

The fingertips of the two people touched each other, and they overlapped on a bag of dried fish.

At the same time, the beta teacher’s voice rang from the back row of the classroom– 

—“Assistant Xiao, what are you doing?”

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