This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 52: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch52 - Private Tutoring After Class.avi

After Li Cheng borrowed Xiao Yiheng’s major assignment, he felt like he had turned on the plug-in, and walked a lot lighter. He had a perfect plan. As soon as he got back to the dormitory, he would work hard and finish his homework and then… However, he forgot that the essence of human beings is a pigeon.

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On Monday, Li Cheng ate chicken all day and didn’t write anything.

On Tuesday, Li Cheng and the younger brothers went over the wall to fight and he didn’t write anything.

On Wednesday, Li Cheng was too tired from training and didn’t write anything. 

On Thursday, Li Cheng ate too much and didn’t write anything.


On Friday, Li Cheng…

Damn it, it was Friday, and Li Cheng couldn’t help writing!!!!!

The assignment had to be handed in on Saturday, but the 1200-word essay had only the title so far. Li Cheng looked at the empty assignment paper, and couldn’t remember how he wasted the past few days.


At the eleventh hour, Li Cheng quickly glanced over Xiao Yiheng’s lengthy essay and read it twice from beginning to end. He selected a few passages, rephrased some parts and barely managed to write a few hundred words–at this time, there were twelve more hours before the end of Friday.

Uh, since there were still twelve hours, he could take a break and play a few games to relax, right?

So Li Cheng took it easy again. The difference was that before he loafed on the job very leisurely, but now he was very nervous to slack.

You see, he was shaking his legs anxiously while playing games. Wasn’t this enough to show that he attached great importance to the unfinished homework? 

In this way, he spread out on the desk and only completed one-third of the homework, secretly playing mobile games under the desk. One moment he lowered his head, another moment raised his head again–Eh Eh Eh Eh?? What was going on, why was school already over? Where did the last few hours go??

The instant the school bell rang, the surrounding students got up and packed their school bags. Regarding students in a boarding school, the school bell every Friday was definitely the most beautiful music in the world. Only Li Cheng sat blankly on his seat and cried pigeon tears facing the unfinished homework in front of him.

“Li-ge, if you really can’t hold back, then there is only one way.” Huang Yelun, this terrible advisor, came once again to offer a suggestion, “Why don’t you just find a gunman? After the gunman finishes writing, just copy it yourself to make sure there are no mistakes.”

“But who do I find as a gunman?” 

Huang Yelun winked at him: “Who else? find my sister-in-law… Well, I mean, Xiao Yiheng. He is the first in the grade, won’t writing this kind of essay be effortless for him?”

“Impossible.” Li Cheng curled his lips. “He is the TA for this course. Am I crazy enough to let the TA be a gunman for me?”

Huang Yelun thought his Li-ge and sister-in-law were role-playing. It was pretty good. He had seen a lot of porn with teacher-student roleplay. Was it one where the door closed, the lights went out and then ‘Private tutoring after class.avi’ played?

Huang Yelun reminded him vaguely: “You don’t need to find him as a gunman. Didn’t you say he is the assistant teacher and you are the temporary monitor? Isn’t it a matter of course for the assistant teacher to help the monitor? Li-ge, when the time comes, just say a few soft words. Will Xiao Yiheng be willing to let you fail the course?” 

“…Why do I think your words sound weird?”

But Li Cheng had to admit that Huang Yelun’s proposal had truly convinced his heart.


The female beta teacher of “National Health Education Class” was too strict. If Li Cheng couldn’t finish the homework, she would definitely not let him go. If he couldn’t finish his homework, he couldn’t pass the exam, he couldn’t get his diploma, he couldn’t go to the university in advance to study the preparatory course…

Li Cheng trembled all over, immediately picked up the phone and tapped on Xiao Yiheng’s contact information. 

Small Round Orange: Xiao Yiheng, are you there?

Small Round Orange: Don’t leave after school!!

Pursue Unremittingly: …

Pursue Unremittingly: Why? Li-ge wants to ask me to fight in the alley? 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Small Round Orange: [Embarrassed]

Vwjii Ebecv Ygjcuf: Rb olutalcu. P tjnf j rfglber wjaafg ab vlrmerr klat sbe.

Uegref Fcgfwlaalcuis: Mlgra afii wf ktja’r atf wjaafg. P klii pevuf ktfatfg la lr rfglber bg cba.

Vwjii Ebecv Ygjcuf: … 

Vwjii Ebecv Ygjcuf: P mjc’a olclrt ws jrrlucwfca. Jjc sbe tfiq wf?

Uegref Fcgfwlaalcuis: Tbe jgf meaalcu la mibrf. Lbk wjcs kbgvr vb sbe ralii cffv ab kglaf?

Small Round Orange: Uh, it’s still a thousand short.

Xiao Yiheng did not reply for a long time. 

Li Cheng also felt quite ashamed. A 1200-word essay was due to be handed in the next day, but he only wrote two hundred words. Now he still wanted to find Xiao Yiheng as a gunman. If it was someone else, they might have committed suicide in shame.

But who was Li-ge? On such critical issues, he was still quite “flexible.”

Thinking of this, Li Cheng pressed the voice record button, cleared his throat, then using the most pretentious voice in his entire life said: “Teacher Xiao, I want an appointment for after-school tutoring with you tonight. Can I?”

His hand relaxed, the voice message was sent with a “swish”. 

Li Cheng got goosebumps all over, he himself was embarrassed to listen again. He threw the phone on the table like a hot potato trying to cover-up.

A minute later, the phone dinged with a crisp sound.


Li Cheng stretched out his arm, carefully flipped over the phone, and squinted one eye to look at the screen…

Pursue Unremittingly: Come to the art classroom right away. 

Pursue Unremittingly: I am waiting for you.

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In the empty teaching building, only Li Cheng’s footsteps echoed in the corridor.

He stopped in front of the art classroom, his hand was about to knock several times, but he inexplicably retracted it. 

The assignment papers in his hand were almost torn by him. He stared at the title on the paper, wishing that the words on it were his forte, so that he could write a whole page of the assignment by himself.

Li Cheng raised his hand in the air for the fourth time. This time, his hand paused in front of the door for several seconds. The moment he finally made up his mind to knock on the door, the door of the art classroom suddenly opened.

Li Cheng’s hand was still raised in the air stupidly, staring blankly at Xiao Yiheng who appeared behind the door.

The strong smell of paint rushed over his face. Xiao Yiheng was wearing an apron. The apron looked dirty with a lot of paint rubbed on it. Even his fingertips were stained with some color. 

Slovenly and sloppy.

Li Cheng blinked at a very slow speed. Today he “unlocked” a Xiao Yiheng he had never seen before.

“So you really know how to paint?” Li Cheng blurted out, and soon realized that this sentence was pure nonsense.

If Xiao Yiheng could not paint, Teacher Qiu Xian would not treat him differently, and would not specially leave him the key to the art classroom. 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t answer this obvious question. He left the door open and signaled Li Cheng to enter the room.

Li Cheng closed the door lightly. The art classroom was the same as when he came last time. A dozen easels were stacked in the corner, and some easels were filled with completed paintings. Even Li Cheng, a layman, could tell at a glance that those paintings had a strong personal style, and they were all made by the same person.

“Xiao Yiheng, aren’t these all paintings done by you?” Li Cheng exclaimed.

“Yeah.” Xiao Yiheng didn’t explain much. He threw the paintbrush into the brush pot, took off his apron, and moved the half-done painting to the corner of the wall. When doing these things, his movements were neither hurried nor slow, with an indescribable elegance. 

Li Cheng asked: “You come here to paint for a while after school every day?”

“If there is no accident, I will paint.”



Xiao Yiheng put down his rolled up sleeves and glanced at him faintly: “Just like you are an accident.” 

Li Cheng thought he was more than an accident, he was obviously an accident x2.

“Do you only paint landscapes?” Li Cheng looked at them one by one. There were five or six paintings in the classroom. There were empty and quiet campuses, busy streets, pastoral paths and romantic castles. “Why don’t you paint people?”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t answer this question.

However, Li Cheng didn’t need to hear his answer either. His attention had already shifted to the next topic: “Why have I never heard that you can paint before? Based on our principal’s pompous style, you–the persona of a study god and a talented artist, are enough for him to brag for several years.” 

“He doesn’t know.” Xiao Yiheng’s answer was beyond his expectation, “The fact that I can paint is a secret. Very few people know it. You are the third one.”

“The third one?” Li Cheng suddenly became unhappy when he heard it. Xiao Yiheng was the first alpha to know about the secret of his glands. How come when it was Xiao Yiheng’s secret, Li Cheng became the third person to know?

Li Cheng’s face was ferocious like a tiger, and swollen like a puffer fish: “Who are the first two?”

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “It’s Teacher Qiu and her lover.” 

“…oh.” The little puffer fish touched his nose and let out his breath silently. “That’s right, that’s right.”

Teacher Qiu was Xiao Yiheng’s mentor, and Xu Jun was Teacher Qiu’s lover. Excluding them, was Li Cheng the first person to know Xiao Yiheng’s secret?

After realizing that they had exchanged a precious secret, the omega boy was in a good mood. If he was really a kitten, he would have erected his tail into an antenna at this time and began to swing proudly from side to side.

“Come on, there is no time to chat,” Xiao Yiheng looked at his watch and urged him, “There is not much time left and you still have a full thousand words to complete. What were you doing this week?” 

The assignment was mentioned and Li Cheng suddenly lost his energy. He slowly pulled out a chair and sat down, spread the assignment paper on the table, staring at the title sadly.

Xiao Yiheng wanted to know what he was up to this week? There was too much to tell. He was busy saving Azeroth, he had to learn how to parachute by plane, he also had to guard the team’s Crystal… He just didn’t have time to study.

Xiao Yiheng also pulled a chair and sat next to him. He pulled the crumpled paper from under his hand, frowning as he recognized Li Cheng’s bold cursive handwriting.

The 1:1 after-school tutoring was finally about to officially begin. 


“lyin—-notch—” Li Cheng gave a long sigh and threw himself on the table, “Laozi is really exhausted!”


The assignment under his slumped body was densely-packed with letters, a total of 1201 words–the extra word was considered as giving face to the examiner.

God knows what kind of inhuman insult(?) and torment(?) he had suffered in the few hours after school. Xiao Yiheng was totally a trembling S. A trembling S with a poisonous and mean mouth, criticising Li Cheng’s essay for nothing. 

From the conception to the theme, he completely overthrew and completely rebuilt and even ridiculed him saying: “You can’t even copy my homework.”

But it had to be said, the first rank was worthy of the first rank. With Xiao Yiheng, the gunman (cough cough) helping to draw the outline, Li Cheng’s writing had never been so easy. He absolutely resembled a printing machine with no emotions. He held the pen and wrote without stopping.

The whole article was neatly structured and rigorous in wording. If Li Cheng could have such a powerful plug-in during the exam, he would not be the last one in the language exam.

Teacher Xiao’s after-school tutoring was really effective. Li Cheng lay on the table, turning his head to look at the alpha boy next to him. 

“Hey, Xiao Yiheng,” Li Cheng asked, “Are you hungry?”

“Not hungry,” Xiao Yiheng said coldly, “I’ve been full of anger for a long time.”

Li Cheng put his head on his arm, using a squeamish tone to persuade him: “But I’m hungry.”

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“…” Xiao Yiheng looked away, turned back after a while, and asked in a helpless tone, “What do you want to eat? At this hour, the school cafeteria should have been closed.” 

Li Orange grinned as he took out the phone and pushed it in front of Xiao Yiheng: “Actually, I called Xiao Hu before the start of the tuition, and I asked him to send a fried chicken family bucket over. He should be at the school gate right now.”

Their school campus was huge and he was a delicate and weak omega (Hu-ge: ?), he didn’t want to go to the school gate to get the takeaway, so he naturally wanted the strong alpha to go get it.

What could the alpha say? The alpha could only stand up, put on his jacket, and prepare to go out to get takeout.

“Wait a minute!” Li Cheng sat up and stopped Xiao Yiheng. 

Xiao Yiheng looked back at him: “What’s the matter?”

Li Cheng supported his chin with one hand, shaking his toes: “Remember to bring your wallet, the fried chicken money has not been given to Xiao Hu yet.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

Ancestor, he was really a small ancestor. 

Xiao Yiheng could only come back to get his wallet. Li Cheng, the little ancestor, took up the personal time of the teaching assistant to request one-on-one tutoring. After the tutoring, he refused to even pay for the fried chicken. There was really no spoiled student in the world who was more cunning than him.

Was Xiao Yiheng the kind of person who swallowed his anger?


Naturally not.

Before he walked out of the art classroom, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Li Cheng. 

“I’m going to pick up the takeaway. You can take a break here. You can see all the paintings in the art classroom, but,” Xiao Yiheng drew a circle in the classroom with his fingers, and finally pointed to a painting in the corner covered with felt cloth. “—that painting, do not touch.”

Li Cheng was startled, and followed Xiao Yiheng’s fingers to look at the inconspicuous easel lying in the corner. The easel looked no different from the surrounding easels, except that it was covered with a layer of cloth. Li Cheng had seen it several times before, and hadn’t cared about it.

However, Xiao Yiheng deliberately “reminded” Li Cheng not to look at it before he left–this precisely tickled Li Cheng’s curiosity, making him scratch his head and want to know what was hidden under the covering.

Li Cheng complained: “Xiao Yiheng, you are too cunning! Are you deliberately tempting me to let me uncover the layer of cloth?” 

“You can try,” Xiao Yiheng left a meaningful smile, “If you are disobedient, just remember–bad students will be punished by the teacher.”

Then, he closed the door coolly and left.

The door closed with a “click”, and Li Cheng jumped up from the seat and rushed to the felt cloth in an instant.

He was a person who was contrary from head to toe and his curiosity was strong enough to kill eighty cats. 

He stretched out his hand to remove the felt cloth, but when he thought of the “punishment” Xiao Yiheng mentioned, he hesitated again.

What kind of painting was hidden under the felt cloth?

Ch52 - Private Tutoring After Class.avi

After Li Cheng borrowed Xiao Yiheng’s major assignment, he felt like he had turned on the plug-in, and walked a lot lighter. He had a perfect plan. As soon as he got back to the dormitory, he would work hard and finish his homework and then… However, he forgot that the essence of human beings is a pigeon.

On Monday, Li Cheng ate chicken all day and didn’t write anything.

On Tuesday, Li Cheng and the younger brothers went over the wall to fight and he didn’t write anything.

On Wednesday, Li Cheng was too tired from training and didn’t write anything. 

On Thursday, Li Cheng ate too much and didn’t write anything.


On Friday, Li Cheng…

Damn it, it was Friday, and Li Cheng couldn’t help writing!!!!!

The assignment had to be handed in on Saturday, but the 1200-word essay had only the title so far. Li Cheng looked at the empty assignment paper, and couldn’t remember how he wasted the past few days.


At the eleventh hour, Li Cheng quickly glanced over Xiao Yiheng’s lengthy essay and read it twice from beginning to end. He selected a few passages, rephrased some parts and barely managed to write a few hundred words–at this time, there were twelve more hours before the end of Friday.

Uh, since there were still twelve hours, he could take a break and play a few games to relax, right?

So Li Cheng took it easy again. The difference was that before he loafed on the job very leisurely, but now he was very nervous to slack.

You see, he was shaking his legs anxiously while playing games. Wasn’t this enough to show that he attached great importance to the unfinished homework? 

In this way, he spread out on the desk and only completed one-third of the homework, secretly playing mobile games under the desk. One moment he lowered his head, another moment raised his head again–Eh Eh Eh Eh?? What was going on, why was school already over? Where did the last few hours go??

The instant the school bell rang, the surrounding students got up and packed their school bags. Regarding students in a boarding school, the school bell every Friday was definitely the most beautiful music in the world. Only Li Cheng sat blankly on his seat and cried pigeon tears facing the unfinished homework in front of him.

“Li-ge, if you really can’t hold back, then there is only one way.” Huang Yelun, this terrible advisor, came once again to offer a suggestion, “Why don’t you just find a gunman? After the gunman finishes writing, just copy it yourself to make sure there are no mistakes.”

“But who do I find as a gunman?” 

Huang Yelun winked at him: “Who else? find my sister-in-law… Well, I mean, Xiao Yiheng. He is the first in the grade, won’t writing this kind of essay be effortless for him?”

“Impossible.” Li Cheng curled his lips. “He is the TA for this course. Am I crazy enough to let the TA be a gunman for me?”

Huang Yelun thought his Li-ge and sister-in-law were role-playing. It was pretty good. He had seen a lot of porn with teacher-student roleplay. Was it one where the door closed, the lights went out and then ‘Private tutoring after class.avi’ played?

Huang Yelun reminded him vaguely: “You don’t need to find him as a gunman. Didn’t you say he is the assistant teacher and you are the temporary monitor? Isn’t it a matter of course for the assistant teacher to help the monitor? Li-ge, when the time comes, just say a few soft words. Will Xiao Yiheng be willing to let you fail the course?” 

“…Why do I think your words sound weird?”

But Li Cheng had to admit that Huang Yelun’s proposal had truly convinced his heart.

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The female beta teacher of “National Health Education Class” was too strict. If Li Cheng couldn’t finish the homework, she would definitely not let him go. If he couldn’t finish his homework, he couldn’t pass the exam, he couldn’t get his diploma, he couldn’t go to the university in advance to study the preparatory course…

Li Cheng trembled all over, immediately picked up the phone and tapped on Xiao Yiheng’s contact information. 

Small Round Orange: Xiao Yiheng, are you there?

Small Round Orange: Don’t leave after school!!

Pursue Unremittingly: …

Pursue Unremittingly: Why? Li-ge wants to ask me to fight in the alley? 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Small Round Orange: [Embarrassed]

Vwjii Ebecv Ygjcuf: Rb olutalcu. P tjnf j rfglber wjaafg ab vlrmerr klat sbe.

Uegref Fcgfwlaalcuis: Mlgra afii wf ktja’r atf wjaafg. P klii pevuf ktfatfg la lr rfglber bg cba.

Vwjii Ebecv Ygjcuf: … 

Vwjii Ebecv Ygjcuf: P mjc’a olclrt ws jrrlucwfca. Jjc sbe tfiq wf?

Uegref Fcgfwlaalcuis: Tbe jgf meaalcu la mibrf. Lbk wjcs kbgvr vb sbe ralii cffv ab kglaf?

Small Round Orange: Uh, it’s still a thousand short.

Xiao Yiheng did not reply for a long time. 

Li Cheng also felt quite ashamed. A 1200-word essay was due to be handed in the next day, but he only wrote two hundred words. Now he still wanted to find Xiao Yiheng as a gunman. If it was someone else, they might have committed suicide in shame.

But who was Li-ge? On such critical issues, he was still quite “flexible.”

Thinking of this, Li Cheng pressed the voice record button, cleared his throat, then using the most pretentious voice in his entire life said: “Teacher Xiao, I want an appointment for after-school tutoring with you tonight. Can I?”

His hand relaxed, the voice message was sent with a “swish”. 

Li Cheng got goosebumps all over, he himself was embarrassed to listen again. He threw the phone on the table like a hot potato trying to cover-up.

A minute later, the phone dinged with a crisp sound.


Li Cheng stretched out his arm, carefully flipped over the phone, and squinted one eye to look at the screen…

Pursue Unremittingly: Come to the art classroom right away. 

Pursue Unremittingly: I am waiting for you.

In the empty teaching building, only Li Cheng’s footsteps echoed in the corridor.

He stopped in front of the art classroom, his hand was about to knock several times, but he inexplicably retracted it. 

The assignment papers in his hand were almost torn by him. He stared at the title on the paper, wishing that the words on it were his forte, so that he could write a whole page of the assignment by himself.

Li Cheng raised his hand in the air for the fourth time. This time, his hand paused in front of the door for several seconds. The moment he finally made up his mind to knock on the door, the door of the art classroom suddenly opened.

Li Cheng’s hand was still raised in the air stupidly, staring blankly at Xiao Yiheng who appeared behind the door.

The strong smell of paint rushed over his face. Xiao Yiheng was wearing an apron. The apron looked dirty with a lot of paint rubbed on it. Even his fingertips were stained with some color. 

Slovenly and sloppy.

Li Cheng blinked at a very slow speed. Today he “unlocked” a Xiao Yiheng he had never seen before.

“So you really know how to paint?” Li Cheng blurted out, and soon realized that this sentence was pure nonsense.

If Xiao Yiheng could not paint, Teacher Qiu Xian would not treat him differently, and would not specially leave him the key to the art classroom. 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t answer this obvious question. He left the door open and signaled Li Cheng to enter the room.

Li Cheng closed the door lightly. The art classroom was the same as when he came last time. A dozen easels were stacked in the corner, and some easels were filled with completed paintings. Even Li Cheng, a layman, could tell at a glance that those paintings had a strong personal style, and they were all made by the same person.

“Xiao Yiheng, aren’t these all paintings done by you?” Li Cheng exclaimed.

“Yeah.” Xiao Yiheng didn’t explain much. He threw the paintbrush into the brush pot, took off his apron, and moved the half-done painting to the corner of the wall. When doing these things, his movements were neither hurried nor slow, with an indescribable elegance. 

Li Cheng asked: “You come here to paint for a while after school every day?”

“If there is no accident, I will paint.”



Xiao Yiheng put down his rolled up sleeves and glanced at him faintly: “Just like you are an accident.” 

Li Cheng thought he was more than an accident, he was obviously an accident x2.

“Do you only paint landscapes?” Li Cheng looked at them one by one. There were five or six paintings in the classroom. There were empty and quiet campuses, busy streets, pastoral paths and romantic castles. “Why don’t you paint people?”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t answer this question.

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However, Li Cheng didn’t need to hear his answer either. His attention had already shifted to the next topic: “Why have I never heard that you can paint before? Based on our principal’s pompous style, you–the persona of a study god and a talented artist, are enough for him to brag for several years.” 

“He doesn’t know.” Xiao Yiheng’s answer was beyond his expectation, “The fact that I can paint is a secret. Very few people know it. You are the third one.”

“The third one?” Li Cheng suddenly became unhappy when he heard it. Xiao Yiheng was the first alpha to know about the secret of his glands. How come when it was Xiao Yiheng’s secret, Li Cheng became the third person to know?

Li Cheng’s face was ferocious like a tiger, and swollen like a puffer fish: “Who are the first two?”

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “It’s Teacher Qiu and her lover.” 

“…oh.” The little puffer fish touched his nose and let out his breath silently. “That’s right, that’s right.”

Teacher Qiu was Xiao Yiheng’s mentor, and Xu Jun was Teacher Qiu’s lover. Excluding them, was Li Cheng the first person to know Xiao Yiheng’s secret?

After realizing that they had exchanged a precious secret, the omega boy was in a good mood. If he was really a kitten, he would have erected his tail into an antenna at this time and began to swing proudly from side to side.

“Come on, there is no time to chat,” Xiao Yiheng looked at his watch and urged him, “There is not much time left and you still have a full thousand words to complete. What were you doing this week?” 

The assignment was mentioned and Li Cheng suddenly lost his energy. He slowly pulled out a chair and sat down, spread the assignment paper on the table, staring at the title sadly.

Xiao Yiheng wanted to know what he was up to this week? There was too much to tell. He was busy saving Azeroth, he had to learn how to parachute by plane, he also had to guard the team’s Crystal… He just didn’t have time to study.

Xiao Yiheng also pulled a chair and sat next to him. He pulled the crumpled paper from under his hand, frowning as he recognized Li Cheng’s bold cursive handwriting.

The 1:1 after-school tutoring was finally about to officially begin. 


“lyin—-notch—” Li Cheng gave a long sigh and threw himself on the table, “Laozi is really exhausted!”


The assignment under his slumped body was densely-packed with letters, a total of 1201 words–the extra word was considered as giving face to the examiner.

God knows what kind of inhuman insult(?) and torment(?) he had suffered in the few hours after school. Xiao Yiheng was totally a trembling S. A trembling S with a poisonous and mean mouth, criticising Li Cheng’s essay for nothing. 

From the conception to the theme, he completely overthrew and completely rebuilt and even ridiculed him saying: “You can’t even copy my homework.”

But it had to be said, the first rank was worthy of the first rank. With Xiao Yiheng, the gunman (cough cough) helping to draw the outline, Li Cheng’s writing had never been so easy. He absolutely resembled a printing machine with no emotions. He held the pen and wrote without stopping.

The whole article was neatly structured and rigorous in wording. If Li Cheng could have such a powerful plug-in during the exam, he would not be the last one in the language exam.

Teacher Xiao’s after-school tutoring was really effective. Li Cheng lay on the table, turning his head to look at the alpha boy next to him. 

“Hey, Xiao Yiheng,” Li Cheng asked, “Are you hungry?”

“Not hungry,” Xiao Yiheng said coldly, “I’ve been full of anger for a long time.”

Li Cheng put his head on his arm, using a squeamish tone to persuade him: “But I’m hungry.”

“…” Xiao Yiheng looked away, turned back after a while, and asked in a helpless tone, “What do you want to eat? At this hour, the school cafeteria should have been closed.” 

Li Orange grinned as he took out the phone and pushed it in front of Xiao Yiheng: “Actually, I called Xiao Hu before the start of the tuition, and I asked him to send a fried chicken family bucket over. He should be at the school gate right now.”

Their school campus was huge and he was a delicate and weak omega (Hu-ge: ?), he didn’t want to go to the school gate to get the takeaway, so he naturally wanted the strong alpha to go get it.

What could the alpha say? The alpha could only stand up, put on his jacket, and prepare to go out to get takeout.

“Wait a minute!” Li Cheng sat up and stopped Xiao Yiheng. 

Xiao Yiheng looked back at him: “What’s the matter?”

Li Cheng supported his chin with one hand, shaking his toes: “Remember to bring your wallet, the fried chicken money has not been given to Xiao Hu yet.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

Ancestor, he was really a small ancestor. 

Xiao Yiheng could only come back to get his wallet. Li Cheng, the little ancestor, took up the personal time of the teaching assistant to request one-on-one tutoring. After the tutoring, he refused to even pay for the fried chicken. There was really no spoiled student in the world who was more cunning than him.

Was Xiao Yiheng the kind of person who swallowed his anger?


Naturally not.

Before he walked out of the art classroom, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Li Cheng. 

“I’m going to pick up the takeaway. You can take a break here. You can see all the paintings in the art classroom, but,” Xiao Yiheng drew a circle in the classroom with his fingers, and finally pointed to a painting in the corner covered with felt cloth. “—that painting, do not touch.”

Li Cheng was startled, and followed Xiao Yiheng’s fingers to look at the inconspicuous easel lying in the corner. The easel looked no different from the surrounding easels, except that it was covered with a layer of cloth. Li Cheng had seen it several times before, and hadn’t cared about it.

However, Xiao Yiheng deliberately “reminded” Li Cheng not to look at it before he left–this precisely tickled Li Cheng’s curiosity, making him scratch his head and want to know what was hidden under the covering.

Li Cheng complained: “Xiao Yiheng, you are too cunning! Are you deliberately tempting me to let me uncover the layer of cloth?” 

“You can try,” Xiao Yiheng left a meaningful smile, “If you are disobedient, just remember–bad students will be punished by the teacher.”

Then, he closed the door coolly and left.

The door closed with a “click”, and Li Cheng jumped up from the seat and rushed to the felt cloth in an instant.

He was a person who was contrary from head to toe and his curiosity was strong enough to kill eighty cats. 

He stretched out his hand to remove the felt cloth, but when he thought of the “punishment” Xiao Yiheng mentioned, he hesitated again.

What kind of painting was hidden under the felt cloth?

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