This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 53: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch53 - Xiao Yiheng bit the back of his neck and tasted the flavor of blood on the tip of his tongue

This was entrapment! This was obviously entrapment!

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Li Cheng irritatedly circled the art classroom, glancing at the mysterious painting easel uncontrollably.

The cunning hunter dug a trap and placed the most attractive bait. The curious little wild cat circled the trap, uncontrollably trying to stretch out its paws and taste the bait. 

Two voices buzzed in Li Cheng’s ears.


One was his rational angel, shaking his collar and roaring: “Li Cheng, see it clearly! This is obviously Xiao Yiheng’s trap. If you really uncover the painting, he will definitely mock you!”

The other was his demon partner, blowing wind past his ears: “Aiya, Li-ge, you are indeed a magnificent school tyrant. Xiao Yiheng won’t let you do it, so you just listen to him? Besides, he is not here now. You can just lift a corner to take a look, and then quickly put it back, he wouldn’t know~”

Two voices fought in his ears, and the final result was not unexpected—the little devil won an overwhelming victory.


Li Cheng pretended to clear his throat, put his hands behind his back, and walked around, pacing slowly to the painting like a leader inspecting work.

The gray felt cloth was softly draped on the easel, covering the entire painting. Li Cheng couldn’t guess what kind of scenery it was.

Maybe, there was nothing under the felt cloth, it was deliberately chanting the empty city strategy.

Li Cheng’s palm was slightly hot. He composed himself, finally stopped hesitating, and grabbed a corner of the felt cloth. 

Then lightly pulled—

—The soft fabric slipped from the easel, and Li Cheng lost himself inside a deep blue.

It was waves, clear water, and the sea surface made up of countless shades of blue.

The sea water divided the sunlight into countless bright color blocks, which gently enveloped a honey-colored figure. 

That figure belonged to a teenager.

He was swimming—no, it was more like he was dancing on the top of a wave.

He was naked, but his nakedness did not give the painting a sense of the lascivious. He did not need to wear a piece of cloth, because he was already wearing sunshine, water waves, and bubbles.

The youth’s shoulder blades were covered with uniform back muscles, the contours showcasing back dimples connected with the smooth and round buttocks. He stretched every inch of his muscles, his two long arms pushed aside the water, his feet made waves, a part of the golden hair slowly swayed in the sea. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although the painting did not depict the appearance of the teenager, Li Cheng knew clearly that he was the person in the painting the moment he saw this painting.

Xiao Yiheng painted him.


Dief kjafg, ubivfc tjlg, tbcfs rxlc, bgjcuf iluta.

Pc Wljb Tltfcu’r fsfr, Ol Jtfcu kjr mbwqbrfv bo atfrf mbibgr. 

Dea Ol Jtfcu kjr cba wfgfis atfrf mbibgr.

Ol Jtfcu rabbv lc ogbca bo atf qjlcalcu, jr lo tlr rbei tjv yffc “mjqaegfv” ys atlr qjlcalcu. Lf ibra jii tlr jylilas ab wbnf. Lf obguba tbk ab rqfjx jcv tbk ab mbcagbi tlr ybvs. Ycis tlr wlcv kjr ralii aegclcu, ktlmt wjvf tlw ecmbcagbiijyis ojcajrlhf jybea Wljb Tltfcu’r qjlcalcu bo atlr qlmaegf.

Did Xiao Yiheng come to the art classroom by himself every night and paint him quietly? When Xiao Yiheng was painting him, what was he thinking and what was the expression in his eyes? Did Xiao Yiheng wear a dirty apron just like today, even his fingertips dyed with paint?

Xiao Yiheng…Xiao Yiheng…Xiao Yiheng… 

Countless voices gathered together, and Li Cheng stared at the painting in a daze. A hot emotion burst into his heart, and raced along the pulse to his limbs.

Art would forever be the optimum bridge to convey emotions. The moment Li Cheng understood this painting, he also understood Xiao Yiheng.

Feelings more surging than the sea; gentler and softer than the painting brush was Xiao Yiheng’s gaze as he silently watched Li Cheng.

Li Cheng didn’t know how long he stood in front of the painting. The passage of time no longer made any sense to him. 


“ChengCheng,” Xiao Yiheng’s voice exploded in his ears. Li Cheng didn’t know when the alpha returned to the classroom, appeared behind him, stretched out his arms, wrapped his thin waist with one hand, and covered his eyes with the other, enveloping him in his arms, “You broke the rule.”

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Li Cheng’s whole body trembled. Before he could resist, his back had hit the alpha’s chest.

Deprived of sight, he plunged into darkness. It wasn’t until then that he realized that his eyes were extremely dry, and he didn’t know how long he had been staring at the painting, even forgetting to blink. 

Xiao Yiheng was five centimeters taller than him and could easily hold him in his arms.

The alpha lowered his head slightly, and whispered a sentence in the ear of the person in his arms: “A misbehaving child should be punished.”

Li Cheng felt himself shudder from the tip of the spine. He wanted to resist, but somehow lost the strength to resist.

Perhaps, from the moment he saw the painting, he could no longer refuse any request from Xiao Yiheng. 

Very soon, he knew what Xiao Yiheng meant as punishment–

The omega’s collar was pulled down, the alpha’s lips were scorching on the back of his neck as he gave a hot kiss, and his sharp teeth like those of a beast pierced him on the tender flesh at the back of the neck.


“—Hmm!” Li Cheng couldn’t help but let out a plaintive whine.

He was a special omega, and there were no traces of glands on the back of his neck. According to common sense, even if an alpha bit the back of his neck, he could only experience pain. However, in this pain, he felt another kind of pleasure. 

Blood rushed from the heart to the femoral artery, and the real glands deep at the root of the left thigh became hot instantly. The strong and fresh orange scent was like a fluffy bomb, exploding quickly in the air.

Li Cheng opened his eyes desperately, looking for a little light between the fingers that covered his sight.

Xiao Yiheng bit the back of his neck and at last sampled the flavor of blood on the tip of his tongue.

The pheromone with the smell of cedar was like a giant net. It tightly wrapped the two of them with the sweet orange scent mixed in it, extremely touching. 

Obviously Li Cheng had not yet entered estrus, but now his legs were soft and unable to stand, and he could only put all his weight on Xiao Yiheng.

The brief punishment soon ended. Xiao Yiheng loosened his teeth and instead licked the swollen wound on the back of his neck with the tip of his tongue, and at the same time dropped countless small kisses.

“Li Cheng… Li Cheng… ChengCheng…” He repeatedly called Li Cheng’s name, and every time he called, the emotion in his voice increased.

He lifted the hand covering Li Cheng’s eyes, and the omega who saw the light again blinked uncomfortably, and looked at the painting on the easel again. 

Li Cheng felt as if he was looking in a mirror. He saw himself swimming in the waves in the painting, and behind him, there was a hand holding a paintbrush to add waves around him.

“ChengCheng.” Xiao Yiheng called his name again, and turned him around to face himself.

Li Cheng’s face was surprisingly hot, his nape prickled, and his sweaty blonde hair stuck to his forehead. He was extremely flurried, like a leader of wild cats being forced into a dead end. He could not tell whether the human who reached out to him wanted to hurt him or give him a warm home. He dared not look into the alpha’s eyes, only dared to stare at the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth.

“…My glands are not in the back of the neck.” He clearly wanted to question the other, but blurted out such a sentence. 

Xiao Yiheng was stunned, and immediately laughed: “I know. We all know.”

He sat leaning on the easel with one hand around Li Cheng’s body, and one hand slowly stroking his bleeding nape.

“This time it’s just a little punishment, punishment for your disobedience,” The alpha’s voice seemed to have a small hook, “If I bite somewhere else, it’s not a punishment, but a reward.”

“Why are you so shameless? Li Cheng talked about him, “Obviously, it was you who entrapped me, deliberately tempting me to make a mistake! Moreover…don’t tell me you haven’t made a mistake?” 

“What wrong have I done?”

Li Cheng finally raised his eyes and met his gaze: “Why are you pretending to be stupid?” The omega reached out and pointed at the painting, his ears hot, “Who allowed you to paint me? The painting still has Laozi’s naked…naked…”


He was unable to speak the last word. He had never swam in the nude before. During training, he wore swimming trunks that reached the knees, but with Xiao Yiheng’s paintbrush, his body did not even have a piece of cloth.

“Is this a mistake?” Xiao Yiheng spoke gently and softly as if reciting a poem, “Li Cheng, I like you, so I fantasize about your naked body, is this a mistake?” 

“Wh—” Although Li Cheng had already guessed that Xiao Yiheng liked himself, he didn’t expect Xiao Yiheng to say it in this way.

“—I said, I like you.” Xiao Yiheng tightened both hands, and his true disposition hidden under indifference finally revealed the tip of the iceberg.

The alpha confined his beloved omega in his arms, pressed their foreheads together, the tip of their noses touching each other.

“I like you, so I will fantasize about your naked body,” Xiao Yiheng’s phoenix eyes were filled with the reflection of Li Cheng, “I will not only think during the day, but also at night—and I will paint these fantasies one by one. One day, I will fill an art museum with these countless fantasies which will be open only to you for the rest of my life.” 


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“You are my sole muse and my only audience.”


“I can say it as many times as you want.” Xiao Yiheng gently leaned over, just short of the point where he could kiss that pair of red lips, “I like you, Li Cheng, I like you.” 

However, in the moment the four lips were about to overlap, Xiao Yiheng stopped.

Because Li Cheng was trembling.

Previously this maverick had never been scared by anything and was the big brother on campus. Unexpectedly, he was trembling.

Li Cheng’s eyes were wide open. He was obviously looking at Xiao Yiheng, but the gaze was unfocused. 

He was frightened by the alpha.

A person who was good at swimming, was frightened by the turbulent undercurrent hidden under the calm lake.

Before he knew it, a thin layer of mist rose from the bottom of Li Cheng’s eyes, and he stared at Xiao Yiheng in front of him, refusing to admit that he was scared.

Xiao Yiheng’s heart softened and suddenly let go. 

Li Cheng broke free from his arms in an instant, and at the same time, the tears hanging on the boy’s eyelashes finally fell.

“You…” Li Cheng forgot all the swear words he had learned, and could only use the weakest language to complain, “…Xiao Yiheng, you are a big pervert!”


Then, he kicked over the nude swimming painting, and rushed out of the art classroom without looking back.

He didn’t even take away the finished homework. 

As the easel fell to the ground, Xiao Yiheng looked down at the painting that was ignored by the owner and sighed deeply.

“…It seems that the bullying was somewhat excessive ah.”

Ch53 - Xiao Yiheng bit the back of his neck and tasted the flavor of blood on the tip of his tongue

This was entrapment! This was obviously entrapment!



Li Cheng irritatedly circled the art classroom, glancing at the mysterious painting easel uncontrollably.

The cunning hunter dug a trap and placed the most attractive bait. The curious little wild cat circled the trap, uncontrollably trying to stretch out its paws and taste the bait. 

Two voices buzzed in Li Cheng’s ears.


One was his rational angel, shaking his collar and roaring: “Li Cheng, see it clearly! This is obviously Xiao Yiheng’s trap. If you really uncover the painting, he will definitely mock you!”

The other was his demon partner, blowing wind past his ears: “Aiya, Li-ge, you are indeed a magnificent school tyrant. Xiao Yiheng won’t let you do it, so you just listen to him? Besides, he is not here now. You can just lift a corner to take a look, and then quickly put it back, he wouldn’t know~”

Two voices fought in his ears, and the final result was not unexpected—the little devil won an overwhelming victory.


Li Cheng pretended to clear his throat, put his hands behind his back, and walked around, pacing slowly to the painting like a leader inspecting work.

The gray felt cloth was softly draped on the easel, covering the entire painting. Li Cheng couldn’t guess what kind of scenery it was.

Maybe, there was nothing under the felt cloth, it was deliberately chanting the empty city strategy.

Li Cheng’s palm was slightly hot. He composed himself, finally stopped hesitating, and grabbed a corner of the felt cloth. 

Then lightly pulled—

—The soft fabric slipped from the easel, and Li Cheng lost himself inside a deep blue.

It was waves, clear water, and the sea surface made up of countless shades of blue.

The sea water divided the sunlight into countless bright color blocks, which gently enveloped a honey-colored figure. 

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That figure belonged to a teenager.

He was swimming—no, it was more like he was dancing on the top of a wave.

He was naked, but his nakedness did not give the painting a sense of the lascivious. He did not need to wear a piece of cloth, because he was already wearing sunshine, water waves, and bubbles.

The youth’s shoulder blades were covered with uniform back muscles, the contours showcasing back dimples connected with the smooth and round buttocks. He stretched every inch of his muscles, his two long arms pushed aside the water, his feet made waves, a part of the golden hair slowly swayed in the sea. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although the painting did not depict the appearance of the teenager, Li Cheng knew clearly that he was the person in the painting the moment he saw this painting.

Xiao Yiheng painted him.


Dief kjafg, ubivfc tjlg, tbcfs rxlc, bgjcuf iluta.

Pc Wljb Tltfcu’r fsfr, Ol Jtfcu kjr mbwqbrfv bo atfrf mbibgr. 

Dea Ol Jtfcu kjr cba wfgfis atfrf mbibgr.

Ol Jtfcu rabbv lc ogbca bo atf qjlcalcu, jr lo tlr rbei tjv yffc “mjqaegfv” ys atlr qjlcalcu. Lf ibra jii tlr jylilas ab wbnf. Lf obguba tbk ab rqfjx jcv tbk ab mbcagbi tlr ybvs. Ycis tlr wlcv kjr ralii aegclcu, ktlmt wjvf tlw ecmbcagbiijyis ojcajrlhf jybea Wljb Tltfcu’r qjlcalcu bo atlr qlmaegf.

Did Xiao Yiheng come to the art classroom by himself every night and paint him quietly? When Xiao Yiheng was painting him, what was he thinking and what was the expression in his eyes? Did Xiao Yiheng wear a dirty apron just like today, even his fingertips dyed with paint?

Xiao Yiheng…Xiao Yiheng…Xiao Yiheng… 

Countless voices gathered together, and Li Cheng stared at the painting in a daze. A hot emotion burst into his heart, and raced along the pulse to his limbs.

Art would forever be the optimum bridge to convey emotions. The moment Li Cheng understood this painting, he also understood Xiao Yiheng.

Feelings more surging than the sea; gentler and softer than the painting brush was Xiao Yiheng’s gaze as he silently watched Li Cheng.

Li Cheng didn’t know how long he stood in front of the painting. The passage of time no longer made any sense to him. 


“ChengCheng,” Xiao Yiheng’s voice exploded in his ears. Li Cheng didn’t know when the alpha returned to the classroom, appeared behind him, stretched out his arms, wrapped his thin waist with one hand, and covered his eyes with the other, enveloping him in his arms, “You broke the rule.”

Li Cheng’s whole body trembled. Before he could resist, his back had hit the alpha’s chest.

Deprived of sight, he plunged into darkness. It wasn’t until then that he realized that his eyes were extremely dry, and he didn’t know how long he had been staring at the painting, even forgetting to blink. 

Xiao Yiheng was five centimeters taller than him and could easily hold him in his arms.

The alpha lowered his head slightly, and whispered a sentence in the ear of the person in his arms: “A misbehaving child should be punished.”

Li Cheng felt himself shudder from the tip of the spine. He wanted to resist, but somehow lost the strength to resist.

Perhaps, from the moment he saw the painting, he could no longer refuse any request from Xiao Yiheng. 

Very soon, he knew what Xiao Yiheng meant as punishment–

The omega’s collar was pulled down, the alpha’s lips were scorching on the back of his neck as he gave a hot kiss, and his sharp teeth like those of a beast pierced him on the tender flesh at the back of the neck.


“—Hmm!” Li Cheng couldn’t help but let out a plaintive whine.

He was a special omega, and there were no traces of glands on the back of his neck. According to common sense, even if an alpha bit the back of his neck, he could only experience pain. However, in this pain, he felt another kind of pleasure. 

Blood rushed from the heart to the femoral artery, and the real glands deep at the root of the left thigh became hot instantly. The strong and fresh orange scent was like a fluffy bomb, exploding quickly in the air.

Li Cheng opened his eyes desperately, looking for a little light between the fingers that covered his sight.

Xiao Yiheng bit the back of his neck and at last sampled the flavor of blood on the tip of his tongue.

The pheromone with the smell of cedar was like a giant net. It tightly wrapped the two of them with the sweet orange scent mixed in it, extremely touching. 

Obviously Li Cheng had not yet entered estrus, but now his legs were soft and unable to stand, and he could only put all his weight on Xiao Yiheng.

The brief punishment soon ended. Xiao Yiheng loosened his teeth and instead licked the swollen wound on the back of his neck with the tip of his tongue, and at the same time dropped countless small kisses.

“Li Cheng… Li Cheng… ChengCheng…” He repeatedly called Li Cheng’s name, and every time he called, the emotion in his voice increased.

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He lifted the hand covering Li Cheng’s eyes, and the omega who saw the light again blinked uncomfortably, and looked at the painting on the easel again. 

Li Cheng felt as if he was looking in a mirror. He saw himself swimming in the waves in the painting, and behind him, there was a hand holding a paintbrush to add waves around him.

“ChengCheng.” Xiao Yiheng called his name again, and turned him around to face himself.

Li Cheng’s face was surprisingly hot, his nape prickled, and his sweaty blonde hair stuck to his forehead. He was extremely flurried, like a leader of wild cats being forced into a dead end. He could not tell whether the human who reached out to him wanted to hurt him or give him a warm home. He dared not look into the alpha’s eyes, only dared to stare at the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth.

“…My glands are not in the back of the neck.” He clearly wanted to question the other, but blurted out such a sentence. 

Xiao Yiheng was stunned, and immediately laughed: “I know. We all know.”

He sat leaning on the easel with one hand around Li Cheng’s body, and one hand slowly stroking his bleeding nape.

“This time it’s just a little punishment, punishment for your disobedience,” The alpha’s voice seemed to have a small hook, “If I bite somewhere else, it’s not a punishment, but a reward.”

“Why are you so shameless? Li Cheng talked about him, “Obviously, it was you who entrapped me, deliberately tempting me to make a mistake! Moreover…don’t tell me you haven’t made a mistake?” 

“What wrong have I done?”

Li Cheng finally raised his eyes and met his gaze: “Why are you pretending to be stupid?” The omega reached out and pointed at the painting, his ears hot, “Who allowed you to paint me? The painting still has Laozi’s naked…naked…”


He was unable to speak the last word. He had never swam in the nude before. During training, he wore swimming trunks that reached the knees, but with Xiao Yiheng’s paintbrush, his body did not even have a piece of cloth.

“Is this a mistake?” Xiao Yiheng spoke gently and softly as if reciting a poem, “Li Cheng, I like you, so I fantasize about your naked body, is this a mistake?” 

“Wh—” Although Li Cheng had already guessed that Xiao Yiheng liked himself, he didn’t expect Xiao Yiheng to say it in this way.

“—I said, I like you.” Xiao Yiheng tightened both hands, and his true disposition hidden under indifference finally revealed the tip of the iceberg.

The alpha confined his beloved omega in his arms, pressed their foreheads together, the tip of their noses touching each other.

“I like you, so I will fantasize about your naked body,” Xiao Yiheng’s phoenix eyes were filled with the reflection of Li Cheng, “I will not only think during the day, but also at night—and I will paint these fantasies one by one. One day, I will fill an art museum with these countless fantasies which will be open only to you for the rest of my life.” 


“You are my sole muse and my only audience.”


“I can say it as many times as you want.” Xiao Yiheng gently leaned over, just short of the point where he could kiss that pair of red lips, “I like you, Li Cheng, I like you.” 

However, in the moment the four lips were about to overlap, Xiao Yiheng stopped.

Because Li Cheng was trembling.

Previously this maverick had never been scared by anything and was the big brother on campus. Unexpectedly, he was trembling.

Li Cheng’s eyes were wide open. He was obviously looking at Xiao Yiheng, but the gaze was unfocused. 

He was frightened by the alpha.

A person who was good at swimming, was frightened by the turbulent undercurrent hidden under the calm lake.

Before he knew it, a thin layer of mist rose from the bottom of Li Cheng’s eyes, and he stared at Xiao Yiheng in front of him, refusing to admit that he was scared.

Xiao Yiheng’s heart softened and suddenly let go. 

Li Cheng broke free from his arms in an instant, and at the same time, the tears hanging on the boy’s eyelashes finally fell.

“You…” Li Cheng forgot all the swear words he had learned, and could only use the weakest language to complain, “…Xiao Yiheng, you are a big pervert!”


Then, he kicked over the nude swimming painting, and rushed out of the art classroom without looking back.

He didn’t even take away the finished homework. 

As the easel fell to the ground, Xiao Yiheng looked down at the painting that was ignored by the owner and sighed deeply.

“…It seems that the bullying was somewhat excessive ah.”

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