This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 54: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch54 - “I just can’t bear to, I’m partial.”

Li Cheng fled back to the dormitory.

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There was throbbing pain from the bite on his nape. He pulled up the collar and wrapped himself tightly, for fear of being noticed by others.

Only one sentence echoed in his mind—Xiao Yiheng actually liked him! 

This incident was both unexpected by Li Cheng, and…not so unexpected.


Although he was dull, he was not stupid. After hearing Xiao Yiheng’s confession, all the minor details that had been overlooked by him previously, poured out from the depths of his memory at this moment.

Why did Xiao Yiheng help him suppress the estrus? Why did Xiao Yiheng go to watch his game? Why did Xiao Yiheng take away the gold medal he kissed? …Bit by bit, like innumerable silken threads, Xiao Yiheng invaded his world step by step, and before he even noticed it, he made Li Cheng accustomed to his existence…

…Then today, with a “bang”, the fireworks exploded in front of Li Cheng.


The most hateful thing was that the fuse of the fireworks was lit by Li Cheng himself!

Li Cheng really wanted to turn back time by twenty minutes, and warn himself never to lift the fabric covering the painting, so that he would not hear Xiao Yiheng’s confession.


Li Cheng immediately shook his head–he definitely wouldn’t admit that Xiao Yiheng’s words were a confession. 

How could anyone say “I like you, so I will fantasize about your naked body” in a confession?

Only an alpha dominated by animal instincts would have the ability to shamelessly speak those words, okay?

The more Li Cheng thought about it, the angrier he got. If he was given another chance, he wouldn’t kick the easel, but kick between Xiao Yiheng’s legs.

After all, the self in that painting was quite handsome. It was a pity that the painter was a big scoundrel full of ambiguous emotions. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ol Jtfcu kjr cjaegjiis jyrfca ogbw atf Rjalbcji Lfjiat Jbegrf bc Vjaegvjs.

Pc ojma, tf kbxf eq fjgis lc atf wbgclcu, abrrlcu jcv aegclcu, ecjyif ab riffq jujlc. Dfmjerf bo atf kbecv bc atf yjmx bo tlr cfmx, tf mbeiv bcis riffq bc tlr rabwjmt ijra cluta. Lf kbxf eq ogbw riffq jcv obecv atf kbecv tjv rmjyyfv, jcv atfgf kjr j mlgmif bo gfvcfrr jcv rkfiilcu jgbecv. Mbgaecjafis, atfgf kjr cb bcf lc atf vbgwlabgs bc kffxfcvr. Po tlr gbbwwjafr rjk tlw, atfs kbeiv vfolclafis jrx defralbcr.

Li Cheng didn’t want to go to class, let alone face Xiao Yiheng. He turned over on the bed and pulled the quilt straight over his head to block the light from the curtains. 

Li Cheng thought: Anyway, he didn’t know where he had thrown his finished homework. Even if he went to class, he couldn’t hand in his assignment, so it was better to skip class. If he failed this course, he could retake it next year! The worst consequence was that there was no way to skip a grade and go to pre-university…

Just as his imagination ran wild, there was a clear ‘ding’ from his mobile phone, reminding him that someone had sent him a message.


Before picking up the phone, Li Cheng guessed that this message was definitely sent by Xiao Yiheng.

That guy must have messaged to ask him why he was absent from class, right? 

However, when Li Cheng saw the words on the screen clearly, he felt like he was on a roller coaster, rushing from the highest peak to the lowest valley.

Because the person who contacted him was not Xiao Yiheng, but the junior who sat behind him in the health class.

On the first day of class, he and the junior sister exchanged contact information. She had lent him a furry pen before. He gave the junior a handful of snacks. Due to these interactions, their relationship had become close. He didn’t go to class today, so the junior sister sent a caring greeting and asked if he was sick.

Li Cheng typed with a black face: I’m in very good health, vigorous and lively, and can take down three people with no problem. 

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Omega xue mei: Then why don’t you come to class?

Small Round Orange: If I don’t want to go, I won’t go. Do I need any reason for absenteeism? 

The omega junior sister sent a string of surprised expressions.

Li Cheng did not reply to her again, put down the phone, and continued to sleep with his head smothered tightly. 

Five minutes later, Li Cheng sat up from the bed impatiently, pulled the silent phone out from under the pillow, and with a “clack-clack” typed on the keyboard.

Small Round Orange: I didn’t go to class, how did the teaching assistant react?

Omega xue mei: Huh?

Small Round Orange: Is Xiao Yiheng angry? Is he surprised? Did he show any guilt? 

Omega xue mei: Uh, you didn’t come to class, why will the teaching assistant show guilt?

Small Round Orange Orange: …

Small Round Orange Orange: He didn’t react at all?

Omega xue mei: He did. 

Small Round Orange Orange: Spit it out!

Omega xue mei: During roll-call he called your name three times, then looked around in the class and said: “Attention all classmates. Please note that all students in class who are absent without any reason, the class performance score will be reduced by 10 points.”


Small Round Orange: …

Xiao Yiheng, you **! You **!! 

If it weren’t for Li Cheng’s rationality still existing, he would go with a sack bag to beat people right then!

Li Cheng didn’t go to class on Saturday; Li Cheng didn’t go to class on Sunday.

His seat was next to the podium, the most conspicuous position in the class. He didn’t go to class, and it was hard for the teacher to not notice his absence. 

After the class on Sunday, the beta female teacher stopped Xiao Yiheng and asked him, “Do you know why Li Cheng didn’t come to class?”

Xiao Yiheng thought: I know. Because I told Li Cheng that I liked him, because I told Li Cheng that I fantasized about his nakedness, because that school bully is more silly and innocent than he looks, because I scared him.

Of course, Xiao Yiheng couldn’t really answer that way.

He closed the roster and replied calmly: “He is not feeling well, he is on sick leave.” 

“…Really?” The beta teacher asked suspiciously, “Why didn’t I see the application for leave?”

Xiao Yiheng: “He gave the leave note to me along with the homework on Friday. Sorry, it was my negligence. I forgot to bring it here.”

Because Xiao Yiheng’s tone was too calm and collected, his face added a bit of credibility to his words, so the teacher believed his explanation.

“Then you can fill in his leave application as soon as possible.” The teacher said, “By the way, I have finished checking his homework. He wrote very well and can get the highest score in the class.” 

Xiao Yiheng smiled and said, “Okay. I’ll tell him the good news.”

In the art classroom that day, Li Cheng turned and fled, not even taking the homework he had finished. Had it not been for Xiao Yiheng picking up his homework and submitting it over to the teacher on Saturday, Li Cheng, who had been absent from school for two consecutive days, would definitely be on the teacher’s blacklist.

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The teacher left after the class, and Xiao Yiheng stayed in the classroom to do the final wrap-up.

He put aside his mobile phone. In the chat software, the name displayed on the top was Li Cheng. In the past two days, Li Cheng did not contact Xiao Yiheng, nor did Xiao Yiheng contact Li Cheng. 

Anyone good at fishing knew that after a fish was hooked, the fishing line should be loose and taut from time to time, so as to give the fish some respite.

If the hook was pulled too often, the fishing line would break, and the fish would slip the net. The loss outweighed the gain.


Just as Xiao Yiheng concentrated on his work, a sneaky figure appeared in his peripheral vision.

“Come out.” Xiao Yiheng looked up at the door, “Class is over, why are you still hiding there?” 

His voice fell, and the familiar small gas tank…no, classmate Wei Huohuo got in from outside the door. The expression on his face was twisted, like he had constipation.

“Assistant teacher.” Wei Huohuo grabbed his hair for a while, scratched his chin for a while, and after thinking awhile, finally threw down a series of questions, “Why didn’t Li Cheng come to class in these two days? Is he really sick? What’s wrong with him? Is it serious? Is it a fever? A cold? Heartache? Or is it a broken leg?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng frowned and asked coldly, “Why are you asking these questions? What do you want to do?”

Wei Huohuo thought aggrieved, not what he wanted to do. What did his brother want to do! His cousin Wei Rong was a fanatical suitor of Li Cheng. When he heard that Li Cheng was sick and absent, he was more anxious than anyone else. If it weren’t for the barbed wire fence on the wall of the No.1 High school, Wei Rong would have liked to turn into Romeo and go over the wall to see his Juliet in the omega dormitory. 

Wei Huohuo didn’t dare to tell the truth to Xiao Yiheng. He could only beat around the bush and make inquiries on behalf of others.

Xiao Yiheng: “Go back and tell the person who asked you to inquire. Li Cheng is in good health, vigorous and lively. It is no problem to fight three people single-handedly.”

“But you just told the teacher…” Wei Huohuo’s eyes widened, as he realized in hindsight, “… Teaching assistant, you, you, you, you are too partial!! Why did you deduct three points when I was late; but when Li Orange missed class for two periods, you lied for him and said he’s sick. You can’t bear to deduct one point from him!”

“Child, at least you speak on point,” Xiao Yiheng said the most unfair and unjust thing in the world with that face that seemed the most fair and just, “I just can’t bear to, I’m partial.” 

Ch54 - “I just can’t bear to, I’m partial.”

Li Cheng fled back to the dormitory.



There was throbbing pain from the bite on his nape. He pulled up the collar and wrapped himself tightly, for fear of being noticed by others.

Only one sentence echoed in his mind—Xiao Yiheng actually liked him! 

This incident was both unexpected by Li Cheng, and…not so unexpected.


Although he was dull, he was not stupid. After hearing Xiao Yiheng’s confession, all the minor details that had been overlooked by him previously, poured out from the depths of his memory at this moment.

Why did Xiao Yiheng help him suppress the estrus? Why did Xiao Yiheng go to watch his game? Why did Xiao Yiheng take away the gold medal he kissed? …Bit by bit, like innumerable silken threads, Xiao Yiheng invaded his world step by step, and before he even noticed it, he made Li Cheng accustomed to his existence…

…Then today, with a “bang”, the fireworks exploded in front of Li Cheng.


The most hateful thing was that the fuse of the fireworks was lit by Li Cheng himself!

Li Cheng really wanted to turn back time by twenty minutes, and warn himself never to lift the fabric covering the painting, so that he would not hear Xiao Yiheng’s confession.


Li Cheng immediately shook his head–he definitely wouldn’t admit that Xiao Yiheng’s words were a confession. 

How could anyone say “I like you, so I will fantasize about your naked body” in a confession?

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Only an alpha dominated by animal instincts would have the ability to shamelessly speak those words, okay?

The more Li Cheng thought about it, the angrier he got. If he was given another chance, he wouldn’t kick the easel, but kick between Xiao Yiheng’s legs.

After all, the self in that painting was quite handsome. It was a pity that the painter was a big scoundrel full of ambiguous emotions. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ol Jtfcu kjr cjaegjiis jyrfca ogbw atf Rjalbcji Lfjiat Jbegrf bc Vjaegvjs.

Pc ojma, tf kbxf eq fjgis lc atf wbgclcu, abrrlcu jcv aegclcu, ecjyif ab riffq jujlc. Dfmjerf bo atf kbecv bc atf yjmx bo tlr cfmx, tf mbeiv bcis riffq bc tlr rabwjmt ijra cluta. Lf kbxf eq ogbw riffq jcv obecv atf kbecv tjv rmjyyfv, jcv atfgf kjr j mlgmif bo gfvcfrr jcv rkfiilcu jgbecv. Mbgaecjafis, atfgf kjr cb bcf lc atf vbgwlabgs bc kffxfcvr. Po tlr gbbwwjafr rjk tlw, atfs kbeiv vfolclafis jrx defralbcr.

Li Cheng didn’t want to go to class, let alone face Xiao Yiheng. He turned over on the bed and pulled the quilt straight over his head to block the light from the curtains. 

Li Cheng thought: Anyway, he didn’t know where he had thrown his finished homework. Even if he went to class, he couldn’t hand in his assignment, so it was better to skip class. If he failed this course, he could retake it next year! The worst consequence was that there was no way to skip a grade and go to pre-university…

Just as his imagination ran wild, there was a clear ‘ding’ from his mobile phone, reminding him that someone had sent him a message.


Before picking up the phone, Li Cheng guessed that this message was definitely sent by Xiao Yiheng.

That guy must have messaged to ask him why he was absent from class, right? 

However, when Li Cheng saw the words on the screen clearly, he felt like he was on a roller coaster, rushing from the highest peak to the lowest valley.

Because the person who contacted him was not Xiao Yiheng, but the junior who sat behind him in the health class.

On the first day of class, he and the junior sister exchanged contact information. She had lent him a furry pen before. He gave the junior a handful of snacks. Due to these interactions, their relationship had become close. He didn’t go to class today, so the junior sister sent a caring greeting and asked if he was sick.

Li Cheng typed with a black face: I’m in very good health, vigorous and lively, and can take down three people with no problem. 

Omega xue mei: Then why don’t you come to class?

Small Round Orange: If I don’t want to go, I won’t go. Do I need any reason for absenteeism? 

The omega junior sister sent a string of surprised expressions.

Li Cheng did not reply to her again, put down the phone, and continued to sleep with his head smothered tightly. 

Five minutes later, Li Cheng sat up from the bed impatiently, pulled the silent phone out from under the pillow, and with a “clack-clack” typed on the keyboard.

Small Round Orange: I didn’t go to class, how did the teaching assistant react?

Omega xue mei: Huh?

Small Round Orange: Is Xiao Yiheng angry? Is he surprised? Did he show any guilt? 

Omega xue mei: Uh, you didn’t come to class, why will the teaching assistant show guilt?

Small Round Orange Orange: …

Small Round Orange Orange: He didn’t react at all?

Omega xue mei: He did. 

Small Round Orange Orange: Spit it out!

Omega xue mei: During roll-call he called your name three times, then looked around in the class and said: “Attention all classmates. Please note that all students in class who are absent without any reason, the class performance score will be reduced by 10 points.”


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Small Round Orange: …

Xiao Yiheng, you **! You **!! 

If it weren’t for Li Cheng’s rationality still existing, he would go with a sack bag to beat people right then!

Li Cheng didn’t go to class on Saturday; Li Cheng didn’t go to class on Sunday.

His seat was next to the podium, the most conspicuous position in the class. He didn’t go to class, and it was hard for the teacher to not notice his absence. 

After the class on Sunday, the beta female teacher stopped Xiao Yiheng and asked him, “Do you know why Li Cheng didn’t come to class?”

Xiao Yiheng thought: I know. Because I told Li Cheng that I liked him, because I told Li Cheng that I fantasized about his nakedness, because that school bully is more silly and innocent than he looks, because I scared him.

Of course, Xiao Yiheng couldn’t really answer that way.

He closed the roster and replied calmly: “He is not feeling well, he is on sick leave.” 

“…Really?” The beta teacher asked suspiciously, “Why didn’t I see the application for leave?”

Xiao Yiheng: “He gave the leave note to me along with the homework on Friday. Sorry, it was my negligence. I forgot to bring it here.”

Because Xiao Yiheng’s tone was too calm and collected, his face added a bit of credibility to his words, so the teacher believed his explanation.

“Then you can fill in his leave application as soon as possible.” The teacher said, “By the way, I have finished checking his homework. He wrote very well and can get the highest score in the class.” 

Xiao Yiheng smiled and said, “Okay. I’ll tell him the good news.”

In the art classroom that day, Li Cheng turned and fled, not even taking the homework he had finished. Had it not been for Xiao Yiheng picking up his homework and submitting it over to the teacher on Saturday, Li Cheng, who had been absent from school for two consecutive days, would definitely be on the teacher’s blacklist.

The teacher left after the class, and Xiao Yiheng stayed in the classroom to do the final wrap-up.

He put aside his mobile phone. In the chat software, the name displayed on the top was Li Cheng. In the past two days, Li Cheng did not contact Xiao Yiheng, nor did Xiao Yiheng contact Li Cheng. 

Anyone good at fishing knew that after a fish was hooked, the fishing line should be loose and taut from time to time, so as to give the fish some respite.

If the hook was pulled too often, the fishing line would break, and the fish would slip the net. The loss outweighed the gain.


Just as Xiao Yiheng concentrated on his work, a sneaky figure appeared in his peripheral vision.

“Come out.” Xiao Yiheng looked up at the door, “Class is over, why are you still hiding there?” 

His voice fell, and the familiar small gas tank…no, classmate Wei Huohuo got in from outside the door. The expression on his face was twisted, like he had constipation.

“Assistant teacher.” Wei Huohuo grabbed his hair for a while, scratched his chin for a while, and after thinking awhile, finally threw down a series of questions, “Why didn’t Li Cheng come to class in these two days? Is he really sick? What’s wrong with him? Is it serious? Is it a fever? A cold? Heartache? Or is it a broken leg?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng frowned and asked coldly, “Why are you asking these questions? What do you want to do?”

Wei Huohuo thought aggrieved, not what he wanted to do. What did his brother want to do! His cousin Wei Rong was a fanatical suitor of Li Cheng. When he heard that Li Cheng was sick and absent, he was more anxious than anyone else. If it weren’t for the barbed wire fence on the wall of the No.1 High school, Wei Rong would have liked to turn into Romeo and go over the wall to see his Juliet in the omega dormitory. 

Wei Huohuo didn’t dare to tell the truth to Xiao Yiheng. He could only beat around the bush and make inquiries on behalf of others.

Xiao Yiheng: “Go back and tell the person who asked you to inquire. Li Cheng is in good health, vigorous and lively. It is no problem to fight three people single-handedly.”

“But you just told the teacher…” Wei Huohuo’s eyes widened, as he realized in hindsight, “… Teaching assistant, you, you, you, you are too partial!! Why did you deduct three points when I was late; but when Li Orange missed class for two periods, you lied for him and said he’s sick. You can’t bear to deduct one point from him!”

“Child, at least you speak on point,” Xiao Yiheng said the most unfair and unjust thing in the world with that face that seemed the most fair and just, “I just can’t bear to, I’m partial.” 

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