This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 55: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch55 - An omega confessed to Li Cheng

For the two days that weekend, Li Cheng stayed in the dormitory. He even ate instant noodles and sausages stored in the dormitory as the three meals a day. Those couple of nights, Li Cheng couldn’t sleep well, and he could only lie on the pillow so that he wouldn’t press the wound on the back of his neck. He even began to sympathize with those omegas whose glands were on their nape. Every time during their estrus, the glands would be swollen and sore, so sleeping would be so inconvenient.

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After staying in the dormitory for two days honestly, the wound on Li Cheng’s neck had just about healed. However, there was still a red and purple bruise. When he accidentally touched it, he would always grimace in pain.

Was Xiao Yiheng a dog?! He bit so hard! 

Before going to class on Monday morning, Li Cheng zipped the school uniform jacket all the way to the top, and even raised the collar to protect his neck 360 degrees. He took a picture using the reflection in the mirror and confirmed that no one could find the tooth marks on the back of his neck. Only then he was relieved.


His roommate Xiao Pang was extremely shocked: “Li Cheng, didn’t you say that the people who pulled the school uniform zipper to the top were all mountain cannons?”

Li Cheng uttered a “tut” and said, “If other people pull it, it’s indeed a mountain cannon; If I pull it, then naturally it’s Wang Zha.”

Anyway, Li-ge was right about what he said. Even if he wore the most unsophisticated clothes on his body, he would still become the trendsetter.


Before leaving the dormitory, Xiao Pang called out to everyone enthusiastically: “Don’t go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast today. I brought bread and milk from home. Each of you take one.”

If something was unusual, there must be a demon. Li Cheng asked: “Xiao Pang, what’s wrong with you? Normally, when others take a piece of your potato chips, you grumble for quite a while. Why are you taking the initiative to distribute snacks to us today?”

Li Cheng only discovered the cause when Xiao Pang took out the breakfast.

Whether it was bread or milk packaging, there were photos of a recently hot girl group printed on them. This girl group debuted in a talent show last year. The seven young girls were beautiful (although Li Cheng could only distinguish them by their hair length and color), and had captured a piece of the hearts of pure and innocent boys. 

Xiao Pang was a fan of one of the female idols. Every time there was an endorsement promotion, he was on the front line of sales.

Xiao Pang pointed at the girl’s face on the milk package, and said feverishly and sincerely: “How can the sales of my xx be less than the next door oo? If oo fans buy one box, then we xx fans will buy ten boxes!!!”

Li Cheng: “Speaking of which, you didn’t really buy ten boxes, did you?”

Xiao Pang: “…er…” 

Li Cheng: “…”

Other roommates: “…”

Okay, looking at Xiao Pang’s expression, it was estimated that there were more than ten boxes.

Li Cheng’s heart had a lingering fear: “Fortunately, what they endorsed is bread and milk, so you can give it to us. If they endorse facial masks or lipsticks, will you want to give them to us?” 

He never anticipated that Xiao Pang would go so far as to ask: “Do you need a mask or lipstick? I have sent one to all the female relatives in my family. By the way Li Cheng, I remember that you have a younger sister. Does your younger sister use cosmetics?”

Li Cheng was shocked: “My sister is only ten years old!… No way, did you really buy masks and lipsticks???”


Xiao Pang said with a silly smile, “In order to support my idol…”

Li Cheng really admired such fans who spent money for idols. 

He and a few roommates walked out of the dormitory while chatting. The dormitory building of No. 1 High School was divided into three buildings according to the three genders of ABO. Each building had four floors. Boys lived on the lower two floors and girls lived on the upper two floors.

Just as they were about to leave the dormitory, a delicate voice rang behind them.

“Senior brother Li Cheng…” A short little girl ran down the stairs and stopped Li Cheng. “Do you have time now? I have something to tell you.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

She lowered her head and didn’t even dare to look at people when she spoke. Her school uniform was twisted with her two small hands, and soft black hair was draped over her shoulders—— All in all, she was a very quiet and introverted senior high school girl. 

Ol Jtfcu nbkfv atja tf tjv cfnfg rffc tfg yfobgf.

He asked cluelessly: “What can I do for you? Just say it directly.”

Ktf peclbg rlrafg yiertfv: “Ufgrbcji, qfgrbcji wjaafg.” Vtf qiemxfv eq atf mbegjuf ab ibbx eq jcv rjk atja atf atgff gbbwwjafr yftlcv Ol Jtfcu kfgf jii rajglcu ja tfg klat ubrrlq bc atflg ojmfr, jcv rtf delmxis yeglfv tfg tfjv jujlc. Vtf jrxfv delfais: “Jjc kf ub ab atf rwjii ujgvfc ja atf yjmx bo atf rmtbbi?”

Li Cheng frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple. 

He turned around and handed his school bag to the three roommates. He whispered to them: “Help me send the school bag to my class and tell my little brother, if I haven’t returned before the second class, let him bring the guys to fight and go to the small garden to find me.”

Three roommates: “…”

Li Cheng: “I suspect this is a trap against me. If I don’t follow her, it means I’m afraid, so I have to go.”

Xiao Pang said faintly, “No, I think you think too much.” 

Li Cheng scolded: “Where do I think too much? You don’t understand what a highly dangerous vocation being a school bully is!”

Xiao Pang: “I think you don’t understand girls at all.”

Li Cheng: “?”


Li Cheng followed the unknown junior sister to the small garden behind the school. In order to prevent an ambush, Li Cheng kept both hands hidden in his trouser pockets and clenched both fists, so that when someone sneak attacked, he could punch with the fastest speed to ensure that the sneak attacker would turn around.

However… The small garden was quiet. Except for the chirping of birds and insects, only the rustling sound left by the wind blowing through the treetops could be heard.


At a glance, the surrounding environment had a panoramic view, and there was no place to hide.

Li Cheng felt more and more weird. He looked at the shy junior sister in front of him and asked directly: “What is the matter with you? Don’t cover up, just talk.” 

The school sister did not speak, lowered her head and looked at her toes.

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She was not tall, she was only 1.6 meters, shorter than Li Cheng by 20 centimeters. When she lowered her head, looking from Li Cheng’s perspective, he could just see her smooth and slender white nape.

And that was where most of the omega glands in the world were located.

Li Cheng’s train of thought suddenly fluctuated, and he couldn’t help but remember the alpha that had left a mark on his nape. 

He moved his neck uncomfortably, and the bite marks on his nape rubbed against the raised collar, making him feel increasingly itchy.

He looked away irritably and his gaze fell on a large tree in the distance. He pretended to inadvertently reach out and touched the wound on his nape, only to feel fine beads of sweat.

At this moment, the junior sister finally spoke.

She said, “Senior brother Li Cheng, I like you.” 

Li Cheng: “……???”

Li Cheng was caught off guard by the confession, as if an invisible fish hook hung on his navel. The moment the fishing line was tugged, his thoughts floating in outer space were immediately pulled back to earth.

He was startled: “No, wait a minute, who are you???? I, I don’t even know you!”

Li Cheng had received many confessions, but all of them were alpha and beta. And all the people who had confessed to him were basically stubborn fools like Wei Rong. They gave him itchy fists. He just wanted to beat them severely. 

This was the first time an omega confessed to him, and she was such a petite and gentle omega girl.

The junior sister finally raised her head and looked at him, her eyes full of desolation: “You really don’t remember me? I go to every game of yours to cheer for you, and you even signed your name on my hand.”

“……Err” Li Cheng said awkwardly, “I really don’t remember.”

He did not expect that the junior sister was actually a fan of his. He had just mistakenly thought she was going to ambush him! 

Hearing Li Cheng’s words, the junior sister began to cry, her eyes gradually reddening.

When Li Cheng saw that she was about to cry, he got a headache. He rarely interacted with girls. Whether the swimming team or the gangster group, he and his brothers were a group of rough nasty brats.


Li Cheng said hurriedly: “Don’t cry, I didn’t bring a tissue… Hey, forget it, you just cry. You can cry boldly, and it’s okay if your tears and snot flow together. I will turn around and promise not to look at you or laugh at you.”

The junior sister’s brewing emotions were suddenly interrupted halfway, her tears turned into laughter: “Senior brother, you are much more interesting than I imagined.” 

“…Huh?” Li Cheng was blank.

The junior sister wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes: “I will transfer to another school next month. I am going to another city and I was afraid I will never see you again. I have always been your fan. I only wanted to follow you silently, but ……” She reluctantly smiled, “……But, ‘like’ can’t be hidden. I want to convey this feeling to you, even if you don’t accept it, it doesn’t matter.”

Li Cheng didn’t know how to answer.

In just a few days, he heard two people say “I like you” to him one after another. 

The same sentence, when spoken by the junior sister, was gentle and supple, like a vine around a tree, without asking for anything in return.

However, when Xiao Yiheng said it, these three words turned into a sharp sword, piercing through all the disguise and defenses, forcing him to face it squarely.

The junior sister asked: “Are you dating someone?”

Li Cheng immediately denied: “No, of course not!” 

“Do you have someone you like?”

This time, Li Cheng hesitated for a few seconds, but soon he shook his head: “…No.”

“But, there must be a lot of people who like you.” The junior sister asked in a lonely voice.

“Not a lot,” Li Cheng counted with his fingers, “If I count you, there are 18 in total.” 

Junior sister: “…”

Junior sister: “Senior brother, honesty is a good moral characteristic, but in this situation, there is actually no need to be too honest.”

She asked him again: “Since you are not dating anyone, and you don’t have anyone you like, why can’t you think about me? I’ll transfer to another school next month and only the last few days are left. Can’t you try with me?”

“Out of the question.” Li Cheng categorically refused, “It’s meaningless to ‘try’ like this. If you like it then you like it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. If you let me try a hundred times, I can’t say like it against my will.” 

He didn’t want to say it so heartlessly, but he was afraid of leaving room for words, which would let the junior sister fantasize. So he stated callously: “I’m used to being straightforward, and I don’t want to waste time. I explicitly rejected the 16 people who confessed to me before. I think it’s good for everyone to make things clear like this. Instead of leaving this kind of meaningless hope, it is better to leave no hope from the beginning.”

“What about the seventeenth?”


“What?” Li Cheng was stunned.

“You just said, counting me, there are a total of eighteen people who confessed to you, but you refused sixteen. What about the seventeenth one?” 

Li Cheng: “…” He was shocked, “Aren’t we talking about relationship issues here? How can you cry like raindrops on a pear blossom on the one hand and on the other hand catch the loopholes in my language!”

The junior sister smiled softly, her slender fingers swept her long hair behind her ears: “I forgot to introduce myself. I am the “first debater” of the school’s debate team. I can catch people’s loopholes the most.”

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng thought to himself, how come all the people who pursued him exotic flowers? 

First debater faintly asked: “Counterpart friend, please answer me directly. What about the seventeenth person who confessed to you?”


“Counterpart friend, why didn’t you explicitly reject him?”

“… ” 

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“Counterpart friend, do you like…”

Li Cheng irritably threw the bread and milk in his pocket to her: “Can you shut your mouth and eat? It’s not good to stick it in ok?”

In the self-study class of grade 3-1, there was a commotion from the two beta girls sitting in front of Xiao Yiheng. 

“Have you read today’s forum hot posts?”

“Which one?”

“The one with the first debater and the little despot!!”

Hearing the familiar nickname, Xiao Yiheng paused the tip of his pen and stopped writing. 

Liu Ke, who sat at the same desk, couldn’t wait to crane his neck and leaned forward to gossip: “What is the gossip? Which first debater? Which little despot?”

The female classmate said, “It’s the one from the school debate team. She looks soft and weak like a dodder flower. In fact, as soon as she is on the field, she is like an excavator, looking for a loophole and digging constantly, hammering the opponent to death without blinking, that ‘devil debater’!”


Liu Ke asked again: “Oh, oh, it’s her, isn’t she going to transfer school next month? Who is the little despot?”

“Isn’t that the only little bully in our school?” The female classmate stretched out her finger and pointed to the second high school building, “The golden haired Lion King.” 

Xiao Yiheng’s pen made a loud noise on the notebook, and the corners of his lips trembled strangely.

No, he couldn’t laugh. Although the nickname of golden hair lion king was really funny, he definitely couldn’t laugh.

The female classmate didn’t notice that the topper was also eavesdropping on her. She continued to gossip: “The school forum said that many eyewitnesses testified that they saw that ‘First debater’ and ‘Little despot’ skipped early self-study and went to the small garden at the back. Pay attention, they were alone! When they left, ‘First debater’ held the breakfast given by ‘Little despot’ in her hand and looked very happy.”

Liu Ke’s heart sank, his scalp numb. This was bad! He was the only person in the class who knew about Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng’s affair (?). This situation, could it be that Li Cheng was the red apricot tree leaning over the garden wall, and carrying on with the junior sister behind Xiao Yiheng’s back? This ambiguous behavior of delivering breakfast–he was too much of a scumbag! 

He glanced at Xiao Yiheng timidly, thinking about how to comfort this poor alpha.

However… Xiao Yiheng remained indifferent.

Liu Ke was worried that this was the tranquility before the storm, and whispered to him: “Old Xiao, don’t listen to their nonsense. The school forum is full of fake news. The day before yesterday, it was rumored that our principal and the dean had an affair. Besides, even if Li Cheng delivered breakfast to the first debater, it doesn’t mean anything. Don’t think about it.”

“I didn’t think about it .” Xiao Yiheng replied calmly, “Li Cheng is an omega, and that debater is also an omega. What can two omegas do together? Have deep sisterly feelings?” 

“…You are sexist!”

“OK, let me put it another way.” Xiao Yiheng thought for a while, “Li Cheng doesn’t like omega, he will only like me.”

Liu Ke: “…?”

Ch55 - An omega confessed to Li Cheng

For the two days that weekend, Li Cheng stayed in the dormitory. He even ate instant noodles and sausages stored in the dormitory as the three meals a day. Those couple of nights, Li Cheng couldn’t sleep well, and he could only lie on the pillow so that he wouldn’t press the wound on the back of his neck. He even began to sympathize with those omegas whose glands were on their nape. Every time during their estrus, the glands would be swollen and sore, so sleeping would be so inconvenient.



After staying in the dormitory for two days honestly, the wound on Li Cheng’s neck had just about healed. However, there was still a red and purple bruise. When he accidentally touched it, he would always grimace in pain.

Was Xiao Yiheng a dog?! He bit so hard! 

Before going to class on Monday morning, Li Cheng zipped the school uniform jacket all the way to the top, and even raised the collar to protect his neck 360 degrees. He took a picture using the reflection in the mirror and confirmed that no one could find the tooth marks on the back of his neck. Only then he was relieved.


His roommate Xiao Pang was extremely shocked: “Li Cheng, didn’t you say that the people who pulled the school uniform zipper to the top were all mountain cannons?”

Li Cheng uttered a “tut” and said, “If other people pull it, it’s indeed a mountain cannon; If I pull it, then naturally it’s Wang Zha.”

Anyway, Li-ge was right about what he said. Even if he wore the most unsophisticated clothes on his body, he would still become the trendsetter.


Before leaving the dormitory, Xiao Pang called out to everyone enthusiastically: “Don’t go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast today. I brought bread and milk from home. Each of you take one.”

If something was unusual, there must be a demon. Li Cheng asked: “Xiao Pang, what’s wrong with you? Normally, when others take a piece of your potato chips, you grumble for quite a while. Why are you taking the initiative to distribute snacks to us today?”

Li Cheng only discovered the cause when Xiao Pang took out the breakfast.

Whether it was bread or milk packaging, there were photos of a recently hot girl group printed on them. This girl group debuted in a talent show last year. The seven young girls were beautiful (although Li Cheng could only distinguish them by their hair length and color), and had captured a piece of the hearts of pure and innocent boys. 

Xiao Pang was a fan of one of the female idols. Every time there was an endorsement promotion, he was on the front line of sales.

Xiao Pang pointed at the girl’s face on the milk package, and said feverishly and sincerely: “How can the sales of my xx be less than the next door oo? If oo fans buy one box, then we xx fans will buy ten boxes!!!”

Li Cheng: “Speaking of which, you didn’t really buy ten boxes, did you?”

Xiao Pang: “…er…” 

Li Cheng: “…”

Other roommates: “…”

Okay, looking at Xiao Pang’s expression, it was estimated that there were more than ten boxes.

Li Cheng’s heart had a lingering fear: “Fortunately, what they endorsed is bread and milk, so you can give it to us. If they endorse facial masks or lipsticks, will you want to give them to us?” 

He never anticipated that Xiao Pang would go so far as to ask: “Do you need a mask or lipstick? I have sent one to all the female relatives in my family. By the way Li Cheng, I remember that you have a younger sister. Does your younger sister use cosmetics?”

Li Cheng was shocked: “My sister is only ten years old!… No way, did you really buy masks and lipsticks???”

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Xiao Pang said with a silly smile, “In order to support my idol…”

Li Cheng really admired such fans who spent money for idols. 

He and a few roommates walked out of the dormitory while chatting. The dormitory building of No. 1 High School was divided into three buildings according to the three genders of ABO. Each building had four floors. Boys lived on the lower two floors and girls lived on the upper two floors.

Just as they were about to leave the dormitory, a delicate voice rang behind them.

“Senior brother Li Cheng…” A short little girl ran down the stairs and stopped Li Cheng. “Do you have time now? I have something to tell you.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

She lowered her head and didn’t even dare to look at people when she spoke. Her school uniform was twisted with her two small hands, and soft black hair was draped over her shoulders—— All in all, she was a very quiet and introverted senior high school girl. 

Ol Jtfcu nbkfv atja tf tjv cfnfg rffc tfg yfobgf.

He asked cluelessly: “What can I do for you? Just say it directly.”

Ktf peclbg rlrafg yiertfv: “Ufgrbcji, qfgrbcji wjaafg.” Vtf qiemxfv eq atf mbegjuf ab ibbx eq jcv rjk atja atf atgff gbbwwjafr yftlcv Ol Jtfcu kfgf jii rajglcu ja tfg klat ubrrlq bc atflg ojmfr, jcv rtf delmxis yeglfv tfg tfjv jujlc. Vtf jrxfv delfais: “Jjc kf ub ab atf rwjii ujgvfc ja atf yjmx bo atf rmtbbi?”

Li Cheng frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple. 

He turned around and handed his school bag to the three roommates. He whispered to them: “Help me send the school bag to my class and tell my little brother, if I haven’t returned before the second class, let him bring the guys to fight and go to the small garden to find me.”

Three roommates: “…”

Li Cheng: “I suspect this is a trap against me. If I don’t follow her, it means I’m afraid, so I have to go.”

Xiao Pang said faintly, “No, I think you think too much.” 

Li Cheng scolded: “Where do I think too much? You don’t understand what a highly dangerous vocation being a school bully is!”

Xiao Pang: “I think you don’t understand girls at all.”

Li Cheng: “?”


Li Cheng followed the unknown junior sister to the small garden behind the school. In order to prevent an ambush, Li Cheng kept both hands hidden in his trouser pockets and clenched both fists, so that when someone sneak attacked, he could punch with the fastest speed to ensure that the sneak attacker would turn around.

However… The small garden was quiet. Except for the chirping of birds and insects, only the rustling sound left by the wind blowing through the treetops could be heard.


At a glance, the surrounding environment had a panoramic view, and there was no place to hide.

Li Cheng felt more and more weird. He looked at the shy junior sister in front of him and asked directly: “What is the matter with you? Don’t cover up, just talk.” 

The school sister did not speak, lowered her head and looked at her toes.

She was not tall, she was only 1.6 meters, shorter than Li Cheng by 20 centimeters. When she lowered her head, looking from Li Cheng’s perspective, he could just see her smooth and slender white nape.

And that was where most of the omega glands in the world were located.

Li Cheng’s train of thought suddenly fluctuated, and he couldn’t help but remember the alpha that had left a mark on his nape. 

He moved his neck uncomfortably, and the bite marks on his nape rubbed against the raised collar, making him feel increasingly itchy.

He looked away irritably and his gaze fell on a large tree in the distance. He pretended to inadvertently reach out and touched the wound on his nape, only to feel fine beads of sweat.

At this moment, the junior sister finally spoke.

She said, “Senior brother Li Cheng, I like you.” 

Li Cheng: “……???”

Li Cheng was caught off guard by the confession, as if an invisible fish hook hung on his navel. The moment the fishing line was tugged, his thoughts floating in outer space were immediately pulled back to earth.

He was startled: “No, wait a minute, who are you???? I, I don’t even know you!”

Li Cheng had received many confessions, but all of them were alpha and beta. And all the people who had confessed to him were basically stubborn fools like Wei Rong. They gave him itchy fists. He just wanted to beat them severely. 

This was the first time an omega confessed to him, and she was such a petite and gentle omega girl.

The junior sister finally raised her head and looked at him, her eyes full of desolation: “You really don’t remember me? I go to every game of yours to cheer for you, and you even signed your name on my hand.”

“……Err” Li Cheng said awkwardly, “I really don’t remember.”

He did not expect that the junior sister was actually a fan of his. He had just mistakenly thought she was going to ambush him! 

Hearing Li Cheng’s words, the junior sister began to cry, her eyes gradually reddening.

When Li Cheng saw that she was about to cry, he got a headache. He rarely interacted with girls. Whether the swimming team or the gangster group, he and his brothers were a group of rough nasty brats.


Li Cheng said hurriedly: “Don’t cry, I didn’t bring a tissue… Hey, forget it, you just cry. You can cry boldly, and it’s okay if your tears and snot flow together. I will turn around and promise not to look at you or laugh at you.”

The junior sister’s brewing emotions were suddenly interrupted halfway, her tears turned into laughter: “Senior brother, you are much more interesting than I imagined.” 

“…Huh?” Li Cheng was blank.

The junior sister wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes: “I will transfer to another school next month. I am going to another city and I was afraid I will never see you again. I have always been your fan. I only wanted to follow you silently, but ……” She reluctantly smiled, “……But, ‘like’ can’t be hidden. I want to convey this feeling to you, even if you don’t accept it, it doesn’t matter.”

Li Cheng didn’t know how to answer.

In just a few days, he heard two people say “I like you” to him one after another. 

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The same sentence, when spoken by the junior sister, was gentle and supple, like a vine around a tree, without asking for anything in return.

However, when Xiao Yiheng said it, these three words turned into a sharp sword, piercing through all the disguise and defenses, forcing him to face it squarely.

The junior sister asked: “Are you dating someone?”

Li Cheng immediately denied: “No, of course not!” 

“Do you have someone you like?”

This time, Li Cheng hesitated for a few seconds, but soon he shook his head: “…No.”

“But, there must be a lot of people who like you.” The junior sister asked in a lonely voice.

“Not a lot,” Li Cheng counted with his fingers, “If I count you, there are 18 in total.” 

Junior sister: “…”

Junior sister: “Senior brother, honesty is a good moral characteristic, but in this situation, there is actually no need to be too honest.”

She asked him again: “Since you are not dating anyone, and you don’t have anyone you like, why can’t you think about me? I’ll transfer to another school next month and only the last few days are left. Can’t you try with me?”

“Out of the question.” Li Cheng categorically refused, “It’s meaningless to ‘try’ like this. If you like it then you like it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. If you let me try a hundred times, I can’t say like it against my will.” 

He didn’t want to say it so heartlessly, but he was afraid of leaving room for words, which would let the junior sister fantasize. So he stated callously: “I’m used to being straightforward, and I don’t want to waste time. I explicitly rejected the 16 people who confessed to me before. I think it’s good for everyone to make things clear like this. Instead of leaving this kind of meaningless hope, it is better to leave no hope from the beginning.”

“What about the seventeenth?”


“What?” Li Cheng was stunned.

“You just said, counting me, there are a total of eighteen people who confessed to you, but you refused sixteen. What about the seventeenth one?” 

Li Cheng: “…” He was shocked, “Aren’t we talking about relationship issues here? How can you cry like raindrops on a pear blossom on the one hand and on the other hand catch the loopholes in my language!”

The junior sister smiled softly, her slender fingers swept her long hair behind her ears: “I forgot to introduce myself. I am the “first debater” of the school’s debate team. I can catch people’s loopholes the most.”

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng thought to himself, how come all the people who pursued him exotic flowers? 

First debater faintly asked: “Counterpart friend, please answer me directly. What about the seventeenth person who confessed to you?”


“Counterpart friend, why didn’t you explicitly reject him?”

“… ” 

“Counterpart friend, do you like…”

Li Cheng irritably threw the bread and milk in his pocket to her: “Can you shut your mouth and eat? It’s not good to stick it in ok?”

In the self-study class of grade 3-1, there was a commotion from the two beta girls sitting in front of Xiao Yiheng. 

“Have you read today’s forum hot posts?”

“Which one?”

“The one with the first debater and the little despot!!”

Hearing the familiar nickname, Xiao Yiheng paused the tip of his pen and stopped writing. 

Liu Ke, who sat at the same desk, couldn’t wait to crane his neck and leaned forward to gossip: “What is the gossip? Which first debater? Which little despot?”

The female classmate said, “It’s the one from the school debate team. She looks soft and weak like a dodder flower. In fact, as soon as she is on the field, she is like an excavator, looking for a loophole and digging constantly, hammering the opponent to death without blinking, that ‘devil debater’!”


Liu Ke asked again: “Oh, oh, it’s her, isn’t she going to transfer school next month? Who is the little despot?”

“Isn’t that the only little bully in our school?” The female classmate stretched out her finger and pointed to the second high school building, “The golden haired Lion King.” 

Xiao Yiheng’s pen made a loud noise on the notebook, and the corners of his lips trembled strangely.

No, he couldn’t laugh. Although the nickname of golden hair lion king was really funny, he definitely couldn’t laugh.

The female classmate didn’t notice that the topper was also eavesdropping on her. She continued to gossip: “The school forum said that many eyewitnesses testified that they saw that ‘First debater’ and ‘Little despot’ skipped early self-study and went to the small garden at the back. Pay attention, they were alone! When they left, ‘First debater’ held the breakfast given by ‘Little despot’ in her hand and looked very happy.”

Liu Ke’s heart sank, his scalp numb. This was bad! He was the only person in the class who knew about Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng’s affair (?). This situation, could it be that Li Cheng was the red apricot tree leaning over the garden wall, and carrying on with the junior sister behind Xiao Yiheng’s back? This ambiguous behavior of delivering breakfast–he was too much of a scumbag! 

He glanced at Xiao Yiheng timidly, thinking about how to comfort this poor alpha.

However… Xiao Yiheng remained indifferent.

Liu Ke was worried that this was the tranquility before the storm, and whispered to him: “Old Xiao, don’t listen to their nonsense. The school forum is full of fake news. The day before yesterday, it was rumored that our principal and the dean had an affair. Besides, even if Li Cheng delivered breakfast to the first debater, it doesn’t mean anything. Don’t think about it.”

“I didn’t think about it .” Xiao Yiheng replied calmly, “Li Cheng is an omega, and that debater is also an omega. What can two omegas do together? Have deep sisterly feelings?” 

“…You are sexist!”

“OK, let me put it another way.” Xiao Yiheng thought for a while, “Li Cheng doesn’t like omega, he will only like me.”

Liu Ke: “…?”

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