This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 56: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch56 - “Do you want to see me jealous so much?”

In a school dorm, nothing could spread faster than gossip.

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Li Cheng found out in horror, in just a day’s work, the story of him and that debater junior sister had been spread to everyone.

Regarding this matter, people around him had two reactions. 

Some were like his roommates, they sincerely blessed him, and praised him for his ability and charm which actually got him a first year high school junior sister.


The others were like his swimming teammates, who looked at him as if they were looking at a scumbag, holding back their scolding before speaking: “Li-ge, does sister-in-law know about this? I think you’d better explain it to him as soon as possible. ”

Li Cheng’s head was about to explode.

Not only did he explain to his roommates, “I have nothing to do with the junior sister, we are both omegas, what relationship can we have!!”, he also explained to his teammates, “Xiao Yiheng and I are innocent, don’t call him sister-in-law!!!”


Too tired.

He was really tired.

The most tiring thing was that no one believed him even if he talked until he was blue in the face.

Couldn’t they let him be beautiful alone? Why did they insist on speculating if he and someone had a CP?—Li Cheng learned this statement from the star-chaser boy Xiao Pang. Li Cheng felt that it was very suitable for him so much so that he even changed his signature on the chat software to this sentence. 

However, when everyone around him came to ask about this matter, the person who should have asked about this matter was quiet.

Li Cheng had to open the chat software eight hundred times a day. As soon as the phone buzzed, he would pick it up immediately to take a look, but after looking forward to it again and again, he was disappointed again and again.

—Since Li Cheng fled the art classroom, Xiao Yiheng never contacted Li Cheng again.

Li Cheng: “…” 

What was going on with that asshole? Didn’t he say that he liked him? Now that the scandal between him and his junior sister was known throughout the school, Xiao Yiheng was not even willing to send him a message???

Was he blind, deaf, or had his hand broken?

Why didn’t he have the awareness of chasing people at all?!

Li Cheng did not perceive at all that he was splitting hairs. He angrily rushed to the door of grade 2-1 class and called out Yan Jing, who was studying hard. 

Yan Jing got a headache when he saw him.

Yan Jing suspected that his horoscope was unlucky and hence he could always be caught by various gangsters inexplicably. The last time he dealt with Li Cheng, Li Cheng “coerced” him to visit Xiao Yiheng’s house.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yan Jing asked Li Cheng: “Li-ge, what can I do for you this time?”

Ol Jtfcu rcbgafv, “P mjc’a olcv sbe lo P’w ogff?” 

Tjc Alcu: “Tbe’gf ogff, yea P tjnf rbwfatlcu ab vb. P ralii tjnf j ecla bo atf kbgxybbx ab olclrt. Po sbe’gf bxjs, P’ii ub yjmx.”

“Vabq!” Ol Jtfcu ugjyyfv atf yjmx mbiijg bo tlr rtlga, “P tjnfc’a olclrtfv rqfjxlcu sfa, kts jgf sbe ublcu?”

Yan Jing pursed his mouth, and could only stay where he was.

Li Cheng took him to a corner where no one was around, and asked him: “Are you still going home with Xiao Yiheng these days?” 

“…” Yan Jing was worthy of being a study god of the rocket class. He only heard the question and could skip the middle steps and jump to the final answer, “You and Xiao Yiheng quarreled?”

“Nonsense!” Li Cheng fiercely said, “Also, I was asking you a question, but I didn’t allow you to question back.”

Yan Jing thought, ‘Oh, it looks like there was a quarrel and it must have been fierce.’

Yan Jing answered honestly: “We have seen less of each other recently. He always stays at school for a while after school, as if he is going to self-study.” 

Li Cheng thought, ‘That bastard Xiao Yiheng didn’t stay at school for self-study.’ Obviously, he went to the art classroom to engage in pornography and painted all sorts of Li-ge without clothes.

“Then do you see him on the way to school?” Li Cheng asked again, “Your home is in the same direction, and you are all in the top class. You can always say a few words.”

“I see him,” Yan Jing answered honestly, “but we don’t chat much. Senior brother Xiao is very cold and doesn’t like small talk. Occasionally, I ask him for advice when I have questions.”

“…Then you will help me to ask him a question tomorrow.” 

“What’s the question?”

Li Cheng licked his dry lips, and said stiffly: “You ask him, ‘What do you think about Li Cheng being confessed to by a junior sister?'”

Yan Jing: “…Senior Brother, do people used as tools have no dignity?”

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Forced by the abuse of authority of the big brother on campus, Yan Jing, a tool man who had no dignity, asked Xiao Yiheng this question on the way to school.

He talked about some miscellaneous topics, and then forced himself to throw out a question: “Senior brother Xiao, have you paid attention to the gossip on campus forums recently?”


Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “What gossip?”

“The gossip about Li Cheng and the first debater.” 

“…… “Xiao Heng stopped and turned his head to look at him, “Li Cheng made you ask me?”

It seemed the jumping ability of the rocket class had a common origin.

Yan Jing didn’t hesitate and immediately betrayed the shady hand behind the scenes: “Yes, Li Cheng came to my class yesterday, and had me ask you this question. He also asked me to memorize your answer and report it to him.”

Xiao Yiheng chuckled lightly, looking in a good mood. 

Yan Jing didn’t understand what the two of them were arguing about, so wanted to probe as he complained: “Did you have a falling out with Li Cheng? Why don’t you say something good and let me pass it on? It really delayed my study.”

Xiao Yiheng replied casually: “Contradiction? Yes, there is a little contradiction.” He wanted to use his spear to attack Li Cheng’s shield, but Li Cheng was unwilling. This was indeed a contradiction.

But Yan Jing was right. Some things were better when spoken face-to-face. Guessing could only delay each other’s time.


So after school that day, Xiao Yiheng did not go to the art classroom to paint as usual, but walked to the swimming pool alone.

As soon as the door was opened, the sound of splashing water mixed with the shouts of the teenagers poured into Xiao Yiheng’s ears.

“That’s right, whoever loses in this round will take off his swimming trunks!” The blond boy held a ball in his arms and looked confidently at his teammates in the swimming pool. “Don’t even try to escape. Dad will definitely make you swim naked in tears!”

Water drops rolled down his honey-colored body into the pool. As he had just finished strenuous exercise, he gasped a little, his chest was undulating, and two beautiful little points stood upright under the stimulation of cold water, but the blond boy didn’t realize it. He didn’t realize how attractive he was right then. 

The sports season was over, and the members of the swimming team were a bit slack. Rather than saying it was daily training, might as well say playing in the swimming pool.

Li Cheng got a water polo ball from somewhere and asked everyone to divide into two groups, using the lane rope as the boundary, to smash a ball at each other.

The battle between the two groups was neck-to-neck. Li Cheng’s group was slightly behind, which aroused his desire for victory or defeat. For a moment, his brain heated up, clamoring for additional punishment.

Huang Yelun, who was in the same group with him, was alarmed and poked Li Cheng’s arm: “Li-ge, Li-ge, isn’t it too much to take off swimming trunks…” 

Li Cheng was indifferent: “What are you afraid of? With Laozi here, we won’t lose.”

“What if…”


“—What if you lose?” A cold voice rang from the edge, “Li Cheng, if you lose, who are you going to swim naked for?”

Li Cheng froze and the water polo ball in his arms fell into the water with a snap, splashing the water on his face. 

He turned around and looked blankly at Xiao Yiheng standing condescendingly on the edge of the swimming pool. The splashes of water wet his trousers, leaving a dark wet mark.

Li Cheng: “…”

Fuck, he was just playing tricks for a while, how could he be heard by Xiao Yiheng?

Li Cheng almost hurriedly jumped from the swimming pool to the edge, trying to explain something. Xiao Yiheng ignored him, threw the towel on him, then turned and left. 

Li Cheng wrapped the bath towel and subconsciously chased after him.

In the swimming pool, the other players looked at each other. Someone asked in a low voice: “…Shall we still play ball?”

Huang Yelun: “Big brother has gone to coax sister-in-law, let’s continue to play ball!”


There was no suitable place for conversation near the swimming pool. At last, the two of them came to the locker room again one after another.

In a familiar place and two familiar people, Li Cheng couldn’t help but remember the experience of the two of them being trapped in the locker.

Xiao Yiheng walked to Li Cheng’s locker in silence, opened it, took out a T-shirt and pants from inside, and threw them into Li Cheng’s arms.

“Put them on.” 

Li Cheng took the clothes while hesitating, and was about to wear them obediently when he suddenly realized something was fishy.

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“Hold on! Xiao Yiheng, what kind of look are you giving me?” Li Cheng put his hands on hips, body straight with an unyielding appearance, “You left me to dry for several days. Now you suddenly came to the swimming pool to find me. You treat me coldly as soon as you arrive. You still have a reason right?”

“I left you to dry?” Xiao Yiheng’s smile had anger, “Obviously you are hiding from me.”


“Not only avoiding me, but you also deliberately spread the scandal with the junior sister. After that, you asked Yan Jing to come over and ask me what I think,” Xiao Yiheng laughed, but this laugh sounded chilly, “And what do I see? You are doing well without me and even have the heart to swim naked with other alphas.”

“…There is no naked swimming.” Li Cheng stuttered, “It’s just a bet and a joke. Even if I lose, they don’t dare to really let me take off my pants,” He whispered, “You know that my glands are on my legs. I’m not that crazy yet and show my glands to others.”


“Oh?” Xiao Yiheng glanced obscurely between his legs, as if he could see the glands hidden in his femoral artery through the long swimming trunks on him, “…so you only show them to me?”

Li Cheng’s eyes widened. He really didn’t understand how Xiao Yiheng could make an ordinary conversation turn so ambiguous. 

“Li Cheng, I really don’t understand you sometimes.” Xiao Yiheng sighed softly, his eyes heavy as he looked at Li Cheng.

“You don’t allow me to paint you nude. You call me a pervert, but you can bet with your teammates to take off your clothes.”

“You ignore my confession and even miss school to hide from me, but you make other classmates ask me what I think about your scandal.”

“You always do these self-contradictory things.” 

“How do you want me to react? Angry, anxious… or jealous?”

Li Cheng was stunned, as if there was something hidden in the deepest minute thoughts that was accurately spierced by the arrow shot by Xiao Yiheng.

He subconsciously denied: “I don’t…”

Before he could say anything, his words were stopped by Xiao Yiheng’s fingers. 

Xiao Yiheng covered his mouth, which was never honest enough, and stepped forward, trapping Li Cheng with his body.

Li Cheng’s back hit the cold locker, Xiao Yiheng’s hot chest in front of him.

The water droplets on his body wetted Xiao Yiheng’s school uniform, but neither of them had time to take care of it.

“ChengCheng,” Xiao Yiheng looked at the boy’s eyes up close until they were filled with his own reflection, “‘Jealousy’ can only be done between lovers. If you want to see me jealous, are you ready to be my boyfriend?” 

Ch56 - “Do you want to see me jealous so much?”

In a school dorm, nothing could spread faster than gossip.

Li Cheng found out in horror, in just a day’s work, the story of him and that debater junior sister had been spread to everyone.

Regarding this matter, people around him had two reactions. 

Some were like his roommates, they sincerely blessed him, and praised him for his ability and charm which actually got him a first year high school junior sister.


The others were like his swimming teammates, who looked at him as if they were looking at a scumbag, holding back their scolding before speaking: “Li-ge, does sister-in-law know about this? I think you’d better explain it to him as soon as possible. ”

Li Cheng’s head was about to explode.

Not only did he explain to his roommates, “I have nothing to do with the junior sister, we are both omegas, what relationship can we have!!”, he also explained to his teammates, “Xiao Yiheng and I are innocent, don’t call him sister-in-law!!!”


Too tired.

He was really tired.

The most tiring thing was that no one believed him even if he talked until he was blue in the face.

Couldn’t they let him be beautiful alone? Why did they insist on speculating if he and someone had a CP?—Li Cheng learned this statement from the star-chaser boy Xiao Pang. Li Cheng felt that it was very suitable for him so much so that he even changed his signature on the chat software to this sentence. 

However, when everyone around him came to ask about this matter, the person who should have asked about this matter was quiet.

Li Cheng had to open the chat software eight hundred times a day. As soon as the phone buzzed, he would pick it up immediately to take a look, but after looking forward to it again and again, he was disappointed again and again.

—Since Li Cheng fled the art classroom, Xiao Yiheng never contacted Li Cheng again.

Li Cheng: “…” 

What was going on with that asshole? Didn’t he say that he liked him? Now that the scandal between him and his junior sister was known throughout the school, Xiao Yiheng was not even willing to send him a message???

Was he blind, deaf, or had his hand broken?

Why didn’t he have the awareness of chasing people at all?!

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Li Cheng did not perceive at all that he was splitting hairs. He angrily rushed to the door of grade 2-1 class and called out Yan Jing, who was studying hard. 

Yan Jing got a headache when he saw him.

Yan Jing suspected that his horoscope was unlucky and hence he could always be caught by various gangsters inexplicably. The last time he dealt with Li Cheng, Li Cheng “coerced” him to visit Xiao Yiheng’s house.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yan Jing asked Li Cheng: “Li-ge, what can I do for you this time?”

Ol Jtfcu rcbgafv, “P mjc’a olcv sbe lo P’w ogff?” 

Tjc Alcu: “Tbe’gf ogff, yea P tjnf rbwfatlcu ab vb. P ralii tjnf j ecla bo atf kbgxybbx ab olclrt. Po sbe’gf bxjs, P’ii ub yjmx.”

“Vabq!” Ol Jtfcu ugjyyfv atf yjmx mbiijg bo tlr rtlga, “P tjnfc’a olclrtfv rqfjxlcu sfa, kts jgf sbe ublcu?”

Yan Jing pursed his mouth, and could only stay where he was.

Li Cheng took him to a corner where no one was around, and asked him: “Are you still going home with Xiao Yiheng these days?” 

“…” Yan Jing was worthy of being a study god of the rocket class. He only heard the question and could skip the middle steps and jump to the final answer, “You and Xiao Yiheng quarreled?”

“Nonsense!” Li Cheng fiercely said, “Also, I was asking you a question, but I didn’t allow you to question back.”

Yan Jing thought, ‘Oh, it looks like there was a quarrel and it must have been fierce.’

Yan Jing answered honestly: “We have seen less of each other recently. He always stays at school for a while after school, as if he is going to self-study.” 

Li Cheng thought, ‘That bastard Xiao Yiheng didn’t stay at school for self-study.’ Obviously, he went to the art classroom to engage in pornography and painted all sorts of Li-ge without clothes.

“Then do you see him on the way to school?” Li Cheng asked again, “Your home is in the same direction, and you are all in the top class. You can always say a few words.”

“I see him,” Yan Jing answered honestly, “but we don’t chat much. Senior brother Xiao is very cold and doesn’t like small talk. Occasionally, I ask him for advice when I have questions.”

“…Then you will help me to ask him a question tomorrow.” 

“What’s the question?”

Li Cheng licked his dry lips, and said stiffly: “You ask him, ‘What do you think about Li Cheng being confessed to by a junior sister?'”

Yan Jing: “…Senior Brother, do people used as tools have no dignity?”


Forced by the abuse of authority of the big brother on campus, Yan Jing, a tool man who had no dignity, asked Xiao Yiheng this question on the way to school.

He talked about some miscellaneous topics, and then forced himself to throw out a question: “Senior brother Xiao, have you paid attention to the gossip on campus forums recently?”


Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “What gossip?”

“The gossip about Li Cheng and the first debater.” 

“…… “Xiao Heng stopped and turned his head to look at him, “Li Cheng made you ask me?”

It seemed the jumping ability of the rocket class had a common origin.

Yan Jing didn’t hesitate and immediately betrayed the shady hand behind the scenes: “Yes, Li Cheng came to my class yesterday, and had me ask you this question. He also asked me to memorize your answer and report it to him.”

Xiao Yiheng chuckled lightly, looking in a good mood. 

Yan Jing didn’t understand what the two of them were arguing about, so wanted to probe as he complained: “Did you have a falling out with Li Cheng? Why don’t you say something good and let me pass it on? It really delayed my study.”

Xiao Yiheng replied casually: “Contradiction? Yes, there is a little contradiction.” He wanted to use his spear to attack Li Cheng’s shield, but Li Cheng was unwilling. This was indeed a contradiction.

But Yan Jing was right. Some things were better when spoken face-to-face. Guessing could only delay each other’s time.


So after school that day, Xiao Yiheng did not go to the art classroom to paint as usual, but walked to the swimming pool alone.

As soon as the door was opened, the sound of splashing water mixed with the shouts of the teenagers poured into Xiao Yiheng’s ears.

“That’s right, whoever loses in this round will take off his swimming trunks!” The blond boy held a ball in his arms and looked confidently at his teammates in the swimming pool. “Don’t even try to escape. Dad will definitely make you swim naked in tears!”

Water drops rolled down his honey-colored body into the pool. As he had just finished strenuous exercise, he gasped a little, his chest was undulating, and two beautiful little points stood upright under the stimulation of cold water, but the blond boy didn’t realize it. He didn’t realize how attractive he was right then. 

The sports season was over, and the members of the swimming team were a bit slack. Rather than saying it was daily training, might as well say playing in the swimming pool.

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Li Cheng got a water polo ball from somewhere and asked everyone to divide into two groups, using the lane rope as the boundary, to smash a ball at each other.

The battle between the two groups was neck-to-neck. Li Cheng’s group was slightly behind, which aroused his desire for victory or defeat. For a moment, his brain heated up, clamoring for additional punishment.

Huang Yelun, who was in the same group with him, was alarmed and poked Li Cheng’s arm: “Li-ge, Li-ge, isn’t it too much to take off swimming trunks…” 

Li Cheng was indifferent: “What are you afraid of? With Laozi here, we won’t lose.”

“What if…”


“—What if you lose?” A cold voice rang from the edge, “Li Cheng, if you lose, who are you going to swim naked for?”

Li Cheng froze and the water polo ball in his arms fell into the water with a snap, splashing the water on his face. 

He turned around and looked blankly at Xiao Yiheng standing condescendingly on the edge of the swimming pool. The splashes of water wet his trousers, leaving a dark wet mark.

Li Cheng: “…”

Fuck, he was just playing tricks for a while, how could he be heard by Xiao Yiheng?

Li Cheng almost hurriedly jumped from the swimming pool to the edge, trying to explain something. Xiao Yiheng ignored him, threw the towel on him, then turned and left. 

Li Cheng wrapped the bath towel and subconsciously chased after him.

In the swimming pool, the other players looked at each other. Someone asked in a low voice: “…Shall we still play ball?”

Huang Yelun: “Big brother has gone to coax sister-in-law, let’s continue to play ball!”


There was no suitable place for conversation near the swimming pool. At last, the two of them came to the locker room again one after another.

In a familiar place and two familiar people, Li Cheng couldn’t help but remember the experience of the two of them being trapped in the locker.

Xiao Yiheng walked to Li Cheng’s locker in silence, opened it, took out a T-shirt and pants from inside, and threw them into Li Cheng’s arms.

“Put them on.” 

Li Cheng took the clothes while hesitating, and was about to wear them obediently when he suddenly realized something was fishy.

“Hold on! Xiao Yiheng, what kind of look are you giving me?” Li Cheng put his hands on hips, body straight with an unyielding appearance, “You left me to dry for several days. Now you suddenly came to the swimming pool to find me. You treat me coldly as soon as you arrive. You still have a reason right?”

“I left you to dry?” Xiao Yiheng’s smile had anger, “Obviously you are hiding from me.”


“Not only avoiding me, but you also deliberately spread the scandal with the junior sister. After that, you asked Yan Jing to come over and ask me what I think,” Xiao Yiheng laughed, but this laugh sounded chilly, “And what do I see? You are doing well without me and even have the heart to swim naked with other alphas.”

“…There is no naked swimming.” Li Cheng stuttered, “It’s just a bet and a joke. Even if I lose, they don’t dare to really let me take off my pants,” He whispered, “You know that my glands are on my legs. I’m not that crazy yet and show my glands to others.”


“Oh?” Xiao Yiheng glanced obscurely between his legs, as if he could see the glands hidden in his femoral artery through the long swimming trunks on him, “…so you only show them to me?”

Li Cheng’s eyes widened. He really didn’t understand how Xiao Yiheng could make an ordinary conversation turn so ambiguous. 

“Li Cheng, I really don’t understand you sometimes.” Xiao Yiheng sighed softly, his eyes heavy as he looked at Li Cheng.

“You don’t allow me to paint you nude. You call me a pervert, but you can bet with your teammates to take off your clothes.”

“You ignore my confession and even miss school to hide from me, but you make other classmates ask me what I think about your scandal.”

“You always do these self-contradictory things.” 

“How do you want me to react? Angry, anxious… or jealous?”

Li Cheng was stunned, as if there was something hidden in the deepest minute thoughts that was accurately spierced by the arrow shot by Xiao Yiheng.

He subconsciously denied: “I don’t…”

Before he could say anything, his words were stopped by Xiao Yiheng’s fingers. 

Xiao Yiheng covered his mouth, which was never honest enough, and stepped forward, trapping Li Cheng with his body.

Li Cheng’s back hit the cold locker, Xiao Yiheng’s hot chest in front of him.

The water droplets on his body wetted Xiao Yiheng’s school uniform, but neither of them had time to take care of it.

“ChengCheng,” Xiao Yiheng looked at the boy’s eyes up close until they were filled with his own reflection, “‘Jealousy’ can only be done between lovers. If you want to see me jealous, are you ready to be my boyfriend?” 

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