This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 78: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch78 - His coming-of-age ceremony will be spent in a thrilling adventure

Li Cheng originally thought that it would be difficult to bear the long-distance relationship. He and Xiao Yiheng would definitely spend every day missing each other like the mythical Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

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As a result… Li Cheng was so tired that he didn’t even have the strength to think! 

When Li Cheng was in Huacheng No. 1 High School, his training volume was the largest among all his teammates. But when he arrived at the training center, he realized that his previous training volume was simply a joke.

The trainers of the national team were simply a group of demons. They had to swim five kilometres just to warm up in the morning!

For a 50-meter long pool, that meant swimming 50 laps back and forth. If you consider a 25-meter short pool, it was equivalent to swimming 100 laps back and forth!

When the coach announced this number for the first time, the entire swimming team was in an uproar. Li Cheng breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, he was not such an “ignorant” person. 

The coach who was in charge of the men’s team was named Yu. She was a female alpha with a square face, short hair, deep nasolabial folds, and her brows were wrinkled in a permanent frown. Li Cheng had seen her on the news and knew that she often took the secondary national team to wage war on all sides, and was a very capable coach.


Coach Yu scolded: “Is five kilometres long? If you can’t even warm up, I advise you to pack your bags and return to your school right now!”

Everyone shut up immediately. All of them were talented youngsters and every single individual standing there had at least one provincial gold medal. They came to the training center with the envy of their classmates and the expectation of their family members. If they couldn’t keep up with the training, they would be sent back to their hometowns which would definitely become a great shame in their lives!

No one dared to talk any more nonsense. They were divided into two batches at the request of the coach. The long-distance swimmers went to the long pool for warm-up and the short-distance swimmers went to the short pool for warm-up.


Li Cheng heard two athletes chatting before entering the water. The two should be fellow villagers and deliberately spoke in dialect. Since Li Cheng’s parents docked at many places when he was young, he could understand some local dialects.

He heard one of them say: “Coach Yu is too terrible. I have to swim a hundred laps just to warm up, I am worried that I can’t swim it!”

The other person comforted him: “Today is the first day of training. There must be many people like us. Don’t mess up your pace and swim slowly.”

“Swim slowly? That would be humiliating!” 

“You won’t lose face,” the guy snickered, “Did you forget? There is someone in the team that will surely ‘bottom’.”

The first person also laughed: “You are right! Speaking of which, was the competition in the Huacheng province so dismal? They actually let an omega win three championships?”

Li Cheng: “…”

Hearing this, he understood. It turned out that these two idiots were waiting to see him make a joke of himself. 

Was Li Cheng’s disposition the ‘grin and bear it’ type? Of course not. He walked straight over and inserted himself into the conversation between the two with a smile.

“Hey brother, what are you talking about?” Li Cheng looked friendly, “Listening to your accent, are you from X city?”

The expressions of the two immediately became alert and embarrassed: “…Do you understand the X city dialect?”

“No, I don’t.” Li Cheng lied. 

Both of them were obviously relieved.

Li Cheng continued: “But I used to have a classmate who was from X city. He taught me how to say hello in the X city dialect.”


Before the two of them could react, Li Cheng spoke directly in the X city dialect: “I ** you%% [email protected] @@ I¥#¥!”

This sentence was nothing but very, very dirty swear words in the X city dialect. It not only cursed the other party’s ancestors of eighteen generations, but even split open the ancestor’s coffin board to be burned as firewood. 

In an instant, the faces of the two boys turned purple with rage.


“Me? What’s wrong with me?” Li Cheng asked with a puzzled face, “I’m saying ‘Hello’ ah, is my pronunciation substandard? Then I’ll change it to another sentence— I %% you ##日 you @@@!”

Although Li Cheng’s brain rebelled when learning English, when he learned swear words in dialects, he was extremely fast, and his pronunciation was spot on. Moreover, he had an innocent smiling face, bright eyes, and acted extremely magnanimous. 

The two X city athletes were cursed by him and wanted to swear back at him, but they felt guilty— If Li Cheng didn’t know the meaning of the swear words, then he was innocent; if Li Cheng knew the meaning of the swear words, it meant he could understand the dialect, and had heard all their comments just now!

The two of them could only endure the anger, and turned away in shame.

After they left, Zhou Jian came over and asked him about the incident.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng shrugged and said indifferently, “It’s nothing, I just said hello to them.” 

Itbe Aljc rjk atja Ol Jtfcu tjvc’a abiv atf ageat, yea tf ralii fzqgfrrfv mbcmfgc: “Po sbe cffv tfiq, pera rqfjx eq.”

Ol Jtfcu atbeuta obg j ktlif: “Qfii, atfgf lr gfjiis rbwfatlcu atja P’v ilxf ab jrx sbe obg tfiq.”

Itbe Aljc lwwfvljafis jrxfv, “Qtja’r atf wjaafg?”

Ol Jtfcu: “Jjc sbe tfiq wf rklw olnf xlibwfagfr?” 

Zhou Jian: “… ”

Li Cheng: “Your expression says it won’t be possible.”

Zhou Jian coughed, and left in embarrassment.


After the five-kilometer warm-up, dozens of young men and women collapsed on the shore. All of them could be said to be alive more or less.

During these 100 rounds, Li Cheng struggled with the anger in his heart and swam desperately, unwilling to let others despise him because he was an omega.


In the end, Li Cheng became the fourth person in the men’s freestyle group to finish the five-kilometre warm-up. The top three were all long-distance swimmers, and their endurance was much better than Li Cheng. Meanwhile, the two grumbling noxious boys from X city were dredged up by the coach before they finished swimming.

Li Cheng lay on the ground panting, thinking to himself: Those…huh…those idiots…want to swim faster than Laozi? …What… fucking bullshit! 

The five kilometres warm-up was just the appetizer served by the coach. The next event was the highlight.

Coach Yu instructed them to develop the ability to “mentally calculate time”. Before each dive, coach Yu stipulated the time they would take for the lap. After the players finished swimming, the real and stipulated times were compared—this error should not exceed 0.5 seconds!

If the error was more than half a second, they were required to train for an additional kilometre.

This demand was enough to torment everyone to insanity. The sweat on Li Cheng’s body kept dripping the entire day, mixing in the pool, till his limbs were like lead and ready to drown. 

After a day of training, the players helped each other into the canteen. Because of his physical strength being squeezed out, Li Cheng was starving to death. He was desperate to fill his mouth with food, and he couldn’t even remember the taste of what he ate.

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His tired brain was blank and he almost couldn’t even climb up the bunk bed when he returned to the dormitory.

He collapsed on the bed, groggy, in a state of half-sleep and half-awake.

He remembered vaguely that he seemed to still have something unfinished. 

…Oh… That’s right… He promised his boyfriend that he would call him tonight…

Li Cheng opened his eyes and took out the spare cell phone from under the pillow using the last bit of his strength. He opened the chat software in a daze.

…What was his boyfriend’s name…

…Xiao Yiheng, Xiao Yishu, Xiao Yipie, Xiao Yinan… 

As soon as Li Cheng got to the “Nan”, his brain shut down and he fell asleep.


In the last few days, Liu Ke, the monitor of class 3-1, discovered that there was something wrong with his desk-mate, Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng consistently ranked first in the grade, and his grades were always ahead of the second place by more than a dozen points. This “God of Learning” was deeply loved by the teachers, and he was often asked to answer problems in class. 

But recently, when the teacher called out Xiao Yiheng, more often than not he would reply with: “Sorry, I didn’t listen to the question just now. Teacher, please repeat the question again.”

Teacher: “…”


In short, the god of learning Xiao Yiheng dared to confess the four words “I did not listen” in front of the teacher.

However, even if Xiao Yiheng didn’t listen to lectures in class, his grades still ranked first. 

A lemon essence used his side account to post on the school forum: “The god of learning is amazing. Since he has already learnt everything, why does he come to school?”

A fan of Xiao Yiheng immediately jumped out and said, “Even if God Xiao has learnt all the knowledge in the textbooks, he still insists on coming to school and lighting up the whole school with his beauty… I am so touched, we should applaud his behavior!”

As for the truth of the matter, only Liu Ke knew.

When Xiao Yiheng was in class, he really didn’t pay attention to the lectures— he would take his mobile phone and glance at it every five minutes to see if the person he was concerned about had replied to his messages. 

Liu could guess with his toes that the person who made Xiao Yiheng so concerned must be Li Cheng.

Xiao Yiheng took out his mobile phone from his school bag and took a look at it under the cover of the desk.

The chat history showed a few sentences recorded at seemingly random times.

[Sunday 21:30] 

Small Round Orange: Damn, I am so tired today!

Small Round Orange: Today I swam #¥¥YU%^ (garbled)

Pursue Unremittingly: …

Pursue Unremittingly: Li Cheng? 

Pursue Unremittingly: ChengCheng, are you asleep?

[Sunday 21:45]

Pursue Unremittingly: Good night ChengCheng.

Pursue Unremittingly: Sleep tight. 

[Monday 04:45]

Small Round Orange: Ahhhh, I’m sorry!


Small Round Orange: I fell asleep halfway through typing last night!

Small Round Orange: _(:з」∠)_ 

Small Round Orange: I need to get ready for my morning training now!

[Monday 06:00]

Pursue Unremittingly: Good morning.

Pursue Unremittingly: Jiayou! I have to get ready for school too. 

This kind of conversation was repeated almost every day.

In the past two weeks, Li Cheng was utterly exhausted from the intense training which made him almost faint on the bed as soon as he went back to the dormitory. Occasionally, he forced himself to send a few messages, conveying his thoughts in a mere three minutes. His morning training began at 05:30, and he had to wash up and eat breakfast at 04:45.

Both of them lived in the same country, but because of their different schedules, they could hardly communicate effectively.

Xiao Yiheng felt distressed and worried about him. 

After all, they were now separated by thousands of kilometres, and none of Li Cheng’s hardships, grievances, and anger could be shared with him. Apart from knowing that Li Cheng had been training very hard recently, Xiao Yiheng didn’t know anything about him.

The most worrisome thing was that there was also an alpha suitor eyeing Li Cheng covetously.

Fortunately… Li Cheng was foolish. Till date, he didn’t know that the alpha named Zhou Jian was pursuing him.

With Li Cheng’s straight-forward character, it was possible he couldn’t understand the hints for the rest of his life. He could understand the meaning of love only after being whacked by the straight ball shot by Xiao Yiheng. 

… Damn! I miss the sweet orange scent on his body.

The pen in Xiao Yiheng’s hand moved, and he unconsciously sketched Li Cheng’s profile in the blank space of the textbook page. His painting skills were exquisite. The dazzling omega appeared on the paper with just a few strokes.

“Eh, Lao Xiao, what are you drawing?” Liu Ke, who was at the same table, stretched his head to see what he had drawn.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t want others to know that he could paint, so he quickly turned the page, covering up the graffiti he had drawn. 

At this moment, there was a sudden broadcast in the classroom! The unexpected sound of the loudspeaker interrupted not only Liu Ke’s curiosity, but also the teacher’s lecture on the podium.

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The principal announced on the loudspeaker—


—”Attention, teachers and dear students. I have received a notice from the Fire Department. This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the campus will carry out a comprehensive maintenance and replacement of the fire protection system. This will involve the teaching building and the comprehensive laboratory building for the first, second, and third year seniors. Therefore, this Friday will be an off day for the school. I would like to remind everyone that the final exam is just around the corner. Don’t relax even if you have a holiday…”

The principal’s last words drowned in the screams and cries of all the students. 

A holiday! A sudden holiday!! Even if it was only one day, with Saturday and Sunday, it became a full three-day holiday! Even the rocket class of 3-1 couldn’t control their restless hearts.

“We suddenly have a three days vacation,” the girl sitting in the front row said excitedly, “Won’t it be great to go to Lin city to take a look?”

“Hey, hey, hey! Let me remind you,” Liu Ke displayed the aura of the monitor and knocked on the table to remind her, “For high school seniors, there is no such thing as a holiday!”

“Tsk! Can’t I just think about it? It’s not illegal to think about it.” 

“That’s true, it’s really not illegal to think about it,” Liu Ke touched his chin and said, “Then why not dream bigger—it’s too sad to visit Lin city during the three-day holiday. How about going to Lin Province?”

The girl laughed: “Seeing Lin Province in three days? Fancy that. You think it’s possible?”

“Why not? Transportation is so developed now. How long does it take to fly over and return?”

The two of them argued with each other, as if they could really throw away the endless papers and go on a short trip by just walking away. 

In the end, the girl pulled Xiao Yiheng into the battle.

“God Xiao, what do you think? Do you think it’s better to go to Lin city or Lin province during the three-day holiday?”

Liu Ke curled his lips: “It’s no use asking Lao Xiao. He will definitely say that it’s better to solve a test paper at home…”

“—Three days is the best time to go to the capital,” Xiao Yiheng looked down at the graffiti he had drawn on the page of the book, and said in a low voice, “No, it only needs one day… Friday. Just like Liu Ke said, it’s possible if you fly and return on the same day.” 

“???” Liu Ke was shocked, “What you’re talking about is not tourism, it’s adventure, okay?”

Xiao Yiheng’s lips curved up slightly.

Yes, it was indeed an adventure.

Every Friday night, his parents socialized and often did not get home until late at night. 

Huacheng No. 1 High School had a temporary holiday on Friday. He would pretend it was business as usual. At 6:30 in the morning, he would carry his school bag and set off from home. The flight from Huacheng to the capital took four hours and he expected to arrive at noon.

If he took the return flight by 7 o’clock in the evening, it would land at 11 o’clock, and he could get home before midnight.


As for the camera problem, he could try to use the previous video to tamper with the camera recording. Anyway, after getting home every day, he went to his room to do his homework. The camera’s resolution was not high and it was possible to achieve his aim by underhanded means.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yiheng immediately opened the mobile phone software and prepared to book a ticket. 

When he saw the date on Friday, he was stunned because that day happened to be his eighteenth birthday.

His coming-of-age ceremony was bound to be a thrilling adventure.

Ch78 - His coming-of-age ceremony will be spent in a thrilling adventure

Li Cheng originally thought that it would be difficult to bear the long-distance relationship. He and Xiao Yiheng would definitely spend every day missing each other like the mythical Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

As a result… Li Cheng was so tired that he didn’t even have the strength to think! 

When Li Cheng was in Huacheng No. 1 High School, his training volume was the largest among all his teammates. But when he arrived at the training center, he realized that his previous training volume was simply a joke.

The trainers of the national team were simply a group of demons. They had to swim five kilometres just to warm up in the morning!

For a 50-meter long pool, that meant swimming 50 laps back and forth. If you consider a 25-meter short pool, it was equivalent to swimming 100 laps back and forth!

When the coach announced this number for the first time, the entire swimming team was in an uproar. Li Cheng breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, he was not such an “ignorant” person. 

The coach who was in charge of the men’s team was named Yu. She was a female alpha with a square face, short hair, deep nasolabial folds, and her brows were wrinkled in a permanent frown. Li Cheng had seen her on the news and knew that she often took the secondary national team to wage war on all sides, and was a very capable coach.


Coach Yu scolded: “Is five kilometres long? If you can’t even warm up, I advise you to pack your bags and return to your school right now!”

Everyone shut up immediately. All of them were talented youngsters and every single individual standing there had at least one provincial gold medal. They came to the training center with the envy of their classmates and the expectation of their family members. If they couldn’t keep up with the training, they would be sent back to their hometowns which would definitely become a great shame in their lives!

No one dared to talk any more nonsense. They were divided into two batches at the request of the coach. The long-distance swimmers went to the long pool for warm-up and the short-distance swimmers went to the short pool for warm-up.


Li Cheng heard two athletes chatting before entering the water. The two should be fellow villagers and deliberately spoke in dialect. Since Li Cheng’s parents docked at many places when he was young, he could understand some local dialects.

He heard one of them say: “Coach Yu is too terrible. I have to swim a hundred laps just to warm up, I am worried that I can’t swim it!”

The other person comforted him: “Today is the first day of training. There must be many people like us. Don’t mess up your pace and swim slowly.”

“Swim slowly? That would be humiliating!” 

“You won’t lose face,” the guy snickered, “Did you forget? There is someone in the team that will surely ‘bottom’.”

The first person also laughed: “You are right! Speaking of which, was the competition in the Huacheng province so dismal? They actually let an omega win three championships?”

Li Cheng: “…”

Hearing this, he understood. It turned out that these two idiots were waiting to see him make a joke of himself. 

Was Li Cheng’s disposition the ‘grin and bear it’ type? Of course not. He walked straight over and inserted himself into the conversation between the two with a smile.

“Hey brother, what are you talking about?” Li Cheng looked friendly, “Listening to your accent, are you from X city?”

The expressions of the two immediately became alert and embarrassed: “…Do you understand the X city dialect?”

“No, I don’t.” Li Cheng lied. 

Both of them were obviously relieved.

Li Cheng continued: “But I used to have a classmate who was from X city. He taught me how to say hello in the X city dialect.”


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Before the two of them could react, Li Cheng spoke directly in the X city dialect: “I ** you%% [email protected] @@ I¥#¥!”

This sentence was nothing but very, very dirty swear words in the X city dialect. It not only cursed the other party’s ancestors of eighteen generations, but even split open the ancestor’s coffin board to be burned as firewood. 

In an instant, the faces of the two boys turned purple with rage.


“Me? What’s wrong with me?” Li Cheng asked with a puzzled face, “I’m saying ‘Hello’ ah, is my pronunciation substandard? Then I’ll change it to another sentence— I %% you ##日 you @@@!”

Although Li Cheng’s brain rebelled when learning English, when he learned swear words in dialects, he was extremely fast, and his pronunciation was spot on. Moreover, he had an innocent smiling face, bright eyes, and acted extremely magnanimous. 

The two X city athletes were cursed by him and wanted to swear back at him, but they felt guilty— If Li Cheng didn’t know the meaning of the swear words, then he was innocent; if Li Cheng knew the meaning of the swear words, it meant he could understand the dialect, and had heard all their comments just now!

The two of them could only endure the anger, and turned away in shame.

After they left, Zhou Jian came over and asked him about the incident.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng shrugged and said indifferently, “It’s nothing, I just said hello to them.” 

Itbe Aljc rjk atja Ol Jtfcu tjvc’a abiv atf ageat, yea tf ralii fzqgfrrfv mbcmfgc: “Po sbe cffv tfiq, pera rqfjx eq.”

Ol Jtfcu atbeuta obg j ktlif: “Qfii, atfgf lr gfjiis rbwfatlcu atja P’v ilxf ab jrx sbe obg tfiq.”

Itbe Aljc lwwfvljafis jrxfv, “Qtja’r atf wjaafg?”

Ol Jtfcu: “Jjc sbe tfiq wf rklw olnf xlibwfagfr?” 

Zhou Jian: “… ”

Li Cheng: “Your expression says it won’t be possible.”

Zhou Jian coughed, and left in embarrassment.


After the five-kilometer warm-up, dozens of young men and women collapsed on the shore. All of them could be said to be alive more or less.

During these 100 rounds, Li Cheng struggled with the anger in his heart and swam desperately, unwilling to let others despise him because he was an omega.


In the end, Li Cheng became the fourth person in the men’s freestyle group to finish the five-kilometre warm-up. The top three were all long-distance swimmers, and their endurance was much better than Li Cheng. Meanwhile, the two grumbling noxious boys from X city were dredged up by the coach before they finished swimming.

Li Cheng lay on the ground panting, thinking to himself: Those…huh…those idiots…want to swim faster than Laozi? …What… fucking bullshit! 

The five kilometres warm-up was just the appetizer served by the coach. The next event was the highlight.

Coach Yu instructed them to develop the ability to “mentally calculate time”. Before each dive, coach Yu stipulated the time they would take for the lap. After the players finished swimming, the real and stipulated times were compared—this error should not exceed 0.5 seconds!

If the error was more than half a second, they were required to train for an additional kilometre.

This demand was enough to torment everyone to insanity. The sweat on Li Cheng’s body kept dripping the entire day, mixing in the pool, till his limbs were like lead and ready to drown. 

After a day of training, the players helped each other into the canteen. Because of his physical strength being squeezed out, Li Cheng was starving to death. He was desperate to fill his mouth with food, and he couldn’t even remember the taste of what he ate.

His tired brain was blank and he almost couldn’t even climb up the bunk bed when he returned to the dormitory.

He collapsed on the bed, groggy, in a state of half-sleep and half-awake.

He remembered vaguely that he seemed to still have something unfinished. 

…Oh… That’s right… He promised his boyfriend that he would call him tonight…

Li Cheng opened his eyes and took out the spare cell phone from under the pillow using the last bit of his strength. He opened the chat software in a daze.

…What was his boyfriend’s name…

…Xiao Yiheng, Xiao Yishu, Xiao Yipie, Xiao Yinan… 

As soon as Li Cheng got to the “Nan”, his brain shut down and he fell asleep.


In the last few days, Liu Ke, the monitor of class 3-1, discovered that there was something wrong with his desk-mate, Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng consistently ranked first in the grade, and his grades were always ahead of the second place by more than a dozen points. This “God of Learning” was deeply loved by the teachers, and he was often asked to answer problems in class. 

But recently, when the teacher called out Xiao Yiheng, more often than not he would reply with: “Sorry, I didn’t listen to the question just now. Teacher, please repeat the question again.”

Teacher: “…”


In short, the god of learning Xiao Yiheng dared to confess the four words “I did not listen” in front of the teacher.

However, even if Xiao Yiheng didn’t listen to lectures in class, his grades still ranked first. 

A lemon essence used his side account to post on the school forum: “The god of learning is amazing. Since he has already learnt everything, why does he come to school?”

A fan of Xiao Yiheng immediately jumped out and said, “Even if God Xiao has learnt all the knowledge in the textbooks, he still insists on coming to school and lighting up the whole school with his beauty… I am so touched, we should applaud his behavior!”

As for the truth of the matter, only Liu Ke knew.

When Xiao Yiheng was in class, he really didn’t pay attention to the lectures— he would take his mobile phone and glance at it every five minutes to see if the person he was concerned about had replied to his messages. 

Liu could guess with his toes that the person who made Xiao Yiheng so concerned must be Li Cheng.

Xiao Yiheng took out his mobile phone from his school bag and took a look at it under the cover of the desk.

The chat history showed a few sentences recorded at seemingly random times.

[Sunday 21:30] 

Small Round Orange: Damn, I am so tired today!

Small Round Orange: Today I swam #¥¥YU%^ (garbled)

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Pursue Unremittingly: …

Pursue Unremittingly: Li Cheng? 

Pursue Unremittingly: ChengCheng, are you asleep?

[Sunday 21:45]

Pursue Unremittingly: Good night ChengCheng.

Pursue Unremittingly: Sleep tight. 

[Monday 04:45]

Small Round Orange: Ahhhh, I’m sorry!


Small Round Orange: I fell asleep halfway through typing last night!

Small Round Orange: _(:з」∠)_ 

Small Round Orange: I need to get ready for my morning training now!

[Monday 06:00]

Pursue Unremittingly: Good morning.

Pursue Unremittingly: Jiayou! I have to get ready for school too. 

This kind of conversation was repeated almost every day.

In the past two weeks, Li Cheng was utterly exhausted from the intense training which made him almost faint on the bed as soon as he went back to the dormitory. Occasionally, he forced himself to send a few messages, conveying his thoughts in a mere three minutes. His morning training began at 05:30, and he had to wash up and eat breakfast at 04:45.

Both of them lived in the same country, but because of their different schedules, they could hardly communicate effectively.

Xiao Yiheng felt distressed and worried about him. 

After all, they were now separated by thousands of kilometres, and none of Li Cheng’s hardships, grievances, and anger could be shared with him. Apart from knowing that Li Cheng had been training very hard recently, Xiao Yiheng didn’t know anything about him.

The most worrisome thing was that there was also an alpha suitor eyeing Li Cheng covetously.

Fortunately… Li Cheng was foolish. Till date, he didn’t know that the alpha named Zhou Jian was pursuing him.

With Li Cheng’s straight-forward character, it was possible he couldn’t understand the hints for the rest of his life. He could understand the meaning of love only after being whacked by the straight ball shot by Xiao Yiheng. 

… Damn! I miss the sweet orange scent on his body.

The pen in Xiao Yiheng’s hand moved, and he unconsciously sketched Li Cheng’s profile in the blank space of the textbook page. His painting skills were exquisite. The dazzling omega appeared on the paper with just a few strokes.

“Eh, Lao Xiao, what are you drawing?” Liu Ke, who was at the same table, stretched his head to see what he had drawn.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t want others to know that he could paint, so he quickly turned the page, covering up the graffiti he had drawn. 

At this moment, there was a sudden broadcast in the classroom! The unexpected sound of the loudspeaker interrupted not only Liu Ke’s curiosity, but also the teacher’s lecture on the podium.

The principal announced on the loudspeaker—


—”Attention, teachers and dear students. I have received a notice from the Fire Department. This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the campus will carry out a comprehensive maintenance and replacement of the fire protection system. This will involve the teaching building and the comprehensive laboratory building for the first, second, and third year seniors. Therefore, this Friday will be an off day for the school. I would like to remind everyone that the final exam is just around the corner. Don’t relax even if you have a holiday…”

The principal’s last words drowned in the screams and cries of all the students. 

A holiday! A sudden holiday!! Even if it was only one day, with Saturday and Sunday, it became a full three-day holiday! Even the rocket class of 3-1 couldn’t control their restless hearts.

“We suddenly have a three days vacation,” the girl sitting in the front row said excitedly, “Won’t it be great to go to Lin city to take a look?”

“Hey, hey, hey! Let me remind you,” Liu Ke displayed the aura of the monitor and knocked on the table to remind her, “For high school seniors, there is no such thing as a holiday!”

“Tsk! Can’t I just think about it? It’s not illegal to think about it.” 

“That’s true, it’s really not illegal to think about it,” Liu Ke touched his chin and said, “Then why not dream bigger—it’s too sad to visit Lin city during the three-day holiday. How about going to Lin Province?”

The girl laughed: “Seeing Lin Province in three days? Fancy that. You think it’s possible?”

“Why not? Transportation is so developed now. How long does it take to fly over and return?”

The two of them argued with each other, as if they could really throw away the endless papers and go on a short trip by just walking away. 

In the end, the girl pulled Xiao Yiheng into the battle.

“God Xiao, what do you think? Do you think it’s better to go to Lin city or Lin province during the three-day holiday?”

Liu Ke curled his lips: “It’s no use asking Lao Xiao. He will definitely say that it’s better to solve a test paper at home…”

“—Three days is the best time to go to the capital,” Xiao Yiheng looked down at the graffiti he had drawn on the page of the book, and said in a low voice, “No, it only needs one day… Friday. Just like Liu Ke said, it’s possible if you fly and return on the same day.” 

“???” Liu Ke was shocked, “What you’re talking about is not tourism, it’s adventure, okay?”

Xiao Yiheng’s lips curved up slightly.

Yes, it was indeed an adventure.

Every Friday night, his parents socialized and often did not get home until late at night. 

Huacheng No. 1 High School had a temporary holiday on Friday. He would pretend it was business as usual. At 6:30 in the morning, he would carry his school bag and set off from home. The flight from Huacheng to the capital took four hours and he expected to arrive at noon.

If he took the return flight by 7 o’clock in the evening, it would land at 11 o’clock, and he could get home before midnight.


As for the camera problem, he could try to use the previous video to tamper with the camera recording. Anyway, after getting home every day, he went to his room to do his homework. The camera’s resolution was not high and it was possible to achieve his aim by underhanded means.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yiheng immediately opened the mobile phone software and prepared to book a ticket. 

When he saw the date on Friday, he was stunned because that day happened to be his eighteenth birthday.

His coming-of-age ceremony was bound to be a thrilling adventure.

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