This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 79: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch79 - “My birthday wish is to see you.”

Thursday arrived in a trice.

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After returning home in the evening, Xiao Yiheng, as usual, simply went to his room to do his homework after dinner. A small camera was installed on the bookshelf in his room facing his desk, so that his parents could see clearly what he was doing at the table. 

The firewall level of that camera was not high. As long as he was willing to spend money, he could find someone proficient in this line of work on the Internet and get them to modify the content in the coverage video.

Xiao Yiheng’s request was very simple, and soon he received a text message from the “merchant” on his mobile phone.

Merchant: Boss, I have extracted the past video according to your request. It will be automatically played tomorrow after 6 pm, so that your family will see you studying hard at your desk on the mobile phone software.

Merchant: Just pay the balance after the service ends. 

Xiao Yiheng replied with a simple “fine”, and then deleted their chat record completely.


He put his cell phone away, opened an exercise book and pretended to study. In fact, his thoughts were racing at the fastest speed, planning the next day’s crazy adventure over and over again.

The success rate of his plan was very high. As long as there was no delay in the return flight, it was unlikely for his secret trip to be exposed.

The only possibility of a stumbling block lay in the fact that it was his eighteenth birthday the next day. Although his parents had their own plans every Friday, if they wanted to celebrate his birthday and returned home on a whim, then…


Knock, knock, knock.

At this moment, the door of Xiao Yiheng’s room was rapped.

Without waiting for Xiao Yiheng to say “please come in”, Mother Xiao opened his bedroom door and walked straight in.

She came to his desk and glanced at the exercises he was doing with a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. 

“Mom, what’s the matter?” Xiao Yiheng looked up at his mother with a faint expression.

“Well, mom wants to talk to you about tomorrow.”

Xiao Yiheng was startled slightly, his fingers rubbing the corners of the paper unconsciously.

Could it be… his parents finally decided to fulfill their parental responsibilities and celebrate the only eighteenth birthday in his life? 

He didn’t respond, but nodded slightly to indicate that he was listening.

Mother Xiao: “Usually, your dad takes his graduate students to a weekly meeting every Friday night. But recently, because he only recruits alpha, some psychopath tattled about him to the Education Bureau saying that he engaged in sexism! To begin with, your dad should’ve been promoted to full professor next year and he could have contested the position of deputy dean as well. But now because of this mess, the school says it needs to ‘research again‘!”

The more she talked, the angrier she became causing her expression to become more and more distorted. “I asked someone to contact the higher-ups of the Education Bureau. Tomorrow night we will definitely have to socialize with them until late. Have dinner in the school cafeteria tomorrow night. After you come back, do the test paper. I will check it on Saturday morning.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

He laughed bitterly in his heart of hearts, truly wondering what he was expecting when all was said and done.

Since childhood, Xiao Yiheng’s birthday had been celebrated with the New Year. Whenever a brand-new almanac was opened to the first page, Father Xiao would say: “Yiheng, you are one year older.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfgfobgf, jr j mtliv, Wljb Tltfcu jikjsr wlrajxfcis atbeuta atja tlr ylgatvjs kjr lc atf Rfk Tfjg. Pa kjr bcis ys mtjcmf atja tf xcfk atja tlr agef vjaf bo ylgat kjr ja atf fcv bo Gfmfwyfg. Pa kjr pera atja tlr qjgfcar mbecafv atf Rfk Tfjg jr tlr ylgatvjs obg atf rjxf bo mbcnfclfcmf jcv wfwbgs.

In the spring eighteen years ago, a tiny little fertilized egg was implanted in an artificial uterus. After nine months of gestation, Xiao Yiheng cried his way into the world, and then was sent to the nursery center for the first three months. 

For the Xiao couple, it was as simple as just going to the incubation institution to draw blood and pay the money. Twelve months later, they brought back a strong and healthy baby. They raised the boy and polished him bit by bit into the shape they wanted.

As for what the child was thinking, they never cared.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yiheng looked down and condensed all the emotions in his heart. He nodded gently and replied to his mother: “Okay. Don’t worry, I will finish the papers after school tomorrow.”

Mother Xiao smiled with satisfaction. She raised her hand to pat her son’s shoulder and left briskly. She planned to discuss with her husband how to please the leadership of the Education Bureau at the dinner table tomorrow. 

Thinking about next day’s “adventure”, Xiao Yiheng lay down in bed for a long time after turning off the lights.

He had planned well in advance and already packed the stuff he would need the next day. The temperature difference between the capital city and Huacheng was around thirty degrees. There was not a single store in Huacheng that sold down jackets. Xiao Yiheng had rummaged through the storage boxes to find a jacket, wondering if it was enough to keep out the cold……

Time passed minute by minute, second by second, and unconsciously, it was past midnight. 

The phone beside his pillow suddenly vibrated slightly. Xiao Yiheng picked up the phone reflexively wondering who’d messaged him so late at night.

In the dark, the brightness of the phone screen was a bit dazzling.

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And inside that brightness, a cute expression jumped out.

[Friday 00:01] 

Small Round Orange: Happy birthday wife!!

Small Round Orange: You are finally eighteen years old! Now I can legally act like a hooligan to you!

Small Round Orange: [Doraemon fishes out “bigger and smaller lamp”].gif

It was obviously a cute expression, but with the phrase “legally act like a hooligan”, seemed to have a deeper meaning. 

Xiao Yiheng was both surprised and delighted, a smile of genuine affection appearing at the corner of his mouth.

Pursue Unremittingly: You remember my birthday?


Pursue Unremittingly: Never mind. ChengCheng, why haven’t you gone to bed?

Small Round Orange: Of course I remember! 

Small Round Orange: I went to bed long ago, but I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. So I set an alarm.

Li Cheng said it lightly. In fact, he was worried that he would not be able to wake up and had set eight consecutive alarms. Finally, before the eighth alarm, he struggled awake from his deep slumber.

He used one hand to force open his eyelids, and struggled with the other hand to type on the phone screen.

Small Round Orange: What wish did you make on your birthday? 

After insisting on finishing this sentence, Li Cheng gave a big yawn. He slipped back into dreamland, the phone rolling down from his hand the moment his grip loosened.

The screen gradually dimmed, and the adolescent who was immersed in his sleep naturally did not see Xiao Yiheng’s reply to him—

Pursue Unremittingly: ChengCheng, my birthday wish is to see you.


Everything went according to plan.

At 11 o’clock on Friday morning, the flight from Huacheng landed at the Capital Airport on time.

Among these passengers, the alpha boy sitting in the front row attracted the attention of almost all the flight attendants.

The young boy was extraordinarily handsome, with a pair of phoenix eyes and slightly raised eyebrow ends that looked at people with indifference. God must have been too partial to him during creation. Other people had to touch up their eyebrows and eyes just to improve their appearance by one and a half points; his handsomeness, however, was enough for him to splurge wantonly. 

During check in at the airport, the staff specially arranged the location of the escape exit for him—the most spacious seat in the economy class—in consideration of his long legs.

Who wouldn’t like such a young and handsome little brother?

The front cabin stewardess patrolled the cabin very frequently, one moment asking the handsome brother if he wanted a drink, another moment asking the handsome brother if he wanted a blanket to rest.

It was a pity that this little brother was too young—he wore a blue and white school uniform with the school badge printed on it—otherwise, the flight attendant would’ve definitely stuffed him a small note secretly. 

As for the special care of the flight attendants, Xiao Yiheng did not pay any attention.

After the plane landed, Xiao Yiheng immediately took out the woolen coat he’d prepared in advance from his school bag and wore it.


He familiarized himself with the route in advance. From the airport, he could take the subway express train and transfer twice to reach the training center where Li Cheng was.

The journey was easier than expected. Xiao Yiheng kept an eye on the clock and hurried all the way, finally arriving at his destination at noon. 

The subway station was not far from the training center. Xiao Yiheng wrapped his coat tightly and stepped out of the subway station.

The cold wind howled, and the dusty cold air slapped Xiao Yiheng’s face unceremoniously. The streets were lined with bare trees on both sides, and occasionally a sparrow sitting on the dry branches could be seen. A deep breath was enough to fill the body with depression.

The pedestrians around him had already put on their down jackets. They looked at the alpha boy who was only wearing a thin coat, and their eyes unconsciously showed sympathy.

Fortunately, it was a sunny day. The sun was still warm at noon, and as Xiao Yiheng walked under the sun, he gradually felt that it was not so cold. 

According to the instructions on the mobile phone map, Xiao Yiheng quickly found the gate of the training center.

But—he was stopped by the guard.

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“Hey, you can’t enter!” The guard waved his hand, “We have a clear stipulation here that no one can enter unless they have a pass!”

“…” Xiao Yiheng had completely forgotten to consider this point. Li Cheng once mentioned that it was a closed training. None of the team were allowed to leave without permission, neither were any outsiders allowed to visit. No matter whether they were relatives or coaches, no one was allowed to enter. 

How could friends be allowed to visit?

Xiao Yiheng was motivated by enthusiasm and traveled for thousands of miles, just to meet his beloved omega and say “surprise” to him, but completely forgot to consider reality.

…… It was indeed extremely impulsive of him.

With a wry smile in his heart, he realized for the first time that he also had a moment of being stupid for love. 

However, it was impossible for Xiao Yiheng to give up his original intention due to this minor setback.

“It doesn’t matter if I can’t get in,” Xiao Yiheng looked at the guard, “Uncle, this training center is so big. Is there any place where I can take a look inside through the fence?”

The guard looked at him suspiciously, “Young man, what are you planning to do?”

Xiao Yiheng reached the pinnacle of acting in his life, lying through his teeth nonchalantly. 

“Actually, I am also an athlete.” He unbuttoned his overcoat and revealed the school uniform underneath. “You should know that athletes are being selected for the World Youth Games. I had the opportunity to be selected for the training camp as well, but my achievements…” He revealed just the right amount of pain and loneliness, “I am from Huacheng and today is my 18th birthday. I flew to the capital today to realize my dream. I just want to take a look at the training ground from a distance…”

In order to prove his story, he specially took out his air ticket and student ID.


He was good-looking and had the halo that was innate to good-looking people. Moreover, he was tall and an alpha… All these cumulative reasons gradually tipped the balance in the guard’s heart in his favor.

As the guard of the training center, he met many spirited athletes. The more he observed, the more he felt that Xiao Yiheng really had the temperament of an athlete. In addition, he had traveled all the way to the capital just to take a look at the training ground in order to realize his dream… How could it not make a person softhearted? 

“Little classmate, what event do you practice?”

Xiao Yiheng replied immediately: “I practice freestyle, specializing in the 100m and 200m. If I can take a look at the swimming pool, it would be great.”

“Well……” The guard lowered his voice and pointed to him softly, “You go around to the west and walk along the iron fence from the northwest gate. Walk about a hundred meters, and you will see a building with a blue roof. That’s the swimming pool. However, don’t get any funny ideas. There is a camera on the fence so don’t even think of climbing over it. Even if a bird rests on it, it will automatically sound the alarm. Just look at it honestly, got it?”

“Thank you.” Xiao Yiheng said sincerely, “I will look at him from a distance. As long as I can see him, my wish will be fulfilled.” 

Ch79 - “My birthday wish is to see you.”

Thursday arrived in a trice.

After returning home in the evening, Xiao Yiheng, as usual, simply went to his room to do his homework after dinner. A small camera was installed on the bookshelf in his room facing his desk, so that his parents could see clearly what he was doing at the table. 

The firewall level of that camera was not high. As long as he was willing to spend money, he could find someone proficient in this line of work on the Internet and get them to modify the content in the coverage video.

Xiao Yiheng’s request was very simple, and soon he received a text message from the “merchant” on his mobile phone.

Merchant: Boss, I have extracted the past video according to your request. It will be automatically played tomorrow after 6 pm, so that your family will see you studying hard at your desk on the mobile phone software.

Merchant: Just pay the balance after the service ends. 

Xiao Yiheng replied with a simple “fine”, and then deleted their chat record completely.


He put his cell phone away, opened an exercise book and pretended to study. In fact, his thoughts were racing at the fastest speed, planning the next day’s crazy adventure over and over again.

The success rate of his plan was very high. As long as there was no delay in the return flight, it was unlikely for his secret trip to be exposed.

The only possibility of a stumbling block lay in the fact that it was his eighteenth birthday the next day. Although his parents had their own plans every Friday, if they wanted to celebrate his birthday and returned home on a whim, then…


Knock, knock, knock.

At this moment, the door of Xiao Yiheng’s room was rapped.

Without waiting for Xiao Yiheng to say “please come in”, Mother Xiao opened his bedroom door and walked straight in.

She came to his desk and glanced at the exercises he was doing with a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. 

“Mom, what’s the matter?” Xiao Yiheng looked up at his mother with a faint expression.

“Well, mom wants to talk to you about tomorrow.”

Xiao Yiheng was startled slightly, his fingers rubbing the corners of the paper unconsciously.

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Could it be… his parents finally decided to fulfill their parental responsibilities and celebrate the only eighteenth birthday in his life? 

He didn’t respond, but nodded slightly to indicate that he was listening.

Mother Xiao: “Usually, your dad takes his graduate students to a weekly meeting every Friday night. But recently, because he only recruits alpha, some psychopath tattled about him to the Education Bureau saying that he engaged in sexism! To begin with, your dad should’ve been promoted to full professor next year and he could have contested the position of deputy dean as well. But now because of this mess, the school says it needs to ‘research again‘!”

The more she talked, the angrier she became causing her expression to become more and more distorted. “I asked someone to contact the higher-ups of the Education Bureau. Tomorrow night we will definitely have to socialize with them until late. Have dinner in the school cafeteria tomorrow night. After you come back, do the test paper. I will check it on Saturday morning.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

He laughed bitterly in his heart of hearts, truly wondering what he was expecting when all was said and done.

Since childhood, Xiao Yiheng’s birthday had been celebrated with the New Year. Whenever a brand-new almanac was opened to the first page, Father Xiao would say: “Yiheng, you are one year older.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfgfobgf, jr j mtliv, Wljb Tltfcu jikjsr wlrajxfcis atbeuta atja tlr ylgatvjs kjr lc atf Rfk Tfjg. Pa kjr bcis ys mtjcmf atja tf xcfk atja tlr agef vjaf bo ylgat kjr ja atf fcv bo Gfmfwyfg. Pa kjr pera atja tlr qjgfcar mbecafv atf Rfk Tfjg jr tlr ylgatvjs obg atf rjxf bo mbcnfclfcmf jcv wfwbgs.

In the spring eighteen years ago, a tiny little fertilized egg was implanted in an artificial uterus. After nine months of gestation, Xiao Yiheng cried his way into the world, and then was sent to the nursery center for the first three months. 

For the Xiao couple, it was as simple as just going to the incubation institution to draw blood and pay the money. Twelve months later, they brought back a strong and healthy baby. They raised the boy and polished him bit by bit into the shape they wanted.

As for what the child was thinking, they never cared.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yiheng looked down and condensed all the emotions in his heart. He nodded gently and replied to his mother: “Okay. Don’t worry, I will finish the papers after school tomorrow.”

Mother Xiao smiled with satisfaction. She raised her hand to pat her son’s shoulder and left briskly. She planned to discuss with her husband how to please the leadership of the Education Bureau at the dinner table tomorrow. 

Thinking about next day’s “adventure”, Xiao Yiheng lay down in bed for a long time after turning off the lights.

He had planned well in advance and already packed the stuff he would need the next day. The temperature difference between the capital city and Huacheng was around thirty degrees. There was not a single store in Huacheng that sold down jackets. Xiao Yiheng had rummaged through the storage boxes to find a jacket, wondering if it was enough to keep out the cold……

Time passed minute by minute, second by second, and unconsciously, it was past midnight. 

The phone beside his pillow suddenly vibrated slightly. Xiao Yiheng picked up the phone reflexively wondering who’d messaged him so late at night.

In the dark, the brightness of the phone screen was a bit dazzling.

And inside that brightness, a cute expression jumped out.

[Friday 00:01] 

Small Round Orange: Happy birthday wife!!

Small Round Orange: You are finally eighteen years old! Now I can legally act like a hooligan to you!

Small Round Orange: [Doraemon fishes out “bigger and smaller lamp”].gif

It was obviously a cute expression, but with the phrase “legally act like a hooligan”, seemed to have a deeper meaning. 

Xiao Yiheng was both surprised and delighted, a smile of genuine affection appearing at the corner of his mouth.

Pursue Unremittingly: You remember my birthday?


Pursue Unremittingly: Never mind. ChengCheng, why haven’t you gone to bed?

Small Round Orange: Of course I remember! 

Small Round Orange: I went to bed long ago, but I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. So I set an alarm.

Li Cheng said it lightly. In fact, he was worried that he would not be able to wake up and had set eight consecutive alarms. Finally, before the eighth alarm, he struggled awake from his deep slumber.

He used one hand to force open his eyelids, and struggled with the other hand to type on the phone screen.

Small Round Orange: What wish did you make on your birthday? 

After insisting on finishing this sentence, Li Cheng gave a big yawn. He slipped back into dreamland, the phone rolling down from his hand the moment his grip loosened.

The screen gradually dimmed, and the adolescent who was immersed in his sleep naturally did not see Xiao Yiheng’s reply to him—

Pursue Unremittingly: ChengCheng, my birthday wish is to see you.

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Everything went according to plan.

At 11 o’clock on Friday morning, the flight from Huacheng landed at the Capital Airport on time.

Among these passengers, the alpha boy sitting in the front row attracted the attention of almost all the flight attendants.

The young boy was extraordinarily handsome, with a pair of phoenix eyes and slightly raised eyebrow ends that looked at people with indifference. God must have been too partial to him during creation. Other people had to touch up their eyebrows and eyes just to improve their appearance by one and a half points; his handsomeness, however, was enough for him to splurge wantonly. 

During check in at the airport, the staff specially arranged the location of the escape exit for him—the most spacious seat in the economy class—in consideration of his long legs.

Who wouldn’t like such a young and handsome little brother?

The front cabin stewardess patrolled the cabin very frequently, one moment asking the handsome brother if he wanted a drink, another moment asking the handsome brother if he wanted a blanket to rest.

It was a pity that this little brother was too young—he wore a blue and white school uniform with the school badge printed on it—otherwise, the flight attendant would’ve definitely stuffed him a small note secretly. 

As for the special care of the flight attendants, Xiao Yiheng did not pay any attention.

After the plane landed, Xiao Yiheng immediately took out the woolen coat he’d prepared in advance from his school bag and wore it.


He familiarized himself with the route in advance. From the airport, he could take the subway express train and transfer twice to reach the training center where Li Cheng was.

The journey was easier than expected. Xiao Yiheng kept an eye on the clock and hurried all the way, finally arriving at his destination at noon. 

The subway station was not far from the training center. Xiao Yiheng wrapped his coat tightly and stepped out of the subway station.

The cold wind howled, and the dusty cold air slapped Xiao Yiheng’s face unceremoniously. The streets were lined with bare trees on both sides, and occasionally a sparrow sitting on the dry branches could be seen. A deep breath was enough to fill the body with depression.

The pedestrians around him had already put on their down jackets. They looked at the alpha boy who was only wearing a thin coat, and their eyes unconsciously showed sympathy.

Fortunately, it was a sunny day. The sun was still warm at noon, and as Xiao Yiheng walked under the sun, he gradually felt that it was not so cold. 

According to the instructions on the mobile phone map, Xiao Yiheng quickly found the gate of the training center.

But—he was stopped by the guard.

“Hey, you can’t enter!” The guard waved his hand, “We have a clear stipulation here that no one can enter unless they have a pass!”

“…” Xiao Yiheng had completely forgotten to consider this point. Li Cheng once mentioned that it was a closed training. None of the team were allowed to leave without permission, neither were any outsiders allowed to visit. No matter whether they were relatives or coaches, no one was allowed to enter. 

How could friends be allowed to visit?

Xiao Yiheng was motivated by enthusiasm and traveled for thousands of miles, just to meet his beloved omega and say “surprise” to him, but completely forgot to consider reality.

…… It was indeed extremely impulsive of him.

With a wry smile in his heart, he realized for the first time that he also had a moment of being stupid for love. 

However, it was impossible for Xiao Yiheng to give up his original intention due to this minor setback.

“It doesn’t matter if I can’t get in,” Xiao Yiheng looked at the guard, “Uncle, this training center is so big. Is there any place where I can take a look inside through the fence?”

The guard looked at him suspiciously, “Young man, what are you planning to do?”

Xiao Yiheng reached the pinnacle of acting in his life, lying through his teeth nonchalantly. 

“Actually, I am also an athlete.” He unbuttoned his overcoat and revealed the school uniform underneath. “You should know that athletes are being selected for the World Youth Games. I had the opportunity to be selected for the training camp as well, but my achievements…” He revealed just the right amount of pain and loneliness, “I am from Huacheng and today is my 18th birthday. I flew to the capital today to realize my dream. I just want to take a look at the training ground from a distance…”

In order to prove his story, he specially took out his air ticket and student ID.


He was good-looking and had the halo that was innate to good-looking people. Moreover, he was tall and an alpha… All these cumulative reasons gradually tipped the balance in the guard’s heart in his favor.

As the guard of the training center, he met many spirited athletes. The more he observed, the more he felt that Xiao Yiheng really had the temperament of an athlete. In addition, he had traveled all the way to the capital just to take a look at the training ground in order to realize his dream… How could it not make a person softhearted? 

“Little classmate, what event do you practice?”

Xiao Yiheng replied immediately: “I practice freestyle, specializing in the 100m and 200m. If I can take a look at the swimming pool, it would be great.”

“Well……” The guard lowered his voice and pointed to him softly, “You go around to the west and walk along the iron fence from the northwest gate. Walk about a hundred meters, and you will see a building with a blue roof. That’s the swimming pool. However, don’t get any funny ideas. There is a camera on the fence so don’t even think of climbing over it. Even if a bird rests on it, it will automatically sound the alarm. Just look at it honestly, got it?”

“Thank you.” Xiao Yiheng said sincerely, “I will look at him from a distance. As long as I can see him, my wish will be fulfilled.” 

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