This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 85: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch85 - Young lovers’ phone call

Li Cheng believed that if there was an instrument in the world that could detect the degree of embarrassment in the air, the pointer on that meter would have reached the maximum reading just then. 

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Faced with the document declaring that he was the captain of the swimming team, Li Cheng couldn’t feel any happiness at all. He just wanted to jump into the water immediately and swim all the way to the Pacific in one breath!!!

His scalp felt numb, his ten toes were curled up in shame, and his entire face was flushed.



“Coach… Coach Yu…” Li Cheng was at a loss for words. Everything he had just said was a mistake.

He confronted the head coach of the swimming team in public and questioned her favoritism. As a result, it turned out that he was the one who used a villain’s heart to measure a gentleman’s belly… 

The way other students looked at him also changed. In the beginning, they sympathized with him for being “robbed” of the spot; then, they admired his courage to stand up for himself; and now, they were highly envious!


Each team had a captain. This person would become the team’s backbone, uniting the team’s hope. Li Cheng’s performance was the most impressive, and he was chosen to compete in the key event of mixed medley swimming. Coach Yu seemed to have high hopes for him.

The most important thing was that Li Cheng was an omega—he was the first omega in so many years of history to become the captain of the swimming team!

It was a certainty that this appointment’s announcement would cause an uproar.


However, Li Cheng, the party involved, was not so happy…

Li Cheng bemoaned to himself I will undoubtedly become the shortest-serving captain of a swimming team in history! From gaining office to being fired, it took less than a minute…

Li Cheng was too ashamed to lift his head. He could only say “I’m sorry” over and over again.

Coach Yu said coldly: “As captain, you openly contradicted the coach and questioned the coach’s decision. If I don’t punish you today, what’s the use of team rules?” 

Li Cheng: QAQ

Li Cheng: “Then, then you say what needs to be done.”

Coach Yu stretched out her hand and pointed at the swimming pool next to her: “Ten kilometers.”

Li Cheng sighed with relief. How could he dare to bargain as long as the coach could forgive him? During morning training, they had to swim five kilometers. While resting, he could surely swim ten kilometers. He would definitely be able to swim ten kilometers if he swam slowly. 

He was about to strip and dive into the water, but he didn’t realize the coach hadn’t mentioned the second half.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coach Yu: “I’m talking about 10 kilometers of each swimming style.”

Ol Jtfcu: “…”

Ol Jtfcu: “Cmaejiis, P jw cba mjqjyif fcbeut. P’w jrtjwfv bo ojiilcu rtbga bo sbeg fzqfmajalbcr. P atbeuta jybea la mjgfoeiis. P’w gfjiis cba dejilolfv ab yf atf mjqajlc…” 

Jbjmt Te klcxfv ja atf obeg jrrlrajca mbjmtfr jcv atfs lwwfvljafis gertfv eq. Ycf bo atfw raglqqfv boo tlr mibatfr jcv jcbatfg bcf abbx boo tlr rtbfr. Ol Jtfcu kjlifv jcv rmgfjwfv, yea la kjr j qlas atja tlr olrar mbeivc’a yfja fluta tjcvr. Lf kjr raglqqfv cjxfv klatlc j ofk wlceafr. Mbgaecjafis, tf kbgf j qjlg bo rklwwlcu agecxr lcrlvf tlr qjcar. Yatfgklrf tf kbeiv’nf oijrtfv atf kbwfc’r afjw abvjs!

Then, Coach Yu raised a leg and kicked Li Cheng’s ass mercilessly. Li Cheng flew out and fell into the pool with a plop.


“Li Cheng, listen up. You are not allowed to go ashore until you finish swimming 40 kilometers.” Coach Yu called Dai Yujing to deal with Li Cheng saying, “Dai Yujing, you are responsible for keeping a watch on Li Cheng. If Li Cheng can’t swim forty kilometers today, then you will replace him as the captain.”

Dai Yujing: !!! 

He immediately stood at attention and saluted: “Coach, don’t worry!”

In the swimming pool, Li Cheng flopped instantly, his feet splashing water and directly spraying onto Dai Yujing’s face.

Fuck! Even if he died in the pool today, he must swim these forty kilometers first!!

… … 

“So you really swam forty kilometers?” Xiao Yiheng barely managed to suppress a smile while asking his boyfriend who was on the other end of the phone.

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“No, I didn’t. How can I finish swimming 40 kilometers?” Li Cheng was lying on the bed, his arms drooping beside the bed like soft noodles. He lay on his side, his head resting on his pillow and spoke into the phone, saying, “I don’t know how much I swam. I counted at the beginning, but I couldn’t count anything at the end… I must’ve swam more than ten kilometers when Coach Yu asked me to go ashore to rest.”

However, the kilometers owed by Li Cheng had not been written off. In the following days, his morning and evening training sessions would be two kilometers more than the others. He was expected to slowly make up the 40 kilometers.

Xiao Yiheng asked: “When you contacted me before, you had to be secretive and avoid your roommates even when you sent a message. Why did you call me today?” 

“They all went out.” Li Cheng sighed, “The final list was announced today. The three of them are in the diving team but only Chen Miao was selected. The other two roommates will leave tomorrow. They’re in a bad mood, so Chen Miao accompanied them to the playground to get some fresh air.”

Sports competitiveness was extremely cruel. As Coach Yu said, you are not eliminated because you are not good enough, but because other players are better than you.

If they wanted to stay and stand on that glorious podium, the blood and tears they had to pay were unimaginable.

Li Cheng specifically exchanged contact information with the two roommates, and assured them that he’d go to their city to play with them when he had the opportunity. But everyone knew in their hearts that more than a month in the training team may be the only intersection of their lives. Once some people say goodbye, they will never meet again. 

Xiao Yiheng heard the heaviness in Li Cheng’s voice and quickly changed the subject, talking about Youyou and Little Lemon.

After Li Cheng left Huacheng, Xiao Yiheng would visit Youyou every once in a while. Youyou adored Xiao Yiheng and she often shared titbits about herself and her five little boyfriends with him. Xiao Yiheng always marveled at the little girl’s ability. Youyou’s mouth was very sweet, addressing Yiheng as “sister-in-law” every time she opened her mouth. Xiao Yiheng corrected her several times, and finally acquiesced to this name.

As for Little Lemon, it had grown fatter in a month’s work. It’s plump body was covered with white fluff, just like a toy made of snow. Youyou took it to walk on the lawn downstairs every night. When the little duck waddled, it’s little white tail swayed from left to right. No matter who saw it, they wanted to rua it at least twice.

Li Cheng recalled the feel of Little Lemon, and felt itchy in his heart. It was a pity that he was thousands of kilometers away from it! He decided to eat the Cantonese-style roast duck provided by the cafeteria at noon the next day, to express his longing for Little Lemon. 

After talking about ducks, the topic turned to Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng asked, “Are you preparing for the final exam?”


“Yeah,” Xiao Yiheng replied, “The final exam will be held next Monday and Tuesday. It’s a unified exam across the city. The results will take about three days. It will be a holiday when the city’s rankings are declared.”

As soon as Li Cheng heard this, he was excited: “Does this mean you can leave Huacheng during the holiday? Can we meet?” 

“No, I’ll come after the exam.” Xiao Yiheng’s chuckle was transmitted through the radio waves. “It’s a waste of time to stay and wait for the city’s rankings. I’ll definitely be the number one in the city.”


Li Cheng quickly searched the Internet to check the number of candidates appearing for the exam in Huacheng. One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand… Damn, seventy thousand!

What kind of confidence was this?! Getting first place in the city among 70000 candidates was no easy task. 

Li Cheng muttered to himself: “When others are looking for someone, it is ‘One in a million’. My boyfriend is ‘One in seventy thousand’…”

“One in ten thousand?” Xiao Yiheng deliberately misinterpreted his meaning. “Then you really have to choose carefully.”

Li Cheng blushed with the implication of his words.

Li Cheng coughed and changed the subject: “But will your parents agree to let you come to the capital ahead of time?” 

Li Cheng had learned how powerful Mother Xiao was. Xiao Yiheng has such controlling parents, it was not easy for him to live tenaciously until now without growing crooked.

“They are too busy taking care of themselves right now.” Xiao Yiheng said indifferently, “My father had a ‘little problem’ at work. Because of this, the two of them had a big quarrel. He didn’t come home during this period of time and lived directly at school. All my mother’s energy is focused on him. She doesn’t have the time to ‘control’ me.”

Xiao Yiheng directly used the word “control” making Li Cheng very concerned. He quickly comforted him.

Li Cheng thought about how despite his parents dying young, he had always lived in a loving environment; while Xiao Yiheng was just the opposite. Although his parents were alive, he had never experienced the warmth of his parents for even a second in his life. 

The two chatted for a long time. Today, Li Cheng swam more than ten kilometers in one go, and was close to the limit. In fact, he was already so tired that he was fighting a losing battle with his eyelids.

But Li Cheng cherished the hard-won call opportunity and was reluctant to hang up.

“Actually… I still have one thing to worry about.” Li Cheng rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Xiao Yiheng asked what was bothering him. 

“It’s about the coach!” Li Cheng replied in distress, “She is the coach, and I am her student. As a student, I didn’t trust the coach and questioned her in public… It turned out that everything was my crazy imagination. She even promoted me to be the captain… … Although she punished me to swim forty kilometers, I think she must still be angry.”

“No, I believe the opposite is true.” Xiao Yiheng said, “I don’t think Coach Yu was angry with you from start to finish.”

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Xiao Yiheng helped him analyze: “Although I have not been in contact with coaches too much, I can see from your description that she is a highly professional coach who seems indifferent but actually cares about athletes. ChengCheng, I always think of you as someone with a burning flame in your body. The flame contains your shortcomings—impulsive, aggressive, and straight forward; but at the same time, it also contains your various advantages. You compete for the first in everything, are unwilling to compromise, and are unwilling to fall behind others… Isn’t that what athletes need?? I believe Coach Yu must have noticed this, so she chose you as the captain hoping to use you to drive other players. As for your questioning her, it is very consistent with your personality. She should have expected it, so I’m sure that she’s not angry.” 

Li Cheng couldn’t understand: “If she is not angry, why did she punish me with 40 kilometers of swimming?”

“Because she wants to explain to the other team members.” Xiao Yiheng analyzed, “The coach must maintain absolute authority. If she doesn’t punish you today, other players will follow you in the future and defy her requirements.”

Li Cheng’s response was “Oh”. He felt that these rules were really complicated.

He just wanted to swim happily. Why was it so difficult! 

Fortunately, thanks to Xiao Yiheng’s detailed analysis, the big stone on Li Cheng’s heart was finally put down, and the embarrassment that had followed him vanished.

Li-ge was now the captain of the national swimming team! There might be lots of interview opportunities. He would appear on TV and let people all over the world see him holding a gold medal on the podium!

Hehe, he wanted to tell people like Yelun the good news and let them envy him; there was also Youyou, who would definitely be happy for him; there was Hu-ge, and…

When the psychological pressure was gone, Li Cheng felt his eyelids getting heavier… heavier and heavier… 

He whimpered, and the phone slipped from his palm and fell beside the pillow.

The sound of his steady breathing followed the radio waves all the way to Huacheng city which was thousands of kilometers away.

Xiao Yiheng quietly listened to Li Cheng’s breathing, and his heartbeat gradually eased along with the gentle breathing.

The table lamp cast a bright light on the desk. Xiao Yiheng got up and took out a thick sketchbook from the depths of the bookcase and spread it out on the desk. 

If Li Cheng were there, he would find this sketchbook very familiar—Xiao Yiheng used it when he was a model for Xiao Yiheng. At that time, only a few pages in the sketchbook had been drawn on. But now, the thick book was turned to the end.

As Xiao Yiheng listened to Li Cheng’s breathing, he left a little ink spot on the sketchbook.

Ch85 - Young lovers’ phone call

Li Cheng believed that if there was an instrument in the world that could detect the degree of embarrassment in the air, the pointer on that meter would have reached the maximum reading just then. 

Faced with the document declaring that he was the captain of the swimming team, Li Cheng couldn’t feel any happiness at all. He just wanted to jump into the water immediately and swim all the way to the Pacific in one breath!!!

His scalp felt numb, his ten toes were curled up in shame, and his entire face was flushed.



“Coach… Coach Yu…” Li Cheng was at a loss for words. Everything he had just said was a mistake.

He confronted the head coach of the swimming team in public and questioned her favoritism. As a result, it turned out that he was the one who used a villain’s heart to measure a gentleman’s belly… 

The way other students looked at him also changed. In the beginning, they sympathized with him for being “robbed” of the spot; then, they admired his courage to stand up for himself; and now, they were highly envious!


Each team had a captain. This person would become the team’s backbone, uniting the team’s hope. Li Cheng’s performance was the most impressive, and he was chosen to compete in the key event of mixed medley swimming. Coach Yu seemed to have high hopes for him.

The most important thing was that Li Cheng was an omega—he was the first omega in so many years of history to become the captain of the swimming team!

It was a certainty that this appointment’s announcement would cause an uproar.


However, Li Cheng, the party involved, was not so happy…

Li Cheng bemoaned to himself I will undoubtedly become the shortest-serving captain of a swimming team in history! From gaining office to being fired, it took less than a minute…

Li Cheng was too ashamed to lift his head. He could only say “I’m sorry” over and over again.

Coach Yu said coldly: “As captain, you openly contradicted the coach and questioned the coach’s decision. If I don’t punish you today, what’s the use of team rules?” 

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Li Cheng: QAQ

Li Cheng: “Then, then you say what needs to be done.”

Coach Yu stretched out her hand and pointed at the swimming pool next to her: “Ten kilometers.”

Li Cheng sighed with relief. How could he dare to bargain as long as the coach could forgive him? During morning training, they had to swim five kilometers. While resting, he could surely swim ten kilometers. He would definitely be able to swim ten kilometers if he swam slowly. 

He was about to strip and dive into the water, but he didn’t realize the coach hadn’t mentioned the second half.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coach Yu: “I’m talking about 10 kilometers of each swimming style.”

Ol Jtfcu: “…”

Ol Jtfcu: “Cmaejiis, P jw cba mjqjyif fcbeut. P’w jrtjwfv bo ojiilcu rtbga bo sbeg fzqfmajalbcr. P atbeuta jybea la mjgfoeiis. P’w gfjiis cba dejilolfv ab yf atf mjqajlc…” 

Jbjmt Te klcxfv ja atf obeg jrrlrajca mbjmtfr jcv atfs lwwfvljafis gertfv eq. Ycf bo atfw raglqqfv boo tlr mibatfr jcv jcbatfg bcf abbx boo tlr rtbfr. Ol Jtfcu kjlifv jcv rmgfjwfv, yea la kjr j qlas atja tlr olrar mbeivc’a yfja fluta tjcvr. Lf kjr raglqqfv cjxfv klatlc j ofk wlceafr. Mbgaecjafis, tf kbgf j qjlg bo rklwwlcu agecxr lcrlvf tlr qjcar. Yatfgklrf tf kbeiv’nf oijrtfv atf kbwfc’r afjw abvjs!

Then, Coach Yu raised a leg and kicked Li Cheng’s ass mercilessly. Li Cheng flew out and fell into the pool with a plop.


“Li Cheng, listen up. You are not allowed to go ashore until you finish swimming 40 kilometers.” Coach Yu called Dai Yujing to deal with Li Cheng saying, “Dai Yujing, you are responsible for keeping a watch on Li Cheng. If Li Cheng can’t swim forty kilometers today, then you will replace him as the captain.”

Dai Yujing: !!! 

He immediately stood at attention and saluted: “Coach, don’t worry!”

In the swimming pool, Li Cheng flopped instantly, his feet splashing water and directly spraying onto Dai Yujing’s face.

Fuck! Even if he died in the pool today, he must swim these forty kilometers first!!

… … 

“So you really swam forty kilometers?” Xiao Yiheng barely managed to suppress a smile while asking his boyfriend who was on the other end of the phone.

“No, I didn’t. How can I finish swimming 40 kilometers?” Li Cheng was lying on the bed, his arms drooping beside the bed like soft noodles. He lay on his side, his head resting on his pillow and spoke into the phone, saying, “I don’t know how much I swam. I counted at the beginning, but I couldn’t count anything at the end… I must’ve swam more than ten kilometers when Coach Yu asked me to go ashore to rest.”

However, the kilometers owed by Li Cheng had not been written off. In the following days, his morning and evening training sessions would be two kilometers more than the others. He was expected to slowly make up the 40 kilometers.

Xiao Yiheng asked: “When you contacted me before, you had to be secretive and avoid your roommates even when you sent a message. Why did you call me today?” 

“They all went out.” Li Cheng sighed, “The final list was announced today. The three of them are in the diving team but only Chen Miao was selected. The other two roommates will leave tomorrow. They’re in a bad mood, so Chen Miao accompanied them to the playground to get some fresh air.”

Sports competitiveness was extremely cruel. As Coach Yu said, you are not eliminated because you are not good enough, but because other players are better than you.

If they wanted to stay and stand on that glorious podium, the blood and tears they had to pay were unimaginable.

Li Cheng specifically exchanged contact information with the two roommates, and assured them that he’d go to their city to play with them when he had the opportunity. But everyone knew in their hearts that more than a month in the training team may be the only intersection of their lives. Once some people say goodbye, they will never meet again. 

Xiao Yiheng heard the heaviness in Li Cheng’s voice and quickly changed the subject, talking about Youyou and Little Lemon.

After Li Cheng left Huacheng, Xiao Yiheng would visit Youyou every once in a while. Youyou adored Xiao Yiheng and she often shared titbits about herself and her five little boyfriends with him. Xiao Yiheng always marveled at the little girl’s ability. Youyou’s mouth was very sweet, addressing Yiheng as “sister-in-law” every time she opened her mouth. Xiao Yiheng corrected her several times, and finally acquiesced to this name.

As for Little Lemon, it had grown fatter in a month’s work. It’s plump body was covered with white fluff, just like a toy made of snow. Youyou took it to walk on the lawn downstairs every night. When the little duck waddled, it’s little white tail swayed from left to right. No matter who saw it, they wanted to rua it at least twice.

Li Cheng recalled the feel of Little Lemon, and felt itchy in his heart. It was a pity that he was thousands of kilometers away from it! He decided to eat the Cantonese-style roast duck provided by the cafeteria at noon the next day, to express his longing for Little Lemon. 

After talking about ducks, the topic turned to Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng asked, “Are you preparing for the final exam?”


“Yeah,” Xiao Yiheng replied, “The final exam will be held next Monday and Tuesday. It’s a unified exam across the city. The results will take about three days. It will be a holiday when the city’s rankings are declared.”

As soon as Li Cheng heard this, he was excited: “Does this mean you can leave Huacheng during the holiday? Can we meet?” 

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“No, I’ll come after the exam.” Xiao Yiheng’s chuckle was transmitted through the radio waves. “It’s a waste of time to stay and wait for the city’s rankings. I’ll definitely be the number one in the city.”


Li Cheng quickly searched the Internet to check the number of candidates appearing for the exam in Huacheng. One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand… Damn, seventy thousand!

What kind of confidence was this?! Getting first place in the city among 70000 candidates was no easy task. 

Li Cheng muttered to himself: “When others are looking for someone, it is ‘One in a million’. My boyfriend is ‘One in seventy thousand’…”

“One in ten thousand?” Xiao Yiheng deliberately misinterpreted his meaning. “Then you really have to choose carefully.”

Li Cheng blushed with the implication of his words.

Li Cheng coughed and changed the subject: “But will your parents agree to let you come to the capital ahead of time?” 

Li Cheng had learned how powerful Mother Xiao was. Xiao Yiheng has such controlling parents, it was not easy for him to live tenaciously until now without growing crooked.

“They are too busy taking care of themselves right now.” Xiao Yiheng said indifferently, “My father had a ‘little problem’ at work. Because of this, the two of them had a big quarrel. He didn’t come home during this period of time and lived directly at school. All my mother’s energy is focused on him. She doesn’t have the time to ‘control’ me.”

Xiao Yiheng directly used the word “control” making Li Cheng very concerned. He quickly comforted him.

Li Cheng thought about how despite his parents dying young, he had always lived in a loving environment; while Xiao Yiheng was just the opposite. Although his parents were alive, he had never experienced the warmth of his parents for even a second in his life. 

The two chatted for a long time. Today, Li Cheng swam more than ten kilometers in one go, and was close to the limit. In fact, he was already so tired that he was fighting a losing battle with his eyelids.

But Li Cheng cherished the hard-won call opportunity and was reluctant to hang up.

“Actually… I still have one thing to worry about.” Li Cheng rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Xiao Yiheng asked what was bothering him. 

“It’s about the coach!” Li Cheng replied in distress, “She is the coach, and I am her student. As a student, I didn’t trust the coach and questioned her in public… It turned out that everything was my crazy imagination. She even promoted me to be the captain… … Although she punished me to swim forty kilometers, I think she must still be angry.”

“No, I believe the opposite is true.” Xiao Yiheng said, “I don’t think Coach Yu was angry with you from start to finish.”



Xiao Yiheng helped him analyze: “Although I have not been in contact with coaches too much, I can see from your description that she is a highly professional coach who seems indifferent but actually cares about athletes. ChengCheng, I always think of you as someone with a burning flame in your body. The flame contains your shortcomings—impulsive, aggressive, and straight forward; but at the same time, it also contains your various advantages. You compete for the first in everything, are unwilling to compromise, and are unwilling to fall behind others… Isn’t that what athletes need?? I believe Coach Yu must have noticed this, so she chose you as the captain hoping to use you to drive other players. As for your questioning her, it is very consistent with your personality. She should have expected it, so I’m sure that she’s not angry.” 

Li Cheng couldn’t understand: “If she is not angry, why did she punish me with 40 kilometers of swimming?”

“Because she wants to explain to the other team members.” Xiao Yiheng analyzed, “The coach must maintain absolute authority. If she doesn’t punish you today, other players will follow you in the future and defy her requirements.”

Li Cheng’s response was “Oh”. He felt that these rules were really complicated.

He just wanted to swim happily. Why was it so difficult! 

Fortunately, thanks to Xiao Yiheng’s detailed analysis, the big stone on Li Cheng’s heart was finally put down, and the embarrassment that had followed him vanished.

Li-ge was now the captain of the national swimming team! There might be lots of interview opportunities. He would appear on TV and let people all over the world see him holding a gold medal on the podium!

Hehe, he wanted to tell people like Yelun the good news and let them envy him; there was also Youyou, who would definitely be happy for him; there was Hu-ge, and…

When the psychological pressure was gone, Li Cheng felt his eyelids getting heavier… heavier and heavier… 

He whimpered, and the phone slipped from his palm and fell beside the pillow.

The sound of his steady breathing followed the radio waves all the way to Huacheng city which was thousands of kilometers away.

Xiao Yiheng quietly listened to Li Cheng’s breathing, and his heartbeat gradually eased along with the gentle breathing.

The table lamp cast a bright light on the desk. Xiao Yiheng got up and took out a thick sketchbook from the depths of the bookcase and spread it out on the desk. 

If Li Cheng were there, he would find this sketchbook very familiar—Xiao Yiheng used it when he was a model for Xiao Yiheng. At that time, only a few pages in the sketchbook had been drawn on. But now, the thick book was turned to the end.

As Xiao Yiheng listened to Li Cheng’s breathing, he left a little ink spot on the sketchbook.

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