This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 86: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch86 - “What is so important?” “Dating.”

The bell rang and the invigilator standing on the podium knocked on the table to remind everyone to put down their pencils.

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“Hand in the paper, hand in the paper! Stop writing!” The invigilator’s tone was serious, “Those in the last row, don’t whisper. Stop writing immediately! Do you know? If this were the college entrance examination, writing after the bell rings would be considered cheating!” 

The students in the last row who were called out stuck out their tongues and could only put down their pens bitterly.

Under the teacher’s supervision, the students flipped the papers and answer sheets upside down on the table and filed out of the classroom. They were finally liberated after the final assessment! As for the exam results… Hey, it was winter vacation! Was it really necessary to think so much? It was better to think about what to eat in the evening.

In the twinkling of an eye, the corridors were teeming with students running out of the classrooms and calling for friends to discuss where to pig out.

The invigilator shook his head helplessly, muttering: “They’re in third year of senior high school and still so wild.” 

The deputy invigilator responded with a smile, “Aren’t all kids like this? As a student, I also looked forward to liberation every day.”


In the hallway, Liu Ke, the monitor of class 3-1, slung his arm around the shoulders of Yan Jing, a student committee member from class 2-1, and asked offhandedly: “How did it go little junior brother? You came to our senior year exams to ‘experience’ the college entrance examination, right? So, how was it? Was it stimulating or not?”

Yan Jing pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. It looked like he’d bombed the test.

Huacheng No.1 High School had a tradition of sending the top 30 sophomores to take the mock exam with their third year seniors. The goal was to give them a sense of the atmosphere of the third year ahead of time and to make them aware of their weaknesses.


This year, the person in charge of the city-wide unified examination was replaced. The examination’s difficulty was abnormally high. The last big question of mathematics had stumped half of the students in the third year. Some students were unable to answer even the first question. As for the science comprehensive, it was even more difficult. After finishing the exam, many students from the rocket class sobbed their way out of the examination room.

The last subject was English. The reading comprehension questions were about nuclear physics and were full of all kinds of complex nouns. The multiple-choice questions were based on a text that told a narrative about time travel. The questions were a sequence of tense pitfalls.

Liu Ke peeked at the answer sheets of the students around him while the papers were being collected. The answers were varied, and no two answer sheets had a coincidence rate higher than 80%! After looking around, he felt that the small black circles looked like small mines scattered all over the floor.

Liu Ke was extremely nervous and went so far as to drag Yan Jing, his junior, to inquire about the answers. 

They argued over the English multiple-choice questions. One of them chose A, the other chose B, and neither of them could convince the other of the correct option.

Finally, Liu Ke drew the alpha boy who hadn’t said anything next to him and asked solicitously: “God Xiao, Topper Xiao, don’t just watch the show. Which option did you select for this question?”

Xiao Yiheng replied: “I choose C.”

“Ah? Why?” C was the first option ruled out by Liu Ke. 

“No reason. I wasn’t sure about that question, so I went with the one that was pleasing to the eye.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ole Bf: “Vtla!” Lf kjr fzagfwfis eqrfa, “Gjgc! Ktf jcrkfg ab atja defralbc wera yf J…”

Tjc Alcu kjr qehhifv jcv jrxfv yijcxis: “Glvc’a Vfclbg Dgbatfg Wljb rjs atja tf oliifv lc atja defralbc lcvlrmglwlcjafis?”

Ole Bf qjaafv tlr tfjv mbcvfrmfcvlcuis: “Qtja vb sbe xcbk? Pc atf kbgvr bo atf Scuilrt afjmtfg, lo kf vbc’a xcbk atf jcrkfg jcv rlwqis olii lc bcf, la’r mjiifv j ‘kliv uefrr’; lo Vaevs Xbv vbfrc’a xcbk atf jcrkfg jcv oliir lc bcf ja gjcvbw, la’r mjiifv ‘lcralcmalnf ecvfgrajcvlcu’!” 

The English language sense was a very magical thing. The most mystical aspect of it was that it would only add icing on the cake, not provide charcoal in the snow. Only those with good grades would have a sense of the language. Those with poor grades would select the incorrect answer even if they had a choice between only two options.

Liu Ke had an extraordinary trust in Xiao Yiheng. Since Xiao Yiheng chose C based on his ‘instinctive understanding’, the final answer was unquestionably C!


Yan Jing’s English was mediocre. He recognized how distant he was from the genuine senior third year level, especially after this mock exam. During his winter vacation, he intended to work on his English and attack it head on. Liu Ke was ecstatic about his proposal. The two talked about it and decided to invite a 1v2 tutor to the lesson.

“God Xiao, what are your plans for winter vacation? Attack English? Work on Mathematics?… Oh yes! I recall you being chosen for a prestigious school’s winter camp. So I guess you have to report to the university?” 

Xiao Yiheng replied calmly, “No. My first priority is to date.”


Xiao Yiheng added a few words to explain: “Go to the capital, find Li Cheng, and date.”

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Liu Ke and Yan Jing were both aware that he was dating Li Cheng. Naturally, he flaunted their love mercilessly.

The two single dogs were so scared by his calm tone that their expressions solidified on their faces.

Xiao Yiheng held back a smile: “I’m flying tomorrow.”

Now, the two of them were not only astonished, but also filled with admiration. This was a true Study God! He was extremely efficient even while talking about love. 

After Xiao Yiheng returned home, he began packing his belongings. A large suitcase was laid out in front of the bed in his room, half of which was filled with textbooks, and the other half was packed with his winter clothes.

He dug deep into the wardrobe for the down jacket given to him by Li Cheng and folded it carefully. As if stroking the back of Li Cheng’s neck, his fingers caressed Li Cheng’s name on the collar.

“HengHeng, is your luggage ready?” At this point, Mother Xiao pushed open Xiao Yiheng’s bedroom door, urging him. 

Xiao Yiheng maintained a serene demeanor. “I’m in the middle of packing,” he said as he folded the down jacket neatly and tucked it in the bottom of the suitcase without raising his head.

Mama Xiao nodded, pulled over the chair, and sat down, staring at him while he packed his luggage. She looked very tired. She didn’t appear as delicate and beautiful as she used to.

Seeing her in this state, Xiao Yiheng guessed: “Mom, are you looking for dad again?”

After the huge quarrel the other day, the relationship between the AA couple, who had been married for eighteen years, suddenly chilled, plunging below freezing point. Prior to the fight, they were comrades-in-arms, with their blade tips pointing towards the same targets. But now, they were enemies, stabbing each other with the sharpest blade they could find. 

In reality, their contradiction grew with time: both of them were alphas, both of them were arrogant, and both of them had the awful “straight A cancer”. It was inevitable that they would clash in their daily lives. However, they were too proud and scornful of quarrelling like ordinary couples, so whenever they had problems, they dealt with them using “cold treatment”, commonly known as cold war. They claimed that it was a mature way of expressing their opinions, but they did not realize that it was precisely this cold war, repeated time and again, that had exhausted their relationship as husband and wife. They eventually became more like co-tenants living under the same roof.

The report incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back, shattering their relationship and causing them to mistrust and accuse each other. Father Xiao had simply rented an apartment near the school and hadn’t returned home in over a month.


When Xiao Yiheng mentioned his father, Mother Xiao’s expression darkened even more.

“How can I not find him? You’re leaving for the capital tomorrow. The Academic Affairs Office is quite busy towards the end of the semester. I can’t leave. I’ve asked him to see you off.” Mother Xiao exhorted again and again, “The winter camp will be packed with ‘Wunderkids’. You must learn to express yourself and ensure the teacher notices you! Also, don’t get too close to other students. Entering the winter camp is not a 100% guarantee that you will be admitted to the university. After all, there are a limited number of recommendations. Keep in mind that they are all your enemies!” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…” Her remarks entered Yiheng’s left ear and exited via his right. He didn’t say anything.

Xiao Yiheng was traveling alone to the north, where the climate was very different from that of Huacheng. But Mother Xiao didn’t care if he had packed enough clothes to keep out the cold or if he could adapt to the severe cold in the north. She didn’t care whether he would feel lonely celebrating the Spring Festival alone. From start to finish, all she cared about was whether Xiao Yiheng could get the highly sought after recommendation and win her honor.

It was just as well that Xiao Yiheng had anticipated this for a long time and was not disappointed. Instead, he’d be surprised if his parents ever cared about anything other than his education.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning. 

Xiao Yiheng simply ate breakfast, got his luggage and headed downstairs. Father Xiao’s car was parked downstairs. Mother Xiao didn’t want to see him, so she didn’t accompany Xiao Yiheng down.

The father and son hadn’t seen each other in a few days, so they were completely unfamiliar with each other.

Originally, according to his parents’ character, when his winter camp began, they would undoubtedly send Xiao Yiheng to the capital, and then arrange for a slew of big and small uncles working in the capital to look after him, only then feeling relieved. However, due to the couple’s cold war, neither had the inclination to pay close attention to Xiao Yiheng.

Father Xiao put on a caring act: “Will someone pick you up at the airport when you arrive?” 

“Yes.” Xiao Yiheng replied, “The teacher will meet me at the airport.”

Father Xiao thought he was talking about a teacher at the Foreign Affairs University’s winter camp. It never occurred to him that Xiao Yiheng had no intention of ever entering the gates of Foreign Affairs University.

After several hours of flight, the plane finally touched down at Capital Airport. It was the same flight and seat as the last time Xiao Yiheng visited the capital, when he was unprepared. His flimsy woolen coat had been soaked by the chilly wind, but this time it was different — he opened his rucksack and took out the down jacket with Li Cheng’s name sewn on it, which he wore on his body. 

The down jacket was in the long, black style that was seen everywhere. When worn by others, it appeared sloppy and baggy, but it seemed tailor-made for Xiao Yiheng.

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He walked briskly out of the pick-up hall, dragging his bag behind him. A familiar female voice called out from the crowd—”Xiao Yiheng, here!”

Xiao Yiheng followed the sound and found Teacher Qiu Xian eagerly waving at him. Xu Jun, her wife, stood beside her. The baby’s eyes were closed, peacefully sleeping in Qiu Xian’s arms.

Xu Jun was a native of the capital. The family of three had returned to the capital for the Spring Festival. Xiao Yiheng happened to come to the capital to participate in the winter camp of Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. He could stay in their home during the winter camp. 

Qiu Xian appeared to have gained weight after a few months apart, and the infant in her arms had become much chubbier.

Xu Jun warmly took the luggage from Xiao Yiheng and asked if he was tired from the journey. She also specially booked a private room for a banquet in order to wash away the dust.


“A banquet for washing the dust is too grand,” Xiao Yiheng said hurriedly, “I have already imposed too much on you when I came here, and if it wasn’t for Teacher Qiu getting the recommendation letter for me, I wouldn’t have the chance to realize my dream.”

“Don’t be so polite.” Qiu Xian said, “You are currently my student, and you will be my junior brother in the future. I should look after you.” 

However, Xiao Yiheng resolutely declined the banquet. He merely wanted something to eat to fill his stomach. He still had very important things to do.

Qiu Xian asked curiously: “What is so important?”

Xiao Yiheng replied: “Dating.”


It had been three weeks since he had seen Li Cheng, and Li Cheng had experienced too many things in that time. Xiao Yiheng had heard him say it over the phone, but he wanted to hear it again from Li Cheng in person.

Instead of talking, it would also be great to kiss his little mouth while holding hands across the fence.

In short, Xiao Yiheng believed his soul would dry up if he didn’t see Li Cheng soon.

Ch86 - “What is so important?” “Dating.”

The bell rang and the invigilator standing on the podium knocked on the table to remind everyone to put down their pencils.

“Hand in the paper, hand in the paper! Stop writing!” The invigilator’s tone was serious, “Those in the last row, don’t whisper. Stop writing immediately! Do you know? If this were the college entrance examination, writing after the bell rings would be considered cheating!” 

The students in the last row who were called out stuck out their tongues and could only put down their pens bitterly.

Under the teacher’s supervision, the students flipped the papers and answer sheets upside down on the table and filed out of the classroom. They were finally liberated after the final assessment! As for the exam results… Hey, it was winter vacation! Was it really necessary to think so much? It was better to think about what to eat in the evening.

In the twinkling of an eye, the corridors were teeming with students running out of the classrooms and calling for friends to discuss where to pig out.

The invigilator shook his head helplessly, muttering: “They’re in third year of senior high school and still so wild.” 

The deputy invigilator responded with a smile, “Aren’t all kids like this? As a student, I also looked forward to liberation every day.”


In the hallway, Liu Ke, the monitor of class 3-1, slung his arm around the shoulders of Yan Jing, a student committee member from class 2-1, and asked offhandedly: “How did it go little junior brother? You came to our senior year exams to ‘experience’ the college entrance examination, right? So, how was it? Was it stimulating or not?”

Yan Jing pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. It looked like he’d bombed the test.

Huacheng No.1 High School had a tradition of sending the top 30 sophomores to take the mock exam with their third year seniors. The goal was to give them a sense of the atmosphere of the third year ahead of time and to make them aware of their weaknesses.


This year, the person in charge of the city-wide unified examination was replaced. The examination’s difficulty was abnormally high. The last big question of mathematics had stumped half of the students in the third year. Some students were unable to answer even the first question. As for the science comprehensive, it was even more difficult. After finishing the exam, many students from the rocket class sobbed their way out of the examination room.

The last subject was English. The reading comprehension questions were about nuclear physics and were full of all kinds of complex nouns. The multiple-choice questions were based on a text that told a narrative about time travel. The questions were a sequence of tense pitfalls.

Liu Ke peeked at the answer sheets of the students around him while the papers were being collected. The answers were varied, and no two answer sheets had a coincidence rate higher than 80%! After looking around, he felt that the small black circles looked like small mines scattered all over the floor.

Liu Ke was extremely nervous and went so far as to drag Yan Jing, his junior, to inquire about the answers. 

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They argued over the English multiple-choice questions. One of them chose A, the other chose B, and neither of them could convince the other of the correct option.

Finally, Liu Ke drew the alpha boy who hadn’t said anything next to him and asked solicitously: “God Xiao, Topper Xiao, don’t just watch the show. Which option did you select for this question?”

Xiao Yiheng replied: “I choose C.”

“Ah? Why?” C was the first option ruled out by Liu Ke. 

“No reason. I wasn’t sure about that question, so I went with the one that was pleasing to the eye.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ole Bf: “Vtla!” Lf kjr fzagfwfis eqrfa, “Gjgc! Ktf jcrkfg ab atja defralbc wera yf J…”

Tjc Alcu kjr qehhifv jcv jrxfv yijcxis: “Glvc’a Vfclbg Dgbatfg Wljb rjs atja tf oliifv lc atja defralbc lcvlrmglwlcjafis?”

Ole Bf qjaafv tlr tfjv mbcvfrmfcvlcuis: “Qtja vb sbe xcbk? Pc atf kbgvr bo atf Scuilrt afjmtfg, lo kf vbc’a xcbk atf jcrkfg jcv rlwqis olii lc bcf, la’r mjiifv j ‘kliv uefrr’; lo Vaevs Xbv vbfrc’a xcbk atf jcrkfg jcv oliir lc bcf ja gjcvbw, la’r mjiifv ‘lcralcmalnf ecvfgrajcvlcu’!” 

The English language sense was a very magical thing. The most mystical aspect of it was that it would only add icing on the cake, not provide charcoal in the snow. Only those with good grades would have a sense of the language. Those with poor grades would select the incorrect answer even if they had a choice between only two options.

Liu Ke had an extraordinary trust in Xiao Yiheng. Since Xiao Yiheng chose C based on his ‘instinctive understanding’, the final answer was unquestionably C!


Yan Jing’s English was mediocre. He recognized how distant he was from the genuine senior third year level, especially after this mock exam. During his winter vacation, he intended to work on his English and attack it head on. Liu Ke was ecstatic about his proposal. The two talked about it and decided to invite a 1v2 tutor to the lesson.

“God Xiao, what are your plans for winter vacation? Attack English? Work on Mathematics?… Oh yes! I recall you being chosen for a prestigious school’s winter camp. So I guess you have to report to the university?” 

Xiao Yiheng replied calmly, “No. My first priority is to date.”


Xiao Yiheng added a few words to explain: “Go to the capital, find Li Cheng, and date.”


Liu Ke and Yan Jing were both aware that he was dating Li Cheng. Naturally, he flaunted their love mercilessly.

The two single dogs were so scared by his calm tone that their expressions solidified on their faces.

Xiao Yiheng held back a smile: “I’m flying tomorrow.”

Now, the two of them were not only astonished, but also filled with admiration. This was a true Study God! He was extremely efficient even while talking about love. 

After Xiao Yiheng returned home, he began packing his belongings. A large suitcase was laid out in front of the bed in his room, half of which was filled with textbooks, and the other half was packed with his winter clothes.

He dug deep into the wardrobe for the down jacket given to him by Li Cheng and folded it carefully. As if stroking the back of Li Cheng’s neck, his fingers caressed Li Cheng’s name on the collar.

“HengHeng, is your luggage ready?” At this point, Mother Xiao pushed open Xiao Yiheng’s bedroom door, urging him. 

Xiao Yiheng maintained a serene demeanor. “I’m in the middle of packing,” he said as he folded the down jacket neatly and tucked it in the bottom of the suitcase without raising his head.

Mama Xiao nodded, pulled over the chair, and sat down, staring at him while he packed his luggage. She looked very tired. She didn’t appear as delicate and beautiful as she used to.

Seeing her in this state, Xiao Yiheng guessed: “Mom, are you looking for dad again?”

After the huge quarrel the other day, the relationship between the AA couple, who had been married for eighteen years, suddenly chilled, plunging below freezing point. Prior to the fight, they were comrades-in-arms, with their blade tips pointing towards the same targets. But now, they were enemies, stabbing each other with the sharpest blade they could find. 

In reality, their contradiction grew with time: both of them were alphas, both of them were arrogant, and both of them had the awful “straight A cancer”. It was inevitable that they would clash in their daily lives. However, they were too proud and scornful of quarrelling like ordinary couples, so whenever they had problems, they dealt with them using “cold treatment”, commonly known as cold war. They claimed that it was a mature way of expressing their opinions, but they did not realize that it was precisely this cold war, repeated time and again, that had exhausted their relationship as husband and wife. They eventually became more like co-tenants living under the same roof.

The report incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back, shattering their relationship and causing them to mistrust and accuse each other. Father Xiao had simply rented an apartment near the school and hadn’t returned home in over a month.

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When Xiao Yiheng mentioned his father, Mother Xiao’s expression darkened even more.

“How can I not find him? You’re leaving for the capital tomorrow. The Academic Affairs Office is quite busy towards the end of the semester. I can’t leave. I’ve asked him to see you off.” Mother Xiao exhorted again and again, “The winter camp will be packed with ‘Wunderkids’. You must learn to express yourself and ensure the teacher notices you! Also, don’t get too close to other students. Entering the winter camp is not a 100% guarantee that you will be admitted to the university. After all, there are a limited number of recommendations. Keep in mind that they are all your enemies!” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…” Her remarks entered Yiheng’s left ear and exited via his right. He didn’t say anything.

Xiao Yiheng was traveling alone to the north, where the climate was very different from that of Huacheng. But Mother Xiao didn’t care if he had packed enough clothes to keep out the cold or if he could adapt to the severe cold in the north. She didn’t care whether he would feel lonely celebrating the Spring Festival alone. From start to finish, all she cared about was whether Xiao Yiheng could get the highly sought after recommendation and win her honor.

It was just as well that Xiao Yiheng had anticipated this for a long time and was not disappointed. Instead, he’d be surprised if his parents ever cared about anything other than his education.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning. 

Xiao Yiheng simply ate breakfast, got his luggage and headed downstairs. Father Xiao’s car was parked downstairs. Mother Xiao didn’t want to see him, so she didn’t accompany Xiao Yiheng down.

The father and son hadn’t seen each other in a few days, so they were completely unfamiliar with each other.

Originally, according to his parents’ character, when his winter camp began, they would undoubtedly send Xiao Yiheng to the capital, and then arrange for a slew of big and small uncles working in the capital to look after him, only then feeling relieved. However, due to the couple’s cold war, neither had the inclination to pay close attention to Xiao Yiheng.

Father Xiao put on a caring act: “Will someone pick you up at the airport when you arrive?” 

“Yes.” Xiao Yiheng replied, “The teacher will meet me at the airport.”

Father Xiao thought he was talking about a teacher at the Foreign Affairs University’s winter camp. It never occurred to him that Xiao Yiheng had no intention of ever entering the gates of Foreign Affairs University.

After several hours of flight, the plane finally touched down at Capital Airport. It was the same flight and seat as the last time Xiao Yiheng visited the capital, when he was unprepared. His flimsy woolen coat had been soaked by the chilly wind, but this time it was different — he opened his rucksack and took out the down jacket with Li Cheng’s name sewn on it, which he wore on his body. 

The down jacket was in the long, black style that was seen everywhere. When worn by others, it appeared sloppy and baggy, but it seemed tailor-made for Xiao Yiheng.

He walked briskly out of the pick-up hall, dragging his bag behind him. A familiar female voice called out from the crowd—”Xiao Yiheng, here!”

Xiao Yiheng followed the sound and found Teacher Qiu Xian eagerly waving at him. Xu Jun, her wife, stood beside her. The baby’s eyes were closed, peacefully sleeping in Qiu Xian’s arms.

Xu Jun was a native of the capital. The family of three had returned to the capital for the Spring Festival. Xiao Yiheng happened to come to the capital to participate in the winter camp of Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. He could stay in their home during the winter camp. 

Qiu Xian appeared to have gained weight after a few months apart, and the infant in her arms had become much chubbier.

Xu Jun warmly took the luggage from Xiao Yiheng and asked if he was tired from the journey. She also specially booked a private room for a banquet in order to wash away the dust.


“A banquet for washing the dust is too grand,” Xiao Yiheng said hurriedly, “I have already imposed too much on you when I came here, and if it wasn’t for Teacher Qiu getting the recommendation letter for me, I wouldn’t have the chance to realize my dream.”

“Don’t be so polite.” Qiu Xian said, “You are currently my student, and you will be my junior brother in the future. I should look after you.” 

However, Xiao Yiheng resolutely declined the banquet. He merely wanted something to eat to fill his stomach. He still had very important things to do.

Qiu Xian asked curiously: “What is so important?”

Xiao Yiheng replied: “Dating.”


It had been three weeks since he had seen Li Cheng, and Li Cheng had experienced too many things in that time. Xiao Yiheng had heard him say it over the phone, but he wanted to hear it again from Li Cheng in person.

Instead of talking, it would also be great to kiss his little mouth while holding hands across the fence.

In short, Xiao Yiheng believed his soul would dry up if he didn’t see Li Cheng soon.

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