This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 87: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch87 - Love makes Alpha climb over the wall to meet boyfriend

Li Cheng was in a surprisingly good state during today’s training. He went above and beyond the assigned tasks during morning training, and he was quite vigorous and energetic during the subsequent ground training.

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Coach Yu chastised him for the clumsy handover during the medley swimming practice. Despite this, his expression remained as cheerful as before. There was no haze to speak of. 

In reality, the preceding butterfly stroke swimmer had affected Li Cheng completely. She “fell short of a breath” and paused for a fraction of a second before touching the wall. The rhythm was erratic when Li Cheng entered the water in order to avoid hitting her.

Li Cheng was made the scapegoat for nothing, yet instead of being upset, he consoled the female athlete.

The female butterfly stroke swimmer asked weakly: “Captain, why are you being so gentle today?”

Li Cheng wondered: “When is Laozi not gentle?” 



Li Cheng’s primary focus was now on the 4×100 mixed swimming training. He had recently often dealt with the women’s squad in order to build a tacit understanding. In general, it was simple for a boy to be groomed as a “sister” if he hung around with girls, but Li Cheng did not follow the conventional path. With his own strength, he simply transformed the bunch of female athletes into “little brothers.”

The women’s squad was mostly made up of alpha with only a few beta athletes. Everyone had trimmed their hair short because maintaining long hair was difficult. On the contrary, Li Cheng—the boy—had the longest hair. It could be tied into a sturdy little knot on the top of his head. The female team members followed his lead, and they all began tying their hair in a little knot on the top of their heads. They even called themselves the “JiuJiu Gang”, and they were like the “Axe Gang”, who paraded themselves ostentatiously around town everyday calling each other senior brother and junior brother.

Li Cheng was in a great mood today. As for the reason, of course he couldn’t reveal it publicly—he was going to see his boyfriend Xiao Yiheng today!


They planned to meet during lunch break, while everyone was in the cafeteria. Li Cheng would sneak around behind the swimming pool and meet at the familiar iron fence!

Despite the fact that Xiao Yiheng could not come in and he could not go out, as long as they could meet, it would be a million times better than being separated in two places.

Li Cheng was the type of person who wore his emotions on his face. Even though he didn’t say anything, everyone could tell he was keeping something wonderful hidden.

They coaxed and enticed, but Li Cheng was on guard and ready to defend his secret to death. They spoke warmly and softly, Li Cheng, however, was unimpressed. 

Seeing that they couldn’t pry Li Cheng’s mouth open, everyone had to disperse resentfully.

The players had been practicing all morning and were all a little tired. Less than half an hour before lunch break, Coach Yu blew the whistle for everyone to gather and asked the other team members if they wanted to spar with the medley swimming team. It was intended to be an enjoyable way to unwind for a time.

Mixed medley swimming was a new event. Everyone was in high spirits and raised their hands to volunteer. Coach Yu picked eight athletes to form two teams to compete against Li Cheng’s team.

Before entering the water, everyone playfully asked if there would be any rewards if they defeated Li Cheng’s team. 

Coach Yu remarked coldly: “If you really beat them, you will not be rewarded, but they will be punished.”

Everyone became even more eager and geared up one by one as soon as this remark was made. They were determined to give the elite of the swimming members a run for their money.

—They were also provincial champions. Why was Li Cheng chosen for the “trump card” team and made captain of the “Golden Attack Little Squadron”?

All of them had an unyielding temper and were bound to compete in the swimming pool. 

Zhou Jian joined a temporary team as well. Li Cheng mocked him: “You are a long-distance swimmer. Are you here to join in the fun?”

Zhou Jian smiled slightly: “I can’t do anything about it. I’m too outstanding.”


Zhou Jian was not bragging in any way. He was indeed a fantastic freestyle swimmer. He was already tall, and after two months in the training team, he had gained another two centimeters in height. He was now 1.9 meters tall. He had long arms, huge palms, and well-defined muscles on his chest, back, and biceps, which made him easily stand out in the swimming pool.

During each training session, the omega from the diving team across from them would sneak a peek at him, madly casting flirty glances at him both overtly and covertly. Zhou Jian pretended not to see them. 

“Oh yes! I have something for you.” Before the race began, Li Cheng dashed to the bank, took out a small piece of pink paper folded into the shape of a heart from his waterproof bag, turned around, and held it out to Zhou Jian.

Zhou Jian was surprised and looked down at the note. Li Cheng’s fingertips were gleaming white from being in the water for too long, creating a stark contrast with the small pink heart wedged between his white fingertips.

Zhou Jian was puzzled: “What is this?”

“Phone number.” Li Cheng tried to hand the note to Zhou Jian again, “Do you want it?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itbe Aljc jrxfv, “Pr la sbegr?”

“Lbk mbeiv atja yf?” Ol Jtfcu ilfv klatbea yjaalcu jc fsfilv, “P tjcvfv lc ws qtbcf j ibcu alwf jub.”

“…” Itbe Aljc qjerfv obg j ofk rfmbcvr yfobgf mbcalcelcu, “Qtbrf lr atja?”

“Zs gbbwwjaf’r. Llr cjwf lr Jtfc Zljb. Ljnf sbe tfjgv bo tlw? Lf’r ogbw atf vlnlcu afjw.” Ol Jtfcu cevufv tlw, “Lfgf! Obbx ja atf ues bc atf afc-wfafg qijaobgw bqqbrlaf. Ktf bcf ktb lr qgfqjglcu ab vlnf.” 

Zhou Jian looked in the direction indicated by Li Cheng. Sure enough, he noticed a short omega with curly hair and white complexion standing on the ten-meter platform. When the coach blew his whistle, he slammed his feet on the platform, and his entire body flew out at an angle, twisting in the air like a clever little swallow, before plunging into the water in a flash.

The jump was flawless, and the splash was insignificant. Li Cheng couldn’t gauge the level of difficulty, but he believed that Chen Miao’s performance was deserving of an international medal, and even more deserving of an amazing boyfriend.

Li Cheng also stabbed Zhou Jian with his elbow this time: “Chen Miao gave the note to me this morning and requested me to present it to you,” While passing off the message, he made sure to compliment his roommate, “Let me tell you, for the sake of folding this note into a heart perfectly, he bustled for a long time yesterday. You must acknowledge his diligence in addition to the note. Just accept it.”

He even intended to place the small heart straight into Zhou Jian’s palm after delivering these words. 

Zhou Jian subconsciously avoided: “I don’t want to.”

Li Cheng: “Why not? You don’t like male omega, only female omega?”

“… No,” Zhou Jian refuted softly, “I like male omega.”

“Then accept it and take a look.” Li Cheng lobbied tirelessly, “Chen Miao is a really charming, lively and cheerful person, and his grades are also excellent. He has won two provincial championships, and he will definitely win a medal this time.” 

When it came to matchmaking between athletes, appearance and family background were secondary considerations. The most important thing was whether they could improve together on the field. If one was a prospective champion and the other was a team substitute, the pace of their development would be too erratic, and they would undoubtedly break up in the end. Li Cheng especially emphasized Chen Miao’s performance in the competition, believing that he and Zhou Jian were a good match.

But Zhou Jian shook his head after hearing this. He looked at Li Cheng and remarked solemnly: “The omega I like ought to win at least three provincial championships and have the strength to win international gold medals.”


Li Cheng: “… ” He finally realized something, “Wait a minute! You’ve been talking for half the day; why is it that the more I listen, the more it seems you’re talking about me, eh?!”

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Zhou Jian didn’t say anything, but fixed his gaze on Li Cheng. 

Li Cheng sighed, lifted his hand and patted him on the shoulder: “Oh brother! It’s not that I want to shock you but an outstanding person like me—out of seven billion people born in the world, only one will be like Laozi. If Laozi is your criterion for selecting a partner, I’m afraid you’ll die alone!”

Zhou Jian: “…”

Pitiful man’s daily mission to hook: Casting pearls before swine (1/1) has been completed.

They’d been speaking for far too long. Coach Yu’s bellow caused them to recover and rush back to the pool. As for the small note, Zhou Jian did not accept it. 

The friendly competition had concluded, and there was no suspense in the outcome. Li Cheng’s team lived up to the many days of rigorous training and won the competition by a wide margin.

The girls on the team clamored for Li Cheng to “show it”. When Li Cheng asked what they wanted him to show them, the girls answered sweetly that they wished Li Cheng could show off his omega charm and get close to the canteen chef. They wanted special treatment from the chef—a plate of snow coated sweetened bean paste.

Snow coated sweetened bean paste was a Northeast dessert. The filling was finely ground sweetened red bean paste dipped in a batter made from whipped egg whites and cornstarch and then deep fried in hot oil. The final product was soft and plump, resembling freshly picked cotton ball blooms. Before serving, the deep fried balls were dusted with sugar, and tasted absolutely delicious. 

This recipe was created using a few everyday ingredients and focused on technique. The chef only cooked it once a week, and every time a serving was prepared, it was robbed by the diving team’s female omega. The female alpha of the swimming team did not want to lose face by robbing the dessert, but the gluttony bug was bouncing about in their stomachs, so they requested Li Cheng to cajole the canteen chef.

Where did Li Cheng possess such a thing as selling his charm? They forced him to the canteen, where he shamelessly tried to be sweet, eventually persuading the chef to promise to cook specially for their swimming team that night.

Li Cheng let out a long sigh of relief and hurriedly broke free from the clutches of his female teammates: “Happy? Can you please let me go now?”

A female teammate inquired, “Where are you going? It’s chowtime!” 

“Don’t wanna eat!” When Li Cheng looked at the wall clock and realized it was already past twelve o’clock, he became anxious. For every minute he delayed, he could see Xiao Yiheng for one minute less!

When he thought of this, he didn’t dare delay any longer. He quickly greased his feet and swished out of the cafeteria.

On the other side. 

Xiao Yiheng dressed up extremely carefully to meet his boyfriend. The combination of a pure white turtleneck sweater and light-colored jeans made him look elegant. When he went out, Teacher Qiu teased him, saying that he looked like a courting Swan Prince.

It was a beautiful sunny day. It was actually a touch too hot to wear the down jacket, but Xiao Yiheng was reluctant to remove it. He arrived at the training center wearing the jacket that Li Cheng had given him.


They planned to meet at noon. Xiao Yiheng came ten minutes ahead of schedule. He waited at the fence for a while before seeing Li Cheng walk out of the swimming pool.

He was about to call him when suddenly a dozen girls burst out from the swimming pool. They surrounded Li Cheng, talking and laughing, their hair groomed in the same style as Li Cheng’s—”raised to the sky.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

He watched his boyfriend go farther and farther away, surrounded by a gaggle of female alphas. He hadn’t seen ChengCheng for some time but how come he had so many love rivals?

Xiao Yiheng sent a sour message to Li Cheng, asking him: “Elder Tang, does the Pansi cave suit you?”

After sending it, he recalled that Li Cheng never carried a mobile phone to training. Xiao Yiheng could only helplessly withdraw the message, leaving an embarrassing prompt on the screen—You have withdrawn a message. 

Ten minutes passed, but Li Cheng was nowhere to be seen.

Xiao Yiheng was bound to have some wild notions. He was worried that Li Cheng would become engrossed in debauchery, forgetting that his chaff A was still waiting for him at the fence.

He peered up at the iron fence in front of him—it was about 2.5 meters high. There were spikes on the top, but they weren’t sharp. They shouldn’t hurt him if he was careful.

The most serious issue was that there was an infrared camera nearby. If someone climbed over the railing, the camera would capture them immediately… No, wait a minute! 

Xiao Yiheng abruptly noticed that a bird’s nest had been built in front of the camera at some point, which happened to totally block the camera!

At that moment, the words “God is also helping me” crashed into Xiao Yiheng’s brain.

Is there going to be any trouble if I climb over the wall? Aside from the embarrassment of the image, there should be no issue.

Would climbing over the wall give him any benefits? Of course! It would be highly beneficial. He could meet his boyfriend without further delay, and if was lucky, he might be able to visit his boyfriend’s usual training ground pool. 

Xiao Yiheng quickly determined the purpose of his action in less than a second.

He wanted to scale the iron fence in order to find Li Cheng!

Thinking of this, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, grabbed the fence with his hands for support, and sprang up with his feet—he fell down with a slip!

Xiao Yiheng: ? 

He tried a second, third, and fourth time… and discovered that getting over the wall was considerably more difficult than he had anticipated!

He’d seen Li Cheng climb over the wall a number of times before. He accomplished it so easily and lightly—one run-up, one jump, and he easily scaled the high school wall… How come when it changed to himself, he kept slipping over the iron fence? Why couldn’t he get a foothold no matter how hard he tried?


Xiao Yiheng frowned, unwilling to admit defeat so fast.

There were no words like “give up” in the alpha’s dictionary. He decided to give it another shot. 

He grit his teeth, gripped the railing, held his breath, and leaped up with his feet—

“Hey! What are you doing?” Suddenly, a stern cry came from behind him, and a large hand slapped Xiao Yiheng’s shoulder forcefully.

The startled Xiao Yiheng turned his head to see a middle-aged man standing behind him. He was dressed in a black uniform with the word SECURITY written across his chest.

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

Xiao Yiheng: “… I can explain.”

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The security guard waved his hand impatiently: “Don’t explain. I’ve seen too many like you!”

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

The security guard took out a walkie-talkie and punched the call button while looking at Xiao Yiheng disdainfully. He communicated with the other end of the radio. 

“Reporting to the team leader. I caught another guy who climbed over the wall while patrolling the outer walls. This is the third one in the last few days!”

“Yes, yes, it’s on the side of the nest. I’ll get someone to move the bird’s nest this afternoon!”

“Right! Don’t worry, I’ll deal with him seriously!”

The security guard hung up the walkie-talkie and turned to face Xiao Yiheng. 

Xiao Yiheng frowned and backed away slowly, aiming to flee quickly by catching the security uncle off guard. He couldn’t possibly implicate Li Cheng.

Who would have guessed that the security guard would suddenly ask an inexplicable question: “Young man, which team are you from?”

Xiao Yiheng: “…? What team?”

“Be serious, don’t play dumb with me!” The security guard sneered as he pointed at the team emblem on the down jacket, “You’re still wearing the jacket of the training team. You don’t even know you should change clothes before slipping away over the wall?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

The security guard: “You are far too brave. The first two people I caught changed their clothes and sneaked out at night. But you? You dared to climb the wall at noon while wearing the team uniform! Do you really think I’m blind?”



“Speak up! Which team are you from? Who is the coach?” 

The bulb over Xiao Yiheng’s head lit up brightly as understanding dawned—the security guard had misunderstood.

He instantly lowered his head to hide his expression and begged in a hoarse voice: “Please don’t tell the coach, okay? I… the coach scolded me today, and I felt uncomfortable, so I simply wanted to relax.”

“All of you, big and small, why are you so fragile?” The security guard hated iron for not becoming steel and shook his head, “Athletes sweat and shed blood, but not tears. Do you know how many athletes dream of training in a center like this? Don’t you feel ashamed about being a deserter?”

“I’m ashamed, especially ashamed.” Xiao Yiheng gave the best performance of his life, heavily reflecting, “I know I was wrong and am willing to accept punishment. But please don’t tell the coach, and let our captain come over, alright?” 


Ten minutes later, the security guard escorted Li Cheng to the gate. Li Cheng had a bewildered look on his face.

“Here,” the upright security uncle pointed his finger at the lone figure by the window, “You are Li Cheng, the captain of the swimming team, aren’t you? At noon, I caught a member of your team climbing over the wall. Please sign and take him away. ”

Li Cheng: ??? 

Ch87 - Love makes Alpha climb over the wall to meet boyfriend

Li Cheng was in a surprisingly good state during today’s training. He went above and beyond the assigned tasks during morning training, and he was quite vigorous and energetic during the subsequent ground training.

Coach Yu chastised him for the clumsy handover during the medley swimming practice. Despite this, his expression remained as cheerful as before. There was no haze to speak of. 

In reality, the preceding butterfly stroke swimmer had affected Li Cheng completely. She “fell short of a breath” and paused for a fraction of a second before touching the wall. The rhythm was erratic when Li Cheng entered the water in order to avoid hitting her.

Li Cheng was made the scapegoat for nothing, yet instead of being upset, he consoled the female athlete.

The female butterfly stroke swimmer asked weakly: “Captain, why are you being so gentle today?”

Li Cheng wondered: “When is Laozi not gentle?” 



Li Cheng’s primary focus was now on the 4×100 mixed swimming training. He had recently often dealt with the women’s squad in order to build a tacit understanding. In general, it was simple for a boy to be groomed as a “sister” if he hung around with girls, but Li Cheng did not follow the conventional path. With his own strength, he simply transformed the bunch of female athletes into “little brothers.”

The women’s squad was mostly made up of alpha with only a few beta athletes. Everyone had trimmed their hair short because maintaining long hair was difficult. On the contrary, Li Cheng—the boy—had the longest hair. It could be tied into a sturdy little knot on the top of his head. The female team members followed his lead, and they all began tying their hair in a little knot on the top of their heads. They even called themselves the “JiuJiu Gang”, and they were like the “Axe Gang”, who paraded themselves ostentatiously around town everyday calling each other senior brother and junior brother.

Li Cheng was in a great mood today. As for the reason, of course he couldn’t reveal it publicly—he was going to see his boyfriend Xiao Yiheng today!


They planned to meet during lunch break, while everyone was in the cafeteria. Li Cheng would sneak around behind the swimming pool and meet at the familiar iron fence!

Despite the fact that Xiao Yiheng could not come in and he could not go out, as long as they could meet, it would be a million times better than being separated in two places.

Li Cheng was the type of person who wore his emotions on his face. Even though he didn’t say anything, everyone could tell he was keeping something wonderful hidden.

They coaxed and enticed, but Li Cheng was on guard and ready to defend his secret to death. They spoke warmly and softly, Li Cheng, however, was unimpressed. 

Seeing that they couldn’t pry Li Cheng’s mouth open, everyone had to disperse resentfully.

The players had been practicing all morning and were all a little tired. Less than half an hour before lunch break, Coach Yu blew the whistle for everyone to gather and asked the other team members if they wanted to spar with the medley swimming team. It was intended to be an enjoyable way to unwind for a time.

Mixed medley swimming was a new event. Everyone was in high spirits and raised their hands to volunteer. Coach Yu picked eight athletes to form two teams to compete against Li Cheng’s team.

Before entering the water, everyone playfully asked if there would be any rewards if they defeated Li Cheng’s team. 

Coach Yu remarked coldly: “If you really beat them, you will not be rewarded, but they will be punished.”

Everyone became even more eager and geared up one by one as soon as this remark was made. They were determined to give the elite of the swimming members a run for their money.

—They were also provincial champions. Why was Li Cheng chosen for the “trump card” team and made captain of the “Golden Attack Little Squadron”?

All of them had an unyielding temper and were bound to compete in the swimming pool. 

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Zhou Jian joined a temporary team as well. Li Cheng mocked him: “You are a long-distance swimmer. Are you here to join in the fun?”

Zhou Jian smiled slightly: “I can’t do anything about it. I’m too outstanding.”


Zhou Jian was not bragging in any way. He was indeed a fantastic freestyle swimmer. He was already tall, and after two months in the training team, he had gained another two centimeters in height. He was now 1.9 meters tall. He had long arms, huge palms, and well-defined muscles on his chest, back, and biceps, which made him easily stand out in the swimming pool.

During each training session, the omega from the diving team across from them would sneak a peek at him, madly casting flirty glances at him both overtly and covertly. Zhou Jian pretended not to see them. 

“Oh yes! I have something for you.” Before the race began, Li Cheng dashed to the bank, took out a small piece of pink paper folded into the shape of a heart from his waterproof bag, turned around, and held it out to Zhou Jian.

Zhou Jian was surprised and looked down at the note. Li Cheng’s fingertips were gleaming white from being in the water for too long, creating a stark contrast with the small pink heart wedged between his white fingertips.

Zhou Jian was puzzled: “What is this?”

“Phone number.” Li Cheng tried to hand the note to Zhou Jian again, “Do you want it?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itbe Aljc jrxfv, “Pr la sbegr?”

“Lbk mbeiv atja yf?” Ol Jtfcu ilfv klatbea yjaalcu jc fsfilv, “P tjcvfv lc ws qtbcf j ibcu alwf jub.”

“…” Itbe Aljc qjerfv obg j ofk rfmbcvr yfobgf mbcalcelcu, “Qtbrf lr atja?”

“Zs gbbwwjaf’r. Llr cjwf lr Jtfc Zljb. Ljnf sbe tfjgv bo tlw? Lf’r ogbw atf vlnlcu afjw.” Ol Jtfcu cevufv tlw, “Lfgf! Obbx ja atf ues bc atf afc-wfafg qijaobgw bqqbrlaf. Ktf bcf ktb lr qgfqjglcu ab vlnf.” 

Zhou Jian looked in the direction indicated by Li Cheng. Sure enough, he noticed a short omega with curly hair and white complexion standing on the ten-meter platform. When the coach blew his whistle, he slammed his feet on the platform, and his entire body flew out at an angle, twisting in the air like a clever little swallow, before plunging into the water in a flash.

The jump was flawless, and the splash was insignificant. Li Cheng couldn’t gauge the level of difficulty, but he believed that Chen Miao’s performance was deserving of an international medal, and even more deserving of an amazing boyfriend.

Li Cheng also stabbed Zhou Jian with his elbow this time: “Chen Miao gave the note to me this morning and requested me to present it to you,” While passing off the message, he made sure to compliment his roommate, “Let me tell you, for the sake of folding this note into a heart perfectly, he bustled for a long time yesterday. You must acknowledge his diligence in addition to the note. Just accept it.”

He even intended to place the small heart straight into Zhou Jian’s palm after delivering these words. 

Zhou Jian subconsciously avoided: “I don’t want to.”

Li Cheng: “Why not? You don’t like male omega, only female omega?”

“… No,” Zhou Jian refuted softly, “I like male omega.”

“Then accept it and take a look.” Li Cheng lobbied tirelessly, “Chen Miao is a really charming, lively and cheerful person, and his grades are also excellent. He has won two provincial championships, and he will definitely win a medal this time.” 

When it came to matchmaking between athletes, appearance and family background were secondary considerations. The most important thing was whether they could improve together on the field. If one was a prospective champion and the other was a team substitute, the pace of their development would be too erratic, and they would undoubtedly break up in the end. Li Cheng especially emphasized Chen Miao’s performance in the competition, believing that he and Zhou Jian were a good match.

But Zhou Jian shook his head after hearing this. He looked at Li Cheng and remarked solemnly: “The omega I like ought to win at least three provincial championships and have the strength to win international gold medals.”


Li Cheng: “… ” He finally realized something, “Wait a minute! You’ve been talking for half the day; why is it that the more I listen, the more it seems you’re talking about me, eh?!”

Zhou Jian didn’t say anything, but fixed his gaze on Li Cheng. 

Li Cheng sighed, lifted his hand and patted him on the shoulder: “Oh brother! It’s not that I want to shock you but an outstanding person like me—out of seven billion people born in the world, only one will be like Laozi. If Laozi is your criterion for selecting a partner, I’m afraid you’ll die alone!”

Zhou Jian: “…”

Pitiful man’s daily mission to hook: Casting pearls before swine (1/1) has been completed.

They’d been speaking for far too long. Coach Yu’s bellow caused them to recover and rush back to the pool. As for the small note, Zhou Jian did not accept it. 

The friendly competition had concluded, and there was no suspense in the outcome. Li Cheng’s team lived up to the many days of rigorous training and won the competition by a wide margin.

The girls on the team clamored for Li Cheng to “show it”. When Li Cheng asked what they wanted him to show them, the girls answered sweetly that they wished Li Cheng could show off his omega charm and get close to the canteen chef. They wanted special treatment from the chef—a plate of snow coated sweetened bean paste.

Snow coated sweetened bean paste was a Northeast dessert. The filling was finely ground sweetened red bean paste dipped in a batter made from whipped egg whites and cornstarch and then deep fried in hot oil. The final product was soft and plump, resembling freshly picked cotton ball blooms. Before serving, the deep fried balls were dusted with sugar, and tasted absolutely delicious. 

This recipe was created using a few everyday ingredients and focused on technique. The chef only cooked it once a week, and every time a serving was prepared, it was robbed by the diving team’s female omega. The female alpha of the swimming team did not want to lose face by robbing the dessert, but the gluttony bug was bouncing about in their stomachs, so they requested Li Cheng to cajole the canteen chef.

Where did Li Cheng possess such a thing as selling his charm? They forced him to the canteen, where he shamelessly tried to be sweet, eventually persuading the chef to promise to cook specially for their swimming team that night.

Li Cheng let out a long sigh of relief and hurriedly broke free from the clutches of his female teammates: “Happy? Can you please let me go now?”

A female teammate inquired, “Where are you going? It’s chowtime!” 

“Don’t wanna eat!” When Li Cheng looked at the wall clock and realized it was already past twelve o’clock, he became anxious. For every minute he delayed, he could see Xiao Yiheng for one minute less!

When he thought of this, he didn’t dare delay any longer. He quickly greased his feet and swished out of the cafeteria.

On the other side. 

Xiao Yiheng dressed up extremely carefully to meet his boyfriend. The combination of a pure white turtleneck sweater and light-colored jeans made him look elegant. When he went out, Teacher Qiu teased him, saying that he looked like a courting Swan Prince.

It was a beautiful sunny day. It was actually a touch too hot to wear the down jacket, but Xiao Yiheng was reluctant to remove it. He arrived at the training center wearing the jacket that Li Cheng had given him.


They planned to meet at noon. Xiao Yiheng came ten minutes ahead of schedule. He waited at the fence for a while before seeing Li Cheng walk out of the swimming pool.

He was about to call him when suddenly a dozen girls burst out from the swimming pool. They surrounded Li Cheng, talking and laughing, their hair groomed in the same style as Li Cheng’s—”raised to the sky.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

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He watched his boyfriend go farther and farther away, surrounded by a gaggle of female alphas. He hadn’t seen ChengCheng for some time but how come he had so many love rivals?

Xiao Yiheng sent a sour message to Li Cheng, asking him: “Elder Tang, does the Pansi cave suit you?”

After sending it, he recalled that Li Cheng never carried a mobile phone to training. Xiao Yiheng could only helplessly withdraw the message, leaving an embarrassing prompt on the screen—You have withdrawn a message. 

Ten minutes passed, but Li Cheng was nowhere to be seen.

Xiao Yiheng was bound to have some wild notions. He was worried that Li Cheng would become engrossed in debauchery, forgetting that his chaff A was still waiting for him at the fence.

He peered up at the iron fence in front of him—it was about 2.5 meters high. There were spikes on the top, but they weren’t sharp. They shouldn’t hurt him if he was careful.

The most serious issue was that there was an infrared camera nearby. If someone climbed over the railing, the camera would capture them immediately… No, wait a minute! 

Xiao Yiheng abruptly noticed that a bird’s nest had been built in front of the camera at some point, which happened to totally block the camera!

At that moment, the words “God is also helping me” crashed into Xiao Yiheng’s brain.

Is there going to be any trouble if I climb over the wall? Aside from the embarrassment of the image, there should be no issue.

Would climbing over the wall give him any benefits? Of course! It would be highly beneficial. He could meet his boyfriend without further delay, and if was lucky, he might be able to visit his boyfriend’s usual training ground pool. 

Xiao Yiheng quickly determined the purpose of his action in less than a second.

He wanted to scale the iron fence in order to find Li Cheng!

Thinking of this, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, grabbed the fence with his hands for support, and sprang up with his feet—he fell down with a slip!

Xiao Yiheng: ? 

He tried a second, third, and fourth time… and discovered that getting over the wall was considerably more difficult than he had anticipated!

He’d seen Li Cheng climb over the wall a number of times before. He accomplished it so easily and lightly—one run-up, one jump, and he easily scaled the high school wall… How come when it changed to himself, he kept slipping over the iron fence? Why couldn’t he get a foothold no matter how hard he tried?


Xiao Yiheng frowned, unwilling to admit defeat so fast.

There were no words like “give up” in the alpha’s dictionary. He decided to give it another shot. 

He grit his teeth, gripped the railing, held his breath, and leaped up with his feet—

“Hey! What are you doing?” Suddenly, a stern cry came from behind him, and a large hand slapped Xiao Yiheng’s shoulder forcefully.

The startled Xiao Yiheng turned his head to see a middle-aged man standing behind him. He was dressed in a black uniform with the word SECURITY written across his chest.

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

Xiao Yiheng: “… I can explain.”

The security guard waved his hand impatiently: “Don’t explain. I’ve seen too many like you!”

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

The security guard took out a walkie-talkie and punched the call button while looking at Xiao Yiheng disdainfully. He communicated with the other end of the radio. 

“Reporting to the team leader. I caught another guy who climbed over the wall while patrolling the outer walls. This is the third one in the last few days!”

“Yes, yes, it’s on the side of the nest. I’ll get someone to move the bird’s nest this afternoon!”

“Right! Don’t worry, I’ll deal with him seriously!”

The security guard hung up the walkie-talkie and turned to face Xiao Yiheng. 

Xiao Yiheng frowned and backed away slowly, aiming to flee quickly by catching the security uncle off guard. He couldn’t possibly implicate Li Cheng.

Who would have guessed that the security guard would suddenly ask an inexplicable question: “Young man, which team are you from?”

Xiao Yiheng: “…? What team?”

“Be serious, don’t play dumb with me!” The security guard sneered as he pointed at the team emblem on the down jacket, “You’re still wearing the jacket of the training team. You don’t even know you should change clothes before slipping away over the wall?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

The security guard: “You are far too brave. The first two people I caught changed their clothes and sneaked out at night. But you? You dared to climb the wall at noon while wearing the team uniform! Do you really think I’m blind?”



“Speak up! Which team are you from? Who is the coach?” 

The bulb over Xiao Yiheng’s head lit up brightly as understanding dawned—the security guard had misunderstood.

He instantly lowered his head to hide his expression and begged in a hoarse voice: “Please don’t tell the coach, okay? I… the coach scolded me today, and I felt uncomfortable, so I simply wanted to relax.”

“All of you, big and small, why are you so fragile?” The security guard hated iron for not becoming steel and shook his head, “Athletes sweat and shed blood, but not tears. Do you know how many athletes dream of training in a center like this? Don’t you feel ashamed about being a deserter?”

“I’m ashamed, especially ashamed.” Xiao Yiheng gave the best performance of his life, heavily reflecting, “I know I was wrong and am willing to accept punishment. But please don’t tell the coach, and let our captain come over, alright?” 


Ten minutes later, the security guard escorted Li Cheng to the gate. Li Cheng had a bewildered look on his face.

“Here,” the upright security uncle pointed his finger at the lone figure by the window, “You are Li Cheng, the captain of the swimming team, aren’t you? At noon, I caught a member of your team climbing over the wall. Please sign and take him away. ”

Li Cheng: ??? 

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