This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 88: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch88 - “Hello, Zhou Jian. I’m Xiao Yiheng, ChengCheng’s boyfriend."

Li Cheng looked at Xiao Yiheng: “…”

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What’s going on? How did my boyfriend turn into my “team member”? 

Li Cheng’s little head was filled with big question marks, but he couldn’t ask them directly in front of the security guard.

Xiao Yiheng was still acting out a show next to him saying in a miserable tone: “Captain, can you not tell the coach about this?”

Damn! His acting is too good!

This “swimming team’s master” was clearly a land duck who sank to the bottom as soon as he entered the swimming pool, and insisted on the Archimedes principle to keep it a secret. 

The alpha lowered his head looking serious and repentant, but Li Cheng clearly saw Xiao Yiheng winking at him.


Li Cheng confusedly signed his name as a pledge as asked by the security guard, and led Xiao Yiheng out of the security office.

Li Cheng was also urged by the security guard: “You should take responsibility as the captain and supervise your team members! I’m not going to notify your coach this time. I won’t be soft next time!”

Li Cheng rubbed his nose and responded awkwardly.


As soon as they left the office, Li Cheng dragged Xiao Yiheng by the down jacket’s collar straight to the grove.

Xiao Yiheng deliberately teased: “Chengcheng, even if a little separation beats newlyweds, there’s no need to be so anxious right?”

Li Cheng pushed him against a tree trunk and couldn’t wait to ask: “Xiao Yiheng, what’s going on? Didn’t we agree to meet at the fence? You, you… Why did you climb over the wall? Even if you scaled the wall, how did you become my teammate?”

Xiao Yiheng explained the crux of the matter in a few words and smartly concealed the fact that he could not climb over the wall. 

Only then did Li Cheng figure it out and patted his head: “It turns out it was a blind cat who ran into a dead mouse!”

Xiao Yiheng: “… Who are you calling a dead mouse?”

Li Cheng laughed heartily, “I’m calling the guy caught by the security guard a dead mouse.”

Xiao Yiheng could only feign anger by adopting a cold face, but he couldn’t persist in his act for even three seconds. 

He was helpless. After all, the boyfriend he’d missed for so long was standing in front of him. How could he have other thoughts in his mind at this point? Xiao Yiheng truly wanted to thank the reckless security guard for letting him in. Otherwise, the two of them would have to hold hands across the fence today.

The omega ran into Xiao Yiheng’s arms to greet him as he opened his arms for a hug.

It had snowed all night yesterday, covering the pine trees in a thick layer of snow. They hid between the pure white and dark green of the grove, exchanging heated hugs and kisses.

Xiao Yiheng stopped kissing suddenly. 

Li Cheng’s lips were shiny, and his face was flushed. He asked Xiao Yiheng ignorantly: “What’s the matter?”

Xiao Yiheng looked down at his eyes and whispered, “…You’ve hardened.”


Li Cheng: !!!

His face instantly changed from light red to crimson. He jumped back a step hastily, stammering: “Don’t talk nonsense! I haven’t hit my estrus period yet. How can I harden by just kissing casually?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “You’re mistaken. I’m not talking about that place.”


Xiao Yiheng’s expression was a little tangled: “I mean, your muscles have hardened.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng: “…” 

Wljb Tltfcu: “Glv sbeg agjlclcu afjw ulnf sbe tbgwbcfr? Rbk sbe offi… tbk vb P rjs la, la offir ilxf sbe mjc foobgaifrris yfja atgff bo wf ab vfjat klat bcf qecmt.”

Yo mbegrf atf agjlclcu afjw kbeivc’a ulnf atfw tbgwbcfr. Coafg akb wbcatr bo lcafcrlnf agjlclcu, rfnfgji ybsr lc atf afjw yfmjwf ragbcufg jcv ajiifg. Ciatbeut Ol Jtfcu tjvc’a ugbkc ajiifg, tf’v ibra j iba bo kfluta. Ktf ilaaif oja bc tlr ybvs tjv agjcrobgwfv lcab wermifr. Rjaegjiis, la kjr cba jr mbwobgajyif ab teu tlw jr yfobgf.

Li Cheng’s face darkened, saying furiously: “Oh! I’m sorry. Laozi is an omega, but not as fragrant, soft, delicate, and cute as other omega. If you dislike Laozi for being too strong, go find one who is not strong!”

“How can I dislike you for being strong?” Xiao Yiheng wrapped his arms around Li Cheng’s waist, pulling him closer, “I’m afraid you dislike me.” 

“Why would I dislike you?”

“Dislike me for not having a good build like your teammates, for not being able to swim like your teammates, not accompanying you day and night like your teammates…”

“Bah! Bah! Bah!” Li Cheng promptly refuted, “For me, they are all a group of walking swimming records. When I see them, I only think: ‘How much time did this person take to swim last time?’, ‘How much time did Mr. Perfect take to swim last time?’. Who will look at their muscles?… … Besides,” Li Cheng grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s neck and pulled down gently, until the tips of their noses touched each other, “there is a saying, ‘Smart people are the sexiest’. In my opinion, you are much sexier than them.”

The two of them leaned together and spoke a bunch of endless silly, cheesy, and naughty words. They laughed until their faces were stiff and kissed until their tongues were numb before stopping. 

They had been separated for a long time within days after establishing a relationship. There were many things that could not be said on the phone. Naturally, they had to take advantage of this hard-won opportunity to confide in each other.

The heavy snow laden branches were lowered, forming a natural barrier. They hid there, as if hiding in a carefree fairy tale world.

“Hey, look there!” Chen Miao nudged the teammate next to him, “Are there two people under the pine tree?” 

“Where, where?” The teammate immediately stood on tiptoe and looked in the direction of the grove. “Yeah, there are really two pairs of legs!… It’s a pity their upper body is hidden. Otherwise, we could’ve seen who this pair of ‘little mandarin ducks‘ are!”

Chen Miao rested his chin in his hand: “I really envy them ah… their partner is in training camp. They can train together and be lovey-dovey when the coach is not paying attention. It’s much better than single dogs like us.”


The teammate winked at Chen Miao: “Do you want to go over… Hmm↗?”

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“Hmm↗ What hmm↗? How embarrassing it’d be to go over to see two people in love!” 

“Hey! Let’s go over and say hello! Look, they’re hiding in the grove behind the swimming pool. They must be either from the swimming team or from the diving team. Aren’t you curious about who is dating?”

“… … ” Fine. Chen Miao admitted that he was dying of curiosity.

As far as he knew, 90% of the diving and swimming teams were single dogs. They occasionally gazed at the athletes they liked because they were always training in the same arena.

He wondered if the young couple hiding behind the pine tree belonged to his team. 

Boys this age are the most mischievous and prone to causing trouble. When they came across a young couple in love, they couldn’t help but heckle them or scare them apart.

With a smirk, Chen Miao winked at his teammate and tiptoed towards the pine tree.

The snow on the ground hadn’t yet melted and turned into a natural sound-absorbing carpet. They approached slowly, trying not to make any noise.

The pheromone that permeated the air became more pronounced as they approached closer. 

Chen Miao and his teammate glanced at each other, their faces turning a little red—what were the little lovers doing for the pheromone to overflow so much! The cold and strong smell of alpine cedar rushed to their faces, the rich alpha pheromone making the legs of the two omega go soft.

By this time, they were all the more curious about the identity of the alpha. There was such a top-notch alpha in the training team and they didn’t notice it before!

As long as they went around the last tree, they would be able to see the little couple!

Chen Miao was so excited that he didn’t pay attention to his feet — “crack!” He’d accidentally stepped on a branch. 

The crisp sound of the branch breaking echoed through the grove.

The crack reached the pine tree, immediately alerting the alpha, who was immersed in a kiss.

The alpha quickly pulled up the hoodie of the boy in his arms, tightly wrapped the omega’s blonde hair, then circled his waist with one hand and held his head from behind with the other, deepening their kiss, so that the omega had no time to care about the movement behind him.

Chen Miao and his teammate stood dumbly a few meters away as if frozen, their gaze fixed on the couple hugging each other. 

The alpha raised his head indifferently from the kiss. Even though only half of his face was visible, his gorgeous visage amazed the spectators. His phoenix eyes flared and swept coldly over them, chilling them to the bone.

Chen Miao shivered all over as he was stared at by that cold gaze. He felt as if he had inadvertently entered the domain of some wild beast, and warning bells rang in his thoughts. He made a split-second choice and grabbed the arm of his teammate next to him. The two omega stumbled away instantly.


… … Shit! Why was that alpha so jealous?! They’d just taken a few glances at the person in his arms! Was there any need of using pheromones to intimidate them?

Chen Miao and his teammate ran all the way, only stopping after running out of the grove. They stood panting while trying to catch their breath. 

“Crap!…” The teammate stammered, holding onto his jumping heart, “that alpha is terrible! But he’s a stranger. I haven’t seen him in the swimming team. It’s strange that I don’t have any impression of such a handsome alpha even if he is from other teams…”

Chen Miao sat on the ground: “I have an impression of him… Last month, I saw him across the fence. But at that time he was standing outside the fence and appeared to be waiting for someone.”

“Are you mistaken?” The teammate shook his head again and again, and didn’t believe him at all. “That alpha is still wearing the down jacket issued by our training center. He must be from some other team! Oh! By the way, did you see the face of the omega in his arms? He was covered up so completely, I couldn’t even see a single strand of hair.”

Chen Miao hesitated: “He was at least 1.8 meters tall. As far as I know, the only omega who is so tall in the entire swimming and diving teams is Li Cheng—that guy just now, could it be Li Cheng?” 

“How is that possible?!” his teammate exclaimed, “Captain Li is the world’s small steel gun. Regardless of whether it is male A or female A, who has he given a good face? Can you imagine Li Cheng being held in the arms by an alpha and being kissed?”

Chen Miao imagined it seriously, and couldn’t help but shudder.

Impossible. It was impossible. With Li Cheng’s character, if an alpha dared to get any ideas about him, he would’ve taught him an unforgettable lesson!

… So who was the pair of “wild mandarin ducks” that appeared in the grove? 

… …

Under the pine tree, Li Cheng lazily put his chin on Xiao Yiheng’s shoulder, looking like a kitty intoxicated by silver vine.

“Did someone come just now…” Li Cheng didn’t open his eyes, simply rubbed Xiao Yiheng’s profile with his hair. “I seem to have heard someone’s footsteps.”

“Someone was here,” Xiao Yiheng replied. “Two short male omega. I was afraid that if they see you, you’ll get into trouble, so I helped you put on your hoodie.” 

“Short? They should be from the diving team. The boys on the diving team are basically no taller than 1.7 meters. There are only four beta in their training team. The rest are omega.” Li Cheng said indifferently, “Actually, if they want to see, let them see. I’m not afraid of them! There’s no need to hide it! ”

Xiao Yiheng chuckled: “I took advantage of the loopholes to come in after all. If you let them see you mixing with people from outside the team, this matter will be passed on from person to person till everyone knows it. Who knows what the consequences will be? So let’s just play it safe and not casually reveal our relationship to others.”

Li Cheng thought about it, and felt that what he said was right.

Li Cheng asked: “Speaking of it, do you want to visit our venue?” 

“Will it be okay?”

“Nothing is impossible!” Li Cheng had always been bold. “Everyone must have gone to the cafeteria in the hour-long lunch break. There won’t be anyone in the venue right now. If we sneak in, we won’t be found!”


Li Cheng was hopping with incredible happiness as he talked about his training in the center for the last two months.

The training center served the national team. An area was specially set aside for them to train for the duration of the camp. There were only two swimming pools in the venue, but they had many swimming lanes. They were housed in a spacious area, and were equipped with various advanced training facilities. The water in the heated swimming pool was changed every day, which was much better than their Huacheng No. 1 High School! Countless national champions and world champions were born from that pool. When Li Cheng trained there every day, he felt that he was being watched by those seniors, and he was full of energy. 

He grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s hand impatiently and dragged him straight to the swimming pool.

“Look there! The swimming pool has entrances to the north and south, and the changing rooms are also divided into north and south. This is for our swimming team, and the other is for their diving team. The two sides don’t interfere with each other.” Li Cheng pushed open the south gate of the swimming pool and walked in with Xiao Yiheng.

They walked into the warm hall from the cold outside, where the air currents were blowing slowly with hot air. Xiao Yiheng unbuttoned the down jacket, feeling a little sultry.

Li Cheng kicked his slippers to Xiao Yiheng, choosing to walk barefoot on the cold tiled floor. The sea-blue tiled ground was extremely slippery, and the two of them walked cautiously, holding hands. 

The moment they entered through a side door, the unique smell of disinfectant water from the swimming pool rushed over their faces, and the sound of splashing water rang into their ears.

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“Tada!—” Li Cheng pointed at the sparkling swimming pool with one hand on his hips, “—this is the landscape zhen has conquered!”

Xiao Yiheng looked at the pool of rippling blue waves in front of him: he had been to the swimming pool in Huacheng No. 1 High School. The venue was very small. The swimming pool was only a 25-meter short pool and there were only six swimming lanes; the area here was almost as big as the provincial swimming center! There were not only long pools and short pools with the standard 10 lanes, but there were also diving platforms and deep pools for the diving teams on the other side of the swimming pools.

The national flag and pennants were hung all around the swimming pool, while the walls had photographs of well-known swimming athletes. 

Although Xiao Yiheng couldn’t swim, he could imagine Li Cheng’s happiness—his little mermaid swam out of the creek into the large river with his own efforts, and would fight in the ocean in the future… This was Li Cheng’s glory, the glory that no one could take away.

Xiao Yiheng was proud of him.

Li Cheng did not notice the change in Xiao Yiheng’s eyes. He clasped his boyfriend’s hand and excitedly headed toward the swimming pool to take a closer look: “The water is heated. Do you want to touch it?”

Li Cheng hadn’t finished voicing his question when a sound of splashing water was suddenly heard. They saw a figure hidden beneath the water some distance away. It was like a ghostly shadow, swimming over from the end of the swimming lane. 

The man was tall and fast, his arms splashing the water. Before Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng could react, he swam to the shore!

Li Cheng had a headache: “It’s noon. Someone is still training here?!”

With a splash, the man emerged from the water and rested his arms on the edge of the pool. The water flowed down his body reluctantly, sliding over his strong pectorals, back muscles, and biceps before finally dripping on the shore and wetting Xiao Yiheng’s jeans.

—The person who emerged from the water was Zhou Jian. 

Zhou Jian took off his swimming cap and goggles, and flicked his messy hair, his actions unrestrained. He climbed onto the shore, glanced at Li Cheng first, and then quickly shifted his gaze to Xiao Yiheng who was standing beside Li Cheng.

Xiao Yiheng was a complete stranger to him, someone he’d never seen before.


But the alpha pheromone that had not yet dissipated from Xiao Yiheng’s body was the one Zhou Jian had once smelled on Li Cheng’s body!

Zhou Jian’s eyes instantly became dangerous. 

When he looked at Xiao Yiheng, Xiao Yiheng also looked at him vigilantly.

They were both alpha. Both had the same pride and the same strong desire to possess. With just a glance, they classified each other as an “enemy”.

“Captain Li,” Zhou Jian took the lead in launching the attack, “Who is this next to you? Why haven’t I seen him before?”

Li Cheng was clueless and didn’t realize that the two alpha had secretly killed each other a thousand times with their eyes. . 

“He… he’s my friend… he’s here to take a look at our venue.” Li Cheng was in a bind. He’d thought it would be safe to give Xiao Yiheng the identity of a member from another team, but he knew that Zhou Jian was very popular and had friends in every team. If he rashly introduced Xiao Yiheng as a member of the “track and field team” or “high jump team”, his lie would be exposed quite easily.

He was thinking hard about how to tackle the situation, when Xiao Yiheng suddenly interrupted him.

“—He and I are not friends.”

Xiao Yiheng reached out to Zhou Jian, who was standing next to the swimming pool, making a gesture of “friendly handshake”. His tone was dull, but the corners of his mouth were raised: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Xiao Yiheng, ChengCheng’s boyfriend.” 

Ch88 - “Hello, Zhou Jian. I’m Xiao Yiheng, ChengCheng’s boyfriend."

Li Cheng looked at Xiao Yiheng: “…”

What’s going on? How did my boyfriend turn into my “team member”? 

Li Cheng’s little head was filled with big question marks, but he couldn’t ask them directly in front of the security guard.

Xiao Yiheng was still acting out a show next to him saying in a miserable tone: “Captain, can you not tell the coach about this?”

Damn! His acting is too good!

This “swimming team’s master” was clearly a land duck who sank to the bottom as soon as he entered the swimming pool, and insisted on the Archimedes principle to keep it a secret. 

The alpha lowered his head looking serious and repentant, but Li Cheng clearly saw Xiao Yiheng winking at him.


Li Cheng confusedly signed his name as a pledge as asked by the security guard, and led Xiao Yiheng out of the security office.

Li Cheng was also urged by the security guard: “You should take responsibility as the captain and supervise your team members! I’m not going to notify your coach this time. I won’t be soft next time!”

Li Cheng rubbed his nose and responded awkwardly.


As soon as they left the office, Li Cheng dragged Xiao Yiheng by the down jacket’s collar straight to the grove.

Xiao Yiheng deliberately teased: “Chengcheng, even if a little separation beats newlyweds, there’s no need to be so anxious right?”

Li Cheng pushed him against a tree trunk and couldn’t wait to ask: “Xiao Yiheng, what’s going on? Didn’t we agree to meet at the fence? You, you… Why did you climb over the wall? Even if you scaled the wall, how did you become my teammate?”

Xiao Yiheng explained the crux of the matter in a few words and smartly concealed the fact that he could not climb over the wall. 

Only then did Li Cheng figure it out and patted his head: “It turns out it was a blind cat who ran into a dead mouse!”

Xiao Yiheng: “… Who are you calling a dead mouse?”

Li Cheng laughed heartily, “I’m calling the guy caught by the security guard a dead mouse.”

Xiao Yiheng could only feign anger by adopting a cold face, but he couldn’t persist in his act for even three seconds. 

He was helpless. After all, the boyfriend he’d missed for so long was standing in front of him. How could he have other thoughts in his mind at this point? Xiao Yiheng truly wanted to thank the reckless security guard for letting him in. Otherwise, the two of them would have to hold hands across the fence today.

The omega ran into Xiao Yiheng’s arms to greet him as he opened his arms for a hug.

It had snowed all night yesterday, covering the pine trees in a thick layer of snow. They hid between the pure white and dark green of the grove, exchanging heated hugs and kisses.

Xiao Yiheng stopped kissing suddenly. 

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Li Cheng’s lips were shiny, and his face was flushed. He asked Xiao Yiheng ignorantly: “What’s the matter?”

Xiao Yiheng looked down at his eyes and whispered, “…You’ve hardened.”


Li Cheng: !!!

His face instantly changed from light red to crimson. He jumped back a step hastily, stammering: “Don’t talk nonsense! I haven’t hit my estrus period yet. How can I harden by just kissing casually?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “You’re mistaken. I’m not talking about that place.”


Xiao Yiheng’s expression was a little tangled: “I mean, your muscles have hardened.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng: “…” 

Wljb Tltfcu: “Glv sbeg agjlclcu afjw ulnf sbe tbgwbcfr? Rbk sbe offi… tbk vb P rjs la, la offir ilxf sbe mjc foobgaifrris yfja atgff bo wf ab vfjat klat bcf qecmt.”

Yo mbegrf atf agjlclcu afjw kbeivc’a ulnf atfw tbgwbcfr. Coafg akb wbcatr bo lcafcrlnf agjlclcu, rfnfgji ybsr lc atf afjw yfmjwf ragbcufg jcv ajiifg. Ciatbeut Ol Jtfcu tjvc’a ugbkc ajiifg, tf’v ibra j iba bo kfluta. Ktf ilaaif oja bc tlr ybvs tjv agjcrobgwfv lcab wermifr. Rjaegjiis, la kjr cba jr mbwobgajyif ab teu tlw jr yfobgf.

Li Cheng’s face darkened, saying furiously: “Oh! I’m sorry. Laozi is an omega, but not as fragrant, soft, delicate, and cute as other omega. If you dislike Laozi for being too strong, go find one who is not strong!”

“How can I dislike you for being strong?” Xiao Yiheng wrapped his arms around Li Cheng’s waist, pulling him closer, “I’m afraid you dislike me.” 

“Why would I dislike you?”

“Dislike me for not having a good build like your teammates, for not being able to swim like your teammates, not accompanying you day and night like your teammates…”

“Bah! Bah! Bah!” Li Cheng promptly refuted, “For me, they are all a group of walking swimming records. When I see them, I only think: ‘How much time did this person take to swim last time?’, ‘How much time did Mr. Perfect take to swim last time?’. Who will look at their muscles?… … Besides,” Li Cheng grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s neck and pulled down gently, until the tips of their noses touched each other, “there is a saying, ‘Smart people are the sexiest’. In my opinion, you are much sexier than them.”

The two of them leaned together and spoke a bunch of endless silly, cheesy, and naughty words. They laughed until their faces were stiff and kissed until their tongues were numb before stopping. 

They had been separated for a long time within days after establishing a relationship. There were many things that could not be said on the phone. Naturally, they had to take advantage of this hard-won opportunity to confide in each other.

The heavy snow laden branches were lowered, forming a natural barrier. They hid there, as if hiding in a carefree fairy tale world.

“Hey, look there!” Chen Miao nudged the teammate next to him, “Are there two people under the pine tree?” 

“Where, where?” The teammate immediately stood on tiptoe and looked in the direction of the grove. “Yeah, there are really two pairs of legs!… It’s a pity their upper body is hidden. Otherwise, we could’ve seen who this pair of ‘little mandarin ducks‘ are!”

Chen Miao rested his chin in his hand: “I really envy them ah… their partner is in training camp. They can train together and be lovey-dovey when the coach is not paying attention. It’s much better than single dogs like us.”


The teammate winked at Chen Miao: “Do you want to go over… Hmm↗?”

“Hmm↗ What hmm↗? How embarrassing it’d be to go over to see two people in love!” 

“Hey! Let’s go over and say hello! Look, they’re hiding in the grove behind the swimming pool. They must be either from the swimming team or from the diving team. Aren’t you curious about who is dating?”

“… … ” Fine. Chen Miao admitted that he was dying of curiosity.

As far as he knew, 90% of the diving and swimming teams were single dogs. They occasionally gazed at the athletes they liked because they were always training in the same arena.

He wondered if the young couple hiding behind the pine tree belonged to his team. 

Boys this age are the most mischievous and prone to causing trouble. When they came across a young couple in love, they couldn’t help but heckle them or scare them apart.

With a smirk, Chen Miao winked at his teammate and tiptoed towards the pine tree.

The snow on the ground hadn’t yet melted and turned into a natural sound-absorbing carpet. They approached slowly, trying not to make any noise.

The pheromone that permeated the air became more pronounced as they approached closer. 

Chen Miao and his teammate glanced at each other, their faces turning a little red—what were the little lovers doing for the pheromone to overflow so much! The cold and strong smell of alpine cedar rushed to their faces, the rich alpha pheromone making the legs of the two omega go soft.

By this time, they were all the more curious about the identity of the alpha. There was such a top-notch alpha in the training team and they didn’t notice it before!

As long as they went around the last tree, they would be able to see the little couple!

Chen Miao was so excited that he didn’t pay attention to his feet — “crack!” He’d accidentally stepped on a branch. 

The crisp sound of the branch breaking echoed through the grove.

The crack reached the pine tree, immediately alerting the alpha, who was immersed in a kiss.

The alpha quickly pulled up the hoodie of the boy in his arms, tightly wrapped the omega’s blonde hair, then circled his waist with one hand and held his head from behind with the other, deepening their kiss, so that the omega had no time to care about the movement behind him.

Chen Miao and his teammate stood dumbly a few meters away as if frozen, their gaze fixed on the couple hugging each other. 

The alpha raised his head indifferently from the kiss. Even though only half of his face was visible, his gorgeous visage amazed the spectators. His phoenix eyes flared and swept coldly over them, chilling them to the bone.

Chen Miao shivered all over as he was stared at by that cold gaze. He felt as if he had inadvertently entered the domain of some wild beast, and warning bells rang in his thoughts. He made a split-second choice and grabbed the arm of his teammate next to him. The two omega stumbled away instantly.


… … Shit! Why was that alpha so jealous?! They’d just taken a few glances at the person in his arms! Was there any need of using pheromones to intimidate them?

Chen Miao and his teammate ran all the way, only stopping after running out of the grove. They stood panting while trying to catch their breath. 

“Crap!…” The teammate stammered, holding onto his jumping heart, “that alpha is terrible! But he’s a stranger. I haven’t seen him in the swimming team. It’s strange that I don’t have any impression of such a handsome alpha even if he is from other teams…”

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Chen Miao sat on the ground: “I have an impression of him… Last month, I saw him across the fence. But at that time he was standing outside the fence and appeared to be waiting for someone.”

“Are you mistaken?” The teammate shook his head again and again, and didn’t believe him at all. “That alpha is still wearing the down jacket issued by our training center. He must be from some other team! Oh! By the way, did you see the face of the omega in his arms? He was covered up so completely, I couldn’t even see a single strand of hair.”

Chen Miao hesitated: “He was at least 1.8 meters tall. As far as I know, the only omega who is so tall in the entire swimming and diving teams is Li Cheng—that guy just now, could it be Li Cheng?” 

“How is that possible?!” his teammate exclaimed, “Captain Li is the world’s small steel gun. Regardless of whether it is male A or female A, who has he given a good face? Can you imagine Li Cheng being held in the arms by an alpha and being kissed?”

Chen Miao imagined it seriously, and couldn’t help but shudder.

Impossible. It was impossible. With Li Cheng’s character, if an alpha dared to get any ideas about him, he would’ve taught him an unforgettable lesson!

… So who was the pair of “wild mandarin ducks” that appeared in the grove? 

… …

Under the pine tree, Li Cheng lazily put his chin on Xiao Yiheng’s shoulder, looking like a kitty intoxicated by silver vine.

“Did someone come just now…” Li Cheng didn’t open his eyes, simply rubbed Xiao Yiheng’s profile with his hair. “I seem to have heard someone’s footsteps.”

“Someone was here,” Xiao Yiheng replied. “Two short male omega. I was afraid that if they see you, you’ll get into trouble, so I helped you put on your hoodie.” 

“Short? They should be from the diving team. The boys on the diving team are basically no taller than 1.7 meters. There are only four beta in their training team. The rest are omega.” Li Cheng said indifferently, “Actually, if they want to see, let them see. I’m not afraid of them! There’s no need to hide it! ”

Xiao Yiheng chuckled: “I took advantage of the loopholes to come in after all. If you let them see you mixing with people from outside the team, this matter will be passed on from person to person till everyone knows it. Who knows what the consequences will be? So let’s just play it safe and not casually reveal our relationship to others.”

Li Cheng thought about it, and felt that what he said was right.

Li Cheng asked: “Speaking of it, do you want to visit our venue?” 

“Will it be okay?”

“Nothing is impossible!” Li Cheng had always been bold. “Everyone must have gone to the cafeteria in the hour-long lunch break. There won’t be anyone in the venue right now. If we sneak in, we won’t be found!”


Li Cheng was hopping with incredible happiness as he talked about his training in the center for the last two months.

The training center served the national team. An area was specially set aside for them to train for the duration of the camp. There were only two swimming pools in the venue, but they had many swimming lanes. They were housed in a spacious area, and were equipped with various advanced training facilities. The water in the heated swimming pool was changed every day, which was much better than their Huacheng No. 1 High School! Countless national champions and world champions were born from that pool. When Li Cheng trained there every day, he felt that he was being watched by those seniors, and he was full of energy. 

He grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s hand impatiently and dragged him straight to the swimming pool.

“Look there! The swimming pool has entrances to the north and south, and the changing rooms are also divided into north and south. This is for our swimming team, and the other is for their diving team. The two sides don’t interfere with each other.” Li Cheng pushed open the south gate of the swimming pool and walked in with Xiao Yiheng.

They walked into the warm hall from the cold outside, where the air currents were blowing slowly with hot air. Xiao Yiheng unbuttoned the down jacket, feeling a little sultry.

Li Cheng kicked his slippers to Xiao Yiheng, choosing to walk barefoot on the cold tiled floor. The sea-blue tiled ground was extremely slippery, and the two of them walked cautiously, holding hands. 

The moment they entered through a side door, the unique smell of disinfectant water from the swimming pool rushed over their faces, and the sound of splashing water rang into their ears.

“Tada!—” Li Cheng pointed at the sparkling swimming pool with one hand on his hips, “—this is the landscape zhen has conquered!”

Xiao Yiheng looked at the pool of rippling blue waves in front of him: he had been to the swimming pool in Huacheng No. 1 High School. The venue was very small. The swimming pool was only a 25-meter short pool and there were only six swimming lanes; the area here was almost as big as the provincial swimming center! There were not only long pools and short pools with the standard 10 lanes, but there were also diving platforms and deep pools for the diving teams on the other side of the swimming pools.

The national flag and pennants were hung all around the swimming pool, while the walls had photographs of well-known swimming athletes. 

Although Xiao Yiheng couldn’t swim, he could imagine Li Cheng’s happiness—his little mermaid swam out of the creek into the large river with his own efforts, and would fight in the ocean in the future… This was Li Cheng’s glory, the glory that no one could take away.

Xiao Yiheng was proud of him.

Li Cheng did not notice the change in Xiao Yiheng’s eyes. He clasped his boyfriend’s hand and excitedly headed toward the swimming pool to take a closer look: “The water is heated. Do you want to touch it?”

Li Cheng hadn’t finished voicing his question when a sound of splashing water was suddenly heard. They saw a figure hidden beneath the water some distance away. It was like a ghostly shadow, swimming over from the end of the swimming lane. 

The man was tall and fast, his arms splashing the water. Before Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng could react, he swam to the shore!

Li Cheng had a headache: “It’s noon. Someone is still training here?!”

With a splash, the man emerged from the water and rested his arms on the edge of the pool. The water flowed down his body reluctantly, sliding over his strong pectorals, back muscles, and biceps before finally dripping on the shore and wetting Xiao Yiheng’s jeans.

—The person who emerged from the water was Zhou Jian. 

Zhou Jian took off his swimming cap and goggles, and flicked his messy hair, his actions unrestrained. He climbed onto the shore, glanced at Li Cheng first, and then quickly shifted his gaze to Xiao Yiheng who was standing beside Li Cheng.

Xiao Yiheng was a complete stranger to him, someone he’d never seen before.


But the alpha pheromone that had not yet dissipated from Xiao Yiheng’s body was the one Zhou Jian had once smelled on Li Cheng’s body!

Zhou Jian’s eyes instantly became dangerous. 

When he looked at Xiao Yiheng, Xiao Yiheng also looked at him vigilantly.

They were both alpha. Both had the same pride and the same strong desire to possess. With just a glance, they classified each other as an “enemy”.

“Captain Li,” Zhou Jian took the lead in launching the attack, “Who is this next to you? Why haven’t I seen him before?”

Li Cheng was clueless and didn’t realize that the two alpha had secretly killed each other a thousand times with their eyes. . 

“He… he’s my friend… he’s here to take a look at our venue.” Li Cheng was in a bind. He’d thought it would be safe to give Xiao Yiheng the identity of a member from another team, but he knew that Zhou Jian was very popular and had friends in every team. If he rashly introduced Xiao Yiheng as a member of the “track and field team” or “high jump team”, his lie would be exposed quite easily.

He was thinking hard about how to tackle the situation, when Xiao Yiheng suddenly interrupted him.

“—He and I are not friends.”

Xiao Yiheng reached out to Zhou Jian, who was standing next to the swimming pool, making a gesture of “friendly handshake”. His tone was dull, but the corners of his mouth were raised: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Xiao Yiheng, ChengCheng’s boyfriend.” 

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