This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 90: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Seeing his boyfriend’s burning gaze, Xiao Yiheng faced the high fence, unwilling to utter the four words “I can’t climb over.”

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He bit the bullet and clutched the barrier with both hands, leaping up. He couldn’t decide whether to be grateful for the wonder of love or the adrenaline rush. Xiao Yiheng successfully climbed the iron fence and crossed the railing! 

It’s only that his appearance when jumping over the railing was quite embarrassing, and his long down jacket nearly ripped.

Li Cheng stared suspiciously at him across the fence: “… Wife, don’t you know how to climb over a wall?”




Xiao Yiheng: “How many times do I have to say this? It’s husband.”

Li Cheng: “Wife, can you not climb over your husband?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”


Xiao Yiheng had already utilized two minutes and nineteen seconds of his two minutes and twenty seconds. From afar, a person clad in a security uniform hurried towards them, yelling as he ran, “Which bastard smashed the camera?! How dare you climb over the wall?? Don’t run!! Get back here!! ”

Unable to say farewell properly, Xiao Heng immediately covered his head with the down jacket hoodie, turned and fled.

For the first time in his life, the city’s top student climbed over the wall, and he was pursued by a security guard. If he was seen by someone who knew him, their jaw would have dropped.


Li Cheng, who was gasping with laughter within the fence behind him, even fanned the flames: “Security uncle! What should be done, eh? Our team member has escaped yet again!”

On the one hand, Xiao Yiheng was escaping, on the other hand, he was thinking: What’s to be done, hmm? When a team member flees, the captain must assume primary responsibility. Simply grab the captain and give him a good spanking.

Two days later, the results of the unified examination of Huacheng City were released. 

Just as Xiao Yiheng had predicted, he was the city’s topper in science.

Xiao Yiheng was very calm when the class monitor called.

Liu Ke’s twittering was about to pierce the sky: “Lao Xiao, Xiao-ge, God Xiao, you are so awesome! You scored 728 out of 750! You beat the second place by 16 points! Our principal has hung banners. Your mother came to get the grades. She was dressed in a red cheongsam with a ribbon on her back. Someone who didn’t know would think your mother was the exam topper.”

Nobody knew where the custom originated. It was claimed that wearing a red cheongsam was winning a victory on raising the flag. So many parents of exam candidates would put on red cheongsam to support and cheer on their children. Mother Xiao was afraid that people would not realize her son had won first place in the city’s mock exam, so she dressed in the red cheongsam ahead of time. 

What Liu Ke didn’t add was that when Mother Xiao arrived at school wearing a red cheongsam, it caused quite a stir throughout the senior grade. None of the students wanted to attend class. They were all leaning over the windows, watching Mother Xiao as she sashayed into the teaching building.

During the parent meeting, Mother Xiao reiterated the superiority of the triple-A family. As a result, a beta father publicly chastised her: “Mrs. Xiao, if it’s true that you and your husband, both alphas, make joint progress and work together in order to cultivate an equally excellent alpha son, how come I have never seen Xiao Yiheng’s father come to a parents meeting?”

Liu Ke hesitated for a while before deciding not to inform Xiao Yiheng about it.

Liu Ke: “Lao Xiao, you won first place in the city! Why aren’t you at all excited?” 

“What’s so exciting about it?” Xiao Yiheng remarked carelessly, “This is not the official college entrance examination; it’s just a mock exam. And it’s just a city-wide unified test, not a provincial ranking.”

“… Okay then! The guru is the guru. Looking down even on being the city’s topper.” Liu Ke asked, “But you won’t take the college entrance examination, right? Aren’t you going to the winter camp? You can easily get the recommendation with your abilities! Hey! When I consider that you, a god, will not take the final college entrance examination, I am both happy and a little regretful.”


Xiao Yiheng didn’t respond. His classmates knew he was going to the capital to attend the winter camp, but except Li Cheng, no one knew he was going to study at the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts.

Coafg tjculcu eq Ole Bf’r mjii, tf gfmflnfv rfnfgji wbgf mjiir bcf joafg jcbatfg. 

Ycf bo atfw kjr j qtbcf mjii ogbw tlr qjgfcar (sfr, atfs mjiifv rfqjgjafis). Ktfs “lcobgwfv” tlw atja tlr rmbgfr kfgf bea, jcv atja “Ciatbeut sbe vlv j ubbv pby lc atf fzjw atlr alwf,” tf rtbeiv jnblv jggbujcmf jcv lwqfaebrlas, jcv atja tf rtbeiv cba gfijz. Ca atf fcv bo atf qtbcf mjii, atfs jirb lcvlmjafv atja atfs kfgf ecjyif ab nlrla tlw lc atf mjqlaji rlcmf atfs tjv yffc rb yers ja kbgx gfmfcais. Ktfgfobgf, tf wera raevs mbcrmlfcalberis ja atf klcafg mjwq.

Were they genuinely swamped at work? They were actually busy quarreling.

Furthermore, numerous weird noble schools and educational institutions had arrived to attack the phone. They were willing to pay to get him. He would be given xx million if he could place in the top three in the province on the college entrance examination. Winning first place could result in a bonus that would make others envious.

Those calls were blocked by Xiao Yiheng. 

Li Cheng was also aware that he had won first place in the city. Li Cheng did not pay special attention to the college admission examination and did not enjoy studying. It was because of the announcement “Congratulations to Xiao Yiheng from class 3-1 of our school for taking first place in the city’s unified exam with a score of 728.” in his friend circle that puzzled him the instant he launched the social software.

The speed of the sea kings swiping the screen was much faster than their swimming speed.

Aquaman No. 1: Congratulations to sister-in-law for winning first place! @Small Round Orange

Aquaman No. 2: Congratulations to sister-in-law for winning first place! @Small Round Orange 

Aquaman No. 3: Congratulations to sister-in-law for winning first place! @Small Round Orange

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Li Cheng was overjoyed and believed he had gained a lot of face. He felt even more glorious than when he won the championship.

When Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng met at noon that day, he purposefully showed Xiao Yiheng his cell phone and urged him to speak a few words with the sea kings.

Xiao Yiheng had no choice but to take Li Cheng’s phone and record the following: “Thank you for your blessings. I will continue to work hard.” 

His remarks sparked a frenzy among the lurking sea kings. Huang Yelun, in particular, was the most bouncy.

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Keep it up sister-in-law!

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Sister-in-law, have you gone to the capital?

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Sister-in-law, have you seen Li-ge? 

Xiao Yiheng replied with Li Cheng’s account.

Small Round Orange: I arrived here a few days ago.


Small Round Orange: He has lost a lot of weight, but he’s also gotten much stronger.

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Show me some pics! 

Small Round Orange: Why on earth do you want Laozi’s photos? Wait until you see Laozi on the international news!

The last remark was Li Cheng’s response after grabbing the phone.

He stowed the phone in his pocket and ignored the chattering Sea Kings Group. Puh-lease. The time we meet on the magpie bridge is so precious! How can I chat about these boring topics with my little brothers?!

During this time, Xiao Yiheng would come to the training center everyday at noon to meet Li Cheng, but the security had been tightened, and they could only meet across the fence. 

Li Cheng parodied himself as someone shedding tears behind bars, resulting in a slew of sitcoms with this theme, directed and acted by this dramatist.

He was the underworld boss one day, washing his hands in a gold basin. Another day he was the hot-blooded detective who was wrongfully imprisoned. He also made up a corresponding identity for Xiao Yiheng, thus Xiao Yiheng became the little lover of the underworld boss for a period before turning into the hot-blooded detective’s white moonlight first love.

Li Cheng wanted to have fun, so Xiao Yiheng played with him.

Li Cheng, who had transformed into a performer, had a misconception: Wow! I’m an expert at handling A. 

What he didn’t discover was that after Xiao Yiheng accompanied him in these plays, he immediately added multiple sets of cosplay outfits to his Taobao shopping cart upon his return home.

— Since Li Cheng enjoys role-playing so much, he can perform them again in bed when the occasion arises 


When individuals get along well, time seems to fly by. 

Coach Yu informed everyone after training that they were about to leave for Australia to compete in the World Youth Games.

During this time, there was a deluge of Games-related news on television. China would send about 500 participants, as well as coaches, translators, and other support personnel, to this competition. The number of individuals was close to 1000, placing it first among all countries.

Australia was in the southern hemisphere, and its climate was diametrically opposite to that of the northern hemisphere. January was their summer month, with scorching temperatures. To avoid acclimatization problems impairing their game state, the leadership agreed to allow all athletes to arrive a week in advance to adapt to the local climate.

Many of these young athletes had never traveled outside the country, and some had never even flown. They were going to Australia on behalf of the country this time, and the sense of honor and mission was tremendous. 

Everyone surrounded Zhou Jian as soon as Coach Yu left.

Everyone knew Zhou Jian’s family was extremely rich. His family spent a lot of money to engage Australian coaches as personal trainers; it was believed that Zhou Jian had been coming to Australia for training every winter and summer since he was fifteen years old.


Athlete A: “Zhou Jian, are you particularly good at English?”

Athlete B: “Zhou Jian, what is Australia like, ah? Are foreigners really as plump and strong as they appear on TV?” 

Athlete C: “Zhou Jian, where can you go for a good time in Australia? Can you take us to play?”

Zhou Jian acted with assurance and generosity: “My English is pretty good. I have no trouble speaking with foreigners. Not all foreigners are fat and strong, many of them have figures like models. As for the fun places over there… Where would you like to go?”

Someone winked after much pressing and pushing among the bunch, saying: “We’d like to go to the bar… Have you ever visited a bar?”

Since they were going abroad, of course they had to be bold! They wanted to drink and dance with beautiful foreign girls! 

Of course, young master Zhou had little trouble completing such a minor request. Zhou Jian smiled and boldly stated: “OK! Leave it to me.”

The group of licking dogs dispersed perfectly content.

After everyone had gone, Zhou Jian approached Li Cheng, who was the only one left behind by the crowd.

Li Cheng kept his head down and said nothing while everyone else was talking. He looked a little listless. Zhou Jian was perplexed as to what he was thinking. 

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Zhou Jian walked up to him and called out: “Captain Li?”

“…Huh?” Li Cheng returned to his senses and looked at him, “What’s wrong?”

Zhou Jian: “You didn’t say anything from start to finish. Did you practice too hard today? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Li Cheng shook his head. 

Of course he wouldn’t tell Zhou Jian—the prospect of departing for Australia just a few days after reuniting with his boyfriend had caused the small wild cat in his heart to scratch the wall in loneliness.

Zhou Jian continued to show his tenderness and thoughtfulness: “Everyone was just discussing how to play after going to Australia. Aren’t you interested?”

“Play? What play?” Li Cheng immediately lay down the law with a solemn expression, “We’re going to compete, not to play! When you get there, devote your entire attention to training well. If anyone dares to leave, I will report them to the coach!”

He thought he had demonstrated a captain’s “fierce” momentum, but in Zhou Jian’s eyes, he appeared quite cute. 

Zhou Jian: “Captain, you misunderstood. Of course, we’re discussing how to play after the tournament. The competition will take place over the course of two weeks. The swimming events are centered in the middle five days, so we’ll have some free time to play in the coming days. I am familiar with that city. I’ll show everyone around.”

“Oh…” Li Cheng inquired, “Where are you going to play?”


Zhou Jian: “Bar. Captain, do you want to go?”

Li Cheng sneered with disdain, wondering: What’s the big deal about going to the bar? Li-ge has been to a few bars and discos in Huacheng. You can sneak in by giving some money to the security guards. It’s so noisy there. People were crammed in like sardines, squeezing each other to a pulp. After a few visits, he found them boring. 

Besides, this restless group of male and female A in the squad merely wanted to go to the bar to hold hands with pretty little O. Li Cheng himself was a stunning omega. He could just gaze in the mirror if he wanted to get off with someone.

Zhou Jian was observing his words and expressions, and when he noticed Li Cheng’s lack of interest, he hurriedly said: “Captain Li, may I invite you to a bar in my name? I… I have something to say to you after the competition. ”

Li Cheng was puzzled: “Why don’t you say it now?”

Zhou Jian shook his head, not explaining why. 

It was said that curiosity killed the cat. Li Cheng was eager to hear what Zhou Jian had to say that hadn’t been said in the previous two months. Since he had to wait until the games were over, he went with the flow and agreed.

He was accountable for the mental health of his team members as captain.

Seeing his boyfriend’s burning gaze, Xiao Yiheng faced the high fence, unwilling to utter the four words “I can’t climb over.”

He bit the bullet and clutched the barrier with both hands, leaping up. He couldn’t decide whether to be grateful for the wonder of love or the adrenaline rush. Xiao Yiheng successfully climbed the iron fence and crossed the railing! 

It’s only that his appearance when jumping over the railing was quite embarrassing, and his long down jacket nearly ripped.

Li Cheng stared suspiciously at him across the fence: “… Wife, don’t you know how to climb over a wall?”




Xiao Yiheng: “How many times do I have to say this? It’s husband.”

Li Cheng: “Wife, can you not climb over your husband?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “…”


Xiao Yiheng had already utilized two minutes and nineteen seconds of his two minutes and twenty seconds. From afar, a person clad in a security uniform hurried towards them, yelling as he ran, “Which bastard smashed the camera?! How dare you climb over the wall?? Don’t run!! Get back here!! ”

Unable to say farewell properly, Xiao Heng immediately covered his head with the down jacket hoodie, turned and fled.

For the first time in his life, the city’s top student climbed over the wall, and he was pursued by a security guard. If he was seen by someone who knew him, their jaw would have dropped.


Li Cheng, who was gasping with laughter within the fence behind him, even fanned the flames: “Security uncle! What should be done, eh? Our team member has escaped yet again!”

On the one hand, Xiao Yiheng was escaping, on the other hand, he was thinking: What’s to be done, hmm? When a team member flees, the captain must assume primary responsibility. Simply grab the captain and give him a good spanking.

Two days later, the results of the unified examination of Huacheng City were released. 

Just as Xiao Yiheng had predicted, he was the city’s topper in science.

Xiao Yiheng was very calm when the class monitor called.

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Liu Ke’s twittering was about to pierce the sky: “Lao Xiao, Xiao-ge, God Xiao, you are so awesome! You scored 728 out of 750! You beat the second place by 16 points! Our principal has hung banners. Your mother came to get the grades. She was dressed in a red cheongsam with a ribbon on her back. Someone who didn’t know would think your mother was the exam topper.”

Nobody knew where the custom originated. It was claimed that wearing a red cheongsam was winning a victory on raising the flag. So many parents of exam candidates would put on red cheongsam to support and cheer on their children. Mother Xiao was afraid that people would not realize her son had won first place in the city’s mock exam, so she dressed in the red cheongsam ahead of time. 

What Liu Ke didn’t add was that when Mother Xiao arrived at school wearing a red cheongsam, it caused quite a stir throughout the senior grade. None of the students wanted to attend class. They were all leaning over the windows, watching Mother Xiao as she sashayed into the teaching building.

During the parent meeting, Mother Xiao reiterated the superiority of the triple-A family. As a result, a beta father publicly chastised her: “Mrs. Xiao, if it’s true that you and your husband, both alphas, make joint progress and work together in order to cultivate an equally excellent alpha son, how come I have never seen Xiao Yiheng’s father come to a parents meeting?”

Liu Ke hesitated for a while before deciding not to inform Xiao Yiheng about it.

Liu Ke: “Lao Xiao, you won first place in the city! Why aren’t you at all excited?” 

“What’s so exciting about it?” Xiao Yiheng remarked carelessly, “This is not the official college entrance examination; it’s just a mock exam. And it’s just a city-wide unified test, not a provincial ranking.”

“… Okay then! The guru is the guru. Looking down even on being the city’s topper.” Liu Ke asked, “But you won’t take the college entrance examination, right? Aren’t you going to the winter camp? You can easily get the recommendation with your abilities! Hey! When I consider that you, a god, will not take the final college entrance examination, I am both happy and a little regretful.”


Xiao Yiheng didn’t respond. His classmates knew he was going to the capital to attend the winter camp, but except Li Cheng, no one knew he was going to study at the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts.

Coafg tjculcu eq Ole Bf’r mjii, tf gfmflnfv rfnfgji wbgf mjiir bcf joafg jcbatfg. 

Ycf bo atfw kjr j qtbcf mjii ogbw tlr qjgfcar (sfr, atfs mjiifv rfqjgjafis). Ktfs “lcobgwfv” tlw atja tlr rmbgfr kfgf bea, jcv atja “Ciatbeut sbe vlv j ubbv pby lc atf fzjw atlr alwf,” tf rtbeiv jnblv jggbujcmf jcv lwqfaebrlas, jcv atja tf rtbeiv cba gfijz. Ca atf fcv bo atf qtbcf mjii, atfs jirb lcvlmjafv atja atfs kfgf ecjyif ab nlrla tlw lc atf mjqlaji rlcmf atfs tjv yffc rb yers ja kbgx gfmfcais. Ktfgfobgf, tf wera raevs mbcrmlfcalberis ja atf klcafg mjwq.

Were they genuinely swamped at work? They were actually busy quarreling.

Furthermore, numerous weird noble schools and educational institutions had arrived to attack the phone. They were willing to pay to get him. He would be given xx million if he could place in the top three in the province on the college entrance examination. Winning first place could result in a bonus that would make others envious.

Those calls were blocked by Xiao Yiheng. 

Li Cheng was also aware that he had won first place in the city. Li Cheng did not pay special attention to the college admission examination and did not enjoy studying. It was because of the announcement “Congratulations to Xiao Yiheng from class 3-1 of our school for taking first place in the city’s unified exam with a score of 728.” in his friend circle that puzzled him the instant he launched the social software.

The speed of the sea kings swiping the screen was much faster than their swimming speed.

Aquaman No. 1: Congratulations to sister-in-law for winning first place! @Small Round Orange

Aquaman No. 2: Congratulations to sister-in-law for winning first place! @Small Round Orange 

Aquaman No. 3: Congratulations to sister-in-law for winning first place! @Small Round Orange

Li Cheng was overjoyed and believed he had gained a lot of face. He felt even more glorious than when he won the championship.

When Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng met at noon that day, he purposefully showed Xiao Yiheng his cell phone and urged him to speak a few words with the sea kings.

Xiao Yiheng had no choice but to take Li Cheng’s phone and record the following: “Thank you for your blessings. I will continue to work hard.” 

His remarks sparked a frenzy among the lurking sea kings. Huang Yelun, in particular, was the most bouncy.

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Keep it up sister-in-law!

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Sister-in-law, have you gone to the capital?

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Sister-in-law, have you seen Li-ge? 

Xiao Yiheng replied with Li Cheng’s account.

Small Round Orange: I arrived here a few days ago.


Small Round Orange: He has lost a lot of weight, but he’s also gotten much stronger.

Prodigal Froggy of the Pool: Show me some pics! 

Small Round Orange: Why on earth do you want Laozi’s photos? Wait until you see Laozi on the international news!

The last remark was Li Cheng’s response after grabbing the phone.

He stowed the phone in his pocket and ignored the chattering Sea Kings Group. Puh-lease. The time we meet on the magpie bridge is so precious! How can I chat about these boring topics with my little brothers?!

During this time, Xiao Yiheng would come to the training center everyday at noon to meet Li Cheng, but the security had been tightened, and they could only meet across the fence. 

Li Cheng parodied himself as someone shedding tears behind bars, resulting in a slew of sitcoms with this theme, directed and acted by this dramatist.

He was the underworld boss one day, washing his hands in a gold basin. Another day he was the hot-blooded detective who was wrongfully imprisoned. He also made up a corresponding identity for Xiao Yiheng, thus Xiao Yiheng became the little lover of the underworld boss for a period before turning into the hot-blooded detective’s white moonlight first love.

Li Cheng wanted to have fun, so Xiao Yiheng played with him.

Li Cheng, who had transformed into a performer, had a misconception: Wow! I’m an expert at handling A. 

What he didn’t discover was that after Xiao Yiheng accompanied him in these plays, he immediately added multiple sets of cosplay outfits to his Taobao shopping cart upon his return home.

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— Since Li Cheng enjoys role-playing so much, he can perform them again in bed when the occasion arises 


When individuals get along well, time seems to fly by. 

Coach Yu informed everyone after training that they were about to leave for Australia to compete in the World Youth Games.

During this time, there was a deluge of Games-related news on television. China would send about 500 participants, as well as coaches, translators, and other support personnel, to this competition. The number of individuals was close to 1000, placing it first among all countries.

Australia was in the southern hemisphere, and its climate was diametrically opposite to that of the northern hemisphere. January was their summer month, with scorching temperatures. To avoid acclimatization problems impairing their game state, the leadership agreed to allow all athletes to arrive a week in advance to adapt to the local climate.

Many of these young athletes had never traveled outside the country, and some had never even flown. They were going to Australia on behalf of the country this time, and the sense of honor and mission was tremendous. 

Everyone surrounded Zhou Jian as soon as Coach Yu left.

Everyone knew Zhou Jian’s family was extremely rich. His family spent a lot of money to engage Australian coaches as personal trainers; it was believed that Zhou Jian had been coming to Australia for training every winter and summer since he was fifteen years old.


Athlete A: “Zhou Jian, are you particularly good at English?”

Athlete B: “Zhou Jian, what is Australia like, ah? Are foreigners really as plump and strong as they appear on TV?” 

Athlete C: “Zhou Jian, where can you go for a good time in Australia? Can you take us to play?”

Zhou Jian acted with assurance and generosity: “My English is pretty good. I have no trouble speaking with foreigners. Not all foreigners are fat and strong, many of them have figures like models. As for the fun places over there… Where would you like to go?”

Someone winked after much pressing and pushing among the bunch, saying: “We’d like to go to the bar… Have you ever visited a bar?”

Since they were going abroad, of course they had to be bold! They wanted to drink and dance with beautiful foreign girls! 

Of course, young master Zhou had little trouble completing such a minor request. Zhou Jian smiled and boldly stated: “OK! Leave it to me.”

The group of licking dogs dispersed perfectly content.

After everyone had gone, Zhou Jian approached Li Cheng, who was the only one left behind by the crowd.

Li Cheng kept his head down and said nothing while everyone else was talking. He looked a little listless. Zhou Jian was perplexed as to what he was thinking. 

Zhou Jian walked up to him and called out: “Captain Li?”

“…Huh?” Li Cheng returned to his senses and looked at him, “What’s wrong?”

Zhou Jian: “You didn’t say anything from start to finish. Did you practice too hard today? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Li Cheng shook his head. 

Of course he wouldn’t tell Zhou Jian—the prospect of departing for Australia just a few days after reuniting with his boyfriend had caused the small wild cat in his heart to scratch the wall in loneliness.

Zhou Jian continued to show his tenderness and thoughtfulness: “Everyone was just discussing how to play after going to Australia. Aren’t you interested?”

“Play? What play?” Li Cheng immediately lay down the law with a solemn expression, “We’re going to compete, not to play! When you get there, devote your entire attention to training well. If anyone dares to leave, I will report them to the coach!”

He thought he had demonstrated a captain’s “fierce” momentum, but in Zhou Jian’s eyes, he appeared quite cute. 

Zhou Jian: “Captain, you misunderstood. Of course, we’re discussing how to play after the tournament. The competition will take place over the course of two weeks. The swimming events are centered in the middle five days, so we’ll have some free time to play in the coming days. I am familiar with that city. I’ll show everyone around.”

“Oh…” Li Cheng inquired, “Where are you going to play?”


Zhou Jian: “Bar. Captain, do you want to go?”

Li Cheng sneered with disdain, wondering: What’s the big deal about going to the bar? Li-ge has been to a few bars and discos in Huacheng. You can sneak in by giving some money to the security guards. It’s so noisy there. People were crammed in like sardines, squeezing each other to a pulp. After a few visits, he found them boring. 

Besides, this restless group of male and female A in the squad merely wanted to go to the bar to hold hands with pretty little O. Li Cheng himself was a stunning omega. He could just gaze in the mirror if he wanted to get off with someone.

Zhou Jian was observing his words and expressions, and when he noticed Li Cheng’s lack of interest, he hurriedly said: “Captain Li, may I invite you to a bar in my name? I… I have something to say to you after the competition. ”

Li Cheng was puzzled: “Why don’t you say it now?”

Zhou Jian shook his head, not explaining why. 

It was said that curiosity killed the cat. Li Cheng was eager to hear what Zhou Jian had to say that hadn’t been said in the previous two months. Since he had to wait until the games were over, he went with the flow and agreed.

He was accountable for the mental health of his team members as captain.

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