This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 91: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

The next time they met, Li Cheng informed Xiao Yiheng of the departure time. Unfortunately, that day also happened to be the first day of the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts’ winter camp.

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No one, especially Xiao Yiheng, who was still a “transfer student,” could seek leave on the first day of camp. As a result, he was doomed to miss his boyfriend’s departure from the airport. 

“If you can’t send off, don’t send off.” Li Cheng stated in a casual tone. “Moreover, hundreds of us will be flying over by chartered plane. The scene will be chaotic. Even if you arrive at the airport, you will most likely be unable to locate me amid the hundreds of athletes dressed in team uniforms.”

That’s what he said, but in fact, Li Cheng was still a little lonely in his heart.



Xiao Yiheng stretched his hand across the fence and rubbed the creases between his brows: “Although I can’t see you off, I have prepared a gift for you.”

Xiao Yiheng drew a flat, square box out of thin air while speaking, as if performing a magic trick. The flat box was roughly the size of two hands combined. It was wrapped in a beautiful gift paper and topped with an orange ribbon. 

Li Cheng’s eyes widened, brimming with excitement as he asked curiously, “Why did you suddenly think of giving me a gift?”


Xiao Yiheng: “It’s not sudden. I’ve been planning it for a long time. Isn’t it your birthday soon? I worked out the date. You’ll be in Australia at that time. I won’t be able to celebrate with you, so I’m giving you this birthday gift in advance.”

The coming-of-age birthday was of extraordinary significance. Xiao Yiheng traversed thousands of kilometres on his eighteenth birthday and gave himself a thrilling experience as a gift; and on Li Cheng’s birthday, Xiao Yiheng intended to give him a surprise that he would not forget even when he was 80 years old.

Hearing this, Li Cheng couldn’t wait to take the flat box and open it right away.


“Don’t open it right now.” Xiao Yiheng held down his hand, “Open it on your birthday.”

Li Cheng pouted and reluctantly agreed, but with his impatient disposition, how long could he refrain?

He endured and endured, and continued to procrastinate, taking out the small gift every day to look at it. Greed was clawing his heart and lungs, yet he was unwilling to open it ahead of time.

Li Cheng even forgot to be nervous about the approaching games under the “seduction” of the present. 

… …

Li Cheng made it a point to slip the gift into his backpack on the day of departure. He was hesitant to pack it in his check-in luggage, fearing that any fragile items within would be broken.

The flight from the Chinese capital to the Australian capital took ten hours. The team’s excitement quickly evaporated. The majority of the team members had never been on such a long flight before. Everyone had long legs and feet, and the economy class seats were terribly cramped, making them extremely uncomfortable.

At first, everyone gathered to converse and play games, but as the lights in the cabin dimmed, exhaustion set in, and the noisy cabin gradually went quiet. They couldn’t resist the call of slumber and fell asleep one by one. 

When boarding the plane, Zhou Jian purposefully switched seats with a team member in order to sit next to Li Cheng.

Zhou Jian mentioned Australia’s local conditions and customs in passing. He was aware of Li Cheng’s playful nature and intended to use this to pique Li Cheng’s interest. Fortunately, following the games, the two of them would have an opportunity to go exploring.

Li Cheng, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the item in his backpack. How could he muster the energy to pay attention to what Zhou Jian was saying?

Zhou Jian spoke until his mouth was dry, yet his words went in Li Cheng’s left ear and out of his right, prompting a perfunctory response. 

The poor alpha performed a one-man show for a long time. He had no choice but to shut up when he realized he couldn’t attract Li Cheng’s attention.

“… Shoot! My legs have gone numb after sitting for a long time. I’m going for a walk.” Zhou Jian stood up in his seat.


Li Cheng couldn’t stop the itching in his heart once Zhou Jian went. When he noticed that his companions were fast asleep, he instantly opened his backpack and took out the beautifully packaged gift.

Anyway… Anyway, no one was paying attention to him right now. If he sneaked a peek, no one would notice, which meant – it never happened! Xiao Yiheng would never know! 

Li Cheng “boldly” unwrapped the present. The ribbon was torn off and the packing was ripped. The flat box soon revealed its true colors.


Yc atf oija ybz kjr kglaafc — “Olaaif iljg, P xcbk sbe klii eckgjq atf uloa lc jvnjcmf.”

Ol Jtfcu: “… Vtla.”

Wljb Tltfcu uefrrfv la mbggfmais. 

Cr j gfreia, Ol Jtfcu yfmjwf fnfc wbgf lcagluefv ys atf ybz’r mbcafcar.

Lf lctjifv vffqis, ribkis bqfcfv j ujq lc atf ybz, jcv qffgfv lc, meglber jcv cfgnber.

Surprisingly, there was a hardcover book inside the box.

The hardcover book appeared regular at first glance, but Li Cheng recognized it right away—Li Cheng had modeled for Xiao Yiheng once. Xiao Yiheng did not set up an easel at the time, but instead took out a sketchbook. Li Cheng was curious about what was sketched in the book at the moment, but Xiao Yiheng purposefully put it aside. 

So… Was this book…?

Li Cheng’s heart skipped a beat, and he removed the hardcover notebook from the box with quivering fingers, then mustered up the confidence to turn to the first page.

A tidy and clear calligraphy appeared on the title page.

“I didn’t realize what hue happiness is until I met you. 

ChengCheng, Happy 18th birthday.”

Li Cheng fixed his gaze on the two lines. The corners of his lips rose impulsively, and he urgently forced them down again.

… I didn’t expect Xiao Yiheng to be so romantic.

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Li Cheng wiped his palms on his pants before turning the pages of the book with caution. 

The thick sketchbook had nearly a hundred pages. When Li Cheng previously saw this book, Xiao Yiheng had only utilized the first few pages; today, the entire sketchbook had been used. Xiao Yiheng’s brush filled in every blank in the corner.

And his art had only one theme—Li Cheng.


Li Cheng’s hands and feet; Li Cheng’s brows and eyes; Li Cheng slashing the surging waves with both arms.

The book was a chronicle of Li Cheng’s myriad expressions, which included laughter, anger, frowning, and awkwardness, as well as guilt, embarrassment, flamboyance, sternness, and wildness… 

Li Cheng had no idea his expressions would be so vivid.

The first half of the book was filled with fragmentary little drawings, as if they were dispersed memory fragments; when he turned the pages, one incident after another appeared.

The first time they met, when Li Cheng fell from the sky right into Xiao Yiheng’s arms; the time they huddled together in the alley on the corner of the street to avoid the police; when they took Little Lemon to bask in the sun, their trip to the water park with Youyou; the passionate kiss after physical health class, the confusing and loving temporary mark in the art classroom; the breakfasts that were stood up; and the endless good nights that were sent across the phone’s screen…

Xiao Yiheng had sketched all of these memories, capturing them stroke by stroke. 

Each drawing represented a memory. Those minute, trivial, brilliant, unforgettable memories were forever inscribed on the page.

It turned out that they had experienced so many things together.

Li Cheng clutched the book as if it were the most valuable object in the world.

He never imagined Xiao Yiheng’s 18th birthday present would be so precious. 

He carefully examined the drawings, which were filled with loving strokes, as if he could picture what Xiao Yiheng looked like when he drew them.

The book was finally flipped to the last page after a long time—

It’s content had once again exceeded Li Cheng’s expectations.

Xiao Yiheng had drawn the scene on his eighteenth birthday—they had met across the fence. The blond boy in the drawing held a bizarre “birthday cake” with glittering eyes. 

Li Cheng wondered, Do I look at Xiao Yiheng with such eyes?

Li Cheng noticed the words left by the alpha again beside the drawing.

“I’m hoping to meet someone.

He is unattainable and yet an existence within reach. 

He’ll be far away from me. He’ll be on top of the world, constantly motivating me to forge ahead and allowing me to grow into a better person.

He’ll be very near to me again. He can grasp my hand and make me walk away from exhaustion and bewilderment when I am tired, hurt, and want to stop.


— Following that; Li Cheng, I met you.”

Li Cheng’s fingertips caressed the words on the pages of the book, slowly and lightly stroking them one by one. 

Li Cheng told himself: I will do it.

He would become the person in Xiao Yiheng’s life who was both unattainable and within reach.

… …

At the same time, Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. 

Xiao Yiheng entered the school gate, carrying the drawing board on his back and the paint box and paintbrush in his hand.

He felt something and looked up at the sky, which was clear save for a narrow white contrail streaking across the blue sky. It was the trail left by a passing plane.

Xiao Yiheng pondered, I wonder where ChengCheng’s plane is now? He was worried he’d only be able to learn about him from the news from then on.

A hand landed on his shoulder while he was immersed in thought. 

“Hi classmate! Are you here to attend the winter camp?” A bright feminine voice could be heard behind him.

When Xiao Yiheng looked back, he noticed that three youngsters, two girls and one boy, had emerged behind him at some unknown moment, all clutching drawing boards like him. Their outfits were really stylish. The young lady who greeted him had even colored her hair half-black, half-pink. Although the other two pupils were not as outlandish as she was, they did have a row of ornaments dangling from their ears as well.

In comparison, Xiao Yiheng, who was dressed in regular jeans and a long down jacket, looked too much like a “top student.”

The girl that greeted him with black and pink hair was a beta. She took the initiative to approach Xiao Yiheng, who was standing in the middle of the road with the drawing board on his back. She had simply not expected Xiao Yiheng to look so handsome. 

When he turned around, the world around her had slowed down as if someone had hit the slow play button. Those stunning phoenix eyes shone brightly. Just by glancing at him once, the girl’s heart had stopped beating.

“Yes.” Xiao Yiheng’s personality had little resemblance to that of an extrovert. On the contrary, he always kept a distance from people he met for the first time.

The girl didn’t appear to notice his apathy and spoke enthusiastically: “Listen to your accent; you’re not a local, right? Which school do you attend? Who is the instructor?”

Xiao Yiheng replied lightly: “I’m from Huacheng.” He brought the topic back to her, “What about you?” 

The girl couldn’t wait to spill all her secrets, declaring proudly: “Oh! We’re all from Huamei affiliated high school! Our teacher is Director Lin’s student!”

She truly had the capital to be proud. Huamei High School was affiliated to the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts and was the best art secondary school in China. It had trained a huge number of outstanding students and had been “donating blood” to the country on a regular basis. Many individuals claimed that graduating from the affiliated high school was tantamount to taking half a step into Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts.

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Take this winter camp for example. Only 50 students were chosen from around the country, with the Huamei High School taking 15 of them!

And the ‘Dean Lin’ she mentioned was the honorary dean of Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. He had mentored countless outstanding students throughout his life, earning him the refined appellation “Lin Taoli“. 

Xiao Yiheng said that he was from Huacheng, and the girl acquiesced that he was a student at the “High School Affiliated to Huacheng Academy of Fine Arts.” Despite the fact that there was only a one word difference between “high school affiliated to Huacheng Academy of Fine Arts” and “high school affiliated to Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts”, there was a drastic difference in status.

The girl lamented the fact that, while Xiao Yiheng appeared to be attractive, his painting ability appeared to be average.

It didn’t matter, though. All an attractive man needed was to look good!

The girl kept twittering along the way. Her two classmates seemed to have been accustomed to her chattering and didn’t interrupt her. 

The girl inquired of Xiao Yiheng: “By the way, have you heard that there is one extra student in our winter camp?”

Xiao Yiheng: “Oh, really?”

“Oops! I forgot you’re from a different place. You’ve probably not heard of this.” The girl knocked her forehead and said mysteriously, “We recruited 50 people for this winter camp, and the notification on the website also stated that there were 50 people. But our teacher informed me that Dean Lin had opened a ‘back door’ for someone this time!”


“That person is not an art student at all, and they’ve never participated in any competition! I don’t know how they met Dean Lin’s student. They received a letter of recommendation from Dean Lin and can attend the winter camp without having to take the exam.” The girl’s teeth itched in anger, “I hate people who walk through the backdoor! Instead of painting properly, they’re preoccupied with crooked methods. I discussed with my classmates about it. When the camp begins, we will unite and isolate that person! I’d like to see what that backdoor person can accomplish to get Dean Lin’s recommendation letter!”


“How about it?” The girl pushed Xiao Yihen’s arm when she noticed he was silent.

Xiao Yiheng: “How about what?” 

“Don’t you feel outraged when you hear this? Would you like to join us in isolating the individual who walked through the backdoor?”

Xiao Yiheng responded indifferently: “Sorry, no.”

The girl had not anticipated Xiao Yiheng’s refusal. She was perplexed and inquired incredulously: “No? Why not? Huh?”

Why?… Of course, it was because her plan was too naive, too presumptuous, and riddled with loopholes. 

Xiao Yiheng turned to face her, calmly saying: “Because I truly can’t figure out how to isolate myself.”

The female student: ?????

The next time they met, Li Cheng informed Xiao Yiheng of the departure time. Unfortunately, that day also happened to be the first day of the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts’ winter camp.

No one, especially Xiao Yiheng, who was still a “transfer student,” could seek leave on the first day of camp. As a result, he was doomed to miss his boyfriend’s departure from the airport. 

“If you can’t send off, don’t send off.” Li Cheng stated in a casual tone. “Moreover, hundreds of us will be flying over by chartered plane. The scene will be chaotic. Even if you arrive at the airport, you will most likely be unable to locate me amid the hundreds of athletes dressed in team uniforms.”

That’s what he said, but in fact, Li Cheng was still a little lonely in his heart.



Xiao Yiheng stretched his hand across the fence and rubbed the creases between his brows: “Although I can’t see you off, I have prepared a gift for you.”

Xiao Yiheng drew a flat, square box out of thin air while speaking, as if performing a magic trick. The flat box was roughly the size of two hands combined. It was wrapped in a beautiful gift paper and topped with an orange ribbon. 

Li Cheng’s eyes widened, brimming with excitement as he asked curiously, “Why did you suddenly think of giving me a gift?”


Xiao Yiheng: “It’s not sudden. I’ve been planning it for a long time. Isn’t it your birthday soon? I worked out the date. You’ll be in Australia at that time. I won’t be able to celebrate with you, so I’m giving you this birthday gift in advance.”

The coming-of-age birthday was of extraordinary significance. Xiao Yiheng traversed thousands of kilometres on his eighteenth birthday and gave himself a thrilling experience as a gift; and on Li Cheng’s birthday, Xiao Yiheng intended to give him a surprise that he would not forget even when he was 80 years old.

Hearing this, Li Cheng couldn’t wait to take the flat box and open it right away.


“Don’t open it right now.” Xiao Yiheng held down his hand, “Open it on your birthday.”

Li Cheng pouted and reluctantly agreed, but with his impatient disposition, how long could he refrain?

He endured and endured, and continued to procrastinate, taking out the small gift every day to look at it. Greed was clawing his heart and lungs, yet he was unwilling to open it ahead of time.

Li Cheng even forgot to be nervous about the approaching games under the “seduction” of the present. 

… …

Li Cheng made it a point to slip the gift into his backpack on the day of departure. He was hesitant to pack it in his check-in luggage, fearing that any fragile items within would be broken.

The flight from the Chinese capital to the Australian capital took ten hours. The team’s excitement quickly evaporated. The majority of the team members had never been on such a long flight before. Everyone had long legs and feet, and the economy class seats were terribly cramped, making them extremely uncomfortable.

At first, everyone gathered to converse and play games, but as the lights in the cabin dimmed, exhaustion set in, and the noisy cabin gradually went quiet. They couldn’t resist the call of slumber and fell asleep one by one. 

When boarding the plane, Zhou Jian purposefully switched seats with a team member in order to sit next to Li Cheng.

Zhou Jian mentioned Australia’s local conditions and customs in passing. He was aware of Li Cheng’s playful nature and intended to use this to pique Li Cheng’s interest. Fortunately, following the games, the two of them would have an opportunity to go exploring.

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Li Cheng, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the item in his backpack. How could he muster the energy to pay attention to what Zhou Jian was saying?

Zhou Jian spoke until his mouth was dry, yet his words went in Li Cheng’s left ear and out of his right, prompting a perfunctory response. 

The poor alpha performed a one-man show for a long time. He had no choice but to shut up when he realized he couldn’t attract Li Cheng’s attention.

“… Shoot! My legs have gone numb after sitting for a long time. I’m going for a walk.” Zhou Jian stood up in his seat.


Li Cheng couldn’t stop the itching in his heart once Zhou Jian went. When he noticed that his companions were fast asleep, he instantly opened his backpack and took out the beautifully packaged gift.

Anyway… Anyway, no one was paying attention to him right now. If he sneaked a peek, no one would notice, which meant – it never happened! Xiao Yiheng would never know! 

Li Cheng “boldly” unwrapped the present. The ribbon was torn off and the packing was ripped. The flat box soon revealed its true colors.


Yc atf oija ybz kjr kglaafc — “Olaaif iljg, P xcbk sbe klii eckgjq atf uloa lc jvnjcmf.”

Ol Jtfcu: “… Vtla.”

Wljb Tltfcu uefrrfv la mbggfmais. 

Cr j gfreia, Ol Jtfcu yfmjwf fnfc wbgf lcagluefv ys atf ybz’r mbcafcar.

Lf lctjifv vffqis, ribkis bqfcfv j ujq lc atf ybz, jcv qffgfv lc, meglber jcv cfgnber.

Surprisingly, there was a hardcover book inside the box.

The hardcover book appeared regular at first glance, but Li Cheng recognized it right away—Li Cheng had modeled for Xiao Yiheng once. Xiao Yiheng did not set up an easel at the time, but instead took out a sketchbook. Li Cheng was curious about what was sketched in the book at the moment, but Xiao Yiheng purposefully put it aside. 

So… Was this book…?

Li Cheng’s heart skipped a beat, and he removed the hardcover notebook from the box with quivering fingers, then mustered up the confidence to turn to the first page.

A tidy and clear calligraphy appeared on the title page.

“I didn’t realize what hue happiness is until I met you. 

ChengCheng, Happy 18th birthday.”

Li Cheng fixed his gaze on the two lines. The corners of his lips rose impulsively, and he urgently forced them down again.

… I didn’t expect Xiao Yiheng to be so romantic.

Li Cheng wiped his palms on his pants before turning the pages of the book with caution. 

The thick sketchbook had nearly a hundred pages. When Li Cheng previously saw this book, Xiao Yiheng had only utilized the first few pages; today, the entire sketchbook had been used. Xiao Yiheng’s brush filled in every blank in the corner.

And his art had only one theme—Li Cheng.


Li Cheng’s hands and feet; Li Cheng’s brows and eyes; Li Cheng slashing the surging waves with both arms.

The book was a chronicle of Li Cheng’s myriad expressions, which included laughter, anger, frowning, and awkwardness, as well as guilt, embarrassment, flamboyance, sternness, and wildness… 

Li Cheng had no idea his expressions would be so vivid.

The first half of the book was filled with fragmentary little drawings, as if they were dispersed memory fragments; when he turned the pages, one incident after another appeared.

The first time they met, when Li Cheng fell from the sky right into Xiao Yiheng’s arms; the time they huddled together in the alley on the corner of the street to avoid the police; when they took Little Lemon to bask in the sun, their trip to the water park with Youyou; the passionate kiss after physical health class, the confusing and loving temporary mark in the art classroom; the breakfasts that were stood up; and the endless good nights that were sent across the phone’s screen…

Xiao Yiheng had sketched all of these memories, capturing them stroke by stroke. 

Each drawing represented a memory. Those minute, trivial, brilliant, unforgettable memories were forever inscribed on the page.

It turned out that they had experienced so many things together.

Li Cheng clutched the book as if it were the most valuable object in the world.

He never imagined Xiao Yiheng’s 18th birthday present would be so precious. 

He carefully examined the drawings, which were filled with loving strokes, as if he could picture what Xiao Yiheng looked like when he drew them.

The book was finally flipped to the last page after a long time—

It’s content had once again exceeded Li Cheng’s expectations.

Xiao Yiheng had drawn the scene on his eighteenth birthday—they had met across the fence. The blond boy in the drawing held a bizarre “birthday cake” with glittering eyes. 

Li Cheng wondered, Do I look at Xiao Yiheng with such eyes?

Li Cheng noticed the words left by the alpha again beside the drawing.

“I’m hoping to meet someone.

He is unattainable and yet an existence within reach. 

He’ll be far away from me. He’ll be on top of the world, constantly motivating me to forge ahead and allowing me to grow into a better person.

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He’ll be very near to me again. He can grasp my hand and make me walk away from exhaustion and bewilderment when I am tired, hurt, and want to stop.


— Following that; Li Cheng, I met you.”

Li Cheng’s fingertips caressed the words on the pages of the book, slowly and lightly stroking them one by one. 

Li Cheng told himself: I will do it.

He would become the person in Xiao Yiheng’s life who was both unattainable and within reach.

… …

At the same time, Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. 

Xiao Yiheng entered the school gate, carrying the drawing board on his back and the paint box and paintbrush in his hand.

He felt something and looked up at the sky, which was clear save for a narrow white contrail streaking across the blue sky. It was the trail left by a passing plane.

Xiao Yiheng pondered, I wonder where ChengCheng’s plane is now? He was worried he’d only be able to learn about him from the news from then on.

A hand landed on his shoulder while he was immersed in thought. 

“Hi classmate! Are you here to attend the winter camp?” A bright feminine voice could be heard behind him.

When Xiao Yiheng looked back, he noticed that three youngsters, two girls and one boy, had emerged behind him at some unknown moment, all clutching drawing boards like him. Their outfits were really stylish. The young lady who greeted him had even colored her hair half-black, half-pink. Although the other two pupils were not as outlandish as she was, they did have a row of ornaments dangling from their ears as well.

In comparison, Xiao Yiheng, who was dressed in regular jeans and a long down jacket, looked too much like a “top student.”

The girl that greeted him with black and pink hair was a beta. She took the initiative to approach Xiao Yiheng, who was standing in the middle of the road with the drawing board on his back. She had simply not expected Xiao Yiheng to look so handsome. 

When he turned around, the world around her had slowed down as if someone had hit the slow play button. Those stunning phoenix eyes shone brightly. Just by glancing at him once, the girl’s heart had stopped beating.

“Yes.” Xiao Yiheng’s personality had little resemblance to that of an extrovert. On the contrary, he always kept a distance from people he met for the first time.

The girl didn’t appear to notice his apathy and spoke enthusiastically: “Listen to your accent; you’re not a local, right? Which school do you attend? Who is the instructor?”

Xiao Yiheng replied lightly: “I’m from Huacheng.” He brought the topic back to her, “What about you?” 

The girl couldn’t wait to spill all her secrets, declaring proudly: “Oh! We’re all from Huamei affiliated high school! Our teacher is Director Lin’s student!”

She truly had the capital to be proud. Huamei High School was affiliated to the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts and was the best art secondary school in China. It had trained a huge number of outstanding students and had been “donating blood” to the country on a regular basis. Many individuals claimed that graduating from the affiliated high school was tantamount to taking half a step into Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts.


Take this winter camp for example. Only 50 students were chosen from around the country, with the Huamei High School taking 15 of them!

And the ‘Dean Lin’ she mentioned was the honorary dean of Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. He had mentored countless outstanding students throughout his life, earning him the refined appellation “Lin Taoli“. 

Xiao Yiheng said that he was from Huacheng, and the girl acquiesced that he was a student at the “High School Affiliated to Huacheng Academy of Fine Arts.” Despite the fact that there was only a one word difference between “high school affiliated to Huacheng Academy of Fine Arts” and “high school affiliated to Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts”, there was a drastic difference in status.

The girl lamented the fact that, while Xiao Yiheng appeared to be attractive, his painting ability appeared to be average.

It didn’t matter, though. All an attractive man needed was to look good!

The girl kept twittering along the way. Her two classmates seemed to have been accustomed to her chattering and didn’t interrupt her. 

The girl inquired of Xiao Yiheng: “By the way, have you heard that there is one extra student in our winter camp?”

Xiao Yiheng: “Oh, really?”

“Oops! I forgot you’re from a different place. You’ve probably not heard of this.” The girl knocked her forehead and said mysteriously, “We recruited 50 people for this winter camp, and the notification on the website also stated that there were 50 people. But our teacher informed me that Dean Lin had opened a ‘back door’ for someone this time!”


“That person is not an art student at all, and they’ve never participated in any competition! I don’t know how they met Dean Lin’s student. They received a letter of recommendation from Dean Lin and can attend the winter camp without having to take the exam.” The girl’s teeth itched in anger, “I hate people who walk through the backdoor! Instead of painting properly, they’re preoccupied with crooked methods. I discussed with my classmates about it. When the camp begins, we will unite and isolate that person! I’d like to see what that backdoor person can accomplish to get Dean Lin’s recommendation letter!”


“How about it?” The girl pushed Xiao Yihen’s arm when she noticed he was silent.

Xiao Yiheng: “How about what?” 

“Don’t you feel outraged when you hear this? Would you like to join us in isolating the individual who walked through the backdoor?”

Xiao Yiheng responded indifferently: “Sorry, no.”

The girl had not anticipated Xiao Yiheng’s refusal. She was perplexed and inquired incredulously: “No? Why not? Huh?”

Why?… Of course, it was because her plan was too naive, too presumptuous, and riddled with loopholes. 

Xiao Yiheng turned to face her, calmly saying: “Because I truly can’t figure out how to isolate myself.”

The female student: ?????

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