Ch95 - Opening Ceremony┃One shot inhibitor

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The team doctor went over the inhibitor’s side effects with Li Cheng in great detail. In short, the inhibitor did not eliminate the estrus period, but rather used biotechnology to forcefully suppress the pheromone outbreak. This suppression, however, had a significant drawback—it was like a spring. When pressed, it was bound to retaliate ferociously in the end.

Furthermore, the location of Li Cheng’s glands was unusual. He was about to turn eighteen, and the estrus was particularly intense this time. Nobody knew how Li Cheng’s body would react once the inhibitor’s effect wore off. 

The team doctor’s words bounced around in Li Cheng’s head several times before he finally understood.

“… No problem, this side effect is nothing to me; I can accept it,” Li Cheng exhaled slowly.



To put it another way, a shot of inhibitor could temporarily suppress the estrus period, but the next time it came, it would hit Li Cheng like a… tsunami.

Oh well. In any case, he wasn’t a single dog. Isn’t it great.jpg 

Coach Yu stopped persuading Li Cheng after he made his decision.


Because there were a lot of omega competing in the Games, the team doctor brought some inhibitors ahead of time. But, of course, they had to report it to the appropriate authorities before it could be administered. The team doctor told Li Cheng to get the injection on an empty stomach the next morning and then rest for a day, skipping the training.

When Li Cheng left the room, he ran into Zhou Jian in the corridor by accident.

When Zhou Jian saw him, he unnaturally touched his nose, then looked away and moved back.


“I overheard the coach talking about you, Li Cheng…” Zhou Jian looked him in the eyes and said solemnly, “If you need my ‘assistance,’ I am more than willing.”

Li Cheng cheerfully patted him on the shoulder: “Come on, I won’t bother you with this trivial matter! I have other ways to solve it.”

Zhou Jian’s heart sank as he realized: “… Another way? Are you going to look for the guy you took to the pool the last time?”

That alpha who claimed to be Li Cheng’s boyfriend… it had to be him! Was it Xiao Yishu or Xiao Yiheng? 

Li Cheng was startled and quickly covered his mouth: “Ancestor, don’t talk nonsense! When did I invite strangers to the pool?!”

Outsiders were not permitted to approach the swimming pool due to the team’s strict rules. The last time Li Cheng took Xiao Yiheng to the swimming pool, he sneaked in during lunch. He hadn’t expected to run into Zhou Jian, let alone have Zhou Jian directly mention it in the corridor. The coach was only a few steps away! Wouldn’t he be fined 40 kilometers of swimming if she found out he had broken team rules?

Li Cheng became very worried and ended up standing in front of Zhou Jian, one hand on his shoulder and the other covering his mouth.

He’d forgotten he was in the prelude of the estrus cycle, and Zhou Jian was an alpha, the most susceptible to omega pheromones. Zhou Jian could plainly smell the sweet orange scent that escaped Li Cheng’s body because they were so near. 

He was close to the person he liked. For a brief while, the thrill made Zhou Jian reckless, and he exclaimed, “Why can’t I?”

“What?” Li Cheng froze for a moment.

Zhou Jian’s lips touched Li Cheng’s palm as he spoke. Every word he spoke was bursting with his intense desires: “We’re not in the country; if you don’t tell him, he’ll have no idea what transpired between us. And it will be more than half a month before you return home. My pheromone will be gone by the time. If I give you a temporary mark, he can’t detect it.”

Li Cheng: “…” 

Li Cheng instantly drew his hand back, as if scalded. He took a great step back and blurted out: “Oh, my! Brother, you’re very coquettish!”

Zhou Jian was disappointed and looked at him with a hurt expression.

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Li Cheng: “Sorry, sorry, I’ve been dragged by Chen Miao to watch far too many dog-blood TV dramas recently. I don’t mean you’re coquettish… Uh, anyway, in short, I know you meant well, but please don’t make this kind of a joke with me. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at all these goosebumps.” Li Cheng pointed to the erect hair on his arm as he talked, “And I’ve already agreed with the team doctor that I’ll be injected with the inhibitor tomorrow morning. So you can train with peace of mind.”

Despite Li Cheng’s efforts to put Zhou Jian “at ease”, Zhou Jian was simply full of “evil intentions.” He kept staring at Li Cheng’s mouth, which kept talking, and his heart continued to sink. 

– Li Cheng would rather take inhibitors with significant side effects than him. Was he really that bad?

… …

How could Li Cheng know what Zhou Jian was thinking?

He arrived at the team doctor’s room early the next morning on an empty stomach, and was injected with inhibitors under the observation of the coach. 

The inhibitor needed to reach the glands, so Li Cheng awkwardly removed his pants, exposing the femoral artery on the inner thigh.

The unique position of Li Cheng’s glands, however, had been noted in his medical examination file long before he even arrived at the training camp.

The team doctor was wise and experienced. To lessen his stress, the doctor made a joke with him: “They’re in a fairly good spot. A gymnastics team member has glands under her armpits. She started giggling as soon as I disinfected her. It was only when the needle entered her flesh that she screamed.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng’s mouth was cheap for a moment: “… then does her pheromone smell like cumin?” 

Jbjmt Te kjiibqfv atf wfibc tfjv.

Ktf tef bo atf lctlylabg lcpfmalbc kjr j iluta ugffc. Ol Jtfcu lcnbiecajglis rkjiibkfv j wbeatoei bo rjilnj, mbcnlcmfv atja lo atf rtba kjr remmfrroei, tf kbeiv weajaf.

Ktf lccfg atlut kjr atf afcvfgfra qjga bo atf ybvs, jcv atf uijcvr kfgf fzagfwfis rfcrlalnf. Cr atf qiecufg kjr qgfrrfv, atf cffvif yfnfi fcafgfv atf rxlc, jcv atf mbiv wfvlmlcf ugjvejiis vlraglyeafv lc atf yibbv nfrrfir.

Li Cheng couldn’t put into words how he felt… It was excruciatingly painful, like numerous little needles stabbing the blood vessels. The entire gland appeared to be buried in ice water, so cold that he froze right up to his bone marrow, but it felt like he had been thrown into a blaze that was searing his internal organs. 

Li Cheng couldn’t help but cry out in agony.

Although inhibitors were addressed in the “National Health Education Class,” it was not indicated how painful they were!

Li Cheng inadvertently grabbed the hem of his T-shirt. He would’ve ripped the hem of his T-shirt if he was stronger.

His entire body was hot for a time, then cold for a while, and this alternating between cold and hot caused him to sweat profusely. 

Even though the pain only lasted one minute, Li Cheng felt as if an hour had gone. His clothing was soaked, as if he’d been hauled out of water, and it took a while for him to come to.

The team doctor’s technique was outstanding. There was only a little needle hole on Li Cheng’s skin after the injection. There was no more bleeding after a period of pressing.


Because the medicine took 24 hours to take effect, you couldn’t do too much exercise before it kicked in. When Coach Yu realized Li Cheng was sweating hard and his lips were white, she advised him to go back and relax for a while before adjusting his state.

Li Cheng rolled back to the dormitories as soon as he realized he could have a relaxing day off. 

It was training time, and the entire athletes’ housing complex was empty and incredibly silent. Li Cheng returned to the dorm, took a shower, and then hurried back to bed for a few hours of sleep.

Li Cheng slept until the afternoon, and when he awoke, he felt as if he had lost a layer of skin. His entire body felt revitalized. The restlessness and excitement that had been lurking in his thoughts as a result of the coming estrus had vanished, and he had reverted to a calm and steady frame of mind.

He stretched, changed his sweaty pajamas, and put on his slippers before heading to the in-house dining hall.

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Summer in Australia was scorching, with temperatures reaching high levels. Li Cheng was dressed simply in a hurdle race vest and knee-length shorts. His bare limbs were thin and in good shape. His hair was loosely tied up, his brows and eyes were exquisite and gorgeous, and his attitude was lethargic, giving the impression of a kind of dissolute willfulness because he had just woken up. 

Many alphas from other countries took the initiative to approach him along the way and struck up a conversation with him. Li Cheng’s English was poor, and he was perplexed. He could only say hello and goodbye. Why are these foreigners acting so familiar?, he wondered. They talked a lot, but in his ears, all of it turned into Abaaba Alibaba.

He returned to the dormitory, having packed a supper. Chen Miao’s training was not yet complete. Li Cheng thought it was lonely dining by himself, so he made a video call to Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng was also eating at the time.

One of the two people was in the south, while the other was in the north. One guy was eating boxed steak and spaghetti in the athlete’s dormitory under the cold air conditioner currents, while the other sat in a noisy cafeteria corner eating steaming fried rice. They were in different places, in different time zones, and in different weather, but the way they looked at each other was the same. 

It was a mystery why, the instant they saw one other, they couldn’t stop laughing.

“Xiao Yiheng, are you having lunch or dinner?” Li Cheng calculated the time difference.

Xiao Yiheng responded with a smile, “Neither. They merged into a single meal. At midday, I was too preoccupied with painting to eat. Fortunately, some leftovers are still available in the school cafeteria.” He was afraid Li Cheng would be concerned, so he purposefully shifted the conversation “What about you? Why are you in the dorm? Shouldn’t you be in evening training at this time?”

Li Cheng had a goldfish brain. Xiao Yiheng led him astray as planned. 

Li Cheng said that because his estrus had arrived earlier than expected, he had taken inhibitors and needed a day off.

While eating, Xiao Yiheng froze and gazed at his boyfriend on the screen with a complicated expression. His heart softened a moment later.

When other omega encountered things like their estrus cycle approaching ahead of time, they would either relax at home or act coquettishly to get their partners to give them a temporary mark.

His omega, on the other hand, was a warrior who had stepped onto the battlefield without hesitation in order to bring glory to the country. Xiao Yiheng had heard that using inhibitors was extremely painful, yet Li Cheng did not complain, as if the agony was insignificant. 

Xiao Yiheng said guilty: “If I were by your side…”

“Don’t be silly.” Li Cheng interrupted him, “I have my battlefield, you have your battlefield, and both of our battlefields are very important. Xiao Yiheng, if something happens to you right now, will you want me to give up the Games here and fly back to accompany you?”


Xiao Yiheng: “…” He stopped talking and smiled, “No, of course not.”

Yes, their battlefields are critical. 

Li Cheng would win the world championship, while Xiao Yiheng would become a well-known painter around the world.

The incident that occurred that day was but a little hiccup in their lengthy journey through life.

Li Cheng ate at a breakneck pace. He ate the food he had packed swiftly. He sat cross-legged on the floor with a relaxed expression after tossing the empty lunch box into the trash can.

The air conditioner was buzzing. Li Cheng’s vest pulled up to reveal his honey-colored skin as he stretched out in front of the camera. This omega had the most exquisite body in the world, and not even a Renaissance sculpture could reproduce this miracle. The beautiful eight-pack abdominal muscles were neatly arranged, and the mermaid line was clearly visible, which reminded Xiao Yiheng of how the flexible and firm muscles felt to the touch. 

Li Cheng had no idea his vest strap had dropped down his arm, exposing one of his round shoulders.

Xiao Yiheng’s throat tightened. He and his lover were thousands of kilometers apart. He was able to see him but not eat him.

Li Cheng: “Speaking of which, the coach asked if I wanted an alpha in the team to give me a temporary mark. You’ve seen the alpha, his name is Zhou Jian.”

Xiao Yiheng: “!!!” 

The aroma of the pork chop noodles in his hand vanished in an instant.

“What did you say?” he inquired calmly.

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“What else is there to say? Of course, I declined! After all, I’ve got you.” Li Cheng stated bluntly, “But Zhou Jian is odd. He honestly said to me after I refused him, ‘It doesn’t matter. We’re away, so your boyfriend won’t find out’!”

Xiao Yiheng’s face instantly blackened. 

Li Cheng: “Don’t you think he’s odd? The last time I heard such a strange line was in a dog-blood TV show that my roommate was watching. Wow! You have no idea how terrifying that TV show is. My roommate was cursing it while still watching it. That’s what the serial’s little third beta lead said when he seduced the male lead alpha…” Li Cheng’s mind instantly turned to the dog blood TV series, and he began to gesticulate like an Amway salesperson while discussing the plot of the horrifying TV series with Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng, on the other hand, was not in a good mood.

Xiao Yiheng now understood what it was like to fall in love with a study slag—it was definitely a question that the teacher had discussed thousands of times before, only the apple had been substituted by a pear, the number had been changed, and the preconditions had been modified. The study slag couldn’t understand and couldn’t answer the question!

Li Cheng remembered the TV show and could easily envision Little Third wanting to seduce the male lead; but, in real life, he had no idea Zhou Jian was seducing him! 

… In the end, was this the sorrow of Empress Xiao Yiheng(x), or the sorrow of the mistress, Zhou Jian?

Xiao Yiheng interrupted Li Cheng’s words with a serious expression: “Li Cheng, I think it’s better if you don’t have contact with Zhou Jian in the future.”


Li Cheng: “?”

The truth was on the tip of Xiao Yiheng’s tongue, but as he looked into his boyfriend’s innocent eyes, he sighed inwardly and decided to provide another explanation: “You see, Zhou Jian is a long-distance swimmer, but you are a short-distance swimmer. Your techniques of training are very different. The Games are about to begin. You should train with the short-distance athletes to get into a rhythm. By the way, didn’t you state that the women’s team butterfly swimmer wants to practice with you again? You’re crucial for winning the gold medal in the 4×100 medley relay. You must avoid becoming complacent.” 

He spoke with so much righteousness that Li Cheng was bluffed in an instant.

“You’re right.” Li Cheng nodded, “I have a packed training schedule these days. I really can’t chat with Zhou Jian.”

Xiao Yiheng: Mission accomplished. jpg!

… … 

The calendar turned a few pages in the blink of an eye.

Far away in China’s capital, it had snowed.

When Xiao Yiheng awoke early in the morning and opened the window, everything he saw was obscured by a glittering light. As he breathed, the biting cold air penetrated his heart and spleen.

When he arrived at school, the teacher told the students to take their drawing boards outside to the garden. Their sketching assignment that day was to draw the lovely campus after it had snowed. 

The weather was bitterly chilly, and a student objected, “Can’t we just locate a window and paint inside?”

The teacher gave her a sidelong glance: “That is also a possibility. You can even sketch your reflection in the window.”

The student: “……”

Everyone was devastated and hurriedly relocated their means of subsistence to the school garden, where they each selected a different location to set up the drawing board. 

The Huamei campus was large and beautiful, with a lake as its most moving feature. The water in the lake rippled as swans crossed their necks in the summer. The gazebo on the lake was a popular spot for young couples to date.

But now everything was quiet, with snow lightly and sparsely coating the roof eaves. There was a thin film of ice on the water, as if someone had broken glass and thrown it into the pool. There were wild ducks flying out of nowhere, paddling on water that hadn’t frozen. Winter was when they were the fattest. The plump ducks reminded Xiao Yiheng of Little Lemon, who was far away in Huacheng.

It was bitterly cold outside. It was difficult to grip a pencil if you were wearing gloves, but the cold pencil was like a torture tool if you didn’t use gloves. Everyone was forced to wear fingerless gloves and their exposed fingertips quickly froze into a red color.

Amy shivered, a pencil in her hand. She liked to keep up with the latest fashion trends. She didn’t want to wear a big down jacket even on such a cold day, merely dressing in a woolen coat… Shit! She would have wrapped a quilt around her body if she had known it was so cold, let alone a down jacket! 

There were several students in the class who were in a similar predicament to her. Everyone was studying art and didn’t want to appear fat and rustic. They seemed to walk the catwalk every time they arrived at school. As a result, a bunch of young individuals were frozen and turned into trembling Ms. They sketched many broken lines on the drawing paper with a pencil in their hands.

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Only Xiao Yiheng was serene and tranquil, and every line fell just where it should—look at his heavy black down jacket! It was clearly quite warm!


Xiao Yiheng wore the down jacket on the first day he reported to the winter camp. He didn’t take it off, even after the temperature warmed up. Others would have looked like a walking and talking black bear in that bulky down jacket, but he looked chic in it.

Somebody was envious: “This down jacket looks quite good. I’m curious about the brand. I’d like to purchase one as well.” 

Amy mocked the other party: “Oh, really? You don’t believe you’ll look as good as him if you wear it, do you?”


Amy’s eyes were sharp, and she detected an unseen logo on the chest of Xiao Yiheng’s down jacket. Amy pondered it but couldn’t recall which luxury brand had such a distinctive pattern.

“Xiao Yiheng, what brand is your down jacket?” She couldn’t help herself. 

“Would you like to get one as well?” Xiao Yiheng inquired gently.

Amy gave a nod.

Xiao Yiheng: “You will not be able to buy it. It’s a limited edition.”

The Chinese team had only a few hundred athletes, and with one jacket for each participant, there were naturally only a few hundred jackets. As for the logo on the chest, it was the team emblem of the Chinese national team. 

Amy thought—So it’s actually limited to three digits. What kind of designer’s original brand is this jacket!

Xiao Yiheng: “My jacket also has a name embroidered on the inside of the collar. It is unique in the world.”

Amy’s eyes widened even more in admiration. Forget it! It was better not to inquire. It would be a disgrace if I couldn’t afford it!

They’d been painting outside all day, and the sun was about to set just after five o’clock. Because the light had changed, they could no longer sketch. Everyone dashed back to the warm studio with the drawing board. As soon as they stepped inside the heated area, everyone felt like the Yuanmou people who had never seen fire before. They grabbed the heating pipes and wouldn’t let go. 

Only Xiao Yiheng was not in a hurry. After entering the room, he put the drawing board away, found a chair and sat down to check the time, took out his phone, and launched a software.

Amy: “What are you watching?”

Xiao Yiheng: “I’m watching the live broadcast.”

Amy: “Oh! So you watch live broadcasts as well? What kind of live broadcast is it? Is it a live broadcast of a game, a live broadcast of a match, or a live broadcast for shopping?” 

Xiao Yiheng shook his head: “None of these. I’m watching live news.”

Amy: “……”


Xiao Yiheng showed her the phone screen. The program running on his phone screen was, as expected, the CCTV live broadcast app, with the international channel displayed in the upper left corner. The foreign language host was conversing with the on-the-ground reporters. The two were conversing in English, which sounded like mambo jumbo to Amy. Her eyes transformed into mosquito repellent coils in a matter of seconds.

Amy was incredulous: “What the hell are you watching?” 

“Like I said, I’m watching the live broadcast.” Xiao Yiheng nodded at the screen of his mobile phone. “The opening ceremony of the World Youth Games is currently being streamed live. It’s time for the Chinese athletes to enter the field.”


“My boyfriend has been chosen as the flag bearer at the opening ceremony.” The alpha, who was always cold, smiled, “My boyfriend is particularly good-looking. Do you want to see him?”

Amy: When a single dog is injured, no couple is innocent!

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