Ch96 - Xiao Yiheng’s parents resolve to go to the capital to find him

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In the wake of the impassioned and lively music, the athletes of the Chinese National Team lined up in a square array and stepped onto the stadium track.

Li Cheng was at the forefront of the phalanx. He was entrusted with an important task this time and was chosen as the flag-bearer for the opening ceremony. He waved the national flag excitedly, his slender figure was covered in a tailor-made Chinese uniform, and his every action was unspeakably sassy. 

The director was well aware of what the audience desired to see. The camera began with Li Cheng’s straight and narrow legs and progressively climbed upwards, allowing the spectator to admire his small waist and tall body before ultimately freezing on the omega’s profile.

His mouth was curved in a smile, his eyes were filled with sweetness, and the corners of his eyebrows and eyes were filled with fighting spirit, as if triumph was within his grasp. He appeared in every corner of the world via transmission, holding his head high and waving the national flag.



The app’s live broadcast screen was inundated with barrages in an instant.

“I can!” 

“I really can!!!!”


“I’ve spoken the two words ‘I can’ so many times that I’m tired…”

In the capital of China thousands of kilometres away, Xiao Yiheng stared blankly at the lines of “kekeke” flashing by on the screen, his brow furrowed slightly.

He glanced at Amy next to him: “What does ‘ke’ mean?”


Amy: “…” Amy’s intuition informed her that Xiao Yiheng didn’t want to hear the real answer at all.

Amy answered in a tiny voice: “It means not bad.”

“Not bad?” Xiao Yiheng still didn’t understand.

The poor beta girl was speechless, hemming and hawing when another string of colorful bullet screens flashed over the screen. 

—”ChengCheng didi, forget about being the little sun in the world. Just come to me and be my sun, okay?!!”

太阳, was also known as 日; therefore “be my sun” meant…

Oh! Xiao Yiheng’s face turned black in an instant. He finally understood what those flying “kekeke” meant. Those “ke” didn’t mean “not bad”, they were obviously hungry and thirsty “ke”!

Xiao Yiheng was livid. 

… …

“It’s my gege, it’s really my gege!”

In a residential building in Huacheng, Youyou sat on the sofa, holding an orange cat in one hand and a duck in the other, excitedly watching the athletes’ opening ceremony on the TV screen.

Youyou hadn’t seen her brother in a long time – since Li Cheng traveled north to the capital for training more than two months ago, and she missed him terribly. Even though she had video conversations with Li Cheng once a week, it couldn’t take away her longing. She recognized that her brother’s attendance in the training camp and tournament was a momentous occasion. She had convinced her classmates that her brother was an unrivaled hero on the verge of becoming a world champion. 

Not long ago, her brother accidentally went viral on the Internet, and even the next class’s monitor came over to ask her if the “Little Sun on Earth” that had recently been so popular on the short video website was her brother. Youyou felt so proud that she showed everyone a snapshot of herself and her brother. She also vowed that when her brother got home, she would request autographed photos from him and distribute them to everyone.

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Her peers commented enviously: “Youyou, your brother is so attractive. There are a lot of people on the Internet who want to be your sister-in-law. I…I’d like to be your sister-in-law as well. Is that all right?”


Youyou immediately became vigilant and viciously smashed her classmates’ fantasies: “That is not an option. I’ve already got a sister-in-law!”

Her sister-in-law was also incredibly attractive. No one was better suited to stand beside her brother than him. 

It was the opening ceremony of the competition that evening. Youyou rushed home immediately after getting out of class. She was unconcerned about her homework. She switched on the TV and selected the broadcast channel.

She had promised in advance with her seven little boyfriends that the seven of them would watch the live broadcast that evening and compose an essay of at least two hundred words afterward!

Youyou shrieked with delight when her gege‘s figure appeared on the TV screen. The orange cat sluggishly covered its ears with its fat paws, but the unfortunate duck could only conceal its head under its wings, trying to avoid Youyou’s magical voice penetrating its ears.

All of a sudden, there was a familiar sound of footfall in the corridor—it was Youyou’s adoptive parents returning from work! 

Time flew, and before she knew it, it was time for them to get off work. Youyou was fascinated while watching TV and completely forgot about it. She swooped in front of the TV, hurriedly turned it off, replaced the cover, dashed back to her small bedroom, and sat down at her desk.

As a result, when Youyou’s adoptive parents stepped into the house, they saw Youyou sitting upright at her desk. Her textbook was illuminated by the table lamp. She was reading aloud, carefully reciting English words.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Youyou’s adoptive mother walked into her room with a glass of milk and set it on the desk.

Tbesbe qgfafcvfv ab yf mjiw jr rtf qlmxfv eq atf wlix jcv yfujc ueiqlcu la vbkc. 

Tbesbe’r jvbqalnf wbatfg lcdelgfv: “Qts vlv sbe gfaegc tbwf klatbea kjlalcu obg er ab qlmx sbe eq joafg rmtbbi abvjs?”

Tbesbe delmxis mjwf eq klat jc fzmerf ktlif vglcxlcu wlix: “Fw…atja…P’nf uba j iba bo tbwfkbgx abvjs. Vb, P kjcafv ab gfaegc tbwf jcv yfulc kbgxlcu bc ws tbwfkbgx.”

Youyou’s adoptive mother was annoyed but also found it amusing: “I think you wanted to go home to watch TV rather than doing your homework. Am I right?”

One must be careful when playing small tricks on parents. It was easy to get caught in a heartbeat. Youyou immediately pouted her lips and put on a wronged look: “No, I didn’t. See, I’ve completed a whole page of homework!” 

Youyou’s adoptive mother calmly exposed her lie: “But just now, when I touched the TV, its back was still hot.”

Youyou: “…”

When Youyou’s adoptive mother saw her daughter’s guilty conscience after her misdeed was discovered, she shook her head helplessly: “Youyou, I know you want to watch the live broadcast of the World Youth Games. There is no need to lie to us.” She patted the top of her head and said, “Come on, let’s go! Mom and Dad will accompany you to watch it, but after that, you will copy the English homework three times as punishment. You must not lie again. Okay?”

The little girl’s heartbeat had been erratic, bouncing up and down as the situation developed. She happily opened her arms and plunged her head into her adoptive mother’s embrace. 

Youyou thought, I’m definitely the luckiest kid in the world! She had the best gege, and the best parents!

… …


The same thing happened simultaneously in another corner of Huacheng city.

In the swimming pool of Huacheng No. 1 High School, the members of the swimming team huddled on the bank, staring excitedly at the live stream on Huang Yelun’s mobile phone. 

When Li Cheng’s tall figure appeared on the screen, they spontaneously uttered a swear word.

One of them exclaimed: “Fuck! Our Li-ge is so handsome.”

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Another one cried out: “So cocky! Our Li-ge is Sa.”

Someone with itchy hands wrapped a bath towel around a mop and held it high, imagining it was a national flag. While going around the pool, he emulated Li Cheng’s moves. 

Coach Wu Xu scowled at their folly, hating iron for not becoming steel: “Can’t you train like Li Cheng? You’re all soldiers trained by me. Li Cheng is now the captain of the national team. How about you? I ask you to swim only three kilometres every day and you still bargain with me. Eh? Do you really want to enrage me and cause me to have a heart attack?!”

Everyone lowered their heads in shame and dispersed in confusion. They didn’t dare to be presumptuous in front of the coach.

… …

In the fried chicken shop on food street. 

Hu-ge placed an ipad on the tabletop, folded his arms lazily, and watched the live broadcast on the screen while holding a toothpick in his mouth.

A frying pan was sizzling and steaming behind him. A few chicken legs and wings floated in the frying pan, their hue darkening to a charred black.

“Uncle, uncle, my chicken wings are cooked!” said Wei Huohuo as he stood outside the window, scratching his head.

Hu-ge was clearly a waiter, yet there was no sign of a service spirit in him. He spit the toothpick out of his mouth, glanced up and down at Wei Huohuo, and questioned impatiently: “What is your name? Didn’t you say you wanted deep fried coke wings?” 

He fished out a few brown-black deep fried chicken wings from the oil pan, tossed them on a dinner plate, grabbed a handful of chili powder and cumin powder, and sprinkled them generously before slamming them in front of Wei Huohuo.

“Take it.” Hu-ge felt that this little fatty really had no vision. He had the audacity to interrupt him when he was watching Li-ge’s live broadcast!

Wei Huohuo: “…” He glanced at the coal black fried chicken, his eyes welling up with grievance!

Hu-ge voice was gruff as he said rudely: “Also, don’t call me uncle next time.” 

Wei Huohuo asked, “What should I call you?”

“Call me grandpa.”


Wei Huohuo: “…”

The poor little fat guy stumbled back to his table, carrying the fried chicken drumsticks while dropping golden beans. 

“Brother!” When Wei Huohuo saw his cousin at the table, he immediately complained, “The waiter selling fried chicken is such an asshole! Can you teach him a lesson for me?”

Wei Rong heard what was said and peered into the kitchen. When his gaze fell on Hu-ge, he swiftly retracted his neck: “All right, all right, eat quickly, okay?”

No way! Who let Hu-ge not fight alone? Behind him stood a dozen second-generation demolition brothers. If even one of them threw 100,000 dollars at Wei Rong, he could crush Wei Rong to death!

In the kitchen, Hu-ge dialed the shop owner’s number. Their shop was a fried chicken franchise. Since Hu-ge started working there as a waiter, the owner had never stepped through the door of this branch… 

The phone only rang for about three seconds before being answered.

Hu-ge: “Hey, boss? It’s me.”

The boss asked in a courteous tone: “Oh! Hu-ge, what can I do for you?”

Hu-ge: “I think our shop’s decor is a little monotonous. It’s missing something.” 

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Boss: “What is missing?”

Hu-ge: “The wall is a bit empty.”

“Then I’ll have someone reapply the wallpaper?”

“No need.” 

“Then, maybe hang some paintings?”


“… How would you like it to be decorated?”

Hu-ge finally exposed his intention: “Decorating would be too much trouble. I think the vacant wall facing the kitchen door is perfect for mounting an LCD TV.” 

Boss: “…”

Hu-ge: “I’m already optimistic(about the outcome). There’s no need to get a large one. Let’s just get an 80-inch one.”


Boss: “…”

Hu-ge: “You don’t need to worry about money. I’ll buy it myself, but this is your shop after all. I thought I’d ask your opinion before proceeding.” 

The boss responded as if he were a lackey, “Never mind, never mind. Although it’s my shop, Hu-ge, you’re the landlord. You can hang whatever you want on the wall!”

Hu-ge thought to himself that the boss was pretty good. He hung up the phone with satisfaction, and thought about the empty wall.

Hmm… Once the new TV was set up, he could gather all the Little Tigers and watch Li-ge’s match while eating fried chicken in the store!

… … 

Xiao house, Unit 1, Building A, Huihuang community.

It was dinnertime, yet the dining hall was quiet. The dining table could accommodate six people, but only two individuals sat at it.

A few dishes were placed on the table in a casual manner. The couple remained silent. Except for the occasional small noise of the chopstick tips striking with the crockery, the entire room was deafeningly quiet. The silence was terrifying.

Since Xiao Yiheng went to the capital to participate in the winter camp, the communication between the Xiao couple had nearly ceased. They were already sleeping in separate beds, and they didn’t even greet each other when they met. They were more like strangers than even roommates. 

The Spring Festival was approaching, but the Xiao family did not have the slightest festive atmosphere. Other residents on the same floor had pasted couplets and hung lanterns outside the door, but the Xiaos were frigid from the inside out.

Father Xiao had no choice but to stay at home because the university was on vacation. He couldn’t live in school like he used to.

The couple continued to squabble, and even a minor event could set off a violent rage. Following the quarrel, they swiftly devolved into a state of cold war.

Father Xiao grimaced, looking at the stir-fried veggies on the plate with dissatisfaction. He made a fuss and said: “What exactly is going on? Didn’t I say not to cook with garlic?” 

Mother Xiao said sharply, “If that’s the case, don’t eat it. I’ve been doing it this way for eighteen years. Why didn’t you express yourself eighteen years ago, if you had an opinion?”

Obviously, it was something trivial, but when two alpha clashed, even the smallest things became bigger. Their marriage was devoid of any emotion. The conflict that erupted this time had thoroughly uncovered all of the buried injuries that had been festering for the past eighteen years.

Their marriage was in danger. It was standing on thin ice and could collapse at any time. Even at this stage, they refused to use the word divorce because they were too proud of themselves to be the losers of a “marriage breakdown.”

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The fact that they had Xiao Yiheng was crucial. He was the ideal heir, a masterpiece that would add glory to their prestige! 

The room was uncomfortably quiet. Mother Xiao turned on the television and switched to the news station.

The newscast started on time at 7 a.m., and the newsreader’s staid vocalization became the best background sound. They ate in silence while listening to the news.


“The World Youth Games officially began in Australia’s capital today at 7 p.m. local time, with a lavish opening ceremony… China has fielded 568 participants in 18 major events and 220 minor events.”

Mother Xiao coldly scoffed, “These athletes are a bunch of knuckleheads, all brawn and no brains. I guess these individuals don’t even know what one plus one equals.” 

Father Xiao remained mute, although as a university professor, he wholeheartedly agreed with his wife’s statements. He had observed far too many pupils from the sports quota who relied on extracurricular activities for extra credit in school. Those people, in his perspective, were illiterate idiots who decreased the school’s grades. Breathing the same air as them meant contracting the same infection.

The news quickly cut into a performance at the opening ceremony. The Chinese national team marched into the stadium wearing tailored uniforms and singing the national anthem in unison.

A tall blond boy appeared in the camera at the front of the crowd, his head held high and his chest puffed up. The music was stirring, his strides were brisk, and every step he took on the track was confident. With a dazzling smile, he raised his hands towards the audience while waving the national flag.

The cameraman favored the boy and gave him several seconds of footage. His introduction appeared in the news at the same time— 

“—This time, the Chinese delegation is led by Li Cheng, the captain of the swimming squad. Li Cheng, a student at Huacheng No. 1 High School, is 17 years old this year. It should be noted that Li Cheng is an omega. He is the National Swimming Team’s first omega captain since its inception…”

Although the newsreader had not yet finished, Father Xiao had already slapped down the chopsticks in his hand. He banged the table and scolded angrily.

“Absurd! Allowing an omega to serve as the flag bearer? And he’s also the national swimming team’s captain? Is our country devoid of people? How can they allow an omega to flaunt himself on such a special occasion?”

Mother Xiao agreed in uncommon unison: “You are correct. And while this young man is unmistakably Chinese, his hair has been dyed golden. At a look, you can tell he’s not your typical omega. He must have a messy personal life!” She had entirely forgotten that Li Cheng had visited them when Xiao Yiheng was unwell. 

On this subject, the pair had the best unspoken agreement. They obviously didn’t know Li Cheng, but they judged him based on his gender and hair color. People who didn’t know would think the Great Qing Dynasty’s zombies had crawled back out of the grave.

Naturally, their critique was lost on Li Cheng, who was tens of thousands of kilometres away, and the news continued unaffected.

“Before the commencement of the competition, thousands of players from across the country gathered in the capital for a two-month closed training…”

Following that, the Xiao pair did not pay attention to the news. 

Because they were preoccupied with the word “capital.”

Mother Xiao: “Speaking of which, it’s been a long time since Yiheng went to the capital to participate in the winter camp but he never called back. I don’t know what happened to him over there.”

Surprisingly, Father Xiao was at ease: “Don’t worry about him. That kid is very smart and knows how to take care of himself. Moreover, the winter camp is closed, and there are school teachers to take care of him. There is no need to worry.”

“…but I’m a little concerned.” Mother Xiao recalled that Xiao Yiheng had a few minor disagreements with them before departing. Yiheng actually challenged Father Xiao’s thoughts as straight A cancer to their face during one such instance. Xiao Yiheng’s eyes were freezing cold after the argument. When he gazed at them, he didn’t appear to be staring at his parents, but at passersby. 

Mother Xiao decided to make time to phone Xiao Yiheng and inquire about his situation in the winter camp. Did he obey her instructions to please the teacher and work hard to express himself? She had asked him to strive for the chance to be recommended.

Father Xiao pondered for a while, and suddenly said: “Since the Spring Festival is approaching, I think we might as well go to the capital to find him. Our three-person family should spend the New Year in the capital.”


The author has something to say:

Xiao Yiheng: Who is your three-person family? 

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