Ch97 - “Fuck U. Do you understand? Laozi said, Fuck U.”

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Xiao Yiheng, who was in the capital, was unaware that his parents had planned to pay him a visit during the Spring Festival.

Recently, he had concentrated all of his energies on sketching. He had been grateful for his original decision many times – he had decided to defy his parents’ orders and attend Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts’ winter camp. Despite the fact that he took a lot of risks, the rewards were enormous. 

Except for Teacher Qiu Xian, no one realized he was a good painter during his three years in high school. He could only stay alone in the empty art classroom and practice over and over again. However, at the winter camp, he not only received mentoring from notable teachers, but he also exchanged experiences with his peers. Xiao Yiheng was a gifted painter who improved quickly after receiving guidance.

Amy had been shocked at first, then envious. But now, there was nothing but numbness…



The world was really unfair. How could anybody look handsome, get good grades in school, and be a genius at painting?! The most significant aspect was that he had a boyfriend to boot!!

… … 

At this time, Xiao Yiheng’s boyfriend was focused on getting ready for the match.


The World Youth Games lasted two weeks, with the swimming competition taking place from the third to the eighth day, for a total of six days. FINA and the organizing committee went back and forth for a long time to select the time of the competition in order to ensure the ratings after the broadcast.

—All preliminary matches were to be held in the evening, while all semifinals and finals were to be held in the morning.

For Asian athletes, this time frame was extremely unfavorable.


Between Australia and China, there existed a three-hour time difference. The match began at 9 a.m., which corresponded to 6 a.m. in China. Athletes had to test their blood, eat, and warm up three hours before the race… That is, Li Cheng had to get up and prepare at 3 a.m. in China time.

The swimming squad had arrived in Australia more than a week before the competition. Many members of the squad struggled to acclimate to the time difference during the first two days of their arrival. Their circadian cycle was unable to adjust, resulting in fever in a number of athletes.

Li Cheng was at his best. The symptoms he’d experienced at the onset of his estrus period had subsided after he’d taken the pheromone inhibitor. He was full of energy, gliding rather than walking, and his expression was always radiant.

Individual events would be competed in the first two days, while team relay events would be competed in the last two days, according to the program. 

Li Cheng was like a hot knife through butter on the evening of the 200m preliminary round. He had pulled ahead of the second place in the same group by a full body position, brilliantly earned the first place in the group, and successfully qualified with a very significant advantage.

When Li Cheng’s match results appeared on the screen, the other players in the same group appeared to have been badly slapped in the face, rendering them speechless.

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They looked at Li Cheng with complicated expressions. They couldn’t believe an omega could be that powerful!

Before entering the water, they noticed that China had sent an omega to the competition, and they assumed that because China couldn’t develop superb freestyle swimmers, they could only send an omega to replenish their numbers—how could they have known that they were the ones who made up the numbers?! 

Li Cheng couldn’t care less what those losers were thinking. It was merely a preliminary match, and he hadn’t used his full strength yet. He was waiting to astound the audience in the finals.

It was unclear whether it was good or bad luck when Li Cheng was placed in a group with the white orangutan in the semifinals the next morning.

Li Cheng glanced at the list of players and realized only then that the white orangutan’s name was Alexander. He stood nearly two meters tall and had a strong build. He appeared to be a basketball player rather than a swimmer.

Australia was a dominant country in the sport of speed swimming. Their squad had two competitors shortlisted in the 200m freestyle semifinals, and their lanes were ranked near Li Cheng. 

Li Cheng was sandwiched between the two white-skinned orangutans. The most vexing thing was that the two orangutans purposefully hollered across Li Cheng, jabbering a string of English. Li Cheng couldn’t understand a single word.

But Li Cheng didn’t need to understand anything at all. He could tell they hadn’t said anything good just by glancing at their wretched straight A cancer expressions.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf kjr mjiw jcv gfijzfv, qjslcu hfgb jaafcalbc ab atf akb ecmlnlilhfv jclwjir. Cii tf kjcafv ab vb kjr obmer bc atf rklwwlcu qbbi. Lf vlvc’a mjgf jybea atf rqfmlfr bo atf qfbqif mbwqfalcu klat tlw.

Cr Ol Jtfcu uba mibrfg, tf cbalmfv j vloolmeia-ab-vfrmglyf qecufca bvbg bc Cifzjcvfg’r ybvs. Ol Jtfcu mbeivc’a vfafgwlcf lo atf rwfii kjr qifjrjca bg gfqeirlnf. Lf jqqfjgfv ab tjnf qbegfv jc fcalgf ybaaif bo mbibucf bnfg tlr ybvs lc bgvfg obg atlr asqf bo ylbibulmji kfjqbc ab wjafgljilhf. Pa kjr j kflgv rwfii. 

Li Cheng regarded Alexander with suspicion, fearing that his brain was diseased. Even if foreigners habitually sprayed perfume on themselves, which swimmer would spray so much cologne on himself during a competition? The smell would vanish once they were in the water.

It was completely superfluous.

The unusual odor lasted only a few seconds before dissipating. Li Cheng sneezed as he rubbed his nose.

Li Cheng was busy tidying up his swimming goggles and cap. Alexander’s gaze was drawn to the back of his neck, with planned malice in his eyes. 

The ten participants took their places on the starting block after the assistant referee signaled them to get ready. The referee blew his whistle, and the ten swimmers shot into the water like arrows almost simultaneously!

The initial snorkeling phase was sufficient for players of varying abilities to open a gap. Li Cheng was the first to surface and adjust his swimming style after swimming the 15-meter snorkeling distance in an instant. He flutter kicked with his feet and slashed through the water with his arms. He was unconcerned with the opponents in the two lanes beside him, instead focusing on the target in front of him.

The 200m swimming events in international competitions were conducted in a 50m long pool. 200m was equivalent to swimming four lengths. Li Cheng reserved his strength in the first half of the race. He controlled his speed and maintained himself in the third and fourth position during the first lap.

He didn’t start to unleash his strength until the latter portion of the race. He sped for the remaining length after executing a fantastic flip turn. He pushed away from the wall and covered a large portion of the distance in an instant! He was originally the third to flip turn, but thanks to his superb tumble turn technique, he quickly rose to second place in the group! 

Li Cheng noticed Alexander on the side track accelerating in the last 50 meters. They battled against each other and advanced from the semifinals to the finals.

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Unfortunately, Li Cheng was late in the second half. In the end, Li Cheng finished second in the semifinals by 0.03 seconds.

Li Cheng gazed up at the enormous screen after contacting the wall. He did not waste time after discovering his name. He pushed against the bank with both hands and sprang onto the shore.

However, when his silence fell in Alexander’s eyes, it became a testament to losing the match and leaving in frustration. 

Alexander and his teammates huddled together, whispering and uttering some words in orangutan-style. Li Cheng had almost reached the rest area when he abruptly came to a halt and returned to the pool in annoyance.

People who first met Li Cheng always underestimated him because of his gender and gorgeous face, but those who misjudged him all paid a high price in the end. After all, Li-ge had KO-ed thugs with a punch and a kick. He had a godfather aura installed on his body. No one dared to look him in the eyes when he didn’t speak and became solemn.

Before Alexander and his teammates left the swimming pool, Li Cheng walked to the bank with a calm face, only staring condescendingly at the opponent who was still soaking in the swimming pool.

The omega’s eyes were haughty and compassionate, as if he was looking at a weak ant that could be trampled to death at any moment. 

Alexander had never been looked at in that way before. An unexplainable tremble rose from his body, but he instantly felt angry—angry that he “feared” an omega from China!!

Alexander: “You…”


“Listen to me,” Li Cheng cut him off by pointing to the swimming pool under his feet, “This is the swimming pool; this is where the competitions take place, not where you shit with your mouth! So what if I’m Chinese? What does it matter if I’m an omega? Have you never seen a yellow-skinned awesome omega before? Not a problem! This time, I’ll let you see and learn to broaden your horizons. Just wait until the final is concluded. When you come crying to apologize to me, see whether this dad recognizes a foolish son like you!”

When Li Cheng reprimanded Alexander, he did it in Chinese, which Alexander did not understand at all. But, seeing the contempt in Li Cheng’s eyes, he understood what he meant. 

Li Cheng: “What’s wrong? You don’t get it? It doesn’t matter. Dad will change to something you’ll understand—”

The omega was beaming as he scolded: “—FUCK U. Do you understand now? Laozi said, FUCK U.”

… …

Li Cheng and Coach Yu replayed the semifinal match and returned to their dormitories to rest at the end of the match. 

All of the diving competitions were scheduled for the afternoon. Chen Miao was nowhere to be found in the dormitory, and the room was deserted. Li Cheng took advantage of the situation by calling his boyfriend.

Xiao Yiheng had sent his congratulations on WeChat as early as the end of Li Cheng’s competition, followed by a picture—Xiao Yiheng had made a sketch for Li Cheng, representing his heroic figure jumping into the water from the starting block.

Li Cheng was overjoyed and dialed a video call right away. Xiao Yiheng happened to be on his lunch break and answered the phone in a matter of seconds.

“Hello~~” Li Cheng greeted him cheerfully. He’d just gotten out of the shower, and his hair was wet. He put a headband on his head, showing a smooth forehead and sharp, lovely features. Because he hadn’t touched up his hair in a long time, the roots of his blond hair had become black, but it was still attractive. 

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“Did you see the live broadcast?” Li Cheng inquired.

Xiao Yiheng naturally wanted to demonstrate his devotion in front of his boyfriend: “Of course. I specially set my alarm clock at 5:30 a.m. and watched my ChengCheng’s match at 6 a.m. punctually.”

Li Cheng was thrilled again, and he unexpectedly flaunted in his exuberance: “Well! Actually, there’s nothing worth seeing in the semifinals. It was merely to qualify. I didn’t try my best.”

Xiao Yiheng gave a nod: “Of course. It’s only natural. With our ChengCheng’s ability, you can take second place in the group even if you don’t exert your full strength. If you use your full power, you will undoubtedly win the world championship.” 

Who doesn’t enjoy it when others spew rainbow farts? Especially when the source of the rainbow farts was your lover. Li Cheng’s fur had been smoothed. It goes without saying that he was overjoyed.

He sat on the bed, his legs in his arms, his fingers instinctively toying with his toes. His toes were white and his skin was wrinkled from being in the water for so long. He couldn’t help but reach out and touch them.

Xiao Yiheng gazed at Li Cheng’s adorable toes, hoping he could reach out and play with them.

The alpha had to use a lot of self-control to pull his gaze away from the omega’s toes. 

Xiao Yiheng inquired: “By the way, I saw you go back to the pool after the match and talk to the player on the next track when I was watching the live broadcast. Is that individual the first place in your group? What exactly did you say?”

Microphones couldn’t be installed in water. Because of his sharp eyes, Xiao Yiheng noticed Li Cheng’s actions as the camera panned over the pool.


Seeing athletes from two different countries communicate, others might think they have a good relationship, but Xiao Yiheng understood Li Cheng and intuitively knew that things were not that simple.

Li Cheng’s eyelids drooped, and his mouth pouted so hard that it almost reached the sky. 

“That first place in the group is not a good thing!” He couldn’t stop himself from complaining to his boyfriend. “He is the white orangutan who had earlier mocked me!”

Li Cheng grumbled and told the story again. The longer he spoke, the more enraged he became: “Don’t you think this type of guy is a stupid *? He ought to be imprisoned in a zoo and forced to eat only bananas for the rest of his life!”

The longer he listened, the more serious Xiao Yiheng’s attitude became: “I didn’t expect you to meet such a hateful person in an international tournament… But, ChengCheng, you must exercise caution. With that guy’s terrible personality, there’s no telling what tricks he’ll pull.”

“Aside from being vile, he also burns money!” Li Cheng grumbled: “He actually applied perfume on his body before entering the water! Shit, that smell is so overwhelming! It’s neither nice nor disgusting. I’m wondering whether he tipped over the cologne bottle to give me a headache.” 


“Yes, it stinks, but it fades rapidly. It was gone in less than 30 seconds.”

“…” Xiao Yiheng murmured, his face astonished, “ChengCheng, that shouldn’t be perfume,”

“Huh? What else could it be? It can’t possibly be shampoo. A big guy using something so aromatic on his body is really…” Before he finished speaking, Li Cheng finally reacted. 

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His mouth opened wide in shock, then he blinked, stating in disbelief, “…No, it can’t be, can it? Is he crazy?”

“He is not crazy. He knows you’re an omega, so he came at you on purpose.” Xiao Yiheng said solemnly, “He deliberately used pheromones to attack you, trying to influence you before the match started.”

“…” Li Cheng sat blankly in front of the camera for a long time, unable to speak because the truth was too bizarre.

Pheromone, whether alpha or omega, had to be restrained in the body and could not be freely released to influence others, according to public order and good customs of society. However, after exercise, the body temperature rose, the heartbeat increased, and some people emitted pheromones subconsciously. In nightclubs and bars, some people purposefully released pheromones in order to seduce others. 

For sports arenas, there was a clear stipulation that pheromones that affected athletes of other genders could not be released under any circumstances. It was said that the pheromones between AO were never absolutely “suppressed” or “inhibited”, but always “seduced” or “tempted”. Once the pheromone was released, it affected the competition status of athletes of other genders to a certain extent.

Many years ago, an omega athlete was approaching the estrus period but did not inject inhibitors. The estrus suddenly broke out during the match. The sweet and heavy pheromone fragrance affected all of the alpha players in the same competition. In the end, the top three spots in the competition were taken away by beta players…

Following that incident, “No release of pheromone on the field” became a rule in black and white, which was written in the competition rules.

But Alexander had openly violated the rules! 

If it hadn’t been for Li Cheng’s injection of a pheromone inhibitor a few days ago, which rendered him particularly insensitive to alpha pheromones, Li Cheng would have been duped by Alexander that day!

“Fuck, he’s too shameless!” Li Cheng was furious. In retrospect, Alexander and his teammates deliberately surrounded Li Cheng from left to right before the match, clearly outflanking him.


Li Cheng was so focused on the match at the time that he didn’t notice their small movements at all. They were almost successful in tricking him.

Xiao Yiheng: “You must notify your coach as quickly as possible and report the matter to the organizing committee. You can’t just let him go crazy.” 

But Li Cheng realized that he had no evidence, and the alpha pheromone had already dispersed completely after a few hours. Australia was the host country, and would definitely favor its own athletes…

When all of these facts were considered, it looked like Li Cheng could only bear this loss.

But was Li Cheng the type of person who would quietly eat a loss?

No, he’d never been that kind of person. 

The goal of Alexander’s illegal pheromone emission was to affect Li Cheng’s game state.

Then Li Cheng would show him his true game status—Li Cheng now intended to not only win the championship, but also break the men’s 200m freestyle world record!!

He desired to trample that white orangutan once and for all.

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