Chapter 10: A Formidable Prince Consort

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Yun Ruoyue remained expressionless as she listened to their insults. She simply glanced at them neither angry, throwing a fit nor hiding at a corner. 

Those insults were mean and blunt, every word filled with mockery without consideration to her feelings. For them, appearance is important than anything else, the beautiful faces weigh greater values, justified as honourable and righteous. And for the ugly ones, they’re destined to play the role of wicked and evildoer. 

For that reason, the original Yun Ruoyue had to suffer prejudice because she was ugly.  

If there was a choice, she wouldn’t want to be here to cause troubles. She had nowhere to go and must do something to secure her entity and continue to live on. 

There was a reason for her to come today, it was to substantiate her existence as the mistress of Prince Li’s manor. This would at least brushed off the possibility where in the eyes of these people, Nangong Rou would be perceived as the mistress instead of her.  

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With that, she wouldn’t let Nangong Rou have a chance to gain a predominant position, she preferred to be the bad guy and have her ways rather than being a Mother Teresa bullied by them. 

It was easy for them to say, perhaps, they want her to continue this humiliation, bullying, hiding herself in the pavilion for a lifetime and becoming a dog? 

She didn’t want to be a dog, she would rather stand to die than kneel to live. 

At this moment, her heart was suffocated and painful but she mustn’t give up now. She has to be strong. 

When everyone was noisily chitter chattering away, a tiny spark of anger flared within her eyes and her tone was hostile. “I am the prince consort and was His Highness’s legal wife. His Highness took a concubine and exempted her from paying respects to me. Wasn’t that imply this wedding is invalid in the Imperial family?” She replied to them by asking questions. 

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The room was in uproar after Yun Ruoyue’s reaction. 

Chu Xuanchen impatiently retorted, “Yun Ruoyue, don’t flaunt at me your status as a prince consort, in this prince’s heart, you are not even a concubine. If it wasn’t you and your sinister father’s scheming at me, would you ugly woman stand a chance? With your ugly face, a lowly servant on the street wouldn’t want you either.” He glared at her. 

Chu Xuanchen’s deliberation followed with another man’s voice, “That’s true, an upper class man knows his dignity, a lowly status like you are far from qualified to stand next to Prince Li. Look at yourself, how can you compare to my sister, you don’t deserve the tea offering.”

That man was Nangong Rou’s two brothers, Nangong Yu and Nangong Ao. 

They have been unpleasantly hostile towards Yun Rouyue a long time ago, she dared to ridicule their little sister in their presence and made her publicly ashamed. Of course when they saw an opportunity, they would throw a few more rocks at her. 

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Yun Rouyue glared at them in a contemptuous manner, these brothers used to bully her and today they were here again to cause commotion. New and old grudges all together, Yun Rouyue hates them to the bones. 

Yun Ruoyue’s body emitted a chilly aura when those thoughts came to mind. She has not fully recuperated from the cold yet so she speaks softly but her tone was filled with disdain and detestation. “I was selected as prince consort and my marriage was bestowed by His Majesty. In respecting and abiding to the ancestors’ tradition, a concubine must offer respect to the main wife, this was approved by the Chu Emperor. And all of you had agreed to let Prince Li and Nangong Rou overpass the ritual system, refute or defy the system, wasn’t that same as against the Chu Emperor? If anyone dares, please step forward, let us ask the Chu Emperor together. Let His Majesty be a judge and draw a conclusion on who’s right and who’s wrong!”

When Yun Rouyue finished her sentence, the hall suddenly went silent. The surrounding was so quiet, not a single squeak could be heard. 

Everyone quickly shut their mouths and lowered their heads, hands were trembling and their eyes glanced furtively away. The two brothers, Nangong Yu and Nangong Ao were shocked by the sudden counterattack, their bodies trembling and retreating two steps behind, not daring to make a single fart, slowly blend themselves inside the crowd of people. 

With that, none of them dare to say a single bad word about Yun Ruoyue anymore, they were afraid to be named and pulled out to see the Chu Emperor. 

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They kept silent and after careful consideration, the best for them was not to provoke her. She was the Prime Minister’s daughter, moreover she was the selected prince consort by the Emperor. 

Besides, she was the official wife and she hadn’t been divorced by Prince Li yet. If they were a brainer, they shouldn’t mess with her. 

This was an unexpected turn of events, Chu Xuanchen saw the two Nangong brother’s fall back miserably by Yun Ruoyue’s counterattack. He involuntarily took a few more glimpses at her. 

This woman, she was smarter than before and with her current speaking skills, this group of people wasn’t her opponent. 

Chu Xuanchen carefully considered and after much deliberation, he didn’t want to aggravate this matter or get himself intertwined with Yun Ruoyue. He turned his face to the wedding nanny and ordered, “The auspicious hours have arrived, let’s proceed with the wedding.”

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