Chapter 9: Don’t Push Your Luck

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Nangong Rou’s heart was trampled as she heard Yun Ruoyue deliberately repeated the word “concubine” in front of everyone, her hands squeezed into fists underneath her long sleeves with a demoniacal glint flickering across her dark eyes.

Chu Xuanchen didn’t expect the idiotic Yun Ruoyue would cleverly use the ritual system as a reasons to subdue him. The validity of her arguments made him completely baffled and unable to retort, he gnashed his teeth in anger and replied, “Fine, you can stay where you are.” He reluctantly gave in to her. 

“Yun Ruoyue, you better sit there quietly and do nothing like a piece of wood, if you don’t, very soon you’ll get it from me.” Chu Xuanchen knitted his brows.  

“Thank you, Your Highness”. She casually picked up the tea on the table, raised the other hand with the big sleeves to cover her face, then she gently lifted the veil and took a sip. After clearing her throat, she took a glance at Nangong Rou and sized her up. “Besides, concubines cannot wear bright red wedding dresses, she should be wearing pink. Your Highness, I have asked Feng’er to prepare a pink dress for Miss Nangong, let her change into that dress.” Yun Ruoyue’s expression was haughty; she simply glanced at Chu Xuanchen. 

Nangong Rou immediately replied with a sadness in her voice, “Sister, you…”, she raised her hand underneath the bridal veil and cried in a low moan. 

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As he watched the beauty cry, Chu Xuanchen frowned and stared at Yun Ruoyue with a dagger in his eyes. He pulled Nangong Rou into his embrace and coaxed her, his face reddened as he angrily stated, “Yun Ruoyue, asking Rou’er to offer you a tea was this prince’s exceptional benevolence, don’t push your luck.” 

He wants to make it clear, he only has one Prince Consort. The consort was none other than Nangong Rou. 

He felt wronged to marry her as his side consort in the first place, and now Yun Ruoyue dare to make things difficult for her in public, that was too presumptuous. 

Yun Ruoyue was nonchalantly sat on the pear wood chair, she jiggled her foot leisurely, raised her brows and said “Your Highness, this is not for me to make things difficult for my younger sister, but since ancient times that concubines cannot wear red clothes to worship and enter the manor’s main entrance. She has to go through the side entrance. Even His Majesty or any prince’s side consorts has to abide by the rules. Concubines can only step over the threshold in pink wedding dress and enter through the manor’s side entrance. Does Your Highness want to openly violate the ritual system of the Great Chu Dynasty?”

Apparently, her deliberation was to reference him, despite the fact, the Emperor and other Princes respect the ritual system, Chu Xuanchen is the one who chose to violate the system. He was ignorant of the ritual system that was respected and passed down by generations, thus he was disrespecting the ancestors and might as well the Emperor. 

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The confrontation was done right in front of all the guests, she has dig a big hole for him to jumped, this is not a trifle matter, it’s a death penalty!

He was greatly angered, “Yun Ruoyue, you have gone too far! A vein popped out in his neck, his face went black like a charred pot bottom, he gritted his teeth and wanted to gnaw her into pieces. 

When did this happen? Somehow, this good-for-nothing idiot suddenly turned into a sharp-tongue. 

He was the magnificent General who became defenseless in front of her. 

Nangong Rou seeing these unfavourable circumstances, she quickly stands out to comfort the angry Chu Xuanchen. She held up to his arm and said in a weak voice,”Your Highness, we shall  listen to big sister. As long as our hearts are one and married as a couple, what I wear doesn’t matter to me.” She gripped his muscular arm and tried to reassure him. 

After that, she walked up to Feng’er and asked her personal maidservant to take the pink dress, enter the back room with the maidservant leading the way. 

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Chu Xuanchen was extremely vexed and scrunched up his face.

He clenched his fist, trying to restrain his anger in front of the crowd. If it wasn’t the audience’s presence, he would have meted out punishment on her. 

Not long after, Nangong Rou changed the dress, she walked slowly to the hall, lowered her head and was already weeping in a low voice underneath the pink bridal veil, appearing very delicate and pitiful. It was a heart-wrenching scene, everyone sympathized with her. 

The hall became noisy with incessant chatter as they pointed at Yun Ruoyue and hurled insults at her.

A woman with a high-pitched voice said. ”This undesirable wife is shameless, she is jealous of Prince Li for getting a beloved woman, and doing it on purpose to sabotage the wedding.” She smirked.

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A younger woman replied. “Exactly, how utterly shameless and still arrogantly showing her ugly face here. Nangong Rou was Great Chu dynasty’s number one beauty, it’s incomparable between them, where she’s ugly and doesn’t even qualify to carry Nangong Rou’s shoes.” She chuckled softly.  

The first woman nodded,”Look at her, that savage woman doesn’t know manners at all. Miss Nangong Rou was different, she was delicate and gentle, not even a strand of hair worth comparable. No wonder Prince Li didn’t want her.” 

The discussion started among the other guests. “She was an abandoned consort, if she still has little self-consciousness, she shouldn’t stick out her face in public.”

“You are right, that face is too thick to know what shame is, her face is thicker than a wall.” The guest chuckled with disdain. 



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