Chapter 20: Shout and Cheer

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Based on her close observations, Chu Xuanchen and Yun Ruoyue’s sexual pleasure in the making have not reached the climax yet. Therefore, she remained calm and stood there silently as she waited for the right time to make a move.  She would let them play a little bit longer, especially when Chu Xuanchen was in a heightened state of mind, that’s the time she would dashed over to alarm them. 

He dared to humiliate her, she would make him greatly suffer and be traumatised for the rest of his life. 

At this point of time, his breaths quickened, at the same time, a long, low pleasure moan of a woman could be heard. Yun Rouyue raised her brow and looked inside the bed, the mood was hot and steamy behind the red translucent curtains. 

Without hesitation, she quickly picked up the flags, stepped slowly to get closer and stood beside the bed. There and then she promptly pulled away the curtains and jerked out her head towards them.

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She immediately shouted out, “Your Highness! You can do it! I am cheering for you!”

Yun Rouyue was cheering loudly and acting boisterously for the twosome. She stared at them with an excited look while waving the flags to Chu Xuanchen. “Your Highness, jia you, one two three four, two two three four, change position, one more time!”

There was a look of ecstasy on his face when Yun Rouyue’s enlarged face all of a sudden appeared right in front of him. The abrupt occurrence caused him to jolt upright with eyes widened in shock, his heart almost leaped out of his chest.  

“Aahhh” Nangong Rou shrieked out loudly as she was also startled by Yun Ruouyue’s sudden appearance. As from her earlier excitement and hastened in taking off her own clothes, up to this point, she was only clad in a red Chinese Bodice and underwear. To worsen her awkwardness, she saw Yun Rouyue’s leering eyes scanning up and down measuring her body, with unshed tears of embarrassment, she quickly turned around and curled up into Chu Xuanchen’s arms. 

“Presumptuous!” Chu Xuanchen bellowed in agony and promptly pulled over the clothes to cover Nangong Rou and himself. His eyes bored into her as he berated. “Yun Rouyue, do you want to be dead?”

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“Your Highness, I am here to provide my emotional support, one two three four, two two three four, spin around, one more time!” Yun Rouyue smiling excitedly while waving the flags back and forth in her hands at them. 

In the current circumstances, the two duo were greatly mortified. 

Nangong Rou cried out loudly and unrestrainedly with tears falling down the cheeks like raindrops. She was hiding her face in her hands out of embarrassment because her almost nude body was exposed and seen by Yun Rouyue. 

It never crossed her mind that Yun Rouyue would boldly turn up here. 

The most upsetting and more important than anything else, was that she and Chu Xuanchen hadn’t done the matter yet! They had just started and were already thwarted by her.

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That slut, Yun Rouyue. This morning she came to interfere with the wedding ceremony and to make the matter worse, she came again to ruin her first night. Right now, how she wished she could strangle her to death. 

His gaze slowly moved down from her face and his eyes darkened when they fell on her hands. Those flags were tainted with human blood, the blood of his perished soldiers in the battlefield. 

In the past few days, the country flags were hung up at the manor’s wall to memorialize the fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the country. However, it had been taken down by her and used as a gear to cheer on his wedding night. 

Those blood had made his thoughts whirlwind and the scene of the battlefield was brought back to his memory, his face contorted with anguish; as if he was going to rip her head off. He bellowed out the order, “Mo Li, get in here now and seize Yun Rouyue, this prince wants to punish her severely.” His tone was with conviction and domineering. 

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As soon as Yun Ruoyue heard that Chu Xuanchen wanted to punish her, she involuntarily became nervous, her hand simply waved the flags as she retorted, “Your Highness, I was summoned by you to come over to serve you and I listened to you. You don’t have a reason to punish me.”

“You still dare to deceit me when your death is approaching, who let you come over? Guards, drag her out and sentence her twenty lashes of whip!” Chu Xuanchen gritted his teeth. 

A while ago, his pleasant moment had been disrupted enough by Yun Rouyue before he could go further. Her sudden appearance happened just timely and alarming him during the most important time when he was about to build up the peak. What’s more, the sudden drop of a bombshell had caused him to be in a gloomy mood and lose interest to continue. 

It appeared that he had been greatly shocked and traumatised. Whenever he shut his eyes, Yun Ruoyue’s close up visage would resurface and he couldn’t get her out of his mind. 

While Mo Li stood outside the chamber hearing the prince’s stern instructions, he knew the prince’s consort had created troubles once again. He immediately brought a few guards with him, entered the chamber and seized Yun Ruoyue. 

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