Chapter 21: Traumatised

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Yun Rouyue wanted to hold out against him but she couldn’t because he was a formidable opponent. Her forehead creased as she angrily rebuked, “Chu Xuanchen, you bastard prince. I am your consort and you treated me like a fool as your bed servant in order to humiliate me. It was you who started it first and have no right to punish me.” 

“This prince is not in the mood to put up more nonsense with you, guards, drag her out and punish twenty lashes!” This was his first time being excessively infuriated by her. 

Despite the fact, how much he loathed her or she pestered him in the past, he would never hit her in any circumstance.  

However, today she tried to push her limits, irritated beyond his endurance. On top of that, his smouldering hostility towards her all this while which fueled his anger to flared up even more and couldn’t wait to take her life. 

The reason he still kept her until today, was to tortured, letting her taste a slow and painful death. 

After she stood in the way of his wedding night, he assured that his decision was correct and directly meted out a punishment that served as a lesson for her. 

Very soon, Mo Li and several guards arrived on scene, standing submissively at the sides. Nangong Rou’s face immediately reddened when she saw them, she trembled. At this moment, she wanted so badly to hit her head on the wall to end her life rather than living in embarrassment. She turned her face away and jerked her head into the direction of Chu Xuanchen’s chest. Tears trickled down endlessly from her eyes as she sobbed, “Your Highness, please ask them to go away and it scared me, hurry, I am really scared.”

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“Rou’er, don’t be afraid.” As he watched his beloved woman cry like a frightened child, his heart was tightly wrung. In a moment, Chu Xuanchen’s expression changed slightly and he instructed. “Mo Li, under your supervision, bring her away.” 

“Yes, Your Highness. This subordinate shall comply.” Mo Li replied in a stern voice. He then ordered the guards beside him to seize hold of Yun Rouyue’s arms and turned around to leave.   

Yun Rouyue couldn’t believe what she had heard just now. So, she was sentenced to punishment even before any trial? She was convicted as he pleased. The people of the ancient time were indeed ruthless and cruel. 

Yun Rouyue jeered, her voice shrill. “Bastard prince, kill me if you can, when I’m dead, my dead soul will haunt after you!” Her eyes blazed with fire. 

Unfortunately, Chu Xuanchen didn’t hear Yun Rouyue’s loud heckled as Mo Li had closed the door behind them. 

After Yun Rouyue left, the nuptial chamber was quiet down with just two of them. Nangong Rou had a lingering sadness in her eyes as she stared at Chu Xuanchen, she lightly tugged at his sleeve and spoke in a gentle tone. “Your Highness, please don’t beat big sister, she is pitiful.”

“You don’t have to beg me to forgive her and this prince will supervise the disciplining personally. I’d be happier to let them break her legs.” His deep and low voice filled with intimidation. He swiftly turned around, getting down from the bed. 

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When Nangong Rou saw he was getting down from the bed, she sprang forward and quickly wrapped her arms around his torso from behind, leaned her body firmly against his back. “Chen, we have not completed our nuptial night yet, could you stay with me?”

She was anxious about his idea to leave and wouldn’t want to continue the bedroom matter with her. Moreover, after he arrived at the punishment scene and saw Yun Rouyue in a pitiful situation. What if he considered taking pity on that woman and let her go? 

With such a thought, hence she must hold on to him no matter what. 

He immediately straightened, turned around and hugged her. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave and stay behind with you.”

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“Chen, I love you.” Immediately after that, she closed her eyes and kissed him intensely. As her lips remained on his, using her both hands rapidly moved up to untie his waistband and undressed him, persistently demanding for his body.   


While Nangong Rou was exerting effort to kiss and touch him, his mind suddenly popped up Yun Rouyue’s enlarged face, and then images of the flags with bloodstains, his soldiers were brutally killed in the battleground, as if their death souls were drifting aimlessly surrounding him,  it causes discomfort and sorrow in his heart.  

Apart from that, he realised he wasn’t in the mood anymore because whenever she touched or kissed him, he couldn’t help but recollect Yun Rouyue’s startling enlarged face. 

“Rou’er, I’m not in the mood tonight, how about next time.” He loosened her arms around him as he spoke, his face was expressionless when he got down from the bed and put clothes on. 

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With his clothes tidied up, then gave her a few comforting words before he left.  

Gazing at his retreating figure, she was devastated and mused over what had happened a moment ago. She couldn’t believe that he had actually stopped and walked out in the middle, leaving her alone on their first wedding night!

Thump! She pounded her fist on the bed frame with a glint of fierceness in eyes. “Slut, it was you again!”

Yun Rouyue has ruined everything, she gnashed her teeth as she contemplated. Someday, she would tear that face apart! 

Obviously, she was Chu Xuanchen’s beloved woman and it was their first night, however he disregarded her and simply walked away. Nangong Rou bit her lip in vexation as she pondered. It was all Yun Rouyue’s fault who brought out all these problems and induced him to change his behaviour towards her. 

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