Chapter 22: Twenty Lashes of the Whip

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Inside the Stars of Dawn Pavilion, Yun Rouyue was seized and brought outside to the yard under Mo Li’s strict supervision. 

Right at this moment, she was laid in a prone position on the long wooden bench with her hands and feet bound tightly on it. They were carrying out a military disciplinary action on her by using the same torturing leather whip for prisoners in the army camp. “Pa” the sound of the thrashing whip could be heard from the yard. 

“Aah! She screamed loudly. When the whip lashed on her body caused the tension in muscles, she crouched and flinched as her body responded to the pain.

“Stop it! you can’t hit me, I am Prince’s Li consort.” Yun Rouyue’s furrowed her forehead and mouth twitched in pain as the whip lashes inflicted a sharp pain like a fire ripped through her skin.

Mo Li who stood at the side carrying out the execution of the punishment, with a scornful look on his face, he looked down at her with his head tilted to one side as he replied, “Your Ladyship, you are deemed guilty for frighten the Madam and she was now suffering from emotional distress. Furthermore, His Highness had imposed the punishment and we must obey his command without question. Guards, don’t stop, continue with the flogging.”

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As soon as Mo Li gave his instructions, the torturer nodded and got his assurance by continuing to flog Yun Rouyue even though she was a consort, he exerted his strength without hesitation. 

“Mo Li, What you have done to me today, I swear that I will get back my revenge on you, ….aahh!..” Yun Rouyue angrily chastised him but her words fell halfway as the cruel blow of the whip directed on her body painfully. The pain was the same as drilling through her heart. 

About fifteen minutes passed, a merciless whip lashed one after another inflicted on her body. Her clothes appeared disheveled and she suffered lacerated skins on her shoulders, upper back, legs, almost covered every part of her body, the tortures scene was a sorry sight. 


She had lived for so long in her lifetime and never been treated and tortured under such circumstances. She was disappointed and her heart has hardened because she doesn’t have the chance to fight back! The pain was unbearable until she bit through her lip and it bled. 

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Yun Rouyue cannot remember how long it has been but it seemed to take forever to complete the twenty flogging. The torturer put away the leather whip, retreated a few steps back and stood submissively at the sides. 

“Your Ladyship, please forgive me for being rude.” Mo Li doesn’t have the heart to look at her anymore, it was a horrible scene that he had just watched. 

Although several twenty lashes of whip were too little to punish a murderer’s daughter compared to the killing of the prince’s parents, by looking at her current pitiful situation, he felt sorry and turned his face away. 

“Done with the beating?” A gruff and masculine voice of a man could be heard. 

Mo Li and the guards swiftly moved in a line with a couple of strides, replied dutifully, “Reply to Your Highness, the beating has been done and completed with a total of twenty flogging.”

“Is she dead yet?” Chu Xuanchen walked near Yun Ruoyue while he asked. He stood straight with hands clasped behind back, the shadow of his staunch and vigorous body towering over her delicate small frame. 

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When she opened her eyes, her field of eyes was filled with a tall black shadow standing next to her. The soreness of her body caused her brow to knitted more tightly and she was weak until to the point had no more strength to speak. No matter how difficult it is, she gritted her teeth and mustered all her remaining strength to express her resentment. “Thanks to your blessing that I am still breathing.” she said, irritated with his words. 

Chu Xuanchen, your harassment of me today, I want my revenge!

I want to get revenge on you tenfold worse for what you have done to me. 

In a moment of daze and her expression changed slightly, what she had been through just now made her realise that living in the ancient time was not as easy as what she learned from television dramas or from reading novels. Living here was not fun at all, in fact, her life was full of danger and anytime could put herself in a peril situation.    

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How come most of the female leads in transmigration stories always lived in a comfortable life with good food, nice clothes to wear, and held dearly from their husband.   

Somehow in her case and she did not know why, it didn’t turn out the same. All she received from him was no other things but twenty lashes of whip. Yun Rouyue slowly closed her eyes and the thoughts caused the frown on her face to deepen. 

“Humph, you still have the energy to chide me. Yun Rouyue, I had underestimated you, your abilities were more than I had imagined.” Immediately after, he squatted down and seized the petite woman’s chin, ruthlessly pulling it upward so that she was forced to look at him. 

Indeed, this face had changed, she was beautiful and stunning enough to take any man’s breath away, however he’s not interested. He just wanted to destroy her.  

“Mmm, she felt her jaw was going to break and it’s painful when he exerted strength with his fingers. Yun Rouyue lifted her chin, she didn’t look in any way friendly, and the cold glare seared into his dark probing eyes. “Thank you for your praise, Your Highness!”

“Indeed very beautiful but that doesn’t mean you could do as you pleased in this prince’s residence. Speak! How did you cure your face?” Chu Xuanchen chided in a cold sterned voice. 

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