Chapter 23: Alive or Death

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There was a faint smiling expression on Yun Rouyue’s face as she said, “Your Highness, since day one, you never had any interest to know how I’m doing, whether my face is cured or not, it has nothing to do with you.” 

When he saw her gave him a contemptuous smile and answered him in a sneering sarcasm manner, he couldn’t help it but get irritated, his fingers involuntarily grip harder as if he wanted to dislocate her jaw. If you are reading this translation/story at any site other than Cloud Manor, then you are reading an illegal posting stolen from the original translator/author. Please stop supporting this copycat site. A fierceness glinted in his eyes as he retorted, “You should not be thinking once having a beautiful face, you could seduce me into being interested in you like a fool. In this prince’s heart, I only have Rou’er and she is incomparable to you. I just want to know what happened to your face, are you really Yun Rouyue?” you are reading this translation/story at any site other than Cloud Manor, then you are reading an illegal posting stolen from the original translator/author. Please stop supporting this copycat site.


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“I am certainly Yun Rouyue and not pulling out a fake. As for my face, it was healed by the medicinal pills given from mum as part of the dowry. Why? Is there anything wrong with that?”. Of course, she wouldn’t tell him the truth about the time space medical facility, no matter what, she has to keep it secret. 

In this case, she had to make up an excuse to conceal the truth from him. 

He peered at her with suspicion and asked, “Dowry from your family? What kind of medicinal pills? Show it to me.”

“It was the Toxic Elimination Pills, I still have plenty in my room. When I was at home, these medicinal pills were prescribed to me by my parents and since then I have been on medications for quite some time. It turned out that the medicinal pills worked and treated my body, and it was yesterday that I took in a larger amount, hence the remaining toxin on my face was removed. If Your Highness didn’t believe me, you could send someone to Yun’s residence to clarify this matter.”

Chu Xuanchen chuckled, his expression was cold but he joked. “Why did it fail to heal your face before this but yesterday it did and in just over a night? In that case, these Toxic Elimination Pills had suddenly worked a miraculous cure.”

“Exactly, this didn’t cross my mind either, it was indeed a miraculous cure. How about Your Highness giving it a try?” Yun Rouyue feigned a bewildered expression as she shook head puzzledly and looked at him with a charming smile. She appeared to be smiling but it was only the surface because her body was still in pain but she tried to suppress the body discomfort by acting nonchalantly. 

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She mustn’t show him her weak side; she rather died from pain than be someone easily to be imposed on. 

She understood well that this man loathed her and the hatred seeped into his bones. What’s the point for being meek and resigned to him, where else he wouldn’t hand out a slight pity on her in fact would bully her even more. 

Chu Xuanchen was pretty adamant and even by acceding to his demands, she knew that it wouldn’t work. Why would she be the one to be submissive and continue to suffer? She might as well pick a fight and challenge back. 

“Scram!” Chu Xuanchen’s voice trembled with outrage as he flung away her chin with a disdainful look on his face. “Don’t show me that kind of bewitching expression, I’m not interested.”

This shameless woman, death was approaching yet she was still thinking of being flirty with him, she was the same, never changed.

“Your Highness, don’t overthink this and you have got it wrong. You said you don’t have interest in me, and I’m telling you now, so do I. You have every reason to dislike me, and same to me. We ain’t no different.” She coldly snorted and became more contemptuous. 

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When she told him her thoughts, he seemed taken aback. What is with her? She wasn’t the same, in the past, she was timid and afraid like a startled deer in front of him. However, right now, she doesn’t seem bothered about him.

“Okay, this prince will hold you to that, don’t pull a trick on me and never come back pestering me again.” Chu Xuanchen’s expression changed slightly as he flung his sleeves and turned around to leave. 

“Same to you too…don’t come after me.” Yun Rouyue furrowed her forehead as she bellowed before losing consciousness.

When Mo Li saw Yun Rouyue had lost consciousness, he quickened his steps to run after Chu Xuanchen and reported anxiously, “Your Highness, Her Ladyship has fainted, should this subordinate ask the physician to come over and take a look?” 

At this point, Chu Xuanchen stopped, he narrowed his eyes and said, “Is she deserving of it? You don’t have to take any trouble and just let her get by without any help.” 

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“However, the twenty lashes of the whip was a heavy punishment, what if the injuries ended up taking her life. Moreover, this matter was made known to His Majesty and Yun Qing, how should we answer them?” 

“It was Yun Qing who hadn’t taught his daughter with proper manners, being impudent and acting audacious in this prince’s residence. When it was his turn to find a fault in me? In return, this prince should be asking him to hold account of the responsibility instead.” The expression in Chu Xuanchen’s eyes turned ruthless. 

Mo Li nodded and asked, “Yes, Your Highness, what shall this subordinate do with Her Ladyship then?”  

“Drag her back to Scarlet Moon Pavilion, leave her there whether being alive or dead, and nobody is allowed to help.” He left the scene impatiently in his long strides. 

As Mo Li watched the ice-cold prince’s retreating figure, he couldn’t help but glance at Yun Rouyue with a pitiful look at her.   

She made him feel that she wasn’t that hateful now, however, why must she be Yun Qing’s daughter? 

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