Chapter 27: Prepared For the Funeral

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In ancient times, medical conditions were poor, wounds were easily infected, and there were no antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs such as penicillin, and doctors did not know how to debride and suture. Generally, only acupuncture and decoction were used for treatment. How could they possibly treat Mo Zhu’s wound then?

Even though it was a small arrow wound, it killed a lot of soldiers in ancient times. 

During the ancient times, many heroic figures like the Han Emperor Liu Bang, Song Tai Zhong and Zhao Guangyi, were killed because of arrow wounds, let alone commoners. 

She has a lot of medicines inside the time space medical facility, blood banks for transfusion and scalpels for the operations. If only she was given a chance to treat Mo Zhu and perform the operations, he surely can be saved.  If you are reading this translation/story at any site other than Cloud Manor ( then you are reading an illegal posting stolen from the original translator/author. Please stop supporting this copycat site. 

Scarlet Moon Pavilion

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Mo Zhu was Mo Li’s younger brother, and she still remembers vividly that night where Mo Li presented his support for the punishment on her. With those thoughts, she doesn’t feel like saving his brother’s life anymore. 

Even if that was the case, she was a little soft-hearted and felt that she must uphold professional ethical standards. How could she refuse to cure a patient, using it as a retribution because of personal reasons? 

After mulling over it for a moment, she made up her mind, and then she ordered Feng’er. “Feng’er, please help me to stand up, I want to go out and see Mo Zhu.”

“Your Ladyship, the prince had issued a verbal edict on lockdown in Scarlet Moon Pavilion. If you go, he will be angry with you.” Her brows were knitted from anxiety. 

Feng’er was on tenterhooks and in the name of Buddha, she prayed hard that the prince shouldn’t know about this incident. 

Yun Rouyue’s eyes narrowed slightly and replied, “It’s okay, just bring me there and I can handle the rest.”

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“Yes, Your Ladyship. Mo Zhu was actually a nice guy, he was one of the few kind people who didn’t bully us. Now thinking about it, we really should go to bid him the last farewell.” She was helping Yun Rouyue get down from the bed as she spoke. 

Green Bamboo Garden

Right this moment in front of the Green Bamboo Garden, a group of servants and imperial bodyguards had already arrived at Mo Zhu’s living quarters. 

Commander of the Imperial Bodyguard Mo Li was paced up and down at the entrance worriedly, glancing at the bedroom door from time to time, waiting for the physician’s results. 

Inside the bedroom, Imperial Physician Wang from the palace arrived and was reading Mo Zhu’s wrist pulse. His face contorted and he shook his head while taking the pulsations. 

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After a moment, he put down Mo Zhu’s hand with a despairing expression on his face, he stood up and turned around to leave the room.

When Mo Li saw the imperial physician stepping out of the bedroom, he hurriedly walked up to him and greeted him anxiously, “Imperial physician, how is he doing? Is there any way to save him?”

Imperial Physician Wang let out a harsh breath and he replied, “The medicine didn’t work on him, and several treatment attempts were futile as well. I have tried whatever I can, moreover I couldn’t pull out the arrowhead.  Regrettably to tell you that nobody could save him, even if Hua Tuo is still alive couldn’t save him too. I don’t think he could pass over tonight, so hurry, go inside and take a look at him, then be prepared for the funeral.” 

“Imperial physician, he is my only brother, we lost our parents when young. Since then he was the only family member that I had and I am begging you, please help him. If you could save him, I would do anything for you. Mo Li’s eyes immediately reddened and he trembled. 

“That’s no use, he was seen by so many physicians and the answer is the same, you have to accept the fact. Alright, I have to leave and return to the palace.”

“Please hold on, imperial physician. Please take another look and save my brother.” As Mo Li realised the imperial physician was about to leave, he quickly took a step forward and nimbly tugged on his sleeve. At this point of time, he couldn’t let go of the last lifebuoy, Mo Zhu’s final chance to survive. 

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Imperial Physician Wang immediately knocked off his hand, he turned to chide him in a stern voice. “Imperial Bodyguard Mo, please don’t come after me and take good care of yourself.”

“Imperial Physician Wang, I understood well that you were an important physician in the palace. If it wasn’t because of Prince Li, you wouldn’t be here to treat his wounds, and I won’t believe that Mo Zhu will die, please give him another look. Even if he was left with the slightest chance, maybe he could be saved?” Right after he spoke, suddenly he knelt down in front of Imperial Physician Wang with a loud thump sound. 

Imperial Bodyguard Mo Li

Mo Li knelt down with his back straightened as his face clouded with sadness, his eyes filled with sorrow and pain. A man shouldn’t have shed tears easily, but if it is for Mo Zhu, then he would. A man shouldn’t have knelt to anyone besides heaven and their parents, but if it is for Mo Zhu, he would do anything for him. (

Hazel’s thoughts:

Hua Tuo was a Chinese physician who lived during the late Eastern Han Dynasty. For more, please refer to 

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