Chapter 28: Prince’s Consort can cure him

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As soon as Mo Li knelt down, Imperial Physician Wang instantly responded by crouching down to hold him up. “Imperial Bodyguard Mo, please do not kneel to me as I haven’t cured your brother yet. How is this old physician worthy of such grand etiquette?”

Right this moment, a lady in a red dress came forward, Yun Rouyue looked straight at Mo Li and confidently said, “Mo Li, I have a way to cure him, please let me try.”

“You? Your Ladyship, this is not a matter of jokes and please do us a favour by not making any troubles, doing this for us is already an act of kindness!” Mo Li grumbled aloud. (

Prince’s Li had issued the verbal edict to lockdown Scarlet Moon Pavilion, to confine Yun Rouyue inside whether she was alive or dead and he also barred everyone from giving help to her. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be fine and able to walk around with ease, looks like she is having a steady recovery. 

Mo Li suddenly recalled that day when he followed the prince’s instructions and whipped her cruelly, because of that, she even chastised him to seek revenge. They were enemies in the first place, with those thoughts, how would he dare to put his brother’s life into her hands? 

Other than that, as far he knows, Her Ladyship was just an ordinary noble daughter without any medical background. She strenuously came here to save his brother? He won’t believe that was the case, if it wasn’t for vengeance, what could it be?

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“If you don’t let me try, how do you know that I can’t?” Yun Rouyue was a person who didn’t like to explain much, let alone to boast about her impressive credentials. With the exception in this case, she has to convince them for the sake of a person’s life. 

“Your Ladyship, your help is not needed, besides, we are unworthy of your kindness.” He deliberately enunciated the word “kindness” as he spoke. 

Imperial Physician Wang noticed her the moment she walked up to them, moreover just now Mo Li greeted her as Prince’s Li Consort already confirming her entity as Yun Rouyue. So far from what he learned about her, it is from the news travels around the capital, it’s all about her shamelessly after the prince, her ugly face, bad tempered and so on. 

However, what he saw today was a gorgeous looking woman and contrary to what he expected. He was taken aback to see her face and started to wonder why she is not ugly anymore. 

When he heard Yun Rouyue’s words, his complexion became more haughty, shook his head and said, “Prince’s Li consort, you are merely an ordinary woman, how is it possible for you to cure Mo Zhu? Through pulse diagnosis, his pulse conditions were weak and it beats inconsistently. Based on this old physician’s assessment, he won’t be able to live after tonight. While you boldly claim that you can save him, even though you aren’t a physician. How are you going to cure him?” If you are reading this translation/story at any site other than Cloud Manor ( then you are reading an illegal posting stolen from the original translator/author. Please stop supporting this copycat site. 

Prince’s Li consort’s bold statement was clearly against his words and this was absolutely a big blow to him. Does she want to challenge his medical credentials? 

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Doesn’t she know that he was an esteemed imperial physician? His words carried the weight on each decision and conclusion upon his patients. Once he proclaimed no cure and would be dead, then he had to be no cure and be dead. Who is she to blabber around mindlessly? 

“Lord Wang, how do you know that I haven’t studied medicine before? When I was in the Prime Minister Yun’s residence, my mother invited a master to teach me about medicine. That’s how I learned a bit of Chinese medicine.” Yun Rouyue smiled as she replied. 

If she wants to treat a patient, foremost, she has to prove to them that she has knowledge and understands about medicine. 

Therefore, she discussed this with Feng’er two days ago and asked her to return to Prime Minister Yun’s residence to look for mother’s help. It would be much easier if the mother cooperated with her and came up with the same reason. If anyone asks about her medical skills, the mother would say they hired a master to teach their daughter medicine. 

Anyhow, in all these years, she and her mother lived by themselves in a small pavilion and hardly anyone cared about them. At that time, whether the mother hired a master to teach her medicine or not, at the very least, people won’t find out the truth. 

Imperial Physician Wang sneered as he said the word. “Your Ladyship, don’t fool around with me as everyone knows that you are a good-for-nothing, are you still in your right mind?” He shook his head, the corner of his mouth pursed as he looked at her scornfully. 

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He doesn’t believe she learned medicine and knows how to treat patients, even if she does, maybe it was just child’s play. 

Yun Rouyue maintained a dignified smile and didn’t back away from his sneering words, in response, she replied calmly, “You as a senior physician, who was a haughty and opinionated man. No wonder your medical skills are so bad and you can’t even save a patient with a minor injury such as an arrow wound.”

“Prince Li’s consort, you, this is simply slandering against me! I have said it, and I repeat again. Mo Zhu will not survive and couldn’t live through tonight, are you questioning my medical credentials?” Imperial Physician Wang raised his left hand and pointed at her, he was burned with anger, and he almost choked on his own rage.  

Upon seeing this scene before him, Mo Li knitted his brows in annoyance. “Your Ladyship, please stop messing around, and we don’t need you here. Please leave.”

He was worried if these arguments would drag on and let Yun Rouyue mindless words to upset Imperial Physician Wang, what if he was offended and caused him not wanting to cure Mo Zhu anymore. Then what is he going to do?

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Imperial Physician Wang

Hazel’s thoughts:

Look what I have found while searching the pictures for my new translatio

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