Chapter 30: Prince’s Consort Medical Treatment

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His injuries have caused him pain and body feeling extremely weak, his throat was dry when he attempted to shout, luckily for her, his feeble voice wasn’t heard by the people standing outside the bedroom.   

He looked up at her in shock, mouth agape, and really thought that he saw a ghost. 

However, this ghost was too pretty, and there was something familiar about that face. 

As his gaze wandered over her face, he pondered, could she be the beautiful ghost as the folklore said that she was able to steal a man’s heart and then eat their flesh and drink his blood? 

“Be quiet, I’m here to heal your wounds. You have arrow wounds in your thigh, am I right? Please fully cooperate with me, I want to help you to remove the arrowhead. Yun Ruoyue gave a quick glance at him. 

Mo Zhu

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Mo Zhu awakened by the sunlight, which means he responds to external stimuli, therefore his condition was not too severe and could be cured. Please read original from (

He still hasn’t recovered from his shocking, “You aren’t a ghost?”

“When did the ghost wander around in broad daylight? I am a physician, it was Prince Li who requested me to treat your wound. Before we start, let’s drink some water first.” Hence, she walked away to fetch the water, in a second she came back with a cup of water and handed it to him. 

Mo Zhu gazed at her with a pitiful look on his face. “But, I am too weak to sit up on my own.”

He couldn’t feel much of his own body and all the energy had drained out from lying in bed for many days without proper food and water. He wouldn’t be able to open his eyes, if the sunlight hadn’t awakened him. 

Yun Ruoyue sighed. “Let me help you then.” As a doctor during her days in modern time, she always has an assistant or nurses with her all the time to do the nursing work, while right now, she has to do everything by herself, it’s quite a hassle. 

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“Th-thank you and….” He stopped in the middle of utterance. He actually wanted to say, it was impolite and shy for him to ask a lady, especially a delicate and beautiful one, to feed a grown man like him with water.    

Before his words left his lips, the beautiful lady already steps forward to lift him up. Their body was close enough for him to smell the nice fragrance of her body, his face instantly flushing red. 

This must be illusions, Heaven knew that he was about to die, pitied him and sent a beautiful fairy to rescue him before dead, as he thought. 

He was tall and heavy, moreover having little physical strength to support himself, Yun Ruoyue exerted all her energy to lift up his shoulders slightly in a slanting position. 

Right after that, she fed him water. 

Quickly afterwards, she also took out a few antibiotic pills and fed him as well. 

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Mo Zhu was completely enchanted by looking at her, feeling he was witnessing something inconceivable right before him, thus, couldn’t care less whether he was fed with antidote or poison, he  obediently followed her command. 

Furthermore, he didn’t even know when or how he swallowed the pills.  

After fifteen minutes passed, his body starts to react and he feels much better as compared to previously. Before this, he was extremely lethargic and continued to fall into a coma for a long time. But this time was different, he didn’t know if this was because of his particular attention to the beautiful lady that kept him awakened.  

He was afraid that she might disappear right after he fell asleep. 

Yun Ruoyue didn’t pay attention to him or notice his change of expression as she was focused on her work. She started with inspecting his body and asked, “Do you have any other injuries besides the arrow wounds?” Her voice was soft and gentle. 

“No, only one injury and that’s on my left thigh, however the broken arrowhead is embedded so  deeply inside.” He didn’t hide any information from her while his infatuated eyes remained on her as he replied. 

Yun Ruoyue move her gaze down to his left thigh and immediately raised both hands to roll up his loose trouser to check the arrow wounds. Meanwhile, Mo Zhu’s face instantly turned red and he squeezed his eyes shut from hiding his embarrassment. 

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Yun Rouyue didn’t feel anything from her action and she did it swiftly and casually without looking at him, holding a candle lamp in her hand as she moved closer to inspect the wounds carefully. 

She drew a sharp breath and said, “You have a bad infection on the wounds with pus discharge, and the infection has spread inside the leg. You have to do a debridement operation as soon as possible or else your leg will be amputated. Furthermore, we have to get the arrowhead out because it will seriously harm your life.” Yun Rouyue spoke slowly and clearly as she explained  her diagnosis to him.  

After seeing Mo Zhu’s condition, she does believe now in what Imperial Physician Wang had said earlier, his injuries were severe and would never survive until tomorrow. 

On top of that, he has been in a coma for three consecutive days in a bad medical condition without sufficient supply of nutrient solution, not to mention the body has to suffer from combating the illness, he could be dying from hunger too. 

As a doctor and being a good doctor, they should be honest but also offer hope, even in difficult situations to the patients. She won’t say something like the Imperial Physician Wang said to Mo Zhu such as no cure or he will die soon, on the contrary, she helps him to feel empowered to improve his own health. (

Patients will care more for their own health when their doctor cares for them. 

“What is debridement?” Mo Zhu didn’t understand the modern medical terminology, but he could see from her expression that his injury was so serious and he was about to die. 

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