Chapter 31: Doctor, you are Awesome

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Apparently, Mo Zhu had already known about his injuries while he was semi-conscious in bed. He was treated by many physicians before and all of them told the same answer that he wouldn’t survive for long, and have asked the brother to be prepared for the funeral. 

However, according to the beautiful goddess’s diagnosis, it seemed he still had a chance to be saved. 

“You don’t have to know or worry about the meaning of it, all you need to do now is to believe in me and you can be saved. Be strong and have confidence in yourself. Right now, I am going to inject an anesthetic drug on your left thigh to induce the sensation so that I can start immediately with the surgical procedures. Don’t be startled or make any noise in whatever you see later on. Do you understand me?” Yun Rouyue stared at him while she spoke to make sure he would follow her instructions. 

Initially, she thought of performing the surgical procedures with general anesthesia to induce Mo Zhu to unconsciousness, however with the current situation, it is impossible to do it. General anesthesia requires many preparations such as a breathing tube to be inserted into the windpipe to maintain proper breathing during the surgery, in comparison with a local anesthesia which is much more complicated. 

The problems with using a local anesthesia is the patients are alert and awake during the surgery procedures, this might cause the patients to be afraid, move or scream. 

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By solving these problems, what she could do is to block his view from seeing her performing the surgery procedures.  

Unexpectedly, Mo Zhu was not afraid and he replied, “Doctor, I am not afraid and will be fine as long as you are willing to heal me. In the past, I have followed Prince Li to the battlefield, there was nothing I have not seen before my eyes, don’t worry, I am not scared and I want to see it myself when you remove the arrowhead.” His tone was no longer weak, instead carrying a proud tone in it. 

“Good, you’re brave indeed.”

As soon as she had his confirmation, she walked behind the wooden room divider screen to retrieve the medical devices: anesthetic injection, surgical suture, medical gloves, scalpels and sterilised gauze.

It didn’t take long for her to retrieve the medical devices from her time space medical facility, for the meantime, the medical supplies in the facility are still plenty. 

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Even if this was the case, she still worries about the expirations of the medicines or when it runs out, maybe she will not have them anymore in the future. 

Immediately after she had prepared everything, she began with

anesthetic injection to numb the left thigh. About a few minutes passed, she put on the hand gloves, pressed on the wounded area and asked, “How do you feel? Do you still feel the pain?”

“No, it’s not painful. I didn’t feel anything at all, this is amazing. What is it?” Mo Zhu was astounded. 

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“This is anesthetic drugs, similar to “cannabis boil powder” and have the same effective results to numb a certain part of the body. When you don’t feel the pain anymore, I will help you to remove the arrowhead.” 

“These drugs work really well and it was extraordinary. When I was wounded in the battlefield, after I had applied the “cannabis boil powder”, I still could feel the pain.” 

“Alright, let me take a look and see where exactly the arrowhead is sitting.” Yun Ruoyue raised her hands to feel and gently pressed around the wound area, she didn’t take long to find a hard triangular shaped object beneath the wound. She was very certain it was the arrowhead. 

It was a good thing she could feel it, at least she doesn’t need to use the CT Scan. 

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Prior to this, the physicians who had diagnosed Mo Zhu’s wound wouldn’t have dared to cut open his leg to remove the arrowhead for several reasons. The ancient anesthetic drugs are not effective enough to carry out surgery procedures, hence, Mo Zhu cannot withstand the pain and could have worsened his situation. And then number two, simply removing the arrowhead without knowing the exact location is dangerous. What if it’s near a large blood vessel and the barbs at the ends of the arrowhead might puncture the large blood vessel while pulling it out. That patients could bleed out very quickly and possibly get an infection too. In ancient times, the concept of surgery was not scientifically known or established yet. Therefore, all they could do was just give Mo Zhu acupuncture treatment and herbal concoctions, which didn’t help him at all and in fact had worsened his condition. 

Quickly afterwards, Yun Ruoyue had cleaned, removed all the infected and nonviable tissues from Mo Zhu’s wound, and then made a small incision into the wound. She saw a black iron arrow inside, which was in the shape of an inverted triangle, with barbs at the ends of it. 

She can’t imagine if it was pulled out without applying any anesthetic drugs, how painful it could be? The barbs, it’s going to tear everything apart when it comes out. 

Fortunately, he was anesthetized before the operation. Please read original and free translation from ( She took out a forceps, slowly clamped out the arrowhead, and placed it on the tray. 

Mo Zhu raised his brows when he saw the arrowhead, he couldn’t help but gasped in astonishment. “Doctor, you are awesome.” 

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