Chapter 32: Caught in the Act

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It’s frightening and unbelievable when that thought came across, an arrowhead actually remains inside his body for many days. 

After removing the arrowhead, Yun Rouyue checked the wound thoroughly to find any portion of the arrow suspected to remain inside. Once it was confirmed the entire arrowhead was removed, and she breathed a sigh of relief at his condition being safe. 

In addition, just now she took a glance at the iron arrowhead and it was not rusted. At least the puncture wound would not be infected with a serious bacterial infection like tetanus, even though his body had passed the required time period for tetanus immune globulin shot, he is still fine.   

 “It’s almost done, I am going to stitch the wounds then apply the antibiotic ointment.” 

“Doctor, um.. I didn’t see you disinfect the knife with fire just now. There was a glimmer of doubt in Mo Zhu’s eyes and his troubled heart made him speak frankly even though the other person was a beautiful lady. 

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Yun Rouyue responded with a gentle tone and a smile on her face. “Don’t worry, this is a disposable scalpel. It has been sterilized by high-pressure steam for a long time and will not be infected with bacteria.”

As Yun Rouyue explained, she put down the scalpel on the table next to her. 

“Sorry.” Mo Zhu smiled sheepishly while he scratched his head as he immediately regretted the idea by questioning the reliability of the kind fairy.   

He suddenly realized, he was able to raise his hand to touch his head. Is this because he fell under the charm of her bewitching beauty with supernatural power? 

Yun Rouyue didn’t take long to stitch the wounds, applied the antibiotics ointment, and then wrapped the bandage around the injured limb to protect it from injury and contamination. By the time she completed and sat up straight, there were drops of sweat that broke out on her forehead and she mopped it away with her forearm. 

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These whole things should not be known to anyone else, therefore, she quickly covered everything by putting away the medical devices, stored them inside the time space medical facility, then tidied up Mo Zhu’s clothes and pulled over a blanket on him. After that, she picked up the arrowhead and wrapped it with a piece of cloth. 

With everything sorted out, she plans to show the arrowhead to Mo Zhu. When she turned around to approach him, she saw that he had already passed out. 

Mo Zhu lost a lot of blood from the surgery, with that amount of blood loss, it was normal for him to have a temporary pass out and he should be able to wake up again after taking some rest. 

When he wakes up and feeds him with some porridge, his wounds will heal gradually. 

As a headstrong young man’s character like Mo Zhu, he definitely wanted to see the arrowhead that almost killed him. With such a thought, Yun Rouyue carefully placed the cloth package with an arrowhead inside under Mo Zhu’s pillow. 

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Right after that, she picked up the scalpel on the table, wiped it clean with a cloth, and was about to put it away. 

At this moment, while she was still holding the scalpel, suddenly the door was forcefully kicked open from the outside with a loud bang and saw a group of people rush into the bedroom. 

Among them, Mo Li was the one walking in front leading the group and the first sight he saw was Yun Ruoyue holding a shining sharp knife in her hand. Mo Li frowned and his eyes were full of anger. “Your Ladyship, what do you want to do to my brother?”

Before she could reply, he dashed forward and grabbed Yun Ruoyue’s arm and his other hand seized the knife from her hand. 

“I..I didn’t do anything to him. This is a misunderstanding.” She was stunned and hadn’t come back to senses yet when Mo Li suddenly dashed over to seize her scalpel. Please read original translations from (

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“You are holding a knife and going to kill him, don’t come up with excuses to cover your fault. Your Ladyship, is it because you want to take revenge on me for whipping you the other day, so you came to murder my brother? You are a poisonous snake heart woman! If anything happens to my brother, I won’t let you off!” He furrowed his brows, his tone was threatening before he turned around and strode away quickly to check on Mo Li’s body. 

Mo Li pulled the blanket away, thoroughly checking Mo Zhu’s body before he heaved a sigh of relief. 

However, he didn’t notice the bandage on Mo Zhu’s left thigh under his clothes. 

Right at this moment, outside the bedroom, a man’s voice rang out. “Paying respects to Your Highness”. 

A strong man in black brocade robe walked into the room with quick angry steps. That man’s expression was solemn and grave, his eyes were cold like a storm, and he was Chu Xuanchen.

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