Chapter 6: She Was a Beautiful Girl

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Feng’er was surprised, that was the first sensible thing the mistress had said for a long time. Since the facial disfigurement, she’s always in a bad mood. The scars made her vulnerable, afraid of being rejected by society, thus she shy away from social engagement. 

Things have changed for the worse when the mistress turned nasty and hadn’t thought about her feelings anymore. She only has eyes for Prince Li and would never dream of anything else, and most of the time she was bullied because she was foolish. 

From yesterday night, there’s been a noticeable improvement in the mistress, her face was beaming with wisdom and self-confidence. She has really changed for the better.

The next morning, Yun Ruoyue slept well enough but was awakened by the noise of suona and beating drums with a start.  

She opened the curtains and frowned. “Feng’er, What is that noise?”

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“Your Ladyship, have you forgotten, His Highness is marrying a side consort today.” Feng’er answered cautiously.  

While all this time, the princess was deeply in love with the prince, she had an outburst of rage when she learned about his plans to marry a side consort. Her bad mood carried on for days and getting impatient as the wedding day was coming very soon. She decided to use drugs because that’s her last chance. 

Today the new bride will enter the groom’s house, and now the sound of jubilants of ceremony is arriving soon at the manor, Feng’er was afraid these would enrage the princess. 

Who would have thought that princess gave her a smile. “Go, get me a basin of clean water, I want to wash my face.”

Feng’er nodded without asking much and she ran out quickly.

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As soon as Feng’er left, Yun Ruoyue got out of the bed and put on her shoes and socks. She found that her body was still weak and the cold had not recovered yet. 

Fortunately, last night before she went to bed, she took some aspirin from the medical system to relieve her fever. 

During this time, she needs to recover her body first, the rest of the problem she will deal with later.  

Immediately after, Feng’er came back with a basin of clean water, and Yun Ruoyue already sat in front of the bronze mirror, gently lifted up the face veil, revealing the gauze on her face.

The gauze was stained with blood and it was already dark. Feng’er covered her mouth with her hand when she saw it. ”Your Ladyship, what happen to your face?” 

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“It’s okay. I applied some medicine to my face. This is the poisonous blood excreted out from my face. As long as the poisonous blood is removed, my face will be healed.” She lifted her hands and peeled off the gauze gently. 

There was still a lot of black color blood coagulated on her face. What was seen on her face was actually the dead skin mixed with poisonous blood. The new skin will resurface after the cleansing. 

She quickly scoop up some water in her palms and gently rubbed on her face. As she gently rubs, pieces of coagulated blood fall down bit by bit. After repeated many times, her whole face slowly reveals a smooth white skin.

Feng’er gasped in astonishment. “Your Ladyship, your face!” 

“What is wrong with my face?” Yun Ruoyue lifted her chin and looked in the mirror. 

Feng’er voice was trembling, “Y-y-your Ladyship’s face was healed, all the toxins were gone, how do you make it? Your Ladyship, you are beautiful!”

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Feng’er thought she was looking at a fairy. She knew her mistress was originally a beautiful lady, but it was unpredicted that her current visage would be so stunning! 

Feng’er’s excitement made Yun Ruoyue to scrutinize her face again in the mirror, the black scar was indeed gone and she has a completely new look. The ugly girl has turned into a beautiful girl that would ruin a country and the fall of a kingdom.  

Her right cheek was no longer dark, it had become smooth and soft. The skin of her entire face was like a peeled egg, white and snowy, her large watery eyes were sparkling with wisdom, small cherry lips, like a beautiful fairy descended from heaven. 

The modern time Yun Ruoyue was a pale, ordinary girl and having this new face of hers was surprisingly beautiful. In an instant, she took in a deep breath as her whole face lit up, she seemed to have hit the jackpot! 

The medicine had worked wonders for her and her appearance was restored in one night. It was a miracle, a dream that came true. 

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