Chapter 7: Prince Married a Side Consort

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She was satisfied as she looked at herself in the mirror. “Feng’er, if someone asks about my face in the future, just say, I was treated with medicine and cured. There’s no need to explain to them.”

She regained her beauty, in this circumstances people will find out about her recovery soon or later, so she must find a good excuse so no one will doubt her. 

Feng’er nodded. “Yes, My Ladyship”.

At this moment, the sounds of suona and drums were getting closer, and Yun Ruoyue rose elegantly from her seat. “Feng’er, my husband is getting a bride today and I was the Mistress of this manor, you say, shouldn’t I go to the celebration?” Her eyes lit up. 

Feng’er nibbled on her bottom lip and held her hands tight. “B-b-but yesterday His Highness has warned and ordered Your Ladyship to be confined here.” 

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“Don’t worry, there’s nothing to be scared of. His Royal Highness is having a grand wedding and I, as Prince Li’s Consort was absent at the wedding ceremony, how is that appropriate?” She swept her gaze across the room and fixed on the clothes stand, she pointed to the red gown. “I want that dress, I should wear red on the auspicious day, that red gown will do.”

Feng’er hesitated a moment. ”Yes, My Ladyship.”

A cold sweat broke out on her forehead, she was afraid the mistress would do something foolish and shame herself again. But this time she saw the mistress was full of enthusiasm and self-confidence, so she let go of her worry. 

About an hour passed, Feng’er helped Yun Ruoyue changed into the red gown adorned with make-ups and jewelry. 

The former Yun Ruoyue was ashamed of her ugly face, hence she doesn’t like to dressed-up herself. She prefers to wear gray and dark colored clothes all the time. It was indeed a contrast to the latter Yun Ruoyue who dressed in red, some light make-ups, she shines and glows beautifully. 

Once finished, Yun Ruoyue raised her hands to put on the face veil. She asked Feng’er to find a set of pink colored gowns and bring them along. Soon, they were all set to go, Feng’er held the Princess’s hand and led the way. 

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Outside the main hall, the jubilant sounds of cymbals and drums were playing. The ceremony hall was filled with festive air and covered in red. It was decorated with big red lanterns, red papers cutting of double happiness symbol (囍), and red candles.  

Early in the morning, a long stream of well-wishers arrived at the front doors. The prince’s wedding was the talk of the town, thousands of curious onlookers filled the streets and lanes just to watch the much awaited wedding. 

The onlookers were gossiping about how grandiose Prince Li’s wedding was to marry a side consort. He used twelve sedan chairs and gave her a bridal procession that stretched for miles. The side consort was pampered with a full wedding tradition equivalent to a Prince’s Consort.

When Yun Ruoyue passed through the connecting corridor, what she saw was a houseful of joyous servants. They were excited to welcome the side consort, as if she was the true Mistress of the manor, and for herself has become the unfavorable concubine. 

Thinking back to the time when Yun Ruoyue entered into manor, her wedding indeed was a laughing stock. 

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At that time, when Emperor Hongyuan granted her to Chu Xuanchen, she was rebuffed by Chu Xuanchen, he instead asked for a hand in marriage to Nangong Rou. The daughter of the Minister Secretary of Ritual, who regarded beauty among the beauties in Great Chu dynasty. The Emperor does not allow it because Nangong Rou was a concubine born, she’s not qualified to be a prince consort but she can be a side consort. 

Emperor Hongyuan was Chu Xuanchen’s uncle.

Ten years ago, the Great Chu dynasty was ruled by Emperor Qingyuan, Chu Xuanchen’s father. Something happened to Emperor Qinyuan that year and unfortunately he passed away. Before his death, he gave his throne to his younger brother. Nobody knows the reason why the throne was not inherited to his one and only son, Chu Xuanchen. 

With that, the brother was enthroned as the Emperor of Great Chu and gave Chu Xuanchen the title as Duke of Li. Thereafter, in that experience, they had turned against each other and openly showed their hostility. 

When the prince defied the emperor’s decree, Emperor Hongyuan was peeved and made threats on Nangong Rou’s life to gain control over him. In the end, the Emperor succeeded in forcing him to marry Yun Ruoyue as his consort.  

Even that was the case, he was still unwilling and made a declaration that he would not perform the ceremonial three bows with Yun Ruoyue, let alone as a husband and wife relationship. 

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Besides, Chu Xuanchen also demanded that after he married her as prince consort, he would still marry the woman that he loved in tow as his side consort. 

Emperor Hongyuan clenched his fists and showed his imposing manner as he listened. Subsequently he gave a cool reception to the suggestion because Chu Xuanchen after all was a God of War, for the meantime, he needed him to protect his kingdom. 

 Translator’s notes:

The title Duke can either be passed down by a parent and inherited or given as a title by a king or queen. So, Chu Xuanchen was actually a Duke. In the story, I address him as Prince.   In ancient Chinese, Princes were allowed to have more than one wife. The legal wife of the Prince as Prince Consort; the others were referred to as concubines. The legal wife must come from high-ranking noble families and a daughter born by the legal wife. So when it comes to a bridal robe Qipao, the color distinguishes the status of the wife. Even today in modern times, bridal’s Qipao are available in Bright Red or Golden color only but not pink.  Marriages are decided by parents or elders. 

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