Thriller Paradise

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Despicable Me (5)

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Translator: Sigma  Editor: Sigma


Feng Bujue was standing in a round room. The light here was bright and soft. Facing him were four iron-fence gates. Perhaps they were all prison cells. However, there was not a single beam of light behind fence-bars. It was unknown whether there were prisoners or anything inside.

And there were other fours doorways behind Feng Bujue. This looked exactly the same with the fan-shaped lobby he had passed. He couldn't help feeling fooled… Was it true that any path on the other side would lead to the same goal? All those four corridors would lead to this 'cell'?

"Ah, it's you again," a voice greeted him.

Standing in front of the four cells, also in the middle of this room, was a desk. The one talking to Feng Bujue was sitting behind that desk, looking at him.

It was a big, wooden office desk that seemed to be made from high-grade wood. All the details of the desk were made elegantly and exquisitely. The arc of the table corner, the shiny handles of the drawers as well as the delicate carvings along the edge, all showed the luxury and excellent manners.

This item was something that those of a low-income class like Feng Bujue could never afford in reality. The price of this desk could be even double or triple the amount of his cabin game. It should be noted that since the beginning of the 21st century, real wooden furniture was already rare. Wooden furniture that ordinary people purchased were made from chipped wood, and many of them were even made from the toxic material that could cause cancers. However, people who did business still dared to trade such wooden furniture. As of Feng Bujue's era, under the pressure of oil shortage, dangerous pollution, and desertification, products related to natural resources became incredibly luxurious. The desk in front of him was like dinosaurs, UFOs, or a real beauty wearing no makeup — all were things he could luckily meet in games.

"What do you mean by 'again'?" Feng Bujue looked at the thing in front of his eyes, "And, why can you talk?"

"Why can't I talk?" answered the other.

"Um… Let me think… BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST A RABBIT!" Feng Bujue looked at the rabbit face of the other, pretending to say half of a sentence and yelling the other half.

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The one sitting behind the desk talking with Feng Bujue was actually a rabbit. It was a rabbit as big as a small kangaroo, to be exact. Its knuckles and feet didn't look like that of a real rabbit. Its appearance should be humanized already since it was able to 'sit' on the desk chair. Moreover, it could use the arms, although they weren't long enough to hold stuff. The rabbit was wearing a white shirt with a black suit vest accompanied with a bow, but it didn't wear trousers.

"Traveler from the strange world, you aren't courteous," the two hairs on the rabbit's mouth curled. It also wore a pair of glasses. "I'm a loyal servant of the [Lord of Time], a handsome, intelligent and elegant protector of Time…" The brother rabbit caressed its long ears with its short arms. "Let the villains be frightened to death… MASTER RABBIT!"

Feng Bujue pressed one of his palms on his forehead to wipe off his sweat, "Ah… Ha ha… The rabbits take all the good names."

"It's Master Rabbit! Not the rabbit!" Rabbit corrected him.

"Okay, all right, all right." Feng Bujue didn't want to quarrel with a rabbit. "Master Rabbit, do you have medicine?"

"Are you sick?"

The vessels on Feng Bujue's forehead were bulging as he was having a complicated mood, which was mixed with joy and anger. "I'm poisoned. I want to find four bottles of chemical agents. Do you have—"

"Yes, I do," Rabbit answered before he could finish.

"Huh?" as Feng Bujue was about to ask what the other would require to give him the bottles, Master Rabbit added, "But I can't give you."

"What do you want?" asked Feng Bujue. "I didn't bring carrots."

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"Who said I want carrot!"

"No big cabbage, either."

"Kid, behave!"

"If you wish to experience the feeling of being pulled out of a top hat…" Feng Bujue continued his rabbit-talk to challenge the other's patience. "If you can find a hat big enough for your giant body, I'm willing to perform the trick with you."

Rabbit tried to make serious face to threaten him. "If my cousin was here, you should have had your nostrils stuck with two detonators already." Yet, no matter how hard it had tried, its face didn't bring any deterrent.

"Is your cousin Bugs Bunny?" asked Feng Bujue.

Rabbit clenched its fists, gritted its bunny teeth and cried, "ALDEN!"

One second later, the shadow with shimmering blue eyes and transparent blood vessels, who had been in the previous room, appeared next to Rabbit all of a sudden. It said, "What's up?"

"This guy who appeared at the 77th minute came from your place?" asked Rabbit.

"True," Alden answered.

"Explain him the function of the corridor," said Rabbit.

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"Ah," Alden regarded him then shifted to Feng Bujue.

When Feng Bujue heard the other mentioned 'the 77th minute,' his heart fell. No way. Although running away and the low-temperature condition have created certain interference to my biological clock, at most, it's just 30 minutes. What does that 77th minute mean?

Soon, Alden solved the questions in Feng Bujue's mind. In fact, that shadow didn't have a mouth as his voice came out directly from inside the dark shadow, "From the 'Start' room through the doorway to another corridor, which leads to the 'End,' time will change." It raised one arm, pointed to the second door on the left behind Feng Bujue. "The second door here is actually the third door in the 'Start.' The amount of time you've spent when you've entered the third corridor and got to this place is 69 minutes, plus the time you'd spent in the corridor."

Feng Bujue asked immediately, "How about the other three corridors?"

"It's 46 minutes for the second corridor, plus the traveling time traveling," Alden answered. "The first corridor and the fourth corridor are the same. It's 23 minutes plus the traveling time."

There was something that popped up in Feng Bujue's head. He then asked instantly, "I've arrived here before?"

"True. And you've taken the chemical bottle I have!" Rabbit glared at its pocket watch. "Anyway, you are now the Feng Bujue who can live for 30 minutes. Yeah, then I just need to explain a bit to you, and I don't need to spend time babbling with the others."

"So… There are two kinds of time here? One is the actual time I've been experienced, and the other is the time of this place?" asked Feng Bujue.

"No matter which timeline you are in, you'll be dead when the poison bursts out at the 92nd minute," added Rabbit.

Feng Bujue mused for the whole minute before speaking up again, "What if I return by taking one of those corridors here?"

"From the 'End' through a hallway to reach the 'Start,' no matter which corridor you'd pick, you can recover 23 minutes starting from the current time of this prison. However, it will also add the time you travel through the corridor," Alden answered.

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"Right now, the time of the prison is the 79th minute. Assume that I have to spend 15 minutes to travel through the corridor then from here to the 'Start'. When I get out… it should be the 71st minute?" asked Feng Bujue.

"Right," Rabbit continued, "However, the time of the 'Start' isn't so much important. When you depart from the 'Start' and enter the corridor, the time will be counted according to the 'End.' For example, if you arrive at the room at the 90th minute, no need to panic. You only need to jump into the first corridor to sync your time with the 23rd minute of the prison. Of course, if you return before you've finished running through the whole corridor, time will be counted since you've left the 'Start' and plus the time you've spent in the corridor."

"You rabbit could actually make up such morbid settings?" asked Feng Bujue.

Rabbit slapped the desk. "I'm warning you, Mister Feng Bujue from the 32nd minute! You are wasting your time!"

After Feng Bujue had heard the rules, he understood that with the timeline in this scenario, he wouldn't be dead soon as he just needed to run back and forth between the corridors to enter the 23rd, 46th, or the 69th minute, plus the time he would have had spent in running. The important thing was no matter which timeline he used to count the remaining time, his time or this place time, the condition wouldn't be changed as he would still be dead by the 92nd minute when the poison burst out.

Rabbit hadn't finished yet, so he continued, "Obviously, Alden and I are here to help. If not, we didn't need to tell you these things." He extended his hand under the table, pushed some button then said, "The one who designed this game is him!"

In just a blink of an eye, a cell behind Rabbit was lit up. Inside that pitchy cell, a light drilled through the darkness from the ceiling, illuminating the scene in the room.

The cell floor was concrete, and so were the other three walls and the ceiling. Through the jail bars, Feng Bujue could see a chair standing amid the cell. A puppet in a black suit and a red bow tie was sitting there.

The face of the puppet had the shape of the word 申. It was pale and dark with black hair wrapped the head. The puppet was using his black-and-red eyes looking at the three standing outside the cell. Or, I should say, a man, a rabbit, and a monster…

At this moment, Feng Bujue took out the pistol, walking to the cell, and pointed at the puppet, which usually appeared in the 'Saw' series. He then said seriously, "Give me a reason not to kill you."

A low, hoarse voice came out from the puppet's stomach. It sounded like a recording, but the puppet was also moving its mouth. "Even if you pull the trigger, you can't actually kill me. Moreover, it can't help you do anything in this game." The puppet's neck was moving, turning its face to Rabbit, "Besides, even if I'm a prisoner now, your seniority isn't enough to handle me. Am I correct, Rabbit?"

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