Thriller Paradise

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Despicable Me (6)

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Translator: Sigma  Editor: Sigma


"No need to pretend that you have nothing to fear," said Rabbit to the puppet. "Anyway, you're right. I will not let this traveler kill you." It turned to Feng Bujue and said, "You go catch him for me then we'll talk."

"Catch 'him' for you?" Feng Bujue glared at the puppet and repeated, "Him?"

"I gave you my chemical bottle at the 41st minute. At the same time, you caught him for me." It pointed to the fourth corridor. "You came from there at that time."

[Current Quest updated. Main Quest updated.]

The notifications arose. Feng Bujue opened his menu to check. He saw a new quest – [Catch Billy the Puppet at the fourth corridor and hand him to Rabbit to exchange for a chemical bottle] – under the first quest [Find chemical bottles: 0/4].

Feng Bujue looked up, taking a deep breath. "I have an assumption. If I caught him for you and I didn't take the chemical bottle after that," he paused for a second, "Would it have changed our current situation?"

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"You want to say, if you had done that, the chemical bottle would still be in my hands, right?" said Rabbit.


"But you did take it," Rabbit looked at Feng Bujue. "Do you understand?"

Feng Bujue was dumbstruck for a while. "You mean…"

"Because you'd taken it at that time, that's why you can be here… asking me this stuff at this moment," answered Rabbit. "Let's reason it from another possibility… Assuming that you didn't take the chemical bottle at that time, then I would be about to give you the chemical bottle at this moment. However, even if it went like that, you would still have to catch Billy. Because if you didn't, my cell would be empty now and I wouldn't give you the bottle. Paradoxes will happen now.

"And, if you went catching him and returned here in the 41st minute, there would be two possibilities. First, you would take my bottle, and that would make 'your' previous action and existence be denied. And if you didn't take it…"

Feng Bujue continued the rabbit's speech, "The me now who is talking with you would be denied, too."

Rabbit raised his arm. "Think about it. If you choose the wrong way resulting in the time and space paradox…"

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"The game will fail directly…" Feng Bujue pondered. He turned to the puppet, "I really want to discuss life with you."

"Ha ha," Billy the Puppet laughed with a low tone. "How did you know that we haven't talked yet?"

Feng Bujue walked back and forth in front of the four doorways. "Did I bring him here from the fourth corridor…" He asked, "Besides the bottle you had, where are the other three?"

"The one in my hands was actually Alden's." It swung its hand and threw a glance at Alden. The other disappeared in just a blink of an eye. Rabbit continued, "Among the four, he's the most cooperative one."

"The four?" Feng Bujue looked at the four cells.

As Rabbit knew what Feng Bujue wanted to ask, it answered him directly, "There should be four criminals in these four cells. The former jailer who was in charge of this place was Satsuma Diehl… I think you've heard of him. He also deemed himself a sinner. Thus, one day, he opened all four cells and released the prisoners inside then ran away." The rabbit returned to its chair and then turned off the light in Billy's cell. When the light was off, Billy the Puppet was like he had entered another world, which was totally separated with this place.

"So, Master sent me here to take care of this place," Rabbit continued. "Alden's quite cooperative. He just prefers to stay in a closed, dark place and sometimes he wants to hear ghost stories. He isn't much hostile or does resist. I considered him a good model prisoner. That's why I've made him my assistant."

"Two brats…" Feng Bujue slipped his tongue.

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"Said what!"

"Let say I didn't say anything," Feng Bujue forced a smile to switch the topic.

Rabbit snorted then continued, "Each corridor here has one of the chemical bottles you want to find. Alden gave me his bottle, which is in the third corridor. And, 'previously,' I have given it to the 'you of no longer after that'," it paused, stroking its hairs as if it seemed to be also confused, "Billy used to hide in the fourth corridor. A bottle's also there. You will have caught him, of course, you will have gotten the bottle."

"Okay. I got it," Feng Bujue said, "In other words, the corridors number one, two, and four each has a bottle. And I will have had exchanged Billy, whom I caught in the fourth corridor, for the other one."

Rabbit nodded in agreement.

"The last two questions. First off, only talking about the distance, which corridor is the shortest?" Feng Bujue wanted to find the shortest corridor to get back to the 'Start' then he would continue to reason from there because it was already the 84th minute. He was afraid that he didn't have enough time to deal with the BOSS in the first or the second corridor before he could reach the 'Start.'

He planned to return first to recover the time loop, and then he would enter the fourth corridor from the 'Start.' That was how he could make time to do something when traveling across the corridor.

"I don't know," answered Rabbit. "I've only walked through the first corridor. I've never visited the others. I can't compare which one is longer or shorter than the others."

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"What? What kind of jailer are you?" asked Feng Bujue.

"If I could go there at ease, I would capture all the prisoners myself. Why would I bother you with that?" Rabbit snapped back boldly and confidently.

"So where is the one hiding in the first corridor? Did you get him?" Feng Bujue lifted his head to sweep through the four pitch-black cells behind Rabbit. "Which cell confines him? Where's the chemical bottle that he kept?"

"I said I'd walked through the first corridor. I didn't say that I've already captured him," answered Rabbit. "That guy… is a little bit special. I personally suggest saving it for the last."

"Damn!" Feng Bujue grumbled then turned around walking straight forward.

"Hey! Didn't you say two questions? What's the second question?" asked Rabbit.

Feng Bujue answered without turning his head while walking to the second corridor. "… The second question… Why you don't go catch them yourself!" His figure quickly disappeared into the corridor.

At this moment, the time Feng Bujue had been through personally was around 40 minutes according to his own timing.

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