
Chapter 11.3

Having watched his cousin enter the gate of the unit, only then did Zhao Zi Jie breathed a long sigh, “I thought he would berate me again,fortunately it wasn’t too bad. Seems like taking a nap improved the elder cousin’s mood greatly.”

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When Yao Yuan got home, it was already dinner time. She then gave her cousin a call in which she got herself invited to play a game together by her cousin instead.

Feeling helpless, Yao Yuan said, “Eat first.”

Yao Xin Ran struggled for a long time before agreeing. “OK.” Afterwards, the two of them, in the middle of the night,  set a place to meet up. When they finally met, Yao Xin Ran said, “I had just caught Wen Ru Yu online. Ya had been an ostrich for two days. As a result, when you called, I had to let him go first. You can help me to catch him later. That guy is extremely crafty. A crafty rabbit has three burrows[1].”

[1]  “A crafty rabbit has three burrows” means a sly individual that has more than one plan to fall back on to similar to an excellent crafty rabbit.

Yao Yuan said nothing. “Haven’t you killed enough? Is it all right?”

Yao Xin Ran waived one’s hand. “I don’t know why. I don’t feel happy if I don’t kill him even for one day.”

Yao Yuan expressed her sympathy for Wen Cheng in her heart, and then while waiting for the dishes to be served she was hesitating: “Sister, if, I mean, if, a man and a woman were tangled together , would they feel nothing the next day? The woman, oh, was drunk. “

Yao Xin Ran slapped the table. “You got drunk and had intercourse  with Jiang An Lan?!”


After Yao Yuan had a scalp numbing exchange with her cousin, she confirmed that the act had been “consensual”, and then made a clear-cut reply to the question: “It’s impossible to feel nothing, unless you are not a virgin. But as far as I know, you’ve never got a single boyfriend before, so Jiang An Lan definitely hoodwinked you ah! “

Yao Yuan massaged her forehead. Yao Xin Ran reached over and patted her shoulder: “Go to the game at night to vent and kill some people, take  Wen Ru Yu for an example or something.”

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“Why didn’t you suggest killing Jun Lin Tian Xia?”

“Can we kill him?”

Reality had always been cruel.

That night, once online in Shèngshì, Yao Yuan saw a lot of people brimming with enthusiasm discussing the second Internet meet-up. Starting from experiencing going in and out with luxury cars, eating in a five-star hotel, and even going in and out of places in such passion. To sum it up, the Boss and the sister-in-law had successfully seckilled people many times.

Yao Yuan had the urge to shout, I am the most ferociously seckilled, all right.

Shui Shang Xian: “Wen Ru Yu, stop hiding and acting coy. Come out and quickly die, to end one’s suffering by dying quickly and being reincarnated[2], OK?”

[2] meaning is to get it over with.

Xióng Yīng Yī Hào: “Wen Ru Yu, someone calls you!”

Wen Ru Yu: “What hiding? I’m helping the Clan Leader to do some serious tasks. “

Shui Shang Xian: “Serious task? Nurturing your love with Clan Leader? Come on, roll over. “

Everyone: “…”

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Wen Ru Yu: “Shui Shang Xian, you win T_T.”

Xióng Yīng Yī Hào: “It’s the first time I’ve seen a look other than Ah Wen’s smile.”

Ao Shi Cang Qiong: “Ha ha, Clan Leader Shui, we are really busy with something, not in the game.”

Shui Shang Xian: “Oh, even the Vice Leader got involved, ah? This love triangle is really interesting,ah! “

Ah Mi: “Xian, if you go on, we will be chased and seckilled. I don’t know if we will be able to even preserve the corpse.”

Luo Shui: “Can I worship you, ah? Clan Leader Shui Shang Xian, you can be so calm after pulling a trick on the three Gods here at once, deserving of being Your Majesty the Queen, oh!

Shui Shang Xian: “What’s there to be afraid of? If they dare, I’ll let my sister take revenge.”

Yao Yuan was rendered speechless. Elder cousin, hadn’t you said that we can’t kill Jun Lin Tian Xia? Fortunately, he was not online at this time, else she did not have the heart to bear the tragic consequences that would have followed after that comments above. She was about to remind her cousin to stop, but a message stopped her from proceeding.,

Miè Shì Shén Wēi: “I’ll give you 50000 gold coins, sell me your account.”

Yao Yuan: “I don’t sell accounts.”

Miè Shì Shén Wēi: “100000!”

100000 gold coins in the game was equivalent to 10000 RMB in real life.

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Yao Yuan: “Can I ask why you want to buy my account?”

Miè Shì Shén Wēi: “Revenge, Jun Lin Tian Xia snatched my woman.”

Thereupon, you are sorting into this sort of action to snatch his woman? Eh hiccup, no, revenge?

Yao Yuan: “Can you tell me the rise and fall of the terrain [3]?”

[3] meaning the whole sequence of events and or the causes and effects.

Miè Shì Shén Wēi: “What do you still need to hear? Do you want to sell it or not? “

So fierce!

Yao Yuan: “Not selling.”

Miè Shì Shén Wēi: “200000!”

Yao Yuan: “Well, unless you give me 200.000 RMB. “

Miè Shì Shén Wēi: “…”

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Miè Shì Shén Wēi: “I’ll remember you!”

Yí? Why remember her, ah? Isn’t it normal not to sell accounts? Don’t drag me into your quarrel when Jun Lin Tian Xia is your real target.

What Yao Yuan did not expect was that later on in the future she would be friends with this person in reality, but she was soon being stirred to “fall through” by Jiang An Lan. As for this kind of “destruction“, there was a saying in the gray notebook that stated as, “peeping at the person I love is not allowed to stay. Thus keep your hands and feet hidden.”


“The heart is more opening than Bi Gan (Chinese god of wealth), sick like Xīshī[4] won by three points.” This could be used to describe Young Master from Jiang family, Jiang An Lan.

[4] Xishi (c. 450 BC), famous Chinese beauty, foremost of the four legendary beauties 四大美女, given by King Gou Jian 勾踐|勾践 of Yue as concubine to King of Wu as part of a successful plan to destroy Wu

Jiang An Lan was a typical person who grew up with a gold spoon. From childhood he had lived like a prince. What he was wearing, eating and drinking, all of them were exquisite goods, junk food? What was that? Young Master Jiang had never touched since he was young. Hence it was reasonable to say that people who were brought up in this kind of environment should grow into the “pampered and spoiled since childhood” type, but Jiang An Lan had never been the delicate type, but on the contrary, he was rather treacherous.

The insidious Young Master Jiang had predicted that she should have seen through the drunk-and-disorderly drama, so he did not play the game that night, but this time decided to send her a message on QQ: “I’m a little uncomfortable, today I won’t play the game. You go to bed early, don’t play too late.”

In another city more than one thousand kilometers away from Beijing, Yao Yuan, who was mentaly prepared to ask why he had deliberately deceived her, forgot to ask this question.

“Uncomfortable? It’s not serious, isn’t it? Then you should rest earlier. Good night. “

“It’s OK. Don’t worry.”

Yao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, then felt as if she had missed something.

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