
Chapter 11.4

Young Master Jiang conveniently woke up after enough rest. Sitting on the bed for a while, he got up and put on his sleeping robe before walking to the living room. His pace was unhurried. Found on a sofa, once again he flopped down with his  feet on the armrest, a hand covering his eyes, he murmured: “Damn it, I want to get married.”

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On the other hand, Yao Yuan and her cousin left early to see their grandmother in the countryside. That also meant returning to Yao Xin Ran’s parents’ home.

Now the rural development was very good. Originally all you could see from the car ride home used to be small houses all the way to the suburbs. The environment was good. Yao Yuan, with her hand stretched out of the window, said to Yao Xin Ran, who was driving, “Older sister, how many years do you think I have to work to earn enough money to enjoy a life in retirement in my hometown?”

Yao Xin Ran did not even glance her way. “You let Jiang An Lan marry you. Then within minutes, all of your wishes could be realized, including enjoying a life in retirement when you are less than 30 years old.”

“Can’t you not talk about him?”

Yao Xin Ran asked deliberately, “What’s the matter? You blush and your heart beats faster at the mention of him? “

“No.” Yao Yuan stated, “It’s heart alarmed, body leaping.[1]”

[1] meaning fear and trepidation in the face of disaster.

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Yao Xin Ran smiled.

After having lunch in their hometown, the two sisters chatted with their grandmother for a while. Coming back to visit once in a while, the old lady would ask those two granddaughters about two things without exception every time: first, how was their work; second, what about boyfriend matter, whether they have found one yet.

Yao Xin Ran spoke sweetly, “Grandma, I work with Xiao Yuan in public institutions, everything is OK. As for the other matter, it depends on fate. When it’s fated, maybe I could let you hold your grandson next year.”

Yao Xin Ran’s mother came in from the outside. Having heard their conversation, she immediately jeered at that daughter of hers who still had not found herself a boyfriend until she was now already 27, saying; “Grandson? Can you even talk about it?”

Yao Xin Ran was not happy. It was putting her integrity in question. Immediately she got up and hugged her mother then said, “Even if I can’t do it, younger sister can definitely do it.”

Yao Yuan bared her teeth. She could see her eldest aunt looking at her. “After so long, she finally got herself a boyfriend?”

“Exactly ma!” Yao Xin Ran answered, and then she took out her cell phone to look for some photos for her mother to see. For the first time, she took a lot of photos online. Yao Yuan suddenly got a headache, but she could not stop her cousin’s shameful behavior of sacrificial lamb  for her own safety in front of their elders. Her grandmother also took her hand and exclaimed happily, “Good, Let me take a look.”

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Soon, the eldest aunt approached Yao Yuan with the mobile phone in her hand and pointed to the human on the 5.3-inch screen: “Yuan Yuan, this young man looks good.” The photo was taken when they were having lunch and him sitting next to Yao Yuan, whispering something to her. Yao Yuan subconsciously replied, “I also don’t look too bad.”

The eldest aunt, facing her niece, gave meaningful and heartfelt advice, “Girls should be a little reserved ah!”

Yao Yuan was beyond embarrassed.

In the evening, Yao Yuan came back from the countryside with a cold and a fever. She felt like she had been drained of all her strength. She felt really sick like a collapsed mountain. But she did not fancy going to the hospital, so she took some medicine at home instead. Feeling famished, she got up and cooked some porridge. After being muddled for a day and a half, she was finally awakened by the phone ringing the following evening. Yao Yuan reached out towards the bedside table and swiped the screen. She put it onto her ear. The person at the other end of the phone said: “Why didn’t you reply to my text messages these two days, and even didn’t answer your phone last night? Furen, do you want to destroy the bridge after crossing the river[2]?” [2] meaning to abandon one’s benefactor upon achieving one’s goal.

Hearing that voice woke Yao Yuan up for the most part. Feeling giddy, she turned over and stared at the ceiling. Somehow, she managed to squeeze out, “Senior, I have a cold. It’s hard to bear.”

Jiang An Lan paused for two seconds, then said: “I’m coming.”

Yao Yuan had not responded yet when the line was suddenly cut off from the other end. “Did I just say something disastrous?” She merely wanted to complain, but the effect was too amazing. It was stupendous. Yao Yuan looked at herself, everything in disorder even her home was in a morbid state, absolute chaos.

When Jiang An Lan arrived, Yao Yuan had just finished tidying up her home. When she went to open the door, she coughed incessantly. She had exerted great effort which led to a series of coughing. When the door was opened, Jiang An Lan, who had heard her coughing outside, frowned. “So serious? Have you been to the hospital? Have you taken the medicine? What did the doctor say?”

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Yao Yuan took a sidestep to make way for him, calmed down her coughing and said, “I haven’t been to the hospital, but I’m taking medicine. It’s fine. Why are you here?”

Jiang An Lan took a breath and said, “Let’s get married earlier ok?”

Elder brother, isn’t it a bit abrupt for you to change the topic, ah?

Jiang An Lan, who had quickly changed the subject, added, “Let’s get you to the hospital first.” It made Yao Yuan almost subconsciously let on the sentence: “Which one comes first, marriage or the hospital?” Fortunately, she got her senses back just in time, and no trouble issues from the mouth[3]. 

[3] “trouble issues from the mouth” means a loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble.

Jiang An Lan reached for her forehead. Yao Yuan’s skin was white, her facial features were really exquisite, especially her eyes, they were outstanding. That pair of eyes were like cutting water, which made people reluctant to look away. Jiang An Lan looked at them a few  more times and said, “It’s a little bit warm. We better go to the hospital for precaution.”

“I was just moved too much thus my body heated up.” She finished with another cough. Jiang An Lan did not say anything further, immediately went to fetch a cotton coat on the sofa and put it on her, then he pulled her out of the door.

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When Yao Yuan was being dragged downstairs, she could not help saying, “Senior, I really don’t think I need to go to the hospital.”

“Be obedient.” Downstairs, Jiang An Lan held her waist, “Cold?”

“… It’s a little hot.”

Jiang An Lan gazed at her from the side, and finally smiled, “It’s not seeing each other naked. What’s hot?”

Is it necessary to add a label of “rogue” to this man with multiple personalities?

They went outside the community and Jiang An Lan tried to get a cab. But all day long, none of the cars stopped. Some of them were because of sitting people, and some of them were reluctant to stop when the shift change even the seat was empty. Yao Yuan couldn’t help making fun of him: “Senior, your beauty doesn’t work.”

Jiang An Lan glanced at her. That alluring glance made Yao Yuan regretted that she had made a joke. In her heart, the alarm bell was alerted. Just then an empty car came over. She called it to stop. The driver showed deference, then the car came to a halt. Yao Yuan got into the car in a hurry. Jiang An Lan smiled and sat on the other side. Even in a taxi, this young master’s conduct was  like taking a high-end car. He leaned back against the chair and crossed his legs. When he methodically stretched the two cuffs of Versace’s dark blue coat, he leaned over and whispered to her, “I’d rather you take practical action than flirting with me.”

Yao Yuan almost burst out a mouthful of blood, yet pretending to calmly tell the driver the destination.

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