Medicine King Peak of Yuqing Sect.

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Layer upon layer of spiritual fields wound their way up from the mountain foot, stretching out of sight. With a gentle breeze, the dense spiritual grass swayed, and the thick spiritual energy in the air almost seemed to overflow.

On the open ground at the mountain foot, first-year disciples sat cross-legged.

This was a major class specifically teaching them how to guide spiritual energy into their bodies. Disciples from Dual Spirit Hall, Triple Spirit Hall, Quadruple Spirit Hall, and Quintuple Spirit Hall were all present.

Single Spirit Hall wasn’t required to attend this class since cultivators with a single spiritual root could spontaneously guide spiritual energy into their bodies and enter the Qi Refining stage before the age of three.

A refined young man held a bamboo stick and walked slowly among the group of disciples. “Being able to pass the Spirit Stone test means your aptitude is extraordinary. Most people in this world don’t even have spiritual roots. Medicine King Peak has the densest spiritual energy, so as long as you calm your mind, you will undoubtedly sense it.”

Jian Huan felt that this was somewhat similar to the relaxation technique before the end of a yoga class.

In her past life, she bought a yearly pass for a yoga studio and felt heartache every time she spent money there. Whenever she had time, she would rush to the studio. She could even recite the instructor’s closing words by heart.

Jian Huan pondered for a moment and silently recited that part in her mind, calming herself to feel the spiritual energy in the air. She gradually got closer to it, summoning and inviting it to her dantian…

Yu Qing, an elder in charge of the first-year disciples, paused when he passed by Jian Huan, looking somewhat surprised.

It hadn’t been long since the last time, and this disciple had already succeeded?

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He hadn’t heard about any particularly outstanding disciples with dual spiritual roots this year.

Yu Qing carefully observed Jian Huan a few times, remembering her face, and then gave a few other fidgety disciples a good whipping before drifting over to Jian Huan when he saw her open her eyes.

With a smile, Yu Qing asked, “How is it? Did you succeed?”

Feeling the slight warmth in her dantian, Jian Huan was happy with herself. “Elder Yu Qing, yes.”

Yu Qing nodded approvingly, “What’s your name?”

“Jian Huan.”

“Very good, Jian Huan.” When Yu Qing smiled, his eyes narrowed into slits. “Why don’t you tell everyone how you did it?”

Jian Huan…

Under Elder Yu Qing’s encouraging gaze, she stood above everyone else.

Nearly a hundred people all looked at her expectantly, their eyes shining with the thirst for knowledge.

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Even Gong Feihong waved at her, proudly introducing her to his classmates, “This is my good friend—Ah!”

A bamboo stick flew through the air and accurately struck him. Gong Feihong screamed in pain and dared not speak again.

This elder looked so familiar, gentle and refined like a jade, but he hit really hard!

Up above, Jian Huan cleared her throat and began to share her experience. “It goes like this. I have a mantra. Everyone, please sit comfortably, close your eyes, and follow my mantra.”

Elder Yu Qing stood nearby, his bamboo stick floating up and down in the air, showing excitement. No one dared to have any other thoughts and obediently followed Jian Huan’s instructions.

Jian Huan closed her own eyes as well, slowing down her speech and softly said, “Please observe your breath calmly. With each breath, you can feel the exhaustion and tension in your body gradually easing. Each exhale releases your nervousness, weariness, and anxiety, while each inhale brings in more abundant spiritual energy. As your breathing deepens, your body becomes more and more relaxed, as light as a feather.”

“…Now, you are sitting in the midst of an endless field of medicinal plants. Today’s sky is clear, with no clouds in the deep blue sky. Distant geese leisurely preen their white feathers. The gentle breeze carries the spiritual grass, and waves of spiritual energy come towards you. The spiritual energy surrounds you, entering through your mouth, nose, and skin, gradually converging in your dantian.”

As the sound faded, Medicine King Peak returned to tranquility.

Jian Huan opened her eyes, curiously looking down.

Many fellow disciples had entered a state of meditation, most likely having successfully guided the spiritual energy into their bodies.

Of course, there were some, um, who fell asleep…

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Little by little, their heads were bobbing, and what was even more outrageous was that after a moment, snoring sounds emerged!

Elder Yu Qing squinted his eyes and sent the bamboo stick flying like a green lightning, knocking the sleeping disciples. Everyone woke up instantly, howling in pain, crying out for their parents.

Today’s lunch was still Gong Feihong’s treat.

He kept loading Jian Huan’s bowl with food, overflowing with joy. “Your mantra is so effective. I entered a meditative state at once and successfully guided the spiritual energy!”

The Gong family had abundant resources and had nurtured Gong Feihong since childhood. However, his aptitude was just too poor, and for many years, he couldn’t break through to the Qi Refining stage.

Seeing his younger cousins surpass him, he couldn’t stand it anymore, so he traveled a long way to Yuqing Sect for cultivation.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days, he succeeded!

In contrast, Hu Zhi felt differently.

He was one of those who fell asleep, and he was still in pain from being whipped by Elder Yu Qing’s bamboo stick.

Hu Zhi made another mental note for Jian Huan. When the opportunity arose in the future, he would repay her in full.

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Seeing Gong Feihong still sticking close to Jian Huan, Hu Zhi felt displeased and changed the subject. “Tomorrow, we have to submit the letter of intent to Elder Yu Qing. Brother Feihong, Jian Huan, have you thought about what you want to cultivate?”

Gong Feihong barely hesitated, “Of course, I want to specialize in Beast Taming.”

The Gong family made their fortune through Beast Taming, and their ancestral patriarch was in charge of the Beast Taming Sect.

Among all the sects in the cultivation world, the strongest in Beast Taming was the Beast Taming Sect, and Yuqing Sect came second.

However, there were too many relatives and friends in the Beast Taming Sect, and Gong Feihong didn’t want to go there. After all, as the worst aptitude among the direct line descendants of the family, he felt embarrassed.

Feeling full and satisfied, Jian Huan leaned back in her chair, facing Gong Feihong’s curious gaze as she replied, “Talisman Crafting.”

Jian Huan’s biggest goal right now is to escape poverty.

In the cultivation world, the three most profitable industries are Talisman Crafting, Artifact Refinement, and Pill Cultivation.

In her past life, Jian Huan was an artist and she drew quite well. If she had to choose one of the three, she would without hesitation pick Talisman Crafting.

After some casual chatting, Jian Huan received the packed spiritual food and rushed out of the canteen.

(T/N: I realized that I kind of made a mistake with naming the Spirit Halls. From now on, I’ll be using the ones used in this chapter, so they would all consistently be named Single Spirit Hall, Dual Spirit Hall, Triple Spirit Hall, Quadruple Spirit Hall, and Quintuple Spirit Hall.)

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