At the corner outside the Refining Hall, there was a camphor tree.

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Even before getting close, the faint fragrance filled the air, exuding a delightful aroma.

The afternoon sun shone on the thousand-year-old tree, and the lush green leaves showcased the thriving vitality of summer.

Summer was usually hard to endure without air conditioning, but in Yuqing Sect, though there was no air conditioning, the abundant spiritual energy enveloped every corner, making it a comfortable temperature even in the sunlight.

Jian Huan happily passed by the camphor tree, but when she turned the corner, she saw two people standing on the other side.


In an instant, Jian Huan turned around and hid on the other side of the tree, crouching and eavesdropping with her ears pricked up.

A particularly pleasant female voice slowly came through, revealing obvious nervousness and shyness. “Shen—Senior Brother Shen, th-these are some spiritual food, for, for you!”

As she spoke, the girl extended her hands and held up a sandalwood box containing the spiritual food in front of Shen Jizhi.

Shen Jizhi stepped back three steps, his handsome face cold as frost, and his tone carried unmistakable impatience. “Don’t come to me again. I’ve said I don’t need it.”

The girl’s face instantly turned pale, but she still stubbornly held the box up. “Senior Brother Shen, I-I don’t mean anything else. I just heard from the senior brothers and sisters that you are in trouble, so I…”

Shen Jizhi’s patience was completely exhausted. “Can’t you understand what I said? Don’t bother me again, don’t disturb me. I don’t have time to waste on you. Put away your sympathy and goodwill. I don’t need them.”

Behind the tree, Jian Huan covered her ears in agony and couldn’t bear to listen any longer.

Shen Jizhi must have a hole in his head.

The girl in front of him was the female lead, the protagonist! Three years later, when he woke up to the truth, it would be too late for him to regret.

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Jian Huan hated the iron for not becoming steel.

Jiang Qiaoqiao felt extremely embarrassed, but looking at the face that she had never forgotten, the face that haunted her dreams, she persisted, “Senior Brother Shen, I’m just worried that you’ll go hungry…”

Shen Jizhi was losing his temper but couldn’t express his anger.

These few days, he kept ‘running into’ this junior sister everywhere.

He closed his eyes, bypassed Jiang Qiaoqiao from a distance, made a half circle, walked to the other side of the tree, and stared at Jian Huan with wide eyes.

Jiang Qiaoqiao followed, and when she saw Jian Huan, her beautiful face showed a surprised expression.

Shen Jizhi reached out his hand to Jian Huan.

Jian Huan looked at him, then at Jiang Qiaoqiao, quickly handed the food box to Shen Jizhi, and made a ‘six’ gesture with her hand. Before Shen Jizhi could say anything, she turned around and quickly fled.

Sigh, this battlefield scene is not suitable for her at all.

In the future, if Gong Feihong treats her again, she’ll advise him to order less food, and she wouldn’t give it to Shen Jizhi.

She’d rather not get involved in the matter between the female lead and Shen Jizhi.

She regretted eavesdropping; it’s our human nature to be flawed.

Shen Jizhi stood in place, frowning as he watched Jian Huan run away.

He couldn’t understand why she only asked for five spiritual stones before, but today she asked for six?

Jiang Qiaoqiao bit her lip, various speculations churning in her mind.

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What is the relationship between Senior Brother Shen and the female cultivator who just ran away?

She really wanted to know, but her lips were sealed shut.

If it was that kind of relationship, what should she do? It’s better not to know…

Jiang Qiaoqiao quickly spoke up, “Senior Brother Jiang, since you already have food, then I’ll—I’ll leave…”

Shen Jizhi’s eyes stared straight at her, as if he could see through her heart. “Hmm, the girl just now is my fiancée. You can leave now, and don’t come again.”

In Jiang Qiaoqiao’s eyes, something extinguished instantly.

At night, Jian Huan knelt at the head of her bed, looking at the account book.

When she saw Shen Jizhi’s new entry for ‘six’ spiritual stones, she finally laid down in relief.

The spiritual food today had an additional pig trotter, so it was more expensive.

During the day, Shen Jizhi was busy earning spiritual stones through various tasks and had no time to cultivate.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on a cushion, absorbing and exhaling the spiritual energy.

Jian Huan had just achieved the initial stage of Qi Refinement today, and her cultivation base was not yet stable.

Half an hour later, Jian Huan was still in meditation when Shen Jizhi opened his eyes.

He instinctively looked towards the bed and was slightly taken aback. “You’ve achieved Qi Refinement?”

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Jian Huan opened her eyes and nodded, “Yes.”

Shen Jizhi: “…”

Yesterday, she didn’t even have cultivation base, and today, she had already stepped into the Qi Refinement stage.

It had only been one day.

It took him seven years to achieve Qi Refinement when he started.

Shen Jizhi didn’t feel like talking and decided to meditate for another hour.

The person who had planned to rest began meditating again.

Jian Huan was astonished, “It’s so late, and you’re still not sleeping?”

Cultivators in the Qi Refinement stage like them needed to sleep and eat too.

Shen Jizhi replied flatly, “You sleep.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he extinguished the candles in the room.

Jian Huan: “…”

Feeling helpless, Jian Huan rolled over and prepared to sleep.

But then she remembered something, “Shen Jizhi, can’t we build another room?”

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Shen Jizhi replied, “No.”

Jian Huan was puzzled, “Why not?”

Shen Jizhi replied, “Where will the wood come from?”

Jian Huan had a thought, “In Linxian City, they sell wood. We can go pick some one day.”

She had more than eighty spiritual stones in her pocket, and she could exchange them in Linxian City. One spiritual stone could be exchanged for ten silver, enough to buy many things.

Having arrived at Yuqing Sect not long ago, Jian Huan didn’t know much, and her ideas seemed naive to Shen Jizhi.

He explained, sounding almost mechanical, “In Yuqing Sect, there is a Gathering Spirit Formation, and the wooden materials used in the buildings within the formation require spiritual wood. The wood sold in Linxian City is for ordinary people’s use and cannot be used within the sect.”

Jian Huan silently covered her chest and suddenly sat up.

Why sleep? She needed to cultivate! She needed to grow quickly and make money to buy a house!

The room fell silent. After a while, Jian Huan suddenly spoke up, “So, where did the wood for this wooden house come from?”

Shen Jizhi remained silent for a moment, then replied, “It was dismantled from Thunder Sword Peak.”

Jian Huan knew that Thunder Sword Peak had been rented out by Shen Jizhi and used by the elder from the neighboring Beast Taming Peak to raise spirit beasts.

“What about the leftover wood?”

Thunder Sword Peak should be quite large, and there should be a lot of wood that could be dismantled.

Shen Jizhi replied, “I sold them.”

Jian Huan: “…”

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